Ejemplo n.º 1
        void GenericCommunicator::send_msg( serializer * ser, int rcver )
            VT_FUNC_I( "Dist::GenComm::send_msg" );

            // Transform id from global to local:
            rcver -= m_globalIdShift;

            // Check:
            CNC_ASSERT( 0 <= rcver && rcver < m_channel->numProcs() );
            CNC_ASSERT( rcver != m_channel->localId() ); // no message to self allowed
            CNC_ASSERT( m_channel->isActive( rcver ) );

            // Prepare the serializer for sending (add Size, CRC etc.)
            CNC_ASSERT( ser && ser->is_packing() );
            //BufferAccess::finalizePack( *ser );

            // ITAC logging:
            VT_SEND( rcver, (int)ser->get_total_size(), ITC_TAG_EXTERNAL );
            VT_SEND( m_channel->localId(), (int)ser->get_total_size(), ITC_TAG_INTERNAL );
            // Send data:
            m_sendThread->pushForSend( ser, rcver );
Ejemplo n.º 2
        int MpiChannelInterface::sendBytes( void * data, size_type headerSize, size_type bodySize, int rcverLocalId )
            VT_FUNC_I( "MPI::sendBytes" );
            CNC_ASSERT( 0 <= rcverLocalId && rcverLocalId < numProcs() );
            if( bodySize + headerSize > INT_MAX ) {
                std::cerr << "MPI_Get_count doesn't allow a count > " << INT_MAX << ". No workaround implemented yet." << std::endl;
                MPI_Abort( m_communicator, 1234 );
            char* header_data = static_cast<char*>( data );
            MPI_Request request = 0;
            if( headerSize+bodySize < BUFF_SIZE ) {
                MPI_Isend( header_data, headerSize+bodySize, MPI_CHAR, rcverLocalId, FIRST_MSG, m_communicator, &request );
            } else {
                CNC_ASSERT( bodySize > 0 );
                // header Tag should not be equal to localId()
                MPI_Send( header_data, headerSize, MPI_CHAR, rcverLocalId, FIRST_MSG, m_communicator );
                char * body_data = header_data+headerSize;
                MPI_Isend( body_data, bodySize, MPI_CHAR, rcverLocalId, SECOND_MSG, m_communicator, &request );
            //            { Speaker oss; oss << "sendBytes " << headerSize << " " << bodySize; }
            return request;
            MPI_Wait( &request, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE );
            return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        serializer * MpiChannelInterface::waitForAnyClient( int & senderLocalId )
            VT_FUNC_I( "MPI::waitForAnyClient" );

            MPI_Status status;
            MPI_Wait( &m_request, &status );
            senderLocalId = status.MPI_SOURCE;
            CNC_ASSERT( 0 <= senderLocalId && senderLocalId < numProcs() );
            int _cnt;
            MPI_Get_count( &status, MPI_CHAR, &_cnt );
            size_type _bodySize = m_ser1->unpack_header(); // throws an exception in case of error
            CNC_ASSERT( _bodySize + m_ser1->get_header_size() == _cnt || m_ser1->get_header_size() == _cnt );

            // if we did not receive the body yet, we need to do so now
            if( _bodySize != 0 ) {
                CNC_ASSERT( _bodySize != Buffer::invalid_size );
                BufferAccess::acquire( *m_ser1, _bodySize ); // this is needed even if all is received: sets current pointer in buffer
                if( _cnt == m_ser1->get_header_size() ) {
                    // Enlarge the buffer if needed
                    MPI_Recv( m_ser1->get_body(), _bodySize, MPI_CHAR, senderLocalId, SECOND_MSG, m_communicator, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE );

            std::swap( m_ser1, m_ser2 ); // double buffer exchange
            MPI_Irecv( m_ser1->get_header(), BufferAccess::capacity( *m_ser1 ), MPI_CHAR, MPI_ANY_SOURCE, FIRST_MSG, m_communicator, &m_request );
            //            { Speaker oss; oss << "recvBytes " << _bodySize; }

            return _bodySize != 0 ? m_ser2 : NULL;
Ejemplo n.º 4
        void GenericCommunicator::fini()
            VT_FUNC_I( "Dist::GenComm::fini" );
            // Something to do at all?
            if ( ! m_hasBeenInitialized ) {
            } else {
                m_hasBeenInitialized = false;

            // Host sends termination requests to the remote clients.
            // Each client will send a response.
            if( m_channel->localId() == 0 ) {
                for ( int client = 1; client < numProcs(); ++client ) {
                    send_termination_request( client );

            // Stop sender and receiver threads:
            if ( m_recvThread ) {
            if ( m_sendThread ) {

            // Cleanup:
            delete m_recvThread;
            m_recvThread = NULL;
            delete m_sendThread;
            m_sendThread = NULL;

            // Cleanup ITAC stuff:
Ejemplo n.º 5
        int GenericCommunicator::init( int minId, int /*flag*/ )
            VT_FUNC_I( "Dist::GenComm::init" );

            // Already running?
            if ( m_hasBeenInitialized ) {
                return 0;
            } else {
                m_hasBeenInitialized = true;

            // Initialize ids:
            m_globalIdShift = minId;

             * NOTE: This method will be called from init() of a derived class.
             *       The derived class must have instantiated m_channel
             *       accordingly. Therefore, we can use m_channel here.

