/* =============== CG_UseItem =============== */ static void CG_UseItem( centity_t *cent ) { int itemNum; entityState_t *es; es = ¢->currentState; itemNum = cg.inventorySelect; if ( itemNum < 0 || itemNum > INV_MAX ) { itemNum = 0; } // print a message if the local player if ( es->number == cg.snap->ps.clientNum ) { if ( !itemNum ) { // CG_CenterPrint( "No item to use", SCREEN_HEIGHT * 0.30, BIGCHAR_WIDTH ); } else { // item = BG_FindItemForHoldable( itemNum ); // CG_CenterPrint( va("Use %s", item->pickup_name), SCREEN_HEIGHT * 0.30, BIGCHAR_WIDTH ); } } UseItem(itemNum); }
void CAIContainer::UseItem(uint16 targid, uint8 loc, uint8 slotid) { auto PlayerController = dynamic_cast<CPlayerController*>(PEntity->PAI->GetController()); if (PlayerController) { PlayerController->UseItem(targid, loc, slotid); } }
void CAIThread::NewInventoryMove() { CWeaponSpec* pBest = SelectBestWeapon(); if ( pBest != NULL ) { UseItem( pBest->GetInventoryIndex() ); } SelectMove(); }
void NFCItemModule::OnClientUseItem(const NFSOCK nSockIndex, const int nMsgID, const char* msg, const uint32_t nLen) { CLIENT_MSG_PROCESS( nMsgID, msg, nLen, NFMsg::ReqAckUseItem); const NFGUID& self = NFINetModule::PBToNF(xMsg.user()); const std::string& strItemID = xMsg.item().item_id(); const NFGUID xTargetID = NFINetModule::PBToNF(xMsg.targetid()); const int nCount = xMsg.item().item_count(); UseItem(nPlayerID, strItemID, xTargetID); }
// 게임 로직 처리 void PlayGame() { while(!game_quit) { Input(); UpdateGameQuit(); UpdateTime(); MovePlayer(); UseItem(); MoveEnemy(); MoveEffect(); MoveBomb(); Draw(); } }
void Inventory::Update( float fDelta ) { if( m_pPlayerState->m_bAttackEndedThisUpdate ) m_soundItemEnding.Play(false); // TODO: remove use of PlayerNumber PlayerNumber pn = m_pPlayerState->m_PlayerNumber; // check to see if they deserve a new item if( STATSMAN->m_CurStageStats.m_player[pn].m_iCurCombo != m_iLastSeenCombo ) { unsigned int iOldCombo = m_iLastSeenCombo; m_iLastSeenCombo = STATSMAN->m_CurStageStats.m_player[pn].m_iCurCombo; unsigned int iNewCombo = m_iLastSeenCombo; #define CROSSED(i) (iOldCombo<i)&&(iNewCombo>=i) #define BROKE_ABOVE(i) (iNewCombo<iOldCombo)&&(iOldCombo>=i) for( unsigned i=0; i<g_Items.size(); i++ ) { bool bEarnedThisItem = false; if( PREFSMAN->m_bBreakComboToGetItem ) bEarnedThisItem = BROKE_ABOVE(g_Items[i].iCombo); else bEarnedThisItem = CROSSED(g_Items[i].iCombo); if( bEarnedThisItem ) { AwardItem( i ); break; } } } Song &song = *GAMESTATE->m_pCurSong; // use items if this player is CPU-controlled if( m_pPlayerState->m_PlayerController != PC_HUMAN && GAMESTATE->m_Position.m_fSongBeat < song.GetLastBeat() ) { // every 1 seconds, try to use an item int iLastSecond = (int)(RageTimer::GetTimeSinceStartFast() - fDelta); int iThisSecond = (int)RageTimer::GetTimeSinceStartFast(); if( iLastSecond != iThisSecond ) { for( int s=0; s<NUM_INVENTORY_SLOTS; s++ ) if( !m_pPlayerState->m_Inventory[s].IsBlank() ) if( randomf(0,1) < ITEM_USE_PROBABILITY ) UseItem( s ); } } }
void CLimitDungeonManager::AskJoin(DWORD playerIndex, MAPTYPE mapType, DWORD channelIndex, POSTYPE itemPosition) { const LimitDungeonScript& script = g_CGameResourceManager.GetLimitDungeonScript( mapType, channelIndex); CPlayer* const player = (CPlayer*)g_pUserTable->FindUser(playerIndex); if(0 == player) { return; } // 091106 LUJ, 출발할 수 없는 지점에서 시도함 else if(script.mHome.mMapType != mMapType) { MSG_LIMITDUNGEON_ERROR message; ZeroMemory(&message, sizeof(message)); message.Category = MP_LIMITDUNGEON; message.Protocol = MP_LIMITDUNGEON_JOIN_NACK; message.mError = MSG_LIMITDUNGEON_ERROR::ErrorMapMove; player->SendMsg( &message, sizeof(message)); return; } else if(eEXITCODE_OK != player->CanExitStart()) { MSG_LIMITDUNGEON_ERROR message; ZeroMemory(&message, sizeof(message)); message.Category = MP_LIMITDUNGEON; message.Protocol = MP_LIMITDUNGEON_JOIN_NACK; message.mError = MSG_LIMITDUNGEON_ERROR::ErrorMapMove; player->SendMsg( &message, sizeof(message)); return; } else if(eObjectState_Die == player->GetState()) { MSG_LIMITDUNGEON_ERROR message; ZeroMemory(&message, sizeof(message)); message.Category = MP_LIMITDUNGEON; message.Protocol = MP_LIMITDUNGEON_JOIN_NACK; message.mError = MSG_LIMITDUNGEON_ERROR::ErrorMapMove; player->SendMsg( &message, sizeof(message)); return; } else if(script.mLevel.mMin > player->GetLevel()) { MSG_LIMITDUNGEON_ERROR message; ZeroMemory(&message, sizeof(message)); message.Category = MP_LIMITDUNGEON; message.Protocol = MP_LIMITDUNGEON_JOIN_NACK; message.mError = MSG_LIMITDUNGEON_ERROR::ErrorLevel; player->SendMsg( &message, sizeof(message)); return; } else if(script.mLevel.mMax < player->GetLevel()) { MSG_LIMITDUNGEON_ERROR message; ZeroMemory(&message, sizeof(message)); message.Category = MP_LIMITDUNGEON; message.Protocol = MP_LIMITDUNGEON_JOIN_NACK; message.mError = MSG_LIMITDUNGEON_ERROR::ErrorLevel; player->SendMsg( &message, sizeof(message)); return; } else if(IsNoRoom(mapType, channelIndex)) { MSG_LIMITDUNGEON_ERROR message; ZeroMemory(&message, sizeof(message)); message.Category = MP_LIMITDUNGEON; message.Protocol = MP_LIMITDUNGEON_JOIN_NACK; message.mError = MSG_LIMITDUNGEON_ERROR::ErrorRoom; player->SendMsg( &message, sizeof(message)); return; } else if(FALSE == UseItem(script, *player, itemPosition)) { MSG_LIMITDUNGEON_ERROR message; ZeroMemory(&message, sizeof(message)); message.Category = MP_LIMITDUNGEON; message.Protocol = MP_LIMITDUNGEON_JOIN_NACK; message.mError = MSG_LIMITDUNGEON_ERROR::ErrorItem; player->SendMsg( &message, sizeof(message)); return; } // 091106 LUJ, 에이전트가 채널을 클라이언트 설정을 쓰도록 플래그를 설정한다 { MSGBASE message; ZeroMemory(&message, sizeof(message)); message.Category = MP_USERCONN; message.Protocol = MP_USERCONN_FORCED_CHANNEL_SYN; player->SendMsg( &message, sizeof(message)); } // 091106 LUJ, 맵 이동 지점을 설정한다 { const MAPCHANGE_INFO* const mapChangeInfo = g_CGameResourceManager.GetMapChangeInfoFromToMapNum( mMapType, mapType); if(mapChangeInfo) { player->SetMapMoveInfo( mapType, DWORD(mapChangeInfo->MovePoint.x), DWORD(mapChangeInfo->MovePoint.z)); } } // 091106 LUJ, 맵 이동시킨다 { MSG_WORD2 message; ZeroMemory(&message, sizeof(message)); message.Category = MP_USERCONN; message.Protocol = MP_USERCONN_MAP_OUT_WITHMAPNUM; message.dwObjectID = playerIndex; message.wData1 = mapType; message.wData2 = WORD(channelIndex - 1); g_Network.Broadcast2AgentServer( LPTSTR(&message), sizeof(message)); player->UpdateLogoutToDB(FALSE); } g_pServerSystem->RemovePlayer(playerIndex); }
void CG_EntityEvent( centity_t *cent, vec3_t position ) { entityState_t *es; int event; vec3_t axis[3]; const char *s, *s2; int clientNum; //clientInfo_t *ci; es = ¢->currentState; event = es->event & ~EV_EVENT_BITS; if ( cg_debugEvents.integer ) { CG_Printf( "ent:%3i event:%3i ", es->number, event ); } if ( !event ) { DEBUGNAME("ZEROEVENT"); return; } if ( !cent->gent )//|| !cent->gent->client ) { return; } //ci = ¢->gent->client->clientInfo; clientNum = cent->gent->s.number; switch ( event ) { // // movement generated events // /* case EV_FOOTSTEP: DEBUGNAME("EV_FOOTSTEP"); if (cg_footsteps.integer) { if ( cent->gent && cent->gent->s.number == 0 && !cg.renderingThirdPerson )//!cg_thirdPerson.integer ) {//Everyone else has keyframed footsteps in animevents.cfg #ifdef _IMMERSION int index = rand()&3; cgi_S_StartSound (NULL, es->number, CHAN_BODY, cgs.media.footsteps[ FOOTSTEP_NORMAL ][index] ); cgi_FF_Start( cgs.media.footstepForces[ FOOTSTEP_NORMAL ][ index ], es->number ); #else cgi_S_StartSound (NULL, es->number, CHAN_BODY, cgs.media.footsteps[ FOOTSTEP_NORMAL ][rand()&3] ); #endif // _IMMERSION } } break; case EV_FOOTSTEP_METAL: DEBUGNAME("EV_FOOTSTEP_METAL"); if (cg_footsteps.integer) { if ( cent->gent && cent->gent->s.number == 0 && !cg.renderingThirdPerson ) {//Everyone else has keyframed footsteps in animevents.cfg #ifdef _IMMERSION int index = rand()&3; cgi_S_StartSound (NULL, es->number, CHAN_BODY, cgs.media.footsteps[ FOOTSTEP_METAL ][index] ); cgi_FF_Start( cgs.media.footstepForces[ FOOTSTEP_METAL ][ index ], es->number ); #else cgi_S_StartSound (NULL, es->number, CHAN_BODY, cgs.media.footsteps[ FOOTSTEP_METAL ][rand()&3] ); #endif // _IMMERSION } } break; */ case EV_FOOTSPLASH: DEBUGNAME("EV_FOOTSPLASH"); if (cg_footsteps.integer) { #ifdef _IMMERSION int