Ejemplo n.º 1
static void M_Custom_Init( void )
	menucommon_t *menuitem = NULL;
	int yoffset = 40;
	int i, count;

	s_custom_menu.nitems = 0;

	// parse the command line to create the buttons

	if( trap_Cmd_Argc() < 1 )

	// first one is always the tittle

	menuitem = UI_InitMenuItem( "m_custom_title1", trap_Cmd_Argv( 1 ), 0, yoffset, MTYPE_SEPARATOR, ALIGN_CENTER_TOP, uis.fontSystemBig, NULL );
	Menu_AddItem( &s_custom_menu, menuitem );
	yoffset += trap_SCR_strHeight( menuitem->font );

	yoffset += trap_SCR_strHeight( menuitem->font );

	// from now on each 2 new arguments define a new button
	for( i = 2, count = 0; i < trap_Cmd_Argc(); i += 2, count++ )
		menuitem = UI_InitMenuItem( va( "m_custom_button%i", count ), trap_Cmd_Argv( i ), 0, yoffset, MTYPE_ACTION, ALIGN_CENTER_TOP, uis.fontSystemBig, M_Custom_ExecuteButton );
		menuitem->itemlocal = UI_CopyString( trap_Cmd_Argv( i + 1 ) );
		Menu_AddItem( &s_custom_menu, menuitem );
		yoffset += UI_SetupButton( menuitem, qtrue ) + UI_BUTTONBOX_VERTICAL_SPACE;

	Menu_Center( &s_custom_menu );
	Menu_Init( &s_custom_menu, qtrue );
	Menu_SetStatusBar( &s_custom_menu, NULL );
Ejemplo n.º 2
static void M_MainInit( void )
	int yoffset = 0;
	menucommon_t *menuitem;

	s_main_menu.nitems = 0;

	menuitem = UI_InitMenuItem( "m_main_title1", "MAIN MENU", 0, yoffset, MTYPE_SEPARATOR, ALIGN_CENTER_TOP, uis.fontSystemBig, NULL );
	Menu_AddItem( &s_main_menu, menuitem );
	yoffset += trap_SCR_strHeight( menuitem->font );

	yoffset += trap_SCR_strHeight( menuitem->font );

	menuitem = UI_InitMenuItem( "m_main_join_game", "find a game", 0, yoffset, MTYPE_ACTION, ALIGN_CENTER_TOP, uis.fontSystemBig, JoinNetworkServerFunc );
	Menu_AddItem( &s_main_menu, menuitem );
	yoffset += UI_SetupButton( menuitem, qtrue ) + UI_BUTTONBOX_VERTICAL_SPACE;

	menuitem = UI_InitMenuItem( "m_main_matchmaker", "match maker", 0, yoffset, MTYPE_ACTION, ALIGN_CENTER_TOP, uis.fontSystemBig, MatchMakerFunc );
	Menu_AddItem( &s_main_menu, menuitem );
	yoffset += trap_SCR_strHeight( menuitem->font );

	menuitem = UI_InitMenuItem( "m_main_tutorials", "tutorials", 0, yoffset, MTYPE_ACTION, ALIGN_CENTER_TOP, uis.fontSystemBig, TutorialsFunc );
	Menu_AddItem( &s_main_menu, menuitem );
	yoffset += UI_SetupButton( menuitem, qtrue ) + UI_BUTTONBOX_VERTICAL_SPACE;

	menuitem = UI_InitMenuItem( "m_main_setup", "setup", 0, yoffset, MTYPE_ACTION, ALIGN_CENTER_TOP, uis.fontSystemBig, SetUpMenuFunc );
	Menu_AddItem( &s_main_menu, menuitem );
	yoffset += UI_SetupButton( menuitem, qtrue ) + UI_BUTTONBOX_VERTICAL_SPACE;

	menuitem = UI_InitMenuItem( "m_main_start_server", "start local game", 0, yoffset, MTYPE_ACTION, ALIGN_CENTER_TOP, uis.fontSystemBig, StartNetworkServerFunc );
	Menu_AddItem( &s_main_menu, menuitem );
	yoffset += UI_SetupButton( menuitem, qtrue ) + UI_BUTTONBOX_VERTICAL_SPACE;

	menuitem = UI_InitMenuItem( "m_main_demos", "demos", 0, yoffset, MTYPE_ACTION, ALIGN_CENTER_TOP, uis.fontSystemBig, DemosMenuFunc );
	Menu_AddItem( &s_main_menu, menuitem );
	yoffset += UI_SetupButton( menuitem, qtrue ) + UI_BUTTONBOX_VERTICAL_SPACE;

	menuitem = UI_InitMenuItem( "m_main_mods", "mods", 0, yoffset, MTYPE_ACTION, ALIGN_CENTER_TOP, uis.fontSystemBig, ModsMenuFunc );
	Menu_AddItem( &s_main_menu, menuitem );
	yoffset += UI_SetupButton( menuitem, qtrue ) + UI_BUTTONBOX_VERTICAL_SPACE;

	menuitem = UI_InitMenuItem( "m_main_console", "console", 0, yoffset, MTYPE_ACTION, ALIGN_CENTER_TOP, uis.fontSystemBig, ConsoleFunc );
	Menu_AddItem( &s_main_menu, menuitem );
	yoffset += UI_SetupButton( menuitem, qtrue ) + UI_BUTTONBOX_VERTICAL_SPACE;

	menuitem = UI_InitMenuItem( "m_main_quit", "quit", 0, yoffset, MTYPE_ACTION, ALIGN_CENTER_TOP, uis.fontSystemBig, QuitMenuFunc );
	Menu_AddItem( &s_main_menu, menuitem );
	yoffset += UI_SetupButton( menuitem, qtrue ) + UI_BUTTONBOX_VERTICAL_SPACE;

	Menu_Center( &s_main_menu );
	Menu_Init( &s_main_menu, qtrue );

