HRESULT WMFVideoMFTManager::CreateD3DVideoFrame(IMFSample* aSample, int64_t aStreamOffset, VideoData** aOutVideoData) { NS_ENSURE_TRUE(aSample, E_POINTER); NS_ENSURE_TRUE(aOutVideoData, E_POINTER); NS_ENSURE_TRUE(mDXVA2Manager, E_ABORT); NS_ENSURE_TRUE(mUseHwAccel, E_ABORT); *aOutVideoData = nullptr; HRESULT hr; nsRefPtr<Image> image; hr = mDXVA2Manager->CopyToImage(aSample, mPictureRegion, mImageContainer, getter_AddRefs(image)); NS_ENSURE_TRUE(SUCCEEDED(hr), hr); NS_ENSURE_TRUE(image, E_FAIL); Microseconds pts = GetSampleTime(aSample); Microseconds duration = GetSampleDuration(aSample); nsRefPtr<VideoData> v = VideoData::CreateFromImage(mVideoInfo, mImageContainer, aStreamOffset, pts, duration, image.forget(), false, -1, ToIntRect(mPictureRegion)); NS_ENSURE_TRUE(v, E_FAIL); v.forget(aOutVideoData); return S_OK; }
HRESULT WMFReader::CreateD3DVideoFrame(IMFSample* aSample, int64_t aTimestampUsecs, int64_t aDurationUsecs, int64_t aOffsetBytes, VideoData** aOutVideoData) { NS_ENSURE_TRUE(aSample, E_POINTER); NS_ENSURE_TRUE(aOutVideoData, E_POINTER); NS_ENSURE_TRUE(mDXVA2Manager, E_ABORT); NS_ENSURE_TRUE(mUseHwAccel, E_ABORT); *aOutVideoData = nullptr; HRESULT hr; nsRefPtr<Image> image; hr = mDXVA2Manager->CopyToImage(aSample, mPictureRegion, mDecoder->GetImageContainer(), getter_AddRefs(image)); NS_ENSURE_TRUE(SUCCEEDED(hr), hr); NS_ENSURE_TRUE(image, E_FAIL); nsRefPtr<VideoData> v = VideoData::CreateFromImage(mInfo.mVideo, mDecoder->GetImageContainer(), aOffsetBytes, aTimestampUsecs, aDurationUsecs, image.forget(), false, -1, ToIntRect(mPictureRegion)); NS_ENSURE_TRUE(v, E_FAIL); v.forget(aOutVideoData); return S_OK; }
IntRect XMLElement::GetIntRect(const ea::string& name) const { return ToIntRect(GetAttribute(name)); }
nsresult GonkVideoDecoderManager::CreateVideoData(int64_t aStreamOffset, VideoData **v) { *v = nullptr; nsRefPtr<VideoData> data; int64_t timeUs; int32_t keyFrame; if (mVideoBuffer == nullptr) { GVDM_LOG("Video Buffer is not valid!"); return NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; } if (!mVideoBuffer->meta_data()->findInt64(kKeyTime, &timeUs)) { GVDM_LOG("Decoder did not return frame time"); return NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; } int64_t duration; nsresult rv = QueueFrameTimeOut(timeUs, duration); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); if (mVideoBuffer->range_length() == 0) { // Some decoders may return spurious empty buffers that we just want to ignore // quoted from Android's AwesomePlayer.cpp ReleaseVideoBuffer(); return NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE; } if (!mVideoBuffer->meta_data()->findInt32(kKeyIsSyncFrame, &keyFrame)) { keyFrame = 0; } gfx::IntRect picture = ToIntRect(mPicture); if (mFrameInfo.mWidth != mInitialFrame.width || mFrameInfo.mHeight != mInitialFrame.height) { // Frame size is different from what the container reports. This is legal, // and we will preserve the ratio of the crop rectangle as it // was reported relative to the picture size reported by the container. picture.x = (mPicture.x * mFrameInfo.mWidth) / mInitialFrame.width; picture.y = (mPicture.y * mFrameInfo.mHeight) / mInitialFrame.height; picture.width = (mFrameInfo.mWidth * mPicture.width) / mInitialFrame.width; picture.height = (mFrameInfo.mHeight * mPicture.height) / mInitialFrame.height; } RefPtr<mozilla::layers::TextureClient> textureClient; if ((mVideoBuffer->graphicBuffer().get())) { textureClient = mNativeWindow->getTextureClientFromBuffer(mVideoBuffer->graphicBuffer().get()); } if (textureClient) { GrallocTextureClientOGL* grallocClient = static_cast<GrallocTextureClientOGL*>(textureClient.get()); grallocClient->SetMediaBuffer(mVideoBuffer); textureClient->SetRecycleCallback(GonkVideoDecoderManager::RecycleCallback, this); data = VideoData::Create(mInfo.mVideo, mImageContainer, aStreamOffset, timeUs, duration, textureClient, keyFrame, -1, picture); } else { if (!mVideoBuffer->data()) { GVDM_LOG("No data in Video Buffer!"); return NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; } uint8_t *yuv420p_buffer = (uint8_t *)mVideoBuffer->data(); int32_t stride = mFrameInfo.mStride; int32_t slice_height = mFrameInfo.mSliceHeight; // Converts to OMX_COLOR_FormatYUV420Planar if (mFrameInfo.mColorFormat != OMX_COLOR_FormatYUV420Planar) { ARect crop; = 0; crop.bottom = mFrameInfo.mHeight; crop.left = 0; crop.right = mFrameInfo.mWidth; yuv420p_buffer = GetColorConverterBuffer(mFrameInfo.mWidth, mFrameInfo.mHeight); if (mColorConverter.convertDecoderOutputToI420(mVideoBuffer->data(), mFrameInfo.mWidth, mFrameInfo.mHeight, crop, yuv420p_buffer) != OK) { ReleaseVideoBuffer(); GVDM_LOG("Color conversion failed!"); return NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; } stride = mFrameInfo.mWidth; slice_height = mFrameInfo.mHeight; } size_t yuv420p_y_size = stride * slice_height; size_t yuv420p_u_size = ((stride + 1) / 2) * ((slice_height + 1) / 2); uint8_t *yuv420p_y = yuv420p_buffer; uint8_t *yuv420p_u = yuv420p_y + yuv420p_y_size; uint8_t *yuv420p_v = yuv420p_u + yuv420p_u_size; // This is the approximate byte position in the stream. int64_t pos = aStreamOffset; VideoData::YCbCrBuffer b; b.mPlanes[0].mData = yuv420p_y; b.mPlanes[0].mWidth = mFrameInfo.mWidth; b.mPlanes[0].mHeight = mFrameInfo.mHeight; b.mPlanes[0].mStride = stride; b.mPlanes[0].mOffset = 0; b.mPlanes[0].mSkip = 0; b.mPlanes[1].mData = yuv420p_u; b.mPlanes[1].mWidth = (mFrameInfo.mWidth + 1) / 2; b.mPlanes[1].mHeight = (mFrameInfo.mHeight + 1) / 2; b.mPlanes[1].mStride = (stride + 1) / 2; b.mPlanes[1].mOffset = 0; b.mPlanes[1].mSkip = 0; b.mPlanes[2].mData = yuv420p_v; b.mPlanes[2].mWidth =(mFrameInfo.mWidth + 1) / 2; b.mPlanes[2].mHeight = (mFrameInfo.mHeight + 1) / 2; b.mPlanes[2].mStride = (stride + 1) / 2; b.mPlanes[2].mOffset = 0; b.mPlanes[2].mSkip = 0; data = VideoData::Create( mInfo.mVideo, mImageContainer, pos, timeUs, 1, // We don't know the duration. b, keyFrame, -1, picture); ReleaseVideoBuffer(); } data.forget(v); return NS_OK; }
HRESULT WMFVideoMFTManager::CreateBasicVideoFrame(IMFSample* aSample, int64_t aStreamOffset, VideoData** aOutVideoData) { NS_ENSURE_TRUE(aSample, E_POINTER); NS_ENSURE_TRUE(aOutVideoData, E_POINTER); *aOutVideoData = nullptr; HRESULT hr; RefPtr<IMFMediaBuffer> buffer; // Must convert to contiguous buffer to use IMD2DBuffer interface. hr = aSample->ConvertToContiguousBuffer(byRef(buffer)); NS_ENSURE_TRUE(SUCCEEDED(hr), hr); // Try and use the IMF2DBuffer interface if available, otherwise fallback // to the IMFMediaBuffer interface. Apparently IMF2DBuffer is more efficient, // but only some systems (Windows 8?) support it. BYTE* data = nullptr; LONG stride = 0; RefPtr<IMF2DBuffer> twoDBuffer; hr = buffer->QueryInterface(static_cast<IMF2DBuffer**>(byRef(twoDBuffer))); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = twoDBuffer->Lock2D(&data, &stride); NS_ENSURE_TRUE(SUCCEEDED(hr), hr); } else { hr = buffer->Lock(&data, nullptr, nullptr); NS_ENSURE_TRUE(SUCCEEDED(hr), hr); stride = mVideoStride; } // YV12, planar format: [YYYY....][VVVV....][UUUU....] // i.e., Y, then V, then U. VideoData::YCbCrBuffer b; // Y (Y') plane b.mPlanes[0].mData = data; b.mPlanes[0].mStride = stride; b.mPlanes[0].mHeight = mVideoHeight; b.mPlanes[0].mWidth = mVideoWidth; b.mPlanes[0].mOffset = 0; b.mPlanes[0].mSkip = 0; // The V and U planes are stored 16-row-aligned, so we need to add padding // to the row heights to ensure the Y'CbCr planes are referenced properly. uint32_t padding = 0; if (mVideoHeight % 16 != 0) { padding = 16 - (mVideoHeight % 16); } uint32_t y_size = stride * (mVideoHeight + padding); uint32_t v_size = stride * (mVideoHeight + padding) / 4; uint32_t halfStride = (stride + 1) / 2; uint32_t halfHeight = (mVideoHeight + 1) / 2; uint32_t halfWidth = (mVideoWidth + 1) / 2; // U plane (Cb) b.mPlanes[1].mData = data + y_size + v_size; b.mPlanes[1].mStride = halfStride; b.mPlanes[1].mHeight = halfHeight; b.mPlanes[1].mWidth = halfWidth; b.mPlanes[1].mOffset = 0; b.mPlanes[1].mSkip = 0; // V plane (Cr) b.mPlanes[2].mData = data + y_size; b.mPlanes[2].mStride = halfStride; b.mPlanes[2].mHeight = halfHeight; b.mPlanes[2].mWidth = halfWidth; b.mPlanes[2].mOffset = 0; b.mPlanes[2].mSkip = 0; Microseconds pts = GetSampleTime(aSample); Microseconds duration = GetSampleDuration(aSample); nsRefPtr<VideoData> v = VideoData::Create(mVideoInfo, mImageContainer, aStreamOffset, std::max(0LL, pts), duration, b, false, -1, ToIntRect(mPictureRegion)); if (twoDBuffer) { twoDBuffer->Unlock2D(); } else { buffer->Unlock(); } v.forget(aOutVideoData); return S_OK; }
IntRect ToIntRect(const String& source) { return ToIntRect(source.CString()); }
void Variant::FromString(VariantType type, const char* value) { switch (type) { case VAR_INT: *this = ToInt(value); break; case VAR_INT64: *this = ToInt64(value); break; case VAR_BOOL: *this = ToBool(value); break; case VAR_FLOAT: *this = ToFloat(value); break; case VAR_VECTOR2: *this = ToVector2(value); break; case VAR_VECTOR3: *this = ToVector3(value); break; case VAR_VECTOR4: *this = ToVector4(value); break; case VAR_QUATERNION: *this = ToQuaternion(value); break; case VAR_COLOR: *this = ToColor(value); break; case VAR_STRING: *this = value; break; case VAR_BUFFER: { SetType(VAR_BUFFER); PODVector<unsigned char>& buffer = *(reinterpret_cast<PODVector<unsigned char>*>(&value_)); StringToBuffer(buffer, value); } break; case VAR_VOIDPTR: // From string to void pointer not supported, set to null *this = (void*)0; break; case VAR_RESOURCEREF: { StringVector values = String::Split(value, ';'); if (values.Size() == 2) { SetType(VAR_RESOURCEREF); ResourceRef& ref = *(reinterpret_cast<ResourceRef*>(&value_)); ref.type_ = values[0]; ref.name_ = values[1]; } } break; case VAR_RESOURCEREFLIST: { StringVector values = String::Split(value, ';', true); if (values.Size() >= 1) { SetType(VAR_RESOURCEREFLIST); ResourceRefList& refList = *(reinterpret_cast<ResourceRefList*>(&value_)); refList.type_ = values[0]; refList.names_.Resize(values.Size() - 1); for (unsigned i = 1; i < values.Size(); ++i) refList.names_[i - 1] = values[i]; } } break; case