Ejemplo n.º 1
static rc_t split_argument_into_path_and_readgroup( const char *argument, char ** path, char ** attribute )
    rc_t rc;
    char * colon_ptr = string_chr ( argument, string_size ( argument ), ':' );
    if ( colon_ptr == NULL )
        /* we do not have a colon in the argument, that means: there is no uri-syntax involved
           ---> we can split the "old fashioned way" at the equal-sign */
        rc = split_argument( argument, path, attribute, '=' );
        VFSManager * mgr;
        rc_t rc = VFSManagerMake ( & mgr );

        *path = NULL;
        *attribute = NULL;

        if ( rc == 0 )
            VPath * vpath;
            rc = VFSManagerMakePath ( mgr, &vpath, argument );
            if ( rc == 0 )
                rc = test_split_vpath_into_path_and_readgroup( vpath, argument, path, attribute );
                VPathRelease( vpath );

            VFSManagerRelease ( mgr );
    return rc;
Ejemplo n.º 2
/* Make
rc_t SRAMgrInitPath ( SRAMgr *mgr, const KDirectory *wd )
    /* try to make the path manager */
    rc_t rc = SRAPathMake ( & mgr -> _pmgr, wd );

    if ( GetRCState ( rc ) == rcNotFound && GetRCTarget ( rc ) == rcDylib )
        /* we are operating outside of the archive */
        assert ( mgr -> _pmgr == NULL );
        rc = 0;

    return rc;
    KConfig *kfg;
    rc_t rc = KConfigMake ( & kfg, NULL );
    if ( rc == 0 )
        VFSManager *vfs;
        rc = VFSManagerMake ( & vfs );
        if ( rc == 0 )
            rc = VFSManagerMakeResolver ( vfs, ( VResolver** ) & mgr -> _pmgr, kfg );
            VFSManagerRelease ( vfs );
        KConfigRelease ( kfg );
    if ( rc != 0 )
        mgr -> _pmgr = NULL;

    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 3
rc_t report_on_reference( Args * args, bool extended )
    uint32_t count;
    rc_t rc = ArgsParamCount( args, &count );
    if ( rc != 0 )
        LOGERR( klogInt, rc, "ArgsParamCount() failed" );
        KDirectory *dir; 
        rc = KDirectoryNativeDir( &dir );
        if ( rc != 0 )
            LOGERR( klogInt, rc, "KDirectoryNativeDir() failed" );
            const VDBManager *vdb_mgr;
            rc = VDBManagerMakeRead ( &vdb_mgr, dir );
            if ( rc != 0 )
                LOGERR( klogInt, rc, "VDBManagerMakeRead() failed" );
                VFSManager * vfs_mgr;
                rc =  VFSManagerMake ( &vfs_mgr );
                if ( rc != 0 )
                    (void)LOGERR( klogErr, rc, "cannot make vfs-manager" );
                    uint32_t idx;
                    for ( idx = 0; idx < count && rc == 0; ++idx )
                        const char *param = NULL;
                        rc = ArgsParamValue( args, idx, &param );
                        if ( rc != 0 )
                            LOGERR( klogInt, rc, "ArgsParamvalue() failed" );
                            /* rc value not used, because it can be something that has no references */
                            report_references( vdb_mgr, vfs_mgr, param, extended );
                    VFSManagerRelease ( vfs_mgr );
                VDBManagerRelease( vdb_mgr );
            KDirectoryRelease( dir );
    return rc;
Ejemplo n.º 4
rc_t report_deletes( Args * args, uint32_t min_len )
    uint32_t count;
    rc_t rc = ArgsParamCount( args, &count );
    if ( rc != 0 )
        LOGERR( klogInt, rc, "ArgsParamCount() failed" );
        KDirectory *dir; 
        rc = KDirectoryNativeDir( &dir );
        if ( rc != 0 )
            LOGERR( klogInt, rc, "KDirectoryNativeDir() failed" );
            const VDBManager *vdb_mgr;
            rc = VDBManagerMakeRead ( &vdb_mgr, dir );
            if ( rc != 0 )
                LOGERR( klogInt, rc, "VDBManagerMakeRead() failed" );
                VFSManager * vfs_mgr;
                rc =  VFSManagerMake ( &vfs_mgr );
                if ( rc != 0 )
                    (void)LOGERR( klogErr, rc, "cannot make vfs-manager" );
                    uint32_t idx;
                    for ( idx = 0; idx < count && rc == 0; ++idx )
                        const char *param = NULL;
                        rc = ArgsParamValue( args, idx, (const void **)&param );
                        if ( rc != 0 )
                            LOGERR( klogInt, rc, "ArgsParamvalue() failed" );
                            rc = report_deletes_spec( vdb_mgr, vfs_mgr, param, min_len );
                    VFSManagerRelease ( vfs_mgr );
                VDBManagerRelease( vdb_mgr );
            KDirectoryRelease( dir );
    return rc;
Ejemplo n.º 5
static void ref_walker_release( struct ref_walker * self )
    KDirectoryRelease( self->dir );
    VDBManagerRelease( self->vmgr );
    VSchemaRelease( self->vschema );
    AlignMgrRelease ( self->amgr );
    VFSManagerRelease ( self->vfs_mgr );
    VNamelistRelease ( self->sources );
    free_ref_regions( &self->regions );
    free( ( void * )self->spot_group );
Ejemplo n.º 6
LIB_EXPORT rc_t LegacyVPathMakeSysPath ( VPath ** new_path, const char * sys_path )
    VFSManager * vfs;
    rc_t rc = VFSManagerMake ( & vfs );
    if ( rc == 0 )
        rc = VFSManagerMakeSysPath ( vfs, new_path, sys_path );
        VFSManagerRelease ( vfs );
    return rc;
Ejemplo n.º 7
rc_t CC
XFS_VfsManagerDispose ()
    rc_t RCt;
    struct VFSManager * Manager;