index = rand()&3; cgi_S_StartSound (NULL, es->number, CHAN_BODY, cgs.media.footsteps[ FOOTSTEP_SPLASH ][index] ); cgi_FF_Start( cgs.media.footstepForces[ FOOTSTEP_SPLASH ][ index ], es->number ); #else cgi_S_StartSound (NULL, es->number, CHAN_BODY, cgs.media.footsteps[ FOOTSTEP_SPLASH ][rand()&3] ); #endif // _IMMERSION } break; case EV_FOOTWADE: DEBUGNAME("EV_FOOTWADE"); if (cg_footsteps.integer) { #ifdef _IMMERSION int index = rand()&3; cgi_S_StartSound (NULL, es->number, CHAN_BODY, cgs.media.footsteps[ FOOTSTEP_WADE ][index] ); cgi_FF_Start( cgs.media.footstepForces[ FOOTSTEP_WADE ][ index ], es->number ); #else cgi_S_StartSound (NULL, es->number, CHAN_BODY, cgs.media.footsteps[ FOOTSTEP_WADE ][rand()&3] ); #endif // _IMMERSION } break; case EV_SWIM: DEBUGNAME("EV_SWIM"); if (cg_footsteps.integer) { #ifdef _IMMERSION int index = rand()&3; cgi_S_StartSound (NULL, es->number, CHAN_BODY, cgs.media.footsteps[ FOOTSTEP_SWIM ][index] ); cgi_FF_Start( cgs.media.footstepForces[ FOOTSTEP_SWIM ][ index ], es->number ); #else cgi_S_StartSound (NULL, es->number, CHAN_BODY, cgs.media.footsteps[ FOOTSTEP_SWIM ][rand()&3] ); #endif // _IMMERSION } break; case EV_FALL_SHORT: DEBUGNAME("EV_FALL_SHORT"); cgi_S_StartSound( NULL, es->number, CHAN_AUTO, cgs.media.landSound ); #ifdef _IMMERSION cgi_FF_Start( cgs.media.landForce, es->number ); #endif // _IMMERSION if ( clientNum == cg.predicted_player_state.clientNum ) { // smooth landing z changes cg.landChange = -8; cg.landTime = cg.time; } //FIXME: maybe kick up some dust? break; case EV_FALL_MEDIUM: DEBUGNAME("EV_FALL_MEDIUM"); // use normal pain sound - if ( g_entities[es->number].health <= 0 ) {//dead cgi_S_StartSound( NULL, es->number, CHAN_AUTO, cgs.media.landSound ); #ifdef _IMMERSION cgi_FF_Start( cgs.media.landForce, es->number ); #endif // _IMMERSION } else if ( g_entities[es->number].s.weapon == WP_SABER || (g_entities[es->number].client && (g_entities[es->number].client->ps.forcePowersKnown&(1<<FP_LEVITATION))) ) {//jedi or someone who has force jump (so probably took no damage) CG_TryPlayCustomSound( NULL, es->number, CHAN_BODY, "*land1.wav", CS_BASIC ); } else {//still alive CG_TryPlayCustomSound( NULL, es->number, CHAN_BODY, "*pain100.wav", CS_BASIC ); } if ( clientNum == cg.predicted_player_state.clientNum ) { // smooth landing z changes cg.landChange = -16; cg.landTime = cg.time; } #ifdef _XBOX cgi_FF_StartFX( fffx_FallingMedium ); #endif //FIXME: maybe kick up some dust? break; case EV_FALL_FAR: DEBUGNAME("EV_FALL_FAR"); CG_TryPlayCustomSound( NULL, es->number, CHAN_BODY, "*land1.wav", CS_BASIC ); cgi_S_StartSound( NULL, es->number, CHAN_AUTO, cgs.media.landSound ); cent->pe.painTime = cg.time; // don't play a pain sound right after this if ( clientNum == cg.predicted_player_state.clientNum ) { // smooth landing z changes cg.landChange = -24; cg.landTime = cg.time; } #ifdef _XBOX cgi_FF_StartFX( fffx_FallingFar ); #endif //FIXME: maybe kick up some dust? break; case EV_STEP_4: case EV_STEP_8: case EV_STEP_12: case EV_STEP_16: // smooth out step up transitions DEBUGNAME("EV_STEP"); { float oldStep; int delta; int step; if ( clientNum != cg.predicted_player_state.clientNum ) { break; } // if we are interpolating, we don't need to smooth steps if ( cg_timescale.value >= 1.0f ) { break; } // check for stepping up before a previous step is completed delta = cg.time - cg.stepTime; if (delta < STEP_TIME) { oldStep = cg.stepChange * (STEP_TIME - delta) / STEP_TIME; } else { oldStep = 0; } // add this amount step = 4 * (event - EV_STEP_4 + 1 ); cg.stepChange = oldStep + step; if ( cg.stepChange > MAX_STEP_CHANGE ) { cg.stepChange = MAX_STEP_CHANGE; } cg.stepTime = cg.time; break; } case EV_JUMP: DEBUGNAME("EV_JUMP"); CG_TryPlayCustomSound(NULL, es->number, CHAN_AUTO, "*jump1.wav", CS_BASIC );//CHAN_VOICE break; case EV_ROLL: DEBUGNAME("EV_ROLL"); CG_TryPlayCustomSound(NULL, es->number, CHAN_AUTO, "*jump1.wav", CS_BASIC );//CHAN_VOICE cgi_S_StartSound( NULL, es->number, CHAN_BODY, cgs.media.rollSound );//CHAN_AUTO //FIXME: need some sort of body impact on ground sound and maybe kick up some dust? break; case