            // A process cannot send a message to itself.
            // Therefore, disable this channel:
            CNC_ASSERT( m_channel );
            m_channel->deactivate( m_channel->localId() );

            // Start sender loop (same on host and on client):
            CNC_ASSERT( m_sendThread == 0 );
            m_sendThread = new SendThread( *m_channel );
            m_sendThread->defineThreadName( "SEND", m_channel->localId() );
# endif

            // Start receiver loop:
            CNC_ASSERT( m_recvThread == 0 );
            m_recvThread = new RecvThread( *this ); // needs whole instance, not only the channel
            if ( ! remote() || distributor::distributed_env() ) {
                // Host(s) runs the receiver loop in a separate thread.
                // Prepare receiver thread:
                m_recvThread->defineThreadName( "RECV" );
            } else {
                // clients run it in the main thread

                // On certain OSes (such as MIC), a call to "exit" is 
                // considered an abnormal termination, regarless of 
                // the argument. 
                if (m_exit0CallOk) exit( 0 ); 

            return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 6
        bool GenericCommunicator::bcast_msg( serializer * ser, const int * rcvers, int nrecvrs )
            VT_FUNC_I( "Dist::GenComm::bcast_msg" );

            // Prepare the serializer for sending (add Size, CRC etc.)
            CNC_ASSERT( ser && ser->is_packing() );
            //BufferAccess::finalizePack( *ser );

            // Bcast data:
            return m_sendThread->pushForBcast( ser, rcvers, nrecvrs, m_globalIdShift );
Ejemplo n.º 7
        void GenericCommunicator::bcast_msg( serializer * ser )
            VT_FUNC_I( "Dist::GenComm::bcast_msg" );

            // Prepare the serializer for sending (add Size, CRC etc.)
            CNC_ASSERT( ser && ser->is_packing() );
            //BufferAccess::finalizePack( *ser );

            // Bcast data:
            m_sendThread->pushForBcast( ser );
Ejemplo n.º 8
        void GenericCommunicator::send_termination_request( int rcverLocalId, bool isBlocking )
            VT_FUNC_I( "Dist::GenComm::send_termination_request" );

            // Send data. No ITAC logging of termination message.
            if ( ! isBlocking ) {
                m_sendThread->pushTerminationRequest( rcverLocalId, 0 );
            else {
                volatile bool myIndicator = false;
                m_sendThread->pushTerminationRequest( rcverLocalId, &myIndicator );
                // Blocking send: wait until the message has been sent successfully:
                while ( ! myIndicator ) {
Ejemplo n.º 9
        void MpiCommunicator::fini()
            VT_FUNC_I( "MpiCommunicator::fini" );
            // Already running?
            if ( ! m_hasBeenInitialized ) {

            // First the generic cleanup:

            // Cleanup of mpi specific stuff:
            delete m_channel;
            m_channel = NULL;
            if( ! ( isDistributed() || m_customComm ) ) {
Ejemplo n.º 10
        void SocketClientInitializer::init_itac_comm()
            VT_FUNC_I( "Dist::Socket::init_itac_comm" );

            UINT32 nBytes;
            PAL_SockRes_t ret;

             // Receive client ranks (local and global):
            int itacRank[2];
            ret = PAL_Recv( HERE, m_channel.m_socketCommData[0].m_recvSocket, itacRank, 2 * sizeof( int ), &nBytes, -1, false );
            CNC_ASSERT( ret == PAL_SOCK_OK && nBytes == sizeof( itacRank ) );
            int localRank  = itacRank[0];
            int globalRank = itacRank[1];

             // Define process name in ITAC tracefile:
            char clientName[128];
            sprintf( clientName, "sClient%d", localRank );

             // Determine VTcs contact string:
            const char* vtContact;
            VT_CLIENT_INIT( globalRank, NULL, &vtContact );

             // Send VTcs contact string to host:
            int length = (int)strlen( vtContact ) + 1;
            ret = PAL_Send( HERE, m_channel.m_socketCommData[0].m_sendSocket, &length, sizeof( int ), &nBytes, -1 );
            CNC_ASSERT( ret == PAL_SOCK_OK && nBytes == sizeof( length ) );
            ret = PAL_Send( HERE, m_channel.m_socketCommData[0].m_sendSocket, vtContact, length, &nBytes, -1 );
            CNC_ASSERT( ret == PAL_SOCK_OK && nBytes == length );

