Ejemplo n.º 1
Desc:	Insert the entry into the buffer.
RCODE F_BtreeBlk::insertEntry(
    void *		pvEntry,
    FLMUINT		uiChildAddr)
    RCODE			rc = NE_FLM_OK;
    FLMBYTE *	pucCurEntry;
    FLMUINT		uiShiftBytes;		// Always shift down

    if( entryCount() >= m_uiNumSlots)
        rc = RC_SET( NE_FLM_FAILURE);
        goto Exit;
    flmAssert( m_uiPosition != DYNSSET_POSITION_NOT_SET);
    pucCurEntry = ENTRY_POS( m_uiPosition);
    if ((uiShiftBytes = (entryCount() - m_uiPosition) *
                        (m_uiEntrySize + m_uiEntryOvhd)) != 0)

        // Big hairy assert.  Finds coding bugs and corruptions.

        flmAssert( m_uiPosition * (m_uiEntrySize + m_uiEntryOvhd) +
                   uiShiftBytes < DYNSSET_BLOCK_SIZE - sizeof( FixedBlkHdr));

        f_memmove( pucCurEntry + m_uiEntrySize + m_uiEntryOvhd,
                   pucCurEntry, uiShiftBytes);
    f_memcpy( pucCurEntry, pvEntry, m_uiEntrySize);
    if( m_uiEntryOvhd)
        UD2FBA( (FLMUINT32)uiChildAddr, &pucCurEntry[m_uiEntrySize]);
    entryCount( entryCount() + 1);
    m_bDirty = TRUE;


    return( rc);
Ejemplo n.º 2
Desc: Edit a field
	FLMBOOL	bWriteEntireBlock
	FLMUINT			uiBytesToWrite;
	FLMUINT			uiBytesWritten;
	FLMUINT			uiNum;
	FLMUINT64		ui64Num;
	FLMUINT32		ui32Num;
	FLMUINT16		ui16Num;
	char				szTempBuf[ 100];
	F_BLK_HDR *		pBlkHdr = NULL;
	RCODE				rc;
	FLMUINT			uiFileOffset;
	FLMUINT			uiFileNumber;
	FLMBOOL			bValEntered;
	FLMUINT			uiBytesRead;
	IF_FileHdl *	pFileHdl;
	FLMUINT32		ui32CRC;
	FLMUINT			uiBlockOffset;
	FLMUINT			uiBlkAddress = 0;
	FLMBYTE			ucSENValue[ 9];
	FLMBYTE *		pucSENBuffer = &ucSENValue[0];
	FLMUINT			uiSENLen = 0;

	if ((gv_pViewMenuCurrItem->uiModType & 0xF0) == MOD_DISABLED)
		ViewShowError( "Cannot modify this value");
		return( FALSE);
	uiFileOffset = gv_pViewMenuCurrItem->uiModFileOffset;
	uiFileNumber = gv_pViewMenuCurrItem->uiModFileNumber;

	switch (gv_pViewMenuCurrItem->uiModType & 0x0F)
		case MOD_SEN5:
			// The SEN value is at most 5 bytes.
			ui64Num = 0;
			if (!ViewEditNum( &ui64Num,
						((gv_pViewMenuCurrItem->uiModType & 0xF0) == MOD_HEX), 5,
				return( FALSE);

			// Need to know make a SEN out of this first.
			uiSENLen = f_encodeSEN( ui64Num, &pucSENBuffer);

		case MOD_SEN9:
			// The SEN value is at most 5 bytes.
			ui64Num = 0;
			if (!ViewEditNum( &ui64Num,
						((gv_pViewMenuCurrItem->uiModType & 0xF0) == MOD_HEX), 9,
				return( FALSE);

			// Need to know make a SEN out of this first.
			uiSENLen = f_encodeSEN( ui64Num, &pucSENBuffer);

		case MOD_FLMUINT64:
			uiBytesToWrite = 8;
			if (!ViewEditNum( &ui64Num,
						((gv_pViewMenuCurrItem->uiModType & 0xF0) == MOD_HEX), 8,
				return( FALSE);

			if (gv_pViewMenuCurrItem->uiModType & MOD_NATIVE)
				f_memcpy( szTempBuf, &ui64Num, 8);
				U642FBA( ui64Num, (FLMBYTE *)szTempBuf);
		case MOD_FLMUINT32:
			uiBytesToWrite = 4;
			if (!ViewEditNum( &ui32Num,
						((gv_pViewMenuCurrItem->uiModType & 0xF0) == MOD_HEX), 4,
				return( FALSE);
			if (gv_pViewMenuCurrItem->uiModType & MOD_NATIVE)
				f_memcpy( szTempBuf, &ui32Num, 4);
				UD2FBA( ui32Num, (FLMBYTE *)szTempBuf);
		case MOD_FLMUINT16:
			uiBytesToWrite = 2;
			if (!ViewEditNum( &ui16Num,
						((gv_pViewMenuCurrItem->uiModType & 0xF0) == MOD_HEX), 2,
				return( FALSE);
			if (gv_pViewMenuCurrItem->uiModType & MOD_NATIVE)
				f_memcpy( szTempBuf, &ui16Num, 2);
				UW2FBA( ui16Num, (FLMBYTE *)szTempBuf);
			uiBytesToWrite = 1;
			if (!ViewEditNum( &szTempBuf [0],
					((gv_pViewMenuCurrItem->uiModType & 0xF0) == MOD_HEX), 1,
				return( FALSE);
		case MOD_BINARY:
			uiBytesToWrite = gv_pViewMenuCurrItem->uiModBufLen;
			if (HAVE_HORIZ_CUR( gv_pViewMenuCurrItem))
				uiFileOffset += gv_pViewMenuCurrItem->uiHorizCurPos;
				uiBytesToWrite -= gv_pViewMenuCurrItem->uiHorizCurPos;
			if (!ViewEditBinary( NULL, (FLMBYTE *)szTempBuf,
							&uiBytesToWrite, &bValEntered) ||
				return( FALSE);
		case MOD_TEXT:
			if (!ViewEditText( "Enter Value: ", 
						szTempBuf, gv_pViewMenuCurrItem->uiModBufLen,
						&bValEntered) ||
				return( FALSE);
			uiBytesToWrite = gv_pViewMenuCurrItem->uiModBufLen;
			if( !ViewEditLanguage( &uiNum))
				return( FALSE);
			szTempBuf[0] = (FLMBYTE)uiNum;
			uiBytesToWrite = 1;
			if( !ViewEditNum( &uiNum, TRUE, 4, (FLMUINT64)0xFFFFFFFF))
				return( FALSE);
			uiBytesToWrite = 4;
			UD2FBA( (FLMUINT32)uiNum, (FLMBYTE *)szTempBuf);
		case MOD_BITS:
			if (!ViewEditBits( (FLMBYTE *)&szTempBuf[ 0],
						((gv_pViewMenuCurrItem->uiModType & 0xF0) == MOD_HEX),
				return( FALSE);
			uiBytesToWrite = 1;