	Menu_SetStatusBar( &s_main_menu, main_menu_statusbar[0] ? main_menu_statusbar : NULL );
Ejemplo n.º 3
static void M_Msgbox_Init( void )
	int i, j, s;
	int lineend, len;
	int n = 0;
	const char *p;
	menucommon_t *menuitem = NULL;
	char menuitem_name[40];
	char scnd_btn_name[120] = { '\0' }, scnd_btn_action[120] = { '\0' };
	int width = 0, yoffset = 40;

	s_msgbox_menu.nitems = 0;

	mbtext[0] = 0;

	for( i = 1; i < trap_Cmd_Argc(); i++ )
		Q_strncpyz( mbtext, trap_Cmd_Argv(i), sizeof( mbtext ) );
		len = strlen( mbtext );

		// a secret second button
		if( !strncmp( mbtext, "\\btn\\", 5 ) )
			p = strstr( mbtext + 6, "\\" );
			if( p ) {
				mbtext[p - mbtext] = '\0';

				Q_strncpyz( scnd_btn_name, mbtext + 5, sizeof( scnd_btn_name ) );
				Q_strncpyz( scnd_btn_action, p + 1, sizeof( scnd_btn_action ) );


		// split the text into lines
		for( s = 0; s <= len; s += j + 1 )
			lineend = min( len - s, M_MSGBOX_LINELEN );

			for( j = lineend; j && mbtext[s+j] && mbtext[s+j] != ' '; j-- );
			if( !j ) j = lineend;

			mbtext[s+j] = '\0';

			Q_snprintfz( menuitem_name, sizeof( menuitem_name ), "m_msgbox_textline_%i", n );
			menuitem = UI_InitMenuItem( menuitem_name, mbtext + s, 0, yoffset, MTYPE_SEPARATOR, ALIGN_CENTER_TOP, uis.fontSystemSmall, NULL );
			Menu_AddItem( &s_msgbox_menu, menuitem );
			yoffset += trap_SCR_strHeight( menuitem->font );


	//if we printed something, add one line separation
	if( menuitem )
		yoffset += trap_SCR_strHeight( menuitem->font );

	if( scnd_btn_name[0] && scnd_btn_action[0] )
		width = UI_StringWidth( "close", uis.fontSystemBig );
		width = 0;

	menuitem = UI_InitMenuItem( "m_msgbox_close", "close", -width, yoffset, MTYPE_ACTION, ALIGN_CENTER_TOP, uis.fontSystemBig, M_genericBackFunc );
	Menu_AddItem( &s_msgbox_menu, menuitem );

	if( scnd_btn_name[0] && scnd_btn_action[0] )
		UI_SetupButton( menuitem, qtrue );

		menuitem = UI_InitMenuItem( "m_msgbox_connect", scnd_btn_name, width, yoffset, MTYPE_ACTION, ALIGN_CENTER_TOP, uis.fontSystemBig, M_Msgbox_SecondButton );
		menuitem->itemlocal = UI_CopyString( scnd_btn_action );
		Menu_AddItem( &s_msgbox_menu, menuitem );

	yoffset += UI_SetupButton( menuitem, qtrue ) + UI_BUTTONBOX_VERTICAL_SPACE;

	Menu_Center( &s_msgbox_menu );
	Menu_Init( &s_msgbox_menu, qfalse );
	Menu_SetStatusBar( &s_msgbox_menu, NULL );
Ejemplo n.º 4
static void M_TV_Init( void )
	int i, yoffset, xoffset, vspacing;
	static char titlename[64];
	menucommon_t *menuitem;
	int scrollwindow_height, scrollwindow_width, scrollbar_id;

	yoffset = 0;
	xoffset = 0;

	s_tv_menu.nitems = 0;

	Q_snprintfz( titlename, sizeof( titlename ), "%s TV", trap_Cvar_String( "gamename" ) );

	menuitem = UI_InitMenuItem( "m_tv_title1", titlename, 0, yoffset, MTYPE_SEPARATOR, ALIGN_CENTER_TOP, uis.fontSystemBig, NULL );
	Menu_AddItem( &s_tv_menu, menuitem );
	yoffset += 2 *trap_SCR_strHeight( menuitem->font );

	// scrollbar
	if( uis.vidWidth < 800 )
		scrollwindow_width = uis.vidWidth * 0.85;
		scrollwindow_width = uis.vidWidth * 0.75;

	xoffset = scrollwindow_width / 2;

	vspacing = trap_SCR_strHeight( uis.fontSystemSmall ) + 4;
	scrollwindow_height = uis.vidHeight - ( yoffset + ( 16 * trap_SCR_strHeight( uis.fontSystemBig ) ) );
	max_menu_channels = scrollwindow_height / vspacing;
	if( max_menu_channels < 5 )
		max_menu_channels = 5;

	menuitem = UI_InitMenuItem( "m_tv_titlerow", NULL, -xoffset, yoffset, MTYPE_SEPARATOR, ALIGN_LEFT_TOP, uis.fontSystemSmall, NULL );
	Q_snprintfz( menuitem->title, MAX_STRING_CHARS, 
			COLUMN_WIDTH_NAME, "", "Server",
			COLUMN_WIDTH_GAMETYPE, "", "Gametype",
	Menu_AddItem( &s_tv_menu, menuitem );
	yoffset += trap_SCR_strHeight( menuitem->font );

	menuitem = UI_InitMenuItem( "m_tv_scrollbar", NULL, xoffset, yoffset, MTYPE_SCROLLBAR, ALIGN_LEFT_TOP, uis.fontSystemSmall, M_TV_UpdateScrollbar );
	menuitem->vspacing = vspacing;
	menuitem->scrollbar_id = scrollbar_id = s_tv_menu.nitems; //give the scrollbar an id to pass onto its list
	Q_strncpyz( menuitem->title, va( "ui_tv_scrollbar%i_curvalue", scrollbar_id ), sizeof( menuitem->title ) );
	if( !trap_Cvar_Value( menuitem->title ) )
		trap_Cvar_SetValue( menuitem->title, 0 );
	UI_SetupScrollbar( menuitem, max_menu_channels, trap_Cvar_Value( menuitem->title ), 0, 0 );
	Menu_AddItem( &s_tv_menu, menuitem );

