static void docmd_group(char *cmdstring, server_cb_inf *inf) { char *ptr; char *sql_cmd; ptr = get_slinearg(cmdstring, 1); if (!ptr) { ToSend(no_group_given, strlen(no_group_given), inf); return; /* let him try again */ } if ((sql_cmd = (char *)calloc(strlen(cmdstring) + 0x7f, sizeof(char))) == NULL) { DO_SYSL("GROUP: not enough memory.") free(ptr); kill_thread(inf); /*NOTREACHED*/ } snprintf(sql_cmd, strlen(cmdstring) + 0x7f, "select * from newsgroups where name='%s';", ptr); /* the cb func sets found_group to '1' if the group is found */ inf->servinf->found_group = 0; sqlite3_secexec(inf, sql_cmd, docmd_group_cb, inf); free(ptr); free(sql_cmd); /* if the group was not found (=the cb function was not called) ... */ if (inf->servinf->found_group == 0) { /* send "no such group" */ ToSend(nosuchgroup, strlen(nosuchgroup), inf); } return; }
static void docmd_list_sql(server_cb_inf *inf) { char cmd[]= "select * from Newsgroups;"; ToSend(list, strlen(list), inf); #ifdef DEBUG printf("executing cmd: %s\n", cmd); #endif sqlite3_secexec(inf, cmd, docmd_list_cb, inf); ToSend(period_end, strlen(period_end), inf); }
static void docmd_date(server_cb_inf *inf) { char datestr[50]={'\0'}; time_t ltime; ltime = time(NULL); strftime(datestr, sizeof(datestr), "111 %Y%m%d%H%M%S\r\n", localtime(<ime)); ToSend(datestr, strlen(datestr), inf); }
static int docmd_article_cb_cb2(void *infp, int argc, char **argv, char **col) { server_cb_inf *inf = (server_cb_inf *) infp; /* add header to the send buffer */ switch (inf->cmdtype) { case CMDTYP_ARTICLE: ToSend(argv[0], strlen(argv[0]), inf); ToSend("\r\n", 2, inf); /* insert empty line */ break; case CMDTYP_HEAD: ToSend(argv[0], strlen(argv[0]), inf); break; } /* add missing .\r\n\r\n on HEAD cmd */ if (inf->cmdtype == CMDTYP_HEAD) ToSend(period_end, strlen(period_end), inf); return 0; }
/* format: <group> <high> <low> <pflag> */ static int docmd_list_cb(void *infp, int argc, char **argv, char **ColName) { server_cb_inf *inf = (server_cb_inf *) infp; char addbuf[1024] = { '\0' }; /* the first message is '1' if we already have an article, else it will be zero */ int already_posted = atoi(argv[3]); snprintf(addbuf, 1023, "%s %s %i %s\r\n", argv[1], argv[3], (already_posted ? 1 : 0), argv[2]); ToSend(addbuf, strlen(addbuf), inf); return 0; }
/* this was a good idea but acctually it does nothing more than executing sqlite3_exec. I do * all the checks by hand, what is better because it is needed only two times in this whole * file! Btw. This is good because I can better add the database abstraction layer later! */ void sqlite3_secexec(server_cb_inf *inf, char *cmd, int (*cb)(void *, int, char **, char **), void *arg) { if (sqlite3_exec(inf->servinf->db, cmd, cb, arg, &inf->servinf->sqlite_err_msg) != SQLITE_OK) { fprintf(stderr, "SQLite3 error: %s\n", inf->servinf->sqlite_err_msg); sqlite3_free(inf->servinf->sqlite_err_msg); ToSend(progerr503, strlen(progerr503), inf); DO_SYSL("sqlite3_SECexec(): Unable to exec on database.") kill_thread(inf); /*NOTREACHED*/ } }