	// Read in the block if necessary

	if (!bWriteEntireBlock)
		pBlkHdr = (F_BLK_HDR *)(&szTempBuf [0]);
		uiBlockOffset = (FLMUINT)(uiFileOffset %
		uiBlkAddress = FSBlkAddress( uiFileNumber, 
											uiFileOffset - uiBlockOffset);
		uiFileOffset = uiFileOffset - uiBlockOffset;

		// Don't convert the block if the address is zero - means we
		// are updating the database header.

		if (!ViewBlkRead( uiBlkAddress, &pBlkHdr,
									!uiBlkAddress ? FALSE : TRUE,
									NULL, NULL, &uiBytesRead, FALSE))
			return( FALSE);

		uiBytesToWrite = uiBytesRead;

		// Convert to native format

		if (!uiBlkAddress)
			if (hdrIsNonNativeFormat( (XFLM_DB_HDR *)pBlkHdr))
				convertDbHdr( (XFLM_DB_HDR *)pBlkHdr);
			if (blkIsNonNativeFormat( pBlkHdr))
				convertBlk( (FLMUINT)gv_ViewDbHdr.ui16BlockSize, pBlkHdr);

		// Put the data in the appropriate place in the block

		if ((gv_pViewMenuCurrItem->uiModType & 0x0F) == MOD_BITS)
			FLMBYTE		ucMask = (FLMBYTE)gv_pViewMenuCurrItem->uiModBufLen;
			FLMBYTE *	pucBuf = (FLMBYTE *)pBlkHdr;

			// Unset the bits, then OR in the new bits

			pucBuf [uiBlockOffset] &= (~(ucMask));
			pucBuf [uiBlockOffset] |= szTempBuf[ 0];
		else if ((gv_pViewMenuCurrItem->uiModType & 0x0F) == MOD_SEN5 ||
					(gv_pViewMenuCurrItem->uiModType & 0x0F) == MOD_SEN9)
			// Need to make sure the size of the original SEN is the same as the
			// new SEN.
			const FLMBYTE *	pucOrigSEN = (FLMBYTE *)pBlkHdr + uiBlockOffset;
			FLMBYTE				ucBuffer[9];
			FLMBYTE *			pucBuffer = &ucBuffer[0];
			FLMUINT64			ui64Value;
			FLMUINT				uiOrigSENLen;

			if (RC_BAD( rc = f_decodeSEN64( &pucOrigSEN,
													 (FLMBYTE *)pBlkHdr +
				ViewShowRCError( "Decoding original SEN value", rc);
			uiOrigSENLen = f_encodeSEN( ui64Value, &pucBuffer);

			if (uiOrigSENLen != uiSENLen)
				ViewShowRCError( "SEN Length does not match original",
				f_memcpy( (FLMBYTE *)pBlkHdr + uiBlockOffset, ucSENValue,
			f_memcpy( (FLMBYTE *)pBlkHdr + uiBlockOffset, szTempBuf,

		// Calculate CRC

		if (!uiBlkAddress)
			ui32CRC = calcDbHdrCRC( (XFLM_DB_HDR *)pBlkHdr);
			((XFLM_DB_HDR *)pBlkHdr)->ui32HdrCRC = ui32CRC;
			uiBytesToWrite = sizeof( XFLM_DB_HDR);
			FLMUINT	uiBlkLen;
			uiBlkLen = gv_ViewDbHdr.ui16BlockSize;

#if 0
			if ((FLMUINT)pBlkHdr->ui16BlkBytesAvail >
					(FLMUINT)gv_ViewDbHdr.ui16BlockSize - blkHdrSize( pBlkHdr))
				uiBlkLen = blkHdrSize( pBlkHdr);
				uiBlkLen = (FLMUINT)(gv_ViewDbHdr.ui16BlockSize - 
			// Calculate and set the block CRC.

			ui32CRC = calcBlkCRC( pBlkHdr, uiBlkLen);
			pBlkHdr->ui32BlkCRC = ui32CRC;
	if (RC_BAD( rc = gv_pSFileHdl->getFileHdl( uiFileNumber, TRUE, &pFileHdl)))
		ViewShowRCError( "getting file handle", rc);

	// Write the data out to the file

	else if (RC_BAD( rc = pFileHdl->write( uiFileOffset, uiBytesToWrite,
							pBlkHdr, &uiBytesWritten)))
		ViewShowRCError( "updating file", rc);
	else if (RC_BAD( rc = pFileHdl->flush()))
		ViewShowRCError( "flushing data to file", rc);
	else if (bWriteEntireBlock && !uiBlkAddress)
		f_memcpy( &gv_ViewDbHdr, pBlkHdr, sizeof( XFLM_DB_HDR));

	// Free any memory used to read in the data block

	if (pBlkHdr && pBlkHdr != (F_BLK_HDR *)(&szTempBuf [0]))
		f_free( &pBlkHdr);
	return( TRUE);
Ejemplo n.º 3
Desc:	This routine aborts an active transaction for a particular
		database.  If the database is open via a server, a message is
		sent to the server to abort the transaction.  Otherwise, the
		transaction is rolled back locally.
RCODE flmAbortDbTrans(
	FDB *				pDb,
	FLMBOOL			bOkToLogAbort)
	RCODE				rc = FERR_OK;
	FFILE *			pFile = pDb->pFile;
	FLMUINT			uiTransType;
	FLMBYTE *		pucLastCommittedLogHdr;
	FLMBYTE *		pucUncommittedLogHdr;
	FLMBOOL			bDumpedCache = FALSE;
	DB_STATS *		pDbStats = pDb->pDbStats;
	FLMBOOL			bKeepAbortedTrans;
	FLMUINT			uiTransId;
	FLMBOOL			bInvisibleTrans;

	// Get transaction type

	if ((uiTransType = pDb->uiTransType) == FLM_NO_TRANS)
		goto Exit;

	// No recovery required if it is a read transaction.

	if (uiTransType == FLM_READ_TRANS)

		if( pDb->KrefCntrl.bKrefSetup)
			// KrefCntrlFree could be called w/o checking bKrefSetup because
			// it checks the flag, but it is more optimal to check the
			// flag before making the call because most of the time it will
			// be false.

