Ejemplo n.º 1
int do_cat_pdsmember(CIFBLK *cif, DSXTENT *extent, int noext,
                    char* dsname, char *pdsmember, unsigned long optflags)
 int   rc;
 u_int trk;
 U8    rec;

    /* Point to the start of the directory */
    trk = 0;
    rec = 1;

    /* Read the directory */
    while (1)
     BYTE *blkptr;
     BYTE dirblk[256];
     U32 cyl;
     U8  head;
     U16 len;
        EXTGUIMSG( "CTRK=%d\n", trk );
        rc = convert_tt(trk, noext, extent, cif->heads, &cyl, &head);
        if (rc < 0)
            return -1;

        rc = read_block(cif, cyl, head, rec, 0, 0, &blkptr, &len);
        if (rc < 0)
            return -1;

        if (rc > 0)     /* end of track */
            rec = 1;

        if (len == 0)   /* physical end of file */
            return 0;

        memcpy(dirblk, blkptr, sizeof(dirblk));

        rc = process_dirblk(cif, noext, extent, dirblk, dsname, pdsmember, optflags);
        if (rc < 0)
            return -1;

        if (rc > 0)     /* logical end of file */
            return 0;

Ejemplo n.º 2
OutOfProcessExceptionEventSignatureCallback (
  /* __in    */ PVOID pContext,
  /* __in    */ const PWER_RUNTIME_EXCEPTION_INFORMATION pExceptionInformation,
  /* __in    */ DWORD dwIndex,
  /* __out   */ PWSTR pwszName,
  /* __inout */ PDWORD pchName,
  /* __out   */ PWSTR pwszValue,
  /* __inout */ PDWORD pchValue


Routine Description:

    WER can call this function multiple times to get the report parameters that uniquely describe the

    The PFN_WER_RUNTIME_EXCEPTION_EVENT_SIGNATURE type defines a pointer to this callback function.

    This function will be exported out of this DLL, as specified by HandlerDll.def.


    pContext - An arbitrary pointer-sized value that was passed in to WerRegisterRuntimeExceptionModule.

    pExceptionInformation - A WER_RUNTIME_EXCEPTION_INFORMATION structure that contains the exception

    dwIndex - The index of the report parameter. Valid values are 0 to 9.

    pwszName - A caller-allocated buffer that you use to specify the parameter name.

    pchName - A pointer to a DWORD specifying the size, in characters, of the pwszName buffer. The size includes
        the null-terminating character.

    pwszValue - A caller-allocated buffer that you use to specify the parameter value.

    pchValue - A pointer to a DWORD specifying the size, in characters, of the pwszValue buffer. The size includes
        the null-terminating character.

Return Value:




    // Some sanity checks. Our handler only specifies 2 signature pairs.
    if (dwIndex >= 2
        || (0xABCD1234 != pExceptionInformation->exceptionRecord.ExceptionCode)) {

        return E_UNEXPECTED;

    // Make sure the given buffers are large enough to hold our signature name/value pairs.
    // We will need 4 characters (3 characters + 1 null-terminator) for our fixed strings.
    if (*pchName < 4) {
        *pchName = 4;

    if (*pchValue < 4) {
        *pchValue = 4;

    // At this point, we should fill in the problem signature with the data from the crashing process.
    // For example, the signature can uniquely identify where the crash happened. If our application runs
    // custom-compiled code, we can let the signature identify what module/class/line/etc the crash
    // happened at. This can be done by exposing an easily-accessible data structure in the process, and
    // reading the structure using ReadProcessMemory.
    // In here, we will simply set the signature to some fixed strings.
    switch (dwIndex) {
      case 0:
        wcscpy_s (pwszName, *pchName, L"one");
        wcscpy_s (pwszValue, *pchValue, L"111");

      case 1:
        wcscpy_s (pwszName, *pchName, L"two");
        wcscpy_s (pwszValue, *pchValue, L"222");


    return S_OK;
Ejemplo n.º 3
wmain (
    int argc,
    const wchar_t* argv[],
    const wchar_t* envp[]
    HRESULT hr = E_FAIL;
    DWORD rc;
    WCHAR ModulePath[MAX_PATH];
    size_t i;


