Ejemplo n.º 1
/* ----------
 * toast_save_datum -
 *	Save one single datum into the secondary relation and return
 *	a Datum reference for it.
 * ----------
static Datum
toast_save_datum(Relation rel, Datum value, bool isFrozen)
	Relation	toastrel;
	Relation	toastidx;
	HeapTuple	toasttup;
	TupleDesc	toasttupDesc;
	Datum		t_values[3];
	bool		t_isnull[3];
	varattrib  *result;
		struct varlena hdr;
		char		data[TOAST_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE]; /* make struct big enough */
		int32		align_it;	/* ensure struct is aligned well enough */
	}			chunk_data;
	int32		chunk_size;
	int32		chunk_seq = 0;
	char	   *data_p;
	int32		data_todo;
	int32		rawsize, extsize;

	 * Open the toast relation and its index.  We can use the index to check
	 * uniqueness of the OID we assign to the toasted item, even though it has
	 * additional columns besides OID.
	toastrel = heap_open(rel->rd_rel->reltoastrelid, RowExclusiveLock);
	toasttupDesc = toastrel->rd_att;
	toastidx = index_open(toastrel->rd_rel->reltoastidxid, RowExclusiveLock);

	 * Create the varattrib reference
	result = (varattrib *) palloc(sizeof(varattrib));

	/* rawsize is the size of the datum that will result after decompression --
	 * including the full header. so we have to adjust for short headers.
	 * extsize is the actual size of the data payload in the toast records
	 * without any headers
	if (VARATT_IS_SHORT_D(value)) 
		extsize = VARSIZE_SHORT_D(value) - VARHDRSZ_SHORT;
		data_p = VARDATA_SHORT_D(value);
		data_todo = VARSIZE_SHORT_D(value) - VARHDRSZ_SHORT;
	else if (VARATT_IS_COMPRESSED_D(value))
		/* rawsize in a compressed datum is the just the size of the payload */
		rawsize = ((varattrib *) DatumGetPointer(value))->va_compressed.va_rawsize + VARHDRSZ;
		extsize = VARSIZE_D(value) - VARHDRSZ;
		data_p = VARDATA_D(value);
		data_todo = VARSIZE_D(value) - VARHDRSZ;
		/* 	we used to set result->va_header |= VARATT_FLAG_COMPRESSED; down
		 * 	below. we don't any longer and depend on the equality holding:
		 * 	extsize = rawsize + VARHDRSZ*/
		rawsize = VARSIZE_D(value);
		extsize = VARSIZE_D(value) - VARHDRSZ;
		data_p = VARDATA_D(value);
		data_todo = VARSIZE_D(value) - VARHDRSZ;
	result->va_external.va_rawsize = rawsize;
	result->va_external.va_extsize = extsize;
	result->va_external.va_valueid = GetNewOidWithIndex(toastrel, toastidx);
	result->va_external.va_toastrelid = rel->rd_rel->reltoastrelid;

	Assert( (VARATT_IS_COMPRESSED_D(value)||0) == (VARATT_EXTERNAL_IS_COMPRESSED(result)||0) );

			 "saved toast datum, original varsize %ud rawsize %ud new extsize %ud rawsize %uld\n", 
			 VARSIZE_D(value), ((varattrib *) DatumGetPointer(value))->va_compressed.va_rawsize,
			 result->va_external.va_extsize, result->va_external.va_rawsize);
			 "saved toast datum, original varsize %ud new extsize %ud rawsize %ud\n", 
			 result->va_external.va_extsize, result->va_external.va_rawsize);

	 * Initialize constant parts of the tuple data
	t_values[0] = ObjectIdGetDatum(result->va_external.va_valueid);
	t_values[2] = PointerGetDatum(&chunk_data);
	t_isnull[0] = false;
	t_isnull[1] = false;
	t_isnull[2] = false;

	 * Split up the item into chunks
	while (data_todo > 0)
		 * Calculate the size of this chunk
		chunk_size = Min(TOAST_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE, data_todo);

