Ejemplo n.º 1
void CControllerZapBall::ExplodeTouch( CBaseEntity *pOther )
	if( pOther->pev->takedamage )
		TraceResult tr = UTIL_GetGlobalTrace();

		CBaseEntity* pOwner;
		if( m_hOwner != nullptr )
			pOwner = m_hOwner;
			pOwner = this;

		pOther->TraceAttack( CTakeDamageInfo( pOwner, gSkillData.GetControllerDmgBall(), DMG_ENERGYBEAM ), pev->velocity.Normalize(), &tr );
		g_MultiDamage.ApplyMultiDamage( pOwner, pOwner );

		UTIL_EmitAmbientSound( this, tr.vecEndPos, "weapons/electro4.wav", 0.3, ATTN_NORM, 0, RANDOM_LONG( 90, 99 ) );


	UTIL_Remove( this );
Ejemplo n.º 2
void CTentacle :: HitTouch( CBaseEntity *pOther )
	TraceResult tr = UTIL_GetGlobalTrace( );

	if (pOther->pev->modelindex == pev->modelindex)

	if (m_flHitTime > gpGlobals->time)

	// only look at the ones where the player hit me
	if (tr.pHit == NULL || tr.pHit->v.modelindex != pev->modelindex)

	if (tr.iHitgroup >= 3)
		pOther->TakeDamage( pev, pev, m_iHitDmg, DMG_CRUSH );
		// ALERT( at_console, "wack %3d : ", m_iHitDmg );
	else if (tr.iHitgroup != 0)
		pOther->TakeDamage( pev, pev, 20, DMG_CRUSH );
		// ALERT( at_console, "tap  %3d : ", 20 );
		return; // Huh?

	m_flHitTime = gpGlobals->time + 0.5;

	// ALERT( at_console, "%s : ", STRING( tr.pHit->v.classname ) );

	// ALERT( at_console, "%.0f : %s : %d\n", pev->angles.y, STRING( pOther->pev->classname ), tr.iHitgroup );
void CControllerZapBall::ExplodeTouch( CBaseEntity *pOther )
	if (pOther->pev->takedamage)
		TraceResult tr = UTIL_GetGlobalTrace( );

		entvars_t	*pevOwner;
		if (m_hOwner != NULL)
			pevOwner = m_hOwner->pev;
			pevOwner = pev;

		ClearMultiDamage( );
		pOther->TraceAttack(pevOwner, gSkillData.controllerDmgBall, pev->velocity.Normalize(), &tr, DMG_ENERGYBEAM ); 
		ApplyMultiDamage( pevOwner, pevOwner );

		UTIL_EmitAmbientSound( ENT(pev), tr.vecEndPos, "weapons/electro4.wav", 0.3, ATTN_NORM, 0, RANDOM_LONG( 90, 99 ) );


	UTIL_Remove( this );
Ejemplo n.º 4
void CGrenade::BounceTouch( CBaseEntity *pOther )
	// don't hit the guy that launched this grenade
	if ( pOther->edict() == pev->owner )

	// only do damage if we're moving fairly fast
	if (m_flNextAttack < gpGlobals->time && pev->velocity.Length() > 100)
		entvars_t *pevOwner = VARS( pev->owner );
		if (pevOwner)
			TraceResult tr = UTIL_GetGlobalTrace( );
			ClearMultiDamage( );
			pOther->TraceAttack(pevOwner, 1, gpGlobals->v_forward, &tr, DMG_CLUB ); 
			ApplyMultiDamage( pev, pevOwner);
		m_flNextAttack = gpGlobals->time + 1.0; // debounce

	Vector vecTestVelocity;
	// pev->avelocity = Vector (300, 300, 300);

	// this is my heuristic for modulating the grenade velocity because grenades dropped purely vertical
	// or thrown very far tend to slow down too quickly for me to always catch just by testing velocity. 
	// trimming the Z velocity a bit seems to help quite a bit.
	vecTestVelocity = pev->velocity; 
	vecTestVelocity.z *= 0.45;

	if ( !m_fRegisteredSound && vecTestVelocity.Length() <= 60 )
		//ALERT( at_console, "Grenade Registered!: %f\n", vecTestVelocity.Length() );

		// grenade is moving really slow. It's probably very close to where it will ultimately stop moving. 
		// go ahead and emit the danger sound.
		// register a radius louder than the explosion, so we make sure everyone gets out of the way
		CSoundEnt::InsertSound ( bits_SOUND_DANGER, pev->origin, pev->dmg / 0.4, 0.3 );
		m_fRegisteredSound = TRUE;

	if (pev->flags & FL_ONGROUND)
		// add a bit of static friction
		pev->velocity = pev->velocity * 0.8;

		pev->sequence = RANDOM_LONG( 1, 1 );
		// play bounce sound
	pev->framerate = pev->velocity.Length() / 200.0;
	if (pev->framerate > 1.0)
		pev->framerate = 1;
	else if (pev->framerate < 0.5)
		pev->framerate = 0;

void CApache::FlyTouch( CBaseEntity *pOther )
	// bounce if we hit something solid
	if ( pOther->pev->solid == SOLID_BSP) 
		TraceResult tr = UTIL_GetGlobalTrace( );

		// UNDONE, do a real bounce
		pev->velocity = pev->velocity + tr.vecPlaneNormal * (pev->velocity.Length() + 200);