    // Get the full-path name to ourselves, so we can form a full-path to HandlerDll.dll in this directory:
    //      C:\SomeDirectory\CrashExe.exe
    //                      ^
    //  1) scan until this character (the last forward slash)
    //  2) from that point, replace the substring with "HandlerDll.dll" to form:
    //      C:\SomeDirectory\HandlerDll.dll
    rc = GetModuleFileName (NULL, ModulePath, MAX_PATH);
    if (!rc || (rc == MAX_PATH && ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER == GetLastError ())) {
        return 1;

    // Find the last \, so we can replace our exe name with "HandlerDll.dll".
    ModulePath[MAX_PATH-1] = 0;

    for (i = wcslen (ModulePath); i >= 0; --i) {
        if (ModulePath[i] == L'\\') {
            if (0 != wcscpy_s (&ModulePath[i + 1], MAX_PATH - i - 1, L"HandlerDll.dll")) {
                return 1;


    // Tell WER to register a custom runtime exception module for this process.
    // IMPORTANT: The handler also has to be registered in the system registry by creating a special value
    //            under the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE hive. Please refer to 'Running the Sample' section in README.TXT for
    //            complete details.
    wprintf (L"Registering %s as the custom exception handler.\n", ModulePath);

    hr = WerRegisterRuntimeExceptionModule (ModulePath, NULL);

    if (FAILED(hr)) {
        wprintf (L"Failed to register a custom exception handler: 0x%08X\n", hr);
        goto End;

    // Raise a custom exception. This should be handled by HandlerDll.dll.
    // Note that the system will clear bit 28 of dwExceptionCode. This bit is a reserved exception bit,
    // used by the system for its own purposes.
    // The exception we will be using through-out the example is 0xABCD1234 - its bit 28 is clear.
    wprintf (L"Raising exception 0xABCD1234...\n");

    RaiseException (0xABCD1234, EXCEPTION_NONCONTINUABLE, 0, NULL);


    hr = S_OK;


    return SUCCEEDED(hr) ? 0 : (int)hr;
Ejemplo n.º 4
static void printer_execute_ccw (DEVBLK *dev, BYTE code, BYTE flags,
        BYTE chained, U32 count, BYTE prevcode, int ccwseq,
        BYTE *iobuf, BYTE *more, BYTE *unitstat, U32 *residual)
int             rc = 0;                 /* Return code               */
U32             i;                      /* Loop counter              */
U32             num;                    /* Number of bytes to move   */
char           *eor;                    /* -> end of record string   */
char           *nls = "\n\n\n";         /* -> new lines              */
BYTE            c;                      /* Print character           */
char            hex[3];                 /* for hex conversion        */
char            wbuf[150];

    /* Reset flags at start of CCW chain */
    if (chained == 0)
        dev->diaggate = 0;

    /* Open the device file if necessary */
    if (dev->fd < 0 && !IS_CCW_SENSE(code))
        rc = open_printer (dev);
        /* If printer stopped, return intervention required */
        if (dev->stopdev && !IS_CCW_SENSE(code))
            rc = -1;
            rc = 0;

    if (rc < 0)
        /* Set unit check with intervention required */
        dev->sense[0] = SENSE_IR;
        *unitstat = CSW_UC;

    /* Process depending on CCW opcode */

    switch (code) {

    case 0x01: /* Write     No Space             */
    case 0x09: /* Write and Space 1 Line         */
    case 0x11: /* Write and Space 2 Lines        */
    case 0x19: /* Write and Space 3 Lines        */