		 * Build a tuple and store it
		t_values[1] = Int32GetDatum(chunk_seq++);
		SET_VARSIZE(&chunk_data, chunk_size + VARHDRSZ);
		memcpy(VARDATA(&chunk_data), data_p, chunk_size);
		toasttup = heap_form_tuple(toasttupDesc, t_values, t_isnull);
		if (!HeapTupleIsValid(toasttup))
			elog(ERROR, "failed to build TOAST tuple");

			/* the normal case. regular insert */
			simple_heap_insert(toastrel, toasttup);
			/* insert and freeze the tuple. used for errtables and their related toast data */
			frozen_heap_insert(toastrel, toasttup);
		//heap_insert(relation, tup, GetCurrentCommandId(),
		//			   true, true, GetCurrentTransactionId());

		 * Create the index entry.	We cheat a little here by not using
		 * FormIndexDatum: this relies on the knowledge that the index columns
		 * are the same as the initial columns of the table.
		 * Note also that there had better not be any user-created index on
		 * the TOAST table, since we don't bother to update anything else.
		index_insert(toastidx, t_values, t_isnull,
					 toastrel, toastidx->rd_index->indisunique);

		 * Free memory

		 * Move on to next chunk
		data_todo -= chunk_size;
		data_p += chunk_size;

	 * Done - close toast relation
	index_close(toastidx, RowExclusiveLock);
	heap_close(toastrel, RowExclusiveLock);

	return PointerGetDatum(result);
Ejemplo n.º 2
 * heap_deform_tuple
 *		Given a tuple, extract data into values/isnull arrays; this is
 *		the inverse of heap_form_tuple.
 *		Storage for the values/isnull arrays is provided by the caller;
 *		it should be sized according to tupleDesc->natts not tuple->t_natts.
 *		Note that for pass-by-reference datatypes, the pointer placed
 *		in the Datum will point into the given tuple.
 *		When all or most of a tuple's fields need to be extracted,
 *		this routine will be significantly quicker than a loop around
 *		heap_getattr; the loop will become O(N^2) as soon as any
 *		noncacheable attribute offsets are involved.
heap_deform_tuple(HeapTuple tuple, TupleDesc tupleDesc,
				  Datum *values, bool *isnull)
	HeapTupleHeader tup = tuple->t_data;
	bool		hasnulls = HeapTupleHasNulls(tuple);
	Form_pg_attribute *att = tupleDesc->attrs;
	int			tdesc_natts = tupleDesc->natts;
	int			natts;			/* number of atts to extract */
	int			attnum;
	char	   *tp;				/* ptr to tuple data */
	long		off;			/* offset in tuple data */
	bits8	   *bp = tup->t_bits;		/* ptr to null bitmap in tuple */
	bool		slow = false;	/* can we use/set attcacheoff? */

	natts = HeapTupleHeaderGetNatts(tup);

	 * In inheritance situations, it is possible that the given tuple actually
	 * has more fields than the caller is expecting.  Don't run off the end of
	 * the caller's arrays.
	natts = Min(natts, tdesc_natts);

	tp = (char *) tup + tup->t_hoff;

	off = 0;

	for (attnum = 0; attnum < natts; attnum++)
		Form_pg_attribute thisatt = att[attnum];

		if (hasnulls && att_isnull(attnum, bp))
			values[attnum] = (Datum) 0;
			isnull[attnum] = true;
			slow = true;		/* can't use attcacheoff anymore */

		isnull[attnum] = false;

		if (!slow && thisatt->attcacheoff >= 0)
			off = thisatt->attcacheoff;
			/* if it's a varlena it may or may not be aligned, so check for
			 * something that looks like a padding byte before aligning. If
			 * we're already aligned it may be the leading byte of a 4-byte
			 * header but then the att_align is harmless. Don't bother looking
			 * if it's not a varlena though.*/
			if (thisatt->attlen != -1 || !tp[off])
				off = att_align(off, thisatt->attalign);

			if (!slow && thisatt->attlen != -1)
				thisatt->attcacheoff = off;

		if (!slow && thisatt->attlen < 0)
			slow = true;

		values[attnum] = fetchatt(thisatt, tp + off);

