Ejemplo n.º 1
static void caerVisualizerEventHandlerNeuronMonitor(caerVisualizerPublicState state, const sf::Event &event) {
	// This only works with actual hardware.
	const std::string moduleLibrary = sshsNodeGetStdString(state->eventSourceConfigNode, "moduleLibrary");
	if (moduleLibrary != "caer_dynapse") {

	// On release of left click.
	if (event.type == sf::Event::MouseButtonReleased && event.mouseButton.button == sf::Mouse::Button::Left) {
		float positionX = (float) event.mouseButton.x;
		float positionY = (float) event.mouseButton.y;

		// Adjust coordinates according to zoom factor.
		float currentZoomFactor = state->renderZoomFactor.load();
		if (currentZoomFactor > 1.0f) {
			positionX = floorf(positionX / currentZoomFactor);
			positionY = floorf(positionY / currentZoomFactor);
		else if (currentZoomFactor < 1.0f) {
			positionX = floorf(positionX * currentZoomFactor);
			positionY = floorf(positionY * currentZoomFactor);

		// Transform into chip ID, core ID and neuron ID.
		const struct caer_spike_event val = caerDynapseSpikeEventFromXY(U16T(positionX), U16T(positionY));

		uint8_t chipId    = caerSpikeEventGetChipID(&val);
		uint8_t coreId    = caerSpikeEventGetSourceCoreID(&val);
		uint32_t neuronId = caerSpikeEventGetNeuronID(&val);

		// Set value via SSHS.
		sshsNode neuronMonitorNode = sshsGetRelativeNode(state->eventSourceConfigNode, "NeuronMonitor/");

		char monitorKey[] = "Ux_Cy";
		monitorKey[1]     = (char) (48 + chipId);
		monitorKey[4]     = (char) (48 + coreId);

		sshsNodePutInt(neuronMonitorNode, monitorKey, I32T(neuronId));

		caerLog(CAER_LOG_NOTICE, "Visualizer", "Monitoring neuron - chip ID: %d, core ID: %d, neuron ID: %d.", chipId,
			coreId, neuronId);
Ejemplo n.º 2
 * Copy event packets to the ring buffer for transfer to the output handler thread.
 * @param state output module state.
 * @param packetsListSize the length of the variable-length argument list of event packets.
 * @param packetsList a variable-length argument list of event packets.
static void copyPacketsToTransferRing(outputCommonState state, size_t packetsListSize, va_list packetsList) {
	caerEventPacketHeader packets[packetsListSize];
	size_t packetsSize = 0;

	// Count how many packets are really there, skipping empty event packets.
	for (size_t i = 0; i < packetsListSize; i++) {
		caerEventPacketHeader packetHeader = va_arg(packetsList, caerEventPacketHeader);

		// Found non-empty event packet.
		if (packetHeader != NULL) {
			// Get source information from the event packet.
			int16_t eventSource = caerEventPacketHeaderGetEventSource(packetHeader);

			// Check that source is unique.
			int16_t sourceID = I16T(atomic_load_explicit(&state->sourceID, memory_order_relaxed));

			if (sourceID == -1) {
				state->sourceInfoNode = caerMainloopGetSourceInfo(U16T(eventSource));
				if (state->sourceInfoNode == NULL) {
					// This should never happen, but we handle it gracefully.
					caerLog(CAER_LOG_ERROR, state->parentModule->moduleSubSystemString,
						"Failed to get source info to setup output module.");

				atomic_store(&state->sourceID, eventSource); // Remember this!
			else if (sourceID != eventSource) {
				caerLog(CAER_LOG_ERROR, state->parentModule->moduleSubSystemString,
					"An output module can only handle packets from the same source! "
						"A packet with source %" PRIi16 " was sent, but this output module expects only packets from source %" PRIi16 ".",
					eventSource, sourceID);

			// Source ID is correct, packet is not empty, we got it!
			packets[packetsSize++] = packetHeader;

	// There was nothing in this mainloop run!
	if (packetsSize == 0) {

	// Allocate memory for event packet array structure that will get passed to output handler thread.
	caerEventPacketContainer eventPackets = caerEventPacketContainerAllocate((int32_t) packetsSize);
	if (eventPackets == NULL) {

