Ejemplo n.º 1
// Function Purpose:	PartII: Send 5 messages out to putty via USART transmission.
//						Currently, only sends one message using the provided header 
//                      functions. 		
int main(void)
	// Clock Variables:
	unsigned long sClk, pClk;
	cli();					// Clear Interrupts
	// Set up the serial clock
	SetSystemClock(CLK_SCLKSEL_RC2M_gc, CLK_PSADIV_1_gc, CLK_PSBCDIV_1_1_gc);
	GetSystemClocks(&sClk, &pClk);
	// Set up the timer:
	//TCC0_CTRLA = 0x04;						// Pre-scaler
	//TCC0_INTCTRLA = 0x02;						// Medium priority interrupts
	//TCC0_PER = 0xFFFF;						// Timer Period
	// BAUD Configurations 
	// Buffer Configurations
	USART_buffer_init(&USARTinstance,160,80);						// Initialize buffer with 80 char for Tx and Rx
	USARTinstance.fInMode = _INPUT_ECHO | _INPUT_CR | _INPUT_TTY;	// Terminal Echo, Carriage Return Termination, and Keyboard Input
	USARTinstance.fOutMode = _OUTPUT_CR;							// Append Carriage Return to output
	USART_enable(&USARTinstance, USART_TXEN_bm | USART_RXEN_bm);		// Enable the Tx/Rx
	PMIC_CTRL = PMIC_LOLVLEN_bm | PMIC_MEDLVLEN_bm | PMIC_HILVLEN_bm;	// Enable low, medium, and high interrupts.

	sei();									// Enable interrupts
	// Port Configurations:
	PORTC_DIR |= 0x03;						
	PORTC_OUT &= 0xFE;						// Turn off PC0 to enable transceiver
	PORTC_OUT |= 0x02;						// Turn on PC1 to take transceiver out of shutdown mode
	// Messages to send:
	char* messages[5] = {"One\0", "Two\0", "Three\0", "Four\0", "Five\0"};
	PORTH_DIR = 0xFF;						// Used for visualizing function calls on LEDs
	// Test case || Attempted to send a string out to the putty console ||
	USART_send(&USARTinstance, "Testing Testing");
	while(USARTinstance.serStatus & _USART_TX_EMPTY	);		// Wait for the transmitter to be empty
		// If the timer, toggled the semaphore, send a message.
		if(flag == true)
			count = (++count)%5;
Ejemplo n.º 2
void main(void)
	unsigned long sClk, pClk;
	char recieveString[100];
	cli(); //
	SetSystemClock(CLK_SCLKSEL_RC32M_gc, CLK_PSADIV_1_gc,
	GetSystemClocks(&sClk, &pClk);
	* Programmable interrupt controller configuration
	PMIC_CTRL = PMIC_HILVLEN_bm | PMIC_MEDLVLEN_bm | PMIC_LOLVLEN_bm; //enable all levels of interrupts
	PORTQ_DIR = 0x0F; //port q lower 3 bits control access to usb and other stuff so get access with these two lines
	PORTQ_OUT = 0x07; //if using port F make this hex 5.
	* Serial set up
	//initialize the usart d0 for 57600 baud with 8 data bits, no parity, and 1 stop bit, interrupts on low (porth set to this for debugging purposes)
	USART_init(&serialStruct, 0xD0, pClk, (_USART_RXCIL_LO | _USART_TXCIL_LO), 576, -4, _USART_CHSZ_8BIT, _USART_PM_DISABLED, _USART_SM_1BIT);
	USART_buffer_init(&serialStruct, 100, 100); //initialize the circular buffers
	USART_enable(&serialStruct, USART_TXEN_bm | USART_RXEN_bm); //enable the USART
	serialStruct.fOutMode = _OUTPUT_CRLF; //append a carriage return and a line feed to every output.
	serialStruct.fInMode = _INPUT_CR | _INPUT_TTY | _INPUT_ECHO; //echo input back to the terminal and set up for keyboard input.

		//USART_send(&serialStruct, "Hey, am I working?");
		if(serialStruct.serStatus & _USART_RX_DONE)
			USART_read(&serialStruct, recieveString);
			USART_send(&serialStruct, recieveString);
		while (!(serialStruct.serStatus & _USART_TX_EMPTY)) { ; }
Ejemplo n.º 3
 * @brief Set up serial port and PWM, then set the PWM value
 *        to the value sent over the serial port.
 * @param argc Argument count
 * @param argv[] Argument list
 * @return Error code
int main(int argc, char const *argv[])
	unsigned long sClk, pClk;
	cli(); /*disable interrupts*/

/************ SET UP SYSTEM CLOCK *************/
	SetSystemClock(CLK_SCLKSEL_RC32M_gc, CLK_PSADIV_1_gc, CLK_PSBCDIV_1_1_gc);
	GetSystemClocks(&sClk, &pClk);


/************ SET UP TIMERS *************/
	TCC0_CTRLA = TC_CLKSEL_DIV64_gc; /*Set clock divider*/
	TCC0_CTRLB = TC_WGMODE_SS_gc | TC0_CCAEN_bm;/*Set waveform generation to single slope*/
	TCC0_CTRLC = 0x00; /*Turn waveform generation output compare off*/
	TCC0_CTRLD = 0x00;  /*Turn off event action*/
	TCC0_CTRLE = 0x00; /*Sets timer to 16bit mode*/
	TCC0_INTCTRLA = 0x02; /*Sets the interrupt to overflow to med priority*/
	TCC0_INTCTRLB = 0x02; /*Sets the Compare or Capture interrupt to med priority*/
	TCC0_PER = PWM_LENGTH; /* Cycle length */
	TCC0_CCA = PWM_MIN; /* Capture and Compare point during cycle */

