static size_t widthOfUTF8String(const String & s) { size_t res = 0; for (auto c : s) /// Skip UTF-8 continuation bytes. res += (UInt8(c) <= 0x7F || UInt8(c) >= 0xC0); return res; }
void writeBitsImpl(DataType value, int bitCount, StreamBuffer& streamBuffer, int& holdingBitCount, int& totalBitCount) { assert(isEnoughBits<DataType>(bitCount)); if (! isEnoughBits<DataType>(bitCount)) { throw StreamingException(__FILE__, __LINE__, "invalid bitCount"); } DataType theValue = resetUnusedBits(value, bitCount); if (holdingBitCount > 0) { if (streamBuffer.empty()) { throw StreamingException(__FILE__, __LINE__, "buffer is empty"); } streamBuffer.back() |= UInt8(theValue << holdingBitCount); } else { streamBuffer.push(UInt8(theValue)); } const int bitShiftCount = CHAR_BIT - holdingBitCount; if (bitCount > bitShiftCount) { int leftBitCount = bitCount - bitShiftCount; theValue >>= bitShiftCount; do { streamBuffer.push(UInt8(theValue)); theValue >>= CHAR_BIT; leftBitCount -= CHAR_BIT; } while (leftBitCount > 0); }
MouseWheelEventDetailsBase::MouseWheelEventDetailsBase(void) : Inherited(), _sfScrollType (UInt8(MouseWheelEventDetails::UNIT_SCROLL)), _sfScrollOrientation (UInt8(MouseWheelEventDetails::SCROLL_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL)), _sfWheelRotation (Int32(0)), _sfLocation (Pnt2f(0.0f,0.0f)), _sfViewport (NULL) { }
void runTests(bool write,BinaryDataHandler &pMem) { runTest (write,pMem, std::string("Hallo") ); runTest1 (write,pMem, Time(222.22) ); runTest (write,pMem, Color3f(1.1,2.2,3.3) ); runTest (write,pMem, Color4f(1.1,2.2,3.3,4.4) ); runTest (write,pMem, Color3ub(1,2,3) ); runTest (write,pMem, Color4ub(1,2,3,4) ); runTest (write,pMem, DynamicVolume(DynamicVolume::BOX_VOLUME) ); runTest (write,pMem, DynamicVolume(DynamicVolume::SPHERE_VOLUME) ); runTest1 (write,pMem, BitVector(0xabcd) ); runTest (write,pMem, Plane(Vec3f(1.0,0),0.222) ); runTest (write,pMem, Matrix(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16) ); runTest (write,pMem, Quaternion(Vec3f(1,2,3),22) ); runTest2<bool>(write,pMem, true ); runTest (write,pMem, Int8(-22) ); runTest (write,pMem, UInt8(11) ); runTest (write,pMem, Int16(-10233) ); runTest (write,pMem, UInt16(20233) ); runTest (write,pMem, Int32(-222320233) ); runTest (write,pMem, UInt32(522320233) ); runTest<Int64> (write,pMem, Int64(-522323334) ); runTest (write,pMem, UInt64(44523423) ); runTest (write,pMem, Real32(22.333224) ); runTest (write,pMem, Real64(52.334534533224) ); runTest (write,pMem, Vec2f(1.1,2.2) ); runTest (write,pMem, Vec3f(1.1,2.2,3.3) ); runTest (write,pMem, Vec4f(1.1,2.2,3.3,4.4) ); runTest (write,pMem, Pnt2f(1.1,2.2) ); runTest (write,pMem, Pnt2d(1.1,2.2) ); runTest (write,pMem, Pnt3f(1.1,2.2,3.3) ); runTest (write,pMem, Pnt3d(1.1,2.2,3.3) ); runTest (write,pMem, Pnt4f(1.1,2.2,3.3,4.4) ); runTest (write,pMem, Pnt4d(1.1,2.2,3.3,4.4) ); }
//--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void __fastcall TFrDeviceExplorer::btnWriteClick(TObject *Sender) { TBluetoothLEDevice * ADevice = NULL; ADevice = GetCurrentDevice(); if(ADevice != NULL) { TBluetoothGattService * AService = ADevice->Services->Items[CurrentService]; TBluetoothGattCharacteristic * AChar = AService->Characteristics->Items[CurrentCharacteristic]; if((AChar->Properties.Contains(TBluetoothProperty::Write)) || (AChar->Properties.Contains(TBluetoothProperty::WriteNoResponse)) || (AChar->Properties.Contains(TBluetoothProperty::SignedWrite))) { if(CbWriteTypes->ItemIndex == 0) AChar->SetValueAsString(EdCharacWrite->Text); if(CbWriteTypes->ItemIndex == 1) AChar->SetValueAsString(EdCharacWrite->Text, false); if(CbWriteTypes->ItemIndex == 2) AChar->SetValueAsUInt8(UInt8(StrToInt(EdCharacWrite->Text))); if(CbWriteTypes->ItemIndex == 3) AChar->SetValueAsUInt16(UInt16(StrToInt(EdCharacWrite->Text))); if(CbWriteTypes->ItemIndex == 4) AChar->SetValueAsUInt32(UInt32(StrToInt(EdCharacWrite->Text))); if(CbWriteTypes->ItemIndex == 5) AChar->SetValueAsUInt64(StrToInt(EdCharacWrite->Text)); if(CbWriteTypes->ItemIndex == 6) AChar->SetValueAsInt8(Int8(StrToInt(EdCharacWrite->Text))); if(CbWriteTypes->ItemIndex == 7) AChar->SetValueAsInt16(Int16(StrToInt(EdCharacWrite->Text))); if(CbWriteTypes->ItemIndex == 8) AChar->SetValueAsInt32(Int32(StrToInt(EdCharacWrite->Text))); if(CbWriteTypes->ItemIndex == 9) AChar->SetValueAsInt64(StrToInt(EdCharacWrite->Text)); if(CbWriteTypes->ItemIndex == 10) AChar->SetValueAsDouble(StrToFloat(EdCharacWrite->Text)); if(CbWriteTypes->ItemIndex == 11) AChar->SetValueAsSingle(StrToFloat(EdCharacWrite->Text)); ADevice->WriteCharacteristic(AChar); } else { ShowMessage("This characteristic doesn''t allow Write"); } } else { ShowMessage(EdCurrentDevice->Text + " is not available"); } }
