Ejemplo n.º 1
vpiHandle vpi_register_cb(p_cb_data cb_data_p) {
    _VL_VPI_ERROR_RESET(); // reset vpi error status
    // cppcheck-suppress nullPointer
    if (VL_UNLIKELY(!cb_data_p)) {
        _VL_VPI_WARNING(__FILE__, __LINE__, "%s : callback data pointer is null", VL_FUNC);
        return NULL;
    switch (cb_data_p->reason) {
    case cbAfterDelay: {
	QData time = 0;
	if (cb_data_p->time) time = _VL_SET_QII(cb_data_p->time->high, cb_data_p->time->low);
	VerilatedVpioCb* vop = new VerilatedVpioCb(cb_data_p, VL_TIME_Q()+time);
	VL_DEBUG_IF_PLI(VL_PRINTF("-vltVpi:  vpi_register_cb %d %p delay=%" VL_PRI64 "u\n",cb_data_p->reason,vop,time););
	return vop->castVpiHandle();
    case cbReadWriteSynch:		// FALLTHRU // Supported via vlt_main.cpp
    case cbReadOnlySynch:		// FALLTHRU // Supported via vlt_main.cpp
    case cbNextSimTime:			// FALLTHRU // Supported via vlt_main.cpp
    case cbStartOfSimulation:		// FALLTHRU // Supported via vlt_main.cpp
    case cbEndOfSimulation:		// FALLTHRU // Supported via vlt_main.cpp
    case cbValueChange:			// FALLTHRU // Supported via vlt_main.cpp
    case cbPLIError:			// FALLTHRU // NOP, but need to return handle, so make object
    case cbEnterInteractive:		// FALLTHRU // NOP, but need to return handle, so make object
    case cbExitInteractive:		// FALLTHRU // NOP, but need to return handle, so make object
    case cbInteractiveScopeChange: {	// FALLTHRU // NOP, but need to return handle, so make object
	VerilatedVpioCb* vop = new VerilatedVpioCb(cb_data_p, 0);
	VL_DEBUG_IF_PLI(VL_PRINTF("-vltVpi:  vpi_register_cb %d %p\n",cb_data_p->reason,vop););
	return vop->castVpiHandle();
Ejemplo n.º 2
* Function: VL_print_test_status
void VL_print_test_status(
	IN					int test_status)
	const char* msg;

	if (test_status == 0)
		msg = "[TEST PASSED]";
		msg = "[TEST FAILED]";

	VL_PRINTF("\t\t\t%s\n", msg);
Ejemplo n.º 3
void Vtop::eval() {
    Vtop__Syms* __restrict vlSymsp = this->__VlSymsp; // Setup global symbol table
    Vtop* __restrict vlTOPp VL_ATTR_UNUSED = vlSymsp->TOPp;
    // Initialize
    if (VL_UNLIKELY(!vlSymsp->__Vm_didInit)) _eval_initial_loop(vlSymsp);
    // Evaluate till stable
    VL_DEBUG_IF(VL_PRINTF("\n----TOP Evaluate Vtop::eval\n"); );
Ejemplo n.º 4
main (int argc, char** argv)
  int i ;
  int unsigned numNodes = 0 ;
  float data [] = {1.01, 5.02, 8, 0.1, 100, 3, 9, 4, 1.02} ;

  VL_PRINTF("Pushing heap\n") ;
  for (i = 0 ; i < sizeof(data) / sizeof(data[0]) ; ++i) {
    VL_PRINTF ("%5d: %f\n", i, data[i]) ;
    vl_heap_float_push (data, &numNodes) ;

  VL_PRINTF("Popping heap\n") ;
  for (i = 0 ; i < sizeof(data) / sizeof(data[0]) ; ++i) {
    VL_PRINTF ("%5d: %f\n", i, *vl_heap_float_pop (data, &numNodes)) ;

  VL_PRINTF("Refilling, updating fourth element, and popping again\n") ;
  for (i = 0 ; i < sizeof(data) / sizeof(data[0]) ; ++i) {
    vl_heap_float_push (data, &numNodes) ;
  VL_PRINTF("%f -> %f\n", data[3], 9.01) ;
  data [3] = 9.01 ;
  vl_heap_float_update (data, numNodes, 3) ;
  for (i = 0 ; i < sizeof(data) / sizeof(data[0]) ; ++i) {
    VL_PRINTF ("%5d:  %f\n", i, *vl_heap_float_pop (data, &numNodes)) ;

  return 0 ;
Ejemplo n.º 5
int vl_ikm_train (VlIKMFilt *f, vl_uint8 const *data, int N)
  int err ;
  if (f-> verb) {
    VL_PRINTF ("ikm: training with %d data\n",  N) ;
    VL_PRINTF ("ikm: %d clusters\n",  f -> K) ;
  switch (f -> method) {
  case VL_IKM_LLOYD : err = vl_ikm_train_lloyd (f, data, N) ; break ;
  case VL_IKM_ELKAN : err = vl_ikm_train_elkan (f, data, N) ; break ;
  default :
    assert (0) ;
  return err ;
Ejemplo n.º 6
main(int argc, char** argv)
  VL_PRINTF ("Double   NaN : `%g'\n",   VL_NAN_D     ) ;
  VL_PRINTF ("Double   Inf : `%g'\n",   VL_INFINITY_D) ;
  VL_PRINTF ("Double - Inf : `%g'\n", - VL_INFINITY_D) ;
  VL_PRINTF ("Single   NaN : `%g'\n",   VL_NAN_F     ) ;
  VL_PRINTF ("Single   Inf : `%g'\n",   VL_INFINITY_F) ;
  VL_PRINTF ("Single - Inf : `%g'\n", - VL_INFINITY_F) ;

  VL_PRINTF ("Double: 0.0 <   VL_INFINITY_D: %d\n", 0.0 <   VL_INFINITY_D) ;
  VL_PRINTF ("Double: 0.0 > - VL_INFINITY_D: %d\n", 0.0 > - VL_INFINITY_D) ;

  return 0 ;
Ejemplo n.º 7
void VerilatedVcd::printTime (vluint64_t timeui) {
    // VCD file format specification does not allow non-integers for timestamps
    // Dinotrace doesn't mind, but Cadence vvision seems to choke
    if (VL_UNLIKELY(timeui < m_timeLastDump)) {
	timeui = m_timeLastDump;
	static bool backTime = false;
	if (!backTime) {
	    backTime = true;
	    VL_PRINTF("VCD time is moving backwards, wave file may be incorrect.\n");
    m_timeLastDump = timeui;
Ejemplo n.º 8
main (int argc, char** argv)
  float * X ;
  float * Y ;
  vl_size numDimensions = 1000 ;
  vl_size numSamples    = 2000 ;
  float * result = vl_malloc (sizeof(float) * numSamples * numSamples) ;
  VlFloatVectorComparisonFunction f ;

  init_data (numDimensions, numSamples, &X, &Y) ;

  X+=1 ;
  Y+=1 ;

  vl_set_simd_enabled (VL_FALSE) ;
  f = vl_get_vector_comparison_function_f (VlDistanceL2) ;
  vl_tic () ;
  vl_eval_vector_comparison_on_all_pairs_f (result, numDimensions, X, numSamples, Y, numSamples, f) ;
  VL_PRINTF("Float L2 distnace: %.3f s\n", vl_toc ()) ;

  vl_set_simd_enabled (VL_TRUE) ;
  f = vl_get_vector_comparison_function_f (VlDistanceL2) ;
  vl_tic () ;
  vl_eval_vector_comparison_on_all_pairs_f (result, numDimensions, X, numSamples, Y, numSamples, f) ;
  VL_PRINTF("Float L2 distance (SIMD): %.3f s\n", vl_toc ()) ;

  X-- ;
  Y-- ;

  vl_free (X) ;
  vl_free (Y) ;
  vl_free (result) ;

  return 0 ;
Ejemplo n.º 9
static VlHIKMNode * 
xmeans (VlHIKMTree *tree, 
        vl_uint8 const *data, 
        int N, int K, int height)
  VlHIKMNode *node = vl_malloc (sizeof(VlHIKMNode)) ;
  vl_uint     *ids = vl_malloc (sizeof(vl_uint) * N) ;

  node-> filter   = vl_ikm_new (tree -> method) ;    
  node-> children = (height == 1) ? 0 : vl_malloc (sizeof(VlHIKMNode*) * K) ;

  vl_ikm_set_max_niters (node->filter, tree->max_niters) ;
  vl_ikm_set_verbosity  (node->filter, tree->verb - 1  ) ;
  vl_ikm_init_rand_data (node->filter, data, tree->M, N, K) ;
  vl_ikm_train          (node->filter, data, N) ;
  vl_ikm_push           (node->filter, ids, data, N) ;
  /* recurse for each child */
  if (height > 1) {
    int k ;
    for (k = 0 ; k < K ; k ++) {
      int partition_N ;
      int partition_K ;
      vl_uint8 *partition ;
      partition = vl_hikm_copy_subset
        (data, ids, N, tree->M, k, &partition_N) ;
      partition_K = VL_MIN (K, partition_N) ;
      node->children [k] = xmeans
        (tree, partition, partition_N, partition_K, height - 1) ;
      vl_free (partition) ;

