Ejemplo n.º 1
Archivo: avg.c Proyecto: robbiemc/joule
static void avg(char *prog, char *file) {
  rusage_t joule;
  char cmd[1024];

  sprintf(cmd, "luac -o %s.luac %s", file, file);
  sprintf(cmd, "%s.luac", file);

  char **argv;
  char *joule_argv[] = {prog, "-c", cmd, NULL};
  char *lua_argv[] = {prog, cmd, NULL};
  argv = strcmp(prog, "lua") == 0 ? lua_argv : joule_argv;

  long total, user, system, mem;
  total = user = system = mem = 0;
  int i;
  for (i = 0; i < NTIMES; i++) {
    systime(argv, &joule);
    total += USECS(&joule.ru_utime) + USECS(&joule.ru_stime);
    user += USECS(&joule.ru_utime);
    system += USECS(&joule.ru_stime);
    mem += joule.ru_maxrss;


  printf("%27s,", file);
  printf("%10ld,%10ld,%10ld,%10ld\n", total/NTIMES, user/NTIMES, system/NTIMES, mem/NTIMES);
Ejemplo n.º 2
 * @brief Compares two timers.
 * This function indicates whether time 1 is less than time 2.
 * @param     time1         Time to compare
 * @param     time2         Time that time1 will be compared against.
 * @return 1 if time1 < time2, 0 otherwise.
static int
less_than(struct timeval * time1, struct timeval * time2)
    if(USECS(*time1) < USECS(*time2))
        return 1;
    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 * @brief Compares two timers.
 * This function indicates whether time 1 is greater than time 2.
 * @param     time1         Time to compare
 * @param     time2         Time that time1 will be compared against.
 * @return 1 if time1 > time2, 0 otherwise.
static int
greater_than(struct timeval * time1, struct timeval * time2)
    if(USECS(*time1) > USECS(*time2))
        return 1;
    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 * @brief Finds the average.
 * Given a total time andf the number of times summed, this finds the average
 * @param     total         Total time to be averaged
 * @param     num_times     Number of times summed in total.
 * @param     average       The average time will be returned here.
 * @return 0 if successful
static void
average(struct timeval * total, short num_times, struct timeval * average)
    long average_usecs;
    /* Find the average. */
    average_usecs = USECS(*total) / num_times;
    average->tv_sec = average_usecs / CARRY_USEC;
    average->tv_usec = average_usecs % CARRY_USEC;
Ejemplo n.º 5
 * @brief Displays rate info about the timer.
 * This function prints a load of information about the rate of a timer's start times 
 * to the console.
 * @param     timer     The timer for which info should be shown.
 * @param     show_all  After the average, etc. show all periods, 1 per line. Set false if
 *                      only a summary of the times is needed.
 * @return 0 if successful
void timing_print_rate_info(TIMING_TIMER_T * timer, bool show_all)
    int i;
    struct timeval lowest_elapsed_time = {100000000, 0};
    int lowest_elapsed_time_index = 0;
    struct timeval highest_elapsed_time = {0, 0};
    int highest_elapsed_time_index = 0;
    int rate;
    unsigned long std_dev = 0;
    int elapsed_usec;
    int average_usec;
    struct timeval elapsed_time = {0, 0};
    struct timeval total_elapsed_time = {0, 0};
    struct timeval average_elapsed_time = {0, 0};
    struct timeval delta;
    /* Since we are looking at the start times for rate information, we need two times stored
     * for one period, three times for two periods, etc. */
    int num_periods = timer->num_times_recorded - 1;
    /* There's no point in continuing if there is insufficient information available
     * to show period information. */
    if(num_periods <= 0)
        tracemsg(_a("Rate info: %d timer start/stops is insufficient for rate analysis."), 
    tracemsg(_a("Rate info: number of periods captured: %d"), num_periods);
