Ejemplo n.º 1
void MercDepartEquipmentBoxCallBack( UINT8 bExitValue )
	// gear left in current sector?
	if( pLeaveSoldier == NULL )

	if( bExitValue == MSG_BOX_RETURN_OK )
		// yep (NOTE that this passes the SOLDIER index, not the PROFILE index as the others do)
		HandleLeavingOfEquipmentInCurrentSector( pLeaveSoldier->ubID );

		// aim merc will say goodbye when leaving
		if( ( pLeaveSoldier->ubWhatKindOfMercAmI == MERC_TYPE__AIM_MERC ) && ( ubQuitType != HISTORY_MERC_FIRED ) )
		//	TacticalCharacterDialogue( pLeaveSoldier, QUOTE_MERC_LEAVING_ALSUCO_SOON );
	else if( bExitValue == MSG_BOX_RETURN_CONTRACT )
		HandleExtendMercsContract( pLeaveSoldier );

	else if( bExitValue == MSG_BOX_RETURN_YES )
		// yep (NOTE that this passes the SOLDIER index, not the PROFILE index as the others do)
		HandleLeavingOfEquipmentInCurrentSector( pLeaveSoldier->ubID );

		// aim merc will say goodbye when leaving
		if( ( pLeaveSoldier->ubWhatKindOfMercAmI == MERC_TYPE__AIM_MERC ) && ( ubQuitType != HISTORY_MERC_FIRED ) )
		//	TacticalCharacterDialogue( pLeaveSoldier, QUOTE_MERC_LEAVING_ALSUCO_SOON );
		// no
		if( StrategicMap[ AIRPORT_X + ( AIRPORT_Y * MAP_WORLD_X ) ].fEnemyControlled == FALSE )
			HandleMercLeavingEquipmentInDrassen( pLeaveSoldier->ubID );
			HandleMercLeavingEquipmentInOmerta( pLeaveSoldier->ubID );

	StrategicRemoveMerc( pLeaveSoldier );

	pLeaveSoldier = NULL;

Ejemplo n.º 2
UINT32	ExitChatBox( INT8 ubExitCode )
	UINT32 uiDestPitchBYTES, uiSrcPitchBYTES;
	UINT8	*pDestBuf, *pSrcBuf;
	SGPPoint pPosition;

	// Delete popup!
	RemoveMercPopupBoxFromIndex( gChatBox.iBoxId );
	gChatBox.iBoxId = -1;

	// OJW - 20090208 - Add text input box type
	// exit text input mode in this screen and clean up text boxes
	RemoveButton( gChatBox.uiOKButton );
	RemoveButton( gChatBox.uiNOButton );

	// Delete button images
	UnloadButtonImage( gChatBox.iButtonImages );

	//Remove the toggle buttons
	for(int cnt=0; cnt<NUM_CHAT_TOGGLES; cnt++)
		RemoveButton( guiChatToggles[ cnt ] );

	// delete graphics and scrolling buttons / slider
	if (gIncludeChatLog)
		RemoveButton( guiChatLogScrollButtons[ 0 ] );
		RemoveButton( guiChatLogScrollButtons[ 1 ] );
		UnloadButtonImage( guiChatLogScrollButtonsImage[ 0 ] );
		UnloadButtonImage( guiChatLogScrollButtonsImage[ 1 ] );

		DeleteVideoObjectFromIndex( guiCHATLOGIMG );


#if 0
	if (!gChatBox.fWasPaused)
		// Unpause game....
		// UnPause timers as well....
		PauseTime( FALSE );

	// Restore mouse restriction region...
	RestrictMouseCursor( &gOldCursorLimitRectangle );

	gfInChatBox = FALSE;

	// Call done callback!
	if ( gChatBox.ExitCallback != NULL )
		(*(gChatBox.ExitCallback))( ubExitCode );

	//if ur in a non gamescreen and DONT want the msg box to use the save buffer, unset gfDontOverRideSaveBuffer in ur callback
	if( ( ( gChatBox.uiExitScreen != GAME_SCREEN ) || ( fRestoreBackgroundForMessageBox == TRUE ) ) && gfDontOverRideSaveBuffer )
		// restore what we have under here...
		pSrcBuf = LockVideoSurface( gChatBox.uiSaveBuffer, &uiSrcPitchBYTES);
		pDestBuf = LockVideoSurface( FRAME_BUFFER, &uiDestPitchBYTES);