	for( i = 0; i < max_menu_channels; i++ )
		menuitem = UI_InitMenuItem( va( "m_tv_button_%i", i ), NO_CHANNEL_STRING, -xoffset, yoffset, MTYPE_ACTION,
		                            ALIGN_LEFT_TOP, uis.fontSystemSmall, NULL );
		menuitem->callback_doubleclick = M_TV_JoinChannel;
		menuitem->scrollbar_id = scrollbar_id; //id of the scrollbar so that mwheelup/down can scroll from the list
		menuitem->height = vspacing;
		menuitem->statusbar = "press ENTER to watch";
		menuitem->ownerdraw = M_UpdateChannelButton;
		menuitem->localdata[0] = i; // line in the window
		menuitem->localdata[1] = i; // line in list
		menuitem->width = scrollwindow_width; // adjust strings to this width
		Menu_AddItem( &s_tv_menu, menuitem );

		// create an associated picture to the items to act as window background
		menuitem->pict.shader = uis.whiteShader;
		menuitem->pict.shaderHigh = uis.whiteShader;
		Vector4Copy( colorWhite, menuitem->pict.colorHigh );
		Vector4Copy( ( i & 1 ) ? colorDkGrey : colorMdGrey, menuitem->pict.color );
		menuitem->pict.color[3] = menuitem->pict.colorHigh[3] = 0.65f;
		menuitem->pict.yoffset = 0;
		menuitem->pict.xoffset = 0;
		menuitem->pict.width = scrollwindow_width;
		menuitem->pict.height = vspacing;

		yoffset += vspacing;

	yoffset += 1.5 * trap_SCR_strHeight( menuitem->font );

	menuitem = UI_InitMenuItem( "m_tv_refresh", "refresh", -xoffset, yoffset, MTYPE_ACTION, ALIGN_LEFT_TOP, uis.fontSystemBig, M_TV_RefreshFunc );
	Menu_AddItem( &s_tv_menu, menuitem );
	UI_SetupButton( menuitem, qtrue );

	menuitem = UI_InitMenuItem( "m_tv_disconnect", "watch", xoffset, yoffset, MTYPE_ACTION, ALIGN_RIGHT_TOP, uis.fontSystemBig, M_TV_JoinChannel );
	Menu_AddItem( &s_tv_menu, menuitem );
	UI_SetupButton( menuitem, qtrue );
	xoffset -= ( menuitem->width + 16 );

	menuitem = UI_InitMenuItem( "m_tv_setup", "main menu", xoffset, yoffset, MTYPE_ACTION, ALIGN_RIGHT_TOP, uis.fontSystemBig, M_TV_MenuMainFunc );
	Menu_AddItem( &s_tv_menu, menuitem );
	UI_SetupButton( menuitem, qtrue );
	xoffset -= ( menuitem->width + 16 );

	if( uis.clientState >= CA_ACTIVE )
		menuitem = UI_InitMenuItem( "m_tv_chasecam", "chasecam", xoffset, yoffset, MTYPE_ACTION, ALIGN_RIGHT_TOP, uis.fontSystemBig, M_TV_SpecModeMenuFunc );
		Menu_AddItem( &s_tv_menu, menuitem );
		UI_SetupButton( menuitem, qtrue );
		xoffset -= ( menuitem->width + 16 );

	Menu_Center( &s_tv_menu );
	Menu_Init( &s_tv_menu, qfalse );

	Menu_SetStatusBar( &s_tv_menu, NULL );
Ejemplo n.º 5
static void Performance_Init( void )
    menucommon_t *menuitem;
    int yoffset = 0;

    char custom_resolution[64];
    static char **resolutions;

    static char *colordepth_names[] = { "desktop", "16 bits", "32 bits", 0 };

    static char *plighting_names[] = { "vertex (fast)", "lightmaps (normal)", "per pixel (quality)", "per pixel (no specular)", 0 };

    static char **texfilter_names;
    int anisotropic, spinindex;

    if( !gfx_profiles )
        int i = 0, num, total, len;
        char *current, buffer[1024];
        total = trap_FS_GetFileList( "profiles", ".cfg", NULL, 0, 0, 0 );

        if( total )
            gfx_profiles = UI_Malloc( sizeof( char * ) * ( total + 1 ) );

        while( i < total )
            if( ( num = trap_FS_GetFileList( "profiles", ".cfg", buffer, sizeof( buffer ), i, total ) ) == 0 )
                i++; // can happen if the filename is too long to fit into the buffer or we're done

            // add profiles to profiles list
            for( current = buffer ; num ; i++, num--, current += len )
                len = strlen( current ) + 1;
                if( strncmp( current, "gfx_", 4 ) )

                COM_StripExtension( current );

                gfx_profiles[i] = UI_Malloc( strlen( current + 4 ) + 1 );
                strcpy( gfx_profiles[i], current + 4 );

    if( !resolutions )
    {   // count video modes
        int i, width, height;
        qboolean wideScreen;

        for( i = 0; trap_VID_GetModeInfo( &width, &height, &wideScreen, i - 1 ); i++ ) ;

        resolutions = (char **)UI_Malloc( sizeof( char * ) * ( i + 1 ) );

        for( i = 0; trap_VID_GetModeInfo( &width, &height, &wideScreen, i - 1 ); i++ )
            Q_snprintfz( custom_resolution, sizeof( custom_resolution ), "%s%s%i x %i", i ? "" : "custom: ", ( wideScreen ? "W " : "" ), width, height );
            resolutions[i] = UI_CopyString( custom_resolution );
        resolutions[i] = NULL;

    if( !texfilter_names )
        int i, count;

