Ejemplo n.º 1
vMBPortSerialEnable( BOOL xRxEnable, BOOL xTxEnable )
    if( xRxEnable )
        UART_ItConfig( MB_UART_DEV, UART_RxBufFull, ENABLE );
        UART_ItConfig( MB_UART_DEV, UART_RxBufFull, DISABLE );

    if( xTxEnable )
        UART_ItConfig( MB_UART_DEV, UART_TxHalfEmpty, ENABLE );
        UART_ItConfig( MB_UART_DEV, UART_TxHalfEmpty, DISABLE );
Ejemplo n.º 2
sio_write( sio_fd_t fd, u8_t * buf, u32_t size )
    u32_t           ch_left;

    volatile serdev_t *dev = fd;

    if( dev->ready )
        ch_left = size;
        while( ch_left > 0 )
            vPortEnterCritical(  );
            while( ( dev->tx_buf_cnt < DEFAULT_TX_BUFSIZE ) && ( ch_left > 0 ) )
                dev->tx_buf[dev->tx_buf_wrpos] = *buf++;
                dev->tx_buf_wrpos = ( dev->tx_buf_wrpos + 1 ) % DEFAULT_TX_BUFSIZE;
            /* Enable transmit FIFO empty interrupts and block. */
            UART_ItConfig( dev->UARTx, UART_TxHalfEmpty, ENABLE );
            vPortExitCritical(  );

            /* Not all characters sent within one write. Block on a semaphore
             * which is triggered when the buffer is empty again.
            if( ch_left != 0 )
                while( xSemaphoreTake( dev->tx_sem, portMAX_DELAY ) != pdTRUE );
    return size;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 * See the serial2.h header file.
xComPortHandle xSerialPortInitMinimal( unsigned long ulWantedBaud, unsigned portBASE_TYPE uxQueueLength )
xComPortHandle xReturn;
	/* Create the queues used to hold Rx and Tx characters. */
	xRxedChars = xQueueCreate( uxQueueLength, ( unsigned portBASE_TYPE ) sizeof( signed char ) );
	xCharsForTx = xQueueCreate( uxQueueLength + 1, ( unsigned portBASE_TYPE ) sizeof( signed char ) );

	/* If the queues were created correctly then setup the serial port
	hardware. */
	if( ( xRxedChars != serINVALID_QUEUE ) && ( xCharsForTx != serINVALID_QUEUE ) )
			/* Setup the UART port pins. */
			GPIO_Config( GPIO0, UART0_Tx_Pin, GPIO_AF_PP );
			GPIO_Config( GPIO0, UART0_Rx_Pin, GPIO_IN_TRI_CMOS );

			/* Configure the UART. */
			UART_OnOffConfig( UART0, ENABLE );
			UART_FifoConfig( UART0, DISABLE );
			UART_FifoReset( UART0, UART_RxFIFO );
			UART_FifoReset( UART0, UART_TxFIFO );
			UART_LoopBackConfig(UART0, DISABLE );
			UART_Config( UART0, ulWantedBaud, UART_NO_PARITY, UART_1_StopBits, UARTM_8D );
			UART_RxConfig( UART0, ENABLE );

			/* Configure the IEC for the UART interrupts. */
			EIC_IRQChannelPriorityConfig( UART0_IRQChannel, 1 );
			EIC_IRQChannelConfig( UART0_IRQChannel, ENABLE );
			EIC_IRQConfig( ENABLE );
			UART_ItConfig( UART0, UART_RxBufFull, ENABLE );
		xReturn = ( xComPortHandle ) 0;

	/* This demo file only supports a single port but we have to return
	something to comply with the standard demo header file. */
	return xReturn;
Ejemplo n.º 4
sio_serial_isr( UART_TypeDef * UARTx, u8_t * need_ctx_switch )
    int             i;
    u16             status;
    volatile serdev_t *dev = SIO_FD_NULL;

    portBASE_TYPE   rx_woken = pdFALSE;
    portBASE_TYPE   tx_woken = pdFALSE;

    for( i = 0; i < UART_DEVICES_MAX; i++ )
        if( devices[i].ready && ( devices[i].UARTx == UARTx ) )
            dev = &devices[i];
    if( dev != SIO_FD_NULL )
        status = UART_FlagStatus( dev->UARTx );

        /* If there are characters in the UART fifo place them into the 
         * ring buffer. In case the buffer is filled half or the requested
         * number of bytes has been read wakeup the receiver.
        if( status & UART_RxBufFull )
                /* Store the character in the ring buffer and advance write
                 * position. */
                dev->rx_buf[dev->rx_buf_wrpos] = dev->UARTx->RxBUFR;
                dev->rx_buf_wrpos = ( dev->rx_buf_wrpos + 1 ) % DEFAULT_RX_BUFSIZE;

                /* Increment the receiver buffer counter. Check for a buffer
                 * overrun. In that case we have overwritten a old character.
                 * Therefore we have to advance the read position. Note that
                 * in this error case we must not increment the read counter
                 * because an old character was lost.
                if( dev->rx_buf_cnt >= DEFAULT_RX_BUFSIZE )
                    /* LWIP_ASSERT( "sio_serial_isr: receiver buffer overflow", 0 ); */
                    dev->rx_buf_rdpos = ( dev->rx_buf_rdpos + 1 ) % DEFAULT_RX_BUFSIZE;