static int docmd_xover_cb(void *infp, int argc, char **argv, char **col) { server_cb_inf *inf = (server_cb_inf *) infp; int articlenum, lines; int postlen; int len; char *ref, *xref, *bodylen; char *add_to_response; char tbuf[40] = { '\0' }; articlenum = atoi(argv[0]); lines = atoi(argv[5]); /* Calculate the posting size (byte count) */ bodylen = CDP_return_linevalue(argv[6], "X-WendzelNNTPdBodysize:"); if (bodylen) { postlen = atoi(bodylen); free(bodylen); } postlen += strlen(argv[6]); ref = CDP_return_linevalue(argv[6], "References:"); xref = CDP_return_linevalue(argv[6], "Xref:"); len = 0xff + strlen(argv[1]) + strlen(argv[2]) + 39 /* timestamp len */ + strlen(argv[4]); if (ref) len += strlen(ref); if (xref) len += strlen(xref); nntp_localtime_to_str(tbuf, atol(argv[3])); CALLOC_Thread(add_to_response, (char *), len, sizeof(char)) snprintf(add_to_response, len - 1, "%i\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%i\t%i\t%s\r\n", articlenum, argv[1], argv[2], tbuf, argv[4], (ref ? ref : " "), postlen, lines, (xref ? xref : " ")); ToSend(add_to_response, strlen(add_to_response), inf); if (ref) free(ref); if (xref) free(xref); free(add_to_response); return 0; }
static void docmd_authinfo_user(char *recvbuf, server_cb_inf *inf) { char need_more_inf[]="381 More authentication information required.\r\n"; char *user; inf->servinf->auth_is_there=0; if (!(user = get_slinearg(recvbuf, 2))) { /* error msg comes from get_slinearg() */ kill_thread(inf); /*NOTREACHED*/ } if (inf->servinf->cur_auth_user) free(inf->servinf->cur_auth_user); inf->servinf->cur_auth_user = user; ToSend(need_more_inf, strlen(need_more_inf), inf); }
static int docmd_group_cb(void *infp, int argc, char **argv, char **col) { server_cb_inf *inf = (server_cb_inf *) infp; int estimated, first, last; char *buf; last = atoi(argv[3]); if (last) first = 1; /* if there's already a posting: the 1st posting has the num 1 */ else first = 0; /* else, we display a zero */ estimated = last; if ((buf = (char *) calloc(strlen(argv[1]) + 0xff, sizeof(char))) == NULL) { DO_SYSL("GROUP_cb: not enough memory.") kill_thread(inf); /*NOTREACHED*/ } snprintf(buf, strlen(argv[1]) + 0xff - 1, "211 %i %i %i %s group selected\r\n", estimated, first, last, argv[1]); ToSend(buf, strlen(buf), inf); free(buf); if (inf->servinf->selected_group) free(inf->servinf->selected_group); if ((inf->servinf->selected_group = (char *) calloc(strlen(argv[1]) + 1, sizeof(char))) == NULL) { DO_SYSL("GROUP_cb: not enough memory.") kill_thread(inf); /*NOTREACHED*/ } strncpy(inf->servinf->selected_group, argv[1], strlen(argv[1])); /* unset the selected article */ inf->servinf->selected_article = NULL; /* we found the group */ inf->servinf->found_group = 1; return 0; }
static int docmd_xhdr_cb(void *infp, int argc, char **argv, char **col) { server_cb_inf *inf = (server_cb_inf *) infp; int len; int articlenum; char *add_to_response; static char none[] = "(none)"; char *value; char tbuf[40] = { '\0' }; server_cb_inf *linf; linf = (server_cb_inf *) infp; articlenum = atoi(argv[0]); /* If the requested header-part is supported, we get its value in argv[1], * if not, we get NULL since we did not request a send parameter in the * SQL query. */ if (argv[1] != NULL) value = argv[1]; else value = none; /* catch date values we need to convert! */ if (linf->speccmd == SPECCMD_DATE) { nntp_localtime_to_str(tbuf, atol(argv[1])); value = tbuf; } len = 0xfff + 1 + strlen(value) + 2 + 1; CALLOC_Thread(add_to_response, (char *), len, sizeof(char)) snprintf(add_to_response, len - 1, "%i %s\r\n", articlenum, value); ToSend(add_to_response, strlen(add_to_response), inf); free(add_to_response); return 0; }