SearchWindowEventDetailsBase::SearchWindowEventDetailsBase(void) : Inherited(), _sfOption (UInt8(SearchWindowEventDetails::DIALOG_OPTION_SEARCH)), _sfSearchText (), _sfReplaceText () { }
void registerCodecDelta(CompressionCodecFactory & factory) { UInt8 method_code = UInt8(CompressionMethodByte::Delta); factory.registerCompressionCodecWithType("Delta", method_code, [&](const ASTPtr & arguments, DataTypePtr column_type) -> CompressionCodecPtr { UInt8 delta_bytes_size = 1; if (column_type && column_type->haveMaximumSizeOfValue()) { size_t max_size = column_type->getSizeOfValueInMemory(); if (max_size == 1 || max_size == 2 || max_size == 4 || max_size == 8) delta_bytes_size = static_cast<UInt8>(max_size); } if (arguments && !arguments->children.empty()) { if (arguments->children.size() > 1) throw Exception("Delta codec must have 1 parameter, given " + std::to_string(arguments->children.size()), ErrorCodes::ILLEGAL_SYNTAX_FOR_CODEC_TYPE); const auto children = arguments->children; const ASTLiteral * literal = static_cast<const ASTLiteral *>(children[0].get()); size_t user_bytes_size = literal->value.safeGet<UInt64>(); if (user_bytes_size != 1 && user_bytes_size != 2 && user_bytes_size != 4 && user_bytes_size != 8) throw Exception("Delta value for delta codec can be 1, 2, 4 or 8, given " + toString(user_bytes_size), ErrorCodes::ILLEGAL_CODEC_PARAMETER); delta_bytes_size = static_cast<UInt8>(user_bytes_size); } return std::make_shared<CompressionCodecDelta>(delta_bytes_size); }); }
SimpleStatisticsForegroundBase::SimpleStatisticsForegroundBase(void) : Inherited(), _mfFormats (), _sfSize (Real32(16)), _sfColor (Color4f(1,1,1,1)), _sfShadowColor (Color4f(0,0,0,1)), _sfBgColor (Color4f(0,0,0,0)), _sfFamily (), _sfShadowOffset (Vec2f(1,-1)), _sfHorizontalAlign (UInt8(0)), _sfVerticalAlign (UInt8(0)), _sfBorderColor (Color4f(0,0,0,0)), _sfBorderOffset (Vec2f(4,4)), _sfTextMargin (Vec2f(0,0)) { }
QVariant UInt8Codec::value( const PODData& data, int* byteCount ) const { const quint8* pointer = (quint8*)data.pointer( 1 ); *byteCount = pointer ? 1 : 0; return pointer ? QVariant::fromValue<UInt8>( UInt8(*pointer) ) : QVariant(); }
Persistent::Base::Error SimMovingShape::write(StreamIO &s, int ver, int b) { s.write(SimMovingShape::version()); Parent::write(s,ver,b); // Attributes s.write(objectMask); s.write(sizeof(record.flags),&record.flags); s.write(record.timeScale); s.write(record.forwardDelay); s.write(record.backwardDelay); s.write(record.startSoundId); s.write(record.stopSoundId); s.write(record.runningSoundId); s.write(record.collisionMask); s.write(record.collisionDamage); // Current state s.write(UInt8(state)); s.write(time); s.write(wayPoint); if (state == Forward || state == Backward) { s.write(sizeof(lPosition),&lPosition); s.write(sizeof(lVector),&lVector); s.write(sizeof(aPosition),&aPosition); s.write(sizeof(aVector),&aVector); } return (s.getStatus() == STRM_OK)? Ok: WriteError; }
DialogWindowEventDetailsBase::DialogWindowEventDetailsBase(void) : Inherited(), _sfOption (UInt8(DialogWindowEventDetails::DIALOG_OPTION_OK)), _sfInput (), _sfInputIndex (UInt32(0)) { }
ConditionalParticleAffectorBase::ConditionalParticleAffectorBase(void) : Inherited(), _sfConditionalAttribute (), _sfConditionalOperator (UInt8(1)), _sfConditionalValue (UInt32(0.0)), _mfAffectors () { }
dmz::Boolean dmz::NetExtPacketCodecObjectNative::encode_object ( const Handle ObjectHandle, const NetObjectEncodeEnum EncodeMode, Marshal &data) { Boolean result (False); if (_attrMod && _objMod) { UUID objectID; if (_objMod->lookup_uuid (ObjectHandle, objectID)) { data.set_next_uuid (_SysID); data.set_next_uuid (objectID); if (EncodeMode == NetObjectDeactivate) { data.set_next_int8 (0); result = True; } else { const ObjectType Type (_objMod->lookup_object_type (ObjectHandle)); ArrayUInt32 typeArray; if (_attrMod->to_net_object_type (Type, typeArray)) { const Int32 TypeSize (typeArray.get_size ()); data.set_next_int8 (Int8 (TypeSize)); for (Int32 ix = 0; ix < TypeSize; ix++) { data.set_next_uint8 (UInt8 (typeArray.get (ix))); } ObjectAttributeAdapter *current (_adapterList); while (current) { current->encode (ObjectHandle, *_objMod, data); current = current->next; } result = True; } _objMod->store_time_stamp ( ObjectHandle, _lnvHandle, _time.get_last_frame_time ()); } } } return result; }