      if (tree->verb > tree->depth - height) {
        VL_PRINTF("hikmeans: branch at depth %d: %6.1f %% completed\n", 
                  tree->depth - height,
                  (double) (k+1) / K * 100) ;
  vl_free (ids) ;
  return node ;
Ejemplo n.º 10
void check(const char* bus, int got, int exp) {
    if (got != exp) {
	VL_PRINTF("%%Error: Data mismatch on '%s', got=%x, exp=%x\n", bus, got, exp);
	pass = false;
Ejemplo n.º 11
void siftDesctor::covdet_keypoints_and_descriptors(cv::Mat &img, std::vector<std::vector<float>> &frames, std::vector<std::vector<float>> &desctor, bool rootSIFT, bool verbose){
    bool display_image = 0;
    vl_size numCols, numRows;
    numCols = img.cols; //61
    numRows = img.rows; //74
    img = (cv::Mat_<float>)img/255.0;
    // This is for debugging, checking the image was correctly loaded.
    if (display_image) {
        std::string window_name = "Image";
        namedWindow(window_name, cv::WINDOW_AUTOSIZE );// Create a window for display.
        imshow(window_name, img);               // Show our image inside it.
        cv::waitKey(0);                                 // Wait for a keystroke in the window
    cv::Mat imageTest(img.rows, img.cols, CV_32FC1);
    cv::Mat imgT(img.cols, img.rows, CV_32FC1);
    imgT = img.t();
    imgT = imgT.reshape(1,1);
    //std::cout << imgT << std::endl;
    float *image = new float[(int)imgT.cols];
    for(int i = 0; i < imgT.cols; i++){
        image[i] = (float)imgT.at<float>(i);
        //std::cout << image[i] << " ";
    typedef enum _VlCovDetDescriptorType{
    } VlCovDetDescriporType;
    VlCovDetMethod method = VL_COVDET_METHOD_DOG;
    //vl_bool estimateAffineShape = VL_FALSE;
    //vl_bool estimateOrientation = VL_FALSE;
    vl_bool doubleImage = VL_TRUE;
    vl_index octaveResolution = -1;
    double edgeThreshold = 10;
    double peakThreshold = 0.01;
    double lapPeakThreshold = -1;
    int descriptorType = -1;
    vl_index patchResolution = -1;
    double patchRelativeExtent = -1;
    double patchRelativeSmoothing = -1;
    double boundaryMargin = 2.0;
    if (descriptorType < 0) descriptorType = VL_COVDET_DESC_SIFT;
    switch (descriptorType){
        case VL_COVDET_DESC_SIFT:
            if (patchResolution < 0) patchResolution = 15;
            if (patchRelativeExtent < 0) patchRelativeExtent = 10;
            if (patchRelativeSmoothing <0) patchRelativeSmoothing = 1;
            if (verbose){
                printf("vl_covdet: VL_COVDET_DESC_SIFT: patchResolution=%lld, patchRelativeExtent=%g, patchRelativeSmoothing=%g\n", patchResolution, patchRelativeExtent, patchRelativeSmoothing);
    if (1) {
        //clock_t t_start = clock();
        // create a detector object: VL_COVDET_METHOD_HESSIAN
        VlCovDet * covdet = vl_covdet_new(method);
        // set various parameters (optional)
        vl_covdet_set_transposed(covdet, VL_TRUE);
        vl_covdet_set_first_octave(covdet, doubleImage? -1 : 0);
        if (octaveResolution >= 0) vl_covdet_set_octave_resolution(covdet, octaveResolution);
        if (peakThreshold >= 0) vl_covdet_set_peak_threshold(covdet, peakThreshold);
        if (edgeThreshold >= 0) vl_covdet_set_edge_threshold(covdet, edgeThreshold);
        if (lapPeakThreshold >= 0) vl_covdet_set_laplacian_peak_threshold(covdet, lapPeakThreshold);
        //vl_covdet_set_target_num_features(covdet, target_num_features);
        //vl_covdet_set_use_adaptive_suppression(covdet, use_adaptive_suppression);
            VL_PRINTF("vl_covdet: doubling image: %s, image size: numRows = %d, numCols = %d\n", VL_YESNO(vl_covdet_get_first_octave(covdet) < 0), numCols, numRows);
        // process the image and run the detector, im.shape(1) is column, im.shape(0) is row
        //see http://www.vlfeat.org/api/covdet_8h.html#affcedda1fdc7ed72d223e0aab003024e for detail
        vl_covdet_put_image(covdet, image, numRows, numCols);
        if (verbose) {
            VL_PRINTF("vl_covdet: detector: %s\n", vl_enumeration_get_by_value(vlCovdetMethods, method)->name);
            VL_PRINTF("vl_covdet: peak threshold: %g, edge threshold: %g\n", vl_covdet_get_peak_threshold(covdet),vl_covdet_get_edge_threshold(covdet));

        if (verbose) {
            vl_size numFeatures = vl_covdet_get_num_features(covdet) ;
            VL_PRINTF("vl_covdet: %d features suppressed as duplicate (threshold: %g)\n", vl_covdet_get_num_non_extrema_suppressed(covdet), vl_covdet_get_non_extrema_suppression_threshold(covdet));
            VL_PRINTF("vl_covdet: detected %d features", numFeatures);
        //drop feature on the margin(optimal)
        if(boundaryMargin > 0){
            vl_covdet_drop_features_outside(covdet, boundaryMargin);
                vl_size numFeatures = vl_covdet_get_num_features(covdet);
                VL_PRINTF("vl_covdet: kept %d inside the boundary margin (%g)\n", numFeatures, boundaryMargin);
        /* affine adaptation if needed */
        bool estimateAffineShape = true;
        if (estimateAffineShape) {
            if (verbose) {
                vl_size numFeaturesBefore = vl_covdet_get_num_features(covdet) ;
                VL_PRINTF("vl_covdet: estimating affine shape for %d features", numFeaturesBefore);
            vl_covdet_extract_affine_shape(covdet) ;
            if (verbose) {
                vl_size numFeaturesAfter = vl_covdet_get_num_features(covdet) ;
                VL_PRINTF("vl_covdet: %d features passed affine adaptation\n", numFeaturesAfter);
        // compute the orientation of the features (optional)
        // get feature descriptors
        vl_size numFeatures = vl_covdet_get_num_features(covdet);
        VlCovDetFeature const * feature = (VlCovDetFeature const *)vl_covdet_get_features(covdet);
        VlSiftFilt * sift = vl_sift_new(16, 16, 1, 3, 0);
        vl_size patchSide = 2 * patchResolution + 1;
        double patchStep = (double)patchRelativeExtent / patchResolution;
        float tempDesc[128];
        //float * desc;
        if (verbose) {
            VL_PRINTF("vl_covdet: descriptors: type = sift, resolution = %d, extent = %g, smoothing = %g\n", patchResolution,patchRelativeExtent, patchRelativeSmoothing);
        //std::vector<float> points(6 * numFeatures);
        //std::vector<float> desc(dimension * numFeatures);
        std::vector<float> desc(128);
        std::vector<float> frame(6);
        //std::vector<float> patch(patchSide * patchSide);
        //std::vector<float> patchXY(2 * patchSide * patchSide);
        float *patch = (float*)malloc(sizeof(float)*patchSide*patchSide);
        float *patchXY = (float*)malloc(2*sizeof(float)*patchSide*patchSide);
        vl_sift_set_magnif(sift, 3.0);
        for (vl_index i = 0; i < (signed)numFeatures; i++) {
            //std::cout << std::setiosflags(std::ios::fixed);
            //std::cout << std::setprecision(6) << feature[i].frame.y << ", " << feature[i].frame.x << ", " << feature[i].frame.a22 << ", "<< feature[i].frame.a12 << ", "<< feature[i].frame.a21 << ", " << feature[i].frame.a11 << ", "<< std::endl;
            vl_imgradient_polar_f(patchXY, patchXY+1,
                                  2, 2 * patchSide,
                                  patch, patchSide, patchSide, patchSide);
                                        (int)patchSide, (int)patchSide,
                                        (double)(patchSide - 1) / 2, (double)(patchSide - 1) / 2,
                                        (double)patchRelativeExtent / (3.0 * (4 + 1) / 2) / patchStep,
                                        VL_PI / 2);
            flip_descriptor(desc, tempDesc);
            // sift or rootsift
            if(rootSIFT == true){
                std::vector<float> rootdesc = rootsift(desc);
            /*std::cout << std::setiosflags(std::ios::fixed);
            for(vl_index j = 0; j < 128; j++){
                std::cout << std::setprecision(6) << desc[j] << " ";
            std::cout << "\n" << std::endl;*/
        //delete covdet;
        delete patch;
        delete patchXY;
Ejemplo n.º 12
mexFunction(int nout, mxArray *out[],
            int nin, const mxArray *in[])
  enum {IN_I = 0, IN_END} ;

  int verbose = 0 ;
  int opt ;
  int next = IN_END ;
  mxArray const *optarg ;
  VlEnumerator *pair ;

  float const *image ;
  vl_size numCols, numRows ;

  VlCovDetMethod method = VL_COVDET_METHOD_DOG;
  vl_bool estimateAffineShape = VL_FALSE ;
  vl_bool estimateOrientation = VL_FALSE ;

  vl_bool doubleImage = VL_TRUE ;
  vl_index octaveResolution = -1 ;
  double edgeThreshold = -1 ;
  double peakThreshold = -1 ;
  double lapPeakThreshold = -1 ;

  int descriptorType = -1 ;
  vl_index patchResolution = -1 ;
  double patchRelativeExtent = -1 ;
  double patchRelativeSmoothing = -1 ;
  float *patch = NULL ;
  float *patchXY = NULL ;

  vl_int liopNumSpatialBins = 6;
  vl_int liopNumNeighbours = 4;
  float liopRadius = 6.0;
  float liopIntensityThreshold = VL_NAN_F ;

  double boundaryMargin = 2.0 ;

  double * userFrames = NULL ;
  vl_size userFrameDimension = 0 ;
  vl_size numUserFrames = 0 ;


  /* -----------------------------------------------------------------
   *                                               Check the arguments
   * -------------------------------------------------------------- */

  if (nin < IN_END) {
    vlmxError(vlmxErrNotEnoughInputArguments, 0) ;
  } else if (nout > OUT_END) {
    vlmxError(vlmxErrTooManyOutputArguments, 0) ;

  if (mxGetNumberOfDimensions(IN(I)) != 2 ||
      mxGetClassID(IN(I)) != mxSINGLE_CLASS){
    vlmxError(vlmxErrInvalidArgument, "I must be a matrix of class SINGLE.") ;

  image = (float*) mxGetData(IN(I)) ;
  numRows = mxGetM(IN(I)) ;
  numCols = mxGetN(IN(I)) ;

  while ((opt = vlmxNextOption (in, nin, options, &next, &optarg)) >= 0) {

    switch (opt) {

    case opt_verbose :
      ++ verbose ;
      break ;

    case opt_method:
      pair = vlmxDecodeEnumeration(optarg, vlCovdetMethods, VL_TRUE) ;
      if (pair == NULL) {
        vlmxError(vlmxErrInvalidArgument, "METHOD is not a supported detection method.") ;
      method = (VlCovDetMethod)pair->value ;

      case opt_descriptor:
        pair = vlmxDecodeEnumeration(optarg, vlCovDetDescriptorTypes, VL_TRUE) ;
        if (pair == NULL) {
          vlmxError(vlmxErrInvalidArgument, "DESCRIPTOR is not a supported descriptor.") ;
        descriptorType = (VlCovDetDescriptorType)pair->value ;

    case opt_estimate_affine_shape:
      if (!mxIsLogicalScalar(optarg)) {
        vlmxError(vlmxErrInvalidArgument, "ESTIMATEAFFINESHAPE must be a logical scalar value.") ;
      } else {
        estimateAffineShape = *mxGetLogicals(optarg) ;
      break ;

    case opt_estimate_orientation:
      if (!mxIsLogicalScalar(optarg)) {
        vlmxError(vlmxErrInvalidArgument, "ESTIMATEORIENTATION must be a logical scalar value.") ;
      } else {
        estimateOrientation = *mxGetLogicals(optarg);
      break ;