    RCt = 0;
    Manager = _sVfsManager;

    if ( Manager != NULL ) {
        _sVfsManager = NULL;

        RCt = VFSManagerRelease ( Manager );

    return RCt;
}   /* XFS_VfsManagerDispose () */
Ejemplo n.º 8
rc_t StartFileSystem (const char * src, const char * dst)
    VFSManager * vmanager;
    rc_t rc;

    rc = VFSManagerMake (&vmanager);
    if (rc)
        LOGERR (klogErr, rc, "Failed to open file system");

        rc = VFSManagerGetKryptoPassword (vmanager, Password, sizeof Password,
        if (rc != 0)
            LOGERR (klogErr, rc, "unable to obtain a password");

            rc = KKeyInitRead (&Key, kkeyAES128, Password, PasswordSize);
            if (rc)
                LOGERR (klogErr, rc, "Unable to make encryption/decryption key");

                KDirectory * cwd;

                rc = VFSManagerGetCWD (vmanager, &cwd);
                if (rc)
                    LOGERR (klogInt, rc, "unable to access current directory");

                    rc = Start (cwd, src, dst);

                    KDirectoryRelease (cwd);
        VFSManagerRelease (vmanager);
    return rc;
Ejemplo n.º 9
/* KMain
rc_t CC KMain ( int argc, char *argv [] )
    Args * args;
    rc_t rc;

    rc = ArgsMakeAndHandle (&args, argc, argv, 0);
    if (rc)
        LOGERR (klogInt, rc, "failed to parse arguments");
    else do
        uint32_t acount;
        rc = ArgsParamCount (args, &acount);
        if (rc)
            LOGERR (klogInt, rc, "failed to count parameters");

        if (acount == 0)
            rc = MiniUsage (args);
            VFSManager* mgr;
            rc = VFSManagerMake(&mgr);
            if (rc)
                LOGERR ( klogErr, rc, "failed to create VFSManager object" );
                VResolver * resolver;

                rc = VFSManagerGetResolver (mgr, &resolver);
                if (rc == 0)
                    uint32_t ix;
                    for ( ix = 0; ix < acount; ++ ix )
                        const char * pc;
                        rc = ArgsParamValue (args, ix, &pc );
                        if (rc)
                            LOGERR (klogInt, rc,
                                    "failed to retrieve parameter value");
                            const VPath * upath = NULL;
                            rc = VFSManagerMakePath ( mgr, (VPath**)&upath, "%s", pc);
                            if (rc == 0)
                                const VPath * local;
                                const VPath * remote;

                                rc = VResolverQuery (resolver, eProtocolHttp, upath, &local, &remote, NULL);

                                if (rc == 0)
                                    const String * s;