LabelBase::LabelBase(void) : Inherited(), _sfPosition (Pnt3f(0,0,0)), _sfPixelOffset (Vec2f(0,0)), _sfOrientation (Real32(0.0)), _sfHorizontalAlign (UInt8(1)), _sfVerticalAlign (UInt8(1)), _sfMargin (Vec2f(0,0)), _sfColor (Color4f(1,1,1,1)), _sfBgColor (Color4f(0,0,0,0)), _sfShadowColor (Color4f(0,0,0,1)), _sfShadowOffset (Vec2f(1,-1)), _sfBorderColor (Color4f(0,0,0,0)), _sfBorderOffset (Vec2f(4,4)), _sfImportance (Real32(1)), _sfTextureObject (NULL) { }
AbstractTextBase::AbstractTextBase(void) : _sfPosition (), _sfFont (), _mfText (), _sfVerticalLineDistance (), _sfAlignment (UInt8(0)), Inherited() { }
// Note: Not a heck of a lot of room for error in this function... // void imageFile::LoadTextAlphaPAL(void) { FILE *fp; if((fp = fopen(Filename,"rb")) == NULL) { printf("ERROR - Cannot read Palette from : %s\n",Filename); exit(0); } for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) { int red, green, blue, alpha; fscanf(fp, "%d %d %d %d", &red, &green, &blue, &alpha); Pal[i].peRed = UInt8(red); Pal[i].peGreen = UInt8(green); Pal[i].peBlue = UInt8(blue); Pal[i].peFlags = UInt8(alpha); } fclose(fp); }
bool SynthGroupElement::ChannelMessage(UInt16 controllerID, UInt16 inValue) { bool handled = true; #if DEBUG_PRINT printf("SynthGroupElement::ChannelMessage(0x%x, %u)\n", controllerID, inValue); #endif // Sustain and sostenuto are "pedal events", and are handled during render cycle if (controllerID <= kMidiController_RPN_MSB && controllerID != kMidiController_Sustain && controllerID != kMidiController_Sostenuto) handled = mMidiControlHandler->SetController(controllerID, UInt8(inValue)); else { switch (controllerID) { case kMidiMessage_ProgramChange: handled = mMidiControlHandler->SetProgramChange(inValue); break; case kMidiMessage_PitchWheel: handled = mMidiControlHandler->SetPitchWheel(inValue); break; case kMidiMessage_ChannelPressure: #if DEBUG_PRINT printf("SynthGroupElement::ChannelMessage: Channel Pressure %u\n", inValue); #endif handled = mMidiControlHandler->SetChannelPressure(UInt8(inValue)); break; case kMidiMessage_PolyPressure: { UInt8 inKey = inValue >> 7; UInt8 val = inValue & 0xf; handled = mMidiControlHandler->SetPolyPressure(inKey, val); break; } default: handled = false; break; } } return handled; }
CgFXMaterialBase::CgFXMaterialBase(void) : Inherited(), _sfTreatTechniquesAsVariants(bool(false)), _sfEffectFile (), _sfParameterValueSource (UInt8(CgFXMaterial::DEFAULT)), _sfEffectString (), _mfCompilerOptions (), _sfVariables (this, VariablesFieldId, ShaderProgramVariables::ParentsFieldId), _sfSelectedTechnique (), _sfStateVariables (UInt32(0)), _mfTechniques (), _mfTextures (), _sfGLId (GLenum(0)) { }
void registerCodecZSTD(CompressionCodecFactory & factory) { UInt8 method_code = UInt8(CompressionMethodByte::ZSTD); factory.registerCompressionCodec("ZSTD", method_code, [&](const ASTPtr & arguments) -> CompressionCodecPtr { int level = CompressionCodecZSTD::ZSTD_DEFAULT_LEVEL; if (arguments && !arguments->children.empty()) { if (arguments->children.size() > 1) throw Exception("ZSTD codec must have 1 parameter, given " + std::to_string(arguments->children.size()), ErrorCodes::ILLEGAL_SYNTAX_FOR_CODEC_TYPE); const auto children = arguments->children; const auto * literal = children[0]->as<ASTLiteral>(); level = literal->value.safeGet<UInt64>(); if (level > ZSTD_maxCLevel()) throw Exception("ZSTD codec can't have level more that " + toString(ZSTD_maxCLevel()) + ", given " + toString(level), ErrorCodes::ILLEGAL_CODEC_PARAMETER); } return std::make_shared<CompressionCodecZSTD>(level); }); }
WindowActivityBase::WindowActivityBase(void) : _sfWindowEventProducer (WindowEventProducerPtr(NullFC)), _sfActivityType (UInt8(WindowActivity::WINDOW_CLOSE)), Inherited() { }
int main(int in_argc, const char* in_argv[]) { MPMGlobalState::initGlobalState(); if (processCommandLine(in_argc, in_argv) == false) { cout << "MPMerger v" << sg_pProgramVersion << '\n' << " MultiPalette Merger\n" << " @ Dynamix 1998, Original author Dave Moore\n\n"; usage(); return EXIT_FAILURE; } MPMGlobalState* pGlobalState = MPMGlobalState::getGlobalState(); // Set up the options for this run... // MPMOptions instOptions; // Options for this run MPMFileList procFileList; // List of files to process if (instOptions.attachResponseFile(pGlobalState->getResponseFileName()) == false) { cerr << "Unable to open response file: " << pGlobalState->getResponseFileName() << '\n' << " - ABORTING - \n"; return EXIT_FAILURE; } if (instOptions.validateOptions() == false) { cerr << "Invalid options detected, exiting...