			KrefCntrlFree( pDb);

		goto Unlink_From_Trans;

#ifdef FLM_DBG_LOG
	flmDbgLogUpdate( pFile->uiFFileId, pDb->LogHdr.uiCurrTransID,
			0, 0, FERR_OK, "TAbrt");


	// If the transaction had no update operations, restore it
	// to its pre-transaction state - make it appear that no
	// transaction ever happened.

	pucLastCommittedLogHdr = &pFile->ucLastCommittedLogHdr [0];
	pucUncommittedLogHdr = &pFile->ucUncommittedLogHdr [0];
	uiTransId = pDb->LogHdr.uiCurrTransID;

	// Free up all keys associated with this database.  This is done even
	// if we didn't have any update operations because the KREF may
	// have been initialized by key generation operations performed
	// by cursors, etc.

	KrefCntrlFree( pDb);

	// Free any index counts we may have allocated.

	FSFreeIxCounts( pDb);
	if (pDb->bHadUpdOper)
		// Dump any BLOB structures that should be aborted.

		FBListAfterAbort( pDb);

		// Dump any start and stop indexing stubs that should be aborted.

		flmIndexingAfterAbort( pDb);

		// Log the abort record to the rfl file, or throw away the logged
		// records altogether, depending on the LOG_KEEP_ABORTED_TRANS_IN_RFL
		// flag.  If the RFL volume is bad, we will not attempt to keep this
		// transaction in the RFL.

		if (!pFile->pRfl->seeIfRflVolumeOk())
			bKeepAbortedTrans = FALSE;
			bKeepAbortedTrans =
				(pucUncommittedLogHdr [LOG_KEEP_ABORTED_TRANS_IN_RFL])
				? TRUE
				: FALSE;
		bKeepAbortedTrans = FALSE;

	// Log an abort transaction record to the roll-forward log or
	// throw away the entire transaction, depending on the
	// bKeepAbortedTrans flag.

	// If the transaction is being "dumped" because of a failed commit,
	// don't log anything to the RFL.

	if( bOkToLogAbort)
		flmAssert( pDb->LogHdr.uiCurrTransID == pFile->pRfl->getCurrTransID());
		if (RC_BAD( rc = pFile->pRfl->logEndTransaction(
									RFL_TRNS_ABORT_PACKET, !bKeepAbortedTrans)))
			goto Exit1;
#ifdef FLM_DEBUG
		// If bOkToLogAbort is FALSE, this always means that either a
		// commit failed while trying to log an end transaction packet or a
		// commit packet was logged and the transaction commit subsequently
		// failed for some other reason.  In either case, the RFL should be
		// in a good state, with its current transaction ID reset to 0.  If
		// not, either bOkToLogAbort is being used incorrectly by the caller
		// or there is a bug in the RFL logic.

		flmAssert( pFile->pRfl->getCurrTransID() == 0);

	// If there were no operations in the transaction, restore
	// everything as if the transaction never happened.

	if (!pDb->bHadUpdOper)
		f_mutexLock( gv_FlmSysData.hShareMutex);
		pFile->uiUpdateTransID = 0;
		f_mutexUnlock( gv_FlmSysData.hShareMutex);

		// Pretend we dumped cache - shouldn't be any to worry about at
		// this point.

		bDumpedCache = TRUE;
		goto Exit1;

	// Dump ALL modified cache blocks associated with the DB.
	// NOTE: This needs to be done BEFORE the call to flmGetLogHdrInfo
	// below, because that call will change pDb->LogHdr.uiCurrTransID,
	// and that value is used by flmRcaAbortTrans.

	ScaFreeModifiedBlocks( pDb);
	flmRcaAbortTrans( pDb);
	bDumpedCache = TRUE;

	// Reset the LogHdr from the last committed log header in pFile.

	flmGetLogHdrInfo( pucLastCommittedLogHdr, &pDb->LogHdr);
	if (RC_BAD( rc = flmPhysRollback( pDb,
				 (FLMUINT)FB2UD( &pucUncommittedLogHdr [LOG_ROLLBACK_EOF]),
				 pFile->uiFirstLogBlkAddress, FALSE, 0)))
		goto Exit1;

	f_mutexLock( gv_FlmSysData.hShareMutex);

	// Put the new transaction ID into the log header even though
	// we are not committing.  We want to keep the transaction IDs
	// incrementing even though we aborted.

	UD2FBA( (FLMUINT32)uiTransId,
			&pucLastCommittedLogHdr [LOG_CURR_TRANS_ID]);

	// Preserve where we are at in the roll-forward log.  Even though
	// the transaction aborted, we may have kept it in the RFL instead of
	// throw it away.

	f_memcpy( &pucLastCommittedLogHdr [LOG_RFL_FILE_NUM],
				 &pucUncommittedLogHdr [LOG_RFL_FILE_NUM], 4);
	f_memcpy( &pucLastCommittedLogHdr [LOG_RFL_LAST_TRANS_OFFSET],
				 &pucUncommittedLogHdr [LOG_RFL_LAST_TRANS_OFFSET], 4);
	f_memcpy( &pucLastCommittedLogHdr [LOG_LAST_TRANS_RFL_SERIAL_NUM],
				 &pucUncommittedLogHdr [LOG_LAST_TRANS_RFL_SERIAL_NUM],
	f_memcpy( &pucLastCommittedLogHdr [LOG_RFL_NEXT_SERIAL_NUM],
				 &pucUncommittedLogHdr [LOG_RFL_NEXT_SERIAL_NUM],

	// The following items tell us where we are at in the roll-back log.
	// During a transaction we may log blocks for the checkpoint or for
	// read transactions.  So, even though we are aborting this transaction,
	// there may be other things in the roll-back log that we don't want
	// to lose.  These items should not be reset until we do a checkpoint,
	// which is when we know it is safe to throw away the entire roll-back log.

	f_memcpy( &pucLastCommittedLogHdr [LOG_ROLLBACK_EOF],
				 &pucUncommittedLogHdr [LOG_ROLLBACK_EOF], 4);
	f_memcpy( &pucLastCommittedLogHdr [LOG_PL_FIRST_CP_BLOCK_ADDR],
				 &pucUncommittedLogHdr [LOG_PL_FIRST_CP_BLOCK_ADDR], 4);

	f_mutexUnlock( gv_FlmSysData.hShareMutex);

	pFile->pRfl->commitLogHdrs( pucLastCommittedLogHdr,


	// Dump cache, if not done above.

	if (!bDumpedCache)
		ScaFreeModifiedBlocks( pDb);
		flmRcaAbortTrans( pDb);
		bDumpedCache = TRUE;