		Blt16BPPTo16BPP((UINT16 *)pDestBuf, uiDestPitchBYTES,
					(UINT16 *)pSrcBuf, uiSrcPitchBYTES,
					gChatBox.sX , gChatBox.sY,
					0, 0,
					gChatBox.usWidth, gChatBox.usHeight );

		UnLockVideoSurface( gChatBox.uiSaveBuffer );
		UnLockVideoSurface( FRAME_BUFFER );

		InvalidateRegion( gChatBox.sX, gChatBox.sY, (INT16)( gChatBox.sX + gChatBox.usWidth ), (INT16)( gChatBox.sY + gChatBox.usHeight ) );

	fRestoreBackgroundForMessageBox = FALSE;
	gfDontOverRideSaveBuffer = TRUE;

	if( fCursorLockedToArea == TRUE )
		GetMousePos( &pPosition );

		if( ( pPosition.iX > ChatBoxRestrictedCursorRegion.iRight ) || ( pPosition.iX > ChatBoxRestrictedCursorRegion.iLeft ) && ( pPosition.iY < ChatBoxRestrictedCursorRegion.iTop ) && ( pPosition.iY > ChatBoxRestrictedCursorRegion.iBottom ) )
			SimulateMouseMovement( pOldMousePosition.iX , pOldMousePosition.iY );

		fCursorLockedToArea = FALSE;
		RestrictMouseCursor( &ChatBoxRestrictedCursorRegion );

	// Remove region
	MSYS_RemoveRegion(&(gChatBox.BackRegion) );

	// Remove save buffer!
	DeleteVideoSurfaceFromIndex( gChatBox.uiSaveBuffer );

	switch( gChatBox.uiExitScreen )

		if ( InOverheadMap( ) )
		gfOverheadMapDirty = TRUE;
			SetRenderFlags( RENDER_FLAG_FULL );
		case MAP_SCREEN:
			fMapPanelDirty = TRUE;

	if ( gfFadeInitialized )
	return( FADE_SCREEN );

	return( gChatBox.uiExitScreen );
Ejemplo n.º 3
BOOLEAN StrategicRemoveMerc( SOLDIERTYPE *pSoldier )
	UINT8	ubHistoryCode=0;

	if ( gfInContractMenuFromRenewSequence )
		EndCurrentContractRenewal( );

	// ATE: Determine which HISTORY ENTRY to use...
	if ( pSoldier->ubLeaveHistoryCode == 0 )
		// Default use contract expired reason...
		pSoldier->ubLeaveHistoryCode = HISTORY_MERC_CONTRACT_EXPIRED;

	ubHistoryCode = pSoldier->ubLeaveHistoryCode;

	//if the soldier is DEAD
	if( pSoldier->stats.bLife <= 0 )
		AddCharacterToDeadList( pSoldier );

	//else if the merc was fired
	else if( ubHistoryCode == HISTORY_MERC_FIRED || pSoldier->bAssignment == ASSIGNMENT_POW )
		AddCharacterToFiredList( pSoldier );

	//The merc is leaving for some other reason
		AddCharacterToOtherList( pSoldier );

	if( pSoldier->ubWhatKindOfMercAmI == MERC_TYPE__NPC )
		SetupProfileInsertionDataForSoldier( pSoldier );

	if (IsVehicle(pSoldier))
		// for some reason, vehicles have their own idea of handling group ids
		RemovePlayerFromGroup(pVehicleList[ pSoldier->bVehicleID ].ubMovementGroup, pSoldier);
	//remove him from the soldier structure
	if( pSoldier->bAssignment >= ON_DUTY )
		// is he/she in a mvt group, if so, remove and destroy the group
		if( pSoldier->ubGroupID )
			if ( pSoldier->bAssignment != VEHICLE )
			{ //Can only remove groups if they aren't persistant (not in a squad or vehicle)
				RemoveGroup( pSoldier->ubGroupID );
				// remove him from any existing merc slot he could be in
				RemoveMercSlot( pSoldier );
		TakeSoldierOutOfVehicle( pSoldier );