    case 0x89: /* Write and Skip to Channel 1    */
    case 0x91: /* Write and Skip to Channel 2    */
    case 0x99: /* Write and Skip to Channel 3    */
    case 0xA1: /* Write and Skip to Channel 4    */
    case 0xA9: /* Write and Skip to Channel 5    */
    case 0xB1: /* Write and Skip to Channel 6    */
    case 0xB9: /* Write and Skip to Channel 7    */
    case 0xC1: /* Write and Skip to Channel 8    */
    case 0xC9: /* Write and Skip to Channel 9    */
    case 0xD1: /* Write and Skip to Channel 10   */
    case 0xD9: /* Write and Skip to Channel 11   */
    case 0xE1: /* Write and Skip to Channel 12   */
        if (dev->rawcc)
            write_buffer(dev, hex, 2, unitstat);
            if (*unitstat != 0) return;
            write_buffer(dev, "\n", 1, unitstat);
            if (*unitstat == 0)
                *unitstat = CSW_CE | CSW_DE;

        if ( dev->browse && dev->ccpend && ((chained & CCW_FLAGS_CD) == 0) )
            dev->ccpend = 0;
            /* dev->currline++; */
            write_buffer(dev, "\n", 1, unitstat);
            if (*unitstat != 0) return;
        if ((flags & CCW_FLAGS_CD) == 0)
            if    ( code <= 0x80 ) /* line control */
                coun = code / 8;
                if ( coun == 0 )
                    dev->chskip = 1;
                    if ( dev->browse )
                        dev->ccpend = 1;
                        *unitstat = 0;
                        write_buffer(dev, "\r", 1, unitstat);
                    if (*unitstat == 0)
                        *unitstat = CSW_CE | CSW_DE;

                dev->ccpend = 0;
                dev->currline += coun;
                write_buffer(dev, nls, coun, unitstat);
                if (*unitstat == 0)
                    *unitstat = CSW_CE | CSW_DE;
            else  /*code >  0x80*/ /* chan control */
                if ( dev->browse )
                    write_buffer(dev, "\n", 1, unitstat);
                    if (*unitstat != 0) return;
                chan = ( code - 128 ) / 8;
                if ( chan == 1 )
                    write_buffer(dev, "\r", 1, unitstat);
                    if (*unitstat != 0)
                if (*unitstat == 0)
                    *unitstat = CSW_CE | CSW_DE;

        *unitstat = CSW_CE | CSW_DE;

    case 0x03: /* No Operation                   */
        *unitstat = CSW_CE | CSW_DE;

    case 0x0B: /*           Space 1 Line         */
    case 0x13: /*           Space 2 Lines        */
    case 0x1B: /*           Space 3 Lines        */

    case 0x8B: /*           Skip to Channel 1    */
    case 0x93: /*           Skip to Channel 2    */
    case 0x9B: /*           Skip to Channel 3    */
    case 0xA3: /*           Skip to Channel 4    */
    case 0xAB: /*           Skip to Channel 5    */
    case 0xB3: /*           Skip to Channel 6    */
    case 0xBB: /*           Skip to Channel 7    */
    case 0xC3: /*           Skip to Channel 8    */
    case 0xCB: /*           Skip to Channel 9    */
    case 0xD3: /*           Skip to Channel 10   */
    case 0xDB: /*           Skip to Channel 11   */
    case 0xE3: /*           Skip to Channel 12   */
        if (dev->rawcc)
            write_buffer(dev, hex, 2, unitstat);
            if (*unitstat != 0) return;
            eor = (dev->crlf) ? "\r\n" : "\n";
            write_buffer(dev, eor, (int)strlen(eor), unitstat);
            if (*unitstat == 0)
                *unitstat = CSW_CE | CSW_DE;

        if    ( code <= 0x80 ) /* line control */
            coun = code / 8;
            dev->ccpend = 0;
            dev->currline += coun;
            write_buffer(dev, nls, coun, unitstat);
            if (*unitstat == 0)
                *unitstat = CSW_CE | CSW_DE;
        else  /*code >  0x80*/ /* chan control */
            if ( dev->browse && dev->ccpend)
                coun = 1;
                dev->ccpend = 0;
                dev->currline += coun;
                write_buffer(dev, nls, coun, unitstat);
                if (*unitstat != 0) return;
            chan = ( code - 128 ) / 8;
            if (*unitstat == 0)
                *unitstat = CSW_CE | CSW_DE;

