Ejemplo n.º 1
    TriangleMesh mesh = this->model->mesh();
    // align to origin taking raft into account
    this->bb = mesh.bounding_box();
    if (this->config.raft_layers > 0) {
        this->bb.min.x -= this->config.raft_offset.value;
        this->bb.min.y -= this->config.raft_offset.value;
        this->bb.max.x += this->config.raft_offset.value;
        this->bb.max.y += this->config.raft_offset.value;
    mesh.translate(0, 0, -bb.min.z);
    this->bb.translate(0, 0, -bb.min.z);
    // if we are generating a raft, first_layer_height will not affect mesh slicing
    const float lh       = this->config.layer_height.value;
    const float first_lh = this->config.first_layer_height.value;
    // generate the list of Z coordinates for mesh slicing
    // (we slice each layer at half of its thickness)
        const float first_slice_lh = (this->config.raft_layers > 0) ? lh : first_lh;
        this->layers.push_back(Layer(first_slice_lh/2, first_slice_lh));
    while (this->layers.back().print_z + lh/2 <= mesh.stl.stats.max.z) {
        this->layers.push_back(Layer(this->layers.back().print_z + lh/2, this->layers.back().print_z + lh));
    // perform slicing and generate layers
        std::vector<float> slice_z;
        for (size_t i = 0; i < this->layers.size(); ++i)
        std::vector<ExPolygons> slices;
        TriangleMeshSlicer(&mesh).slice(slice_z, &slices);
        for (size_t i = 0; i < slices.size(); ++i)
            this->layers[i].slices.expolygons = slices[i];
    // generate infill
    if (this->config.fill_density < 100) {
        std::auto_ptr<Fill> fill(Fill::new_from_type(this->config.fill_pattern.value));
        fill->bounding_box.merge(Point::new_scale(bb.min.x, bb.min.y));
        fill->bounding_box.merge(Point::new_scale(bb.max.x, bb.max.y));
        fill->spacing       = this->config.get_abs_value("infill_extrusion_width", this->config.layer_height.value);
        fill->angle         = Geometry::deg2rad(this->config.fill_angle.value);
        fill->density       = this->config.fill_density.value/100;
            boost::bind(&SLAPrint::_infill_layer, this, _1, fill.get()),
    // generate support material
    ExPolygons overhangs;
    if (this->config.support_material) {
        // flatten and merge all the overhangs
            Polygons pp;
            for (std::vector<Layer>::const_iterator it = this->layers.begin()+1; it != this->layers.end(); ++it)
                pp += diff(it->slices, (it - 1)->slices);
            overhangs = union_ex(pp);
        // generate points following the shape of each island
        Points pillars_pos;
        const coordf_t spacing = scale_(this->config.support_material_spacing);
        const coordf_t radius  = scale_(this->sm_pillars_radius());
        for (ExPolygons::const_iterator it = overhangs.begin(); it != overhangs.end(); ++it) {
            // leave a radius/2 gap between pillars and contour to prevent lateral adhesion
            for (float inset = radius * 1.5;; inset += spacing) {
                // inset according to the configured spacing
                Polygons curr = offset(*it, -inset);
                if (curr.empty()) break;
                // generate points along the contours
                for (Polygons::const_iterator pg = curr.begin(); pg != curr.end(); ++pg) {
                    Points pp = pg->equally_spaced_points(spacing);
                    for (Points::const_iterator p = pp.begin(); p != pp.end(); ++p)
        // for each pillar, check which layers it applies to
        for (Points::const_iterator p = pillars_pos.begin(); p != pillars_pos.end(); ++p) {
            SupportPillar pillar(*p);
            bool object_hit = false;
            // check layers top-down
            for (int i = this->layers.size()-1; i >= 0; --i) {
                // check whether point is void in this layer
                if (!this->layers[i].slices.contains(*p)) {
                    // no slice contains the point, so it's in the void
                    if (pillar.top_layer > 0) {
                        // we have a pillar, so extend it
                        pillar.bottom_layer = i + this->config.raft_layers;
                    } else if (object_hit) {
                        // we don't have a pillar and we're below the object, so create one
                        pillar.top_layer = i + this->config.raft_layers;
                } else {
                    if (pillar.top_layer > 0) {
                        // we have a pillar which is not needed anymore, so store it and initialize a new potential pillar
                        pillar = SupportPillar(*p);
                    object_hit = true;
            if (pillar.top_layer > 0) this->sm_pillars.push_back(pillar);
    // generate a solid raft if requested
    // (do this after support material because we take support material shape into account)
    if (this->config.raft_layers > 0) {
        ExPolygons raft = this->layers.front().slices + overhangs;  // take support material into account
        raft = offset_ex(raft, scale_(this->config.raft_offset));
        for (int i = this->config.raft_layers; i >= 1; --i) {
            this->layers.insert(this->layers.begin(), Layer(0, first_lh + lh * (i-1)));
            this->layers.front().slices = raft;