        for( count = 0; ; count++ )
            if( trap_Cvar_Value( "gl_ext_texture_filter_anisotropic_max" ) <= (1<<count) )

        texfilter_names = (char **)UI_Malloc( sizeof( char * ) * ( count + 1 + 1 ) );

        texfilter_names[0] = UI_CopyString( "bilinear" );
        for( i = 0; i < count; i++ )
            texfilter_names[i+1] = UI_CopyString( va( "trilinear %ixAF", (1<<i) ) );
        texfilter_names[i+1] = NULL;

    menuitem = UI_InitMenuItem( "m_performance_title1", "GRAPHICS OPTIONS", 0, yoffset, MTYPE_SEPARATOR, ALIGN_CENTER_TOP, uis.fontSystemBig, NULL );
    Menu_AddItem( &s_performance_menu, menuitem );
    yoffset += trap_SCR_strHeight( menuitem->font );
    yoffset += trap_SCR_strHeight( menuitem->font );

    menuitem = UI_InitMenuItem( "m_performance_profile", "profile", 0, yoffset, MTYPE_SPINCONTROL, ALIGN_RIGHT_TOP, uis.fontSystemSmall, NULL );
    Menu_AddItem( &s_performance_menu, menuitem );
    UI_SetupSpinControl( menuitem, gfx_profiles, trap_Cvar_Value( "ui_gfxprofile" ) );
    yoffset += trap_SCR_strHeight( menuitem->font );
    yoffset += trap_SCR_strHeight( menuitem->font );

    menuitem = UI_InitMenuItem( "m_performance_applyprofile", "apply profile", 0, yoffset, MTYPE_ACTION, ALIGN_CENTER_TOP, uis.fontSystemBig, ApplyProfileButton );
    Menu_AddItem( &s_performance_menu, menuitem );
    yoffset += 1.5 * UI_SetupButton( menuitem, qtrue );

    menuitem = UI_InitMenuItem( "m_performance_resolution", "resolution", 0, yoffset, MTYPE_SPINCONTROL, ALIGN_RIGHT_TOP, uis.fontSystemSmall, NULL );
    Menu_AddItem( &s_performance_menu, menuitem );
    UI_SetupSpinControl( menuitem, resolutions, max( trap_Cvar_Value( "r_mode" ), -1 ) + 1 );
    yoffset += trap_SCR_strHeight( menuitem->font );

    menuitem = UI_InitMenuItem( "m_performance_fullscreen", "fullscreen", 0, yoffset, MTYPE_SPINCONTROL, ALIGN_RIGHT_TOP, uis.fontSystemSmall, NULL );
    Menu_AddItem( &s_performance_menu, menuitem );
    UI_SetupSpinControl( menuitem, noyes_names, trap_Cvar_Value( "vid_fullscreen" ) != 0 );
    yoffset += trap_SCR_strHeight( menuitem->font );

    menuitem = UI_InitMenuItem( "m_performance_swapinterval", "vertical sync", 0, yoffset, MTYPE_SPINCONTROL, ALIGN_RIGHT_TOP, uis.fontSystemSmall, NULL );
    Menu_AddItem( &s_performance_menu, menuitem );
    UI_SetupSpinControl( menuitem, noyes_names, trap_Cvar_Value( "r_swapinterval" ) );
    yoffset += trap_SCR_strHeight( menuitem->font );

    menuitem = UI_InitMenuItem( "m_performance_gamma", "brightness", 0, yoffset, MTYPE_SLIDER, ALIGN_RIGHT_TOP, uis.fontSystemSmall, NULL );
    Menu_AddItem( &s_performance_menu, menuitem );
    UI_SetupSlider( menuitem, 12, bound( (int)( trap_Cvar_Value( "r_gamma" ) * 10.0f ), 5, 13 ), 5, 13 );
    yoffset += trap_SCR_strHeight( menuitem->font );

    menuitem = UI_InitMenuItem( "m_performance_colorbits", "color quality", 0, yoffset, MTYPE_SPINCONTROL, ALIGN_RIGHT_TOP, uis.fontSystemSmall, NULL );
    Menu_AddItem( &s_performance_menu, menuitem );
    if( !Q_stricmp( trap_Cvar_String( "r_colorbits" ), "16" ) )
        UI_SetupSpinControl( menuitem, colordepth_names, 1 );
    else if( !Q_stricmp( trap_Cvar_String( "r_colorbits" ), "32" ) )
        UI_SetupSpinControl( menuitem, colordepth_names, 2 );
        UI_SetupSpinControl( menuitem, colordepth_names, 0 );
    yoffset += trap_SCR_strHeight( menuitem->font );

    menuitem = UI_InitMenuItem( "m_performance_picmip", "texture quality", 0, yoffset, MTYPE_SLIDER, ALIGN_RIGHT_TOP, uis.fontSystemSmall, NULL );
    Menu_AddItem( &s_performance_menu, menuitem );
    UI_SetupSlider( menuitem, 12, 6-trap_Cvar_Value( "r_picmip" ), 0, 6 );
    yoffset += trap_SCR_strHeight( menuitem->font );

    menuitem = UI_InitMenuItem( "m_performance_filter", "texture filter", 0, yoffset, MTYPE_SPINCONTROL, ALIGN_RIGHT_TOP, uis.fontSystemSmall, NULL );
    Menu_AddItem( &s_performance_menu, menuitem );
    anisotropic = trap_Cvar_Value( "r_texturefilter" );
    if( anisotropic >= 2 )
        spinindex = NEARESTEXPOF2( anisotropic ) + 1;
    else if( !Q_stricmp( trap_Cvar_String( "r_texturemode" ), "GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST" ) )
        spinindex = 0;
        spinindex = 1;
    UI_SetupSpinControl( menuitem, texfilter_names, spinindex );
    yoffset += trap_SCR_strHeight( menuitem->font );