VAR_INTRECT: *this = ToIntRect(value); break; case VAR_INTVECTOR2: *this = ToIntVector2(value); break; case VAR_INTVECTOR3: *this = ToIntVector3(value); break; case VAR_PTR: // From string to RefCounted pointer not supported, set to null *this = (RefCounted*)0; break; case VAR_MATRIX3: *this = ToMatrix3(value); break; case VAR_MATRIX3X4: *this = ToMatrix3x4(value); break; case VAR_MATRIX4: *this = ToMatrix4(value); break; case VAR_DOUBLE: *this = ToDouble(value); break; case VAR_RECT: *this = ToRect(value); break; default: SetType(VAR_NONE); } }
bool MediaOmxReader::DecodeVideoFrame(bool &aKeyframeSkip, int64_t aTimeThreshold) { NS_ASSERTION(mDecoder->OnDecodeThread(), "Should be on decode thread."); EnsureActive(); // Record number of frames decoded and parsed. Automatically update the // stats counters using the AutoNotifyDecoded stack-based class. uint32_t parsed = 0, decoded = 0; AbstractMediaDecoder::AutoNotifyDecoded autoNotify(mDecoder, parsed, decoded); bool doSeek = mVideoSeekTimeUs != -1; if (doSeek) { aTimeThreshold = mVideoSeekTimeUs; } TimeStamp start = TimeStamp::Now(); // Read next frame. Don't let this loop run for too long. while ((TimeStamp::Now() - start) < TimeDuration::FromSeconds(MAX_VIDEO_DECODE_SECONDS)) { MPAPI::VideoFrame frame; frame.mGraphicBuffer = nullptr; frame.mShouldSkip = false; if (!mOmxDecoder->ReadVideo(&frame, aTimeThreshold, aKeyframeSkip, doSeek)) { return false; } doSeek = false; mVideoSeekTimeUs = -1; // Ignore empty buffer which stagefright media read will sporadically return if (frame.mSize == 0 && !frame.mGraphicBuffer) { continue; } parsed++; if (frame.mShouldSkip && mSkipCount < MAX_DROPPED_FRAMES) { mSkipCount++; continue; } mSkipCount = 0; aKeyframeSkip = false; IntRect picture = ToIntRect(mPicture); if (frame.Y.mWidth != mInitialFrame.width || frame.Y.mHeight != mInitialFrame.height) { // Frame size is different from what the container reports. This is legal, // and we will preserve the ratio of the crop rectangle as it // was reported relative to the picture size reported by the container. picture.x = (mPicture.x * frame.Y.mWidth) / mInitialFrame.width; picture.y = (mPicture.y * frame.Y.mHeight) / mInitialFrame.height; picture.width = (frame.Y.mWidth * mPicture.width) / mInitialFrame.width; picture.height = (frame.Y.mHeight * mPicture.height) / mInitialFrame.height; } // This is the approximate byte position in the stream. int64_t pos = mDecoder->GetResource()->Tell(); nsRefPtr<VideoData> v; if (!frame.mGraphicBuffer) { VideoData::YCbCrBuffer b; b.mPlanes[0].mData = static_cast<uint8_t *>(frame.Y.mData); b.mPlanes[0].mStride = frame.Y.mStride; b.mPlanes[0].mHeight = frame.Y.mHeight; b.mPlanes[0].mWidth = frame.Y.mWidth; b.mPlanes[0].mOffset = frame.Y.mOffset; b.mPlanes[0].mSkip = frame.Y.mSkip; b.mPlanes[1].mData = static_cast<uint8_t *>(frame.Cb.mData); b.mPlanes[1].mStride = frame.Cb.mStride; b.mPlanes[1].mHeight = frame.Cb.mHeight; b.mPlanes[1].mWidth = frame.Cb.mWidth; b.mPlanes[1].mOffset = frame.Cb.mOffset; b.mPlanes[1].mSkip = frame.Cb.mSkip; b.mPlanes[2].mData = static_cast<uint8_t *>(frame.Cr.mData); b.mPlanes[2].mStride = frame.Cr.mStride; b.mPlanes[2].mHeight = frame.Cr.mHeight; b.mPlanes[2].mWidth = frame.Cr.mWidth; b.mPlanes[2].mOffset = frame.Cr.mOffset; b.mPlanes[2].mSkip = frame.Cr.mSkip; v = VideoData::Create(mInfo.mVideo, mDecoder->GetImageContainer(), pos, frame.mTimeUs, 1, // We don't know the duration. b, frame.mKeyFrame, -1, picture); } else { v = VideoData::Create(mInfo.mVideo, mDecoder->GetImageContainer(), pos, frame.mTimeUs, 1, // We don't know the duration. frame.mGraphicBuffer, frame.mKeyFrame, -1, picture); } if (!v) { NS_WARNING("Unable to create VideoData"); return false; } decoded++; NS_ASSERTION(decoded <= parsed, "Expect to decode fewer frames than parsed in OMX decoder..."); mVideoQueue.Push(v); break; } return true; }
