Ejemplo n.º 1

START_TEST (test_Token_free)
  Token_t *t = Token_create();

  t->type       = TT_NAME;
  t->value.name = safe_strdup("foo");

Ejemplo n.º 2
 * Returns all tokens delimeted by the given beginning and ending delimeters
static void get_delimited_tokens(const Parser *parser,
                                 const Symbol beg,
                                 const Symbol end,
                                 List **out)
    if (parser == NULL || out == NULL) {

    Token *token;
    token = NULL;

    unsigned int i, open_count, close_count, group_index;
    i = 0;
    open_count = 0;
    close_count = 0;
    group_index = 0;

    while ((token = List_get_data(parser->token_list, i)) != NULL) {
        if (strcmp(token->value, beg.value) == 0) {
            unsigned int j;
            j = i;
            Token *temp;
            temp = NULL;
            while ((temp = List_get_data(parser->token_list, j)) != NULL) {
                Token *match;
                match = Token_create(temp->value,
                                     temp->begin, temp->end,

                List_push_back(out[group_index], match);

                if (strcmp(temp->value, beg.value) == 0) {
                if (strcmp(temp->value, end.value) == 0) {

                if (open_count == close_count) {


Ejemplo n.º 3
 * @return the next token in the formula string.  If no more tokens are
 * available, the token type will be TT_END.
Token_t *
FormulaTokenizer_nextToken (FormulaTokenizer_t *ft)
  char     c = ft->formula[ ft->pos ];
  Token_t *t = Token_create();

   * Skip whitespace
  while (isspace(c))
    c = ft->formula[ ++ft->pos ];

  if (c == '\0')
    t->type     = TT_END;
    t->value.ch = c;
  else if (c == '+' || c == '-' || c == '*' || c == '/' ||
           c == '^' || c == '(' || c == ')' || c == ',' )
    t->type     = (TokenType_t) c;
    t->value.ch = c;
  else if (isalpha(c) || c == '_')
    FormulaTokenizer_getName(ft, t);
  else if (c == '.' || isdigit(c))
    FormulaTokenizer_getNumber(ft, t);
    t->type     = TT_UNKNOWN;
    t->value.ch = c;

  if (t->type == TT_NAME)

  return t;
Ejemplo n.º 4
void __CUT__Token_create( void )
    CORD data = CORD_from_char_star("100");
    Token *tk = Token_create(TK_INT, data, NULL);

    ASSERT(tk->id == TK_INT, "wrong id.");
    ASSERT(tk->value == 100, "wrong value.");

    tk = Token_create(TK_CHR, CORD_from_char_star("'A'"), NULL);
    ASSERT(tk->id == TK_CHR, "wrong id.");
    ASSERT(tk->value == 'A', "wrong value.");

    tk = Token_create(TK_FLOAT, CORD_from_char_star("1.1"), NULL);
    ASSERT(tk->id == TK_FLOAT, "wrong id.");
    ASSERT(tk->value <= 2.0f && tk->value >= 0.0f, "wrong value");

    tk = Token_create(TK_HEX, CORD_from_char_star("0xAE"), NULL);
    ASSERT(tk->id == TK_HEX, "wrong id.");
    ASSERT(tk->value == 0xAE, "wrong value");

    tk = Token_create(TK_REG, CORD_from_char_star("R0"), NULL);
    ASSERT(tk->id = TK_REG, "wrong id.");
    ASSERT(tk->value == 0, "wrong value.");
Ejemplo n.º 5

START_TEST (test_Token_create)
  Token_t *t = Token_create();

  fail_unless( t->type          == TT_UNKNOWN );
  fail_unless( t->value.ch      == '\0'       );
  fail_unless( t->value.name    == NULL       );
  fail_unless( t->value.integer == 0          );
  fail_unless( t->value.real    == 0.0        );
  fail_unless( t->exponent      == 0          );

Ejemplo n.º 6
int cli_params_parse_args(bstring args, Command *cmd)
	struct params params;
    cmd->error = 0;
    cmd->token_count = 0;


    cli_params_execute(&params, args);

    int rc = cli_params_finish(&params);
    check(rc == 1, "error processing arguments: %d", rc);

    if(params.token_count < 2) {
        params.tokens[params.token_count++] =  Token_create(
                TKIDENT, bdata(&DEFAULT_COMMAND), blength(&DEFAULT_COMMAND));

    return Command_parse(&params, cmd);

    cmd->error = 1;
    return -1;

