AppWindow :: AppWindow() { CreateWindow(OpmStdFrame); // Create the frame SetCaption("Errors & Conditons Sample"); // Set captions SetSwitchTitle("ErrorDemo"); SetIcon(icon = new wIcon(ResIcon, ITriangle)); // Set the app's icon // This section create a menu bar and then adds items to the // sub menu itself. It is also possible to construct the menu // from the resource file if desired menubar = new wMenu(this, MBarError, "~Error\\~Condition\\~Help\\"); menubar->SetSubMenuItems(MBarError, MiFatal, "~Fatal;~Error;~Warning;"); menubar->SetSubMenuItems(MBarCondition, MiRecord, "~Record...;~Tell...;"); menubar->SetSubMenuItems(MBarHelp, MiHelp, "~Help for help...;~General help...;Help ~index;"); // Create a temporary system menu object for the purposes of adding // a seperator and the "About..." menu item. wSysMenu sm(this); sm.AppendSeparator(); sm.AppendItem(ScAbout, "~About..."); // Add event handlers for the menu items. AddMessageHandler(this, EVENTMETHOD(AppWindow, ProcError), WM_COMMAND, MiFatal, MiWarning); AddMessageHandler(this, EVENTMETHOD(AppWindow, ProcRecordTell), WM_COMMAND, MiRecord, MiTell); AddMessageHandler(this, EVENTMETHOD(AppWindow, ProcHelp), WM_COMMAND, MiHelp, MiHelpIndex); AddMessageHandler(this, EVENTMETHOD(AppWindow, ProcAbout), WM_COMMAND, ScAbout); // connect to HelpManager object SetFrameID(AppFrame); AssociateHelp(); help = ThisThread->HelpInstance(); // set the address of the frame window in the app's dictionary so that // the error dialog can use it as its parent window. ThisApp->PutObject("AppFrame", this); Show(); // Make the frame visible ToTop(); }
logical pc_SDB_Reference :: StoreAll (DBStructDef *strdefptr ) { DBFieldDef *dbflddef = NULL; int32 indx0 = strdefptr->get_base_info().get_count() + strdefptr->get_attr_info().get_count(); int32 count = indx0 + strdefptr->get_refr_info().get_count(); logical term = NO; BEGINSEQ DeleteSet(); SDBCERR while ( indx0 < count ) if ( dbflddef = strdefptr->GetEntry(++indx0) ) { ToTop(); Add(); SDBCERR if ( Store(dbflddef) ) term = YES; }
AppWindow :: AppWindow() { CreateWindow(FaTitleBar | FaTaskList | FaSysMenu | FaSizeBorder | FaMinMax); SetCaption("FormWindow Demo"); // Set captions SetSwitchTitle("FormWindow Demo Program"); SetIcon(icon = new wIcon(ResIcon, I_FORMDEMO)); // Set the app's icon // This section create a menu bar and then adds items to the // sub menu itself. It is also possible to construct the menu // from the resource file if desired menubar = new wMenu(this, 100, "~Form\\~Help\\"); menubar->SetSubMenuItems(SM_HELP, MI_HELP, "~Help for help...;~General help...;~Keys help...;Help ~index;"); // connect to HelpManager object AssociateHelp(); help = ThisThread->HelpInstance(); np = new FormNoteBook(this, IdNotebook, wPointl(2, 0, DlgUnits), wDimension(296, 150, DlgUnits), WsVisible | BkSpiralBinding); np->SetMajorTabDimension(wDimension(42, 12, DlgUnits)); np->SetMinorTabDimension(wDimension(40, 12, DlgUnits)); wNoteBookPageList *pages = np->Pages(); data = new FormData; forms[0] = new