    case opt_double_image:
      if (!mxIsLogicalScalar(optarg)) {
        vlmxError(vlmxErrInvalidArgument, "DOUBLEIMAGE must be a logical scalar value.") ;
      } else {
        doubleImage = *mxGetLogicals(optarg);
      break ;

    case opt_octave_resolution :
      if (!vlmxIsPlainScalar(optarg) || (octaveResolution = (vl_index)*mxGetPr(optarg)) < 1) {
        vlmxError(vlmxErrInvalidArgument, "OCTAVERESOLUTION must be an integer not smaller than 1.") ;
      break ;

    case opt_edge_threshold :
      if (!vlmxIsPlainScalar(optarg) || (edgeThreshold = *mxGetPr(optarg)) < 1) {
        vlmxError(vlmxErrInvalidArgument, "EDGETHRESHOLD must be a real not smaller than 1.") ;
      break ;

    case opt_peak_threshold :
      if (!vlmxIsPlainScalar(optarg) || (peakThreshold = *mxGetPr(optarg)) < 0) {
        vlmxError(vlmxErrInvalidArgument, "PEAKTHRESHOLD must be a non-negative real.") ;
      break ;
    case opt_laplacian_peak_threshold :
      if (!vlmxIsPlainScalar(optarg) || (lapPeakThreshold = *mxGetPr(optarg)) < 0) {
        vlmxError(vlmxErrInvalidArgument, "LAPLACIANPEAKTHRESHOLD must be a non-negative real.") ;
      break ;

    case opt_patch_relative_smoothing :
      if (!vlmxIsPlainScalar(optarg) || (patchRelativeSmoothing = *mxGetPr(optarg)) < 0) {
        vlmxError(vlmxErrInvalidArgument, "PATCHRELATIVESMOOTHING must be a non-negative real.") ;
      break ;

    case opt_patch_relative_extent :
      if (!vlmxIsPlainScalar(optarg) || (patchRelativeExtent = *mxGetPr(optarg)) <= 0) {
        vlmxError(vlmxErrInvalidArgument, "PATCHRELATIVEEXTENT must be a posiive real.") ;
      break ;

    case opt_patch_resolution :
      if (!vlmxIsPlainScalar(optarg) || (patchResolution = (vl_index)*mxGetPr(optarg)) <= 0) {
        vlmxError(vlmxErrInvalidArgument, "PATCHRESOLUTION must be a positive integer.") ;
      break ;

    case opt_liop_bins :
      if (!vlmxIsPlainScalar(optarg) || (liopNumSpatialBins = (vl_int)*mxGetPr(optarg)) <= 0) {
        vlmxError(vlmxErrInvalidArgument, "number of LIOPNUMSPATIALBINS is not a positive scalar.") ;
      break ;

    case opt_liop_neighbours :
      if (!vlmxIsPlainScalar(optarg) || (liopNumNeighbours = (vl_int)*mxGetPr(optarg)) <= 0) {
        vlmxError(vlmxErrInvalidArgument, "number of LIOPNUMNEIGHBOURS is not a positive scalar.") ;
      break ;

    case opt_liop_radius :
      if (!vlmxIsPlainScalar(optarg) || (liopRadius = (float)*mxGetPr(optarg)) <= 0) {
        vlmxError(vlmxErrInvalidArgument, "LIOPRADIUS must is not a positive scalar.") ;
      break ;

    case opt_liop_threshold :
      if (!vlmxIsPlainScalar(optarg)) {
        vlmxError(vlmxErrInvalidArgument, "LIOPINTENSITYTHRESHOLD is not a scalar.") ;
      liopIntensityThreshold = *mxGetPr(optarg) ;
      break ;

    case opt_frames:
      if (!vlmxIsPlainMatrix(optarg,-1,-1)) {
        vlmxError(vlmxErrInvalidArgument, "FRAMES must be a palin matrix.") ;
      numUserFrames = mxGetN (optarg) ;
      userFrameDimension = mxGetM (optarg) ;
      userFrames = mxGetPr (optarg) ;
      switch (userFrameDimension) {
        case 2:
        case 3:
        case 4:
        case 5:
        case 6:
            /* ok */
          break ;
                    "FRAMES of dimensions %d are not recognised",
                    userFrameDimension); ;
      break ;

    default :
      abort() ;

  if (descriptorType < 0) descriptorType = VL_COVDET_DESC_SIFT ;

  switch (descriptorType) {
      break ;

      if (patchResolution < 0)  patchResolution = 20 ;
      if (patchRelativeExtent < 0) patchRelativeExtent = 6 ;
      if (patchRelativeSmoothing < 0) patchRelativeSmoothing = 1 ;
      break ;

      /* the patch parameters are selected to match the SIFT descriptor geometry */
      if (patchResolution < 0)  patchResolution = 15 ;
      if (patchRelativeExtent < 0) patchRelativeExtent = 7.5 ;
      if (patchRelativeSmoothing < 0) patchRelativeSmoothing = 1 ;
      break ;

      if (patchResolution < 0)  patchResolution = 20 ;
      if (patchRelativeExtent < 0) patchRelativeExtent = 4 ;
      if (patchRelativeSmoothing < 0) patchRelativeSmoothing = 0.5 ;
      break ;

  if (patchResolution > 0) {
    vl_size w = 2*patchResolution + 1 ;
    patch = mxMalloc(sizeof(float) * w * w);
    patchXY = mxMalloc(2 * sizeof(float) * w * w);

  if (descriptorType == VL_COVDET_DESC_LIOP && liopRadius > patchResolution) {
    vlmxError(vlmxErrInconsistentData, "LIOPRADIUS is larger than PATCHRESOLUTION.") ;

  /* -----------------------------------------------------------------
   *                                                          Detector
   * -------------------------------------------------------------- */
    VlCovDet * covdet = vl_covdet_new(method) ;

    /* set covdet parameters */
    vl_covdet_set_transposed(covdet, VL_TRUE) ;
    vl_covdet_set_first_octave(covdet, doubleImage ? -1 : 0) ;
    if (octaveResolution >= 0) vl_covdet_set_octave_resolution(covdet, octaveResolution) ;
    if (peakThreshold >= 0) vl_covdet_set_peak_threshold(covdet, peakThreshold) ;
    if (edgeThreshold >= 0) vl_covdet_set_edge_threshold(covdet, edgeThreshold) ;
    if (lapPeakThreshold >= 0) vl_covdet_set_laplacian_peak_threshold(covdet, lapPeakThreshold) ;
    if (verbose) {
      VL_PRINTF("vl_covdet: doubling image: %s\n",
                VL_YESNO(vl_covdet_get_first_octave(covdet) < 0)) ;

    /* process the image */
    vl_covdet_put_image(covdet, image, numRows, numCols) ;

    /* fill with frames: eitehr run the detector of poure them in */
    if (numUserFrames > 0) {
      vl_index k ;

      if (verbose) {
        mexPrintf("vl_covdet: sourcing %d frames\n", numUserFrames) ;

      for (k = 0 ; k < (signed)numUserFrames ; ++k) {
        double const * uframe = userFrames + userFrameDimension * k ;
        double a11, a21, a12, a22 ;
        VlCovDetFeature feature ;
        feature.peakScore = VL_INFINITY_F ;
        feature.edgeScore = 1.0 ;
        feature.frame.x = (float)uframe[1] - 1 ;
        feature.frame.y = (float)uframe[0] - 1 ;

        switch (userFrameDimension) {
          case 2:
            a11 = 1.0 ;
            a21 = 0.0 ;
            a12 = 0.0 ;
            a22 = 1.0 ;
            break ;
          case 3:
            a11 = uframe[2] ;
            a21 = 0.0 ;
            a12 = 0.0 ;
            a22 = uframe[2] ;
            break ;
          case 4:
            double sigma = uframe[2] ;
            double c = cos(uframe[3]) ;
            double s = sin(uframe[3]) ;
            a11 = sigma * c ;
            a21 = sigma * s ;
            a12 = sigma * (-s) ;
            a22 = sigma * c ;
            break ;
          case 5:
            double d2 ;
            if (uframe[2] < 0) {
              vlmxError(vlmxErrInvalidArgument, "FRAMES(:,%d) does not have a PSD covariance.", k+1) ;
            a11 = sqrt(uframe[2]) ;
            a21 = uframe[3] / VL_MAX(a11, 1e-10) ;
            a12 = 0.0 ;
            d2 = uframe[4] - a21*a21 ;
            if (d2 < 0) {
              vlmxError(vlmxErrInvalidArgument, "FRAMES(:,%d) does not have a PSD covariance.", k+1) ;
            a22 = sqrt(d2) ;
            break ;
          case 6:
            a11 = uframe[2] ;
            a21 = uframe[3] ;
            a12 = uframe[4] ;
            a22 = uframe[5] ;
            break ;
            a11 = 0 ;
            a21 = 0 ;
            a12 = 0 ;
            a22 = 0 ;
            assert(0) ;
        feature.frame.a11 = (float)a22 ;
        feature.frame.a21 = (float)a12 ;
        feature.frame.a12 = (float)a21 ;
        feature.frame.a22 = (float)a11 ;
        vl_covdet_append_feature(covdet, &feature) ;
    } else {
      if (verbose) {
        mexPrintf("vl_covdet: detector: %s\n",
                  vl_enumeration_get_by_value(vlCovdetMethods, method)->name) ;
        mexPrintf("vl_covdet: peak threshold: %g, edge threshold: %g\n",
                  vl_covdet_get_edge_threshold(covdet)) ;

      vl_covdet_detect(covdet) ;

      if (verbose) {
        vl_index i ;
        vl_size numFeatures = vl_covdet_get_num_features(covdet) ;
        mexPrintf("vl_covdet: %d features suppressed as duplicate (threshold: %g)\n",
                  vl_covdet_get_non_extrema_suppression_threshold(covdet)) ;
        switch (method) {
            vl_size numScales ;
            vl_size const * numFeaturesPerScale ;
            numFeaturesPerScale = vl_covdet_get_laplacian_scales_statistics
              (covdet, &numScales) ;
            mexPrintf("vl_covdet: Laplacian scales:") ;
            for (i = 0 ; i <= (signed)numScales ; ++i) {
              mexPrintf("%d with %d scales;", numFeaturesPerScale[i], i) ;
            mexPrintf("\n") ;
          break ;
          break ;
        mexPrintf("vl_covdet: detected %d features\n", numFeatures) ;

      if (boundaryMargin > 0) {
        vl_covdet_drop_features_outside (covdet, boundaryMargin) ;
        if (verbose) {
          vl_size numFeatures = vl_covdet_get_num_features(covdet) ;
          mexPrintf("vl_covdet: kept %d inside the boundary margin (%g)\n",
                    numFeatures, boundaryMargin) ;