\n\n"; exit(1); } instOptions.processResponseFile(procFileList); AssertFatal(procFileList.getNumFiles() <= MAX_MULTI_PALETTES, "Too many palettes, exiting..."); // Whether we are choosing colors or rendering, we need the unquantized palettes, // so load them into memory... // for (int i = 0; i < procFileList.getNumFiles(); i++) { MPMFileEntry& rFileEntry = procFileList.getFile(i); AssertFatal(rFileEntry.pRawPalette == NULL, "Huh?"); AssertFatal(rFileEntry.pFileName != NULL, "Huh?"); rFileEntry.pRawPalette = GFXPalette::load(rFileEntry.pFileName); if (rFileEntry.pRawPalette == NULL) { cerr << "main(): Unable to load file: " << rFileEntry.pFileName << '\n'; exit(1); } } // We will need an authoritative final palette either way as well... // GFXPalette* pFinalMasterPalette = new GFXPalette; memset(pFinalMasterPalette->palette[0].color, 0, sizeof(PALETTEENTRY) * 256); if (instOptions.hasBasePalette() == true) { const char* pPaletteName = instOptions.getBasePalName(); AssertFatal(pPaletteName != NULL, "No base palette name? Here?"); Bool palLoadSuccess = pFinalMasterPalette->read(pPaletteName); if (palLoadSuccess == false) { cerr << "Unable to load base palette: " << pPaletteName << ". Exiting...\n"; exit(1); } } // We are always choosing colors for the master palette, so create a Popularity Table, // and register our colors... // MPMPopularityTable popTable(instOptions); popTable.prepFixedColors(instOptions, pFinalMasterPalette); bool haveSomeRealColors = false; for (int i = 0; i < procFileList.getNumFiles(); i++) { MPMFileEntry& rFileEntry = procFileList.getFile(i); AssertFatal(rFileEntry.pRawPalette != NULL, "Huh?"); if (rFileEntry.pRawPalette->palette[0].paletteType == GFXPalette::ColorQuantPaletteType) { printf("."); popTable.registerRGBColors(rFileEntry.pRawPalette, rFileEntry.fileWeight); haveSomeRealColors = true; } else printf("*"); } // If we have NO files, we're just copying from the base palette to the new palette... if (procFileList.getNumFiles() == 0) { } else { AssertFatal(haveSomeRealColors == true, "Must have a least _one_ non-alpha palette..."); // Quantize out the master palette.. popTable.quantizeColors(instOptions, pFinalMasterPalette); } // Insert the mandatory entries into the master palette. These are: // palette[0].type = HazeShadePaletteType // palette[0].index = DWORD(-1) // color[0]: (0, 0, 0) // color[255]: (1, 1, 1) // color[254]: instOptions.hazeColor // hazeColor: 254 // correct bitvector entries. renderStart-Last + 0, 254, 254 // PALETTEENTRY hazeColor; PALETTEENTRY black, white; black.peRed = black.peGreen = black.peBlue = black.peFlags = 0; white.peRed = white.peGreen = white.peBlue = 255; white.peFlags = 0; hazeColor.peRed = UInt8((instOptions.getHazeColor().red * 255.0f) + 0.5f); hazeColor.peGreen = UInt8((instOptions.getHazeColor().green * 255.0f) + 0.5f); hazeColor.peBlue = UInt8((instOptions.getHazeColor().blue * 255.0f) + 0.5f); hazeColor.peFlags = 0; pFinalMasterPalette->palette[0].color[0] = black; pFinalMasterPalette->palette[0].color[255] = white; pFinalMasterPalette->palette[0].color[254] = hazeColor; pFinalMasterPalette->palette[0].paletteIndex = DWORD(-1); pFinalMasterPalette->palette[0].paletteType = GFXPalette::ShadeHazePaletteType; pFinalMasterPalette->hazeColor = 254; UInt32 renderFirst, renderLast; instOptions.getMasterRenderRange(renderFirst, renderLast); pFinalMasterPalette->; for (UInt32 i = renderFirst; i <= renderLast; i++) pFinalMasterPalette->allowedColorMatches.set(i); pFinalMasterPalette->allowedColorMatches.set(0); // pFinalMasterPalette->allowedColorMatches.set(255); pFinalMasterPalette->allowedColorMatches.set(254); // Insert the shadow palette... // pFinalMasterPalette->palette[1].paletteIndex = -2; pFinalMasterPalette->palette[1].paletteType = GFXPalette::TranslucentPaletteType; for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) { pFinalMasterPalette->palette[1].color[i].peRed = 0; pFinalMasterPalette->palette[1].color[i].peGreen = 0; pFinalMasterPalette->palette[1].color[i].peBlue = 0; pFinalMasterPalette->palette[1].color[i].peFlags = i; } pFinalMasterPalette->numPalettes++; // Ok, now we need to map the multipalettes into the master palette... // MPMMerger mpmMerger(instOptions); for (int i = 0; i < procFileList.getNumFiles(); i++) { MPMFileEntry& rFileEntry = procFileList.getFile(i); mpmMerger.insertPalette(pFinalMasterPalette, rFileEntry.pRawPalette); } // And create the remap tables if necessary... // mpmMerger.createRemapTables(pFinalMasterPalette); // And we are DONE! Write out the master palette to the specified name... // // First make sure that in no palettes any color other than 0 is fully black // for (int i = 0; i < pFinalMasterPalette->numPalettes; i++) { GFXPalette::MultiPalette& rMPalette = pFinalMasterPalette->palette[i]; for (int j = 1; j < 256; j++) { PALETTEENTRY& rPEntry = rMPalette.color[j]; if (rPEntry.peRed == 0 && rPEntry.peGreen == 0 && rPEntry.peBlue == 0) rPEntry.peBlue = 1; } } AssertFatal(instOptions.getOutputPalName() != NULL, "Error, no output name!"); pFinalMasterPalette->write(instOptions.getOutputPalName()); //-------------------------------------- Clean-up delete pFinalMasterPalette; MPMGlobalState::shutdownGlobalState(); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