	// Handle the valid only flag here, that way we don't have to do another copy and
	// process it in the output handling thread. We get the value once here, so we do
	// the same for all packets from the same mainloop run, avoiding mid-way changes.
	bool validOnly = atomic_load_explicit(&state->validOnly, memory_order_relaxed);

	// Now copy each event packet and send the array out. Track how many packets there are.
	size_t idx = 0;

	for (size_t i = 0; i < packetsSize; i++) {
		if (validOnly) {
			caerEventPacketContainerSetEventPacket(eventPackets, (int32_t) idx,
		else {
			caerEventPacketContainerSetEventPacket(eventPackets, (int32_t) idx,

		if (caerEventPacketContainerGetEventPacket(eventPackets, (int32_t) idx) == NULL) {
			// Failed to copy packet. Signal but try to continue anyway.
			if ((validOnly && (caerEventPacketHeaderGetEventValid(packets[i]) == 0))
				|| (!validOnly && (caerEventPacketHeaderGetEventNumber(packets[i]) == 0))) {
				caerLog(CAER_LOG_NOTICE, state->parentModule->moduleSubSystemString,
					"Submitted empty event packet to output. Ignoring empty event packet.");
			else {
				caerLog(CAER_LOG_ERROR, state->parentModule->moduleSubSystemString,
					"Failed to copy event packet to output.");
		else {

	// We might have failed to copy all packets (unlikely).
	if (idx == 0) {


	// Reset packet container size so we only consider the packets we managed
	// to successfully copy.
	caerEventPacketContainerSetEventPacketsNumber(eventPackets, (int32_t) idx);

	retry: if (!ringBufferPut(state->transferRing, eventPackets)) {
		if (atomic_load_explicit(&state->keepPackets, memory_order_relaxed)) {
			// Retry forever if requested.
			goto retry;


		caerLog(CAER_LOG_INFO, state->parentModule->moduleSubSystemString,
			"Failed to put packet's array copy on transfer ring-buffer: full.");
Ejemplo n.º 3
Archivo: edvs.c Proyecto: inilabs/caer
static bool caerInputEDVSInit(caerModuleData moduleData) {
	caerModuleLog(moduleData, CAER_LOG_DEBUG, "Initializing module ...");

	// Start data acquisition, and correctly notify mainloop of new data and module of exceptional
	// shutdown cases (device pulled, ...).
	char *serialPortName    = sshsNodeGetString(moduleData->moduleNode, "serialPort");
	moduleData->moduleState = caerDeviceOpenSerial(U16T(moduleData->moduleID), CAER_DEVICE_EDVS, serialPortName,
		U32T(sshsNodeGetInt(moduleData->moduleNode, "baudRate")));

	if (moduleData->moduleState == NULL) {
		// Failed to open device.
		return (false);

	// Initialize per-device log-level to module log-level.
	caerDeviceConfigSet(moduleData->moduleState, CAER_HOST_CONFIG_LOG, CAER_HOST_CONFIG_LOG_LEVEL,

	// Put global source information into SSHS.
	struct caer_edvs_info devInfo = caerEDVSInfoGet(moduleData->moduleState);

	sshsNode sourceInfoNode = sshsGetRelativeNode(moduleData->moduleNode, "sourceInfo/");

	sshsNodeCreateBool(sourceInfoNode, "deviceIsMaster", devInfo.deviceIsMaster,
		SSHS_FLAGS_READ_ONLY | SSHS_FLAGS_NO_EXPORT, "Timestamp synchronization support: device master status.");

	sshsNodeCreateInt(sourceInfoNode, "polaritySizeX", devInfo.dvsSizeX, devInfo.dvsSizeX, devInfo.dvsSizeX,
		SSHS_FLAGS_READ_ONLY | SSHS_FLAGS_NO_EXPORT, "Polarity events width.");
	sshsNodeCreateInt(sourceInfoNode, "polaritySizeY", devInfo.dvsSizeY, devInfo.dvsSizeY, devInfo.dvsSizeY,
		SSHS_FLAGS_READ_ONLY | SSHS_FLAGS_NO_EXPORT, "Polarity events height.");