 * The following are private and used only within FormulaParser.c; however,
 * I don't know how else to make them "public" only for testing than to put
 * them here
#define START_STATE   0
#define ACCEPT_STATE  0
#define ERROR_STATE  27
#define NUM_STATES   27

 * The Action[] table contains 144 entries.  To test them all would be
 * laborious and silly.  Instead, for a few token type, test the first,
 * last and middle entry in each token "run".  Also, test some error
 * states.
START_TEST (test_FormulaParser_getAction)
  int i;
  Token_t *t = Token_create();

  t->type = TT_NAME;
  fail_unless( FormulaParser_getAction( 0, t) == 6, NULL );
  fail_unless( FormulaParser_getAction(10, t) == 6, NULL );
  fail_unless( FormulaParser_getAction(25, t) == 6, NULL );
  fail_unless( FormulaParser_getAction( 1, t) == ERROR_STATE, NULL );

  t->type = TT_INTEGER;
  fail_unless( FormulaParser_getAction( 0, t) == 1, NULL );
  fail_unless( FormulaParser_getAction(10, t) == 1, NULL );
  fail_unless( FormulaParser_getAction(25, t) == 1, NULL );
  fail_unless( FormulaParser_getAction( 1, t) == ERROR_STATE, NULL );

  t->type = TT_PLUS;
  fail_unless( FormulaParser_getAction( 1, t) ==  -9, NULL );
  fail_unless( FormulaParser_getAction(16, t) ==  -2, NULL );
  fail_unless( FormulaParser_getAction(24, t) == -11, NULL );
  fail_unless( FormulaParser_getAction( 2, t) == ERROR_STATE, NULL );

  t->type = TT_MINUS;
  fail_unless( FormulaParser_getAction( 0, t) ==  5, NULL );
  fail_unless( FormulaParser_getAction(16, t) == -2, NULL );
  fail_unless( FormulaParser_getAction(25, t) ==  5, NULL );
  fail_unless( FormulaParser_getAction( 2, t) == ERROR_STATE, NULL );

  t->type = TT_END;
  fail_unless( FormulaParser_getAction( 1, t) ==  -9, NULL );
  fail_unless( FormulaParser_getAction(17, t) ==  -5, NULL );
  fail_unless( FormulaParser_getAction(24, t) == -11, NULL );
  fail_unless( FormulaParser_getAction( 3, t) == ERROR_STATE, NULL );

   * TT_UNKNOWN should always yield an error state.
  t->type = TT_UNKNOWN;
  for (i = 0; i < NUM_STATES; i++)
    fail_unless( FormulaParser_getAction(i, t) == ERROR_STATE, NULL );

Ejemplo n.º 8
 * Match high level parser-tokens using lexer-tokens
static void init_tokens(Parser *parser,
                        const Token *tokens,
                        const size_t token_count)
    if (parser == NULL || tokens == NULL) {

    char escape_chars[parser->symbol_count][3];
        unsigned int i;
        for (i = 0; i < parser->symbol_count; ++i) {
            if (i == 0) {
                escape_chars[i][0] = '\0';
            else {
                escape_chars[i][0] = parser->symbols[SYMBOL_ESCAPE].value[0];
                escape_chars[i][1] = parser->symbols[i].value[0];
                escape_chars[i][2] = '\0';

    unsigned int indices[token_count];
        unsigned int i;
        for (i = 0; i < token_count; ++i) {
            indices[i] = 0;

    char symbol_buffer[token_count + 1];
    char literal_buffer[token_count + 1];
    char symbol_match[1024];
    char literal_match[1024];
    symbol_buffer[0] = '\0';
    literal_buffer[0] = '\0';
    symbol_match[0] = '\0';
    literal_match[0] = '\0';

    unsigned int symbol_match_begin, symbol_match_end;
    unsigned int literal_match_begin, literal_match_end;
    TOKEN_TYPE symbol_match_type, literal_match_type;
    symbol_match_begin = 0;
    symbol_match_end = 0;
    literal_match_begin = 0;
    literal_match_end = 0;
    symbol_match_type = TOKEN_UNKNOWN;
    literal_match_type = TOKEN_UNKNOWN;

    unsigned int i;
    for (i = 0; i < token_count; ++i) {
        unsigned int j, increment;
        increment = 0;
        for (j = i; j < token_count; ++j) {
            strcat(symbol_buffer, tokens[j].value);

            unsigned int k;

            if (strlen(symbol_buffer) == 2
                && symbol_buffer[0] == parser->symbols[SYMBOL_ESCAPE].value[0]
            ) {
                unsigned int match;
                match = 0;

                for (k = 1; k < parser->symbol_count; ++k) {
                    if (strcmp(symbol_buffer, escape_chars[k]) == 0) {
                        sprintf(symbol_match, "%s", symbol_buffer);
                        symbol_match_begin = i;
                        symbol_match_end = i + 1;

