Ejemplo n.º 1
// -------------------------------------------------------
QString JK_FlipFlop::vhdlCode(int NumPorts)
  QString s = "";
  if(NumPorts <= 0) { // no truth table simulation ?
    QString td = Props.at(0)->Value;     // delay time
    if(!VHDL_Delay(td, Name)) return td; // time has not VHDL format
    s += td;
  s += ";\n";

  s = "  " + Name + " : process (" +
      Ports.at(5)->Connection->Name + ", " +
      Ports.at(6)->Connection->Name + ", " +
      Ports.at(4)->Connection->Name + ")\n  begin\n    if (" +
      Ports.at(6)->Connection->Name + "='1') then  " +
      Ports.at(2)->Connection->Name + " <= '0'" + s +"    elsif (" +
      Ports.at(5)->Connection->Name + "='1') then  " +
      Ports.at(2)->Connection->Name + " <= '1'" + s +"    elsif (" +
      Ports.at(4)->Connection->Name + "='1' and " +
      Ports.at(4)->Connection->Name + "'event) then\n      " +
      Ports.at(2)->Connection->Name + " <= (" +
      Ports.at(0)->Connection->Name + " and not " +
      Ports.at(2)->Connection->Name + ") or (not " +
      Ports.at(1)->Connection->Name + " and " +
      Ports.at(2)->Connection->Name + ")" + s +
      "    end if;\n  end process;\n  " +
      Ports.at(3)->Connection->Name + " <= not " +
      Ports.at(2)->Connection->Name + ";\n\n";
  return s;
Ejemplo n.º 2
QString andor4x2::vhdlCode( int )
  QString s="";

  QString td = Props.at(1)->Value;     // delay time
  if(!VHDL_Delay(td, Name)) return td; // time has not VHDL format
  td += ";\n";

  QString a11 = Ports.at(0)->Connection->Name;
  QString a12 = Ports.at(1)->Connection->Name;
  QString a21 = Ports.at(2)->Connection->Name;
  QString a22 = Ports.at(3)->Connection->Name;
  QString a31 = Ports.at(4)->Connection->Name;
  QString a32 = Ports.at(5)->Connection->Name;
  QString a41 = Ports.at(6)->Connection->Name;
  QString a42 = Ports.at(7)->Connection->Name;
  QString y   = Ports.at(8)->Connection->Name;

  s = "\n  " + Name +":process ("+a11+", "+a12+", "+a21+", "+ a22+", "+
                           a31+", "+a32+", "+a41+", "+a42 + ")\n"+
     "  begin\n    " +
     y+" <= "+"("+a11+" and "+a12+") or "+"("+a21+" and "+a22+") or "+ 
       "\n                 ("+a31+" and " +a32+") or "+ "("+a41+" and "+a42+")"+td+
    "  end process;\n";
  return s;
Ejemplo n.º 3
QString dff_SR::vhdlCode( int )
  QString s="";

  QString td = Props.at(2)->Value;     // delay time
  if(!VHDL_Delay(td, Name)) return td; // time has not VHDL format
  td += ";\n";

  QString S     = Ports.at(0)->Connection->Name;
  QString D     = Ports.at(1)->Connection->Name;
  QString CLK   = Ports.at(2)->Connection->Name;
  QString R     = Ports.at(3)->Connection->Name;
  QString QB    = Ports.at(4)->Connection->Name;
  QString Q     = Ports.at(5)->Connection->Name;

  s = "\n  "+Name+":process ("+S+", "+CLK+", "+R+") is\n"+
      "  variable state : std_logic;\n"+
      "  begin\n" +
      "    if ("+S+" = '0') then\n"+
      "      state := '1';\n"+
      "    elsif ("+R+" = '0') then\n"+
      "      state := '0';\n"+
      "    elsif ("+CLK+" = '1' and "+CLK+"'event) then\n"+
      "      state := "+D+";\n"+
      "    end if;\n"+ 
      "    "+Q+" <= state"+td+
      "    "+QB+" <= not state"+td+
      "  end process;\n";
  return s;
Ejemplo n.º 4
QString mux4to1::vhdlCode( int )
  QString s="";

