Ejemplo n.º 1
void CIP2Country::DownloadFinished(uint32 result)
	if (result == HTTP_Success) {
		// download succeeded. Switch over to new database.
		wxString newDat = m_DataBasePath + wxT(".download");

		// Try to unpack the file, might be an archive
		wxWCharBuffer dataBaseName = m_DataBaseName.wc_str();
		const wxChar* geoip_files[] = {

		if (UnpackArchive(CPath(newDat), geoip_files).second == EFT_Error) {
			AddLogLineC(_("Download of GeoIP.dat file failed, aborting update."));

		if (wxFileExists(m_DataBasePath)) {
			if (!wxRemoveFile(m_DataBasePath)) {
				AddLogLineC(CFormat(_("Failed to remove %s file, aborting update.")) % m_DataBaseName);

		if (!wxRenameFile(newDat, m_DataBasePath)) {
			AddLogLineC(CFormat(_("Failed to rename %s file, aborting update.")) % m_DataBaseName);

		if (m_geoip) {
			AddLogLineN(CFormat(_("Successfully updated %s")) % m_DataBaseName);
		} else {
			AddLogLineC(_("Error updating GeoIP.dat"));
	} else if (result == HTTP_Skipped) {
		AddLogLineN(CFormat(_("Skipped download of %s, because requested file is not newer.")) % m_DataBaseName);
	} else {
		AddLogLineC(CFormat(_("Failed to download %s from %s")) % m_DataBaseName % thePrefs::GetGeoIPUpdateUrl());
		// if it failed and there is no database, turn it off
		if (!wxFileExists(m_DataBasePath)) {
Ejemplo n.º 2
bool CServerList::LoadServerMet(const CPath& path)
	AddLogLineN(CFormat(_("Loading server.met file: %s")) % path);
	bool merge = !m_servers.empty();
	if (!path.FileExists()) {
		AddLogLineN(_("Server.met file not found!"));
		return false;

	// Try to unpack the file, might be an archive
	const wxChar* mets[] = { wxT("server.met"), NULL };
	// Try to unpack the file, might be an archive
	if (UnpackArchive(path, mets).second != EFT_Met) {
		AddLogLineC(CFormat(_("Failed to load server.met file '%s', unknown format encountered.")) % path);
		return false;

	CFile servermet(path, CFile::read);
	if ( !servermet.IsOpened() ){ 
		AddLogLineN(_("Failed to open server.met!") );
		return false;

	try {
		byte version = servermet.ReadUInt8();
		if (version != 0xE0 && version != MET_HEADER) {
			AddLogLineC(CFormat(_("Server.met file corrupt, found invalid versiontag: 0x%x, size %i")) % version % sizeof(version));
			return false;

		uint32 fservercount = servermet.ReadUInt32();

		ServerMet_Struct sbuffer;
		uint32 iAddCount = 0;

		for ( uint32 j = 0; j < fservercount; ++j ) {
			sbuffer.ip		= servermet.ReadUInt32();
			sbuffer.port		= servermet.ReadUInt16();
			sbuffer.tagcount	= servermet.ReadUInt32();
			CServer* newserver = new CServer(&sbuffer);

			// Load tags
			for ( uint32 i = 0; i < sbuffer.tagcount; ++i ) {

			// Server priorities are not in sorted order
			// High = 1, Low = 2, Normal = 0, so we have to check 
			// in a less logical fashion.
			int priority = newserver->GetPreferences();
			if (priority < SRV_PR_MIN || priority > SRV_PR_MAX) {
			// set listname for server
			if ( newserver->GetListName().IsEmpty() ) {
				newserver->SetListName(wxT("Server ") +newserver->GetAddress());
			if ( !theApp->AddServer(newserver) ) {
				CServer* update = GetServerByAddress(newserver->GetAddress(), newserver->GetPort());
				if(update) {
					update->SetListName( newserver->GetListName());
					if(!newserver->GetDescription().IsEmpty()) {
						update->SetDescription( newserver->GetDescription());
				delete newserver;
			} else {

		if (!merge) {
			AddLogLineC(CFormat(wxPLURAL("%i server in server.met found", "%i servers in server.met found", fservercount)) % fservercount);
		} else {
			AddLogLineC(CFormat(wxPLURAL("%d server added", "%d servers added", iAddCount)) % iAddCount);
	} catch (const CInvalidPacket& err) {
		AddLogLineC(_("Error: the file 'server.met' is corrupted: ") + err.what());
		return false;
	} catch (const CSafeIOException& err) {
		AddLogLineC(_("IO error while reading 'server.met': ") + err.what());
		return false;
	return true;
Ejemplo n.º 3
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
    Opt2 opt(argc, argv, "rxcpulma:z:qo:", IntRange(1, 999999), "hexdump=x,cat=c,plain=p,unpack=u,list=l,md5=m,recursive=r,quiet=q,prepend=z,append=a,output=o");
    const bool hexdump   = opt.Has('x', "- produce hexdump");
    const bool cat       = opt.Has('c', "- do not store keys (file names), just cat uncompressed files");
    const bool doNotZip  = opt.Has('p', "- do not use compression");
    const bool unpack    = opt.Has('u', "- unpack archive in current dir");
    const bool list      = opt.Has('l', "- list files in archive");
    const bool listMd5   = opt.Has('m', "- list files in archive with md5");
    const bool recursive = opt.Has('r', "- read all files under each directory, recursively");
    Quiet                = opt.Has('q', "- do not output progress on stderr.");
    Stroka prepend = opt.Arg('z', "<PREFIX> - prepend string to output", 0);
    Stroka append  = opt.Arg('a', "<SUFFIX> - append string to output", 0);
    const Stroka outputf = opt.Arg('o', "<FILE> - output to file instead stdout", 0);
    opt.AutoUsageErr("<file>..."); // "Files or directories to archive."

    SubstGlobal(append, "\\n", "\n");
    SubstGlobal(prepend, "\\n", "\n");

    yvector<TRec> recs;
    for (size_t i = 0; i != opt.Pos.size(); ++i) {
        Stroka path = opt.Pos[i];
        size_t off = 0;
#ifdef _win_
        if (path[0] > 0 && isalpha(path[0]) && path[1] == ':')
            off = 2; // skip drive letter ("d:")
#endif // _win_
        const size_t pos = path.find(':', off);
        TRec cur;
        cur.Path = path.substr(0, pos);
        if (pos != Stroka::npos)
            cur.Prefix = path.substr(pos + 1);
        cur.Recursive = recursive;

    try {
        if (listMd5) {
            for (yvector<TRec>::const_iterator it = recs.begin(); it != recs.end(); ++it) {
        } else if (list) {
            for (yvector<TRec>::const_iterator it = recs.begin(); it != recs.end(); ++it) {
        } else if (unpack) {
            for (yvector<TRec>::const_iterator it = recs.begin(); it != recs.end(); ++it) {
        } else {
            TAutoPtr<TOutputStream> outf(OpenOutput(outputf));
            TOutputStream* out = outf.Get();
            THolder<TOutputStream> hexout;

            if (hexdump) {
                hexout.Reset(new THexOutput(out));
                out = hexout.Get();

            outf->Write(~prepend, +prepend);

            if (cat) {
                for (yvector<TRec>::const_iterator it = recs.begin(); it != recs.end(); ++it) {
            } else {
                TArchiveWriter w(out, !doNotZip);
                for (yvector<TRec>::const_iterator it = recs.begin(); it != recs.end(); ++it) {

            outf->Write(~append, +append);

            try {
            } catch (...) {
    } catch (...) {
        Cerr << CurrentExceptionMessage() << Endl;
        return 1;

    return 0;