    /* affine adaptation if needed */
    if (estimateAffineShape) {
      if (verbose) {
        vl_size numFeaturesBefore = vl_covdet_get_num_features(covdet) ;
        mexPrintf("vl_covdet: estimating affine shape for %d features\n", numFeaturesBefore) ;

      vl_covdet_extract_affine_shape(covdet) ;

      if (verbose) {
        vl_size numFeaturesAfter = vl_covdet_get_num_features(covdet) ;
        mexPrintf("vl_covdet: %d features passed affine adaptation\n", numFeaturesAfter) ;

    /* orientation estimation if needed */
    if (estimateOrientation) {
      vl_size numFeaturesBefore = vl_covdet_get_num_features(covdet) ;
      vl_size numFeaturesAfter ;

      vl_covdet_extract_orientations(covdet) ;

      numFeaturesAfter = vl_covdet_get_num_features(covdet) ;
      if (verbose && numFeaturesAfter > numFeaturesBefore) {
        mexPrintf("vl_covdet: %d duplicate features were crated due to ambiguous "
                  "orientation detection (%d total)\n",
                  numFeaturesAfter - numFeaturesBefore, numFeaturesAfter) ;

    /* store results back */
      vl_index i  ;
      vl_size numFeatures = vl_covdet_get_num_features(covdet) ;
      VlCovDetFeature const * feature = vl_covdet_get_features(covdet);
      double * pt ;

      OUT(FRAMES) = mxCreateDoubleMatrix (6, numFeatures, mxREAL) ;
      pt = mxGetPr(OUT(FRAMES)) ;

      for (i = 0 ; i < (signed)numFeatures ; ++i) {
        /* save the transposed frame, adjust origin to MATLAB's*/
        *pt++ = feature[i].frame.y + 1 ;
        *pt++ = feature[i].frame.x + 1 ;
        *pt++ = feature[i].frame.a22 ;
        *pt++ = feature[i].frame.a12 ;
        *pt++ = feature[i].frame.a21 ;
        *pt++ = feature[i].frame.a11 ;

    if (nout >= 2) {
      switch (descriptorType) {
        case VL_COVDET_DESC_NONE:
          OUT(DESCRIPTORS) = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(0,0,mxREAL);
          break ;

        case VL_COVDET_DESC_PATCH:
		  vl_size numFeatures ;
		  VlCovDetFeature const * feature ;
          vl_index i ;
          vl_size w = 2*patchResolution + 1 ;
          float * desc ;

          if (verbose) {
            mexPrintf("vl_covdet: descriptors: type=patch, "
                      "resolution=%d, extent=%g, smoothing=%g\n",
                      patchResolution, patchRelativeExtent,
          numFeatures = vl_covdet_get_num_features(covdet) ;
          feature = vl_covdet_get_features(covdet);
          OUT(DESCRIPTORS) = mxCreateNumericMatrix(w*w, numFeatures, mxSINGLE_CLASS, mxREAL) ;
          desc = mxGetData(OUT(DESCRIPTORS)) ;
          for (i = 0 ; i < (signed)numFeatures ; ++i) {
                                    feature[i].frame) ;
            desc += w*w ;
          break ;
        case VL_COVDET_DESC_SIFT:
          vl_size numFeatures = vl_covdet_get_num_features(covdet) ;
          VlCovDetFeature const * feature = vl_covdet_get_features(covdet);
          VlSiftFilt * sift = vl_sift_new(16, 16, 1, 3, 0) ;
          vl_index i ;
          vl_size dimension = 128 ;
          vl_size patchSide = 2 * patchResolution + 1 ;
          double patchStep = (double)patchRelativeExtent / patchResolution ;
          float tempDesc [128] ;
          float * desc ;
          if (verbose) {
            mexPrintf("vl_covdet: descriptors: type=sift, "
                      "resolution=%d, extent=%g, smoothing=%g\n",
                      patchResolution, patchRelativeExtent,
          OUT(DESCRIPTORS) = mxCreateNumericMatrix(dimension, numFeatures, mxSINGLE_CLASS, mxREAL) ;
          desc = mxGetData(OUT(DESCRIPTORS)) ;
          vl_sift_set_magnif(sift, 3.0) ;
          for (i = 0 ; i < (signed)numFeatures ; ++i) {
                                              feature[i].frame) ;

            vl_imgradient_polar_f (patchXY, patchXY +1,
                                   2, 2 * patchSide,
                                   patch, patchSide, patchSide, patchSide) ;

             Note: the patch is transposed, so that x and y are swapped.
             However, if NBO is not divisible by 4, then the configuration
             of the SIFT orientations is not symmetric by rotations of pi/2.
             Hence the only option is to rotate the descriptor further by
             an angle we need to compute the descriptor rotaed by an additional pi/2
             angle. In this manner, x concides and y is flipped.
            vl_sift_calc_raw_descriptor (sift,
                                         (int)patchSide, (int)patchSide,
                                         (double)(patchSide-1) / 2, (double)(patchSide-1) / 2,
                                         (double)patchRelativeExtent / (3.0 * (4 + 1) / 2) /
                                         VL_PI / 2) ;

            flip_descriptor (desc, tempDesc) ;
            desc += dimension ;
          vl_sift_delete(sift) ;
          break ;
        case VL_COVDET_DESC_LIOP :
        {          /* TODO: get parameters form input */
          vl_size numFeatures = vl_covdet_get_num_features(covdet) ;
          vl_size dimension ;
          VlCovDetFeature const * feature = vl_covdet_get_features(covdet);
          vl_index i ;

          vl_size patchSide = 2 * patchResolution + 1 ;
          float * desc ;

          VlLiopDesc * liop = vl_liopdesc_new(liopNumNeighbours, liopNumSpatialBins, liopRadius, (vl_size)patchSide) ;
          if (!vl_is_nan_f(liopIntensityThreshold)) {
            vl_liopdesc_set_intensity_threshold(liop, liopIntensityThreshold) ;
          dimension = vl_liopdesc_get_dimension(liop) ;
          if (verbose) {
            mexPrintf("vl_covdet: descriptors: type=liop, "
                      "resolution=%d, extent=%g, smoothing=%g\n",
                      patchResolution, patchRelativeExtent,
          OUT(DESCRIPTORS) = mxCreateNumericMatrix(dimension, numFeatures, mxSINGLE_CLASS, mxREAL);
          desc = mxGetData(OUT(DESCRIPTORS)) ;
          for(i = 0; i < (signed)numFeatures; i++){

              vl_liopdesc_process(liop, desc, patch);

              desc += dimension;

          mexPrintf("time: %f\n",vl_toc());
          mexPrintf("threshold: %f\n",liop->intensityThreshold);

          assert(0) ; /* descriptor type */

    if (nout >= 3) {
      vl_index i ;
      vl_size numFeatures = vl_covdet_get_num_features(covdet) ;
      VlCovDetFeature const * feature = vl_covdet_get_features(covdet);
      const char* names[] = {
      mxArray * gss_array = _createArrayFromScaleSpace(vl_covdet_get_gss(covdet)) ;
      mxArray * css_array = _createArrayFromScaleSpace(vl_covdet_get_css(covdet)) ;
      mxArray * peak_array = mxCreateNumericMatrix(1,numFeatures,mxSINGLE_CLASS,mxREAL) ;
      mxArray * edge_array = mxCreateNumericMatrix(1,numFeatures,mxSINGLE_CLASS,mxREAL) ;
      mxArray * orientation_array = mxCreateNumericMatrix(1,numFeatures,mxSINGLE_CLASS,mxREAL) ;
      mxArray * laplacian_array = mxCreateNumericMatrix(1,numFeatures,mxSINGLE_CLASS,mxREAL) ;

      float * peak = mxGetData(peak_array) ;
      float * edge = mxGetData(edge_array) ;
      float * orientation = mxGetData(orientation_array) ;
      float * laplacian = mxGetData(laplacian_array) ;
      for (i = 0 ; i < (signed)numFeatures ; ++i) {
        peak[i] = feature[i].peakScore ;
        edge[i] = feature[i].edgeScore ;
        orientation[i] = feature[i].orientationScore ;
        laplacian[i] = feature[i].laplacianScaleScore ;

      OUT(INFO) = mxCreateStructMatrix(1, 1, 6, names) ;
      mxSetFieldByNumber(OUT(INFO), 0, 0, gss_array) ;
      mxSetFieldByNumber(OUT(INFO), 0, 1, css_array) ;
      mxSetFieldByNumber(OUT(INFO), 0, 2, peak_array) ;
      mxSetFieldByNumber(OUT(INFO), 0, 3, edge_array) ;
      mxSetFieldByNumber(OUT(INFO), 0, 4, orientation_array) ;
      mxSetFieldByNumber(OUT(INFO), 0, 5, laplacian_array) ;
    /* cleanup */
    vl_covdet_delete (covdet) ;

  if (patchXY) mxFree(patchXY) ;
  if (patch) mxFree(patch) ;
Ejemplo n.º 13
mexFunction(int nout, mxArray *out[],
            int nin, const mxArray *in[])
  enum {OUT_INDEX = 0, OUT_DISTANCE} ;

  int verbose = 0 ;
  int opt ;
  int next = IN_END ;
  mxArray const *optarg ;

  VlKDForest * forest ;
  mxArray const * forest_array = in[IN_FOREST] ;
  mxArray const * data_array = in[IN_DATA] ;
  mxArray const * query_array = in[IN_QUERY] ;
  void * query ;
  vl_uint32 * index ;
  void * distance ;
  vl_size numNeighbors = 1 ;
  vl_size numQueries ;
  unsigned int numComparisons = 0 ;
  unsigned int maxNumComparisons = 0 ;
  mxClassID dataClass ;
  vl_index i ;