                                    if (local != NULL)
                                        rc = VPathMakeString (local, &s);
                                        rc = VPathMakeString (remote, &s);
                                    if (rc == 0)
                                        OUTMSG (("%S\n", s));
                                        free ((void*)s);
                                    VPathRelease (local);
                                    VPathRelease (remote);
                                    KDirectory * cwd;
                                    rc_t orc = VFSManagerGetCWD (mgr, &cwd);
                                    if (orc == 0)
                                        KPathType kpt
                                            = KDirectoryPathType(cwd, "%s", pc);
                                        switch (kpt &= ~kptAlias)
                                        case kptNotFound:
                                            STSMSG(1, ("'%s': not found while "
                                                "searching the file system",
                                        case kptBadPath:
                                            STSMSG(1, ("'%s': bad path while "
                                                "searching the file system",
                                            STSMSG(1, ("'%s': "
                                                "found in the file system",
                                            rc = 0;
                                    if (orc == 0 && rc == 0) {
                                        if (rc != 0) {
                                            PLOGMSG(klogErr, (klogErr,
                                                              "'$(name)': not found",
                                                              "name=%s", pc));
                                        else {
                                            char resolved[PATH_MAX] = "";
                                            rc = KDirectoryResolvePath(cwd, true,
                                                                       resolved, sizeof resolved, "%s", pc);
                                            if (rc == 0) {
                                                STSMSG(1, ("'%s': found in "
                                                           "the current directory at '%s'",
                                                           pc, resolved));
                                                OUTMSG (("%s\n", resolved));
                                            else {
                                                STSMSG(1, ("'%s': cannot resolve "
                                                           "in the current directory",
                                                OUTMSG (("./%s\n", pc));

                            RELEASE(VPath, upath);
                    VResolverRelease (resolver);
        ArgsWhack (args);

    } while (0);

    return rc;
Ejemplo n.º 10
rc_t run (void)
    VFSManager * manager;
    rc_t rc = 0, orc = 0;

    STSMSG (1, ("Make VFSManager"));
    rc = VFSManagerMake (&manager);
    STSMSG (2, ("rc %R", orc, orc));
    if (rc == 0)
#if 1
        static const char name[] = "test-kfs-manager-data-file";
        static const char name[] = 
        VPath * path;

        STSMSG (1, ("Make test VPath file '%s'",name));
        rc = VPathMake (&path, name);
        STSMSG (2, ("rc %R", orc, orc));
        if (rc == 0)
            KFile * file;

            STSMSG (1, ("Open File for write using manager and path"));
            rc = VFSManagerCreateFile (manager, &file, false, 0666, kcmCreate,
            STSMSG (2, ("rc %R", rc, rc));
            if (rc == 0)
                char buff[4096];
                size_t ix;
                size_t num_writ;
                uint64_t tot_writ = 0;

                for (ix = 0; ix < sizeof buff; ++ix)
                    buff[ix] = 'A' + (ix%26);

                STSMSG (1, ("writing to file"));
                for (ix = 0; ix < 32; ++ix)
                    rc = KFileWrite (file, tot_writ, buff, sizeof buff, &num_writ);
                    if (rc == 0)
                        tot_writ += num_writ;

                STSMSG (1, ("Release file - it should whack"));
                orc = KFileRelease (file);
                STSMSG (2, ("rc %R", orc, orc));
                if (rc == 0) rc = orc;

#if 1
                STSMSG (1, ("Remove file"));
                orc = VFSManagerRemove (manager, true, path);
                STSMSG (2, ("rc %R", orc, orc));
                if (rc == 0) rc = orc;
            STSMSG (1, ("Release VPath - it should Whack"));
            orc = VPathRelease (path);
            STSMSG (2, ("rc %R", orc, orc));
            if (rc == 0) rc = orc;
        STSMSG (1, ("Release VFSManager - it should Whack"));
        orc = VFSManagerRelease (manager);
        STSMSG (2, ("rc %R", orc, orc));
        if (rc == 0) rc = orc;
    return rc;
Ejemplo n.º 11
 * Try to locate in RefSeq Archives:
 * check for pattern '(\w{4}\d{2})[\.\d]+'; the archive is $1
 * use the scheme "x-ncbi-legrefseq" for vfs to recognize special case
rc_t SRAPathFullREFSEQArchive(NCBISRAPath const *self,
                              char const rep[],
                              char const vol[],
                              char const accession[],
                              char path[],
                              size_t path_max
    size_t const rep_sz = strlen(rep);
    size_t const vol_sz = strlen(vol);
    char const *const rep_sep = (rep_sz > 0 && rep[rep_sz - 1] != '/') ? "/" : "";
    char const *const vol_sep = (vol_sz > 0 && vol[vol_sz - 1] != '/') ? "/" : "";
    size_t sz;
    unsigned i;
    VFSManager *vfs;
    rc_t rc = VFSManagerMake(&vfs);
    VPath *vpath;
    KDirectory const *dir;
    KPathType type;
    if (rc)
        return rc;
    for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
        int const ch = accession[i];
        if (ch == 0 || !isalpha(ch))
            return RC(rcSRA, rcMgr, rcAccessing, rcPath, rcIncorrect);
    for ( ; ; ++i) {
        int const ch = accession[i];
        if (ch == 0)
        if (ch != '.' && !isdigit(ch))
            return RC(rcSRA, rcMgr, rcAccessing, rcPath, rcIncorrect);
    if (i < 8)
        return RC(rcSRA, rcMgr, rcAccessing, rcPath, rcIncorrect);
    rc = string_printf(path, path_max, &sz, "x-ncbi-legrefseq:%s%s%s%s%.6s", rep, rep_sep, vol, vol_sep, accession);
    if (rc) return rc;
    i = sz;
    rc = VPathMake(&vpath, path + 17);
    if (rc) return rc;