    /* Go figure out some info about the timers captured. */
    for(i = 0; i < num_periods; i++)
        /* Get elapsed_time between the two start times. */
        subtract(&(timer->times[i].start_time), &(timer->times[i+1].start_time), &elapsed_time);
        /* Check elapsed time against highest. */
        if(greater_than(&elapsed_time, &highest_elapsed_time))
            highest_elapsed_time.tv_sec = elapsed_time.tv_sec;
            highest_elapsed_time.tv_usec = elapsed_time.tv_usec;
            highest_elapsed_time_index = i;
        /* Check elapsed time against lowest. */
        if(less_than(&elapsed_time, &lowest_elapsed_time))
            lowest_elapsed_time.tv_sec = elapsed_time.tv_sec;
            lowest_elapsed_time.tv_usec = elapsed_time.tv_usec;
            lowest_elapsed_time_index = i;
        /* Add this elapsed time to total. */
        add(&elapsed_time, &total_elapsed_time, &total_elapsed_time);
            tracemsg(_a("      result %4d: elapsed time %2lds, %6ld usec"), 
                         i, elapsed_time.tv_sec, elapsed_time.tv_usec);
    /* Figure out the average elapsed time. */
    average(&total_elapsed_time, timer->num_times_recorded, &average_elapsed_time);
    rate = rate_per_sec(&average_elapsed_time);
    tracemsg(_a(" Average period %2lds, %6ld usec (%d/sec)"), 
                average_elapsed_time.tv_sec, average_elapsed_time.tv_usec, rate);
    /* Figure out standard deviation for the set of periods. */
    average_usec = USECS(average_elapsed_time);
    for(i = 0; i < num_periods; i++)
        /* Get elapsed_time between the two start times. */
        subtract(&(timer->times[i].start_time), &(timer->times[i+1].start_time), &elapsed_time);
        elapsed_usec = USECS(elapsed_time);
        std_dev += ((elapsed_usec - average_usec) * (elapsed_usec - average_usec));
    std_dev = std_dev / i; /* Rounding error shouldn't matter too much.*/
    std_dev = square_root(std_dev);
    tracemsg(_a(" Approx std dev      %6ld usec"), std_dev);
    /* For highest time recorded, figure out delta between this and average. */
    subtract(&average_elapsed_time, &highest_elapsed_time, &delta);
    rate = rate_per_sec(&highest_elapsed_time);
    tracemsg(_a(" Highest period %2lds, %6ld usec (%3d/sec, delta from avg %lds, %6ld us, result %d)"), 
                highest_elapsed_time.tv_sec, highest_elapsed_time.tv_usec, 
                rate, delta.tv_sec, delta.tv_usec, 
    /* Same for lowest. */
    subtract(&lowest_elapsed_time, &average_elapsed_time, &delta);
    rate = rate_per_sec(&lowest_elapsed_time);          
    tracemsg(_a("  Lowest period %2lds, %6ld usec (%3d/sec, delta from avg %lds, %6ld us, result %d)"), 
                lowest_elapsed_time.tv_sec, lowest_elapsed_time.tv_usec, 
                rate, delta.tv_sec, delta.tv_usec, 
    /* If told to show everything, dump all of the values to text in units of microseconds. 
     * Put commas before and after each value to make this easier to import into excel or
     * whatever as CSV as there's some sort of timestamp prepended to every printk these days... */ 
        tracemsg(_a(" All periods recorded (usecs):")); 
        for(i = 0; i < num_periods; i++)
            subtract(&(timer->times[i].start_time), &(timer->times[i+1].start_time), &elapsed_time);
            tracemsg(",%ld,\n", USECS(elapsed_time));
} /* End of rate info. */
Ejemplo n.º 6
 * @brief Displays info about the timer.
 * This function prints a load of information about the captured timing information 
 * to the console.
 * @param     timer     The timer for which info should be shown.
 * @param     show_all  After the average, etc. show all elapsed times, 1 per line. 
 *                      Set false if only a summary of the times is needed.