  /* -----------------------------------------------------------------
   *                                               Check the arguments
   * -------------------------------------------------------------- */

  if (nin < 3) {
    vlmxError(vlmxErrNotEnoughInputArguments, NULL) ;
  if (nout > 2) {
    vlmxError(vlmxErrTooManyOutputArguments, NULL) ;

  forest = new_kdforest_from_array (forest_array, data_array) ;

  dataClass = mxGetClassID (data_array) ;
  if (mxGetClassID (query_array) != dataClass) {
              "QUERY must have the same storage class as DATA.") ;
  if (! vlmxIsReal (query_array)) {
              "QUERY must be real.") ;
  if (! vlmxIsMatrix (query_array, forest->dimension, -1)) {
              "QUERY must be a matrix with TREE.NUMDIMENSIONS rows.") ;

  while ((opt = vlmxNextOption (in, nin, options, &next, &optarg)) >= 0) {
    switch (opt) {
      case opt_num_neighs :
        if (! vlmxIsScalar(optarg) ||
            (numNeighbors = mxGetScalar(optarg)) < 1) {
                    "NUMNEIGHBORS must be a scalar not smaller than one.") ;

      case opt_max_num_comparisons :
        if (! vlmxIsScalar(optarg)) {
                    "MAXNUMCOMPARISONS must be a scalar.") ;
        maxNumComparisons = mxGetScalar(optarg) ;

      case opt_verbose :
        ++ verbose ;
        break ;

  vl_kdforest_set_max_num_comparisons (forest, maxNumComparisons) ;

  query = mxGetData (query_array) ;
  numQueries = mxGetN (query_array) ;

  out[OUT_INDEX] = mxCreateNumericMatrix (numNeighbors, numQueries, mxUINT32_CLASS, mxREAL) ;
  out[OUT_DISTANCE] = mxCreateNumericMatrix (numNeighbors, numQueries, dataClass, mxREAL) ;

  index = mxGetData (out[OUT_INDEX]) ;
  distance = mxGetData (out[OUT_DISTANCE]) ;

  if (verbose) {
    VL_PRINTF ("vl_kdforestquery: number of queries: %d\n", numQueries) ;
    VL_PRINTF ("vl_kdforestquery: number of neighbors per query: %d\n", numNeighbors) ;
    VL_PRINTF ("vl_kdforestquery: max num of comparisons per query: %d\n",
               vl_kdforest_get_max_num_comparisons (forest)) ;

  numComparisons = vl_kdforest_query_with_array (forest, index, numNeighbors, numQueries, distance, query) ;
  vl_kdforest_delete(forest) ;
  /* adjust for MATLAB indexing */
  for (i = 0 ; i < (signed) (numNeighbors * numQueries) ; ++i) { index[i] ++ ; }

  if (verbose) {
    VL_PRINTF ("vl_kdforestquery: number of comparisons per query: %.3f\n",
               ((double) numComparisons) / numQueries) ;
    VL_PRINTF ("vl_kdforestquery: number of comparisons per neighbor: %.3f\n",
               ((double) numComparisons) / (numQueries * numNeighbors)) ;
Ejemplo n.º 14
mexFunction(int nout, mxArray *out[],
            int nin, const mxArray *in[])
  enum {OUT_INDEX = 0, OUT_DISTANCE} ;

  int            verbose = 0 ;
  int            opt ;
  int            next = IN_END ;
  mxArray const *optarg ;

  VlKDForest * forest ;
  mxArray const * forest_array = in[IN_FOREST] ;
  mxArray const * data_array = in[IN_DATA] ;
  mxArray const * query_array = in[IN_QUERY] ;
  mxArray * index_array ;
  mxArray * distance_array ;
  void * query ;
  vl_uint32 * index ;
  void * distance ;
  vl_size numNeighbors = 1 ;
  vl_size numQueries ;
  vl_uindex qi, ni;
  unsigned int numComparisons = 0 ;
  unsigned int maxNumComparisons = 0 ;
  VlKDForestNeighbor * neighbors ;
  mxClassID dataClass ;


  /* -----------------------------------------------------------------
   *                                               Check the arguments
   * -------------------------------------------------------------- */

  if (nin < 3) {
    vlmxError(vlmxErrNotEnoughInputArguments, NULL) ;
  if (nout > 2) {
    vlmxError(vlmxErrTooManyOutputArguments, NULL) ;

  forest = new_kdforest_from_array (forest_array, data_array) ;

  dataClass = mxGetClassID (data_array) ;
  if (mxGetClassID (query_array) != dataClass) {
             "QUERY must have the same storage class as DATA.") ;
  if (! vlmxIsReal (query_array)) {
             "QUERY must be real.") ;
  if (! vlmxIsMatrix (query_array, forest->dimension, -1)) {
             "QUERY must be a matrix with TREE.NUMDIMENSIONS rows.") ;

  while ((opt = vlmxNextOption (in, nin, options, &next, &optarg)) >= 0) {
    switch (opt) {
      case opt_num_neighs :
        if (! vlmxIsScalar(optarg) ||
            (numNeighbors = mxGetScalar(optarg)) < 1) {
                   "NUMNEIGHBORS must be a scalar not smaller than one.") ;

      case opt_max_num_comparisons :
        if (! vlmxIsScalar(optarg)) {
                   "MAXNUMCOMPARISONS must be a scalar.") ;
        maxNumComparisons = mxGetScalar(optarg) ;

      case opt_verbose :
        ++ verbose ;
        break ;

  vl_kdforest_set_max_num_comparisons (forest, maxNumComparisons) ;

  neighbors = vl_malloc (sizeof(VlKDForestNeighbor) * numNeighbors) ;

  query = mxGetData (query_array) ;
  numQueries = mxGetN (query_array) ;

  out[OUT_INDEX] = index_array = mxCreateNumericMatrix
    (numNeighbors, numQueries, mxUINT32_CLASS, mxREAL) ;

  out[OUT_DISTANCE] = distance_array = mxCreateNumericMatrix
    (numNeighbors, numQueries, dataClass, mxREAL) ;

  index = mxGetData (index_array) ;
  distance = mxGetData (distance_array) ;

  if (verbose) {
    VL_PRINTF ("vl_kdforestquery: number of queries: %d\n", numQueries) ;
    VL_PRINTF ("vl_kdforestquery: number of neighbors per query: %d\n", numNeighbors) ;
    VL_PRINTF ("vl_kdforestquery: max num of comparisons per query: %d\n",
               vl_kdforest_get_max_num_comparisons (forest)) ;

  for (qi = 0 ; qi < numQueries ; ++ qi) {
    numComparisons += vl_kdforest_query (forest, neighbors, numNeighbors,
                                         query) ;
    switch (dataClass) {
      case mxSINGLE_CLASS:
        float * distance_ = (float*) distance ;
        for (ni = 0 ; ni < numNeighbors ; ++ni) {
          *index++     = neighbors[ni].index + 1 ;
          *distance_++ = neighbors[ni].distance ;
        query = (float*)query + vl_kdforest_get_data_dimension (forest) ;
        distance = distance_ ;
        break ;
      case mxDOUBLE_CLASS:
        double * distance_ = (double*) distance ;
        for (ni = 0 ; ni < numNeighbors ; ++ni) {
          *index++     = neighbors[ni].index + 1 ;
          *distance_++ = neighbors[ni].distance ;
        query = (double*)query + vl_kdforest_get_data_dimension (forest)  ;
        distance = distance_ ;
        break ;
        abort() ;

  if (verbose) {
    VL_PRINTF ("vl_kdforestquery: number of comparisons per query: %.3f\n",
               ((double) numComparisons) / numQueries) ;
    VL_PRINTF ("vl_kdforestquery: number of comparisons per neighbor: %.3f\n",
               ((double) numComparisons) / (numQueries * numNeighbors)) ;

  vl_kdforest_delete (forest) ;
  vl_free (neighbors) ;
Ejemplo n.º 15
void dpii_display_call(const char* c) {
    VL_PRINTF("dpii_display_call: %s\n", c);
Ejemplo n.º 16
static double
VL_XCAT(_vl_kmeans_refine_centers_elkan_, SFX)
(VlKMeans * self,
 TYPE const * data,
 vl_size numData)
  vl_size d, iteration, x ;
  vl_uint32 c, j ;
  vl_bool allDone ;
  TYPE * distances = vl_malloc (sizeof(TYPE) * numData) ;
  vl_uint32 * assignments = vl_malloc (sizeof(vl_uint32) * numData) ;
  vl_size * clusterMasses = vl_malloc (sizeof(vl_size) * numData) ;

    VlFloatVectorComparisonFunction distFn = vl_get_vector_comparison_function_f(self->distance) ;
    VlDoubleVectorComparisonFunction distFn = vl_get_vector_comparison_function_d(self->distance) ;

  TYPE * nextCenterDistances = vl_malloc (sizeof(TYPE) * self->numCenters) ;
  TYPE * pointToClosestCenterUB = vl_malloc (sizeof(TYPE) * numData) ;
  vl_bool * pointToClosestCenterUBIsStrict = vl_malloc (sizeof(vl_bool) * numData) ;
  TYPE * pointToCenterLB = vl_malloc (sizeof(TYPE) * numData * self->numCenters) ;
  TYPE * newCenters = vl_malloc(sizeof(TYPE) * self->dimension * self->numCenters) ;
  TYPE * centerToNewCenterDistances = vl_malloc (sizeof(TYPE) * self->numCenters) ;

  vl_uint32 * permutations = NULL ;
  vl_size * numSeenSoFar = NULL ;

  double energy ;

  vl_size totDistanceComputationsToInit = 0 ;
  vl_size totDistanceComputationsToRefreshUB = 0 ;
  vl_size totDistanceComputationsToRefreshLB = 0 ;
  vl_size totDistanceComputationsToRefreshCenterDistances = 0 ;
  vl_size totDistanceComputationsToNewCenters = 0 ;
  vl_size totDistanceComputationsToFinalize = 0 ;

  if (self->distance == VlDistanceL1) {
    permutations = vl_malloc(sizeof(vl_uint32) * numData * self->dimension) ;
    numSeenSoFar = vl_malloc(sizeof(vl_size) * self->numCenters) ;
    VL_XCAT(_vl_kmeans_sort_data_helper_, SFX)(self, permutations, data, numData) ;

  /* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ */
  /*                          Initialization                        */
  /* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ */

  /* An iteration is: get_new_centers + reassign + get_energy.
     This counts as iteration 0, where get_new_centers is assumed
     to be performed before calling the train function by
     the initialization function */

  /* update distances between centers */
  totDistanceComputationsToInit +=
  VL_XCAT(_vl_kmeans_update_center_distances_, SFX)(self) ;

  /* assigmen points to the initial centers and initialize bounds */
  memset(pointToCenterLB, 0, sizeof(TYPE) * self->numCenters *  numData) ;
  for (x = 0 ; x < numData ; ++x) {
    TYPE distance ;

    /* do the first center */
    assignments[x] = 0 ;
    distance = distFn(self->dimension,
                      data + x * self->dimension,
                      (TYPE*)self->centers + 0) ;
    pointToClosestCenterUB[x] = distance ;
    pointToClosestCenterUBIsStrict[x] = VL_TRUE ;
    pointToCenterLB[0 + x * self->numCenters] = distance ;
    totDistanceComputationsToInit += 1 ;