    rc = VFSManagerOpenDirectoryRead(vfs, &dir, vpath);
    if (rc) return rc;
    type = KDirectoryPathType(dir, "tbl/%s", accession);
    if (type != kptDir)
        return RC(rcSRA, rcMgr, rcAccessing, rcPath, rcIncorrect);

    rc = string_printf(path + i, path_max - i, &sz, "#tbl/%s", accession);
    return rc;
Ejemplo n.º 12
/* return configured password as ASCIZ
 * opertates on vfs/kfs/kfg objects, not kdb objects */
rc_t KDBOpenFileGetPassword (char * pw, size_t pwz)
    VFSManager * mgr;
    rc_t rc;

    assert (pw);
    assert (pwz);

    pw[0] = '\0';

    rc = VFSManagerMake (&mgr);
    if (rc)
        ;                      /* failure to make VFS manager: pass along rc */
        size_t pwfz;
        char pwf [4096 + 1];

        rc = VFSManagerGetConfigPWFile (mgr, pwf, sizeof (pwf) - 1, &pwfz);
        if (rc)
            /* failure to get password file path: tweak rc */
            rc = RC (rcDB, rcMgr, rcOpening, rcEncryptionKey, rcNotFound);

            VPath * pwp;

            pwf [pwfz] = '\0'; /* force to ASCIZ */

#if 0
            rc = VPathMakeSysPath (&pwp, pwf);
            rc = VFSManagerMakePath (mgr, &pwp, pwf);

            if (rc)
                ;       /* failure to construct a path from the string */
                const KFile * pwf;
                rc = VFSManagerOpenFileRead (mgr, &pwf, pwp);
                if (rc)
                    /* failure to open password file */
                    rc = RC (rcDB, rcMgr, rcOpening, rcEncryptionKey, rcNotOpen);

                    size_t z;
                    char pwb [4098]; /* arbitrarily using 4096 as maximum
                                        allowed length */

                    /* at this point we are only getting the password from a 
                     * file but in the future if we can get it from a pipe of
                     * some sort we can't count on the ReadAll to really know
                     * if we hit end of file and not just a pause in the
                     * streaming.  VFS/KFS 2 will have to fix this somehow

                    rc = KFileReadAll (pwf, 0, pwb, sizeof pwb, &z);
                    if (rc)
                        ;       /* failure to read password file: pass along rc */
                        /* trim off EOL if present */
                        char * pc;

                        pwb[z] = '\0';   /* force ASCIZ */

                        pc = string_chr (pwb, z, '\r');
                        if (pc)
                            *pc = '\0';
                            z = 1 + pc - pwb;
                        pc = string_chr (pwb, z, '\n');
                        if (pc)
                            *pc = '\0';
                            z = 1 + pc - pwb;
                        if (z == 0)
                            rc = RC (rcDB, rcMgr, rcOpening, rcEncryptionKey, rcTooShort);

                        else if (pwz < z) /* pwz came in as 4096 */
                            rc = RC (rcDB, rcMgr, rcOpening, rcEncryptionKey, rcTooLong);

                            memmove (pw, pwb, z+1);
                    KFileRelease (pwf);
                VPathRelease (pwp);
        VFSManagerRelease (mgr);
    return rc;
Ejemplo n.º 13
static rc_t tokenize_file_and_progname_into_argv( const char * filename, const char * progname,
                                                  int * argc, char *** argv )
    rc_t rc2, rc = 0;
    VFSManager *vfs_mgr;