	// Throw away IXD_FIXUPs

	if (pDb->pIxdFixups)
		IXD_FIXUP *	pIxdFixup;
		IXD_FIXUP *	pDeleteIxdFixup;

		pIxdFixup = pDb->pIxdFixups;
		while (pIxdFixup)
			pDeleteIxdFixup = pIxdFixup;
			pIxdFixup = pIxdFixup->pNext;
			f_free( &pDeleteIxdFixup);
		pDb->pIxdFixups = NULL;

	if (uiTransType != FLM_READ_TRANS &&
		flmTransEventCallback( F_EVENT_ABORT_TRANS, (HFDB)pDb, rc,


	bInvisibleTrans = (pDb->uiFlags & FDB_INVISIBLE_TRANS) ? TRUE : FALSE;
	if (pDb->uiFlags & FDB_HAS_WRITE_LOCK)
		RCODE	tmpRc;

		if (RC_BAD( tmpRc = pFile->pRfl->completeTransWrites( pDb, FALSE, FALSE)))
			if (RC_OK( rc))
				rc = tmpRc;

	// Unlink the database from the transaction
	// structure as well as from the FLDICT structure.

	flmUnlinkDbFromTrans( pDb, FALSE);

	if (pDbStats)
		FLMUINT64	ui64ElapMilli = 0;

		flmAddElapTime( &pDb->TransStartTime, &ui64ElapMilli);
		pDbStats->bHaveStats = TRUE;
		if (uiTransType == FLM_READ_TRANS)
			pDbStats->ReadTransStats.AbortedTrans.ui64ElapMilli +=
			if (bInvisibleTrans)
				pDbStats->ReadTransStats.InvisibleTrans.ui64ElapMilli +=
			pDbStats->UpdateTransStats.AbortedTrans.ui64ElapMilli +=

	if (pDb->pStats)
		(void)flmStatUpdate( &gv_FlmSysData.Stats, &pDb->Stats);


	return( rc);
Ejemplo n.º 4
Desc:	This routine starts a transaction for the specified database.  The
		transaction may be part of an overall larger transaction.
RCODE flmBeginDbTrans(
	FDB *			pDb,
	FLMUINT		uiTransType,
	FLMUINT		uiMaxLockWait,
	FLMUINT		uiFlags,
	FLMBYTE *	pucLogHdr)
	RCODE			rc = FERR_OK;
	FFILE *		pFile = pDb->pFile;
	FLMBOOL		bMutexLocked = FALSE;
	FLMBYTE *	pucLastCommittedLogHdr;
	DB_STATS *	pDbStats = pDb->pDbStats;

	if( RC_BAD( rc = flmCheckDatabaseState( pDb)))
		goto Exit;

	// Initialize a few things - as few as is necessary to avoid
	// unnecessary overhead.

	pDb->eAbortFuncId = FLM_UNKNOWN_FUNC;
	pDb->AbortRc = FERR_OK;
	pucLastCommittedLogHdr = &pFile->ucLastCommittedLogHdr [0];
	pDb->KrefCntrl.bKrefSetup = FALSE;
	pDb->uiTransType = uiTransType;
	pDb->uiThreadId = (FLMUINT)f_threadId();

	// Link the FDB to the file's most current FDICT structure,
	// if there is one.
	// Also, if it is a read transaction, link the FDB
	// into the list of read transactions off of
	// the FFILE structure.

	f_mutexLock( gv_FlmSysData.hShareMutex);
	bMutexLocked = TRUE;
	if (pFile->pDictList)

		// Link the FDB to the FDICT.

		flmLinkFdbToDict( pDb, pFile->pDictList);

	// If it is a read transaction, link into the list of
	// read transactions off of the FFILE structure.  Until we
	// get the log header transaction ID below, we set uiCurrTransID
	// to zero and link this transaction in at the beginning of the
	// list.

	if (uiTransType == FLM_READ_TRANS)
		flmGetLogHdrInfo( pucLastCommittedLogHdr, &pDb->LogHdr);

		// Link in at the end of the transaction list.

		pDb->pNextReadTrans = NULL;
		if ((pDb->pPrevReadTrans = pFile->pLastReadTrans) != NULL)

			// Make sure transaction IDs are always in ascending order.  They
			// should be at this point.

			flmAssert( pFile->pLastReadTrans->LogHdr.uiCurrTransID <=
			pFile->pLastReadTrans->pNextReadTrans = pDb;
			pFile->pFirstReadTrans = pDb;
		pFile->pLastReadTrans = pDb;
		pDb->uiInactiveTime = 0;

		if( uiFlags & FLM_DONT_KILL_TRANS)
			pDb->uiFlags |= FDB_DONT_KILL_TRANS;
			pDb->uiFlags &= ~FDB_DONT_KILL_TRANS;
		if (pucLogHdr)
			f_memcpy( pucLogHdr, &pDb->pFile->ucLastCommittedLogHdr[0],

	f_mutexUnlock( gv_FlmSysData.hShareMutex);
	bMutexLocked = FALSE;

		pDb->uiFlags |= FDB_DONT_POISON_CACHE;
		pDb->uiFlags &= ~FDB_DONT_POISON_CACHE;

	// Put an exclusive lock on the database if we are not in a read
	// transaction.  Read transactions require no lock.

	if (uiTransType != FLM_READ_TRANS)
		flmAssert( pDb->pIxStats == NULL);

		// Set the bHadUpdOper to TRUE for all transactions to begin with.
		// Many calls to flmBeginDbTrans are internal, and we WANT the
		// normal behavior at the end of the transaction when it is
		// committed or aborted.  The only time this flag will be set
		// to FALSE is when the application starts the transaction as
		// opposed to an internal starting of the transaction.

		pDb->bHadUpdOper = TRUE;

		// Initialize the count of blocks changed to be 0

		pDb->uiBlkChangeCnt = 0;

		if (RC_BAD( rc = dbLock( pDb, uiMaxLockWait)))
			goto Exit;

		// If there was a problem with the RFL volume, we must wait
		// for a checkpoint to be completed before continuing.
		// The checkpoint thread looks at this same flag and forces
		// a checkpoint.  If it completes one successfully, it will
		// reset this flag.
		// Also, if the last forced checkpoint had a problem
		// (pFile->CheckpointRc != FERR_OK), we don't want to
		// start up a new update transaction until it is resolved.

		if (!pFile->pRfl->seeIfRflVolumeOk() ||
			 RC_BAD( pFile->CheckpointRc))
			goto Exit;

		// Set the first log block address to zero.

		pFile->uiFirstLogBlkAddress = 0;

