Ejemplo n.º 1
void idVertexCache::BeginBackEnd()
	mostUsedVertex = Max( mostUsedVertex, frameData[listNum].vertexMemUsed.GetValue() );
	mostUsedIndex = Max( mostUsedIndex, frameData[listNum].indexMemUsed.GetValue() );
	mostUsedJoint = Max( mostUsedJoint, frameData[listNum].jointMemUsed.GetValue() );
	if( r_showVertexCache.GetBool() )
		idLib::Printf( "%08d: %d allocations, %dkB vertex, %dkB index, %ikB joint : %dkB vertex, %dkB index, %ikB joint\n",
					   currentFrame, frameData[listNum].allocations,
					   frameData[listNum].vertexMemUsed.GetValue() / 1024,
					   frameData[listNum].indexMemUsed.GetValue() / 1024,
					   frameData[listNum].jointMemUsed.GetValue() / 1024,
					   mostUsedVertex / 1024,
					   mostUsedIndex / 1024,
					   mostUsedJoint / 1024 );
	// unmap the current frame so the GPU can read it
	const int startUnmap = Sys_Milliseconds();
	UnmapGeoBufferSet( frameData[listNum] );
	UnmapGeoBufferSet( staticData );
	const int endUnmap = Sys_Milliseconds();
	if( endUnmap - startUnmap > 1 )
		idLib::PrintfIf( r_showVertexCacheTimings.GetBool(), "idVertexCache::unmap took %i msec\n", endUnmap - startUnmap );
	drawListNum = listNum;
	// prepare the next frame for writing to by the CPU
	listNum = currentFrame % VERTCACHE_NUM_FRAMES;
	const int startMap = Sys_Milliseconds();
	MapGeoBufferSet( frameData[listNum] );
	const int endMap = Sys_Milliseconds();
	if( endMap - startMap > 1 )
		idLib::PrintfIf( r_showVertexCacheTimings.GetBool(), "idVertexCache::map took %i msec\n", endMap - startMap );
	ClearGeoBufferSet( frameData[listNum] );
#if 0
	const int startBind = Sys_Milliseconds();
	glBindBuffer( GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, ( GLuint )frameData[drawListNum].vertexBuffer.GetAPIObject() );
	glBindBuffer( GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, ( GLuint )frameData[drawListNum].indexBuffer.GetAPIObject() );
	const int endBind = Sys_Milliseconds();
	if( endBind - startBind > 1 )
		idLib::Printf( "idVertexCache::bind took %i msec\n", endBind - startBind );
Ejemplo n.º 2
void idVertexCache::EndBackEnd() {

	// unmap the current frame so the GPU can read it
	const int startUnmap = Sys_Milliseconds();
	UnmapGeoBufferSet( frameData[listNum] );
	UnmapGeoBufferSet( staticData );
	const int endUnmap = Sys_Milliseconds();
	if ( endUnmap - startUnmap > 1 ) {
		idLib::PrintfIf( r_showVertexCacheTimings.GetBool(), "idVertexCache::unmap took %i msec\n", endUnmap - startUnmap );