static void docmd_article(char *cmdstring, server_cb_inf *inf) { #define ARTCLTYP_MESSAGEID 0x01 #define ARTCLTYP_NUMBER 0x02 #define ARTCLTYP_CURRENT 0x03 /* > ARTICLE\r\n -> return the currently selected article */ int type=0; char *param; int i; int found=0; char *sql_cmd = NULL; int len; /* the cb func will set this to '1' if we found an article */ inf->servinf->found_article = 0; if (cmdstring[0]=='A' || cmdstring[0]=='a') inf->cmdtype = CMDTYP_ARTICLE; else if(cmdstring[0]=='H' || cmdstring[0]=='h') inf->cmdtype = CMDTYP_HEAD; else if(cmdstring[0]=='B' || cmdstring[0]=='b') inf->cmdtype = CMDTYP_BODY; else if(cmdstring[0]=='S' || cmdstring[0]=='s') inf->cmdtype = CMDTYP_STAT; /* if(no newsgroup is selected) -> return a 412 error */ if(inf->servinf->selected_group == NULL) { ToSend(nogroupselected, strlen(nogroupselected), inf); return; } /* point to the parameter-substring of the cmd-string */ param = get_slinearg(cmdstring, 1); if (param == NULL) { type = ARTCLTYP_CURRENT; } else { /* okay, not the case. but shall we use the message-id or the news-id? */ if (param[0] == '<') { type = ARTCLTYP_MESSAGEID; } else if (param[0] >= '0' && param[0] <= '9') { type = ARTCLTYP_NUMBER; } else { ToSend(noarticleselected, strlen(noarticleselected), inf); return; } } /* create first response line (code + info + message like "230 3 38 head follows") */ switch(type) { case ARTCLTYP_MESSAGEID: // get the message-id-string for (i = 0; i < (int)strlen(param); i++) { if (param[i] == '>') { found = 1; break; } } if (!found) { ToSend(noarticleselected, strlen(noarticleselected), inf); return; } param[i+1] = '\0'; /* select * from ngposts where ng='%s' and messageid='%s'; */ len = 0x7f + strlen(inf->servinf->selected_group) + strlen(param); if ((sql_cmd = (char *) calloc(len + 1, sizeof(char))) == NULL) { DO_SYSL("ARTICLE(andCo): not enough memory.") kill_thread(inf); /*NOTREACHED*/ } snprintf(sql_cmd, len, "select * from ngposts where ng='%s' and msgid='%s'", inf->servinf->selected_group, param); break; case ARTCLTYP_NUMBER: /* select * from ngposts where ng='%s' and messageid='%s'; */ len = 0x7f + strlen(inf->servinf->selected_group) + strlen(param); if ((sql_cmd = (char *) calloc(len + 1, sizeof(char))) == NULL) { DO_SYSL("ARTICLE(andCo): not enough memory.") kill_thread(inf); /*NOTREACHED*/ } snprintf(sql_cmd, len, "select * from ngposts where ng='%s' and postnum='%s'", inf->servinf->selected_group, param); break; case ARTCLTYP_CURRENT: // erstmal testen, ob nen article selected ist if (inf->servinf->selected_article == NULL) { ToSend(noarticleselected, strlen(noarticleselected), inf); return; } /* select * from ngposts where ng='%s' and messageid='%s'; */ len = 0x7f + strlen(inf->servinf->selected_group) + strlen(inf->servinf->selected_article); if ((sql_cmd = (char *) calloc(len + 1, sizeof(char))) == NULL) { DO_SYSL("ARTICLE(andCo): not enough memory.") kill_thread(inf); /*NOTREACHED*/ } snprintf(sql_cmd, len, "select * from ngposts where ng='%s' and postnum='%s'", inf->servinf->selected_group, inf->servinf->selected_article); break; } /* try to find the article and add header+body if found/needed */ sqlite3_secexec(inf, sql_cmd, docmd_article_cb, inf); free(sql_cmd); if (param) /* can be NULL due to ARTCLTYP_CURRENT case */ free(param); /* if this is still zero, no cb function was called -> no article was found */ if (inf->servinf->found_article == 0) { ToSend(nosucharticle, strlen(nosucharticle), inf); } }