		/* Ignore attributes with dropped types */
		if (thisatt->attlen == -1 && !thisatt->attisdropped)
			Assert(VARATT_IS_SHORT_D(values[attnum]) || 
				   !VARATT_COULD_SHORT_D(values[attnum]) ||
				   thisatt->atttypid == OIDVECTOROID ||
				   thisatt->atttypid == INT2VECTOROID ||
				   thisatt->atttypid >= FirstNormalObjectId);	

		off = att_addlength(off, thisatt->attlen, PointerGetDatum(tp + off));

	 * If tuple doesn't have all the atts indicated by tupleDesc, read the
	 * rest as null
	for (; attnum < tdesc_natts; attnum++)
		values[attnum] = (Datum) 0;
		isnull[attnum] = true;
Ejemplo n.º 3
/* ----------------
 *		index_form_tuple
 * ----------------
index_form_tuple(TupleDesc tupleDescriptor,
				 Datum *values,
				 bool *isnull)
	char	   *tp;				/* tuple pointer */
	IndexTuple	tuple;			/* return tuple */
	Size		size,
	int			i;
	unsigned short infomask = 0;
	bool		hasnull = false;
	uint16		tupmask = 0;
	int			numberOfAttributes = tupleDescriptor->natts;

	Datum		untoasted_values[INDEX_MAX_KEYS];
	bool		untoasted_free[INDEX_MAX_KEYS];

	if (numberOfAttributes > INDEX_MAX_KEYS)
				 errmsg("number of index columns (%d) exceeds limit (%d)",
						numberOfAttributes, INDEX_MAX_KEYS)));

	for (i = 0; i < numberOfAttributes; i++)
		Form_pg_attribute att = tupleDescriptor->attrs[i];

		untoasted_values[i] = values[i];
		untoasted_free[i] = false;

		/* Do nothing if value is NULL or not of varlena type */
		if (isnull[i] || att->attlen != -1)

		 * If value is stored EXTERNAL, must fetch it so we are not depending
		 * on outside storage.	This should be improved someday.
		if (VARATT_IS_EXTERNAL_D(values[i]))
			untoasted_values[i] =
			untoasted_free[i] = true;

		 * If value is above size target, and is of a compressible datatype,
		 * try to compress it in-line.
		if (!VARATT_IS_SHORT_D(untoasted_values[i]) &&
			VARSIZE_D(untoasted_values[i]) > TOAST_INDEX_TARGET &&
			!VARATT_IS_COMPRESSED_D(untoasted_values[i]) &&
			(att->attstorage == 'x' || att->attstorage == 'm'))
			Datum		cvalue = toast_compress_datum(untoasted_values[i]);

			if (DatumGetPointer(cvalue) != NULL)
				/* successful compression */
				if (untoasted_free[i])
				untoasted_values[i] = cvalue;
				untoasted_free[i] = true;

	for (i = 0; i < numberOfAttributes; i++)
		if (isnull[i])
			hasnull = true;

	if (hasnull)
		infomask |= INDEX_NULL_MASK;

	hoff = IndexInfoFindDataOffset(infomask);
	size = hoff + heap_compute_data_size(tupleDescriptor,
										 untoasted_values, isnull);
	size = hoff + heap_compute_data_size(tupleDescriptor,
										 values, isnull);
	size = MAXALIGN(size);		/* be conservative */

	tp = (char *) palloc0(size);
	tuple = (IndexTuple) tp;

					(char *) tp + hoff,
					(hasnull ? (bits8 *) tp + sizeof(IndexTupleData) : NULL));

	for (i = 0; i < numberOfAttributes; i++)
		if (untoasted_free[i])

	 * We do this because heap_fill_tuple wants to initialize a "tupmask"
	 * which is used for HeapTuples, but we want an indextuple infomask. The
	 * only relevant info is the "has variable attributes" field. We have
	 * already set the hasnull bit above.
	if (tupmask & HEAP_HASVARWIDTH)
		infomask |= INDEX_VAR_MASK;

	 * Here we make sure that the size will fit in the field reserved for it
	 * in t_info.
	if ((size & INDEX_SIZE_MASK) != size)
				 errmsg("index row requires %lu bytes, maximum size is %lu",
						(unsigned long) size,
						(unsigned long) INDEX_SIZE_MASK)));

	infomask |= size;