		// Header must be read before opening roll forward log file to make
		// sure we have the most current log file and log options.

		f_memcpy( pFile->ucUncommittedLogHdr, pucLastCommittedLogHdr,
		flmGetLogHdrInfo( pucLastCommittedLogHdr, &pDb->LogHdr);

		// Need to increment the current checkpoint for update transactions
		// so that it will be correct when we go to mark cache blocks.

		if (pDb->uiFlags & FDB_REPLAYING_RFL)
			// During recovery we need to set the transaction ID to the
			// transaction ID that was logged.

			pDb->LogHdr.uiCurrTransID = pFile->pRfl->getCurrTransID();
		f_mutexLock( gv_FlmSysData.hShareMutex);

		// Link FDB to the most current local dictionary, if there
		// is one.

		if (pFile->pDictList != pDb->pDict && pFile->pDictList)
			flmLinkFdbToDict( pDb, pFile->pDictList);
		pFile->uiUpdateTransID = pDb->LogHdr.uiCurrTransID;
		f_mutexUnlock( gv_FlmSysData.hShareMutex);

		// Set the transaction EOF to the current file EOF

		pDb->uiTransEOF = pDb->LogHdr.uiLogicalEOF;

		// Put the transaction ID into the uncommitted log header.

		UD2FBA( (FLMUINT32)pDb->LogHdr.uiCurrTransID,
					&pFile->ucUncommittedLogHdr [LOG_CURR_TRANS_ID]);

		if (pucLogHdr)
			f_memcpy( pucLogHdr, &pDb->pFile->ucUncommittedLogHdr [0],

	if (pDbStats)
		f_timeGetTimeStamp( &pDb->TransStartTime);

	// If we do not have a dictionary, read it in from disk.
	// NOTE: This should only happen when we are first opening
	// the database.

	if (!pDb->pDict)
		flmAssert( pDb->pFile->uiFlags & DBF_BEING_OPENED);
		if (RC_BAD( rc = fdictRebuild( pDb)))
			if (pDb->pDict)
				flmFreeDict( pDb->pDict);
				pDb->pDict = NULL;
			goto Exit;
		f_mutexLock( gv_FlmSysData.hShareMutex);
		// At this point, we will not yet have opened the database for
		// general use, so there is no way that any other thread can have
		// created a dictionary yet.
		flmAssert( pDb->pFile->pDictList == NULL);
		// Link the new local dictionary to its file structure.
		flmLinkDictToFile( pDb->pFile, pDb->pDict);
		f_mutexUnlock( gv_FlmSysData.hShareMutex);


	if( bMutexLocked)
		f_mutexUnlock( gv_FlmSysData.hShareMutex);

	if (uiTransType != FLM_READ_TRANS)
		if (RC_OK( rc))
			rc = pFile->pRfl->logBeginTransaction( pDb);
#ifdef FLM_DBG_LOG
		flmDbgLogUpdate( pFile->uiFFileId, pDb->LogHdr.uiCurrTransID,
				0, 0, rc, "TBeg");

	if( uiTransType == FLM_UPDATE_TRANS &&
		flmTransEventCallback( F_EVENT_BEGIN_TRANS, (HFDB)pDb, rc,
					(FLMUINT)(RC_OK( rc)
								 ? pDb->LogHdr.uiCurrTransID
								 : (FLMUINT)0));

	if (RC_BAD( rc))
		// If there was an error, unlink the database from the transaction
		// structure as well as from the FDICT structure.

		flmUnlinkDbFromTrans( pDb, FALSE);

		if (pDb->pStats)
			(void)flmStatUpdate( &gv_FlmSysData.Stats, &pDb->Stats);

	return( rc);
Ejemplo n.º 5
Desc:	This routine commits an active transaction for a particular
		database.  If the database is open via a server, a message is
		sent to the server to commit the transaction.  Otherwise, the
		transaction is committed locally.
RCODE flmCommitDbTrans(
	FDB *				pDb,
	FLMUINT			uiNewLogicalEOF,
	FLMBOOL			bForceCheckpoint,
	FLMBOOL *		pbEmpty)
	RCODE	  			rc = FERR_OK;
	FLMBYTE *		pucUncommittedLogHdr;
	FFILE *			pFile = pDb->pFile;
	FLMUINT			uiCPFileNum = 0;
	FLMUINT			uiCPOffset = 0;
	FLMUINT			uiTransId = 0;
	FLMBOOL			bTransEndLogged;
	FLMBOOL			bForceCloseOnError = FALSE;
	FLMBOOL			bOkToLogAbort = TRUE;
	DB_STATS *		pDbStats = pDb->pDbStats;
	FLMUINT			uiTransType;
	FLMBOOL			bInvisibleTrans = FALSE;
	FLMBOOL			bIndexAfterCommit = FALSE;


	// See if we even have a transaction going.

	if ((uiTransType = pDb->uiTransType) == FLM_NO_TRANS)
		goto Exit;	// Will return FERR_OK.

	// See if we have a transaction going which should be aborted.

	if (flmCheckBadTrans( pDb))
		goto Exit;

	// If we are in a read transaction we can skip most of the stuff
	// below because no updates would have occurred.  This will help
	// improve performance.

	if (uiTransType == FLM_READ_TRANS)

		if( pDb->KrefCntrl.bKrefSetup)
			// KrefCntrlFree could be called w/o checking bKrefSetup because
			// it checks the flag, but it is more optimal to check the
			// flag before making the call because most of the time it will
			// be false.

			KrefCntrlFree( pDb);
		goto Exit1;

	// At this point, we know we have an update transaction.


#ifdef FLM_DBG_LOG
	flmDbgLogUpdate( pFile->uiFFileId, pDb->LogHdr.uiCurrTransID,
			0, 0, FERR_OK, "TCmit");
	uiTransId = pDb->LogHdr.uiCurrTransID;

	// If the transaction had no update operations, restore it
	// to its pre-transaction state - make it appear that no
	// transaction ever happened.

	if (!pDb->bHadUpdOper)
		bOkToLogAbort = FALSE;
		rc = pFile->pRfl->logEndTransaction( RFL_TRNS_COMMIT_PACKET, TRUE);

		// Even though we didn't have any update operations, there may have
		// been operations during the transaction (i.e., query operations)
		// that initialized the KREF in order to generate keys.