    case 0x63:
    /* LOAD FORMS CONTROL BUFFER                                     */
        if (dev->rawcc)
            write_buffer(dev, hex, 2, unitstat);
            if (*unitstat != 0) return;
            for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
                dev->buf[i*2] = hex[0];
                dev->buf[i*2+1] = hex[1];
            } /* end for(i) */
            write_buffer(dev, (char *)dev->buf, i*2, unitstat);
            if (*unitstat != 0) return;
            eor = (dev->crlf) ? "\r\n" : "\n";
            write_buffer(dev, eor, (int)strlen(eor), unitstat);
            if (*unitstat != 0) return;
            U32 i = 0;
            int j = 1;
            int more = 1;
            for (i = 0; i <= FCBSIZE; i++) dev->fcb[i] = 0;

            dev->lpi = 6;
            dev->index = 0;
            i = 0;
            if (iobuf[0] & 0xc0)
                /* First byte is a print position index */
                if ((iobuf[0] & 0xc0) == 0x80)
                    /* Indexing right */
                    dev->index = iobuf[0] & 0x1f;
                    /* Indexing left */
                    dev->index = - (iobuf[0] & 0x1f);
                i = 1;

            for (; i < count && j <= FCBSIZE && more; i++, j++)
                dev->fcb[i] = iobuf[i] & 0x0f;
                if (dev->fcb[j] > 12)
                    *residual = count - i;
                    *unitstat = CSW_CE | CSW_DE | CSW_UC;
                    dev->sense[0] = SENSE_CC;

                if (iobuf[i] & 0x10)
                    /* Flag bit is on */
                    if (j == 1)
                        /* Flag bit in first byte means eight lines per inch */
                        dev->lpi = 8;
                        more = 0;
            if (more)
                /* No flag in last byte or too many bytes */
                *residual = count - i;
                *unitstat = CSW_CE | CSW_DE | CSW_UC;
                dev->sense[0] = SENSE_CC;
            *residual = count - i;
            dev->lpp = j - 1;

            fcb_dump(dev, wbuf, 150);
            WRMSG(HHC02210, "I", SSID_TO_LCSS(dev->ssid), dev->devnum, wbuf );
        /* Return normal status */
        *residual = 0;
        *unitstat = CSW_CE | CSW_DE;

    case 0x06:
    /* DIAGNOSTIC CHECK READ                                         */
        /* If not 1403, reject if not preceded by DIAGNOSTIC GATE */
        if (dev->devtype != 0x1403 && dev->diaggate == 0)
            dev->sense[0] = SENSE_CR;
            *unitstat = CSW_CE | CSW_DE | CSW_UC;

        /* Return normal status */
        *unitstat = CSW_CE | CSW_DE;

    case 0x07:
    /* DIAGNOSTIC GATE                                               */
        /* Command reject if 1403, or if chained to another CCW
           except a no-operation at the start of the CCW chain */
        if (dev->devtype == 0x1403 || ccwseq > 1
            || (chained && prevcode != 0x03))
            dev->sense[0] = SENSE_CR;
            *unitstat = CSW_CE | CSW_DE | CSW_UC;

        /* Set diagnostic gate flag */
        dev->diaggate = 1;

        /* Return normal status */
        *unitstat = CSW_CE | CSW_DE;

    case 0x0A:
    /* DIAGNOSTIC READ UCS BUFFER                                    */
        /* Reject if 1403 or not preceded by DIAGNOSTIC GATE */
        if (dev->devtype == 0x1403 || dev->diaggate == 0)
            dev->sense[0] = SENSE_CR;
            *unitstat = CSW_CE | CSW_DE | CSW_UC;

        /* Return normal status */
        *unitstat = CSW_CE | CSW_DE;

    case 0x12:
    /* DIAGNOSTIC READ fcb                                           */
        /* Reject if 1403 or not preceded by DIAGNOSTIC GATE */
        if (dev->devtype == 0x1403 || dev->diaggate == 0)
            dev->sense[0] = SENSE_CR;
            *unitstat = CSW_CE | CSW_DE | CSW_UC;