		RemoveCharacterFromSquads( pSoldier );

	// if the merc is not dead
	if( gMercProfiles[ pSoldier->ubProfile ].bMercStatus != MERC_IS_DEAD )
		//Set the status to returning home ( delay the merc for rehire )
		gMercProfiles[ pSoldier->ubProfile ].bMercStatus = MERC_RETURNING_HOME;

		// specify how long the merc will continue to be unavailable
		gMercProfiles[ pSoldier->ubProfile ].uiDayBecomesAvailable = 1 + Random(2);		// 1-2 days

		HandleSoldierLeavingWithLowMorale( pSoldier );
		HandleSoldierLeavingForAnotherContract( pSoldier );

	//add an entry in the history page for the firing/quiting of the merc
	// ATE: Don't do this if they are already dead!
	if ( !( pSoldier->flags.uiStatusFlags & SOLDIER_DEAD ) )
		AddHistoryToPlayersLog( ubHistoryCode, pSoldier->ubProfile, GetWorldTotalMin(), pSoldier->sSectorX, pSoldier->sSectorY );

	//if the merc was a POW, remember it becuase the merc cant show up in AIM or MERC anymore
	if( pSoldier->bAssignment	== ASSIGNMENT_POW )
		gMercProfiles[ pSoldier->ubProfile ].bMercStatus = MERC_FIRED_AS_A_POW;

	//else the merc CAN get his medical deposit back
		//Determine how much of a Medical deposit is going to be refunded to the player
		CalculateMedicalDepositRefund( pSoldier );

	//remove the merc from the tactical
	TacticalRemoveSoldier( pSoldier->ubID );

	// Check if we should remove loaded world...

	if ( guiTacticalInterfaceFlags & INTERFACE_MAPSCREEN )
		ReBuildCharactersList( );

	fMapPanelDirty = TRUE;
	fTeamPanelDirty = TRUE;
	fCharacterInfoPanelDirty = TRUE;

	// stop time compression so player can react to the departure

	// WDS: This allows for replacing dead IMP mercs.	See "BtnIMPBeginScreenDoneCallback" in "IMP Begin Screen.cpp"
	if( ( pSoldier->ubWhatKindOfMercAmI == MERC_TYPE__PLAYER_CHARACTER ) &&
		( gMercProfiles[ pSoldier->ubProfile ].bMercStatus == MERC_IS_DEAD ) ) {
		// Replace the name with an empty string
		wcsncpy( gMercProfiles[ pSoldier->ubProfile ].zName, L"", 1 );

	// ATE: update team panels....
	UpdateTeamPanelAssignments( );
	// And unpause the @#$@#$ interface

	if (is_client)

	return( TRUE );
Ejemplo n.º 4
UINT32	ExitMsgBox( INT8 ubExitCode )
	UINT32 uiDestPitchBYTES, uiSrcPitchBYTES;
	UINT8	 *pDestBuf, *pSrcBuf;
	SGPPoint pPosition;

	// Delete popup!
	RemoveMercPopupBoxFromIndex( gMsgBox.iBoxId );
	gMsgBox.iBoxId = -1;

	//Delete buttons!
		RemoveButton( gMsgBox.uiButton[0] );
		RemoveButton( gMsgBox.uiButton[1] );
		RemoveButton( gMsgBox.uiButton[2] );
		RemoveButton( gMsgBox.uiButton[3] );
		if ( gMsgBox.usFlags & MSG_BOX_FLAG_OK )
			RemoveButton( gMsgBox.uiOKButton );	

		if ( gMsgBox.usFlags & MSG_BOX_FLAG_YESNO )
			RemoveButton( gMsgBox.uiYESButton );	
			RemoveButton( gMsgBox.uiNOButton );	

		if ( gMsgBox.usFlags & MSG_BOX_FLAG_OKCONTRACT )
			RemoveButton( gMsgBox.uiYESButton );	
			RemoveButton( gMsgBox.uiNOButton );	

		if ( gMsgBox.usFlags & MSG_BOX_FLAG_YESNOCONTRACT )
			RemoveButton( gMsgBox.uiYESButton );	
			RemoveButton( gMsgBox.uiNOButton );
			RemoveButton( gMsgBox.uiOKButton );