		KrefCntrlFree( pDb);

		// Restore everything as if the transaction never happened.

		f_mutexLock( gv_FlmSysData.hShareMutex);
		pFile->uiUpdateTransID = 0;
		f_mutexUnlock( gv_FlmSysData.hShareMutex);
		if (pbEmpty)
			*pbEmpty = TRUE;
		goto Exit1;

	// Log commit record to roll-forward log

	bOkToLogAbort = FALSE;
	if (RC_BAD( rc = pFile->pRfl->logEndTransaction(
								RFL_TRNS_COMMIT_PACKET, FALSE, &bTransEndLogged)))
		goto Exit1;
	bForceCloseOnError = TRUE;

	// Commit any keys in the KREF buffers.

	if (RC_BAD( rc = KYKeysCommit( pDb, TRUE)))
		flmLogError( rc, "calling KYKeysCommit from flmCommitDbTrans");
		goto Exit1;

	if (RC_BAD( rc = FSCommitIxCounts( pDb)))
		flmLogError( rc, "calling FSCommitIxCounts from flmCommitDbTrans");
		goto Exit1;

	// Reinitialize the log header.  If the local dictionary was updated
	// during the transaction, increment the local dictionary ID so that
	// other concurrent users will know that it has been modified and
	// that they need to re-read it into memory.

	// If we are in recovery mode, see if we need to force
	// a checkpoint with what we have so far.  We force a
	// checkpoint on one of two conditions:
	// 1. If it appears that we have a buildup of dirty cache
	//		blocks.  We force a checkpoint on this condition
	//		because it will be more efficient than replacing
	//		cache blocks one at a time.
	//		We check for this condition by looking to see if
	//		our LRU block is not used and it is dirty.  That is
	//		a pretty good indicator that we have a buildup
	//		of dirty cache blocks.
	// 2.	We are at the end of the roll-forward log.  We
	//		want to force a checkpoint here to complete the
	//		recovery phase.

	if ( pDb->uiFlags & FDB_REPLAYING_RFL)
		// If we are in the middle of upgrading, and are forcing
		// a checkpoint, use the file number and offset that were
		// set in the FDB.

		if ((pDb->uiFlags & FDB_UPGRADING) && bForceCheckpoint)
			uiCPFileNum = pDb->uiUpgradeCPFileNum;
			uiCPOffset = pDb->uiUpgradeCPOffset;
			SCACHE *		pTmpSCache;
			F_Rfl *		pRfl = pFile->pRfl;

			f_mutexLock( gv_FlmSysData.hShareMutex);
			pTmpSCache = gv_FlmSysData.SCacheMgr.pLRUCache;

			// Test for buildup of dirty cache blocks.

			if( (pTmpSCache && !pTmpSCache->uiUseCount &&
				  (pTmpSCache->ui16Flags & 
				pRfl->atEndOfLog() || bForceCheckpoint)
				bForceCheckpoint = TRUE;
				uiCPFileNum = pRfl->getCurrFileNum();
				uiCPOffset = pRfl->getCurrReadOffset();
			f_mutexUnlock( gv_FlmSysData.hShareMutex);

	// Move information collected in the pDb->LogHdr into the
	// uncommitted log header.  Other things that need to be
	// set have already been set in the uncommitted log header
	// at various places in the code.

	// Mutex does not have to be locked while we do this because
	// the update transaction is the only one that ever accesses
	// the uncommitted log header buffer.

	pucUncommittedLogHdr = &pFile->ucUncommittedLogHdr [0];

	// Set the new logical EOF if passed in.

	if( uiNewLogicalEOF)
		pDb->LogHdr.uiLogicalEOF = uiNewLogicalEOF;
	UD2FBA( (FLMUINT32)pDb->LogHdr.uiLogicalEOF,
		&pucUncommittedLogHdr [LOG_LOGICAL_EOF]);

	// Increment the commit counter.

	flmIncrUint( &pucUncommittedLogHdr [LOG_COMMIT_COUNT], 1);

	// Set the last committed transaction ID

	if( (bTransEndLogged || (pDb->uiFlags & FDB_REPLAYING_COMMIT)) &&
		pDb->pFile->FileHdr.uiVersionNum >= FLM_FILE_FORMAT_VER_4_31)
		UD2FBA( (FLMUINT32)uiTransId, 
			&pucUncommittedLogHdr [LOG_LAST_RFL_COMMIT_ID]);

	// Write the header

	pFile->pRfl->commitLogHdrs( pucUncommittedLogHdr,

	// Commit any record cache.

	flmRcaCommitTrans( pDb);

	// Push the IXD_FIXUP values back into the IXD

	if (pDb->pIxdFixups)
		IXD_FIXUP *	pIxdFixup;
		IXD_FIXUP *	pDeleteIxdFixup;
		IXD *			pIxd;

		pIxdFixup = pDb->pIxdFixups;
		while (pIxdFixup)
			if( RC_BAD( fdictGetIndex(
				pDb->pDict, pDb->pFile->bInLimitedMode,
				pIxdFixup->uiIndexNum, NULL, &pIxd, TRUE)))
				flmAssert( 0);
				pIxd = NULL;

			if( pIxd)
				pIxd->uiLastContainerIndexed = pIxdFixup->uiLastContainerIndexed;
				pIxd->uiLastDrnIndexed = pIxdFixup->uiLastDrnIndexed;
			pDeleteIxdFixup = pIxdFixup;
			pIxdFixup = pIxdFixup->pNext;
			f_free( &pDeleteIxdFixup);
		pDb->pIxdFixups = NULL;

	// Set the update transaction ID back to zero only 
	// AFTER we know the transaction has safely committed.

	f_mutexLock( gv_FlmSysData.hShareMutex);
	f_memcpy( pFile->ucLastCommittedLogHdr, pucUncommittedLogHdr,
	pFile->uiUpdateTransID = 0;
	ScaReleaseLogBlocks( pFile);
		// Link the new local dictionary to its file.
		// Since the new local dictionary will be linked at the head
		// of the list of FDICT structures, see if the FDICT currently
		// at the head of the list is unused and can be unlinked.

		if ((pFile->pDictList) && (!pFile->pDictList->uiUseCount))
			flmUnlinkDict( pFile->pDictList);
		flmLinkDictToFile( pFile, pDb->pDict);

	f_mutexUnlock( gv_FlmSysData.hShareMutex);


	// If the local dictionary was updated during this transaction,
	// link the new local dictionary structures to their file - or free
	// them if there was an error.

		if( RC_BAD( rc) && pDb->pDict)
			// Unlink the FDB from the FDICT. - Shouldn't have
			// to lock semaphore, because the DICT is NOT linked
			// to the FFILE.

			flmAssert( pDb->pDict->pFile == NULL);
			flmUnlinkFdbFromDict( pDb);

	if (RC_BAD( rc))

		// Since we failed to commit, do an abort.  We are purposely not
		// checking the return code from flmAbortDbTrans because we already
		// have an error return code.  If we attempted to log the transaction
		// to the RFL and failed, we don't want to try to log an abort packet.
		// The RFL code has already reset the log back to the starting point 
		// of the transaction, thereby discarding all operations.

		pDb->uiFlags &= ~FDB_COMMITTING_TRANS;
		(void)flmAbortDbTrans( pDb, bOkToLogAbort);
		uiTransType = FLM_NO_TRANS;

		// Do we need to force all handles to close?

		if( bForceCloseOnError)

			// Since the commit packet has already been logged to the RFL,
			// we must have failed when trying to write the log header.  The
			// database is in a bad state and must be closed.