    ( *argv ) = NULL;
    ( *argc ) = 0;
    rc = VFSManagerMake ( &vfs_mgr );
    if ( rc != 0 )
        LOGERR( klogInt, rc, "VFSManagerMake() failed" );
        VPath * vfs_path;
        rc = VFSManagerMakePath ( vfs_mgr, &vfs_path, "%s", filename );
        if ( rc != 0 )
            LOGERR( klogInt, rc, "VPathMake() failed" );
            struct KFile const *my_file;
            rc = VFSManagerOpenFileRead ( vfs_mgr, &my_file, vfs_path );
            if ( rc != 0 )
                LOGERR( klogInt, rc, "VFSManagerOpenFileRead() failed" );
                tokenzr *t;
                uint64_t pos = 0;
                char buffer[ 4096 + 1 ];
                size_t num_read;

                rc = make_tokenzr( &t, argc, argv );
                if ( rc != 0 )
                    LOGERR( klogInt, rc, "make_tokenzr() failed" );
                    if ( progname != NULL )
                        rc = add_string_to_argv( t, progname, string_size( progname ) );

                    if ( rc == 0 )
                            rc = KFileRead ( my_file, pos, buffer, ( sizeof buffer ) - 1, &num_read );
                            if ( rc != 0 )
                                LOGERR( klogInt, rc, "KFileRead() failed" );
                            else if ( num_read > 0 )
                                buffer[ num_read ]  = 0;
                                rc = tokenize_buffer( t, buffer, num_read );
                                if ( rc != 0 )
                                    LOGERR( klogInt, rc, "tokenize_buffer() failed" );
                                pos += num_read;
                        } while ( rc == 0 && num_read > 0 );

                    if ( rc == 0 && t->used > 0 )
                        rc = add_token_to_argv( t );
                        if ( rc != 0 )
                            LOGERR( klogInt, rc, "add_token_to_argv() failed" );
                    free_tokenzr( t );
                rc2 = KFileRelease ( my_file );
                if ( rc2 != 0 )
                    LOGERR( klogInt, rc2, "KFileRelease() failed" );
            rc2 = VPathRelease ( vfs_path );
            if ( rc2 != 0 )
                LOGERR( klogInt, rc2, "VPathRelease() failed" );
        rc2 = VFSManagerRelease ( vfs_mgr );
        if ( rc2 != 0 )
            LOGERR( klogInt, rc2, "VFSManagerRelease() failed" );
    return rc;
Ejemplo n.º 14
/* ResolveTablePath
 *  takes either an accession or path
 *  substitutes any arguments
 *  resolves via SRAPath mgr if present
rc_t ResolveTablePath ( const SRAMgr *mgr,
    char *path, size_t psize, const char *spec, va_list args )
    int len;
    char tblpath [ 4096 ];
    const SRAPath *pmgr = mgr -> _pmgr;

    /* if no path manager or if the spec string has embedded path separators,
       then this can't be an accession - just print it out */
    if ( mgr -> _pmgr == NULL || strchr( spec, '/' ) != NULL )
        len = vsnprintf ( path, psize, spec, args );
        if ( len < 0 || ( size_t ) len >= psize )
            return RC ( rcSRA, rcTable, rcOpening, rcPath, rcExcessive );
        return 0;

    /* create a copy - not likely to be too large */
    len = vsnprintf ( tblpath, sizeof tblpath, spec, args );
    if ( len < 0 || ( size_t ) len >= sizeof tblpath )
        return RC ( rcSRA, rcTable, rcOpening, rcPath, rcExcessive );

    /* test if the path exists in current directory, i.e. with assumed dot */
    if ( ! SRAPathTest ( pmgr, tblpath ) )
        rc_t rc = SRAPathFind ( pmgr, tblpath, path, psize );
        if ( rc == 0 )
            return 0;

    /* use the path given */
    if ( ( size_t ) len >= psize )
        return RC ( rcSRA, rcTable, rcOpening, rcBuffer, rcInsufficient );
    strcpy ( path, tblpath );

    return 0;
    VFSManager *vfs;
    rc_t rc = VFSManagerMake ( & vfs );
    if ( rc == 0 )
        VPath *accession;
        const VPath *tblpath = NULL;
        rc = VFSManagerVMakePath ( vfs, & accession, spec, args );
        if ( rc == 0 )
            rc = VResolverLocal ( ( const VResolver* ) mgr -> _pmgr, accession, & tblpath );
            if ( rc == 0 )
                size_t size;
                rc = VPathReadPath ( tblpath, path, psize, & size );
                VPathRelease ( tblpath );
            VPathRelease ( accession );