             // Construct ITAC thread name:
            char thrName[64];
            sprintf( thrName, "RECV%d", m_channel.localId() );

             // Initialize VTcs:
            VT_THREAD_NAME( thrName );

#endif // CNC_WITH_ITAC
Ejemplo n.º 11
        int MpiCommunicator::init( int minId, long thecomm_ )
            VT_FUNC_I( "MpiCommunicator::init" );

            assert( sizeof(thecomm_) >= sizeof(MPI_Comm) );
            MPI_Comm thecomm = (MPI_Comm)thecomm_;

            // turn wait mode on for intel mpi if possible
            // this should greatly improve performance for intel mpi
            PAL_SetEnvVar( "I_MPI_WAIT_MODE", "enable", 0);

            int flag;
            MPI_Initialized( &flag );
            if ( ! flag ) {
                int p;
                //!! FIXME passing NULL ptr breaks mvapich1 mpi implementation
                MPI_Init_thread( 0, NULL, MPI_THREAD_MULTIPLE, &p );
                if( p != MPI_THREAD_MULTIPLE ) {
                    // can't use Speaker yet, need Channels to be inited
                    std::cerr << "[CnC] Warning: not MPI_THREAD_MULTIPLE (" << MPI_THREAD_MULTIPLE << "), but " << p << std::endl;
            } else if( thecomm == 0 ) {
                CNC_ABORT( "Process has already been initialized" );

            MPI_Comm myComm = MPI_COMM_WORLD;
            int rank;
            MPI_Comm parentComm;
            if( thecomm == 0 ) {
                MPI_Comm_get_parent( &parentComm );
            } else {
                m_customComm = true;
                m_exit0CallOk = false;
                myComm = thecomm;
            MPI_Comm_rank( myComm, &rank );
            // father of all checks if he's requested to spawn processes:
            if ( rank == 0 && parentComm == MPI_COMM_NULL ) {
                // Ok, let's spawn the clients.
                // I need some information for the startup.
                // 1. Name of the executable (default is the current exe)
                const char * _tmp = getenv( "CNC_MPI_SPAWN" );
                if ( _tmp ) {
                    int nClientsToSpawn = atol( _tmp );
                    _tmp = getenv( "CNC_MPI_EXECUTABLE" );
                    std::string clientExe( _tmp ? _tmp : "" );
                    if( clientExe.empty() ) clientExe = PAL_GetProgname();
                    CNC_ASSERT( ! clientExe.empty() );
                    // 3. Special setting for MPI_Info: hosts
                    const char * clientHost = getenv( "CNC_MPI_HOSTS" );
                    // Prepare MPI_Info object:
                    MPI_Info clientInfo = MPI_INFO_NULL;
                    if ( clientHost ) {
                        MPI_Info_create( &clientInfo );
                        if ( clientHost ) {
                            MPI_Info_set( clientInfo, const_cast< char * >( "host" ), const_cast< char * >( clientHost ) );
                            // can't use Speaker yet, need Channels to be inited
                            std::cerr << "[CnC " << rank << "] Set MPI_Info_set( \"host\", \"" << clientHost << "\" )\n";
                    // Now spawn the client processes:
                    // can't use Speaker yet, need Channels to be inited
                    std::cerr << "[CnC " << rank << "] Spawning " << nClientsToSpawn << " MPI processes" << std::endl;
                    int* errCodes = new int[nClientsToSpawn];
                    MPI_Comm interComm;
                    int err = MPI_Comm_spawn( const_cast< char * >( clientExe.c_str() ),
                                              MPI_ARGV_NULL, nClientsToSpawn,
                                              clientInfo, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD,
                                              &interComm, errCodes );
                    delete [] errCodes;
                    if ( err ) {
                        // can't use Speaker yet, need Channels to be inited
                        std::cerr << "[CnC " << rank << "] Error in MPI_Comm_spawn. Skipping process spawning";
                    } else {
                        MPI_Intercomm_merge( interComm, 0, &myComm );
                } // else {
                // No process spawning
                // MPI-1 situation: all clients to be started by mpiexec
                //                    myComm = MPI_COMM_WORLD;
            if ( thecomm == 0 && parentComm != MPI_COMM_NULL ) {
                // I am a child. Build intra-comm to the parent.
                MPI_Intercomm_merge( parentComm, 1, &myComm );
            MPI_Comm_rank( myComm, &rank );