			// Set the "must close" flag on all FDBs linked to the FFILE
			// and set the FFILE's "must close" flag.  This will cause any
			// subsequent operations on the database to fail until all
			// handles have been closed.

			flmSetMustCloseFlags( pFile, rc, FALSE);
		bInvisibleTrans = (pDb->uiFlags & FDB_INVISIBLE_TRANS) ? TRUE : FALSE;
		if (uiTransType == FLM_UPDATE_TRANS)
			if (gv_FlmSysData.UpdateEvents.pEventCBList)
				flmTransEventCallback( F_EVENT_COMMIT_TRANS, (HFDB)pDb, rc,

			// Do the BLOB and indexing work before we unlock the db.

			FBListAfterCommit( pDb);
			if (pDb->pIxStopList || pDb->pIxStartList)
				// Must not call flmIndexingAfterCommit until after
				// completeTransWrites.  Otherwise, there is a potential
				// deadlock condition where flmIndexingAfterCommit is
				// waiting on an indexing thread to quit, but that
				// thread is waiting to be signaled by this thread that
				// writes are completed.  However, flmIndexingAfterCommit
				// also must only be called while the database is still
				// locked.  If we were to leave the database locked for
				// every call to completeTransWrites, however, we would
				// lose the group commit capability.  Hence, we opt to
				// only lose it when there are actual indexing operations
				// to start or stop - which should be very few transactions.
				// That is what the bIndexAfterCommit flag is for.
				bIndexAfterCommit = TRUE;

	// Unlock the database, if the update transaction is still going.
	// NOTE: We check uiTransType because it may have been reset
	// to FLM_NO_TRANS up above if flmAbortDbTrans was called.

	if (uiTransType == FLM_UPDATE_TRANS)
		if (RC_BAD( rc))

			// SHOULD NEVER HAPPEN - because it would have been taken
			// care of above - flmAbortDbTrans would have been called and
			// uiTransType would no longer be FLM_UPDATE_TRANS.

			flmAssert( 0);
			(void)pFile->pRfl->completeTransWrites( pDb, FALSE, TRUE);
		else if( !bForceCheckpoint)
			if( bIndexAfterCommit)
				rc = pFile->pRfl->completeTransWrites( pDb, TRUE, FALSE);
				flmIndexingAfterCommit( pDb);
				flmUnlinkDbFromTrans( pDb, TRUE);
				rc = pFile->pRfl->completeTransWrites( pDb, TRUE, TRUE);

			// Do checkpoint, if forcing.  Before doing the checkpoint
			// we have to make sure the roll-forward log writes
			// complete.  We don't want to unlock the DB while the
			// writes are happening in this case - thus, the FALSE
			// parameter to completeTransWrites.

			if (RC_OK( rc = pFile->pRfl->completeTransWrites( pDb, TRUE, FALSE)))
				bForceCloseOnError = FALSE;
				rc = ScaDoCheckpoint( pDbStats, pDb->pSFileHdl, pFile,
						(pDb->uiFlags & FDB_DO_TRUNCATE) ? TRUE : FALSE,
						uiCPFileNum, uiCPOffset);
			if (bIndexAfterCommit)
				flmIndexingAfterCommit( pDb);
			flmUnlinkDbFromTrans( pDb, TRUE);

		if (RC_BAD( rc) && bForceCloseOnError)

			// Since the commit packet has already been logged to the RFL,
			// we must have failed when trying to write the log header.  The
			// database is in a bad state and must be closed.

			// Set the "must close" flag on all FDBs linked to the FFILE
			// and set the FFILE's "must close" flag.  This will cause any
			// subsequent operations on the database to fail until all
			// handles have been closed.

			flmSetMustCloseFlags( pFile, rc, FALSE);

		// Unlink the database from the transaction
		// structure as well as from the FDICT structure.

		flmUnlinkDbFromTrans( pDb, FALSE);

	if (pDbStats && uiTransType != FLM_NO_TRANS)
		FLMUINT64	ui64ElapMilli = 0;

		flmAddElapTime( &pDb->TransStartTime, &ui64ElapMilli);
		pDbStats->bHaveStats = TRUE;
		if (uiTransType == FLM_READ_TRANS)
			pDbStats->ReadTransStats.CommittedTrans.ui64ElapMilli +=
			if (bInvisibleTrans)
				pDbStats->ReadTransStats.InvisibleTrans.ui64ElapMilli +=
			pDbStats->UpdateTransStats.CommittedTrans.ui64ElapMilli +=

	// Update stats

	if (pDb->pStats)
		(void)flmStatUpdate( &gv_FlmSysData.Stats, &pDb->Stats);


	return( rc);
Ejemplo n.º 6
Desc:	Copy a file that is one of the files of the database.
	IF_FileSystem *		pFileSystem,
	FLMUINT					uiStartOffset,
	FLMUINT					uiEndOffset,
	DB_COPY_INFO *			pDbCopyInfo,
	COPIED_NAME **			ppCopiedListRV,
	FLMBYTE *				pucInMemLogHdr,
	FLMBOOL					bOkToTruncate,
	STATUS_HOOK				fnStatusCallback,
	void *					UserData)
	RCODE				rc = FERR_OK;
	FLMBYTE *		pucBuffer = NULL;
	IF_FileHdl *	pSrcFileHdl = NULL;
	IF_FileHdl *	pDestFileHdl = NULL;
	FLMUINT			uiBufferSize = 32768;
	FLMUINT			uiBytesToRead;
	FLMUINT			uiBytesRead;
	FLMUINT			uiBytesWritten;
	FLMUINT			uiOffset;
	FLMBYTE *		pucLogHdr = NULL;
	FLMUINT			uiNewChecksum;
	FLMBOOL			bCreatedDestFile = FALSE;

	// Open the source file.

	if( RC_BAD( rc = gv_FlmSysData.pFileSystem->openFile( 
		pDbCopyInfo->szSrcFileName, gv_FlmSysData.uiFileOpenFlags, 
		goto Exit;

