Ejemplo n.º 1
TimeTag TimeTag::getCurrentTime()
	uint32_t retSeconds;
	uint32_t retFraction;

#ifdef WIN32
	_timeb currentTime;


	//2208988800 = Num. seconds from 1900 to 1970, where _ftime starts from.
	retSeconds = 2208988800 + static_cast<uint32_t>(currentTime.time);
	//Correct for timezone.
	retSeconds -= static_cast<uint32_t>(60 * currentTime.timezone);
	//Correct for daylight savings time.
		retSeconds += static_cast<uint32_t>(3600);

	retFraction = static_cast<uint32_t>(currentTime.millitm);
	//Fill up all 32 bits...
	retFraction *= static_cast<uint32_t>(static_cast<float>(1<<31)/1000000.0f);
	retSeconds = 0;
	retFraction = 0;

	return TimeTag(retSeconds, retFraction);
    void NSFTraceLog::addTrace(const NSFString& type, const NSFString& tag1, const NSFString& data1, const NSFString& tag2, const NSFString& data2, const NSFString& tag3, const NSFString& data3)
        // If logging is not enabled, then return without action
        if (!enabled)

        NSFXMLElement* trace = NULL;

            // Lock to prevent events from being added to the queue with timestamps out of order
                // Create the new trace element
                trace = new NSFXMLElement(TraceTag());

                // Add the time
                trace->addChildElementBack(new NSFXMLElement(TimeTag(), toString(NSFTimerThread::getPrimaryTimerThread().getCurrentTime())));

                // Add a trace for the type
                NSFXMLElement* typeTrace = new NSFXMLElement(type);

                // Add the new data under the type element;
                typeTrace->addChildElementBack(new NSFXMLElement(tag1, data1));

                if (!tag2.empty()) typeTrace->addChildElementBack(new NSFXMLElement(tag2, data2));
                if (!tag3.empty()) typeTrace->addChildElementBack(new NSFXMLElement(tag3, data3));

                eventHandler.queueEvent(traceAddEvent.copy(true, trace));
            // If unable to add a trace, just do nothing, because calling the exception handler may result in an infinite loop
            delete trace;
Ejemplo n.º 3
      void OpenFile()
         //std::cout << "LogManager try to open file to " << sLogFileName << std::endl;
         if (logFile.is_open())
            logFile << "Change to log file: "<< sLogFileName<< std::endl;

         //First attempt to create the log file.
         std::ostringstream filename;
         filename << "results/logs/" << theApp->getStartTimeString() << "-eventLog";
         if (mSide == RED) {
         	filename << "Red";
         } else if (mSide == BLUE) {
         	filename << "Blue";
         filename << ".txt";
         if (!logFile.is_open())
            std::cout << "could not open file \""<<filename.str()<<"\"" << std::endl;
            //std::cout << "Using file \"delta3d_log.html\" for logging" << std::endl;


		 //logFile << std::endl;
Ejemplo n.º 4
void test3()
    int bufferSize = 1000;
    char *buffer = AllocateAligned4( bufferSize );

// single message tests
    // empty message
        std::memset( buffer, 0x74, bufferSize );
        OutboundPacketStream ps( buffer, bufferSize );
        ps << BeginMessage( "/no_arguments" )
            << EndMessage;
        assertEqual( ps.IsReady(), true );
        ReceivedMessage m( ReceivedPacket(ps.Data(), ps.Size()) );
        std::cout << m << "\n";\

    TEST_PACK_UNPACK( "/a_bool", true, bool, AsBool );
    TEST_PACK_UNPACK( "/a_bool", false, bool, AsBool );
    TEST_PACK_UNPACK( "/a_bool", (bool)1, bool, AsBool );

#ifndef _OBJC_OBJC_H_
    TEST_PACK_UNPACK0( "/nil", Nil, true, IsNil );
    TEST_PACK_UNPACK0( "/nil", OscNil, true, IsNil );
    TEST_PACK_UNPACK0( "/inf", Infinitum, true, IsInfinitum );

    TEST_PACK_UNPACK( "/an_int", (int32)1234, int32, AsInt32 );

    TEST_PACK_UNPACK( "/a_float", 3.1415926f, float, AsFloat );

    TEST_PACK_UNPACK( "/a_char", 'c', char, AsChar );

    TEST_PACK_UNPACK( "/an_rgba_color", RgbaColor(0x22334455), uint32, AsRgbaColor );

    TEST_PACK_UNPACK( "/a_midi_message", MidiMessage(0x7F), uint32, AsMidiMessage );

    TEST_PACK_UNPACK( "/an_int64", (int64)(0xFFFFFFFF), int64, AsInt64 );

    TEST_PACK_UNPACK( "/a_time_tag", TimeTag(0xFFFFFFFF), uint64, AsTimeTag );

    TEST_PACK_UNPACK( "/a_double", (double)3.1415926, double, AsDouble );

    // blob
        char blobData[] = "abcd";
        std::memset( buffer, 0x74, bufferSize );
        OutboundPacketStream ps( buffer, bufferSize );
        ps << BeginMessage( "/a_blob" )
            << Blob( blobData, 4 )
            << EndMessage;
        assertEqual( ps.IsReady(), true );
        ReceivedMessage m( ReceivedPacket(ps.Data(), ps.Size()) );
        std::cout << m << "\n";

        const void *value;
        osc_bundle_element_size_t size;
        m.ArgumentsBegin()->AsBlob( value, size );
        assertEqual( size, (osc_bundle_element_size_t)4 );
        assertEqual( (memcmp( value, blobData, 4 ) == 0), true );