StringForm(pages, data); forms[1] = new CharForm(pages, data); forms[2] = new MLEStringForm(pages, data); forms[3] = new DateForm(pages, data); forms[4] = new TimeForm(pages, data); forms[5] = new ShortForm(pages, data); forms[6] = new LongForm(pages, data); forms[7] = new FloatForm(pages, data); forms[8] = new MoneyForm(pages, data); forms[9] = new ButtonForm(pages, data); forms[10] = new ListForm(pages, data); ChangeFrameSize( CalcFrameSize(wDimension(310, 160, DlgUnits)) ); ChangePosition(PosCenter); np->GotoPage((*pages)[1]); Show(); ToTop(); }
long SearchDlg :: InitDlg(wInitDlgMsg) { srch = new wEntry(this, SEARCH); repl = new wEntry(this, REPLACE); cs = new wCheckBox(this, CASE); srch->SetText(*search); repl->SetText(*replace); // SELECT ALL CURRENT FIND TEXT if (!search->IsBlank()) srch->SetSelection(wRange(0, search->Length())); cs->SetCheck(*sens); // SET CHECKBOX TO PREVIOUS STATE ChangePosition(PosCenter, OwnerWindow()); // CENTER DIALOG WINDOW IN PARENT ToTop(); srch->SetFocus(); // SET FOCUS TO THE ENTRY FIELD return TRUE; }
Editor :: Editor() : wMdiDesktop(W_MENU, W_TILE, W_CASCADE, W_FIRST) { static Accel a[] = { {AsAlt | AsVirtualKey, VkBackspace, E_UNDO}, {AsShift, VkDelete, E_CUT}, {AsControl, VkInsert, E_COPY}, {AsShift, VkInsert, E_PASTE}, {AsChar | AsControl, 'f', E_FIND}, {AsVirtualKey, VkF3, F_QUIT}, {AsChar | AsControl, 'o', F_OPEN}, {AsChar | AsControl, 's', F_SAVE}, {AsChar | AsControl, 'n', F_NEW}, {AsChar | AsControl, 'a', E_SELECTALL} }; // COLORS STRING FOR MENU char *MENUCOLOR="~White;~Black;B~lue;~Red;~Pink;~Green;~Cyan;~Yellow;\ ~Dark Gray;Dark Bl~ue;Dark R~ed;Dark P~ink;Dark Gree~n;Dark Cya~n;Br~own;P~ale Gray"; char *OPTIONS="~Undo\tAlt+Backspace;-;Cu~t\tShift+Delete;~Copy\tCtrl+Insert;\ ~Paste\tShift+Insert;-;Cl~ear;-;~Find...\tCtrl+F;Select ~all\tCtrl+A;"; CreateWindow(OpmStdFrame); SetCaption("MDI Editor"); SetSwitchTitle("MDI Editor"); menu = new wMenu(this, F_MENU, "~File\\~Edit\\~Options\\~Window\\"); menu->SetSubMenuItems(F_MENU, F_NEW, "~New\tCtrl+N;~Open...\tCtrl+O;-;~Save\tCtrl+S;Save ~As...;~Close;-;~Quit\tF3;"); menu->SetSubMenuItems(E_MENU, E_UNDO, OPTIONS); menu->AppendSubMenu( O_MENU, O_FOREG, "~Foreground"); menu->AppendSubMenu( O_MENU, O_BACKG, "~Background"); menu->SetSubMenuItems(O_MENU, O_FONT, "F~ont"); menu->SetSubMenuItems(O_MENU, O_TABSTOPS, "~Tabstops"); menu->SetSubMenuItems(O_MENU, O_WWRAP, "~Word Wrap"); menu->SetSubMenuItems(O_FOREG, O_FGCOLOR, MENUCOLOR); menu->SetSubMenuItems(O_BACKG, O_BGCOLOR, MENUCOLOR); menu->SetSubMenuItems(W_MENU, W_TILE, "~Tile;~Cascade;-;"); SetIcon(icon = new wIcon(ResIcon, I_DOC)); accel = new wAccelTable(this); accel->Set(a, 10); cs = 0; fgc = wColor(ClrBlack); bgc = wColor(ClrWhite); tab = 64; wwrap = FALSE; wPresSpace ps(this); font = new wFont((wStdFont)0, NormalFont, &ps); int lp; for (lp=0 ; lp < 16 && carr[lp] != (long)fgc; lp++) ; menu->CheckItem(O_FGCOLOR + lp); for (lp=0 ; lp < 16 && carr[lp] != (long)bgc; lp++) ; menu->CheckItem(O_BGCOLOR + lp); Show(); ToTop(); }