        /* Return normal status */
        *unitstat = CSW_CE | CSW_DE;

    case 0x23:
    /* UNFOLD                                                        */
        dev->fold = 0;
        *unitstat = CSW_CE | CSW_DE;

    case 0x43:
    /* FOLD                                                          */
        dev->fold = 1;
        *unitstat = CSW_CE | CSW_DE;

    case 0x73:
    /* BLOCK DATA CHECK                                              */
        *residual = 0;
        *unitstat = CSW_CE | CSW_DE;

    case 0x7B:
    /* ALLOW DATA CHECK                                              */
        *residual = 0;
        *unitstat = CSW_CE | CSW_DE;

    case 0xEB:
    /* UCS GATE LOAD                                                 */
        /* Command reject if not first command in chain */
        if (chained != 0)
            dev->sense[0] = SENSE_CR;
            *unitstat = CSW_CE | CSW_DE | CSW_UC;

        /* Return normal status */
        *unitstat = CSW_CE | CSW_DE;

    case 0xF3:
    /* LOAD UCS BUFFER AND FOLD                                      */
        /* For 1403, command reject if not chained to UCS GATE */
        /* Also allow ALLOW DATA CHECK to get TSS/370 working  */
        /* -- JRM 11/28/2007 */
        if (dev->devtype == 0x1403 &&
            ((prevcode != 0xEB) && (prevcode != 0x7B)))
            dev->sense[0] = SENSE_CR;
            *unitstat = CSW_CE | CSW_DE | CSW_UC;

        /* Set fold indicator and return normal status */
        dev->fold = 1;
        dev->chskip = 1;
        *residual = 0;
        *unitstat = CSW_CE | CSW_DE;

    case 0xFB:
    /* LOAD UCS BUFFER (NO FOLD)                                     */
        /* For 1403, command reject if not chained to UCS GATE */
        if (dev->devtype == 0x1403 && prevcode != 0xEB)
            dev->sense[0] = SENSE_CR;
            *unitstat = CSW_CE | CSW_DE | CSW_UC;

        /* Reset fold indicator and return normal status */
        dev->fold = 0;
        dev->chskip = 1;

        *residual = 0;
        *unitstat = CSW_CE | CSW_DE;

    case 0x04:
    /* SENSE                                                         */
        /* Calculate residual byte count */
        num = (count < dev->numsense) ? count : dev->numsense;
        *residual = count - num;
        if (count < dev->numsense) *more = 1;

        /* Copy device sense bytes to channel I/O buffer */
        memcpy (iobuf, dev->sense, num);

        /* Clear the device sense bytes */
        memset (dev->sense, 0, sizeof(dev->sense));

        /* Return unit status */
        *unitstat = CSW_CE | CSW_DE;

    case 0xE4:
    /* SENSE ID                                                      */

        /* SENSE ID is only supported if LEGACYSENSEID is ON;
         * otherwise, fall through to invalid operation.
        if (sysblk.legacysenseid)
            /* Calculate residual byte count */
            num = (count < dev->numdevid) ? count : dev->numdevid;
            *residual = count - num;
            if (count < dev->numdevid) *more = 1;

            /* Copy device identifier bytes to channel I/O buffer */
            memcpy (iobuf, dev->devid, num);

            /* Return unit status */
            *unitstat = CSW_CE | CSW_DE;

    /* INVALID OPERATION                                             */
        /* Set command reject sense byte, and unit check status */
        dev->sense[0] = SENSE_CR;
        *unitstat = CSW_UC;

    } /* end switch(code) */

} /* end function printer_execute_ccw */
Ejemplo n.º 5
|| Standard main
main( int argc, char *argv[] )
    char           *pgm;                    /* less any extension (.ext) */
    FILE           *outf;
    int             rc;
    int             i;
    char            pathname[MAX_PATH];