    menuitem = UI_InitMenuItem( "m_performance_skymip", "sky quality", 0, yoffset, MTYPE_SLIDER, ALIGN_RIGHT_TOP, uis.fontSystemSmall, NULL );
    Menu_AddItem( &s_performance_menu, menuitem );
    UI_SetupSlider( menuitem, 12, (trap_Cvar_Value( "r_fastsky" ) ? 0 : 4-trap_Cvar_Value( "r_skymip" )), 0, 4 );
    yoffset += trap_SCR_strHeight( menuitem->font );

    menuitem = UI_InitMenuItem( "m_performance_LOD_slider", "geometry level of detail", 0, yoffset, MTYPE_SLIDER, ALIGN_RIGHT_TOP, uis.fontSystemSmall, NULL );
    Menu_AddItem( &s_performance_menu, menuitem );
    UI_SetupSlider( menuitem, 12, 4-max( trap_Cvar_Value( "r_lodbias" ), NEARESTEXPOF2( trap_Cvar_Value( "r_subdivisions" ) ) ), 0, 4 );
    yoffset += trap_SCR_strHeight( menuitem->font );

#if 0
    menuitem = UI_InitMenuItem( "m_performance_glsl", "opengl shaders", 0, yoffset, MTYPE_SPINCONTROL, ALIGN_RIGHT_TOP, uis.fontSystemSmall, NULL );
    Menu_AddItem( &s_performance_menu, menuitem );
    UI_SetupSpinControl( menuitem, offon_names, trap_Cvar_Value( "gl_ext_GLSL" ) );
    yoffset += trap_SCR_strHeight( menuitem->font );

    if( trap_Cvar_Value( "r_lighting_vertexlight" ) )
        spinindex = 0;
    else if( !trap_Cvar_Value( "r_lighting_deluxemapping" ) )
        spinindex = 1;
    else if( trap_Cvar_Value( "r_lighting_specular" ) )
        spinindex = 2;
        spinindex = 3;

    menuitem = UI_InitMenuItem( "m_performance_pplighting", "lighting", 0, yoffset, MTYPE_SPINCONTROL, ALIGN_RIGHT_TOP, uis.fontSystemSmall, NULL );
    Menu_AddItem( &s_performance_menu, menuitem );
    UI_SetupSpinControl( menuitem, plighting_names, spinindex );
    yoffset += trap_SCR_strHeight( menuitem->font );

    yoffset += trap_SCR_strHeight( menuitem->font );

    menuitem = UI_InitMenuItem( "m_performance_back", "back", -16, yoffset, MTYPE_ACTION, ALIGN_RIGHT_TOP, uis.fontSystemBig, M_genericBackFunc );
    Menu_AddItem( &s_performance_menu, menuitem );
    UI_SetupButton( menuitem, qtrue );
    menuitem = UI_InitMenuItem( "m_performance_apply", "apply", 16, yoffset, MTYPE_ACTION, ALIGN_LEFT_TOP, uis.fontSystemBig, ApplyButton );
    Menu_AddItem( &s_performance_menu, menuitem );
    yoffset += UI_SetupButton( menuitem, qtrue ) + UI_BUTTONBOX_VERTICAL_SPACE;;

    yoffset += trap_SCR_strHeight( uis.fontSystemSmall );

    menuitem = UI_InitMenuItem( "m_performance_advanced", "advanced options", 0, yoffset, MTYPE_ACTION, ALIGN_CENTER_TOP, uis.fontSystemBig, AdvancedButton );
    Menu_AddItem( &s_performance_menu, menuitem );
    UI_SetupButton( menuitem, qtrue );

    Menu_Center( &s_performance_menu );
    Menu_Init( &s_performance_menu, qfalse );
Ejemplo n.º 6
static qboolean TeamConfig_MenuInit( void )
	menucommon_t *menuitem;
	m_listitem_t *item;
	playermodelinfo_s *playermodel;
	int yoffset = 0;

	static char *team_names[] =

	if( playermodelsItemsList.numItems == 0 )
		return qfalse;

	s_team_config_menu.nitems = 0;

	currentTEAM = TEAM_ALPHA;

	// title
	menuitem = UI_InitMenuItem( "m_TeamConfig_title1", "TEAM ASPECT SETUP", 0, yoffset, MTYPE_SEPARATOR, ALIGN_CENTER_TOP, uis.fontSystemBig, NULL );
	Menu_AddItem( &s_team_config_menu, menuitem );
	yoffset += trap_SCR_strHeight( menuitem->font );

	yoffset += trap_SCR_strHeight( menuitem->font );

	// team
	menuitem = UI_InitMenuItem( "m_TeamConfig_team", "team", 0, yoffset, MTYPE_SPINCONTROL, ALIGN_RIGHT_TOP, uis.fontSystemSmall, ChangeTeamCallback );
	UI_SetupSpinControl( menuitem, team_names, TEAM_ALPHA - TEAM_PLAYERS );
	Menu_AddItem( &s_team_config_menu, menuitem );

	yoffset += trap_SCR_strHeight( menuitem->font );

	// padding
	yoffset += trap_SCR_strHeight( menuitem->font );

	// model
	menuitem = UI_InitMenuItem( "m_TeamConfig_forcemodel", "force a team model", 0, yoffset, MTYPE_SPINCONTROL, ALIGN_RIGHT_TOP, uis.fontSystemSmall, M_TeamConfig_ApplyChanges );
	UI_SetupSpinControl( menuitem, noyes_names, ( model->string[0] != 0 ) );
	Menu_AddItem( &s_team_config_menu, menuitem );
	hasForcedModelMenuItem = menuitem;

	yoffset += trap_SCR_strHeight( menuitem->font );

	menuitem = UI_InitMenuItem( "m_TeamConfig_model", "model", 0, yoffset, MTYPE_SPINCONTROL, ALIGN_RIGHT_TOP, uis.fontSystemSmall, TeamModelCallback );
	UI_SetupSpinControl( menuitem, playermodelsItemsList.item_names, 0 );
	Menu_AddItem( &s_team_config_menu, menuitem );

	yoffset += trap_SCR_strHeight( menuitem->font );

	item = UI_FindItemInScrollListWithId( &playermodelsItemsList, 0 );
	playermodel = (playermodelinfo_s *)item->data;
	menuitem = UI_InitMenuItem( "m_TeamConfig_skin", "skin", 0, yoffset, MTYPE_SPINCONTROL, ALIGN_RIGHT_TOP, uis.fontSystemSmall, M_TeamConfig_ApplyChanges );
	UI_SetupSpinControl( menuitem, playermodel->skinnames, 0 );
	Menu_AddItem( &s_team_config_menu, menuitem );

	yoffset += trap_SCR_strHeight( menuitem->font );