EV_LAVA_TOUCH: DEBUGNAME("EV_LAVA_TOUCH"); cgi_S_StartSound (NULL, es->number, CHAN_AUTO, cgs.media.lavaInSound ); #ifdef _IMMERSION cgi_FF_Start( cgs.media.watrInSound, es->number ); #endif // _IMMERSION break; case EV_LAVA_LEAVE: DEBUGNAME("EV_LAVA_LEAVE"); cgi_S_StartSound (NULL, es->number, CHAN_AUTO, cgs.media.lavaOutSound ); #ifdef _IMMERSION cgi_FF_Start( cgs.media.watrOutSound, es->number ); #endif // _IMMERSION break; case EV_LAVA_UNDER: DEBUGNAME("EV_LAVA_UNDER"); cgi_S_StartSound (NULL, es->number, CHAN_AUTO, cgs.media.lavaUnSound ); #ifdef _IMMERSION cgi_FF_Start( cgs.media.watrUnSound, es->number ); #endif // _IMMERSION break; case EV_WATER_TOUCH: DEBUGNAME("EV_WATER_TOUCH"); cgi_S_StartSound (NULL, es->number, CHAN_AUTO, cgs.media.watrInSound ); #ifdef _IMMERSION cgi_FF_Start( cgs.media.watrInSound, es->number ); #endif // _IMMERSION break; case EV_WATER_LEAVE: DEBUGNAME("EV_WATER_LEAVE"); cgi_S_StartSound (NULL, es->number, CHAN_AUTO, cgs.media.watrOutSound ); #ifdef _IMMERSION cgi_FF_Start( cgs.media.watrOutSound, es->number ); #endif // _IMMERSION break; case EV_WATER_UNDER: DEBUGNAME("EV_WATER_UNDER"); cgi_S_StartSound (NULL, es->number, CHAN_AUTO, cgs.media.watrUnSound ); #ifdef _IMMERSION cgi_FF_Start( cgs.media.watrUnSound, es->number ); #endif // _IMMERSION break; case EV_WATER_CLEAR: DEBUGNAME("EV_WATER_CLEAR"); CG_TryPlayCustomSound(NULL, es->number, CHAN_AUTO, "*gasp.wav", CS_BASIC ); break; case EV_WATER_GURP1: case EV_WATER_GURP2: DEBUGNAME("EV_WATER_GURPx"); CG_TryPlayCustomSound(NULL, es->number, CHAN_AUTO, va("*gurp%d.wav",event-EV_WATER_GURP1+1), CS_BASIC ); break; case EV_WATER_DROWN: DEBUGNAME("EV_WATER_DROWN"); CG_TryPlayCustomSound(NULL, es->number, CHAN_AUTO, "*drown.wav", CS_BASIC ); break; case EV_ITEM_PICKUP: DEBUGNAME("EV_ITEM_PICKUP"); { gitem_t *item; int index; qboolean bHadItem = qfalse; index = es->eventParm; // player predicted if ( (char)index < 0 ) { index = -(char)index; bHadItem = qtrue; } if ( index >= bg_numItems ) { break; } item = &bg_itemlist[ index ]; cgi_S_StartSound (NULL, es->number, CHAN_AUTO, cgi_S_RegisterSound( item->pickup_sound ) ); #ifdef _IMMERSION cgi_FF_Start( cgi_FF_Register( item->pickup_force, FF_CHANNEL_TOUCH ), es->number ); #endif // _IMMERSION // show icon and name on status bar if ( es->number == cg.snap->ps.clientNum ) { CG_ItemPickup( index, bHadItem ); } } break; // // weapon events // case EV_NOAMMO: DEBUGNAME("EV_NOAMMO"); //cgi_S_StartSound (NULL, es->number, CHAN_AUTO, cgs.media.noAmmoSound ); if ( es->number == cg.snap->ps.clientNum ) { CG_OutOfAmmoChange(); } break; case EV_CHANGE_WEAPON: DEBUGNAME("EV_CHANGE_WEAPON"); if ( es->weapon == WP_SABER ) { /* if ( !cent->gent || !cent->gent->client || (cent->currentState.saberInFlight == qfalse && cent->currentState.saberActive == qtrue) ) { cgi_S_StartSound (NULL, es->number, CHAN_AUTO, cgi_S_RegisterSound( "sound/weapons/saber/saberoffquick.wav" ) ); } */ if ( cent->gent && cent->gent->client ) { //if ( cent->gent->client->ps.saberInFlight ) {//if it's not in flight or lying around, turn it off! cent->currentState.saberActive = qfalse; } } } // FIXME: if it happens that you don't want the saber to play the switch sounds, feel free to modify this bit. if ( weaponData[cg.weaponSelect].selectSnd[0] ) { // custom select sound cgi_S_StartSound (NULL, es->number, CHAN_AUTO, cgi_S_RegisterSound( weaponData[cg.weaponSelect].selectSnd )); #ifdef _IMMERSION cgi_FF_Start( cgi_FF_Register( weaponData[cg.weaponSelect].selectFrc, FF_CHANNEL_WEAPON ), es->number ); #endif // _IMMERSION } else { // generic sound cgi_S_StartSound (NULL, es->number, CHAN_AUTO, cgs.media.selectSound ); #ifdef _IMMERSION cgi_FF_Start( cgs.media.selectForce, es->number ); #endif // _IMMERSION } break; case EV_FIRE_WEAPON: DEBUGNAME("EV_FIRE_WEAPON"); CG_FireWeapon( cent, qfalse ); break; case EV_ALT_FIRE: DEBUGNAME("EV_ALT_FIRE"); CG_FireWeapon( cent, qtrue ); break; case EV_DISRUPTOR_MAIN_SHOT: DEBUGNAME("EV_DISRUPTOR_MAIN_SHOT"); FX_DisruptorMainShot( cent->currentState.origin2, cent->lerpOrigin ); break; case EV_DISRUPTOR_SNIPER_SHOT: DEBUGNAME("EV_DISRUPTOR_SNIPER_SHOT"); FX_DisruptorAltShot( cent->currentState.origin2, cent->lerpOrigin, cent->gent->alt_fire ); break; case EV_DISRUPTOR_SNIPER_MISS: DEBUGNAME("EV_DISRUPTOR_SNIPER_MISS"); FX_DisruptorAltMiss( cent->lerpOrigin, cent->gent->pos1 ); break; case EV_DEMP2_ALT_IMPACT: FX_DEMP2_AltDetonate( cent->lerpOrigin, es->eventParm ); break; case EV_CONC_ALT_SHOT: DEBUGNAME("EV_CONC_ALT_SHOT"); FX_ConcAltShot( cent->currentState.origin2, cent->lerpOrigin ); break; case EV_CONC_ALT_MISS: DEBUGNAME("EV_CONC_ALT_MISS"); FX_ConcAltMiss( cent->lerpOrigin, cent->gent->pos1 ); break; // case EV_POWERUP_SEEKER_FIRE: // DEBUGNAME("EV_POWERUP_SEEKER_FIRE"); // CG_FireSeeker( cent ); // break; case EV_POWERUP_BATTLESUIT: DEBUGNAME("EV_POWERUP_BATTLESUIT"); if ( es->number == cg.snap->ps.clientNum ) { cg.powerupActive = PW_BATTLESUIT; cg.powerupTime = cg.time; } //cgi_S_StartSound (NULL, es->number, CHAN_ITEM, cgs.media.invulnoProtectSound ); break; case EV_KOTHOS_BEAM: DEBUGNAME("EV_KOTHOS_BEAM"); if ( Q_irand( 0, 1 ) ) { FX_KothosBeam( cg_entities[cent->currentState.otherEntityNum].gent->client->renderInfo.handRPoint, cg_entities[cent->currentState.otherEntityNum2].lerpOrigin ); } else { FX_KothosBeam( cg_entities[cent->currentState.otherEntityNum].gent->client->renderInfo.handLPoint, cg_entities[cent->currentState.otherEntityNum2].lerpOrigin ); } break; //================================================================= // // other events // case EV_REPLICATOR: DEBUGNAME("EV_REPLICATOR"); // FX_Replicator( cent, position ); break; case EV_BATTERIES_CHARGED: cg.batteryChargeTime = cg.time + 3000; cgi_S_StartSound( vec3_origin, es->number, CHAN_AUTO, cgs.media.batteryChargeSound ); break; case EV_DISINTEGRATION: { DEBUGNAME("EV_DISINTEGRATION"); qboolean makeNotSolid = qfalse; int disintPW = es->eventParm; int disintEffect = 0; int disintLength = 0; qhandle_t disintSound1 = NULL; qhandle_t disintSound2 = NULL; qhandle_t disintSound3 = NULL; switch( disintPW ) { case PW_DISRUPTION:// sniper rifle disintEffect = EF_DISINTEGRATION;//ef_ disintSound1 = cgs.media.disintegrateSound;//with scream disintSound2 = cgs.media.disintegrate2Sound;//no scream disintSound3 = cgs.media.disintegrate3Sound;//with inhuman scream disintLength = 2000; makeNotSolid = qtrue; break; /* case PW_SHOCKED:// arc welder disintEffect = EF_DISINT_1;//ef_ disintSound1 = NULL;//with scream disintSound2 = NULL;//no scream disintSound3 = NULL;//with inhuman scream disintLength = 4000; break; */ default: return; break; } if ( cent->gent->owner ) { cent->gent->owner->fx_time = cg.time; if ( cent->gent->owner->client ) { if ( disintSound1 && disintSound2 ) {//play an extra sound /* if ( cent->gent->owner->client->playerTeam == TEAM_STARFLEET || cent->gent->owner->client->playerTeam == TEAM_SCAVENGERS || cent->gent->owner->client->playerTeam == TEAM_MALON || cent->gent->owner->client->playerTeam == TEAM_IMPERIAL || cent->gent->owner->client->playerTeam == TEAM_HIROGEN || cent->gent->owner->client->playerTeam == TEAM_DISGUISE || cent->gent->owner->client->playerTeam == TEAM_KLINGON ) */ // listed all the non-humanoids, because there's a lot more humanoids class_t npc_class = cent->gent->owner->client->NPC_class; if( npc_class != CLASS_ATST && npc_class != CLASS_GONK && npc_class != CLASS_INTERROGATOR && npc_class != CLASS_MARK1 && npc_class != CLASS_MARK2 && npc_class != CLASS_MOUSE && npc_class != CLASS_PROBE && npc_class != CLASS_PROTOCOL && npc_class != CLASS_R2D2 && npc_class != CLASS_R5D2 && npc_class != CLASS_SEEKER && npc_class != CLASS_SENTRY) {//Only the humanoids scream cgi_S_StartSound ( NULL, cent->gent->owner->s.number, CHAN_VOICE, disintSound1 ); } // no more forge or 8472 // else if ( cent->gent->owner->client->playerTeam == TEAM_FORGE || // cent->gent->owner->client->playerTeam == TEAM_8472 ) // { // cgi_S_StartSound ( NULL, cent->gent->s.number, CHAN_VOICE, disintSound3 ); // } else { cgi_S_StartSound ( NULL, cent->gent->s.number, CHAN_AUTO, disintSound2 ); } } cent->gent->owner->s.powerups |= ( 1 << disintPW ); cent->gent->owner->client->ps.powerups[disintPW] = cg.time + disintLength; // Things