Ejemplo n.º 1
void FieldGenerator::signal_update(Common::SignalArgs& node)
  Component::Ptr mesh_component = access_component_ptr(URI(option("Mesh").value_str()));
    throw ValueNotFound(FromHere(), "The path for the mesh is incorrect");

  CMesh::Ptr mesh = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<CMesh>(mesh_component);
    throw BadValue(FromHere(), "The given path does not point to a mesh");

  const std::string field_name = option("FieldName").value_str();
  const std::string var_name = option("VariableName").value_str();
  const Real value = option("Value").value<Real>();

  // Get the field, if it exists
  CField::Ptr field = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<CField>(mesh->get_child_ptr(field_name));

  // We can update the field if it exists AND contains the variable that we need
  if(field && !field->has_variable(var_name))
    throw ValueExists(FromHere(), "A field with name " + field_name + " already exists, but it does not contain a variable named " + var_name);

  // If the field didn't exist, we create it
    mesh->create_scalar_field(field_name, var_name, CF::Mesh::CField::Basis::POINT_BASED);

  // Proto placeholder
  MeshTerm<0, ScalarField> s(field_name, var_name);

  // Update the field value
  for_each_node(mesh->topology(), s = value);
Ejemplo n.º 2
CActionDirector& CActionDirector::append(const CAction::Ptr& action)
  Component::Ptr existing_child = get_child_ptr(action->name());
      CLink& action_link = create_component<CLink>(action->name());
    // If a child with the given name existed, check that it corresponds to the supplied action
    CAction::Ptr existing_action = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<CAction>(existing_child);

      throw ValueExists(FromHere(), "A component named " + action->name() + " already exists in " + uri().string() + ", but it is not a CAction");

    if(existing_action != action)
      throw ValueExists(FromHere(), "An action named " + action->name() + " already exists in " + uri().string() + ", but it is different from the appended action");

  Option& actions_prop = option("ActionOrder");
  std::vector<std::string> actions; actions_prop.put_value(actions);


  return *this;
Ejemplo n.º 3
*NAME		:TYSIniFile::WriteStringList
*MODULE		:YSIniFiles.cpp
*FUNCTION	:文字列リスト書き込み処理関数です
*PROCESS	:・文字列リストの書き込みです。
*INPUT		:const CString section		:セクション名
*INPUT		:const CString iname		:Ident名
*INPUT		:const TStringList& slist	:内容
*ID -- DATE ------- NOTE ------------------------------------------------------
*00 03.02.13 Y.Sasai Ver.0.90 初期作成
void TYSIniFile::WriteStringList( const CString section, const CString iname, TStringList& slist )
	CString ident;
	int tempi;

	for ( tempi = 0; true; tempi++ ) {
		ident = iname + Number[tempi];															// 2003.02.13 Y.Sasai Ver.0.00 Ident名作成
		if ( tempi < slist.Count ) {															// 2003.02.13 Y.Sasai Ver.0.00 文字列リスト行数内なら…
			WriteString( section, iname + Number[tempi], slist[tempi] );						// 2003.02.13 Y.Sasai Ver.0.90 文字列書き込み
		} else {																				// 2003.02.13 Y.Sasai Ver.0.00 行数を超えたら…
			if ( ValueExists( section, ident ) == false ) {										// 2003.02.13 Y.Sasai Ver.0.90 Ident名がなかったら…
				break;																			// 2003.02.13 Y.Sasai Ver.0.00 ぬけるぞ
			DeleteKey( section, ident );														// 2003.02.13 Y.Sasai Ver.0.00 削除だ
Ejemplo n.º 4
*NAME		:TYSIniFile::ReadStringList
*MODULE		:YSIniFiles.cpp
*FUNCTION	:文字列リスト読み込み処理関数です
*PROCESS	:・文字列リスト読み込み処理です。
*INPUT		:const CString section	:セクション名
*INPUT		:const CString iname	:Ident名
*INPUT		:TStringList& slist		:設定クラス
*RETURN		:読み込み行数
*ID -- DATE ------- NOTE ------------------------------------------------------
*00 03.02.13 Y.Sasai Ver.0.90 初期作成
int TYSIniFile::ReadStringList( const CString section, const CString iname, TStringList& slist )
	int result = 0;																				// 2003.02.13 Y.Sasai Ver.0.90 初期化だ
	CString ident;
	CString txt;

	slist.Clear();																				// 2003.02.13 Y.Sasai Ver.0.90 全消去だ
	while ( true ) {
		ident = iname + Number[result];															// 2003.02.13 Y.Sasai Ver.0.90 Ident名作成
		if ( ValueExists( section, ident ) == false ) {											// 2003.02.13 Y.Sasai Ver.0.90 Ident名がなかったら…
			break;																				// 2003.02.13 Y.Sasai Ver.0.90 ぬけるぞ
		txt = ReadString( section, ident, "" );													// 2003.02.13 Y.Sasai Ver.0.90 文字列読み込み
		slist.Add( txt );																		// 2003.02.13 Y.Sasai Ver.0.90 追加だ
		result++;																				// 2003.02.13 Y.Sasai Ver.0.00 加算だ

	return ( result );																			// 2003.02.13 Y.Sasai Ver.0.90 おわりだ