	// padding
	yoffset += trap_SCR_strHeight( menuitem->font );

	// color
	menuitem = UI_InitMenuItem( "m_TeamConfig_forcecolor", "force a team color", 0, yoffset, MTYPE_SPINCONTROL, ALIGN_RIGHT_TOP, uis.fontSystemSmall, ForceAColorCallback );
	UI_SetupSpinControl( menuitem, noyes_names, ( color->string[0] != 0 ) );
	Menu_AddItem( &s_team_config_menu, menuitem );
	hasForcedColorMenuItem = menuitem;

	yoffset += trap_SCR_strHeight( menuitem->font );

	menuitem = UI_InitMenuItem( "m_TeamConfig_colorred", "red", 0, yoffset, MTYPE_SLIDER, ALIGN_RIGHT_TOP, uis.fontSystemSmall, M_TeamConfig_ColorRedCallback );
	Menu_AddItem( &s_team_config_menu, menuitem );
	UI_SetupSlider( menuitem, 12, playerColor[0], 0, 255 );

	yoffset += trap_SCR_strHeight( menuitem->font );

	menuitem = UI_InitMenuItem( "m_TeamConfig_colorgreen", "green", 0, yoffset, MTYPE_SLIDER, ALIGN_RIGHT_TOP, uis.fontSystemSmall, M_TeamConfig_ColorGreenCallback );
	Menu_AddItem( &s_team_config_menu, menuitem );
	UI_SetupSlider( menuitem, 12, playerColor[1], 0, 255 );

	yoffset += trap_SCR_strHeight( menuitem->font );

	menuitem = UI_InitMenuItem( "m_TeamConfig_colorblue", "blue", 0, yoffset, MTYPE_SLIDER, ALIGN_RIGHT_TOP, uis.fontSystemSmall, M_TeamConfig_ColorBlueCallback );
	Menu_AddItem( &s_team_config_menu, menuitem );
	UI_SetupSlider( menuitem, 12, playerColor[2], 0, 255 );


	yoffset += trap_SCR_strHeight( menuitem->font );

	// padding
	yoffset += trap_SCR_strHeight( menuitem->font );

	menuitem = UI_InitMenuItem( "m_TeamConfig_MyTeamAlpha", "switch my team to show as team ALPHA", 60, yoffset, MTYPE_SPINCONTROL, ALIGN_RIGHT_TOP, uis.fontSystemSmall, M_TeamConfig_MyTeamAlpha );
	UI_SetupSpinControl( menuitem, noyes_names, ( trap_Cvar_Value( "cg_forceMyTeamAlpha" ) ) );
	Menu_AddItem( &s_team_config_menu, menuitem );

	yoffset += trap_SCR_strHeight( menuitem->font );

	menuitem = UI_InitMenuItem( "m_TeamConfig_TeamPlayersTeamBeta", "show teamless players as team BETA players", 60, yoffset, MTYPE_SPINCONTROL, ALIGN_RIGHT_TOP, uis.fontSystemSmall, M_TeamConfig_TeamPlayersTeamBeta );
	UI_SetupSpinControl( menuitem, noyes_names, ( trap_Cvar_Value( "cg_forceTeamPlayersTeamBeta" ) ) );
	Menu_AddItem( &s_team_config_menu, menuitem );

	yoffset += trap_SCR_strHeight( menuitem->font );

	// padding
	yoffset += trap_SCR_strHeight( menuitem->font );

	// help
	menuitem = UI_InitMenuItem( "m_TeamConfig_HelpText", "If you want to always force your teammates and your enemies to a specific look,", 10, yoffset, MTYPE_SEPARATOR, ALIGN_CENTER_TOP, uis.fontSystemSmall, NULL );
	Menu_AddItem( &s_team_config_menu, menuitem );
	yoffset += trap_SCR_strHeight( menuitem->font );

	menuitem = UI_InitMenuItem( "m_TeamConfig_HelpText2", "set both of the above options and configure ALPHA and BETA teams", 10, yoffset, MTYPE_SEPARATOR, ALIGN_CENTER_TOP, uis.fontSystemSmall, NULL );
	Menu_AddItem( &s_team_config_menu, menuitem );
	yoffset += trap_SCR_strHeight( menuitem->font );

	// padding
	yoffset += trap_SCR_strHeight( menuitem->font );

	// back
	menuitem = UI_InitMenuItem( "m_TeamConfig_back", "back", 0, yoffset, MTYPE_ACTION, ALIGN_CENTER_TOP, uis.fontSystemBig, M_TeamConfig_SaveAndClose );
	Menu_AddItem( &s_team_config_menu, menuitem );
	UI_SetupButton( menuitem, qtrue );

	Menu_Center( &s_team_config_menu );
	Menu_Init( &s_team_config_menu, qfalse );

	return qtrue;
Ejemplo n.º 7
static qboolean StartServer_MenuInit( void )
    menucommon_t *menuitem_settings_background;
    menucommon_t *menuitem, *col_title;
    static char *skill_names[] = { "easy", "normal", "hard", 0 };
    static char *sortmethod_names[] = { "file name", "title", 0 };
    cvar_t *cvar_lastmap;
    int maxclients;
    int scrollwindow_width, xoffset, yoffset = 0; //leave some room for preview pic

    trap_Cvar_Get( "ui_maplist_sortmethod", "1", CVAR_ARCHIVE );