			RemoveButton( gMsgBox.uiYESButton );	
			RemoveButton( gMsgBox.uiNOButton );
			RemoveButton( gMsgBox.uiOKButton );

		if ( gMsgBox.usFlags & MSG_BOX_FLAG_GENERIC )
			RemoveButton( gMsgBox.uiYESButton );	
			RemoveButton( gMsgBox.uiNOButton );

		if ( gMsgBox.usFlags & MSG_BOX_FLAG_YESNOLIE )
			RemoveButton( gMsgBox.uiYESButton );	
			RemoveButton( gMsgBox.uiNOButton );
			RemoveButton( gMsgBox.uiOKButton );

		if( gMsgBox.usFlags & MSG_BOX_FLAG_CONTINUESTOP )
			RemoveButton( gMsgBox.uiYESButton );	
			RemoveButton( gMsgBox.uiNOButton );

		if ( gMsgBox.usFlags & MSG_BOX_FLAG_OKSKIP )
			RemoveButton( gMsgBox.uiYESButton );	
			RemoveButton( gMsgBox.uiNOButton );	

	// Delete button images
	UnloadButtonImage( gMsgBox.iButtonImages );

	// Unpause game....
	// UnPause timers as well....
	PauseTime( FALSE );

  // Restore mouse restriction region...
  RestrictMouseCursor( &gOldCursorLimitRectangle );

	gfInMsgBox = FALSE;

	// Call done callback!
	if ( gMsgBox.ExitCallback != NULL )
		(*(gMsgBox.ExitCallback))( ubExitCode );

	//if ur in a non gamescreen and DONT want the msg box to use the save buffer, unset gfDontOverRideSaveBuffer in ur callback
	if( ( ( gMsgBox.uiExitScreen != GAME_SCREEN ) || ( fRestoreBackgroundForMessageBox == TRUE ) ) && gfDontOverRideSaveBuffer )
		// restore what we have under here...
		pSrcBuf = LockVideoSurface( gMsgBox.uiSaveBuffer, &uiSrcPitchBYTES);
		pDestBuf = LockVideoSurface( FRAME_BUFFER, &uiDestPitchBYTES);

		Blt16BPPTo16BPP((UINT16 *)pDestBuf, uiDestPitchBYTES, 
					(UINT16 *)pSrcBuf, uiSrcPitchBYTES,  
					gMsgBox.sX , gMsgBox.sY, 
					0, 0,
					gMsgBox.usWidth, gMsgBox.usHeight );

		UnLockVideoSurface( gMsgBox.uiSaveBuffer );
		UnLockVideoSurface( FRAME_BUFFER );

		InvalidateRegion( gMsgBox.sX, gMsgBox.sY, (INT16)( gMsgBox.sX + gMsgBox.usWidth ), (INT16)( gMsgBox.sY + gMsgBox.usHeight ) );

	fRestoreBackgroundForMessageBox = FALSE;
	gfDontOverRideSaveBuffer = TRUE;

	if( fCursorLockedToArea == TRUE )
		GetMousePos( &pPosition );

		if( ( pPosition.iX > MessageBoxRestrictedCursorRegion.iRight ) || ( pPosition.iX > MessageBoxRestrictedCursorRegion.iLeft ) && ( pPosition.iY < MessageBoxRestrictedCursorRegion.iTop ) && ( pPosition.iY > MessageBoxRestrictedCursorRegion.iBottom ) )
			SimulateMouseMovement( pOldMousePosition.iX , pOldMousePosition.iY );

		fCursorLockedToArea = FALSE;
		RestrictMouseCursor( &MessageBoxRestrictedCursorRegion );

	// Remove region
	MSYS_RemoveRegion(&(gMsgBox.BackRegion) );

	// Remove save buffer!
	DeleteVideoSurfaceFromIndex( gMsgBox.uiSaveBuffer );

	switch( gMsgBox.uiExitScreen )

      if ( InOverheadMap( ) )
        gfOverheadMapDirty = TRUE;
			  SetRenderFlags( RENDER_FLAG_FULL );
		case MAP_SCREEN:
			fMapPanelDirty = TRUE;

  if ( gfFadeInitialized )
    return( FADE_SCREEN );

	return( gMsgBox.uiExitScreen );