    // array
        int32 arrayData[] = {1,2,3,4};
        const std::size_t sourceArrayItemCount = 4;
        std::memset( buffer, 0x74, bufferSize );
        OutboundPacketStream ps( buffer, bufferSize );
        ps << BeginMessage( "/an_array" )
            << BeginArray;
        for( std::size_t j=0; j < sourceArrayItemCount; ++j )
            ps << arrayData[j];
        ps << EndArray << EndMessage;
        assertEqual( ps.IsReady(), true );
        ReceivedMessage m( ReceivedPacket(ps.Data(), ps.Size()) );
        std::cout << m << "\n";

        ReceivedMessageArgumentIterator i = m.ArgumentsBegin();
        assertEqual( i->IsArrayBegin(), true );
        assertEqual( i->ComputeArrayItemCount(), sourceArrayItemCount );
        std::size_t arrayItemCount = i->ComputeArrayItemCount();
        ++i; // move past array begin marker        
        for( std::size_t j=0; j < arrayItemCount; ++j ){
            assertEqual( true, i->IsInt32() );
            int32 k = i->AsInt32();
            assertEqual( k, arrayData[j] );

        assertEqual( i->IsArrayEnd(), true );

    TEST_PACK_UNPACK( "/a_string", "hello world", const char*, AsString );

    TEST_PACK_UNPACK( "/a_symbol", Symbol("foobar"), const char*, AsSymbol );

    // nested bundles, and multiple messages in bundles...

        std::memset( buffer, 0x74, bufferSize );
        OutboundPacketStream ps( buffer, bufferSize );
        ps << BeginBundle()
            << BeginMessage( "/message_one" ) << 1 << 2 << 3 << 4 << EndMessage
            << BeginMessage( "/message_two" ) << 1 << 2 << 3 << 4 << EndMessage
            << BeginMessage( "/message_three" ) << 1 << 2 << 3 << 4 << EndMessage
            << BeginMessage( "/message_four" ) << 1 << 2 << 3 << 4 << EndMessage
            << EndBundle;
        assertEqual( ps.IsReady(), true );
        ReceivedBundle b( ReceivedPacket(ps.Data(), ps.Size()) );
        std::cout << b << "\n";
Ejemplo n.º 5
void test3()
    int bufferSize = 1000;
    char *buffer = AllocateAligned4( bufferSize );

// single message tests
    // empty message
        memset( buffer, 0x74, bufferSize );
        OutboundPacketStream ps( buffer, bufferSize );
        ps << BeginMessage( "/no_arguments" )
            << EndMessage;
        assertEqual( ps.IsReady(), true );
        ReceivedMessage m( ReceivedPacket(ps.Data(), ps.Size()) );
        std::cout << m << "\n";\

    TEST_PACK_UNPACK( "/a_bool", true, bool, AsBool );
    TEST_PACK_UNPACK( "/a_bool", false, bool, AsBool );
    TEST_PACK_UNPACK( "/a_bool", (bool)1, bool, AsBool );

    TEST_PACK_UNPACK0( "/nil", Nil, true, IsNil );
    TEST_PACK_UNPACK0( "/inf", Infinitum, true, IsInfinitum );

    TEST_PACK_UNPACK( "/an_int", (int32)1234, int32, AsInt32 );

    TEST_PACK_UNPACK( "/a_float", 3.1415926f, float, AsFloat );

    TEST_PACK_UNPACK( "/a_char", 'c', char, AsChar );

    TEST_PACK_UNPACK( "/an_rgba_color", RgbaColor(0x22334455), uint32, AsRgbaColor );

    TEST_PACK_UNPACK( "/a_midi_message", MidiMessage(0x7F), uint32, AsMidiMessage );

    TEST_PACK_UNPACK( "/an_int64", (int64)(0xFFFFFFFF), int64, AsInt64 );

    TEST_PACK_UNPACK( "/a_time_tag", TimeTag(0xFFFFFFFF), uint64, AsTimeTag );

    TEST_PACK_UNPACK( "/a_double", (double)3.1415926, double, AsDouble );

    // blob
        char blobData[] = "abcd";
        memset( buffer, 0x74, bufferSize );
        OutboundPacketStream ps( buffer, bufferSize );
        ps << BeginMessage( "/a_blob" )
            << Blob( blobData, 4 )
            << EndMessage;
        assertEqual( ps.IsReady(), true );
        ReceivedMessage m( ReceivedPacket(ps.Data(), ps.Size()) );
        std::cout << m << "\n";

        const void *value;
        unsigned long size;
        m.ArgumentsBegin()->AsBlob( value, size );
        assertEqual( size, (unsigned long)4 );
        assertEqual( (memcmp( value, blobData, 4 ) == 0), true );

    TEST_PACK_UNPACK( "/a_string", "hello world", const char*, AsString );

    TEST_PACK_UNPACK( "/a_symbol", Symbol("foobar"), const char*, AsSymbol );

    // nested bundles, and multiple messages in bundles...

        memset( buffer, 0x74, bufferSize );
        OutboundPacketStream ps( buffer, bufferSize );
        ps << BeginBundle()
            << BeginMessage( "/message_one" ) << 1 << 2 << 3 << 4 << EndMessage
            << BeginMessage( "/message_two" ) << 1 << 2 << 3 << 4 << EndMessage
            << BeginMessage( "/message_three" ) << 1 << 2 << 3 << 4 << EndMessage
            << BeginMessage( "/message_four" ) << 1 << 2 << 3 << 4 << EndMessage
            << EndBundle;
        assertEqual( ps.IsReady(), true );
        ReceivedBundle b( ReceivedPacket(ps.Data(), ps.Size()) );
        std::cout << b << "\n";