bool SoftwareWebMVideoDecoder::DecodeVideoFrame(bool &aKeyframeSkip, int64_t aTimeThreshold) { MOZ_ASSERT(mReader->OnTaskQueue()); // Record number of frames decoded and parsed. Automatically update the // stats counters using the AutoNotifyDecoded stack-based class. AbstractMediaDecoder::AutoNotifyDecoded a(mReader->GetDecoder()); nsRefPtr<NesteggPacketHolder> holder(mReader->NextPacket(WebMReader::VIDEO)); if (!holder) { return false; } nestegg_packet* packet = holder->Packet(); unsigned int track = 0; int r = nestegg_packet_track(packet, &track); if (r == -1) { return false; } unsigned int count = 0; r = nestegg_packet_count(packet, &count); if (r == -1) { return false; } if (count > 1) { NS_WARNING("Packet contains more than one video frame"); return false; } int64_t tstamp = holder->Timestamp(); // The end time of this frame is the start time of the next frame. Fetch // the timestamp of the next packet for this track. If we've reached the // end of the resource, use the file's duration as the end time of this // video frame. int64_t next_tstamp = 0; nsRefPtr<NesteggPacketHolder> next_holder(mReader->NextPacket(WebMReader::VIDEO)); if (next_holder) { next_tstamp = next_holder->Timestamp(); mReader->PushVideoPacket(next_holder); } else { next_tstamp = tstamp; next_tstamp += tstamp - mReader->GetLastVideoFrameTime(); } mReader->SetLastVideoFrameTime(tstamp); unsigned char* data; size_t length; r = nestegg_packet_data(packet, 0, &data, &length); if (r == -1) { return false; } vpx_codec_stream_info_t si; memset(&si, 0, sizeof(si)); = sizeof(si); if (mReader->GetVideoCodec() == NESTEGG_CODEC_VP8) { vpx_codec_peek_stream_info(vpx_codec_vp8_dx(), data, length, &si); } else if (mReader->GetVideoCodec() == NESTEGG_CODEC_VP9) { vpx_codec_peek_stream_info(vpx_codec_vp9_dx(), data, length, &si); } if (aKeyframeSkip && (!si.is_kf || tstamp < aTimeThreshold)) { // Skipping to next keyframe... a.mParsed++; a.mDropped++; return true; } if (aKeyframeSkip && si.is_kf) { aKeyframeSkip = false; } if (vpx_codec_decode(&mVPX, data, length, nullptr, 0)) { return false; } // If the timestamp of the video frame is less than // the time threshold required then it is not added // to the video queue and won't be displayed. if (tstamp < aTimeThreshold) { a.mParsed++; a.mDropped++; return true; } vpx_codec_iter_t iter = nullptr; vpx_image_t *img; while ((img = vpx_codec_get_frame(&mVPX, &iter))) { NS_ASSERTION(img->fmt == VPX_IMG_FMT_I420, "WebM image format not I420"); // Chroma shifts are rounded down as per the decoding examples in the SDK VideoData::YCbCrBuffer b; b.mPlanes[0].mData = img->planes[0]; b.mPlanes[0].mStride = img->stride[0]; b.mPlanes[0].mHeight = img->d_h; b.mPlanes[0].mWidth = img->d_w; b.mPlanes[0].mOffset = b.mPlanes[0].mSkip = 0; b.mPlanes[1].mData = img->planes[1]; b.mPlanes[1].mStride = img->stride[1]; b.mPlanes[1].mHeight = (img->d_h + 1) >> img->y_chroma_shift; b.mPlanes[1].mWidth = (img->d_w + 1) >> img->x_chroma_shift; b.mPlanes[1].mOffset = b.mPlanes[1].mSkip = 0; b.mPlanes[2].mData = img->planes[2]; b.mPlanes[2].mStride = img->stride[2]; b.mPlanes[2].mHeight = (img->d_h + 1) >> img->y_chroma_shift; b.mPlanes[2].mWidth = (img->d_w + 1) >> img->x_chroma_shift; b.mPlanes[2].mOffset = b.mPlanes[2].mSkip = 0; nsIntRect pictureRect = mReader->GetPicture(); IntRect picture = ToIntRect(pictureRect); nsIntSize initFrame = mReader->GetInitialFrame(); if (img->d_w != static_cast<uint32_t>(initFrame.width) || img->d_h != static_cast<uint32_t>(initFrame.height)) { // Frame size is different from what the container reports. This is // legal in WebM, and we will preserve the ratio of the crop rectangle // as it was reported relative to the picture size reported by the // container. picture.x = (pictureRect.x * img->d_w) / initFrame.width; picture.y = (pictureRect.y * img->d_h) / initFrame.height; picture.width = (img->d_w * pictureRect.width) / initFrame.width; picture.height = (img->d_h * pictureRect.height) / initFrame.height; } VideoInfo videoInfo = mReader->GetMediaInfo().mVideo; nsRefPtr<VideoData> v = VideoData::Create(videoInfo, mReader->GetDecoder()->GetImageContainer(), holder->Offset(), tstamp, next_tstamp - tstamp, b, si.is_kf, -1, picture); if (!v) { return false; } a.mParsed++; a.mDecoded++; NS_ASSERTION(a.mDecoded <= a.mParsed, "Expect only 1 frame per chunk per packet in WebM..."); mReader->VideoQueue().Push(v); } return true; }
void Variant::FromString(VariantType type, const char* value) { switch (type) { case VAR_INT: *this = ToInt(value); break; case VAR_BOOL: *this = ToBool(value); break; case VAR_FLOAT: *this = ToFloat(value); break; case VAR_VECTOR2: *this = ToVector2(value); break; case VAR_VECTOR3: *this = ToVector3(value); break; case VAR_VECTOR4: *this = ToVector4(value); break; case VAR_QUATERNION: *this = ToQuaternion(value); break; case VAR_COLOR: *this = ToColor(value); break; case VAR_STRING: *this = value; break; case VAR_BUFFER: { SetType(VAR_BUFFER); PODVector<unsigned char>& buffer = *(reinterpret_cast<PODVector<unsigned char>*>(&value_)); Vector<String> values = String::Split(value, ' '); buffer.Resize(values.Size()); for (unsigned i = 0; i < values.Size(); ++i) buffer[i] = ToInt(values[i]); } break; case VAR_PTR: *this = (void*)0; break; case VAR_RESOURCEREF: { Vector<String> values = String::Split(value, ';'); if (values.Size() == 2) { SetType(VAR_RESOURCEREF); ResourceRef& ref = *(reinterpret_cast<ResourceRef*>(&value_)); ref.type_ = ShortStringHash(values[0]); ref.id_ = StringHash(values[1]); } } break; case VAR_RESOURCEREFLIST: { Vector<String> values = String::Split(value, ';'); if (values.Size() >= 1) { SetType(VAR_RESOURCEREFLIST); ResourceRefList& refList = *(reinterpret_cast<ResourceRefList*>(&value_)); refList.type_ = ShortStringHash(values[0]); refList.ids_.Resize(values.Size() - 1); for (unsigned i = 1; i < values.Size(); ++i) refList.ids_[i - 1] = StringHash(values[i]); } } break; case VAR_INTRECT: *this = ToIntRect(value); break; case VAR_INTVECTOR2: *this = ToIntVector2(value); break; default: SetType(VAR_NONE); } }
IntRect JSONValue::GetIntRect(unsigned index) const { return ToIntRect(GetCString(index)); }
IntRect JSONValue::GetIntRect(const String& name) const { return ToIntRect(GetCString(name)); }