static int docmd_article_cb(void *infp, int argc, char **argv, char **col) { server_cb_inf *inf = (server_cb_inf *) infp; char *msgid; char *id; char *sendbuffer; char *sql_cmd = NULL; int len, len_sql; if (argc < 3) { DO_SYSL("ARTICLE(andCo)_cb: argc < 3!") kill_thread(infp); } msgid = argv[0]; id = argv[2]; len = 0xff + strlen(msgid) + strlen(id); if ((sendbuffer = (char *) calloc(len + 1, sizeof(char))) == NULL) { DO_SYSL("ARTICLE(andCo)_cb: not enough memory.") kill_thread(infp); } /* set the selected article */ if (inf->servinf->selected_article) free(inf->servinf->selected_article); inf->servinf->selected_article = (char *) calloc(strlen(id) + 1, sizeof(char)); strncpy(inf->servinf->selected_article, id, strlen(id)); /* compose return message */ //postings (msgid string primary key, date string, author string, newsgroups string, subject string, lines string, header varchar(16000), body varchar(250000)); len_sql = 0x7f + strlen(msgid); if ((sql_cmd = (char *) calloc(len + 1, sizeof(char))) == NULL) { DO_SYSL("ARTICLE(andCo)_cb: not enough memory.") kill_thread(infp); } switch (inf->cmdtype) { case CMDTYP_ARTICLE: snprintf(sendbuffer, len, "220 %s %s article retrieved - head and body follow\r\n", id, msgid); snprintf(sql_cmd, len_sql, "select header from postings where msgid='%s';", msgid); break; case CMDTYP_HEAD: snprintf(sendbuffer, len, "221 %s %s article retrieved - head follows\r\n", id, msgid); snprintf(sql_cmd, len_sql, "select header from postings where msgid='%s';", msgid); break; case CMDTYP_BODY: snprintf(sendbuffer, len, "222 %s %s article retrieved - body follows\r\n", id, msgid); break; case CMDTYP_STAT: snprintf(sendbuffer, len, "223 %s %s article retrieved - request text separately\r\n", id, msgid); break; } ToSend(sendbuffer, strlen(sendbuffer), inf); free(sendbuffer); /* send the header, if needed */ if (inf->cmdtype == CMDTYP_ARTICLE || inf->cmdtype == CMDTYP_HEAD) { sqlite3_secexec(inf, sql_cmd, docmd_article_cb_cb2, inf); } if (sql_cmd) free(sql_cmd); /* send the body, if needed */ if (inf->cmdtype == CMDTYP_ARTICLE || inf->cmdtype == CMDTYP_BODY) { char *msgbody = filebackend_retrbody(msgid); if (msgbody != NULL) { ToSend(msgbody, strlen(msgbody), inf); free(msgbody); } } inf->servinf->found_article = 1; return 0; }