                /* Get the new status from the UART. */
                status = UART_FlagStatus( dev->UARTx );
            while( status & UART_RxBufFull );

            /* Wakeup receiver if buffer is starting to fill. */
            if( dev->rx_buf_cnt > ( DEFAULT_RX_BUFSIZE / 2 ) )
                rx_woken = xSemaphoreGiveFromISR( dev->rx_sem, rx_woken );

        /* Check if we must send characters. */
        if( ( dev->tx_buf_cnt > 0 ) && ( status & UART_TxHalfEmpty ) )
                /* Fetch character from the ring buffer and place them into
                 * the FIFO. */
                dev->UARTx->TxBUFR = dev->tx_buf[dev->tx_buf_rdpos];
                dev->tx_buf_rdpos = ( dev->tx_buf_rdpos + 1 ) % DEFAULT_TX_BUFSIZE;

                /* Get the new status from the UART. */
                status = UART_FlagStatus( dev->UARTx );
            while( ( dev->tx_buf_cnt > 0 ) && ( status & UART_TxHalfEmpty ) );

            if( dev->tx_buf_cnt == 0 )
                tx_woken = xSemaphoreGiveFromISR( dev->tx_sem, tx_woken );
                UART_ItConfig( dev->UARTx, UART_TxHalfEmpty, DISABLE );

        if( tx_woken || rx_woken )
            *need_ctx_switch = 1;
Ejemplo n.º 5
sio_open_new( u8_t devnr, u32_t baudrate, u8_t databits, sio_stop_t stopbits, sio_parity_t parity )
    int             i;
    err_t           error = ERR_OK;
    serdev_t       *dev;
    UARTParity_TypeDef eUARTParity = UART_NO_PARITY;
    UARTMode_TypeDef eUARTMode = UARTM_8D;
    UARTStopBits_TypeDef eUARTStopBits;

    if( !initialized )
        for( i = 0; i < UART_DEVICES_MAX; i++ )
            SIO_RESET_STATE( &devices[i] );
        initialized = 1;

    /* Check if devicename is valid and not in use. */
    if( ( devnr < UART_DEVICES_MAX ) && ( devices[devnr].ready == 0 ) )
        dev = ( serdev_t * ) & devices[devnr];

        switch ( parity )
        case SIO_PAR_EVEN:
            eUARTParity = UART_EVEN_PARITY;
        case SIO_PAR_ODD:
            eUARTParity = UART_ODD_PARITY;
        case SIO_PAR_NONE:
            eUARTParity = UART_NO_PARITY;
            error = ERR_VAL;

        switch ( databits )
        case 7:
            if( parity != SIO_PAR_NONE )
                eUARTMode = UARTM_7D_P;
        case 8:
            eUARTMode = parity == SIO_PAR_NONE ? UARTM_8D : UARTM_8D_P;
            error = ERR_VAL;

        switch ( stopbits )
        case SIO_STOP_0_5:
            eUARTStopBits = UART_0_5_StopBits;
        case SIO_STOP_1:
            eUARTStopBits = UART_1_StopBits;
        case SIO_STOP_1_5:
            eUARTStopBits = UART_1_5_StopBits;
        case SIO_STOP_2:
            eUARTStopBits = UART_2_StopBits;
            error = ERR_VAL;

        if( error == ERR_OK )
            SIO_RESET_STATE( dev );

            vSemaphoreCreateBinary( dev->rx_sem );
            vSemaphoreCreateBinary( dev->tx_sem );

            vPortEnterCritical(  );
            if( ( error = sio_open_low_level( devnr, dev ) ) != ERR_OK )
                /* Hardware interface does not exist. */
            else if( dev->tx_sem == ( xSemaphoreHandle ) 0 )
                error = ERR_MEM;
            else if( dev->rx_sem == ( xSemaphoreHandle ) 0 )
                error = ERR_MEM;
                /* UART parameter correct and hardware device available. */
                UART_OnOffConfig( dev->UARTx, ENABLE );
                UART_FifoConfig( dev->UARTx, ENABLE );
                UART_FifoReset( dev->UARTx, UART_RxFIFO );
                UART_FifoReset( dev->UARTx, UART_TxFIFO );
                UART_LoopBackConfig( dev->UARTx, DISABLE );
                UART_Config( dev->UARTx, baudrate, eUARTParity, eUARTStopBits, eUARTMode );
                UART_TimeOutPeriodConfig( dev->UARTx, 0xFF );
                UART_ItConfig( dev->UARTx, UART_RxBufFull, ENABLE );
                UART_RxConfig( dev->UARTx, ENABLE );

                /* Device is now ready for use. */
                dev->ready = 1;

            if( error != ERR_OK )
                sio_close( dev );
            vPortExitCritical(  );
        error = ERR_VAL;
    return error == ERR_OK ? ( void * )dev : SIO_FD_NULL;