int ToJsonObj(const Message& message, Json::Value& value) { const Reflection* pReflection = message.GetReflection(); const FieldDescriptor* pFieldDescriptor = NULL; bool bRepeated = false; std::vector<const FieldDescriptor*> fields; pReflection->ListFields(message, &fields); int ret = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < fields.size(); i++) { pFieldDescriptor = fields[i]; bRepeated = pFieldDescriptor->is_repeated(); string name_str = pFieldDescriptor->name(); map<string, string> key_map; if (bRepeated) { ret += ToJsonArray(message, pFieldDescriptor, value, name_str, key_map); continue; } ret += ToJson(message, pFieldDescriptor, value, name_str, key_map); } return ret; }
JSON* ManufacturerInfo::ToJson(unsigned short wLanguageCode) { JSON* pRet = ToJson(); if (m_Display.find(wLanguageCode) != m_Display.end()) { pRet->AddStringItem("Display", m_Display[wLanguageCode].ToCStr()); } return pRet; }
std::string JsonParse::ToJson() { std::string str; if (m_ctx.Current()) { str = ToJson(static_cast<JsonValue *>(m_ctx.Current())); } return str; }
void ResourceContainer::PushJson(MojObject& array) const { MojErr errs = MojErrNone; MojObject rep(MojObject::TypeObject); MojErr err = ToJson(rep); MojErrAccumulate(errs, err); err = array.push(rep); MojErrAccumulate(errs, err); if (errs) { throw std::runtime_error("Unable to convert resource container to " "JSON object"); } }
bool UITheme::WriteToFile(const utf8 * path) const { json_t * jsonTheme = ToJson(); bool result; try { Json::WriteToFile(path, jsonTheme, JSON_INDENT(4) | JSON_PRESERVE_ORDER); result = true; } catch (Exception ex) { log_error("Unable to save %s: %s", path, ex.GetMessage()); result = false; } json_decref(jsonTheme); return result; }
void sGameRecorded::save() { if (g_Fodder->mParams->mDemoRecord) { std::string Filename = g_Fodder->mParams->mDemoFile; if (Filename == "-") { Filename = std::to_string(g_Fodder->mGame_Data.mMission_Number); Filename += "-"; Filename += std::to_string(g_Fodder->mGame_Data.mMission_Phase); } if (Filename.find(".") == Filename.npos) Filename += DEMO_EXTENSION; g_Debugger->Notice("Writing demo to " + Filename); std::ofstream outfile(Filename, std::ofstream::binary); outfile << ToJson(); outfile.close(); } }
base::ByteBuffer *StatsPoster::MakeBody(const GameStats& stats) { std::string json = ToJson(stats); // Create HMAC like signature of hash(json + secret) so the receiver // can ensure it is valid. MD5_CTX md5; MD5Init(&md5); MD5Update(&md5, (const byte *)json.c_str(), json.size()); MD5Update(&md5, (const byte *)kszStatSecret, strlen(kszStatSecret)); byte hash[16]; MD5Final(hash, &md5); char hash_str[33]; strncpyz(hash_str, base::Format::ToHex(hash, sizeof(hash)), sizeof(hash_str)); base::ByteBuffer *bb = new base::ByteBuffer(32 + json.size()); bb->WriteBytes((const byte *)hash_str, 32); bb->WriteBytes((const byte *)json.c_str(), json.size()); return bb; }
std::string ClientJson::from_response(Client::Response response) { auto str = json_encode<string>(ToJson(static_cast<td_api::Object &>(*response.object))); CHECK(!str.empty() && str.back() == '}'); std::string extra; if ( != 0) { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(mutex_); auto it = extra_.find(; if (it != extra_.end()) { extra = std::move(it->second); extra_.erase(it); } } if (!extra.empty()) { str.pop_back(); str.reserve(str.size() + 10 + extra.size()); str += ",\"@extra\":"; str += extra; str += "}"; } return str; }
void UAssetImportData::Serialize(FArchive& Ar) { if (Ar.UE4Ver() >= VER_UE4_ASSET_IMPORT_DATA_AS_JSON) { FString Json; if (Ar.IsLoading()) { Ar << Json; TOptional<FAssetImportInfo> Copy = FromJson(MoveTemp(Json)); if (Copy.IsSet()) { CopyFrom(Copy.GetValue()); } } else if (Ar.IsSaving()) { Json = ToJson(); Ar << Json; } } Super::Serialize(Ar); }
int ToJsonObjMap(const Message& message, Json::Value& value, map<string, string>& key_map) { const Reflection* pReflection = message.GetReflection(); const FieldDescriptor* pFieldDescriptor = NULL; bool bRepeated = false; std::vector<const FieldDescriptor*> fields; pReflection->ListFields(message, &fields); int ret = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < fields.size(); i++) { pFieldDescriptor = fields[i]; bRepeated = pFieldDescriptor->is_repeated(); string name_str = pFieldDescriptor->containing_type()->name() + "." + pFieldDescriptor->name(); map<string, string>::iterator it = key_map.find(name_str); if (it != key_map.end()) { name_str = it->second; } else { name_str = pFieldDescriptor->name(); } if (bRepeated) { ret += ToJsonArray(message, pFieldDescriptor, value, name_str, key_map); continue; } ret += ToJson(message, pFieldDescriptor, value, name_str, key_map); } return ret; }