            CNC_ASSERT( m_channel == NULL );
            MpiChannelInterface* myChannel = new MpiChannelInterface( use_crc(), myComm );
            m_channel = myChannel;

            int size;
            MPI_Comm_size( myComm, &size );
            // Are we on the host or on the remote side?
            if ( rank == 0 ) {
                if( size <= 1 ) {
                    Speaker oss( std::cerr ); oss << "Warning: no clients avabilable. Forgot to set CNC_MPI_SPAWN?";
                // ==> HOST startup: 
                // This initializes the mpi environment in myChannel.
                MpiHostInitializer hostInitializer( *myChannel );
                hostInitializer.init_mpi_comm( myComm );
            } else {
                // ==> CLIENT startup:
                // This initializes the mpi environment in myChannel.
                MpiClientInitializer clientInitializer( *myChannel );
                clientInitializer.init_mpi_comm( myComm );

            { Speaker oss( std::cerr ); oss << "MPI initialization complete (rank " << rank << ")."; }

            //            MPI_Barrier( myComm );

            // Now the mpi specific setup is finished.
            // Do the generic initialization stuff.
            GenericCommunicator::init( minId );

            return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 12
     VT_FUNC_I( "MpiCommunicator::~MpiCommunicator" );
     CNC_ASSERT( m_channel == 0 ); // was deleted in fini()
Ejemplo n.º 13
 void MpiChannelInterface::wait( int * requests, int cnt )
     VT_FUNC_I( "MPI::wait" );
     MPI_Waitall( cnt, requests, MPI_STATUSES_IGNORE );
Ejemplo n.º 14
 void MpiChannelInterface::recvBodyBytes( void * body, size_type bodySize, int senderLocalId )
     VT_FUNC_I( "MPI::recvBodyBytes" );
     CNC_ASSERT( 0 <= senderLocalId && senderLocalId < numProcs() );
     MPI_Recv( body, bodySize, MPI_CHAR, senderLocalId, SECOND_MSG, m_communicator, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE );
Ejemplo n.º 15
        void SocketClientInitializer::init_socket_comm()
            VT_FUNC_I( "Dist::Socket::init_socket_comm" );

            UINT32 nBytes;
            PAL_SockRes_t ret;

             // Initialize socket layer (must be done only once ...)
            PAL_SockInit( HERE );

            // Create socket connection with the host.
            // Resulting communicators are put into m_channel.m_socketCommData[0].
            // Socket connections to the other clients will be set up
            // later (in build_client_connections).

            PAL_Socket_t newSocket;

             // Predefined client id?
            int myClientId = 0;
            const char* cncSocketClientId = getenv( "CNC_SOCKET_CLIENT_ID" );
                        // envvar to be set from the client starter script,
                        // don't make it a config setting!
            if ( cncSocketClientId ) {
                myClientId = atoi( cncSocketClientId );
                CNC_ASSERT( myClientId >= 1 );

             // Create first socket connection to the host:
            ret = PAL_Connect( HERE, m_hostContactStr, -1, &newSocket );
            CNC_ASSERT( ret == PAL_SOCK_OK );
            int clientIdArr[2];
            clientIdArr[0] = ( ! cncSocketClientId ) ? 0 : 1; // defines 1st stage AND whether client id was set on the client
            clientIdArr[1] = myClientId;
            ret = PAL_Send( HERE, newSocket, clientIdArr, 2 * sizeof( int ), &nBytes, -1 );
            CNC_ASSERT( ret == PAL_SOCK_OK && nBytes == sizeof( clientIdArr ) );
            const int myClientIdOrig = myClientId;
            int arr[2];
            ret = PAL_Recv( HERE, newSocket, arr, 2 * sizeof( int ), &nBytes, -1, false );
            CNC_ASSERT( ret == PAL_SOCK_OK && nBytes == sizeof( arr ) );
            myClientId  = arr[0];
            int numProcsTotal = arr[1];

             // Check client id:
            CNC_ASSERT( ! cncSocketClientId || myClientId == myClientIdOrig );
            CNC_ASSERT( myClientId >= 0 );

             // ==> Now the number of relevant processes is known.
             //     Prepare the data structures accordingly !!!
            m_channel.setLocalId( myClientId );
            m_channel.setNumProcs( numProcsTotal );
            m_channel.m_socketCommData[0].m_recvSocket = newSocket;

             // Create second socket connection to the host:
            ret = PAL_Connect( HERE, m_hostContactStr, -1, &m_channel.m_socketCommData[0].m_sendSocket );
            CNC_ASSERT( ret == PAL_SOCK_OK );
            clientIdArr[0] = 2; // defines 2nd stage
            clientIdArr[1] = myClientId; // must now be >= 0
            ret = PAL_Send( HERE, m_channel.m_socketCommData[0].m_sendSocket, clientIdArr, 2 * sizeof( int ), &nBytes, -1 );
            CNC_ASSERT( ret == PAL_SOCK_OK && nBytes == sizeof( clientIdArr ) );

             // Agree with the host on setup data like the number of worker threads.

             // Setup connections between clients. Host will be coordinating this.

             // Final step of initialization: setup of ITAC connections (VTcs):