Ejemplo n.º 1
 * Test the problematic degrees with the arc angles
 * being 0' 90' 180' 270'
void  EM411TestTan(void)
	float angle=0.0;
	// 0'
	angle = EM411Tan(0, 1);
	UARTPrintf("Angle should 0' result %f'\r\n", angle/(360*2*M_PI));

	// 45'
	angle = EM411Tan(1, 1);
	UARTPrintf("Angle should 45' result %f'\r\n", angle/(2*M_PI)*360);

	// 90'
	angle = EM411Tan(1, 0);
	UARTPrintf("Angle should 90' result %f'\r\n", angle/(2*M_PI)*360);

	// 135'
	angle = EM411Tan(1, -1);
	UARTPrintf("Angle should 135' result %f'\r\n", angle/(2*M_PI)*360);

	// 180'
	angle = EM411Tan(0, -1);
	UARTPrintf("Angle should 180' result %f'\r\n", angle/(2*M_PI)*360);

	// 225'
	angle = EM411Tan(-1, -1);
	UARTPrintf("Angle should 225' result %f'\r\n", angle/(2*M_PI)*360);

	// 270'
	angle = EM411Tan(-1, 0);
	UARTPrintf("Angle should 270' result %f'\r\n", angle/(2*M_PI)*360);

	// 315'
	angle = EM411Tan(-1, 1);
	UARTPrintf("Angle should 315' result %f'\r\n", angle/(2*M_PI)*360);

	 * Sleep to show the slow humans the results.
Ejemplo n.º 2
// This function pings all of the possible brushless motor controller addresses
// by sending a 0 command. A response indicates that a controller (and hopefully
// also a motor) is present. The contents of the response indicate the type and
// features of the controller.
void DetectMotors(void)
  // TODO: if (motors_on) return;

  // Send a 0 command to each brushless controller address and record any
  // responses.
  uint8_t motors = 0;  // Bit field representing motors present.
  uint8_t setpoint = 0;  // Do not command the motors to move
  enum BLCStatusCode blc_status_code = BLC_STATUS_UNKNOWN;
  for (uint8_t i = 0; i < MOTORS_MAX; i++)
    I2CTxThenRx(MOTORS_BASE_ADDRESS + (i << 1), &setpoint, sizeof(setpoint),
      (volatile uint8_t *)&blc_status_[i], sizeof(struct BLCStatus));
    // I2C will give an error if there is no response.
    if (!I2CError())
      motors |= (1 << i);  // Mark this motor as present

      // Check that all controllers are the same type.
      if (blc_status_code == BLC_STATUS_UNKNOWN)
        blc_status_code = blc_status_[i].status_code;
      else if (blc_status_[i].status_code != blc_status_code)
        blc_error_bits_ |= BLC_ERROR_BITS_INCONSISTENT_SETTINGS;

  // Identify additional features of the brushless controllers.
  UARTPrintf("Detected motor controllers with the following compatibility:");
  switch (blc_status_code)
      UARTPrintf("  fast mode (20 kHz PWM)");
      blc_feature_bits_ |= BLC_FEATURE_20KHz;
      UARTPrintf("  version 3");
      blc_feature_bits_ |= BLC_FEATURE_V3;
      UARTPrintf("  version 2");
      blc_feature_bits_ |= BLC_FEATURE_EXTENDED_COMMS;
      setpoint_length_ = sizeof(uint16_t);
      UARTPrintf("  version 1");

  // Check for missing or extra motors. Assumes that present motors have
  // contiguous addresses beginning with 0.
  n_motors_ = eeprom_read_byte(&eeprom.n_motors);
  if (((1 << n_motors_) - 1) & !motors)
    blc_error_bits_ |= BLC_ERROR_BITS_MISSING_MOTOR;
  if (motors & !((1 << n_motors_) - 1))
    blc_error_bits_ |= BLC_ERROR_BITS_EXTRA_MOTOR;
    UARTPrintf("ERROR: expected motor controllers with addresses: 0 - %i",
      n_motors_ - 1);
    UARTPrintf("       Bit field of responding addresses is: %X", motors);