// function that call UtSleep void auxFunction_for_Ex2(UT_ARGUMENT time){ DWORD minimumTime = (DWORD)time; // Minimum time for the thread to Sleep DWORD totalTimeWaiting = UtSleep(minimumTime); // Expected return: >= 4000 printf("\n\n -> Expected: >= %d ... Returned: %d \n", minimumTime, totalTimeWaiting); _ASSERTE(totalTimeWaiting >= minimumTime); printf("\nPress any key to continue... (%d / %d Tests passed)", currentEx2Test++, totalEx2Tests); getchar(); }
VOID veryUselessTimeConsumingFunction(UT_ARGUMENT millis){ DWORD totalTimeSlept = UtSleep((DWORD)millis); printf("\nExpected = %d ... Returned = %d",(DWORD)millis, totalTimeSlept); _ASSERTE(totalTimeSlept>=(DWORD)millis); printf("\nPress any key to continue... (%d / %d Tests passed)", currentEx3Test++, totalEx3Tests); getchar(); ex3FunctionsFinished += 1; }
VOID RainParticle(UTHREAD_ARGUMENT arg) { int x, y; int deltaSleep=(rand()%10)*4; x= rand() % MaxX(); y= rand() % MaxY(); while(!stop) { WriteCharAt(' ', x, y); x = (x+ ((rand()%4)+1) ) % MaxX(); y = (y+ ((rand()%4)+1) ) % MaxY(); WriteCharAt('\\', x, y); UtSleep(20); } }
/* determina o tempo da simulação */ VOID Stopper(UTHREAD_ARGUMENT arg) { UtSleep(SIMULATION_TIME); stop=TRUE; }