that are being disintegrated should probably not be solid... if ( makeNotSolid && cent->gent->owner->client->playerTeam != TEAM_NEUTRAL ) { cent->gent->contents = CONTENTS_NONE; } } else { cent->gent->owner->s.eFlags = disintEffect;//FIXME: |= ? cent->gent->owner->delay = cg.time + disintLength; } } } break; // This does not necessarily have to be from a grenade... case EV_GRENADE_BOUNCE: DEBUGNAME("EV_GRENADE_BOUNCE"); CG_BounceEffect( cent, es->weapon, position, cent->gent->pos1 ); break; // // missile impacts // case EV_MISSILE_STICK: DEBUGNAME("EV_MISSILE_STICK"); CG_MissileStick( cent, es->weapon, position ); break; case EV_MISSILE_HIT: DEBUGNAME("EV_MISSILE_HIT"); CG_MissileHitPlayer( cent, es->weapon, position, cent->gent->pos1, cent->gent->alt_fire ); break; case EV_MISSILE_MISS: DEBUGNAME("EV_MISSILE_MISS"); CG_MissileHitWall( cent, es->weapon, position, cent->gent->pos1, cent->gent->alt_fire ); break; case EV_BMODEL_SOUND: DEBUGNAME("EV_BMODEL_SOUND"); cgi_S_StartSound( NULL, es->number, CHAN_AUTO, es->eventParm ); break; case EV_GENERAL_SOUND: DEBUGNAME("EV_GENERAL_SOUND"); if ( cgs.sound_precache[ es->eventParm ] ) { cgi_S_StartSound (NULL, es->number, CHAN_AUTO, cgs.sound_precache[ es->eventParm ] ); } else { s = CG_ConfigString( CS_SOUNDS + es->eventParm ); CG_TryPlayCustomSound(NULL, es->number, CHAN_AUTO, s, CS_BASIC ); } break; case EV_GLOBAL_SOUND: // play from the player's head so it never diminishes DEBUGNAME("EV_GLOBAL_SOUND"); if ( cgs.sound_precache[ es->eventParm ] ) { cgi_S_StartSound (NULL, cg.snap->ps.clientNum, CHAN_AUTO, cgs.sound_precache[ es->eventParm ] ); } else { s = CG_ConfigString( CS_SOUNDS + es->eventParm ); CG_TryPlayCustomSound( NULL, cg.snap->ps.clientNum, CHAN_AUTO, s, CS_BASIC ); } break; #ifdef _IMMERSION case EV_ENTITY_FORCE: // Plays force on entity DEBUGNAME("EV_ENTITY_FORCE"); if ( !cgs.force_precache[ es->eventParm ] ) { const char *name; int channel; if ( CG_ConfigForce( es->eventParm, name, channel ) ) { cgs.force_precache[ es->eventParm ] = cgi_FF_Register( name, channel ); } } cgi_FF_Start( cgs.force_precache[ es->eventParm ], es->number ); break; case EV_GLOBAL_FORCE: case EV_AREA_FORCE: DEBUGNAME("EV_AREA_FORCE"); // Plays force for anyone if ( !cgs.force_precache[ es->eventParm ] ) { const char *name; int channel; if ( CG_ConfigForce( es->eventParm, name, channel ) ) { cgs.force_precache[ es->eventParm ] = cgi_FF_Register( name, channel ); } } cgi_FF_Start( cgs.force_precache[ es->eventParm ], es->number ); break; case EV_FORCE_STOP: DEBUGNAME("EV_FORCE_STOP"); if ( es->eventParm < 0 ) { cgi_FF_StopAll( ); } else if ( es->eventParm < MAX_FORCES && cgs.force_precache[ es->eventParm ] ) { cgi_FF_Stop( cgs.force_precache[ es->eventParm ], es->number ); } break; #endif // _IMMERSION case EV_DRUGGED: DEBUGNAME("EV_DRUGGED"); if ( cent->gent && cent->gent->owner && cent->gent->owner->s.number == 0 ) { // Only allow setting up the wonky vision on the player..do it for 10 seconds...must be synchronized with calcs done in cg_view. Just search for cg.wonkyTime to find 'em. cg.wonkyTime = cg.time + 10000; } break; case EV_PAIN: { char *snd; const int health = es->eventParm; if ( cent->gent && cent->gent->NPC && (cent->gent->NPC->aiFlags & NPCAI_DIE_ON_IMPACT) ) { return; } //FIXME: don't do this if we're falling to our deaths... DEBUGNAME("EV_PAIN"); // don't do more than two pain sounds a second if ( cg.time - cent->pe.painTime < 500 ) { return; } if ( health < 25 ) { snd = "*pain100.wav"; } else if ( health < 50 ) { snd = "*pain75.wav"; } else if ( health < 75 ) { snd = "*pain50.wav"; } else { snd = "*pain25.wav"; } CG_TryPlayCustomSound( NULL, es->number, CHAN_VOICE, snd, CS_BASIC ); // save pain time for programitic twitch animation cent->pe.painTime = cg.time; cent->pe.painDirection ^= 1; } break; case EV_DEATH1: case EV_DEATH2: case EV_DEATH3: DEBUGNAME("EV_DEATHx"); /* if ( cent->gent && cent->gent->NPC && (cent->gent->NPC->aiFlags & NPCAI_DIE_ON_IMPACT) ) { return; } */ CG_TryPlayCustomSound( NULL, es->number, CHAN_VOICE, va("*death%i.wav", event - EV_DEATH1 + 1), CS_BASIC ); break; // Called by the