    /* do other centers */
    for (c = 1 ; c < self->numCenters ; ++c) {

      /* Can skip if the center assigned so far is twice as close
         as its distance to the center under consideration */

      if (((self->distance == VlDistanceL1) ? 2.0 : 4.0) *
          pointToClosestCenterUB[x] <=
          [c + assignments[x] * self->numCenters]) {
        continue ;

      distance = distFn(self->dimension,
                        data + x * self->dimension,
                        (TYPE*)self->centers + c * self->dimension) ;
      pointToCenterLB[c + x * self->numCenters] = distance ;
      totDistanceComputationsToInit += 1 ;
      if (distance < pointToClosestCenterUB[x]) {
        pointToClosestCenterUB[x] = distance ;
        assignments[x] = c ;

  /* compute UB on energy */
  energy = 0 ;
  for (x = 0 ; x < numData ; ++x) {
    energy += pointToClosestCenterUB[x] ;

  if (self->verbosity) {
    VL_PRINTF("kmeans: Elkan iter 0: energy = %g, dist. calc. = %d\n",
              energy, totDistanceComputationsToInit) ;

/* #define SANITY*/
#ifdef SANITY
    int xx ; int cc ;
    TYPE tol = 1e-5 ;
    VL_PRINTF("inconsistencies after initial assignments:\n");
    for (xx = 0 ; xx < numData ; ++xx) {
      for (cc = 0 ; cc < self->numCenters ; ++cc) {
        TYPE a = pointToCenterLB[cc + xx * self->numCenters] ;
        TYPE b = distFn(self->dimension,
                        data + self->dimension * xx,
                        (TYPE*)self->centers + self->dimension * cc) ;
        if (cc == assignments[xx]) {
          TYPE z = pointToClosestCenterUB[xx] ;
          if (z+tol<b) VL_PRINTF("UB %d %d = %f < %f\n",
                             cc, xx, z, b) ;
        if (a>b+tol) VL_PRINTF("LB %d %d = %f  > %f\n",
                           cc, xx, a, b) ;

  /* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ */
  /*                          Iterations                            */
  /* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ */

  for (iteration = 1 ; 1; ++iteration) {

    vl_size numDistanceComputationsToRefreshUB = 0 ;
    vl_size numDistanceComputationsToRefreshLB = 0 ;
    vl_size numDistanceComputationsToRefreshCenterDistances = 0 ;
    vl_size numDistanceComputationsToNewCenters = 0 ;

    /* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ */
    /*                         Compute new centers                  */
    /* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ */

    memset(clusterMasses, 0, sizeof(vl_size) * numData) ;
    for (x = 0 ; x < numData ; ++x) {
      clusterMasses[assignments[x]] ++ ;

    switch (self->distance) {
      case VlDistanceL2:
        memset(newCenters, 0, sizeof(TYPE) * self->dimension * self->numCenters) ;
        for (x = 0 ; x < numData ; ++x) {
          TYPE * cpt = newCenters + assignments[x] * self->dimension ;
          TYPE const * xpt = data + x * self->dimension ;
          for (d = 0 ; d < self->dimension ; ++d) { cpt[d] += xpt[d] ; }
        for (c = 0 ; c < self->numCenters ; ++c) {
          TYPE mass = clusterMasses[c] ;
          TYPE * cpt = newCenters + c * self->dimension ;
          for (d = 0 ; d < self->dimension ; ++d) { cpt[d] /= mass ; }
        break ;
      case VlDistanceL1:
        for (d = 0 ; d < self->dimension ; ++d) {
          vl_uint32 * perm = permutations + d * numData ;
          memset(numSeenSoFar, 0, sizeof(vl_size) * self->numCenters) ;
          for (x = 0; x < numData ; ++x) {
            c = assignments[perm[x]] ;
            if (2 * numSeenSoFar[c] < clusterMasses[c]) {
              newCenters [d + c * self->dimension] =
              data [d + perm[x] * self->dimension] ;
            numSeenSoFar[c] ++ ;
        break ;
    } /* done compute centers */

    /* compute the distance from the old centers to the new centers */
    for (c = 0 ; c < self->numCenters ; ++c) {
      TYPE distance = distFn(self->dimension,
                             newCenters + c * self->dimension,
                             (TYPE*)self->centers + c * self->dimension) ;
      centerToNewCenterDistances[c] = distance ;
      numDistanceComputationsToNewCenters += 1 ;

    /* make the new centers current */
      TYPE * tmp = self->centers ;
      self->centers = newCenters ;
      newCenters = tmp ;

    /* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ */
    /*                Reassign points to a centers                  */
    /* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ */

     Update distances between centers.
    += VL_XCAT(_vl_kmeans_update_center_distances_, SFX)(self) ;

    for (c = 0 ; c < self->numCenters ; ++c) {
      nextCenterDistances[c] = (TYPE) VL_INFINITY_D ;
      for (j = 0 ; j < self->numCenters ; ++j) {
        if (j == c) continue ;
        nextCenterDistances[c] = VL_MIN(nextCenterDistances[c],
                                        [j + c * self->numCenters]) ;

     Update upper bounds on point-to-closest-center distances
     based on the center variation.
    for (x = 0 ; x < numData ; ++x) {
      TYPE a = pointToClosestCenterUB[x] ;
      TYPE b = centerToNewCenterDistances[assignments[x]] ;
      if (self->distance == VlDistanceL1) {
        pointToClosestCenterUB[x] = a + b ;
      } else {
        TYPE sqrtab =  sqrtf (a * b) ;
        TYPE sqrtab =  sqrt (a * b) ;
        pointToClosestCenterUB[x] = a + b + 2.0 * sqrtab ;
      pointToClosestCenterUBIsStrict[x] = VL_FALSE ;

     Update lower bounds on point-to-center distances
     based on the center variation.
    for (x = 0 ; x < numData ; ++x) {
      for (c = 0 ; c < self->numCenters ; ++c) {
        TYPE a = pointToCenterLB[c + x * self->numCenters] ;
        TYPE b = centerToNewCenterDistances[c] ;
        if (a < b) {
          pointToCenterLB[c + x * self->numCenters] = 0 ;
        } else {
          if (self->distance == VlDistanceL1) {
             pointToCenterLB[c + x * self->numCenters]  = a - b ;
          } else {
            TYPE sqrtab =  sqrtf (a * b) ;
            TYPE sqrtab =  sqrt (a * b) ;
             pointToCenterLB[c + x * self->numCenters]  = a + b - 2.0 * sqrtab ;

   #ifdef SANITY
      int xx ; int cc ;
      TYPE tol = 1e-5 ;
      VL_PRINTF("inconsistencies before assignments:\n");
      for (xx = 0 ; xx < numData ; ++xx) {
        for (cc = 0 ; cc < self->numCenters ; ++cc) {
          TYPE a = pointToCenterLB[cc + xx * self->numCenters] ;
          TYPE b = distFn(self->dimension,
                          data + self->dimension * xx,
                          (TYPE*)self->centers + self->dimension * cc) ;
          if (cc == assignments[xx]) {
            TYPE z = pointToClosestCenterUB[xx] ;
            if (z+tol<b) VL_PRINTF("UB %d %d = %f < %f\n",
                                            cc, xx, z, b) ;
          if (a>b+tol) VL_PRINTF("LB %d %d = %f  > %f (assign = %d)\n",
                                          cc, xx, a, b, assignments[xx]) ;

     Scan the data and to the reassignments. Use the bounds to
     skip as many point-to-center distance calculations as possible.
    for (allDone = VL_TRUE, x = 0 ; x < numData ; ++x) {
       A point x sticks with its current center assignmets[x]
       the UB to d(x, c[assigmnets[x]]) is not larger than half
       the distance of c[assigments[x]] to any other center c.
      if (((self->distance == VlDistanceL1) ? 2.0 : 4.0) *
          pointToClosestCenterUB[x] <= nextCenterDistances[assignments[x]]) {
        continue ;

      for (c = 0 ; c < self->numCenters ; ++c) {
        vl_uint32 cx = assignments[x] ;
        TYPE distance ;

        /* The point is not reassigned to a given center c
         if either:

         0 - c is already the assigned center
         1 - The UB of d(x, c[assignments[x]]) is smaller than half
             the distance of c[assigments[x]] to c, OR
         2 - The UB of d(x, c[assignmets[x]]) is smaller than the
             LB of the distance of x to c.
        if (cx == c) {
          continue ;
        if (((self->distance == VlDistanceL1) ? 2.0 : 4.0) *
            pointToClosestCenterUB[x] <= ((TYPE*)self->centerDistances)
            [c + cx * self->numCenters]) {
          continue ;
        if (pointToClosestCenterUB[x] <= pointToCenterLB
            [c + x * self->numCenters]) {
          continue ;

        /* If the UB is loose, try recomputing it and test again */
        if (! pointToClosestCenterUBIsStrict[x]) {
          distance = distFn(self->dimension,
                            data + self->dimension * x,
                            (TYPE*)self->centers + self->dimension * cx) ;
          pointToClosestCenterUB[x] = distance ;
          pointToClosestCenterUBIsStrict[x] = VL_TRUE ;
          pointToCenterLB[cx + x * self->numCenters] = distance ;
          numDistanceComputationsToRefreshUB += 1 ;

          if (((self->distance == VlDistanceL1) ? 2.0 : 4.0) *
              pointToClosestCenterUB[x] <= ((TYPE*)self->centerDistances)
              [c + cx * self->numCenters]) {
            continue ;
          if (pointToClosestCenterUB[x] <= pointToCenterLB
              [c + x * self->numCenters]) {
            continue ;

         Now the UB is strict (equal to d(x, assignments[x])), but
         we still could not exclude that x should be reassigned to
         c. We therefore compute the distance, update the LB,
         and check if a reassigmnet must be made
        distance = distFn(self->dimension,
                          data + x * self->dimension,
                          (TYPE*)self->centers + c *  self->dimension) ;
        numDistanceComputationsToRefreshLB += 1 ;
        pointToCenterLB[c + x * self->numCenters] = distance ;

        if (distance < pointToClosestCenterUB[x]) {
          assignments[x] = c ;
          pointToClosestCenterUB[x] = distance ;
          allDone = VL_FALSE ;
          /* the UB strict flag is already set here */

      } /* assign center */
    } /* next data point */

    += numDistanceComputationsToRefreshUB ;

    += numDistanceComputationsToRefreshLB ;

    += numDistanceComputationsToRefreshCenterDistances ;

    += numDistanceComputationsToNewCenters ;