bool FPerfCounters::Tick(float DeltaTime) { // if we didn't get a socket, don't tick if (Socket == nullptr) { return false; } // accept any connections static const FString PerfCounterRequest = TEXT("FPerfCounters Request"); FSocket* IncomingConnection = Socket->Accept(PerfCounterRequest); if (IncomingConnection) { // make sure this is non-blocking bool bSuccess = false; IncomingConnection->SetNonBlocking(true); // read any data that's ready // NOTE: this is not a full HTTP implementation, just enough to be usable by curl uint8 Buffer[2*1024] = { 0 }; int32 DataLen = 0; if (IncomingConnection->Recv(Buffer, sizeof(Buffer)-1, DataLen, ESocketReceiveFlags::None)) { // scan the buffer for a line FUTF8ToTCHAR WideBuffer(reinterpret_cast<const ANSICHAR*>(Buffer)); const TCHAR* BufferEnd = FCString::Strstr(WideBuffer.Get(), TEXT("\r\n")); if (BufferEnd != nullptr) { // crack into pieces FString MainLine(BufferEnd - WideBuffer.Get(), WideBuffer.Get()); TArray<FString> Tokens; MainLine.ParseIntoArrayWS(Tokens); if (Tokens.Num() >= 2) { FString Body; int ResponseCode = 200; // handle the request if (Tokens[0] != TEXT("GET")) { Body = FString::Printf(TEXT("{ \"error\": \"Method %s not allowed\" }"), *Tokens[0]); ResponseCode = 405; } else if (Tokens[1] == TEXT("/stats")) { Body = ToJson(); } else { Body = FString::Printf(TEXT("{ \"error\": \"%s not found\" }"), *Tokens[1]); ResponseCode = 404; } // send the response headers FString Header = FString::Printf(TEXT("HTTP/1.0 %d\r\nContent-Length: %d\r\nContent-Type: application/json\r\n\r\n"), ResponseCode, Body.Len()); if (SendAsUtf8(IncomingConnection, Header) && SendAsUtf8(IncomingConnection, Body)) { bSuccess = true; } } } } // log if we didn't succeed if (!bSuccess) { UE_LOG(LogPerfCounters, Warning, TEXT("FPerfCounters was unable to send a JSON response (or sent partial response)")); } // close the socket (whether we processed or not IncomingConnection->Close(); ISocketSubsystem::Get(PLATFORM_SOCKETSUBSYSTEM)->DestroySocket(IncomingConnection); } // keep ticking return true; }
bool FPerfCounters::ProcessRequest(uint8* Buffer, int32 BufferLen, FResponse& Response) { bool bSuccess = false; // scan the buffer for a line FUTF8ToTCHAR WideBuffer(reinterpret_cast<const ANSICHAR*>(Buffer)); const TCHAR* BufferEnd = FCString::Strstr(WideBuffer.Get(), TEXT("\r\n")); if (BufferEnd != nullptr) { // crack into pieces FString MainLine(BufferEnd - WideBuffer.Get(), WideBuffer.Get()); TArray<FString> Tokens; MainLine.ParseIntoArrayWS(Tokens); if (Tokens.Num() >= 2) { FString ContentType(TEXT("application/json")); Response.Code = 200; // handle the request if (Tokens[0] != TEXT("GET")) { Response.Body = FString::Printf(TEXT("{ \"error\": \"Method %s not allowed\" }"), *Tokens[0]); Response.Code = 405; } else if (Tokens[1].StartsWith(TEXT("/stats"))) { Response.Body = ToJson(); // retrieving stats resets them by default, unless ?peek parameter is passed const int kStatsTokenLength = 6; // strlen("/stats"); FString TokenRemainder = Tokens[1].Mid(kStatsTokenLength); if (TokenRemainder != TEXT("?peek")) { if (ExecCmdCallback.IsBound()) { ExecCmdCallback.Execute(TEXT("perfcounters clear"), *GLog); } else { Exec(nullptr, TEXT("perfcounters clear"), *GLog); } } } else if (Tokens[1].StartsWith(TEXT("/exec?c="))) { FString ExecCmd = Tokens[1].Mid(8); FString ExecCmdDecoded = FPlatformHttp::UrlDecode(ExecCmd); FStringOutputDevice StringOutDevice; StringOutDevice.SetAutoEmitLineTerminator(true); bool bResult = false; if (ExecCmdCallback.IsBound()) { bResult = ExecCmdCallback.Execute(ExecCmdDecoded, StringOutDevice); Response.Body = StringOutDevice; ContentType = TEXT("text/text"); } else { Response.Body = FString::Printf(TEXT("{ \"error\": \"exec handler not found\" }")); } Response.Code = bResult ? 200 : 404; } else { Response.Body = FString::Printf(TEXT("{ \"error\": \"%s not found\" }"), *Tokens[1]); Response.Code = 404; } // send the response headers Response.Header = FString::Printf(TEXT("HTTP/1.0 %d\r\nContent-Length: %d\r\nContent-Type: %s\r\n\r\n"), Response.Code, Response.Body.Len(), *ContentType); bSuccess = true; } else { UE_LOG(LogPerfCounters, Warning, TEXT("Unable to parse HTTP request header: %s"), *MainLine); } } else { UE_LOG(LogPerfCounters, Warning, TEXT("Unable to immediately receive full request header")); } return bSuccess; }