static void docmd_xover(char *cmdstring, server_cb_inf *inf) { u_int32_t min, max; u_int32_t REALmax; int len; char *ptr; char *sql_cmd; /* if (no newsgroup is selected) -> return a 412 error */ if (inf->servinf->selected_group == NULL) { ToSend(nogroupselected, strlen(nogroupselected), inf); return; } /* get the REALmax value (max-num in the newsgroups table) */ REALmax = DB_get_high_value(inf->servinf->selected_group, inf); /* get the min + max values */ ptr=get_slinearg(cmdstring, 1); if(ptr==NULL) { /* no value is given by the client => use current article */ if (inf->servinf->selected_article == NULL) { ToSend(noarticleselected, strlen(noarticleselected), inf); return; } min = (u_int32_t) atoi(inf->servinf->selected_article); max = min; } else { /* at least a min-value is given */ char *ptr_orig = ptr; min = atoi(ptr); max = min; /* this is correct. if we find a '-', we will change it in a moment */ /* check for the '-' character */ while(ptr[0]!='\0' && max!=REALmax) { if(ptr[0]=='-') { /* all articles from min to the end */ max=REALmax; } ptr++; } if(max==REALmax) { /* look if there is an end-value for max */ if(ptr[0]!='\0') { max=atoi(ptr); /* if the client sent us bullshit then max could be zero ... */ if (!max) { /* ... in this case, we set it back to REALmax ;-) */ max = REALmax; } } } free(ptr_orig); } onxxdebugm("%s%i%s%i%s%i%s", "min: ", min, " max: ", max, " REALmax: ", REALmax, "\n"); /* if no articles are in the range -> return a 420 error */ if (min > REALmax || max > REALmax || min > max) { ToSend(noarticleselected, strlen(noarticleselected), inf); return; } /* now send the list */ ToSend(xover, strlen(xover), inf); /* now let the DB do the scheissjob ;-) */ len = 0xfff + strlen(inf->servinf->selected_group); CALLOC_Thread(sql_cmd, (char *), len, sizeof(char)) snprintf(sql_cmd, len - 1, "select n.postnum, p.subject,,, n.msgid, p.lines, p.header" " from ngposts n,postings p" " where ng='%s' and (postnum between %i and %i) and n.msgid = p.msgid;", inf->servinf->selected_group, min, max); sqlite3_secexec(inf, sql_cmd, docmd_xover_cb, inf); free(sql_cmd); ToSend(period_end, strlen(period_end), inf); }
static void docmd_authinfo_pass(char *recvbuf, server_cb_inf *inf) { char need_more_inf[]="381 More authentication information required.\r\n"; char auth_accept[]="281 Authentication accepted.\r\n"; char auth_reject[]="482 Authentication rejected.\r\n"; char *pass; int len; char *sql_cmd; char *log_str = NULL; inf->servinf->auth_is_there=0; if(inf->servinf->cur_auth_user) { if (!(pass = get_slinearg(recvbuf, 2))) { /* error msg comes from get_slinearg() */ kill_thread(inf); /*NOTREACHED*/ } if (inf->servinf->cur_auth_pass) free(inf->servinf->cur_auth_pass); inf->servinf->cur_auth_pass = pass; /* now check if combination of user+pass is valid */ len = strlen(inf->servinf->cur_auth_user)+strlen(inf->servinf->cur_auth_pass)+0xff; if (!(sql_cmd = (char *)calloc(len, sizeof(char)))) { kill_thread(inf); /*NOTREACHED*/ } snprintf(sql_cmd, len - 1, "select * from users where name='%s' and password='******';", inf->servinf->cur_auth_user, inf->servinf->cur_auth_pass); sqlite3_secexec(inf, sql_cmd, docmd_authinfo_pass_cb, inf); free(sql_cmd); if(inf->servinf->auth_is_there==0) { ToSend(auth_reject, strlen(auth_reject), inf); log_str = str_concat("Authentication REJECTED for user ", inf->servinf->cur_auth_user, " from IP ", inf->sockinf->ip, NULL); } else { ToSend(auth_accept, strlen(auth_accept), inf); log_str = str_concat("Authentication accepted for user ", inf->servinf->cur_auth_user, " from IP ", inf->sockinf->ip, NULL); } if (log_str) { DO_SYSL(log_str) free(log_str); } /* delete the username to prevent password brute-force attacks */ free(inf->servinf->cur_auth_user); /* do this for security reasons! */ inf->servinf->cur_auth_user = NULL; free(inf->servinf->cur_auth_pass); inf->servinf->cur_auth_pass = NULL; } else { /* the client first has to send a username */ ToSend(need_more_inf, strlen(need_more_inf), inf); } }