  QString td = Props.at(1)->Value;     // delay time
  if(!VHDL_Delay(td, Name)) return td; // time has not VHDL format
  td += ";\n";

  QString En = Ports.at(0)->Connection->Name;
  QString A  = Ports.at(1)->Connection->Name;
  QString B  = Ports.at(2)->Connection->Name;
  QString D0 = Ports.at(3)->Connection->Name;
  QString D1 = Ports.at(4)->Connection->Name;
  QString D2 = Ports.at(5)->Connection->Name;
  QString D3 = Ports.at(6)->Connection->Name;
  QString y  = Ports.at(7)->Connection->Name;

  s = "\n  " + Name + ":process (" + En + ", " +  A + ", " + B + ", " +
                              D0 + ", " +  D1 + ", " + D2 + ", " + D3 + ")\n"  +
     "  begin\n    " +
     y + " <= " +  "(not " + En + ") and ((" + D3 + " and " + B + " and " +  A + ") or\n" + 
         "                 (" + D2 + " and " + B + " and not " + A + ") or\n" +
         "                 (" + D1 + " and not " + B + " and " + A + ") or\n" +
         "                 (" + D0 + " and not " + B + " and not " + A + ")" + ")" + td +
     "  end process;\n";
  return s;
Ejemplo n.º 5
Archivo: fa2b.cpp Proyecto: AMDmi3/qucs
QString fa2b::vhdlCode( int )
  QString s="";

  QString td = Props.at(1)->Value;     // delay time
  if(!VHDL_Delay(td, Name)) return td; // time has not VHDL format
  td += ";\n";

  QString D    = Ports.at(0)->Connection->Name;
  QString C    = Ports.at(1)->Connection->Name;
  QString B    = Ports.at(2)->Connection->Name;
  QString A    = Ports.at(3)->Connection->Name;
  QString E   = Ports.at(4)->Connection->Name;
  QString CO   = Ports.at(5)->Connection->Name;
  QString S1   = Ports.at(6)->Connection->Name;
  QString S0   = Ports.at(7)->Connection->Name; 

  s = "\n  "+Name+":process ("+A+", "+B+", "+C+", "+D+", "+E+ ")\n"+
      "  begin\n" +
      "    "+CO+" <= ("+A+" and "+C+") or (("+A+" or "+C+") and (("+B+" and "+D+") or ("+E+" and "+B+") or ("+E+" and "+ D +")))"+td+ 
      "    "+S1+" <= (("+B+" and "+D+") or ("+E+" and "+B+") or ("+E+" and "+D+"))"+" xor ("+A+" xor "+C+")"+td+
      "    "+S0+" <= "+E+" xor ("+B+" xor "+D+")"+td+ 
      "  end process;\n";
  return s;
Ejemplo n.º 6
// -------------------------------------------------------
QString Logical_Buf::vhdlCode(int NumPorts)
  QString s = "  " + Ports.first()->Connection->Name + " <= " +

  if(NumPorts <= 0) { // no truth table simulation ?
    QString td = Props.at(1)->Value;
    if(!VHDL_Delay(td, Name)) return td;
    s += td;

  s += ";\n";
  return s;
Ejemplo n.º 7
// -------------------------------------------------------
QString RS_FlipFlop::vhdlCode(int NumPorts)
    QString s = "";
    if(NumPorts <= 0) { // no truth table simulation ?
        QString td = Props.at(0)->Value;     // delay time
        if(!VHDL_Delay(td, Name)) return td; // time has not VHDL format
        s = td;
    s += ";\n";

    s = "  " +
        Ports.at(2)->Connection->Name + " <= " +
        Ports.at(0)->Connection->Name + " nor " +
        Ports.at(3)->Connection->Name + s + "  " +
        Ports.at(3)->Connection->Name + " <= " +
        Ports.at(1)->Connection->Name + " nor " +
        Ports.at(2)->Connection->Name + s + '\n';
    return s;
Ejemplo n.º 8
// -------------------------------------------------------
QString Digi_Source::vhdlCode(int NumPorts)
  QString s, t;
  QString Out("    " + Ports.getFirst()->Connection->Name + " <= '");

