Ejemplo n.º 1
XLIFFFile::ToString() const
    XMLNode* xml = ToXMLNode();
    string s = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>\n";
    s += xml->ToString(XLIFF_NAMESPACES);
    delete xml;
    s += '\n';
    return s;
Ejemplo n.º 2
/**\brief Save an XML file for this player
 * \details The filename is by default the player's name.
void Player::Save( string simulation ) {
	xmlDocPtr xmlPtr;
	LogMsg( INFO, "Creation of %s", GetFileName().c_str() );

	// Create new XML Document
	xmlPtr = xmlNewDoc( BAD_CAST "1.0" );
	xmlNodePtr root_node = ToXMLNode("player");
	xmlDocSetRootElement(xmlPtr, root_node);

	xmlSaveFormatFileEnc( GetFileName().c_str(), xmlPtr, "ISO-8859-1", 1);

	// Update and Save this player's info in the master players list.
	Players::Instance()->GetPlayerInfo( GetName() )->Update( this, simulation );
Ejemplo n.º 3
/**\brief Save an XML file for this player
 * \details The filename is by default the player's name.
void Player::Save( string scenario ) {
	xmlDocPtr xmlPtr;
	LogMsg( INFO, "Creation of %s", GetFileName().c_str() );

	// Create new XML Document
	xmlPtr = xmlNewDoc( BAD_CAST "1.0" );
	xmlNodePtr root_node = ToXMLNode("player");
	xmlDocSetRootElement(xmlPtr, root_node);

	xmlSaveFormatFileEnc( (std::string(PHYSFS_getWriteDir()) + std::string(PHYSFS_getDirSeparator()) + GetFileName()).c_str(), xmlPtr, "ISO-8859-1", 1);

	// Update and Save this player's info in the master players list.
	PlayerList::Instance()->GetPlayerInfo( GetName() )->Update( this, scenario );