static void docmd_xhdr(char *cmdstring, server_cb_inf *inf) { short req_message_id = 0; u_int32_t min, max; u_int32_t REALmax; int len; char *ptr; char *sql_cmd; char *hdr_type_str; /* if (no newsgroup is selected) -> return a 412 error */ if (inf->servinf->selected_group == NULL) { ToSend(nogroupselected, strlen(nogroupselected), inf); return; } /* get the REALmax value (max-num in the newsgroups table) */ REALmax = DB_get_high_value(inf->servinf->selected_group, inf); /* get the command */ ptr = get_slinearg(cmdstring, 1); if (!ptr) { DO_SYSL("unable to parse command line") ToSend(noarticleselected, strlen(noarticleselected), inf); return; } if (strncasecmp(ptr, "from", 4) == 0) { hdr_type_str = ","; } else if (strncasecmp(ptr, "date", 4) == 0) { hdr_type_str = ","; /* we must convert the time() returned value stored in the db to a * real standard conform string */ inf->speccmd = SPECCMD_DATE; } else if (strncasecmp(ptr, "newsgroups", 10) == 0) { hdr_type_str = ",p.newsgroups"; } else if (strncasecmp(ptr, "subject", 7) == 0) { hdr_type_str = ",p.subject"; } else if (strncasecmp(ptr, "lines", 5) == 0) { hdr_type_str = ",p.lines"; } else { /* not supported */ hdr_type_str = " "; /* nothing */ } free(ptr); /* get the min + max values */ ptr = get_slinearg(cmdstring, 2); if(ptr == NULL) { /* no value is given by the client => use current article */ if (inf->servinf->selected_article == NULL) { ToSend(noarticleselected, strlen(noarticleselected), inf); return; } min = (u_int32_t) atoi(inf->servinf->selected_article); max = min; } else { /* at least a min-value is given */ /* now check if the client requests either a message numner (num[-[to]]) or a message id (<message-id>) */ if (ptr[0] == '<') { /* message ID */ req_message_id = 1; } else { char *range_ptr = ptr; req_message_id = 0; min = atoi(range_ptr); max = min; /* this is correct. if we find a '-', we will change it in a moment */ /* check for the '-' character */ while(range_ptr[0]!='\r' && max!=REALmax) { if(range_ptr[0]=='-') { /* all articles from min to the end */ max=REALmax; } range_ptr++; } if(max==REALmax) { /* look if there is an end-value for max */ if(range_ptr[0]!='\r') { max=atoi(range_ptr); /* if the client sent us bullshit then max could be zero ... */ if (!max) { /* ... in this case, we set it back to REALmax ;-) */ max = REALmax; } } } } } /*onxxdebugm("%s%i%s%i%s%i%s", "min: ", min, " max: ", max, " REALmax: ", REALmax, "\n");*/ // check if the requested message ID exists if (req_message_id == 1) { if (DB_chk_if_msgid_exists(inf->servinf->selected_group, ptr, inf) == 0) { ToSend(noarticleselected, strlen(noarticleselected), inf); return; } } /* if no articles are in the range -> return a 420 error */ else if (min > REALmax || max > REALmax || min > max) { ToSend(noarticleselected, strlen(noarticleselected), inf); return; } /* now send the list */ ToSend(xhdr, strlen(xhdr), inf); /* now let the DB do the scheissjob ;-) */ len = 0xfff + strlen(inf->servinf->selected_group) + strlen(hdr_type_str); if (ptr != NULL) len += strlen(ptr); CALLOC_Thread(sql_cmd, (char *), len, sizeof(char)) if (req_message_id) { snprintf(sql_cmd, len - 1, "select n.postnum %s" " from ngposts n,postings p" " where ng='%s' and p.msgid = '%s' and n.msgid = p.msgid;", hdr_type_str, inf->servinf->selected_group, ptr); } else { snprintf(sql_cmd, len - 1, "select n.postnum %s" " from ngposts n,postings p" " where ng='%s' and (postnum between %i and %i) and n.msgid = p.msgid;", hdr_type_str, inf->servinf->selected_group, min, max); } sqlite3_secexec(inf, sql_cmd, docmd_xhdr_cb, inf); free(sql_cmd); if (ptr) free(ptr); ToSend(period_end, strlen(period_end), inf); }
void Tcp() { unsigned static retry=0; if(GsmCheckMsg()){ GsmClearBufffer(); switch (Gsm.Event) { case T_CsqReceived: if(Gsm.Rssi<=2) { Gsm.State=CsqLow; } else if(Gsm.Rssi<99) { Gsm.State=CsqHigh; } else if(Gsm.Rssi==99) { Gsm.State=CsqNoSignal; } break; //CsqReceived case IP_INITIAL: Gsm.State=T_CCSTT; Gsm.Event = EvtInit; break;//IP_INITIAL case IP_GPRSACT: Gsm.State=T_CCIFSR; Gsm.Event = EvtInit; break;//IP_GPRSACT case IP_START: Gsm.State=T_CCIICR; Gsm.Event = EvtInit; break; case ALREADY_CONNECTED: nop(); Gsm.Event = EvtInit; Gsm.State=TcpConnected; break;//ALREADY_CONNECTED case TCP_SEND_OK: Gsm.Event = EvtInit; Gsm.State=Con_SENDOK; break;//TCP_SEND_OK case PDP_DEACT: Gsm.Event = EvtInit; Gsm.State = T_CCIPSHUT ; break;//PDP_DEACT case TCP_CLOSED: Gsm.State=T_CCIPSHUT; Gsm.Event = EvtInit; break;//TCP_CLOSED case TCP_CONNECTING: Gsm.State=T_CCIPSTATUS; break;//TCP_CONNECTING case CONNECT_OK: Gsm.Event = EvtInit; Gsm.State=TcpConnected; break;//CONNECT_OK case TCP_SHUT_OK: Gsm.Event = EvtInit; Gsm.State=T_CCIPSHUT; break;//TCP_SHUT_OK case EvtGsmRing: break;//EvtGsmRing: case EvtGsmMsg: break;//EvtGsmMsg: case Tcp_CREG_oK: Gsm.State = T_CCIPSTATUS; Gsm.Event = EvtInit; break;//Tcp_CREG_oK case MsgOk: Gsm.State = Gsm.NextState; Gsm.Event = EvtInit; GsmClearBufffer(); break;//MsgOk case MsgError: break;//MsgError, }} switch (Gsm.State) { /*case Con_ATE0: #ifdef DebugOn GsmDisplayUpdate("ATE0 ",1) ; #endif drv_sim900_send_cmd(6,"ATE0\r\n"); GsmConfig(Con_Running,T_CCREG,Con_ATE0,MsgSend, MsgOk,Sec(1),Gsm.MaxDelay,TimerStart); if(Gsm.Retry>1) { Gsm.State = Gsm.NextState; retry=0; } break; */ case CsqLow: case CsqHigh: sprintf(Gsm.Gsm_Sms,"CSQ = %d",Gsm.Rssi);// same with csq precedded GsmDisplayUpdate(Gsm._Csq,2); Gsm.State = Gsm.NextState; Gsm.Event = EvtInit; break;//csqdetected case CheckCSQ: #ifdef DebugOn GsmDisplayUpdate("CSQ ",1) ; #endif drv_sim900_send_cmd(6,"AT+CSQ\r\n"); GsmConfig(Con_Running,T_CCREG,CheckCSQ,MsgSend, T_CsqReceived,Sec(2),Sec(10),TimerStart); if(Gsm.Retry>5) { Gsm.State = T_CCIPSHUT; drv_sim900_send_cmd(4,"AT\r\n");//test Gsm.Retry=0; } break; case T_CCREG: #ifdef DebugOn GsmDisplayUpdate("CCREG ",1) ; #endif drv_sim900_send_cmd(get_size(CREG),CREG); GsmConfig(Con_Running,T_CCIPSTATUS, T_CCREG,MsgSend, Tcp_CREG_oK,Sec(1),Gsm.MaxDelay,TimerStart); if(Gsm.Retry>5) { Gsm.State = T_CCIPSHUT; Gsm.Retry=0; } break;//T_CCREG case T_CCIPSTATUS://CREG OK #ifdef DebugOn // GsmDisplayUpdate("CCIPSTATUS ",1) ; #endif