	// Put source information for generic visualization, to be used to display and debug filter information.
	sshsNodeCreateInt(sourceInfoNode, "dataSizeX", devInfo.dvsSizeX, devInfo.dvsSizeX, devInfo.dvsSizeX,
	sshsNodeCreateInt(sourceInfoNode, "dataSizeY", devInfo.dvsSizeY, devInfo.dvsSizeY, devInfo.dvsSizeY,

	// Generate source string for output modules.
	size_t sourceStringLength = (size_t) snprintf(NULL, 0, "#Source %" PRIu16 ": eDVS4337\r\n", moduleData->moduleID);

	char sourceString[sourceStringLength + 1];
	snprintf(sourceString, sourceStringLength + 1, "#Source %" PRIu16 ": eDVS4337\r\n", moduleData->moduleID);
	sourceString[sourceStringLength] = '\0';

	sshsNodeCreateString(sourceInfoNode, "sourceString", sourceString, sourceStringLength, sourceStringLength,
		SSHS_FLAGS_READ_ONLY | SSHS_FLAGS_NO_EXPORT, "Device source information.");

	// Ensure good defaults for data acquisition settings.
	// No blocking behavior due to mainloop notification, and no auto-start of
	// all producers to ensure cAER settings are respected.

	// Create default settings and send them to the device.

	// Start data acquisition.
	bool ret = caerDeviceDataStart(moduleData->moduleState, &caerMainloopDataNotifyIncrease,
		&caerMainloopDataNotifyDecrease, NULL, &moduleShutdownNotify, moduleData->moduleNode);

	if (!ret) {
		// Failed to start data acquisition, close device and exit.
		caerDeviceClose((caerDeviceHandle *) &moduleData->moduleState);

		return (false);

	// Add config listeners last, to avoid having them dangling if Init doesn't succeed.
	sshsNode biasNode = sshsGetRelativeNode(moduleData->moduleNode, "bias/");
	sshsNodeAddAttributeListener(biasNode, moduleData, &biasConfigListener);

	sshsNode dvsNode = sshsGetRelativeNode(moduleData->moduleNode, "dvs/");
	sshsNodeAddAttributeListener(dvsNode, moduleData, &dvsConfigListener);

	sshsNode serialNode = sshsGetRelativeNode(moduleData->moduleNode, "serial/");
	sshsNodeAddAttributeListener(serialNode, moduleData, &serialConfigListener);

	sshsNode sysNode = sshsGetRelativeNode(moduleData->moduleNode, "system/");
	sshsNodeAddAttributeListener(sysNode, moduleData, &systemConfigListener);

	sshsNodeAddAttributeListener(moduleData->moduleNode, moduleData, &logLevelListener);

	return (true);
Ejemplo n.º 4
Archivo: davis.c Proyecto: inilabs/caer
static bool caerInputDAVISInit(caerModuleData moduleData) {
	caerModuleLog(moduleData, CAER_LOG_DEBUG, "Initializing module ...");

	// Start data acquisition, and correctly notify mainloop of new data and module of exceptional
	// shutdown cases (device pulled, ...).
	char *serialNumber      = sshsNodeGetString(moduleData->moduleNode, "serialNumber");
	moduleData->moduleState = caerDeviceOpen(U16T(moduleData->moduleID), CAER_DEVICE_DAVIS,
		U8T(sshsNodeGetInt(moduleData->moduleNode, "busNumber")),
		U8T(sshsNodeGetInt(moduleData->moduleNode, "devAddress")), serialNumber);

	if (moduleData->moduleState == NULL) {
		// Failed to open device.
		return (false);

	struct caer_davis_info devInfo = caerDavisInfoGet(moduleData->moduleState);

	caerInputDAVISCommonInit(moduleData, &devInfo);