#ifdef SANITY
      int xx ; int cc ;
      TYPE tol = 1e-5 ;
      VL_PRINTF("inconsistencies after assignments:\n");
      for (xx = 0 ; xx < numData ; ++xx) {
        for (cc = 0 ; cc < self->numCenters ; ++cc) {
          TYPE a = pointToCenterLB[cc + xx * self->numCenters] ;
          TYPE b = distFn(self->dimension,
                          data + self->dimension * xx,
                          (TYPE*)self->centers + self->dimension * cc) ;
          if (cc == assignments[xx]) {
            TYPE z = pointToClosestCenterUB[xx] ;
            if (z+tol<b) VL_PRINTF("UB %d %d = %f < %f\n",
                               cc, xx, z, b) ;
          if (a>b+tol) VL_PRINTF("LB %d %d = %f  > %f (assign = %d)\n",
                             cc, xx, a, b, assignments[xx]) ;

    /* compute UB on energy */
    energy = 0 ;
    for (x = 0 ; x < numData ; ++x) {
      energy += pointToClosestCenterUB[x] ;

    if (self->verbosity) {
      vl_size numDistanceComputations =
      numDistanceComputationsToRefreshUB +
      numDistanceComputationsToRefreshLB +
      numDistanceComputationsToRefreshCenterDistances +
      numDistanceComputationsToNewCenters ;
      VL_PRINTF("kmeans: Elkan iter %d: energy <= %g, dist. calc. = %d\n",
                numDistanceComputations) ;
      if (self->verbosity > 1) {
        VL_PRINTF("kmeans: Elkan iter %d: total dist. calc. per type: "
                  "UB: %.1f%% (%d), LB: %.1f%% (%d), "
                  "intra_center: %.1f%% (%d), "
                  "new_center: %.1f%% (%d)\n",
                  100.0 * numDistanceComputationsToRefreshUB / numDistanceComputations,
                  100.0 *numDistanceComputationsToRefreshLB / numDistanceComputations,
                  100.0 * numDistanceComputationsToRefreshCenterDistances / numDistanceComputations,
                  100.0 * numDistanceComputationsToNewCenters / numDistanceComputations,
                  numDistanceComputationsToNewCenters) ;

    /* check termination conditions */
    if (iteration >= self->maxNumIterations) {
      if (self->verbosity) {
        VL_PRINTF("kmeans: Elkan terminating because maximum number of iterations reached\n") ;
      break ;
    if (allDone) {
      if (self->verbosity) {
        VL_PRINTF("kmeans: Elkan terminating because the algorithm fully converged\n") ;
      break ;

  } /* next Elkan iteration */

  /* compute true energy */
  energy = 0 ;
  for (x = 0 ; x < numData ; ++ x) {
    vl_uindex cx = assignments [x] ;
    energy += distFn(self->dimension,
                     data + self->dimension * x,
                     (TYPE*)self->centers + self->dimension * cx) ;
    totDistanceComputationsToFinalize += 1 ;

    vl_size totDistanceComputations =
    totDistanceComputationsToInit +
    totDistanceComputationsToRefreshUB +
    totDistanceComputationsToRefreshLB +
    totDistanceComputationsToRefreshCenterDistances +
    totDistanceComputationsToNewCenters +
    totDistanceComputationsToFinalize ;

    double saving = (double)totDistanceComputations
    / (iteration * self->numCenters * numData) ;

    if (self->verbosity) {
      VL_PRINTF("kmeans: Elkan: total dist. calc.: %d (%.2f %% of Lloyd)\n",
                totDistanceComputations, saving * 100.0) ;

    if (self->verbosity > 1) {
      VL_PRINTF("kmeans: Elkan: total dist. calc. per type: "
                "init: %.1f%% (%d), UB: %.1f%% (%d), LB: %.1f%% (%d), "
                "intra_center: %.1f%% (%d), "
                "new_center: %.1f%% (%d), "
                "finalize: %.1f%% (%d)\n",
                100.0 * totDistanceComputationsToInit / totDistanceComputations,
                100.0 * totDistanceComputationsToRefreshUB / totDistanceComputations,
                100.0 *totDistanceComputationsToRefreshLB / totDistanceComputations,
                100.0 * totDistanceComputationsToRefreshCenterDistances / totDistanceComputations,
                100.0 * totDistanceComputationsToNewCenters / totDistanceComputations,
                100.0 * totDistanceComputationsToFinalize / totDistanceComputations,
                totDistanceComputationsToFinalize) ;

  if (permutations) { vl_free(permutations) ; }
  if (numSeenSoFar) { vl_free(numSeenSoFar) ; }

  vl_free(distances) ;
  vl_free(assignments) ;
  vl_free(clusterMasses) ;

  vl_free(nextCenterDistances) ;
  vl_free(pointToClosestCenterUB) ;
  vl_free(pointToClosestCenterUBIsStrict) ;
  vl_free(pointToCenterLB) ;
  vl_free(newCenters) ;
  vl_free(centerToNewCenterDistances) ;

  return energy ;
Ejemplo n.º 17
static double
VL_XCAT(_vl_kmeans_refine_centers_lloyd_, SFX)
(VlKMeans * self,
 TYPE const * data,
 vl_size numData)
  vl_size c, d, x, iteration ;
  vl_bool allDone ;
  double previousEnergy = VL_INFINITY_D ;
  double energy ;
  TYPE * distances = vl_malloc (sizeof(TYPE) * numData) ;
  vl_uint32 * assignments = vl_malloc (sizeof(vl_uint32) * numData) ;
  vl_size * clusterMasses = vl_malloc (sizeof(vl_size) * numData) ;
  vl_uint32 * permutations = NULL ;
  vl_size * numSeenSoFar = NULL ;

  if (self->distance == VlDistanceL1) {
    permutations = vl_malloc(sizeof(vl_uint32) * numData * self->dimension) ;
    numSeenSoFar = vl_malloc(sizeof(vl_size) * self->numCenters) ;
    VL_XCAT(_vl_kmeans_sort_data_helper_, SFX)(self, permutations, data, numData) ;

  for (energy = VL_INFINITY_D,
       iteration = 0,
       allDone = VL_FALSE ;
       1 ;
       ++ iteration) {

    /* assign data to cluters */
    VL_XCAT(_vl_kmeans_quantize_, SFX)(self, assignments, distances, data, numData) ;

    /* compute energy */
    energy = 0 ;
    for (x = 0 ; x < numData ; ++x) energy += distances[x] ;
    if (self->verbosity) {
      VL_PRINTF("kmeans: Lloyd iter %d: energy = %g\n", iteration,
                energy) ;

    /* check termination conditions */
    if (iteration >= self->maxNumIterations) {
      if (self->verbosity) {
        VL_PRINTF("kmeans: Lloyd terminating because maximum number of iterations reached\n") ;
      break ;
    if (energy == previousEnergy) {
      if (self->verbosity) {
        VL_PRINTF("kmeans: Lloyd terminating because the algorithm fully converged\n") ;
      break ;

    /* begin next iteration */
    previousEnergy = energy ;

    /* update clusters */
    memset(clusterMasses, 0, sizeof(vl_size) * numData) ;
    for (x = 0 ; x < numData ; ++x) {
      clusterMasses[assignments[x]] ++ ;

    switch (self->distance) {
      case VlDistanceL2:
        memset(self->centers, 0, sizeof(TYPE) * self->dimension * self->numCenters) ;
        for (x = 0 ; x < numData ; ++x) {
          TYPE * cpt = (TYPE*)self->centers + assignments[x] * self->dimension ;
          TYPE const * xpt = data + x * self->dimension ;
          for (d = 0 ; d < self->dimension ; ++d) { cpt[d] += xpt[d] ; }
        for (c = 0 ; c < self->numCenters ; ++c) {
          TYPE mass = clusterMasses[c] ;
          TYPE * cpt = (TYPE*)self->centers + c * self->dimension ;
          for (d = 0 ; d < self->dimension ; ++d) { cpt[d] /= mass ; }
        break ;
      case VlDistanceL1:
        for (d = 0 ; d < self->dimension ; ++d) {
          vl_uint32 * perm = permutations + d * numData ;
          memset(numSeenSoFar, 0, sizeof(vl_size) * self->numCenters) ;
          for (x = 0; x < numData ; ++x) {
            c = assignments[perm[x]] ;
            if (2 * numSeenSoFar[c] < clusterMasses[c]) {
              ((TYPE*)self->centers) [d + c * self->dimension] =
              data [d + perm[x] * self->dimension] ;
            numSeenSoFar[c] ++ ;
        break ;
    } /* done compute centers */
  } /* next Lloyd iteration */

  if (permutations) { vl_free(permutations) ; }
  if (numSeenSoFar) { vl_free(numSeenSoFar) ; }
  vl_free(distances) ;
  vl_free(assignments) ;
  vl_free(clusterMasses) ;
  return energy ;
Ejemplo n.º 18
VL_EXPORT double
vl_kmeans_cluster (VlKMeans * self,
                   void const * data,
                   vl_size dimension,
                   vl_size numData,
                   vl_size numCenters)
  vl_uindex repetition ;
  double bestEnergy = VL_INFINITY_D ;
  void * bestCenters = NULL ;

  for (repetition = 0 ; repetition < self->numRepetitions ; ++ repetition) {
    double energy ;
    double timeRef ;

    if (self->verbosity) {
      VL_PRINTF("kmeans: repetition %d of %d\n", repetition + 1, self->numRepetitions) ;

    timeRef = vl_get_cpu_time() ;
    switch (self->initialization) {
      case VlKMeansRandomSelection :
        vl_kmeans_seed_centers_with_rand_data (self,
                                               data, dimension, numData,
                                               numCenters) ;
        break ;
      case VlKMeansPlusPlus :
        vl_kmeans_seed_centers_plus_plus (self,
                                          data, dimension, numData,
                                          numCenters) ;
        break ;
        abort() ;

    if (self->verbosity) {
      VL_PRINTF("kmeans: K-means initialized in %.2f s\n",
                vl_get_cpu_time() - timeRef) ;

    timeRef = vl_get_cpu_time () ;
    energy = vl_kmeans_refine_centers (self, data, numData) ;
    if (self->verbosity) {
      VL_PRINTF("kmeans: K-means termineted in %.2f s with energy %g\n",
                vl_get_cpu_time() - timeRef, energy) ;

    /* copy centers to output if current solution is optimal */
    if (energy < bestEnergy) {
      void * temp ;
      bestEnergy = energy ;

      if (bestCenters == NULL) {
        bestCenters = vl_malloc(vl_get_type_size(self->dataType) *
                                self->dimension *
                                self->numCenters) ;