  s  = "\n  " + Name + ":process\n  begin\n";

  int z = 0;
  char State;
  if(NumPorts <= 0) {  // time table simulation ?
    if(Props.at(0)->Value == "low")
      State = '0';
      State = '1';

    t = Props.at(2)->Value.section(';',z,z).stripWhiteSpace();
    while(!t.isEmpty()) {
      s += Out + State + "';";    // next value for signal

      if(!VHDL_Delay(t, Name))
        return t;    // time has not VHDL format

      s += t.replace("after","wait for") + ";\n";
      State ^= 1;
      t = Props.at(2)->Value.section(';',z,z).stripWhiteSpace();
  else {  // truth table simulation
    State = '0';
    int Num = Props.at(0)->Value.toInt() - 1;
    s += Out + State + "';";    // first value for signal
    s += "  wait for "+QString::number(1 << Num)+" ns;\n";
    State ^= 1;
    s += Out + State + "';";    // next value for signal
    s += "  wait for "+QString::number(1 << Num)+" ns;\n";

  s += "  end process;\n";
  return s;
Ejemplo n.º 9
QString ha1b::vhdlCode( int )
  QString s="";

  QString td = Props.at(1)->Value;     // delay time
  if(!VHDL_Delay(td, Name)) return td; // time has not VHDL format
  td += ";\n";

  QString A  = Ports.at(0)->Connection->Name;
  QString B  = Ports.at(1)->Connection->Name;
  QString CO = Ports.at(2)->Connection->Name;
  QString S  = Ports.at(3)->Connection->Name;

  s = "\n  " + Name + ":process (" + A + ", " +  B + ")\n"  +
      "  begin\n" +
      "    " + CO + " <= " + A + " and " + B + td +
      "    " + S  + " <= " + A + " xor " + B + td +
      "  end process;\n";
  return s;
Ejemplo n.º 10
QString comp_4bit::vhdlCode( int )
  QString s="";

  QString td = Props.at(1)->Value;     // delay time
  if(!VHDL_Delay(td, Name)) return td; // time has not VHDL format
  td += ";\n";

  QString X0    = Ports.at(0)->Connection->Name;
  QString X1    = Ports.at(1)->Connection->Name;
  QString X2    = Ports.at(2)->Connection->Name;
  QString X3    = Ports.at(3)->Connection->Name;
  QString Y0    = Ports.at(4)->Connection->Name;
  QString Y1    = Ports.at(5)->Connection->Name;
  QString Y2    = Ports.at(6)->Connection->Name;
  QString Y3    = Ports.at(7)->Connection->Name;
  QString L     = Ports.at(8)->Connection->Name;
  QString G     = Ports.at(9)->Connection->Name;
  QString E     = Ports.at(10)->Connection->Name;
  s = "\n  "+Name+":process ("+X0+", "+X1+", "+X2+", "+X3+", "+Y0+", "+Y1+", "+Y2+", "+Y3+")\n"+
      "  variable P0, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10, P11 : std_logic;\n"+
      "  begin\n"+
      "    P0  := not ("+X0+" xor "+Y0+");\n"+
      "    P1  := not ("+X1+" xor "+Y1+");\n"+
      "    P2  := not ("+X2+" xor "+Y2+");\n"+
      "    P3  := not ("+X3+" xor "+Y3+");\n"+
      "    P4  := (not "+X0+") and "+Y0+";\n"+
      "    P5  := (not "+X1+") and "+Y1+";\n"+
      "    P6  := (not "+X2+") and "+Y2+";\n"+
      "    P7  := (not "+X3+") and "+Y3+";\n"+
      "    P8  := "+X0+" and (not "+Y0+");\n"+
      "    P9  := "+X1+" and (not "+Y1+");\n"+
      "    P10 := "+X2+" and (not "+Y2+");\n"+
      "    P11 := "+X3+" and (not "+Y3+");\n"+
      "    "+L+" <= P7 or (P3 and P6) or (P3 and P2 and P5) or (P3 and P2 and P1 and P4)"+td+
      "    "+G+" <= P11 or (P3 and P10) or (P3 and P2 and P9) or (P3 and P2 and P1 and P8)"+td+
      "    "+E+" <= P3 and P2 and P1 and P0"+td+  
      "  end process;\n";
  return s;
Ejemplo n.º 11
QString mux2to1::vhdlCode( int )
  QString s="";