	// Generate sub-system string for module.
	char *prevAdditionStart = strchr(moduleData->moduleSubSystemString, '[');

	if (prevAdditionStart != NULL) {
		*prevAdditionStart = '\0';

	size_t subSystemStringLength
		= (size_t) snprintf(NULL, 0, "%s[SN %s, %" PRIu8 ":%" PRIu8 "]", moduleData->moduleSubSystemString,
			devInfo.deviceSerialNumber, devInfo.deviceUSBBusNumber, devInfo.deviceUSBDeviceAddress);

	char subSystemString[subSystemStringLength + 1];
	snprintf(subSystemString, subSystemStringLength + 1, "%s[SN %s, %" PRIu8 ":%" PRIu8 "]",
		moduleData->moduleSubSystemString, devInfo.deviceSerialNumber, devInfo.deviceUSBBusNumber,
	subSystemString[subSystemStringLength] = '\0';

	caerModuleSetSubSystemString(moduleData, subSystemString);

	// Create default settings and send them to the device.
	createDefaultBiasConfiguration(moduleData, chipIDToName(devInfo.chipID, true), devInfo.chipID);
	createDefaultLogicConfiguration(moduleData, chipIDToName(devInfo.chipID, true), &devInfo);
	createDefaultUSBConfiguration(moduleData, chipIDToName(devInfo.chipID, true));
	sendDefaultConfiguration(moduleData, &devInfo);

	// Start data acquisition.
	bool ret = caerDeviceDataStart(moduleData->moduleState, &caerMainloopDataNotifyIncrease,
		&caerMainloopDataNotifyDecrease, NULL, &moduleShutdownNotify, moduleData->moduleNode);

	if (!ret) {
		// Failed to start data acquisition, close device and exit.
		caerDeviceClose((caerDeviceHandle *) &moduleData->moduleState);

		return (false);

	// Device related configuration has its own sub-node.
	sshsNode deviceConfigNode = sshsGetRelativeNode(moduleData->moduleNode, chipIDToName(devInfo.chipID, true));

	// Add config listeners last, to avoid having them dangling if Init doesn't succeed.
	sshsNode chipNode = sshsGetRelativeNode(deviceConfigNode, "chip/");
	sshsNodeAddAttributeListener(chipNode, moduleData, &chipConfigListener);

	sshsNode muxNode = sshsGetRelativeNode(deviceConfigNode, "multiplexer/");
	sshsNodeAddAttributeListener(muxNode, moduleData, &muxConfigListener);

	sshsNode dvsNode = sshsGetRelativeNode(deviceConfigNode, "dvs/");
	sshsNodeAddAttributeListener(dvsNode, moduleData, &dvsConfigListener);

	sshsNode apsNode = sshsGetRelativeNode(deviceConfigNode, "aps/");
	sshsNodeAddAttributeListener(apsNode, moduleData, &apsConfigListener);

	sshsNode imuNode = sshsGetRelativeNode(deviceConfigNode, "imu/");
	sshsNodeAddAttributeListener(imuNode, moduleData, &imuConfigListener);

	sshsNode extNode = sshsGetRelativeNode(deviceConfigNode, "externalInput/");
	sshsNodeAddAttributeListener(extNode, moduleData, &extInputConfigListener);

	sshsNode usbNode = sshsGetRelativeNode(deviceConfigNode, "usb/");
	sshsNodeAddAttributeListener(usbNode, moduleData, &usbConfigListener);

	sshsNode sysNode = sshsGetRelativeNode(moduleData->moduleNode, "system/");
	sshsNodeAddAttributeListener(sysNode, moduleData, &systemConfigListener);

	sshsNode biasNode = sshsGetRelativeNode(deviceConfigNode, "bias/");

	size_t biasNodesLength = 0;
	sshsNode *biasNodes    = sshsNodeGetChildren(biasNode, &biasNodesLength);

	if (biasNodes != NULL) {
		for (size_t i = 0; i < biasNodesLength; i++) {
			// Add listener for this particular bias.
			sshsNodeAddAttributeListener(biasNodes[i], moduleData, &biasConfigListener);


	sshsNodeAddAttributeListener(moduleData->moduleNode, moduleData, &logLevelListener);

	return (true);