void GFXFont::getCharInfo(int index, const GFXBitmap **bmp, RectI *in_subRegion, GFXCharInfo **charInfo) { static GFXBitmap bitmap; // Lookup char info and create a sub-bitmap for drawing this font int lookupTableIndex; if (fi.flags & FONT_LOWERCAPS) lookupTableIndex = toupper(char(index)) - charTableLookupOffset; else lookupTableIndex = index - charTableLookupOffset; int charTableIndex; if ((lookupTableIndex < 0) || (lookupTableIndex > charTableLookupSize) || ((charTableIndex = charTableLookup[lookupTableIndex]) == -1)) { // The requested index is not in the character set, create a // "missing" bitmap (pink box) and return that instead. static GFXCharInfo missingInfo; missingInfo.bitmapNo = 0; missingInfo.baseline = 0; missingInfo.width = max_UInt8(UInt8(fi.fontWidth), UInt8(5)); missingInfo.height = max_UInt8(UInt8(fi.fontHeight), UInt8(1)); missingInfo.x = 0; missingInfo.y = 0; if (bmp) { if (!missing || missing->getWidth() != missingInfo.width || missing->getHeight() != missingInfo.height) { delete missing; missing = GFXBitmap::create(missingInfo.width, missingInfo.height); memset(missing->pBits, 253, missing->getStride()*missing->getHeight()); //fill with hot pink! } // can't call, so we have to do it manually... if (bitmap.pBits && (bitmap.attribute & BMA_OWN_MEM)) delete [] bitmap.pBits; if (bitmap.pPalette) delete bitmap.pPalette; bitmap.pPalette = NULL; bitmap.width = missing->width; bitmap.height = missing->height; bitmap.stride = missing->stride; bitmap.imageSize = missing->imageSize; bitmap.attribute = missing->attribute & ~BMA_OWN_MEM; bitmap.bitDepth = missing->bitDepth; bitmap.pBits = missing->pBits; *bmp = &bitmap; } if (charInfo) *charInfo = &missingInfo; } else { GFXCharInfo *cInfo = &(charTable[charTableIndex]); if (charInfo) // The user wants the character information, look it up *charInfo = cInfo; if (bmp) { // The client wants the bitmap, cut it out of the bitmap sheet *in_subRegion = RectI(cInfo->x, cInfo->y, cInfo->x + cInfo->width - 1, cInfo->y + cInfo->height - 1); GFXBitmap *bitmapSheet = *(bma.array + cInfo->bitmapNo); //bitmap.makeSubBitmap(bitmapSheet, &bound); //bitmap.attribute |= (bitmapSheet->attribute & (BMA_TRANSPARENT | BMA_TRANSLUCENT)); //*bmp = &bitmap; *bmp = bitmapSheet; } } }
ImageProcessedForegroundBase::ImageProcessedForegroundBase(void) : _sfFilter (TextureFilterPtr(NullFC)), _sfOutputSlot (UInt8(0)), Inherited() { }
int main(int argc, const char* argv[]) { PNGlobalState::initGlobalState(); if (processCommandLine(argc, argv) == false) { cout << "PicaNew v" << sg_pProgramVersion << '\n' << " Based on Pica by Joel Franklin which was\n" << " Based on DynaColor by Rhett Anderson\n" << " Glorious Thanks and Praise to the PNG and ZLib Folks...\n" << " @ Dynamix 1998, Original author Dave Moore\n\n"; usage(); return EXIT_FAILURE; } PNGlobalState* pGlobalState = PNGlobalState::getGlobalState(); PNOptions instOptions; // Options for this run PNFileList procFileList; // List of files to process if (instOptions.attachResponseFile(pGlobalState->getResponseFileName()) == false) { cerr << "Unable to open response file: " << pGlobalState->getResponseFileName() << '\n' << " - ABORTING - \n"; return EXIT_FAILURE; } if (instOptions.validateOptions() == false) { cerr << "Invalid options detected, exiting...