    INITIALIZE_UTILITY( UTILITY_NAME, "Extract Files from AWS, HET or FAKETAPE", &pgm );

    || Process option switches
    while( TRUE )
        rc = getopt( argc, argv, "abhnsu" );
        if( rc == -1 )

        switch( rc )
            case 'a':
                opts.flags |= O_ASCII;

            case 'h':
                usage( pgm );
                exit( 1 );

            case 'n':
                opts.flags |= O_NL;

            case 's':
                opts.flags |= O_STRIP;

            case 'u':
                opts.flags |= O_UNBLOCK;

                usage( pgm );
                exit( 1 );

    || Calc number of non-switch arguments
    argc -= optind;

    || We must have at least the first 3 parms
    if(argc < 3)
        if ( argc > 1 )
            // "Invalid number of arguments"
            FWRMSG( stderr, HHC02446, "E" );
        usage( pgm );
        exit( 1 );

    hostpath( pathname, argv[ optind ], sizeof(pathname) );
    opts.ifile = strdup( pathname );
    if ( ( rc = (int)strlen( opts.ifile ) ) > 4
      && ( rc = strcasecmp( &opts.ifile[rc-4], ".fkt" ) ) == 0 )
        opts.faketape = TRUE;

    hostpath( pathname, argv[ optind + 1 ], sizeof(pathname) );
    opts.ofile = strdup( pathname );

    opts.fileno = atoi( argv[ optind + 2 ] );

    if( opts.fileno == 0 || opts.fileno > 9999 )
        char msgbuf[20];
        MSGBUF( msgbuf, "%d", opts.fileno );
        // "Invalid argument %s%s"
        FWRMSG( stderr, HHC02205, "S", msgbuf, "; file number must be within the range of 1 to 9999" );
        exit( 1 );

    || If NL tape, then we require the DCB attributes
    if( opts.flags & O_NL )
        if( argc != 6 )
            // "DCB attributes required for NL tape"
            FWRMSG( stderr, HHC02750, "S" );
            exit( 1 );

    || If specified, get the DCB attributes
    if( argc > 3 )
        || Must have only three
        if( argc != 6 )
            usage( pgm );
            exit( 1 );

        || Lookup the specified RECFM in our table
        opts.recfm = 0;
        for( i = 0 ; i < (int)VALFMCNT ; i++ )
            if( strcasecmp( argv[ optind + 3 ], valfm[ i ].recfm ) == 0 )
                opts.recfm = valfm[ i ].fmt;

        || If we didn't find a match, show the user what the valid ones are
        if( opts.recfm == 0)
            char msgbuf[512] = "";
            char msgbuf2[64] = "";
            char msgbuf3[16] = "";
            char msgbuf4[128] = "";

            || Dump out the valid RECFMs
            // "Valid record formats are:"
            MSGBUF( msgbuf, MSG( HHC02751, "I" ) );
            for( i = 0 ; i < (int)VALFMCNT ; i++ )
                MSGBUF( msgbuf3, "  %-4.4s", valfm[ i ].recfm );

                if( ( ( i + 1 ) % 3 ) == 0 )
                    strlcat( msgbuf2, msgbuf3, sizeof(msgbuf2) );
                    // "%s"
                    MSGBUF( msgbuf4, MSG( HHC02752, "I", msgbuf2 ) );
                    strlcat( msgbuf, msgbuf4, sizeof(msgbuf) );
                    msgbuf2[0] = 0;
                    strlcat( msgbuf2, msgbuf3, sizeof(msgbuf2) );
            printf( "%s", msgbuf );
            exit( 1 );

        || Get the record length
        opts.lrecl = atoi( argv[ optind + 4 ] );

        || Get and validate the blksize
        opts.blksize = atoi( argv[ optind + 5 ] );
        if( opts.blksize == 0 )
            // "Invalid argument %s%s"
            FWRMSG( stderr, HHC02205, "S", "0", "; block size can't be zero" );
            exit( 1 );