  QString td = Props.at(1)->Value;
  if(!VHDL_Delay(td, Name))
    return td;      // Time does not have VHDL format.
  td += ";\n";

  QString En = Ports.at(0)->Connection->Name;
  QString A  = Ports.at(1)->Connection->Name;
  QString D0 = Ports.at(2)->Connection->Name;
  QString D1 = Ports.at(3)->Connection->Name;
  QString y  = Ports.at(4)->Connection->Name;

  s = "\n  " + Name + ":process (" + En + ", " +  A + ", " + D0 + ", " +  D1 + ")\n" +
     "  begin\n" +
     "    " + y + " <= " +  "(not " + En + ") and ((" + D1 + " and " + A + ") or " + 
                  "(" + D0 + " and " + "(not " + A + ")))" + td +
     "  end process;\n";
  return s;
Ejemplo n.º 12
QString comp_1bit::vhdlCode( int )
  QString s="";

  QString td = Props.at(1)->Value;     // delay time
  if(!VHDL_Delay(td, Name)) return td; // time has not VHDL format
  td += ";\n";
  QString X    = Ports.at(0)->Connection->Name;
  QString Y    = Ports.at(1)->Connection->Name;
  QString L    = Ports.at(2)->Connection->Name;
  QString G    = Ports.at(3)->Connection->Name;
  QString E    = Ports.at(4)->Connection->Name;
  s = "\n  "+Name+":process ("+X+", "+Y+")\n"+
      "  begin\n"+
      "    "+L+" <= (not "+X+") and "+Y+td+
      "    "+G+" <= "+X+" and (not "+Y+")"+td+
      "    "+E+" <= not ("+X+" xor "+Y+")"+td+  
      "  end process;\n";
  return s;
Ejemplo n.º 13
QString gatedDlatch::vhdlCode( int )
  QString s="";

  QString td = Props.at(2)->Value;     // delay time
  if(!VHDL_Delay(td, Name)) return td; // time has not VHDL format
  td += ";\n";

  QString D    = Ports.at(0)->Connection->Name;
  QString C    = Ports.at(1)->Connection->Name;
  QString QB   = Ports.at(2)->Connection->Name;
  QString Q    = Ports.at(3)->Connection->Name;

  s = "\n  "+Name+":process ("+D+", "+C+")\n"+
      "  begin\n" +
      "    if ("+C+" = '1') then\n"+
      "      "+Q+" <= "+D+td+
      "      "+QB+" <= not "+D+td+
      "    end if;\n"+
      "  end process;\n";
  return s;
Ejemplo n.º 14
QString hpribin4bit::vhdlCode( int )
  QString s;

  QString td = Props.at(1)->Value;     // delay time
  if(!VHDL_Delay(td, Name)) return td; // time has not VHDL format
  td += ";\n";

  QString A    = Ports.at(0)->Connection->Name;
  QString B    = Ports.at(1)->Connection->Name;
  QString C    = Ports.at(2)->Connection->Name;
  QString D    = Ports.at(3)->Connection->Name;
  QString V    = Ports.at(4)->Connection->Name;
  QString Y    = Ports.at(5)->Connection->Name;
  QString X    = Ports.at(6)->Connection->Name;

  s = "\n  "+Name+":process ("+A+", "+B+", "+C+", "+D+")\n"+
      "  begin\n" +
      "    "+X+" <= "+D+" or "+C+td+ 
      "    "+Y+" <= "+D+" or ((not "+C+") and "+B+")"+td+
      "    "+V+" <= "+D+" or "+C+" or "+B+" or "+A+td+ 
      "  end process;\n";
  return s;