\n\n"; exit(1); } instOptions.processResponseFile(procFileList); // Whether we are choosing colors or rendering, we need the unquantized images, // so load them into memory... // PNUQImageFactory& rUQFactory = PNUQImageFactory::getInstance(); for (int i = 0; i < procFileList.getNumFiles(); i++) { PNFileEntry& rFileEntry = procFileList.getFile(i); AssertFatal(rFileEntry.pUQImage == NULL, "Huh?"); AssertFatal(rFileEntry.pFileName != NULL, "Huh?"); rFileEntry.pUQImage = rUQFactory.createUQImage(rFileEntry.pFileName); if (rFileEntry.pUQImage == NULL) { cerr << "main(): Unable to load file: " << rFileEntry.pFileName << '\n'; exit(1); } } // We will need an authoritative final palette either way as well... // GFXPalette* pAuthPalette = new GFXPalette; memset(pAuthPalette->palette[0].color, 0, sizeof(PALETTEENTRY) * 256); if (instOptions.hasBasePalette() == true) { const char* pPaletteName = instOptions.getBasePalName(); AssertFatal(pPaletteName != NULL, "No base palette name? Here?"); if (strstr(pPaletteName, ".tap") == NULL && strstr(pPaletteName, ".TAP") == NULL) { Bool palLoadSuccess = pAuthPalette->read(pPaletteName); if (palLoadSuccess == false) { cerr << "Unable to load base palette: " << pPaletteName << ". Exiting...\n"; exit(1); } } else { FILE *fp; if((fp = fopen(pPaletteName, "rb")) == NULL) { cerr << "ERROR - Cannot read Palette from : " << pPaletteName << "\n"; exit(0); } for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) { int red, green, blue, alpha; fscanf(fp, "%d %d %d %d", &red, &green, &blue, &alpha); pAuthPalette->palette[0].color[i].peRed = UInt8(red); pAuthPalette->palette[0].color[i].peGreen = UInt8(green); pAuthPalette->palette[0].color[i].peBlue = UInt8(blue); pAuthPalette->palette[0].color[i].peFlags = UInt8(alpha); } fclose(fp); } } // Always, always, always, the first color must be all 0 // memset(&(pAuthPalette->palette[0].color[0]), 0, sizeof(PALETTEENTRY)); // If we are choosing colors, set up the popularity table, and go to it... // if (instOptions.areChoosingColors() == true && procFileList.getNumFiles() != 0) { PNPopularityTable popularityTable(instOptions); // Files must register their colors with the popularity table.. // PseudoTrace& tracer = PseudoTrace::getTracerObject(); tracer.pushVerbosityLevel(1); tracer << "Scanning: "; for (int i = 0; i < procFileList.getNumFiles(); i++) { PNFileEntry& rFileEntry = procFileList.getFile(i); AssertFatal(rFileEntry.pUQImage != NULL, "Huh?"); rFileEntry.pUQImage->registerColors(popularityTable, rFileEntry.fileWeight); tracer << '.'; tracer.flush(); } tracer << " done\n"; tracer.popVerbosityLevel(); // Set up any fixed colors that may be required... // popularityTable.prepFixedColors(instOptions, pAuthPalette); // And quantize away! // popularityTable.quantizeColors(instOptions, pAuthPalette); } // If we are rendering the bitmaps, set up a color matching ditherer, and // render away! // if (instOptions.areRenderingBitmaps() == true && procFileList.getNumFiles() != 0) { PNQuantizedRenderer pnRenderer(instOptions, pAuthPalette); PseudoTrace& tracer = PseudoTrace::getTracerObject(); tracer.pushVerbosityLevel(1); tracer << "Rendering: "; for (int i = 0; i < procFileList.getNumFiles(); i++) { PNFileEntry& rFileEntry = procFileList.getFile(i); AssertFatal(rFileEntry.pUQImage != NULL, "Huh?"); pnRenderer.renderUQImage(rFileEntry.pUQImage); if (instOptions.getExtrudingMipLevels() == false) tracer << '.'; else tracer << '*'; tracer.flush(); } tracer << " done\n"; tracer.popVerbosityLevel(); // Store off the computed weights into the Palette... // const UInt32* pChosenFreqs = pnRenderer.getChosenFreqs(); if (pAuthPalette->hasQuantizationInfo() == false) pAuthPalette->initQuantizationInfo(); for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) pAuthPalette->m_pColorWeights[i] += float(pChosenFreqs[i]); UInt32 renderStart, renderEnd; instOptions.getRenderRange(renderStart, renderEnd); pAuthPalette->m_usedRangeStart = renderStart; pAuthPalette->m_usedRangeEnd = renderEnd; } // Write out the palette, and we're finished! // if (instOptions.getStripQuantizationInfo() == true) pAuthPalette->stripQuantizationInfo(); if (instOptions.areChoosingColors() == true) { // First copy in the unique paletteKey, which we stuff into index 0 // pAuthPalette->palette[0].paletteIndex = instOptions.getPaletteKey(); // Now, technically, we're lying a bit about which type of palette this is, // but the mpMerger tool will fix this up for us... // if (instOptions.getColorSpace() == PNOptions::ColorSpaceAlpha) { pAuthPalette->palette[0].paletteType = GFXPalette::AlphaQuantPaletteType; } else if (instOptions.getColorSpace() == PNOptions::ColorSpaceAdditive) { pAuthPalette->palette[0].paletteType = GFXPalette::AdditiveQuantPaletteType; } else if (instOptions.getColorSpace() == PNOptions::ColorSpaceSubtractive) { pAuthPalette->palette[0].paletteType = GFXPalette::SubtractiveQuantPaletteType; } else { pAuthPalette->palette[0].paletteType = GFXPalette::ColorQuantPaletteType; } if (instOptions.isStandAlonePalette() == true) { pAuthPalette->palette[0].paletteType = GFXPalette::NoRemapPaletteType; } for (int i = 