 * @return 0 if successful
void timing_print_info(TIMING_TIMER_T * timer, bool show_all)
    int i;
    struct timeval lowest_elapsed_time = {100000000, 0};
    int lowest_elapsed_time_index = 0;
    struct timeval highest_elapsed_time = {0, 0};
    int highest_elapsed_time_index = 0;
    unsigned long std_dev = 0;
    int elapsed_usec;
    int average_usec;
    struct timeval elapsed_time = {0, 0};
    struct timeval total_elapsed_time = {0, 0};
    struct timeval average_elapsed_time = {0, 0};
    struct timeval delta;
    if(timer != NULL)
        if(timer->num_times_recorded == 0)
            tracemsg(_a("\nTiming: no results captured."));  
        tracemsg(_a("Timing: number of results captured: %d"), timer->num_times_recorded);
        /* Go figure out some info about the timers captured. */
        for(i = 0; i < timer->num_times_recorded; i++)
            /* Get elapsed_time. */
            subtract(&(timer->times[i].start_time), &(timer->times[i].stop_time), &elapsed_time);
            /* Check elapsed time against highest. */
            if(greater_than(&elapsed_time, &highest_elapsed_time))
                highest_elapsed_time.tv_sec = elapsed_time.tv_sec;
                highest_elapsed_time.tv_usec = elapsed_time.tv_usec;
                highest_elapsed_time_index = i;
            /* Check elapsed time against lowest. */
            if(less_than(&elapsed_time, &lowest_elapsed_time))
                lowest_elapsed_time.tv_sec = elapsed_time.tv_sec;
                lowest_elapsed_time.tv_usec = elapsed_time.tv_usec;
                lowest_elapsed_time_index = i;
            /* Add this elapsed time to total. */
            add(&elapsed_time, &total_elapsed_time, &total_elapsed_time);
                tracemsg(_a("      result %4d: elapsed time %2lds, %6ld usec"), 
                       i, elapsed_time.tv_sec, elapsed_time.tv_usec);
        /* Figure out the average elapsed time. */
        average(&total_elapsed_time, timer->num_times_recorded, &average_elapsed_time);
        tracemsg(_a("Average elapsed %2lds, %6ld usec"), 
                       average_elapsed_time.tv_sec, average_elapsed_time.tv_usec);
        /* Figure out standard deviation for the set of elapsed times. This needs to be
         * done after the average is calculated. */
        average_usec = USECS(average_elapsed_time);
        for(i = 0; i < timer->num_times_recorded; i++)
            /* Get elapsed_time between the start and stop. */
            subtract(&(timer->times[i].start_time), &(timer->times[i].stop_time), &elapsed_time);
            elapsed_usec = USECS(elapsed_time);
            std_dev += ((elapsed_usec - average_usec) * (elapsed_usec - average_usec));
        std_dev = std_dev / i; /* Rounding error shouldn't matter too much.*/
        std_dev = square_root(std_dev);
        tracemsg(_a(" Approx std dev      %6ld usec"), std_dev);
        /* For highest time recorded, figure out delta between this and average. */
        subtract(&average_elapsed_time, &highest_elapsed_time, &delta);
        tracemsg(_a("Highest elapsed %2lds, %6ld usec (delta from avg %lds, %6ldus, result %d)"), 
                       highest_elapsed_time.tv_sec, highest_elapsed_time.tv_usec, 
                       delta.tv_sec, delta.tv_usec, 
        /* Same for lowest. */
        subtract(&lowest_elapsed_time, &average_elapsed_time, &delta);
        tracemsg(_a(" Lowest elapsed %2lds, %6ld usec (delta from avg %lds, %6ldus, result %d)"), 
                       lowest_elapsed_time.tv_sec, lowest_elapsed_time.tv_usec, 
                       delta.tv_sec, delta.tv_usec, 
Ejemplo n.º 7
 * @brief Finds the rate at which something occurred.
 * Given a period, this function determines the rate at which an event occurred.
 * @param     period        Period for rate information
 * @return rate corresponding to period, in events per second (rounded down).
static int
rate_per_sec(struct timeval * period)
    return(CARRY_USEC / USECS(*period));