	// First attempt to open the destination file.  If it does
	// not exist, attempt to create it.

	if (RC_BAD( rc = gv_FlmSysData.pFileSystem->openFile( 
		pDbCopyInfo->szDestFileName, gv_FlmSysData.uiFileOpenFlags,
		if (rc != FERR_IO_PATH_NOT_FOUND &&
			goto Exit;

		if( RC_BAD( rc = gv_FlmSysData.pFileSystem->createFile( 
			pDbCopyInfo->szDestFileName, gv_FlmSysData.uiFileCreateFlags, 
			goto Exit;
		bCreatedDestFile = TRUE;
	// Allocate a buffer for reading and writing

	if( RC_BAD( rc = f_allocAlignedBuffer( uiBufferSize, &pucBuffer)))
		goto Exit;

	// Allocate a buffer for the log header

	if( RC_BAD( rc = f_allocAlignedBuffer( 2048, &pucLogHdr)))
		goto Exit;

	// If uiStartOffset is 2048, it is the special case of
	// the control file, and we are not copying the first 2K.
	// However, we need to set up the first 2K so that if
	// someone reads the first 2K, it will return them a
	// maintenance in progress error.

	if (uiStartOffset == 2048)
		// Read the first 2K of the source file.

		if (RC_BAD( rc = pSrcFileHdl->read( 0, 2048, pucBuffer, &uiBytesRead)))
			if (rc == FERR_IO_END_OF_FILE)
				rc = FERR_OK;
				goto Exit;

		// Zero out whatever part of the 2K we didn't get on the read.

		if (uiBytesRead < 2048)
			f_memset( &pucBuffer[ uiBytesRead], 0, (int)(2048 - uiBytesRead));

		// Attempt to read the log header from the destination file.
		// It is OK if we can't read it, because if we created the
		// destination file, these bytes may not be present.

		if( bCreatedDestFile ||
			 RC_BAD( pDestFileHdl->read( 0, 2048, pucLogHdr, &uiBytesRead)))
			f_memset( pucLogHdr, 0, sizeof( 2048));

		// Set the transaction ID to zero.  MUST ALSO SET THE TRANS ACTIVE FLAG
		// We must use zero, because it is the only transaction ID that will not
		// appear on ANY block.

		UD2FBA( 0, &pucLogHdr[ 16 + LOG_CURR_TRANS_ID]);

		// Recalculate the log header checksum so that readers will not get a
		// checksum error.

		uiNewChecksum = lgHdrCheckSum( &pucLogHdr[ 16], FALSE);
		UW2FBA( (FLMUINT16)uiNewChecksum, &pucLogHdr[ 16 + LOG_HDR_CHECKSUM]);
		f_memcpy( &pucBuffer[ 16], &pucLogHdr[ 16], LOG_HEADER_SIZE);

		// Write this "special" first 2K into the destination file.
		// The real first 2K from the source file will be copied in
		// at a later time.

		if (RC_BAD( rc = pDestFileHdl->write( 0, 2048, 
			pucBuffer, &uiBytesWritten)))
			goto Exit;

		// Save the log header to the in-memory version of the log
		// header as well - if pucInMemLogHdr is NULL, it is pointing
		// to the pFile->ucLastCommittedLogHdr buffer.

		if (pucInMemLogHdr)
			f_memcpy( pucInMemLogHdr, &pucLogHdr[ 16], LOG_HEADER_SIZE);

	// Read from source file until we hit EOF in the file or
	// we hit the end offset.

	uiOffset = uiStartOffset;
	for (;;)
		uiBytesToRead = (FLMUINT)((uiEndOffset - uiOffset >=
										 ? uiBufferSize
										 : (FLMUINT)(uiEndOffset - uiOffset));

		// Read data from source file.

		if (RC_BAD( rc = pSrcFileHdl->read( uiOffset, uiBytesToRead,
									pucBuffer, &uiBytesRead)))
			if (rc == FERR_IO_END_OF_FILE)
				rc = FERR_OK;
				if (!uiBytesRead)
				goto Exit;

		// Write data to destination file.

		if (RC_BAD( rc = pDestFileHdl->write( uiOffset,
									uiBytesRead, pucBuffer, &uiBytesWritten)))
			goto Exit;

		// See if we wrote out the buffer that has the log header
		// If so, we need to copy it back to the in-memory log
		// header.

		if ((pucInMemLogHdr) &&
			 (uiOffset <= 16) &&
			 (uiOffset + uiBytesWritten >= 16 + LOG_HEADER_SIZE))
			f_memcpy( pucInMemLogHdr, &pucBuffer[ 16 - uiOffset],

		uiOffset += uiBytesWritten;

		// Do callback to report progress.

		if (fnStatusCallback)
			pDbCopyInfo->ui64BytesCopied += (FLMUINT64)uiBytesWritten;
			if (RC_BAD( rc = (*fnStatusCallback)( FLM_DB_COPY_STATUS,
										(void *)pDbCopyInfo,
										(void *)0, UserData)))
				goto Exit;
			pDbCopyInfo->bNewSrcFile = FALSE;

		// Quit once we reach the end offset or we read fewer bytes
		// than we asked for.

		if (uiOffset >= uiEndOffset || uiBytesRead < uiBytesToRead)

	// If we overwrote the destination file, as opposed to creating
	// it, truncate it in case it was larger than the number of
	// bytes we actually copied.

	if (!bCreatedDestFile && bOkToTruncate)
		if (RC_BAD( rc = pDestFileHdl->truncateFile( uiOffset)))
			goto Exit;

	// If the copy succeeded, add the destination name to a list
	// of destination files.  This is done so we can clean up
	// copied files if we fail somewhere in the overall database
	// copy.

	if (ppCopiedListRV)
		COPIED_NAME *	pCopyName;

		if( RC_BAD( rc = f_alloc( 
			(FLMUINT)sizeof( COPIED_NAME), &pCopyName)))
			goto Exit;
		f_strcpy( pCopyName->szPath, pDbCopyInfo->szDestFileName);
		pCopyName->pNext = *ppCopiedListRV;
		*ppCopiedListRV = pCopyName;


	if( pucBuffer)
		f_freeAlignedBuffer( &pucBuffer);

	if( pucLogHdr)
		f_freeAlignedBuffer( &pucLogHdr);

	if( pSrcFileHdl)

	if( pDestFileHdl)

	// Attempt to delete the destination file if
	// we didn't successfully copy it.

	if( RC_BAD( rc))
		(void)pFileSystem->deleteFile( pDbCopyInfo->szDestFileName);

	return( rc);