Ejemplo n.º 1
int main(int argc, char** argv)
    if(argc < 9)
        fprintf(stderr, "l_imageLoad_app received too few arguments\n" );
    if(argc > 9)
        fprintf(stderr, "l_imageLoad_app received too many arguments\n" );


    pid_t parentPid = getpid();
    pid_t child = fork();
    if (child < 0) {
        perror("fork failed while creating application process");
    if (child)
        // inside parent

    if ( child == 0 )
        // inside child
        char attachPid[MAX_SIZE];
        sprintf(attachPid, "%d", parentPid);
        execl(argv[3], argv[3], argv[4],argv[5],"-pid", attachPid, "-t", argv[6], argv[7], argv[8],  NULL);
        perror("execl failed while trying to attach Pin to the application\n");
    return RES_SUCCESS;
Ejemplo n.º 2
/// Read the index contained in the file f.  This function always reads all
/// bitvectors.
int ibis::skive::read(const char* f) {
    std::string fnm;
    indexFileName(fnm, f);

    int fdes = UnixOpen(fnm.c_str(), OPEN_READONLY);
    if (fdes < 0) {
	LOGGER(ibis::gVerbose > 0)
	    << "Warning -- skive[" << col->partition()->name() << '.'
	    << col->name() << "]::read failed to open " << fnm;
	return -1; // can not do anything else

    char header[8];
    IBIS_BLOCK_GUARD(UnixClose, fdes);
#if defined(_WIN32) && defined(_MSC_VER)
    (void)_setmode(fdes, _O_BINARY);
    int ierr = UnixRead(fdes, static_cast<void*>(header), 8);
    if (ierr != 8) {
	LOGGER(ibis::gVerbose > 0)
	    << "Warning -- skive[" << col->partition()->name() << '.'
	    << col->name() << "]::read failed to read 8 bytes from "
	    << fnm;
	return -2;
    if (!(header[0] == '#' && header[1] == 'I' &&
	  header[2] == 'B' && header[3] == 'I' &&
	  header[4] == 'S' &&
	  (header[5] == static_cast<char>(ibis::index::SKIVE) ||
	   header[5] == static_cast<char>(ibis::index::SLICE)) &&
	  (header[6] == 8 || header[6] == 4) &&
	  header[7] == static_cast<char>(0))) {
	if (ibis::gVerbose > 0) {
	    ibis::util::logger lg;
	    lg() << "Warning -- skive[" << col->partition()->name() << '.'
		 << col->name() << "]::read the header from " << fnm << " (";
	    printHeader(lg(), header);
	    lg() << ") does not contain the expected values";
	return -3;

    uint32_t dim[3]; // nrows, nobs, card
    size_t begin, end;
    clear(); // clear the current content

    ierr = UnixRead(fdes, static_cast<void*>(dim), 3*sizeof(uint32_t));
    nrows = dim[0];
    // read vals
    begin = 8*((3*sizeof(uint32_t) + 15) / 8);
    end = begin + dim[2] * sizeof(double);
	array_t<double> dbl(fnm.c_str(), fdes, begin, end);
    // read the offsets
    begin = end;
    end += header[6] * (dim[1] + 1);
    ierr = initOffsets(fdes, header[6], begin, dim[1]);
    if (ierr < 0)
	return ierr;

    // cnts
    begin = end;
    end += sizeof(uint32_t) * dim[2];
	array_t<uint32_t> szt(fnm.c_str(), fdes, begin, end);
    ibis::fileManager::instance().recordPages(0, end);

    return 0;
} // ibis::skive::read
Ejemplo n.º 3
// the argument is the name of the directory or the file name
int ibis::skive::write(const char* dt) const {
    if (vals.empty()) return -1;

    std::string fnm;
    indexFileName(fnm, dt);
    if (fnm.empty()) {
	return 0;
    else if (0 != str && 0 != str->filename() &&
	     0 == fnm.compare(str->filename())) {
	LOGGER(ibis::gVerbose > 0)
	    << "Warning -- skive::write can not overwrite the index file \""
	    << fnm << "\" while it is used as a read-only file map";
	return 0;
    else if (fname != 0 && *fname != 0 && 0 == fnm.compare(fname)) {
	activate(); // read everything into memory
	fname = 0; // break the link with the named file

    int fdes = UnixOpen(fnm.c_str(), OPEN_WRITENEW, OPEN_FILEMODE);
    if (fdes < 0) {
	fdes = UnixOpen(fnm.c_str(), OPEN_WRITENEW, OPEN_FILEMODE);
	if (fdes < 0) {
	    LOGGER(ibis::gVerbose > 0)
		<< "Warning -- skive[" << col->partition()->name() << '.'
		<< col->name() << "]::write failed to open \"" << fnm
		<< "\" for writing";
	    return -2;
    IBIS_BLOCK_GUARD(UnixClose, fdes);
#if defined(_WIN32) && defined(_MSC_VER)
    (void)_setmode(fdes, _O_BINARY);

    const bool useoffset64 = true;
    const bool useoffset64 = (getSerialSize()+8 > 0x80000000UL);
    char header[] = "#IBIS\11\0\0";
    header[5] = (char)ibis::index::SKIVE;
    header[6] = (char)(useoffset64 ? 8 : 4);
    int ierr = UnixWrite(fdes, header, 8);
    if (ierr < 8) {
	LOGGER(ibis::gVerbose > 0)
	    << "Warning -- skive[" << col->partition()->name() << "."
	    << col->name() << "]::write(" << fnm
	    << ") failed to write the 8-byte header, ierr = " << ierr;
	return -3;
    if (useoffset64)
	ierr = write64(fdes);
	ierr = write32(fdes);
    if (ierr >= 0) {
#if _POSIX_FSYNC+0 > 0
	(void) UnixFlush(fdes); // write to disk
#elif defined(_WIN32) && defined(_MSC_VER)
	(void) _commit(fdes);

	LOGGER(ibis::gVerbose > 3)
	    << "skive[" << col->partition()->name() << "." << col->name()
	    << "]::write wrote " << bits.size() << " bitmap"
	    << (bits.size()>1?"s":"") << " to file " << fnm;
    return ierr;
} // ibis::skive::write