    // create a list with the installed gametype names
    ui_gametype_names = trap_Cvar_Get( "ui_gametype_names", ";", CVAR_NOSET );
    if( !UI_CreateFileNamesListCvar( ui_gametype_names, "progs/gametypes", ".gt", ';' ) )
        trap_Cvar_ForceSet( "ui_gametype_names", "dm;" );

    if( uis.vidWidth < 800 )
        scrollwindow_width = uis.vidWidth * 0.85;
    else if( uis.vidWidth < 1024 )
        scrollwindow_width = uis.vidWidth * 0.75;
        scrollwindow_width = uis.vidWidth * 0.45;
    xoffset = scrollwindow_width / 2;

    // convert to item names format
    M_StartServer_MakeGametypesNames( ui_gametype_names->string );

    s_startserver_menu.nitems = 0;

    menuitem = UI_InitMenuItem( "m_startserver_title1", "SERVER SETUP", 0, yoffset, MTYPE_SEPARATOR, ALIGN_CENTER_TOP, uis.fontSystemBig, NULL );
    Menu_AddItem( &s_startserver_menu, menuitem );
    yoffset += trap_SCR_strHeight( menuitem->font );

    // separator
    yoffset += trap_SCR_strHeight( menuitem->font );

    menuitem = UI_InitMenuItem( "m_startserver_map", "initial map", 0, yoffset, MTYPE_SEPARATOR, ALIGN_CENTER_TOP, uis.fontSystemMedium, NULL );
    Menu_AddItem( &s_startserver_menu, menuitem );
    yoffset += trap_SCR_strHeight( menuitem->font );

    yoffset += trap_SCR_strHeight( menuitem->font ) * 0.5;

    // order type
    menuitem = col_title = UI_InitMenuItem( "m_startserver_order_title", "order by: ", -xoffset - LCOLUMN_OFFSET / 2, yoffset, MTYPE_SEPARATOR, ALIGN_LEFT_TOP, uis.fontSystemSmall, NULL );
    Menu_AddItem( &s_startserver_menu, menuitem );

    menuitem = UI_InitMenuItem( "m_startserver_order", NULL, col_title->x + trap_SCR_strWidth( col_title->title, uis.fontSystemSmall, 0 ),
                                yoffset, MTYPE_SPINCONTROL, ALIGN_LEFT_TOP, uis.fontSystemSmall, StartServer_UpdateOrderMethod );
    UI_SetupSpinControl( menuitem, sortmethod_names, trap_Cvar_Value( "ui_maplist_sortmethod" ) );
    Menu_AddItem( &s_startserver_menu, menuitem );

    menuitem = UI_InitMenuItem( "m_startserver_mappic", NULL, xoffset - MAPPIC_WIDTH - 8, yoffset, MTYPE_SEPARATOR, ALIGN_CENTER_TOP, uis.fontSystemSmall, NULL );
    Menu_AddItem( &s_startserver_menu, menuitem );

    cvar_lastmap = trap_Cvar_Get( "ui_startserver_lastselectedmap", "", CVAR_NOSET );
    MapsList_CreateItems( cvar_lastmap->string );
    MapsList_ChooseMap( NULL );

    yoffset += trap_SCR_strHeight( menuitem->font );
    yoffset = MapsList_CreateScrollbox( scrollwindow_width, yoffset );

    yoffset += trap_SCR_strHeight( menuitem->font ) * 0.5;

    menuitem_settings_background = UI_InitMenuItem( "m_startserver_settings_back", "", -xoffset, yoffset, MTYPE_SEPARATOR, ALIGN_LEFT_TOP, uis.fontSystemSmall, NULL );
    Menu_AddItem( &s_startserver_menu, menuitem_settings_background );
    // create an associated picture to the items to act as window background
    menuitem = menuitem_settings_background;
    menuitem->ownerdraw = M_StartServer_DrawSettingsBox;
    menuitem->pict.shader = uis.whiteShader;
    menuitem->pict.shaderHigh = NULL;
    Vector4Copy( colorMdGrey, menuitem->pict.color );
    menuitem->pict.color[3] = 0;
    menuitem->pict.yoffset = 0;
    menuitem->pict.xoffset = 0;
    menuitem->pict.width = scrollwindow_width;
    menuitem->pict.height = yoffset + menuitem->pict.yoffset; // will be set later

    yoffset += trap_SCR_strHeight( menuitem->font );

    // g_gametype
    m_gametype = mapList_suggested_gametype ? mapList_suggested_gametype : SuggestGameType( NULL );
    menuitem = m_gametypes_item = UI_InitMenuItem( "m_startserver_gametype", "gametype", -130, yoffset, MTYPE_SPINCONTROL, ALIGN_RIGHT_TOP, uis.fontSystemSmall, M_GametypeFunc );
    menuitem->statusbar = "select the server gametype";
    UI_SetupSpinControl( menuitem, startserver_gametype_names, m_gametype );
    Menu_AddItem( &s_startserver_menu, menuitem );
    //yoffset += trap_SCR_strHeight( menuitem->font );

    // g_timelimit
    menuitem = UI_InitMenuItem( "m_startserver_timelimit", "time limit", 100, yoffset, MTYPE_FIELD, ALIGN_RIGHT_TOP, uis.fontSystemSmall, NULL );
    menuitem->statusbar = "0 = no limit";
    UI_SetupField( menuitem, trap_Cvar_String( "g_timelimit" ), 6, -1 );
    UI_SetupFlags( menuitem, F_NUMBERSONLY );
    Menu_AddItem( &s_startserver_menu, menuitem );
    yoffset += trap_SCR_strHeight( menuitem->font );

