// DECL: static void setEnabled(Level level, bool enabled); void hx_Logger_static_setEnabled(value level, value enabled) { Logger::Level _level; bool _enabled = val_get_bool(enabled); ValueToEnum(level, _level); Logger::setEnabled(_level, _enabled); }
// DECL: static void log(Level level, const char* message, ...); void hx_Logger_static_log(value level, value message) { Logger::Level _level; const char *_message = ValueToString(message); ValueToEnum(level, _level); Logger::log(_level, _message); }
// DECL: static void set(Level level, void (*logFunction) (Level, const char*)); void hx_Logger_static_set_Int_Func(value level, value _logFunction) { Logger::Level _level; ValueToEnum(level, _level); // Obtain a pointer to the callback wrapper. // void (*func) (Logger::Level, const char*) = NULL; if (!val_is_null(_logFunction)) func = logFunction; // Clear or set the GC root for the Haxe callback. // if (func == NULL && clbkLogFunction != NULL) { SAFE_DELETE(clbkLogFunction); clbkLogFunction = NULL; } if (func != NULL) { if (clbkLogFunction == NULL) clbkLogFunction = new AutoGCRoot(_logFunction); else clbkLogFunction->set(_logFunction); } Logger::set(_level, func); }
// DECL: Animation* createAnimation(const char* id, int propertyId, unsigned int keyCount, unsigned int* keyTimes, float* keyValues, float* keyInValue, float* keyOutValue, Curve::InterpolationType type); value hx_AnimationTarget_createAnimation_Str_IntX2_DatX4_Int(value *args, int nargs) { const value& thisObj = *args++; const value& id = *args++; const value& propertyId = *args++; const value& keyCount = *args++; const value& keyTimes = *args++; const value& keyValues = *args++; const value& keyInValue = *args++; const value& keyOutValue = *args++; const value& type = *args; AnimationTarget *_thisObj; const char *_id = ValueToString(id); int _propertyId = val_get_int(propertyId); unsigned int _keyCount = ValueToUint(keyCount); unsigned int *_keyTimes; float *_keyValues; float *_keyInValue; float *_keyOutValue; Curve::InterpolationType _type; ValueToObject(thisObj, _thisObj); ValueToBuffer(keyTimes, _keyTimes); ValueToBuffer(keyValues, _keyValues); ValueToBuffer(keyInValue, _keyInValue); ValueToBuffer(keyOutValue, _keyOutValue); ValueToEnum(type, _type); return ReferenceToValue(_thisObj->createAnimation(_id, _propertyId, _keyCount, _keyTimes, _keyValues, _keyInValue, _keyOutValue, _type)); }
// DECL: bool isButtonDown(ButtonMapping button) const; value hx_Gamepad_isButtonDown(value thisObj, value button) { Gamepad *_thisObj; Gamepad::ButtonMapping _button; ValueToObject(thisObj, _thisObj); ValueToEnum(button, _button); return alloc_bool(_thisObj->isButtonDown(_button)); }
// DECL: void unregisterGesture(Gesture::GestureEvent evt); void hx_Game_unregisterGesture(value thisObj, value evt) { Game *_thisObj; Gesture::GestureEvent _evt; ValueToObject(thisObj, _thisObj); ValueToEnum(evt, _evt); _thisObj->unregisterGesture(_evt); }
// DECL: bool isGestureSupported(Gesture::GestureEvent evt); value hx_Game_isGestureSupported(value thisObj, value evt) { Game *_thisObj; Gesture::GestureEvent _evt; ValueToObject(thisObj, _thisObj); ValueToEnum(evt, _evt); return alloc_bool(_thisObj->isGestureSupported(_evt)); }
// DECL: void setParameterAutoBinding(const char* name, AutoBinding autoBinding); void hx_RenderState_setParameterAutoBinding_Str_Int(value thisObj, value name, value autoBinding) { RenderState *_thisObj; const char *_name = ValueToString(name); RenderState::AutoBinding _autoBinding; ValueToObject(thisObj, _thisObj); ValueToEnum(autoBinding, _autoBinding); _thisObj->setParameterAutoBinding(_name, _autoBinding); }
// DECL: void clear(ClearFlags flags, const Vector4& clearColor, float clearDepth, int clearStencil); void hx_Game_clear_Int_V4_Flt_Int(value thisObj, value flags, value clearColor, value clearDepth, value clearStencil) { Game *_thisObj; Game::ClearFlags _flags; Vector4 *_clearColor; float _clearDepth = ValueToFloat(clearDepth); int _clearStencil = val_get_int(clearStencil); ValueToObject(thisObj, _thisObj); ValueToEnum(flags, _flags); ValueToObject(clearColor, _clearColor); _thisObj->clear(_flags, *_clearColor, _clearDepth, _clearStencil); }
// DECL: static void set(Level level, const char* logFunction); void hx_Logger_static_set_Int_Str(value level, value logFunction) { Logger::Level _level; const char *_logFunction = ValueToString(logFunction); ValueToEnum(level, _level); if (clbkLogFunction != NULL) { SAFE_DELETE(clbkLogFunction); clbkLogFunction = NULL; } Logger::set(_level, _logFunction); }
// DECL: void clear(ClearFlags flags, float red, float green, float blue, float alpha, float clearDepth, int clearStencil); void hx_Game_clear_Int_FltX5_Int(value *args, int nargs) { const value& thisObj = *args++; const value& flags = *args++; const value& red = *args++; const value& green = *args++; const value& blue = *args++; const value& alpha = *args++; const value& clearDepth = *args++; const value& clearStencil = *args; Game *_thisObj; Game::ClearFlags _flags; float _red = ValueToFloat(red); float _green = ValueToFloat(green); float _blue = ValueToFloat(blue); float _alpha = ValueToFloat(alpha); float _clearDepth = ValueToFloat(clearDepth); int _clearStencil = val_get_int(clearStencil); ValueToObject(thisObj, _thisObj); ValueToEnum(flags, _flags); _thisObj->clear(_flags, _red, _green, _blue, _alpha, _clearDepth, _clearStencil); }
// DECL: Animation* createAnimationFromBy(const char* id, int propertyId, float* from, float* by, Curve::InterpolationType type, unsigned long duration); value hx_AnimationTarget_createAnimationFromBy(value *args, int nargs) { const value& thisObj = *args++; const value& id = *args++; const value& propertyId = *args++; const value& from = *args++; const value& by = *args++; const value& type = *args++; const value& duration = *args; AnimationTarget *_thisObj; const char *_id = ValueToString(id); int _propertyId = val_get_int(propertyId); float *_from; float *_by; Curve::InterpolationType _type; unsigned long _duration = ValueToUlong(duration); ValueToObject(thisObj, _thisObj); ValueToBuffer(from, _from); ValueToBuffer(by, _by); ValueToEnum(type, _type); return ReferenceToValue(_thisObj->createAnimationFromBy(_id, _propertyId, _from, _by, _type, _duration)); }
// DECL: static bool isEnabled(Level level); value hx_Logger_static_isEnabled(value level) { Logger::Level _level; ValueToEnum(level, _level); return alloc_bool(Logger::isEnabled(_level)); }