	 * initialize metadata
	tuple->t_info = infomask;
	return tuple;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 * heap_fill_tuple
 *		Load data portion of a tuple from values/isnull arrays
 * We also fill the null bitmap (if any) and set the infomask bits
 * that reflect the tuple's data contents.
 * NOTE: it is now REQUIRED that the caller have pre-zeroed the data area.
 * @param isnull will only be used if <code>bit</code> is non-NULL
 * @param bit should be non-NULL (refer to td->t_bits) if isnull is set and contains non-null values
heap_fill_tuple(TupleDesc tupleDesc,
				Datum *values, bool *isnull,
				char *data, uint16 *infomask, bits8 *bit)
	char	   *start = data;
	bits8	   *bitP;
	int			bitmask;
	int			i;
	int			numberOfAttributes = tupleDesc->natts;
	Form_pg_attribute *att = tupleDesc->attrs;

	if (bit != NULL)
		bitP = &bit[-1];
		bitmask = HIGHBIT;
		/* just to keep compiler quiet */
		bitP = NULL;
		bitmask = 0;


	for (i = 0; i < numberOfAttributes; i++)
		Size		data_length;

		if (bit != NULL)
			if (bitmask != HIGHBIT)
				bitmask <<= 1;
				bitP += 1;
				*bitP = 0x0;
				bitmask = 1;

			if (isnull[i])
				*infomask |= HEAP_HASNULL;

			*bitP |= bitmask;

		 * XXX we use the att_align macros on the pointer value itself, not on
		 * an offset.  This is a bit of a hack.

		if (att[i]->attbyval)
			/* pass-by-value */
			data = (char *) att_align_zero(data, att[i]->attalign);
			store_att_byval(data, values[i], att[i]->attlen);
			data_length = att[i]->attlen;
		else if (att[i]->attlen == -1)
			/* varlena */
			*infomask |= HEAP_HASVARWIDTH;
			if (VARATT_IS_COMPRESSED_D(values[i]))
				*infomask |= HEAP_HASCOMPRESSED;
			if (VARATT_IS_EXTERNAL_D(values[i])) 
				*infomask |= HEAP_HASEXTERNAL;
				data = (char *) att_align_zero(data, att[i]->attalign);
				data_length = VARSIZE_EXTERNAL(DatumGetPointer(values[i]));
				memcpy(data, DatumGetPointer(values[i]), data_length);
			else if (VARATT_IS_SHORT_D(values[i])) 
				/* no alignment for short varlenas */
				data_length = VARSIZE_SHORT(DatumGetPointer(values[i]));
				memcpy(data, DatumGetPointer(values[i]), data_length);
			else if (VARATT_COULD_SHORT_D(values[i]) &&
					 att[i]->atttypid != INT2VECTOROID &&
					 att[i]->atttypid != OIDVECTOROID &&
					 att[i]->atttypid < FirstNormalObjectId)
				/* convert to short varlena -- no alignment */
				data_length = VARSIZE_D(values[i]) - VARHDRSZ + VARHDRSZ_SHORT;
				*data = VARSIZE_TO_SHORT_D(values[i]);
				/* must store full 4-byte header varlena */
				data = (char *) att_align_zero(data, att[i]->attalign);
				data_length = VARSIZE(DatumGetPointer(values[i]));
				memcpy(data, DatumGetPointer(values[i]), data_length);
		else if (att[i]->attlen == -2)
			/* cstring */
			data = (char *) att_align_zero(data, att[i]->attalign);
			*infomask |= HEAP_HASVARWIDTH;
			data_length = strlen(DatumGetCString(values[i])) + 1;
			memcpy(data, DatumGetPointer(values[i]), data_length);
			/* fixed-length pass-by-reference */
			data = (char *) att_align_zero(data, att[i]->attalign);
			Assert(att[i]->attlen > 0);
			data_length = att[i]->attlen;
			memcpy(data, DatumGetPointer(values[i]), data_length);

		data += data_length;
	return data - start;