GsmClearBufffer(); drv_sim900_send_cmd(14,CIPSTATUS); //ok state Ip intial GsmConfig(Con_Running,T_CCIPSTATUS, T_CCIPSTATUS,MsgSend, TCP_MSG,Sec(1),Gsm.MaxDelay,TimerStart); break;//T_CCIPSTATUS case T_CCSTT: #ifdef DebugOn GsmDisplayUpdate("CSTT ",1) ; #endif GsmClearBufffer(); GsmConfig(Con_Running,T_CCIPSTATUS, T_CCSTT,MsgSend, MsgOk,Sec(1),Gsm.MaxDelay,TimerStart); drv_sim900_send_cmd(get_size(CSTT),CSTT); drv_sim900_send_cmd(1,"\""); drv_sim900_send_cmd(get_size("INTERNET"),"INTERNET"); drv_sim900_send_cmd(1,"\""); drv_sim900_send_cmd(6,",\"\",\"\""); // ,"","" drv_sim900_send_cmd(2,"\r\n"); break;//T_CCIPSTATUS, case T_CIPCLOSE: #ifdef DebugOn GsmDisplayUpdate("cipclose ",1) ; #endif GsmClearBufffer(); drv_sim900_send_cmd(get_size(CIPCLOSE),CIPCLOSE); break;// CIPCLOSE, case T_CCIPCSGP: break;//T_CCIPCSGP case T_CCIICR: #ifdef DebugOn GsmDisplayUpdate("CIICR ",1) ; #endif GsmClearBufffer(); GsmConfig(Con_Running,T_CLPORT, T_CCIICR,MsgSend, MsgOk,Sec(1),Gsm.MaxDelay,TimerStart); drv_sim900_send_cmd(get_size(CIICR),CIICR); break;//T_CCSTT case T_CLPORT : #ifdef DebugOn GsmDisplayUpdate("CLPORT ",1) ; #endif GsmClearBufffer(); GsmConfig(Con_Running,T_CCIFSR, T_CLPORT,MsgSend,MsgOk,Sec(1),Gsm.MaxDelay,TimerStart); drv_sim900_send_cmd(get_size(CLPORT),CLPORT); drv_sim900_send_cmd(1,"\""); drv_sim900_send_cmd(get_size("60"),"60"); drv_sim900_send_cmd(3,"\"\r\n"); break;//T_CLPORT case T_CCIPSTART: #ifdef DebugOn GsmDisplayUpdate("CCIPSTART ",1) ; #endif GsmClearBufffer(); GsmConfig(Con_Running,T_CCIPSTATUS, T_CCIPSTART,MsgSend, TCP_MSG,Sec(1),Gsm.MaxDelay,TimerStart); drv_sim900_send_cmd(get_size(CIPSTART),CIPSTART); drv_sim900_send_cmd(1,"\""); drv_sim900_send_cmd(get_size(Gsm.Ip_ADD),Gsm.Ip_ADD); //"\",\"10020\"\r\n" drv_sim900_send_cmd(3,"\",\""); drv_sim900_send_cmd(get_size(Gsm.PortNo),Gsm.PortNo); drv_sim900_send_cmd(3,"\"\r\n"); break;//T_CCIFSR case T_CCIFSR: #ifdef DebugOn GsmDisplayUpdate("CCIFSR ",1) ; #endif GsmClearBufffer(); drv_sim900_send_cmd(get_size(CIFSR),CIFSR); GsmConfig(Con_Running,T_CCIPSTART, T_CCIFSR,MsgSend, TCP_MSG,Sec(1),Gsm.MaxDelay,TimerStart); break;//T_CCIPSTART, case T_CCIPSHUT: #ifdef DebugOn GsmDisplayUpdate("CIPSHUT ",1) ; #endif GsmClearBufffer(); drv_sim900_send_cmd(12,"AT+CIPSHUT\r\n"); GsmConfig(Con_Running,CheckCSQ, CheckCSQ,MsgSend,TCP_SHUT_OK,Sec(1),Gsm.MaxDelay,TimerStart); break;//T_CCIPSHUT case TcpConnected: #ifdef DebugOn GsmDisplayUpdate("TCP Connected",2) ; #endif if(TCP_Delay.Function==FnEnter) { TCP_Delay.Delay=Gsm.L_Tick+ TCP_DELAY_Interval;//10sec TCP_Delay.Function=FnExit; ToSend(RegularUpdate); GsmConfig(T_CCIPSTATUS,T_CCIPSTATUS, T_CCIPSTATUS,MsgSend, TCP_SEND_OK,Sec(1),Sec(10),TimerStart); } else { Gsm.State=T_CCIPSTATUS; if(Gsm.L_Tick>TCP_Delay.Delay) { TCP_Delay.Function=FnEnter; GsmConfig(T_CCIPSHUT,T_CCIPSTATUS, T_CCIPSTATUS,MsgSend, SERVER_LISTENING,Sec(1),Gsm.MaxDelay,TimerStart); } } break;//TcpConnected case Con_SENDOK: #ifdef DebugOn GsmDisplayUpdate("Send ok",1) ; GsmConfig(T_CCIPSTATUS,T_CCIPSTATUS, T_CCIPSTATUS,MsgSend, SERVER_LISTENING,Sec(1),Gsm.MaxDelay,TimerStart); #endif break;//Con_SENDOK; case Con_Running: nop(); break;//Con_Running } }
void sendPacket(const T* packet) { sendPacket(ToSend(packet, HostAddress::AnyAddress, 0)); }