    || Open the tape file
    if ( opts.faketape )
        rc = fet_open( &opts.fetb, opts.ifile, FETOPEN_READONLY );
        rc = het_open( &opts.hetb, opts.ifile, HETOPEN_READONLY );
    if( rc >= 0 )
        || Get memory for the tape buffer
        blkptr = malloc( HETMAX_BLOCKSIZE );
        if( blkptr != NULL )
            || Open the output file
            outf = fopen( opts.ofile, "wb" );
            if( outf != NULL )
                || Go extract the file from the tape
                rc = getfile( outf );

                || Close the output file
                fclose( outf );

            || Free the buffer memory
            free( blkptr );
        // "Error in function %s: %s"
        if ( opts.faketape )
            FWRMSG( stderr, HHC00075, "E", "fet_open()", fet_error( rc ) );
            FWRMSG( stderr, HHC00075, "E", "het_open()", het_error( rc ) );

    || Close the tape file
    if ( opts.faketape )
        fet_close( &opts.fetb );
        het_close( &opts.hetb );

    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 6
DWORD CBaseSplitterFilter::ThreadProc()
    if (m_pSyncReader) {

    if (!DemuxInit()) {
        for (;;) {
            DWORD cmd = GetRequest();
            if (cmd == CMD_EXIT) {
                CAMThread::m_hThread = nullptr;
            if (cmd == CMD_EXIT) {
                return 0;

    m_fFlushing = false;

    for (DWORD cmd = DWORD_ERROR; ; cmd = GetRequest()) {
        if (cmd == CMD_EXIT) {
            m_hThread = nullptr;
            return 0;

        SetThreadPriority(m_hThread, m_priority = THREAD_PRIORITY_NORMAL);

        m_rtStart = m_rtNewStart;
        m_rtStop = m_rtNewStop;


        if (cmd != DWORD_ERROR) {



        POSITION pos = m_pOutputs.GetHeadPosition();
        while (pos && !m_fFlushing) {
            CBaseSplitterOutputPin* pPin = m_pOutputs.GetNext(pos);
            if (pPin->IsConnected() && pPin->IsActive()) {
                pPin->DeliverNewSegment(m_rtStart, m_rtStop, m_dRate);

        do {
        } while (!DemuxLoop());

        pos = m_pActivePins.GetHeadPosition();
        while (pos && !CheckRequest(&cmd)) {
    UNREACHABLE_CODE(); // we should only exit via CMD_EXIT
#pragma warning(pop)
Ejemplo n.º 7
secure_channel_accept( int fd, void *data ) {
  struct listener_info *listener_info = data;
  struct sockaddr_in addr;
  socklen_t addr_len;
  int accept_fd;
  int pid;

  addr_len = sizeof( struct sockaddr_in );
  accept_fd = accept( fd, ( struct sockaddr * ) &addr, &addr_len );
  if ( accept_fd < 0 ) {
    // TODO: close listener socket
    error( "Failed to accept from switch. :%s.", strerror( errno ) );
  pid = fork();
  if ( pid < 0 ) {
    error( "Failed to fork. %s.", strerror( errno ) );
    close( accept_fd );
  if ( pid == 0 ) {
    close( listener_info->listen_fd );
    if ( accept_fd < ACCEPT_FD ) {
      dup2( accept_fd, ACCEPT_FD );
      close( accept_fd );
      accept_fd = ACCEPT_FD;

    char **argv = make_switch_daemon_args( listener_info, &addr, accept_fd );

    int in_fd = open( "/dev/null", O_RDONLY );
    if ( in_fd != 0 ) {
      dup2( in_fd, 0 );
      close( in_fd );
    int out_fd = open( "/dev/null", O_WRONLY );
    if ( out_fd != 1 ) {
      dup2( out_fd, 1 );
      close( out_fd );
    int err_fd = open( "/dev/null", O_WRONLY );
    if ( err_fd != 2 ) {
      dup2( err_fd, 2 );
      close( err_fd );

    execvp( listener_info->switch_daemon, argv );
    error( "Failed to execvp: %s(%s) %s %s. %s.",
      argv[ 0 ], listener_info->switch_daemon,
      argv[ 1 ], argv[ 2 ], strerror( errno ) );

    free_switch_daemon_args( argv );

  else {
    /* parent */
    close( accept_fd );