Ejemplo n.º 1
void LabelDialog::OnChangeTrack(wxGridEvent &event, int row, RowData *rd)
   wxString val = mGrid->GetCellValue(row, Col_Track);

   // User selected the "New..." choice so ask for a new name
   if (mTrackNames.Index(val) == 0) {
      wxTextEntryDialog d(this,
                          _("New Label Track"),
                          _("Enter track name"),
                          _("Label Track"));

      // User canceled so repopulating the grid will set the track
      // name to the orignal value
      if (d.ShowModal() == wxID_CANCEL) {

      // Force generation of a new track name
      rd->index = 0;
      TrackName(rd->index, d.GetValue());
   else {
      // Remember the tracks index
      rd->index = mTrackNames.Index(val);

   // Repopulate the grid

Ejemplo n.º 2
void LabelDialog::AddLabels(LabelTrack *t)
   wxString lab;
   int tndx = 0;
   int i;

   // Add a new track name
   TrackName(tndx, t->GetName());

   // Add each label in the track
   for (i = 0; i < t->GetNumLabels(); i++) {
      const LabelStruct *ls = t->GetLabel(i);
      RowData *rd = new RowData();

      rd->index = tndx;
      rd->stime = ls->t;
      rd->etime = ls->t1;
      rd->title = ls->title;


      if (i == t->getSelectedIndex()) {
         mInitialRow = mData.GetCount() - 1;
Ejemplo n.º 3
bool LabelDialog::TransferDataToWindow()
   int cnt = mData.size();
   int i;

   // Set the editor parameters.  Do this each time since they may change
   // due to NEW tracks and change in NumericTextCtrl format.  Rate won't
   // change but might as well leave it here.

   // Disable redrawing until we're done

   // Delete all rows
   if (mGrid->GetNumberRows()) {
      mGrid->DeleteRows(0, mGrid->GetNumberRows());

   // Add the exact number that we'll need
   mGrid->InsertRows(0, cnt);

   // Populate the rows
   for (i = 0; i < cnt; i++) {
      RowData &rd = mData[i];

      // Set the cell contents
      mGrid->SetCellValue(i, Col_Track, TrackName(rd.index));
      mGrid->SetCellValue(i, Col_Label, rd.title);
      mGrid->SetCellValue(i, Col_Stime,
         wxString::Format(wxT("%g"), rd.selectedRegion.t0()));
      mGrid->SetCellValue(i, Col_Etime,
         wxString::Format(wxT("%g"), rd.selectedRegion.t1()));

      // PRL: to do: -- populate future additional selection fields
      // and write event code to update them from controls

   // Autosize all the rows

   // Resize the track name column.  Use a wxChoice to determine the maximum
   // width needed.
   wxChoice tc(this, wxID_ANY, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, mTrackNames);
   mGrid->SetColSize(Col_Track, tc.GetSize().x);
   mGrid->SetColMinimalWidth(Col_Track, tc.GetSize().x);

   // Autosize the time columns and set their minimal widths

   // We're done, so allow the grid to redraw

   return true;
Ejemplo n.º 4

string MP3MediaSubSession::SDPLines()
    string sdp;
    sdp += "m=" + mediaType_ + RTSP::SP
        + Utility::ToString(portNum_) + RTSP::SP
        + "RTP/AVP " + Utility::ToString(payloadType_) + RTSP::CRLF;
    sdp += "c=IN IP4 " + destinationAddr_ + "/255\r\n";
    sdp += "a=control:" + TrackName() + RTSP::CRLF;
Ejemplo n.º 5
string H264MediaSubSession::SDPLines()
    string sdp;
    string pt = Utility::ToString(payloadType_);
    sdp += "m=" + mediaType_ + RTSP::SP
           + Utility::ToString(portNum_) + RTSP::SP
           + "RTP/AVP " + pt + RTSP::CRLF;
    sdp += "c=IN IP4 " + destinationAddr_ + "/255\r\n";
    sdp += "a=rtpmap:" + pt + " H264/90000\r\n";
    sdp += "a=fmtp:" + pt + " packetization-mode=1"
           + mediaSource_->GetConfig() + RTSP::CRLF;
    sdp += "a=control:" + TrackName() + RTSP::CRLF;
    return sdp;
Ejemplo n.º 6
void LabelDialog::AddLabels(LabelTrack *t)
   wxString lab;
   int tndx = 0;
   int i;

   // Add a NEW track name
   TrackName(tndx, t->GetName());

   // Add each label in the track
   for (i = 0; i < t->GetNumLabels(); i++) {
      const LabelStruct *ls = t->GetLabel(i);

      mData.push_back(RowData(tndx, ls->title, ls->selectedRegion));
Ejemplo n.º 7
void LabelDialog::AddLabels(LabelTrack *t)
   wxString lab;
   int tndx = 0;
   int i;

   // Add a NEW track name
   TrackName(tndx, t->GetName());

   // If editor was invoked for one label, add that one only, else add all.
   if (!mSelectedTrack || mSelectedTrack == t) {
      for (i = 0; i < t->GetNumLabels(); i++) {
         const LabelStruct *ls = t->GetLabel(i);

         if (mIndex < 0 || mIndex == i)
            mData.push_back(RowData(tndx, ls->title, ls->selectedRegion));