1; i < 256; i++) { PALETTEENTRY& rPEntry = pAuthPalette->palette[0].color[i]; if (rPEntry.peRed == 0 && rPEntry.peGreen == 0 && rPEntry.peBlue == 0) rPEntry.peBlue = 1; } // Write out our auth palette to the specified output name... // const char* pPaletteName = instOptions.getOutputPalName(); pAuthPalette->write(pPaletteName); } else if (instOptions.areRenderingBitmaps() == true) { // Just write the palette back out to the base palette... // AssertFatal(instOptions.hasBasePalette() == true, "If we aren't choosing colors, we must have a base palette..."); pAuthPalette->write(instOptions.getBasePalName()); } else { // Write out our auth palette to the specified output name... // pAuthPalette->palette[0].paletteIndex = instOptions.getPaletteKey(); const char* pPaletteName = instOptions.getOutputPalName(); if (pPaletteName != NULL) pAuthPalette->write(pPaletteName); } // Cleanup delete pAuthPalette; instOptions.unattachResponseFile(); PNGlobalState::shutdownGlobalState(); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
// Main function // void MAppMain() { MString str; // Program's output MVector<UInt32> L0, L1, L2; // Database lists // Encode List 1 (2-3-letter combinations from "exclude.txt") MStrings exc; MTextFile(dir+"/exclude.txt").readAll().parseTo(exc,"\r\n"); for (MStrings::CIter it(exc); it(); ++it) { const MString& s = (*it).convToLower(); if (s.cnt() == 2) L1.append(ch2int1(s[0]) + ch2int1(s[1])*28); else if (s.cnt() == 3) L1.append(ch2int1(s[0]) + ch2int1(s[1])*28 + ch2int1(s[2])*784); } // Encode List 0 and List 2 (converted to lowercase in the process) MStrings words; MTextFile(dir+"/words.txt").readAll().parseTo(words,"\r\n"); // Load dictionary for (MStrings::CIter it(words); it(); ++it) { const MString s = (*it).convToLower(); // Encode 1-4-length words to List 2 (as is, no signatures) if (s.cnt() >= 1 && s.cnt() <= 4) { if (s.cnt() == 1) L2.append(ch2int2(s[0])); else if (s.cnt() == 2) L2.append(ch2int2(s[0]) + ch2int2(s[1])*28); else if (s.cnt() == 3) L2.append(ch2int2(s[0]) + ch2int2(s[1])*28 + ch2int2(s[2])*784); else if (s.cnt() == 4) L2.append(ch2int2(s[0]) + ch2int2(s[1])*28 + ch2int2(s[2])*784 + ch2int2(s[3])*21952); } // Skip words with "wrong" lengths (<5 - handled above, >15 - too few to care) if (s.cnt() < 5 || s.cnt() > 15) continue; // Encode 5-15-length words to List 0 as signatures UInt32 sig = (1-s.cnt()%2)<<ch2int0('*'); // Encode length bit (Note: produces a slightly smaller database than "s.cnt()%2") for (MNum i = 0; i < s.cnt(); ++i) // Encode 19 letter bits sig |= (1 << ch2int0(s[i])); L0.append(sig); } // Sort and merge the lists unique(L0); unique(L1); unique(L2); L2.setCnt(c2,0); MVector<UInt32> L = L0; // Merged list L.append(L1); L.append(L2); // Calculate element differences (at lists' edges add initial element) MVector<UInt32> diffs; for (MNum i = 1; i < L.cnt(); ++i) if (L.get(i) > L.get(i-1)) diffs.append(L.get(i) - L.get(i-1)); // Encode 'diffs' as optimized bitmaps (in a string form for convenience) // Each diff value is encoded as "0..01n..n": 'z' zeroes, followed by 1, // followed by bitmap of the 'x-a' number, where 'x' is the diff and 'a' is // the nearest (smaller or equal) to 'x' power of 2 MString bits; for (MNum i = 0; i < diffs.cnt(); ++i) { UInt32 d = diffs.get(i); for (UInt32 z = 0; ; ++z) { UInt32 a = (1<<z), b = a*2-1; // [a,b] - suitable range of 'd' to process if (d<a || d>b) continue; // Outside of proper range - keep looking for (UInt32 k = 0; k < z; ++k) bits << '0'; bits << '1'; for (UInt32 k = 0; k < z; ++k) bits << (GetBits(d-a,UInt8(k),UInt8(k))?'1':'0'); break; } } while (bits.cnt()%8) bits << '0'; // Pad with zeroes to complete the last byte // Encode the intermediary 'bits' string to actual bit vector MVector<UInt8> bytes; for (MNum i = 0; i < bits.cnt(); i+=8) { UInt8 b = 0; for (MNum j = 0; j < 8; ++j) if (bits[i+j]=='1') b |= (1<<j); bytes.append(b); } // Save the data to the file and compress it, if 7z is available at the sprcified location MFile(dir+"/data",fmOverwrite) << bytes; if (MSys::getFileInfo(GZipExe).name.cnt()) { MSys::deleteFile(dir+"/data.gz"); MSys::open(GZipExe, (MString)"a -tgzip -mx=9 -sdel \""+dir+"/data.gz\" \""+dir+"/data\""); } // Compile some useful information (needed for hardcoding in the Node.js file) // Prepare sizes int size1 = 0; while (!size1) { MApp::sleep(500); size1 = (UInt32)MSys::getFileInfo(dir+"/data.gz").size; } int size2 = (int)MSys::getFileInfo(dir+"/solution.js").size; // Initial elements and sizes str <<"w=["<<L0.get(0)<<","<<L1.get(0)<<","<<L2.get(0)<<"," <<L0.cnt()<<","<<L1.cnt()<<","<<L2.cnt()<<"]\n"; // Letter->index conversion string for L0 str<<"C0: \" "; for (int j='a'; j<='z'; ++j) str<<MChar(int('a'+ch2int0(j)-1)); str<<MChar(int('a'+ch2int0('\'')-1))<<"\"\n"; // Letter->index conversion string for L1 MString c1 = " ..........................."; for (int j='a'; j<='z'; ++j) c1.setChar(ch2int1(j),j); c1.setChar(ch2int1('\''),'\''); str<<"C1: \""<<c1<<"\"\n"; // Letter->index conversion string for L2 str<<"C2: \" "; for (int j='a'; j<='z'; ++j) str<<MChar(int('a'+ch2int2(j)-1)); str<<MChar(int('a'+ch2int2('\'')-1))<<"\"\n"; // Size report str <<"\n"<<words.cnt()<<" words => "<<L.cnt()<<" signatures => " <<bytes.cnt()<<" bytes =>\n"<<size1<<"+"<<size2<<" final bytes (" <<(65536-size1-size2)<<" left)\n\n"; // Display the information MMainFrame wnd; // Create app's mainframe window wnd.plugBar(MEditBoxPtr(wnd,AutoRect,None,true,str)); // Create a text box wnd.setCaption("Data file written"); wnd.runMessageLoop(); // Run the app }
//! react to field changes void DVRLookupTable::changed(BitVector whichField, UInt32 origin) { SINFO << "DVRLookupTable::changed" << std::endl; if(whichField & DataFieldMask) { // copy data from interleaved field to single fields UInt32 iter = 0; for(UInt32 i = 0; i < _sfDimension.getValue(); i++) { for(UInt32 j = 0; j < _mfSize[i]; j++) { for (UInt32 k = 0; k < _sfChannel.getValue(); k++) { #if 1 //!! TODO: REMOVE as soon as the loader works correctly if(_mfDataR.size() < _mfData.size() / 4) { int size = _mfData.size() / 4; _mfDataR.resize(size); _mfDataG.resize(size); _mfDataB.resize(size); _mfDataA.resize(size); } #endif //!! setValue ( <value>, index ) if(k == 0) { _mfDataR[j] = Real32(_mfData[iter++]) / Real32(TypeTraits<UInt8>::getMax()); } else if(k == 1) { _mfDataG[j] = Real32(_mfData[iter++]) / Real32(TypeTraits<UInt8>::getMax()); } else if(k == 2) { _mfDataB[j] = Real32(_mfData[iter++]) / Real32(TypeTraits<UInt8>::getMax()); } else if(k == 3) { _mfDataA[j] = Real32(_mfData[iter++]) / Real32(TypeTraits<UInt8>::getMax()); } } } } } if(whichField & DataRFieldMask) { // copy data from R field to channel 0 of interleaved field UInt32 iter = 0; UInt32 numChannels = _sfChannel.getValue(); for(UInt32 i = 0; i < _sfDimension.getValue(); i++) { for(UInt32 j = 0; j < _mfSize[i]; j++) { //!! setValue ( <value>, index ) _mfData[iter] = UInt8(Real32(_mfDataR[j]) * Real32(TypeTraits<UInt8>::getMax())); iter += numChannels; } } } if(whichField & DataGFieldMask) { // copy data from G field to channel 1 of interleaved field UInt32 iter = 1; UInt32 numChannels = _sfChannel.getValue(); for(UInt32 i = 0; i < _sfDimension.getValue(); i++) { for(UInt32 j = 0; j < _mfSize[i]; j++) { //!! setValue ( <value>, index ) _mfData[iter] = UInt8(Real32(_mfDataG[j]) * Real32(TypeTraits<UInt8>::getMax())); iter += numChannels; } } } if(whichField & DataBFieldMask) { // copy data from B field to channel 2 of interleaved field UInt32 iter = 2; UInt32 numChannels = _sfChannel.getValue(); for(UInt32 i = 0; i < _sfDimension.getValue(); i++) { for(UInt32 j = 0; j < _mfSize[i]; j++) { //!! setValue ( <value>, index ) _mfData[iter] = UInt8(Real32(_mfDataB[j]) * Real32(TypeTraits<UInt8>::getMax())); iter += numChannels; } } } if(whichField & DataAFieldMask) { // copy data from A field to to channel 3 interleaved field UInt32 iter = 3; UInt32 numChannels = _sfChannel.getValue(); for(UInt32 i = 0; i < _sfDimension.getValue(); i++) { for(UInt32 j = 0; j < _mfSize[i]; j++) { //!! setValue ( <value>, index ) _mfData[iter] = UInt8(Real32(_mfDataA[j]) * Real32(TypeTraits<UInt8>::getMax())); iter += numChannels; } } } if(whichField & (DimensionFieldMask | SizeFieldMask | ChannelFieldMask)) { SINFO << "DVRLookupTable::changed - DimensionFieldMask | " << "SizeFieldMask | ChannelFieldMask " << std::endl; if(whichField & DimensionFieldMask) { SINFO << "DVRLookupTable::changed - dimension " << _sfDimension.getValue() << std::endl; } if(whichField & SizeFieldMask) { SINFO << "DVRLookupTable::changed - size " << _mfSize[0] << std::endl; } if(whichField & ChannelFieldMask) { SINFO << "DVRLookupTable::changed - channel " << _sfChannel.getValue() << std::endl; } #if 0 commonConstructor(); #endif } if(whichField & TouchedFieldMask) { SINFO << "DVRLookupTable::changed - touched " << std::endl; } #if 0 // mark table as being changed setTouched( true ); #endif // notify parent if appearance // CHECK #if 0 MFFieldContainerPtr *par = getMFParents(); for(UInt32 i = 0; i < par->size(); i++) { } #endif Inherited::changed(whichField, origin); }