        // prepend total raft height to all sliced layers
        for (size_t i = this->config.raft_layers; i < this->layers.size(); ++i)
            this->layers[i].print_z += first_lh + lh * (this->config.raft_layers-1);
Ejemplo n.º 2
SVGExport::writeSVG(const std::string &outputfile)
    // align to origin taking raft into account
    BoundingBoxf3 bb = this->mesh.bounding_box();
    if (this->config.raft_layers > 0) {
        bb.min.x -= this->config.raft_offset.value;
        bb.min.y -= this->config.raft_offset.value;
        bb.max.x += this->config.raft_offset.value;
        bb.max.y += this->config.raft_offset.value;
    this->mesh.translate(-bb.min.x, -bb.min.y, -bb.min.z);  // align to origin
    bb.translate(-bb.min.x, -bb.min.y, -bb.min.z);          // align to origin
    const Sizef3 size = bb.size();
    // if we are generating a raft, first_layer_height will not affect mesh slicing
    const float lh = this->config.layer_height.value;
    const float first_lh = this->config.first_layer_height.value;
    // generate the list of Z coordinates for mesh slicing
    // (we slice each layer at half of its thickness)
    std::vector<float> slice_z, layer_z;
        const float first_slice_lh = (this->config.raft_layers > 0) ? lh : first_lh;
    while (layer_z.back() + lh/2 <= this->mesh.stl.stats.max.z) {
        slice_z.push_back(layer_z.back() + lh/2);
        layer_z.push_back(layer_z.back() + lh);
    // perform the slicing
    std::vector<ExPolygons> layers;
    TriangleMeshSlicer(&this->mesh).slice(slice_z, &layers);
    // generate a solid raft if requested
    if (this->config.raft_layers > 0) {
        ExPolygons raft = offset_ex(layers.front(), scale_(this->config.raft_offset));
        for (int i = this->config.raft_layers; i >= 1; --i) {
            layer_z.insert(layer_z.begin(), first_lh + lh * (i-1));
            layers.insert(layers.begin(), raft);
        // prepend total raft height to all sliced layers
        for (int i = this->config.raft_layers; i < layer_z.size(); ++i)
            layer_z[i] += first_lh + lh * (this->config.raft_layers-1);
    // generate support material
    std::vector<Points> support_material(layers.size());
    if (this->config.support_material) {
        // generate a grid of points according to the configured spacing,
        // covering the entire object bounding box
        Points support_material_points;
        for (coordf_t x = bb.min.x; x <= bb.max.x; x += this->config.support_material_spacing) {
            for (coordf_t y = bb.min.y; y <= bb.max.y; y += this->config.support_material_spacing) {
                support_material_points.push_back(Point(scale_(x), scale_(y)));
        // check overhangs, starting from the upper layer, and detect which points apply 
        // to each layer
        ExPolygons overhangs;
        for (int i = layer_z.size()-1; i >= 0; --i) {
            overhangs = diff_ex(union_(overhangs, layers[i+1]), layers[i]);
            for (Points::const_iterator it = support_material_points.begin(); it != support_material_points.end(); ++it) {
                for (ExPolygons::const_iterator e = overhangs.begin(); e != overhangs.end(); ++e) {
                    if (e->contains(*it)) {
    double support_material_radius = this->config.support_material_extrusion_width.get_abs_value(this->config.layer_height)/2;
    FILE* f = fopen(outputfile.c_str(), "w");
        "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"yes\"?>\n"
        "<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.0//EN\" \"http://www.w3.org/TR/2001/REC-SVG-20010904/DTD/svg10.dtd\">\n"
        "<svg width=\"%f\" height=\"%f\" xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/2000/svg\" xmlns:svg=\"http://www.w3.org/2000/svg\" xmlns:xlink=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink\" xmlns:slic3r=\"http://slic3r.org/namespaces/slic3r\" viewport-fill=\"black\">\n"
        "<!-- Generated using Slic3r %s http://slic3r.org/ -->\n"
        , size.x, size.y, SLIC3R_VERSION);
    for (size_t i = 0; i < layer_z.size(); ++i) {
        fprintf(f, "\t<g id=\"layer%zu\" slic3r:z=\"%0.4f\">\n", i, layer_z[i]);
        for (ExPolygons::const_iterator it = layers[i].begin(); it != layers[i].end(); ++it) {
            std::string pd;
            Polygons pp = *it;
            for (Polygons::const_iterator mp = pp.begin(); mp != pp.end(); ++mp) {
                std::ostringstream d;
                d << "M ";
                for (Points::const_iterator p = mp->points.begin(); p != mp->points.end(); ++p) {
                    d << unscale(p->x) << " ";
                    d << unscale(p->y) << " ";
                d << "z";
                pd += d.str() + " ";
            fprintf(f,"\t\t<path d=\"%s\" style=\"fill: %s; stroke: %s; stroke-width: %s; fill-type: evenodd\" slic3r:area=\"%0.4f\" />\n",
                pd.c_str(), "white", "black", "0", unscale(unscale(it->area()))
        for (Points::const_iterator it = support_material[i].begin(); it != support_material[i].end(); ++it) {
            fprintf(f,"\t\t<circle cx=\"%f\" cy=\"%f\" r=\"%f\" stroke-width=\"0\" fill=\"white\" slic3r:type=\"support\" />\n",
                unscale(it->x), unscale(it->y), support_material_radius