FxRunner entity...usually for Environmental FX Events case EV_PLAY_EFFECT: DEBUGNAME("EV_PLAY_EFFECT"); { const bool portalEnt = !!es->isPortalEnt; //the fxrunner spawning this effect is within a skyportal, so only render this effect within that portal. s = CG_ConfigString( CS_EFFECTS + es->eventParm ); // Ghoul2 Insert Start if (es->boltInfo != 0) { const bool isRelative = !!es->weapon; theFxScheduler.PlayEffect( s, cent->lerpOrigin, axis, es->boltInfo, -1, portalEnt, es->loopSound, isRelative ); //loopSound 0 = not looping, 1 for infinite, else duration } else { VectorCopy( cent->gent->pos3, axis[0] ); VectorCopy( cent->gent->pos4, axis[1] ); CrossProduct( axis[0], axis[1], axis[2] ); // the entNum the effect may be attached to #ifdef _IMMERSION if ( es->saberActive ) { theFxScheduler.PlayEffect( s, cent->lerpOrigin, axis, -1, FF_CLIENT( es->otherEntityNum ), portalEnt ); } else #endif // _IMMERSION if ( es->otherEntityNum ) { theFxScheduler.PlayEffect( s, cent->lerpOrigin, axis, -1, es->otherEntityNum, portalEnt ); } else { theFxScheduler.PlayEffect( s, cent->lerpOrigin, axis, -1, -1, portalEnt ); } } } // Ghoul2 Insert End break; // play an effect bolted onto a muzzle case EV_PLAY_MUZZLE_EFFECT: DEBUGNAME("EV_PLAY_MUZZLE_EFFECT"); s = CG_ConfigString( CS_EFFECTS + es->eventParm ); theFxScheduler.PlayEffect( s, es->otherEntityNum ); break; case EV_STOP_EFFECT: DEBUGNAME("EV_STOP_EFFECT"); { bool portalEnt = false; if ( es->isPortalEnt ) { //the fxrunner spawning this effect is within a skyportal, so only render this effect within that portal. portalEnt = true; } s = CG_ConfigString( CS_EFFECTS + es->eventParm ); if ( es->boltInfo != 0 ) { theFxScheduler.StopEffect( s, es->boltInfo, portalEnt ); } } break; case EV_TARGET_BEAM_DRAW: DEBUGNAME("EV_TARGET_BEAM_DRAW"); if ( cent->gent ) { s = CG_ConfigString( CS_EFFECTS + es->eventParm ); if ( s && s[0] ) { if ( cent->gent->delay ) { s2 = CG_ConfigString( CS_EFFECTS + cent->gent->delay ); } else { s2 = NULL; } CG_DrawTargetBeam( cent->lerpOrigin, cent->gent->s.origin2, cent->gent->pos1, s, s2 ); } /* else { int gack = 0; // this is bad if it get's here } */ } break; case EV_ANGER1: //Say when acquire an enemy when didn't have one before case EV_ANGER2: case EV_ANGER3: DEBUGNAME("EV_ANGERx"); CG_TryPlayCustomSound( NULL, es->number, CHAN_VOICE, va("*anger%i.wav", event - EV_ANGER1 + 1), CS_COMBAT ); break; case EV_VICTORY1: //Say when killed an enemy case EV_VICTORY2: case EV_VICTORY3: DEBUGNAME("EV_VICTORYx"); CG_TryPlayCustomSound( NULL, es->number, CHAN_VOICE, va("*victory%i.wav", event - EV_VICTORY1 + 1), CS_COMBAT ); break; case EV_CONFUSE1: //Say when confused case EV_CONFUSE2: case EV_CONFUSE3: DEBUGNAME("EV_CONFUSEDx"); CG_TryPlayCustomSound( NULL, es->number, CHAN_VOICE, va("*confuse%i.wav", event - EV_CONFUSE1 + 1), CS_COMBAT ); break; case EV_PUSHED1: //Say when pushed case EV_PUSHED2: case EV_PUSHED3: DEBUGNAME("EV_PUSHEDx"); CG_TryPlayCustomSound( NULL, es->number, CHAN_VOICE, va("*pushed%i.wav", event - EV_PUSHED1 + 1), CS_COMBAT ); break; case EV_CHOKE1: //Say when choking case EV_CHOKE2: case EV_CHOKE3: DEBUGNAME("EV_CHOKEx"); CG_TryPlayCustomSound( NULL, es->number, CHAN_VOICE, va("*choke%i.wav", event - EV_CHOKE1 + 1), CS_COMBAT ); break; case EV_FFWARN: //Warn ally to stop shooting you DEBUGNAME("EV_FFWARN"); CG_TryPlayCustomSound( NULL, es->number, CHAN_VOICE, "*ffwarn.wav", CS_COMBAT ); break; case EV_FFTURN: //Turn on ally after being shot by them DEBUGNAME("EV_FFTURN"); CG_TryPlayCustomSound( NULL, es->number, CHAN_VOICE, "*ffturn.wav", CS_COMBAT ); break; //extra sounds for ST case EV_CHASE1: case EV_CHASE2: case EV_CHASE3: DEBUGNAME("EV_CHASEx"); CG_TryPlayCustomSound( NULL, es->number, CHAN_VOICE, va("*chase%i.wav", event - EV_CHASE1 + 1), CS_EXTRA ); break; case EV_COVER1: case EV_COVER2: case EV_COVER3: case EV_COVER4: case EV_COVER5: DEBUGNAME("EV_COVERx"); CG_TryPlayCustomSound( NULL, es->number, CHAN_VOICE, va("*cover%i.wav", event - EV_COVER1 + 1), CS_EXTRA ); break; case EV_DETECTED1: case EV_DETECTED2: case EV_DETECTED3: case EV_DETECTED4: case EV_DETECTED5: DEBUGNAME("EV_DETECTEDx"); CG_TryPlayCustomSound( NULL, es->number, CHAN_VOICE, va("*detected%i.wav", event - EV_DETECTED1 + 1), CS_EXTRA ); break; case EV_GIVEUP1: case EV_GIVEUP2: case EV_GIVEUP3: case EV_GIVEUP4: DEBUGNAME("EV_GIVEUPx"); CG_TryPlayCustomSound( NULL, es->number, CHAN_VOICE, va("*giveup%i.wav", event - EV_GIVEUP1 + 1), CS_EXTRA ); break; case EV_LOOK1: case EV_LOOK2: DEBUGNAME("EV_LOOKx"); CG_TryPlayCustomSound( NULL, es->number, CHAN_VOICE, va("*look%i.wav", event - EV_LOOK1 + 1), CS_EXTRA ); break; case EV_LOST1: DEBUGNAME("EV_LOST1"); CG_TryPlayCustomSound( NULL, es->number, CHAN_VOICE, "*lost1.wav", CS_EXTRA ); break; case EV_OUTFLANK1: case EV_OUTFLANK2: DEBUGNAME("EV_OUTFLANKx"); CG_TryPlayCustomSound( NULL, es->number, CHAN_VOICE, va("*outflank%i.wav", event - EV_OUTFLANK1 + 1), CS_EXTRA ); break; case EV_ESCAPING1: case EV_ESCAPING2: case EV_ESCAPING3: DEBUGNAME("EV_ESCAPINGx"); CG_TryPlayCustomSound( NULL, es->number, CHAN_VOICE, va("*escaping%i.wav", event - EV_ESCAPING1 + 1), CS_EXTRA ); break; case EV_SIGHT1: case EV_SIGHT2: case EV_SIGHT3: DEBUGNAME("EV_SIGHTx"); CG_TryPlayCustomSound( NULL, es->number, CHAN_VOICE, va("*sight%i.wav", event - EV_SIGHT1 + 1), CS_EXTRA ); break; case EV_SOUND1: case EV_SOUND2: case EV_SOUND3: DEBUGNAME("EV_SOUNDx"); CG_TryPlayCustomSound( NULL, es->number, CHAN_VOICE, va("*sound%i.wav", event - EV_SOUND1 + 1), CS_EXTRA ); break; case EV_SUSPICIOUS1: case EV_SUSPICIOUS2: case EV_SUSPICIOUS3: case EV_SUSPICIOUS4: case EV_SUSPICIOUS5: DEBUGNAME("EV_SUSPICIOUSx"); CG_TryPlayCustomSound( NULL, es->number, CHAN_VOICE, va("*suspicious%i.wav", event - EV_SUSPICIOUS1 + 1), CS_EXTRA ); break; //extra sounds for Jedi case EV_COMBAT1: case EV_COMBAT2: case EV_COMBAT3: DEBUGNAME("EV_COMBATx"); CG_TryPlayCustomSound( NULL, es->number, CHAN_VOICE, va("*combat%i.wav", event - EV_COMBAT1 + 1), CS_JEDI ); break; case EV_JDETECTED1: case EV_JDETECTED2: case EV_JDETECTED3: DEBUGNAME("EV_JDETECTEDx"); CG_TryPlayCustomSound( NULL, es->number, CHAN_VOICE, va("*jdetected%i.wav", event - EV_JDETECTED1 + 1), CS_JEDI ); break; case EV_TAUNT1: case EV_TAUNT2: case EV_TAUNT3: DEBUGNAME("EV_TAUNTx"); CG_TryPlayCustomSound( NULL, es->number, CHAN_VOICE, va("*taunt%i.wav", event - EV_TAUNT1 + 1), CS_JEDI ); break; case EV_JCHASE1: case EV_JCHASE2: case EV_JCHASE3: DEBUGNAME("EV_JCHASEx"); CG_TryPlayCustomSound( NULL, es->number, CHAN_VOICE, va("*jchase%i.wav", event - EV_JCHASE1 + 1), CS_JEDI ); break; case EV_JLOST1: case EV_JLOST2: case EV_JLOST3: DEBUGNAME("EV_JLOSTx"); CG_TryPlayCustomSound( NULL, es->number, CHAN_VOICE, va("*jlost%i.wav", event - EV_JLOST1 + 1), CS_JEDI ); break; case EV_DEFLECT1: case EV_DEFLECT2: case EV_DEFLECT3: DEBUGNAME("EV_DEFLECTx"); CG_TryPlayCustomSound( NULL, es->number, CHAN_VOICE, va("*deflect%i.wav", event - EV_DEFLECT1 + 1), CS_JEDI ); break; case EV_GLOAT1: case EV_GLOAT2: case EV_GLOAT3: DEBUGNAME("EV_GLOATx"); CG_TryPlayCustomSound( NULL, es->number, CHAN_VOICE, va("*gloat%i.wav", event - EV_GLOAT1 + 1), CS_JEDI ); break; case EV_PUSHFAIL: DEBUGNAME("EV_PUSHFAIL"); CG_TryPlayCustomSound( NULL, es->number, CHAN_VOICE, "*pushfail.wav", CS_JEDI ); break; case EV_USE_FORCE: DEBUGNAME("EV_USE_FORCEITEM"); CG_UseForce( cent ); break; case EV_USE_ITEM: DEBUGNAME("EV_USE_ITEM"); CG_UseItem( cent ); break; case EV_USE_INV_BINOCULARS: DEBUGNAME("EV_USE_INV_BINOCULARS"); UseItem(INV_ELECTROBINOCULARS ); break; case EV_USE_INV_BACTA: DEBUGNAME("EV_USE_INV_BACTA"); UseItem(INV_BACTA_CANISTER ); break; case EV_USE_INV_SEEKER: DEBUGNAME("EV_USE_INV_SEEKER"); UseItem(INV_SEEKER ); break; case EV_USE_INV_LIGHTAMP_GOGGLES: DEBUGNAME("EV_USE_INV_LIGHTAMP_GOGGLES"); UseItem(INV_LIGHTAMP_GOGGLES ); break; case EV_USE_INV_SENTRY: DEBUGNAME("EV_USE_INV_SENTRY"); UseItem(INV_SENTRY ); break; case EV_DEBUG_LINE: DEBUGNAME("EV_DEBUG_LINE"); CG_TestLine(position, es->origin2, es->time, (unsigned int)(es->time2), es->weapon); break; default: DEBUGNAME("UNKNOWN"); CG_Error( "Unknown event: %i", event ); break; } }
KVOID Kylin::Kitbag::KitbagListener::OnUsed( KINT nIndex ) { Assert(m_pHost); SAFE_CALL(m_pHost,UseItem(nIndex)); }