    // sv_skilllevel
    menuitem = UI_InitMenuItem( "m_startserver_skill", "skill level", -130, yoffset, MTYPE_SPINCONTROL, ALIGN_RIGHT_TOP, uis.fontSystemSmall, M_SkillLevelFunc );
    m_skill = trap_Cvar_Value( "sv_skilllevel" );
    menuitem->statusbar = "select server skill level";
    UI_SetupSpinControl( menuitem, skill_names, m_skill );
    Menu_AddItem( &s_startserver_menu, menuitem );
    //yoffset += trap_SCR_strHeight( menuitem->font );

    // g_scorelimit
    menuitem = UI_InitMenuItem( "m_startserver_scorelimit", "score limit", 100, yoffset, MTYPE_FIELD, ALIGN_RIGHT_TOP, uis.fontSystemSmall, NULL );
    menuitem->statusbar = "0 = no limit";
    UI_SetupField( menuitem, trap_Cvar_String( "g_scorelimit" ), 6, -1 );
    UI_SetupFlags( menuitem, F_NUMBERSONLY );
    Menu_AddItem( &s_startserver_menu, menuitem );
    yoffset += trap_SCR_strHeight( menuitem->font );

    // sv_cheats
    menuitem = UI_InitMenuItem( "m_startserver_cheats", "cheats", -130, yoffset, MTYPE_SPINCONTROL, ALIGN_RIGHT_TOP, uis.fontSystemSmall, M_CheatsFunc );
    m_cheats = trap_Cvar_Value( "sv_cheats" );
    menuitem->statusbar = "enable cheats on the server";
    UI_SetupSpinControl( menuitem, offon_names, m_cheats );
    Menu_AddItem( &s_startserver_menu, menuitem );
    //yoffset += trap_SCR_strHeight( menuitem->font );

    // g_numbots
    menuitem = UI_InitMenuItem( "m_startserver_numbots", "number of bots", 100, yoffset, MTYPE_FIELD, ALIGN_RIGHT_TOP, uis.fontSystemSmall, NULL );
    menuitem->statusbar = "Can't be more than maxclients";
    UI_SetupField( menuitem, trap_Cvar_String( "g_numbots" ), 6, -1 );
    UI_SetupFlags( menuitem, F_NUMBERSONLY );
    Menu_AddItem( &s_startserver_menu, menuitem );
    yoffset += trap_SCR_strHeight( menuitem->font );

    // g_instagib
    menuitem = UI_InitMenuItem( "m_startserver_instagib", "instagib", -130, yoffset, MTYPE_SPINCONTROL, ALIGN_RIGHT_TOP, uis.fontSystemSmall, M_InstagibFunc );
    m_instagib = trap_Cvar_Value( "g_instagib" );
    menuitem->statusbar = "enable instagib mode";
    UI_SetupSpinControl( menuitem, offon_names, m_instagib );
    Menu_AddItem( &s_startserver_menu, menuitem );
    //yoffset += trap_SCR_strHeight( menuitem->font );

    // sv_maxclients
    ** maxclients determines the maximum number of players that can join
    ** the game.  If maxclients is only "1" then we should default the menu
    ** option to 8 players, otherwise use whatever its current value is.
    maxclients = trap_Cvar_Value( "sv_maxclients" ) <= 1 ? 8 : trap_Cvar_Value( "sv_maxclients" );
    menuitem = UI_InitMenuItem( "m_startserver_maxplayers", "max players", 100, yoffset, MTYPE_FIELD, ALIGN_RIGHT_TOP, uis.fontSystemSmall, NULL );
    UI_SetupField( menuitem, va( "%i", maxclients ), 6, -1 );
    UI_SetupFlags( menuitem, F_NUMBERSONLY );
    Menu_AddItem( &s_startserver_menu, menuitem );
    yoffset += trap_SCR_strHeight( menuitem->font );

    // sv_public
    menuitem = UI_InitMenuItem( "m_startserver_public", "public", -130, yoffset, MTYPE_SPINCONTROL, ALIGN_RIGHT_TOP, uis.fontSystemSmall, M_PublicFunc );
    m_public = trap_Cvar_Value( "sv_public" );
    menuitem->statusbar = "announce this server to metaservers";
    UI_SetupSpinControl( menuitem, offon_names, m_public );
    Menu_AddItem( &s_startserver_menu, menuitem );
    //yoffset += trap_SCR_strHeight( menuitem->font );

    // sv_hostname
    menuitem = UI_InitMenuItem( "m_startserver_hostname", "server name", 100, yoffset, MTYPE_FIELD, ALIGN_RIGHT_TOP, uis.fontSystemSmall, NULL );
    UI_SetupField( menuitem, trap_Cvar_String( "sv_hostname" ), 14, -1 );
    Menu_AddItem( &s_startserver_menu, menuitem );
    yoffset += trap_SCR_strHeight( menuitem->font );

    yoffset += trap_SCR_strHeight( menuitem->font ) * 0.5;

    // here ends the settings background, set it's image height now
    menuitem_settings_background->pict.height = yoffset - menuitem_settings_background->pict.height + ( 0.5 * trap_SCR_strHeight( menuitem->font ) );

    yoffset += trap_SCR_strHeight( menuitem->font );

    // begin button
    menuitem = UI_InitMenuItem( "m_startserver_begin", "begin", 16, yoffset, MTYPE_ACTION, ALIGN_LEFT_TOP, uis.fontSystemBig, StartServerActionFunc );
    Menu_AddItem( &s_startserver_menu, menuitem );
    UI_SetupButton( menuitem, qtrue );

    menuitem = UI_InitMenuItem( "m_startserver_back", "back", -16, yoffset, MTYPE_ACTION, ALIGN_RIGHT_TOP, uis.fontSystemBig, M_genericBackFunc );
    Menu_AddItem( &s_startserver_menu, menuitem );
    yoffset += UI_SetupButton( menuitem, qtrue ) + UI_BUTTONBOX_VERTICAL_SPACE;

    Menu_Center( &s_startserver_menu );
    s_startserver_menu.x = ( uis.vidWidth / 2 );
    Menu_Init( &s_startserver_menu, qfalse );
    return qtrue;