      /* swap buffers */
      temp = bestCenters ;
      bestCenters = self->centers ;
      self->centers = temp ;
    } /* better energy */
  } /* next repetition */

  vl_free (self->centers) ;
  self->centers = bestCenters ;
  return bestEnergy ;
Ejemplo n.º 19
VL_EXPORT vl_bool
vl_gaussian_elimination (double * A, vl_size numRows, vl_size numColumns)
  vl_index i, j, ii, jj ;
  assert(A) ;
  assert(numRows <= numColumns) ;

#define Aat(i,j) A[(i) + (j)*numRows]

  /* Gauss elimination */
  for(j = 0 ; j < (signed)numRows ; ++j) {
    double maxa = 0 ;
    double maxabsa = 0 ;
    vl_index maxi = -1 ;
    double tmp ;

#if 0
      vl_index iii, jjj ;
      for (iii = 0 ; iii < 2 ; ++iii) {
        for (jjj = 0 ; jjj < 3 ; ++jjj) {
          VL_PRINTF("%5.2g ", Aat(iii,jjj)) ;

        VL_PRINTF("\n") ;
      VL_PRINTF("\n") ;

    /* look for the maximally stable pivot */
    for (i = j ; i < (signed)numRows ; ++i) {
      double a = Aat(i,j) ;
      double absa = vl_abs_d (a) ;
      if (absa > maxabsa) {
        maxa = a ;
        maxabsa = absa ;
        maxi = i ;
    i = maxi ;

    /* if singular give up */
    if (maxabsa < 1e-10) return VL_ERR_OVERFLOW ;

    /* swap j-th row with i-th row and normalize j-th row */
    for(jj = j ; jj < (signed)numColumns ; ++jj) {
      tmp = Aat(i,jj) ; Aat(i,jj) = Aat(j,jj) ; Aat(j,jj) = tmp ;
      Aat(j,jj) /= maxa ;

#if 0
      vl_index iii, jjj ;
      VL_PRINTF("after swap %d %d\n", j, i);
      for (iii = 0 ; iii < 2 ; ++iii) {
        for (jjj = 0 ; jjj < 3 ; ++jjj) {
          VL_PRINTF("%5.2g ", Aat(iii,jjj)) ;

        VL_PRINTF("\n") ;
      VL_PRINTF("\n") ;

    /* elimination */
    for (ii = j+1 ; ii < (signed)numRows ; ++ii) {
      double x = Aat(ii,j) ;
      for (jj = j ; jj < (signed)numColumns ; ++jj) {
        Aat(ii,jj) -= x * Aat(j,jj) ;

#if 0
      VL_PRINTF("after elimination\n");

      vl_index iii, jjj ;
      for (iii = 0 ; iii < 2 ; ++iii) {
        for (jjj = 0 ; jjj < 3 ; ++jjj) {
          VL_PRINTF("%5.2g ", Aat(iii,jjj)) ;

        VL_PRINTF("\n") ;
      VL_PRINTF("\n") ;


  /* backward substitution */
  for (i = numRows - 1 ; i > 0 ; --i) {
    /* substitute in all rows above */
    for (ii = i - 1 ; ii >= 0 ; --ii) {
      double x = Aat(ii,i) ;
      /* j = numRows */
      for (j = numRows ; j < (signed)numColumns ; ++j) {
        Aat(ii,j) -= x * Aat(i,j) ;

#if 0
    VL_PRINTF("after substitution\n");

    vl_index iii, jjj ;
    for (iii = 0 ; iii < 2 ; ++iii) {
      for (jjj = 0 ; jjj < 3 ; ++jjj) {
        VL_PRINTF("%5.2g ", Aat(iii,jjj)) ;

      VL_PRINTF("\n") ;
    VL_PRINTF("\n") ;

  return VL_ERR_OK ;
Ejemplo n.º 20
void vl_print_host_info ()
  char const *arch = 0, *endian = 0, *comp = 0, *dm = 0 ;
  int compver ;
#ifdef VL_ARCH_IA6
  arch = "IA64" ;
#ifdef VL_ARCH_IX86
  arch = "IX86" ;
#ifdef VL_ARCH_PPC
  arch = "PPC" ;
  endian = "big endian" ;
  endian = "little endian" ;
  comp = "Microsoft Visual C++" ;
  compver = VL_COMPILER_MSC ;
  comp = "GNU C" ;
  compver = VL_COMPILER_GNUC ;

  dm = "LP64" ;
  dm = "LP64" ;
  dm = "ILP32" ;
#define YESNO(x) ((x)?"yes":"no")

  VL_PRINTF("Host: Compiler: %s %d\n", comp, compver) ;
  VL_PRINTF("      Compiler data model: %s\n", dm) ;
  VL_PRINTF("      CPU architecture: %s\n", arch) ;
  VL_PRINTF("      CPU endianness: %s\n", endian) ;
#ifdef HAS_CPUID
    struct x86cpu_ const* c = _vl_x86cpu_get() ;
    VL_PRINTF("      CPU vendor string: %s\n", c->vendor_string) ;
    VL_PRINTF("      CPU has MMX: %s\n",    YESNO(c->has_mmx)) ;
    VL_PRINTF("      CPU has SSE: %s\n",    YESNO(c->has_sse)) ;
    VL_PRINTF("      CPU has SSE2: %s\n",   YESNO(c->has_sse2)) ;
    VL_PRINTF("      CPU has SSE3: %s\n",   YESNO(c->has_sse3)) ;
    VL_PRINTF("      CPU has SSE4.1: %s\n", YESNO(c->has_sse41)) ;
    VL_PRINTF("      CPU has SSE4.2: %s\n", YESNO(c->has_sse42)) ;
    VL_PRINTF("VLFeat uses SIMD: %s\n", YESNO(vl_get_simd_enabled())) ;
Ejemplo n.º 21
main(int argc, char** argv)
  int error = 0 ;

  /* -----------------------------------------------------------------
   *                                                  vl_fast_resqrt_*
   * -------------------------------------------------------------- */

  VL_PRINTF ("%20s %10s %10s %10s\n", "func", "elaps [s]", "eval/s", "chksum") ;

#define SFX f
#define SFX2 FLT
#define T float
#define SQRT sqrtf
#define ABS  fabsf
#define ONE 1.0F
#include "test_mathop_fast_resqrt.tc"
#undef ONE
#undef ABS
#undef SQRT
#undef T
#undef SFX2
#undef SFX

#define SFX d
#define SFX2 DBL
#define T float
#define SQRT sqrt
#define ABS  fabs
#define ONE 1.0
#include "test_mathop_fast_resqrt.tc"
#undef ONE
#undef ABS
#undef SQRT
#undef T
#undef SFX2
#undef SFX

  VL_PRINTF("\n") ;

  /* -----------------------------------------------------------------
   *                                                  vl_fast_sqrt_ui*
   * -------------------------------------------------------------- */

  VL_PRINTF ("%20s %10s %10s %10s\n", "func", "elaps [s]", "eval/s", "chksum") ;

#undef SFX
#undef T
#undef STEP
#define SFX 32
#define T vl_uint32
#define STEP 7
#include "test_mathop_fast_sqrt_ui.tc"
#undef SFX
#undef T
#undef STEP
#define SFX 16
#define T vl_uint16
#define STEP 0
#include "test_mathop_fast_sqrt_ui.tc"
#undef SFX
#undef T
#undef STEP
#define SFX 8
#define T vl_uint8
#define STEP 0
#include "test_mathop_fast_sqrt_ui.tc"

  return error ;
Ejemplo n.º 22
int RoccTest::parseOptions(int argc, char** argv) {
  opts_.argv0 = argv[0];
  int c;
  while (1) {
    static struct option long_options[] = {
      {"trace",      required_argument, 0,                'c'},
      {"debug",      no_argument,       0,                'd'},
      {"help",       no_argument,       0,                'h'},
      {"memory",     required_argument, 0,                'm'},
      {"no-fail",    no_argument,       &opts_.nofail,     1},
      {"timeout",    required_argument, 0,                't'},
      {"verbose",    no_argument,       0,                'v'},
      {0, 0, 0, 0}
    int option_index = 0;
    c = getopt_long (argc, argv, "c:dhm:t:v", long_options, &option_index);
    if (c == -1)
    switch (c) {
      case 0:
      case 'c':
        opts_.filename_vcd = optarg;
        std::cerr <<
            "[ERROR] Trace unsupported. Verilator needs the `--trace` arg to build an\n"
            "[ERROR]   executable that can emit VCD files (use `make debug`).\n";
        opts_.exit_code = -3;
        return opts_.exit_code;
      case 'd':
        verbose = true;
      case 'h':
        opts_.exit_code = 0;
        return opts_.exit_code;
      case 'm':
        opts_.filename_mem = optarg;
      case 't':
        opts_.timeout = atoi(optarg) * 2;
      case 'v':
        opts_.verbose = true;
        printf("[ERROR] Bad command line option %d (%c)\n", c, c);
        opts_.exit_code = -2;
        return opts_.exit_code;

  VL_PRINTF("Enabling waves...\n");
  tfp_ = new VerilatedVcdC;
  t_->trace (tfp_, 99);
  if (opts_.filename_vcd) {
    if (verbose)
      std::cout << "[INFO] Writing VCD file" << opts_.filename_vcd << "\n";

  return opts_.exit_code;
Ejemplo n.º 23
int main() {
    tb = new VM_PREFIX ("tb");

    sc_signal<vluint32_t>	i3;
    sc_signal<vluint32_t>	o3;
    sc_signal<vluint32_t>	i34[4];
    sc_signal<vluint32_t>	o34[4];
    sc_signal<vluint32_t>	i345[4][5];
    sc_signal<vluint32_t>	o345[4][5];

    for (int i=0; i<4; i++) {
	for (int j=0; j<5; j++) {

    // loop through every possibility and check the result
#  define ASSIGN(s,v) s.write(v)
#  define READ(s) s.read()
#  define ASSIGN(s,v) tb->s = (v)
#  define READ(s) tb->s

    ASSIGN(i3, 13);
    for (int i=0; i<4; i++) {
	ASSIGN(i34[i], i);
	for (int j=0; j<5; j++) {
	    ASSIGN(i345[i][j], i*8 + j);


    check("o3", READ(o3), 13);
    for (int i=0; i<4; i++) {
	check("o34", READ(o34[i]), i);
	for (int j=0; j<5; j++) {
	    check("o345", READ(o345[i][j]), i*8 + j);

    if (pass) {
	VL_PRINTF("*-* All Finished *-*\n");
    } else {
	vl_fatal(__FILE__,__LINE__,"top", "Unexpected results from test\n");
    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 24
void vl_print_info () 
  VL_PRINTF ("VLFeat version %s\n", vl_get_version_string()) ;
  vl_print_host_info () ;