Ejemplo n.º 1
/* This construct implements pre-call polling to ensure the sending completes before the function
 * returns.  It provides simple coding while also taking advantage of the efficiencies of background
 * processing.  If a previous send operation is underway, this function does waste cycles polling,
 * like xxxsendDataWaitTilDone(); however it's less likely to do so since much of the sending
 * presumably took place in the background since the last call to xxxsendDataInBackground().
 * The function also checks all valid return codes, and returns non-zero if an error occurred.
 * It assumes no previous send operation is underway; also assumes size is non-zero.
 * This call assumes a previous send operation might be underway; also assumes size is non-zero.
 * Returns zero if send completed; non-zero if it failed, with 1 = timeout and 2 = bus is gone. */
BYTE hidSendDataInBackground (BYTE* dataBuf,
    WORD size,
    BYTE intfNum,
    ULONG ulTimeout)
    ULONG sendCounter = 0;
    WORD bytesSent, bytesReceived;

    while (USBHID_intfStatus(intfNum,&bytesSent,
               &bytesReceived) & kUSBHID_waitingForSend){
        if (ulTimeout && ((sendCounter++) > ulTimeout)){    /* A send operation is underway; incr counter & try again */
            return ( 1) ;                                   /* Timed out */

    /* The interface is now clear.  Call sendData(). */
    switch (USBHID_sendData(dataBuf,size,intfNum)){
        case kUSBHID_sendStarted:
            return ( 0) ;
        case kUSBHID_busNotAvailable:
            return ( 2) ;
            return ( 4) ;
Ejemplo n.º 2
/* This construct implements post-call polling to ensure the sending completes before the function
 * returns.  It provides the simplest coding, at the expense of wasted cycles and potentially
 * allowing MCU execution to become "locked" to the host, a disadvantage if the host (or bus) is
 * slow.  The function also checks all valid return codes, and returns non-zero if an error occurred.
 * It assumes no previous send operation is underway; also assumes size is non-zero.  */
BYTE hidSendDataWaitTilDone (BYTE* dataBuf,
    WORD size,
    BYTE intfNum,
    ULONG ulTimeout)
    ULONG sendCounter = 0;
    WORD bytesSent, bytesReceived;

    switch (USBHID_sendData(dataBuf,size,intfNum)){
        case kUSBHID_sendStarted:
        case kUSBHID_busNotAvailable:
            return ( 2) ;
        case kUSBHID_intfBusyError:
            return ( 3) ;
        case kUSBHID_generalError:
            return ( 4) ;

    /* If execution reaches this point, then the operation successfully started.  Now wait til it's finished. */
    while (1){
        BYTE ret = USBHID_intfStatus(intfNum,&bytesSent,&bytesReceived);
        if (ret & kUSBHID_busNotAvailable){                 /* This may happen at any time */
            return ( 2) ;
        if (ret & kUSBHID_waitingForSend){
            if (ulTimeout && (sendCounter++ >= ulTimeout)){ /* Incr counter & try again */
                return ( 1) ;                               /* Timed out */
        } else {
            return ( 0) ;                                   /* If neither busNotAvailable nor waitingForSend, it succeeded */
Ejemplo n.º 3
| Main Routine                                                                |
    WDTCTL = WDTPW + WDTHOLD;	    // Stop watchdog timer
    USB_setEnabledEvents(kUSB_VbusOnEvent + kUSB_VbusOffEvent + kUSB_UsbSuspendEvent + kUSB_UsbResumeEvent + kUSB_receiveCompletedEvent + kUSB_UsbResetEvent);

    // Check if we're already physically attached to USB, and if so, connect to it
    // This is the same function that gets called automatically when VBUS gets attached.  
    if (USB_connectionInfo() & kUSB_vbusPresent)
           case ST_USB_DISCONNECTED:
                 __bis_SR_register(LPM3_bits + GIE); 	  // Enter LPM3 w/interrupt
           case ST_USB_CONNECTED_NO_ENUM:
           case ST_ENUM_ACTIVE:
                if(!bCommandBeingProcessed)                  // If no command is being processed, then make sure there's a rcv operation 
                {                                            // open to receive the start of the "packet"
                  if(!(USBHID_intfStatus(0,&x,&y) & kUSBHID_waitingForReceive))      // Only open it if we haven't already done so
                    if(USBHID_receiveData(buffer,1,0) == kUSBHID_busNotAvailable) // Start a receive operation for a single byte -- the "size" byte of the "packet"
                      USBHID_abortReceive(&x,0);                                     // Abort receive
                      break;                                 // If bus is no longer available, escape out of the loop
                __bis_SR_register(LPM0_bits + GIE);          // Wait in LPM0 until a receive operation has completed
                  bDataReceiveCompleted_event = FALSE;
                  if(!bCommandBeingProcessed)                // This means that the incoming byte is the start of the "packet" -- the "size" byte
                     if ((buffer[0]>=0x31) &&  (buffer[0]<= 0x39))
                        size = buffer[0]-0x30;                   // It's in ASCII, so convert it to a number
                        if(USBHID_receiveData(buffer,size,0) == kUSBHID_busNotAvailable)  // And then open a rcv operation for that size
                          USBHID_abortReceive(&x,0);                                      // Abort receive
                          break;                                 // If bus is no longer available, escape out of the loop
                        bCommandBeingProcessed = TRUE;           // Now we're waiting for the "data" part of the "packet"
                       strcpy(outString,"\r\nEnter a valid number between 1 and 9\r\n\r\n");     // Prepare the outgoing string
                       if(hidSendDataInBackground((BYTE*)outString,strlen(outString),0,0)) // Send the response over USB
                          USBHID_abortSend(&x,0);                                         // Operation may still be open; cancel it
                          break;                                                          // If the send fails, escape the main loop
                        bCommandBeingProcessed = FALSE;                                   // Now we're back to waiting for the "size" byte

                  else                                       // This means that the incoming data is the "data" part of the "packet"
                    strcpy(outString,"\r\nI received your packet with size of ");     // Prepare the outgoing string
                    c[0] = (char)(size+0x30);                                    // Convert the size back to ASCII
                    c[1] = 0;                                    // Convert the size back to ASCII
                    outString[64] = 0; 
                    strcat(outString," bytes.\r\n\r\n");                              
                    if(hidSendDataInBackground((BYTE*)outString,strlen(outString),0,0)) // Send the response over USB
                      USBHID_abortSend(&x,0);                                         // Operation may still be open; cancel it
                      break;                                                          // If the send fails, escape the main loop
                    bCommandBeingProcessed = FALSE;                                   // Now we're back to waiting for the "size" byte
           case ST_ENUM_SUSPENDED:
                __bis_SR_register(LPM3_bits + GIE); 	// Enter LPM3 w/interrupt
          case ST_ENUM_IN_PROGRESS:
           case ST_NOENUM_SUSPENDED:
                __bis_SR_register(LPM3_bits + GIE);                
           case ST_ERROR:
    }  // while(1) 
} //main()