        VFSManagerRelease ( vfs );
    return rc;
Ejemplo n.º 15
int LowLevelTest()
    cout << "Running LowLevelTest()." << endl;
    const AlignAccessMgr* mgr = 0;
    VFSManager* vfs_mgr;
    VPath* bam_path = 0;
#ifdef _MSC_VER
# define BAM_FILE "//traces04/1kg_pilot_data/ftp/pilot_data/data/NA10851/alignment/NA10851.SLX.maq.SRP000031.2009_08.bam"
# define BAM_FILE "/netmnt/traces04/1kg_pilot_data/ftp/pilot_data/data/NA10851/alignment/NA10851.SLX.maq.SRP000031.2009_08.bam"
    cout << "Testing BAM file: "<<BAM_FILE<<endl;
    CALL(VFSManagerMakeSysPath(vfs_mgr, &bam_path, BAM_FILE));
    VPath* bai_path = 0;
    CALL(VFSManagerMakeSysPath(vfs_mgr, &bai_path, BAM_FILE ".bai"));
    const AlignAccessDB* bam = 0;
    CALL(AlignAccessMgrMakeIndexBAMDB(mgr, &bam, bam_path, bai_path));

#ifdef _MSC_VER

    const size_t kNumCursors = 8;
    const size_t kNumThreads = 3;
    SThreadInfo tinfo[kNumCursors];
    const char* ids[kNumCursors] = {
    for ( size_t i = 0; i < kNumThreads; ++i ) {
        tinfo[i].init(i, bam, ids[i]);
    for ( size_t i = 0; i < kNumThreads; ++i ) {
        cout << "Starting thread " << i << " for " << ids[i] << endl;
#ifdef _MSC_VER
        tinfo[i].thread_id = CreateThread(NULL, 0, read_thread_func,
                                            &tinfo[i], 0, NULL);
        pthread_create(&tinfo[i].thread_id, 0, read_thread_func, &tinfo[i]);
    for ( size_t i = 0; i < kNumThreads; ++i ) {
        cout << "Waiting for thread " << i << endl;
        void* ret = 0;
#ifdef _MSC_VER
        WaitForSingleObject(tinfo[i].thread_id, INFINITE);
        pthread_join(tinfo[i].thread_id, &ret);
        cout << "Align count: " << tinfo[i].count << endl;

    cout << "Success." << endl;
    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 16
rc_t nenctool (const char * srcstr, const char * dststr, bool force)
    VFSManager * mgr;
    rc_t rc;

    rc = VFSManagerMake (&mgr);
    if (rc)
        LOGERR (klogInt, rc, "failed to create file system manager");
        VPath * srcpath;

        rc = VFSManagerMakePath (mgr, &srcpath, "%s", srcstr);
        if (rc)
            PLOGERR (klogErr,
                     (klogErr, rc, "Failed to parse source path '$(path)'",
                      "path=%s", srcstr));
            VPath * dstpath;

            rc = VFSManagerMakePath (mgr, &dstpath, "%s", dststr);
            if (rc)
                PLOGERR (klogErr,
                         (klogErr, rc, "Failed to parse destination path '$(path)'",
                          "path=%s", dststr));
                const KFile * srcfile;

                rc = VFSManagerOpenFileRead (mgr, &srcfile, srcpath);
                if (rc)
                    PLOGERR (klogErr,
                             (klogErr, rc, "Failed to open source path '$(path)'",
                              "path=%s", srcstr));
                    KFile * dstfile;

                    rc = VFSManagerCreateFile (mgr, &dstfile, false, 0666,
                                               kcmParents | (force ? kcmInit : kcmCreate),
                    if (rc)
                        PLOGERR (klogErr,
                                 (klogErr, rc, "failed to open destination path '$(path)'",
                                  "path=%s", dststr));
                        rc = copy_file (srcstr, dststr, srcfile, dstfile);
                        if (rc)
                            PLOGERR (klogErr,
                                     (klogErr, rc, "failed to copy '$(S)' to '$(D)'",
                                      "S=%s,D=%s", srcstr, dststr));

                            VFSManagerRemove (mgr, true, dstpath);

                        KFileRelease (dstfile);
                    KFileRelease (srcfile);
                VPathRelease (dstpath);
            VPathRelease (srcpath);
        VFSManagerRelease (mgr);
    return rc;