                        symbol_match_type = TOKEN_ESCAPE_CHAR;

                        indices[i] = 2;
                        if (i < token_count - 1) {
                            indices[i + 1] = 2;
                            increment = 1;

                        match = 1;

                if (match) {

            for (k = 1; k < parser->symbol_count; ++k) {
                if (strcmp(symbol_buffer, parser->symbols[k].value) == 0) {
                    sprintf(symbol_match, "%s", symbol_buffer);
                    symbol_match_begin = i;
                    symbol_match_end = i;

                    symbol_match_type = TOKEN_SYMBOL;

                    indices[i] = 1;

        symbol_buffer[0] = '\0';

        if (indices[i] != 1 && indices[i] != 2) {
            strcat(literal_buffer, tokens[i].value);
        else {
            if (strlen(literal_buffer) == 1) {
                sprintf(literal_match, "%s", literal_buffer);
                literal_match_begin = i - (unsigned int) strlen(literal_buffer);
                literal_match_end = literal_match_begin;
                literal_match_type = TOKEN_LITERAL;
            else if (strlen(literal_buffer) > 1) {
                sprintf(literal_match, "%s", literal_buffer);
                literal_match_begin = i - (unsigned int) strlen(literal_buffer);
                literal_match_end = i - 1;
                literal_match_type = TOKEN_LITERAL;

            literal_buffer[0] = '\0';

            if (literal_match[0] != '\0') {
                Token *token;
                token = Token_create(literal_match,
                                     literal_match_begin, literal_match_end,

                List_push_back(parser->token_list, token);

            if (symbol_match[0] != '\0') {
                Token *token;
                token = Token_create(symbol_match,
                                     symbol_match_begin, symbol_match_end,

                List_push_back(parser->token_list, token);

        symbol_match[0] = '\0';
        literal_match[0] = '\0';

        i += increment;
Ejemplo n.º 9
Token *lex_get_next_lexeme(ParseState *state) {
  String *word = String_create("");

  int starting_index = 0; // used to track progress against comments
  int column = 0;
  int line =   0;
  char c =     lex_state_current_char(state);
  Boolean should_continue = true;

  while ( lex_state_in_progress(state) && should_continue ) {
    // strings, comments, regex, etc ...
    if ( string_empty(word) && lex_state_opens_at_current(state) ) {
      starting_index = lex_state_current(state);
      lex_state_lexical_bookend(state) = lex_state_closer(state);

    if ( lex_state_current_is_significant(state) ) {
      starting_index = starting_index ? starting_index : (lex_state_current(state));
      column = column ? column : (lex_state_column(state));
      line =   line   ? line   : (lex_state_line(state));
      string_push(word, c);

    // update lex state for new line
    if ( char_is_line_end(c) ) {

    // check for termination of strings and other bookends that may contain spaces
    if ( lex_state_is_open(state) && starting_index < lex_state_current(state) ) {
      // regexes are special, because there can be characters after the ending '/'
      // so we have to switch the state

      if ( lex_state_will_close(state) ) {
        should_continue = false;
    } else if ( lex_state_current_is_significant(state) && (
        char_is_line_end(c) || char_is_statement_end(c) ||         // line ends usually significant of a statement end
        lex_state_end_of_word(state) ||                        // end of normal word sequence
        word_is_method_selector(word, c)  ||                       // '.'
        char_is_syntax(c) ||                                       // '(' ')' ','
        char_is_colon(lex_state_next_char(state)) ||           // : appearing after first char breaks the word
        lex_state_will_end_word_by_dot(state, word))       ) { // next char is a dot, and word is not a number
      should_continue = false;

    // move to next character
    c = lex_state_current_char(state);

  if ( string_empty(word) ) {
    return NULL;

  Token *lexeme = Token_create(word, line, column);

  return lexeme;
  return NULL;