/************ SET UP SERIAL PORT *************/
    /*Initialize serial port to desired values*/
            0xE1,  /* Will use port E1 */

    /*Initialize a buffer for incoming and outgoing serial transmissions*/

    /*Set the input and output modes for the specified serial port.*/
    stU.fInMode = _INPUT_CR | _INPUT_ECHO;
	stU.fOutMode = _OUTPUT_CRLF;

    /*Enable specified serial port*/
    USART_enable(&stU, (USART_TXEN_bm | USART_RXEN_bm));

/************ SET UP OUTPUT PORT *************/
	PORTC_DIR = 0xFF; /*Sets all the pins on PortC to be output pins*/

	sei(); /*Enable interrupts*/

/************ PROGRAM LOOP *************/
    int newCCA;
    char rxBuf[RX_BUFSIZE];

    /*Send initial message, then wait for Tx to complete*/
    USART_send(&stU, "Enter PWM Value Between 500-1000");
    while (!(stU.serStatus & _USART_TX_EMPTY) ) { ; }

        /*Wait until input termination arrives*/
        if (stU.serStatus & _USART_RX_DONE)
            /*Buffer string locally and clear Rx register*/
            USART_read(&stU, rxBuf);

            /*If it's a valid command, process it*/
            if (strlen(rxBuf) > 0)
                /* Convert received value to an int.  If it's within valid
                 * range, set the PWM CCA, then send confirmation message */
                newCCA = atoi(rxBuf);
                if ( (newCCA >= PWM_MIN) && (newCCA <= PWM_MAX) )
                    TCC0_CCA = newCCA;
                    USART_send(&stU, "Set new PWM");
                    while (!(stU.serStatus & _USART_TX_EMPTY) ) { ; }
Ejemplo n.º 4
void main(void)
	int receiveInt = 0;
	setInt = 0;
	setFlag = 0; //false
	unsigned long sClk, pClk;
	cli(); //
	SetSystemClock(CLK_SCLKSEL_RC32M_gc, CLK_PSADIV_1_gc,
	GetSystemClocks(&sClk, &pClk);
	* Programmable interrupt controller configuration
	PMIC_CTRL = PMIC_HILVLEN_bm | PMIC_MEDLVLEN_bm | PMIC_LOLVLEN_bm; //enable all levels of interrupts
	PORTQ_DIR = 0x0F; //port q lower 3 bits control access to usb and other stuff so get access with these two lines
	PORTQ_OUT = 0x07; //if using port F make this hex 5.
	* Serial set up
	//initialize the usart d0 for 57600 baud with 8 data bits, no parity, and 1 stop bit, interrupts on low (porth set to this for debugging purposes)
	USART_init(&serialStruct, 0xD0, pClk, (_USART_RXCIL_LO | _USART_TXCIL_LO), 576, -4, _USART_CHSZ_8BIT, _USART_PM_DISABLED, _USART_SM_1BIT);
	USART_buffer_init(&serialStruct, 100, 100); //initialize the circular buffers
	USART_enable(&serialStruct, USART_TXEN_bm | USART_RXEN_bm); //enable the USART
	serialStruct.fOutMode = _OUTPUT_CRLF; //append a carriage return and a line feed to every output.
	serialStruct.fInMode = _INPUT_CR | _INPUT_TTY | _INPUT_ECHO; //echo input back to the terminal and set up for keyboard input.
	* Timer E0 setup for servo PWM
	TCE0_CTRLA = TC_CLKSEL_DIV64_gc; //set timer to div/64
	TCE0_CTRLB = 0x10 | TC_WGMODE_SS_gc; //turn on capture(CCAEN) and set waveform generation mode to PWM
	TCE0_CTRLC = 0x00; //turn off compares
	TCE0_CTRLD = 0x00; //turn off events
	TCE0_CTRLE = 0x00; //turn off byte mode
	TCE0_PER = 10000; //set the top of the period to 20ms
	TCE0_CCA = 350; //lower bound, datasheet says 600 microseconds(which should be 300) but that is to low so set it to this
	TCE0_INTCTRLA = 0x01; //turn on Overflow interrupt at low priority.
	* Port J configuration for pushbutton incrementing
	PORTJ_DIR = 0x00; //all pins as input
	PORTJ_INTCTRL = 0x05; //turn on both interrupts to low
	PORTJ_PIN0CTRL = 0x01; //set pin 0 so only rising edges trigger
	PORTJ_PIN1CTRL = 0x01; //set pin 1 so only rising edges trigger
	PORTJ_INT0MASK = 0x01; //mask interrupt 0 to only be fired by pin 0
	PORTJ_INT1MASK = 0x02; //mask interrupt 1 to only be fired by pin 1
	* PORT E configuration
		 if(serialStruct.serStatus & _USART_RX_DONE)
			 USART_read(&serialStruct, receiveString);
			 receiveInt = atoi(receiveString);
			 if(receiveInt < 350 || receiveInt > 1150)
				USART_send(&serialStruct, "These are not the values you are looking for");
				TCE0_CCA = receiveInt;
			 setFlag = 0; //false
			 itoa(setInt, sendString, 10);
				USART_send(&serialStruct, sendString);