Ejemplo n.º 1
int SQLCommandf( PODBC odbc, CTEXTSTR fmt, ... )
	int result;
	PTEXT cmd;
	PVARTEXT pvt = VarTextCreateExx( 4096, 16384 * 16 );
	va_list args;
	va_start( args, fmt );
	vvtprintf( pvt, fmt, args );
	cmd = VarTextGet( pvt );
	if( cmd )
		VarTextDestroy( &pvt );
		result = SQLCommandEx( odbc, GetText( cmd ) DBG_ARGS(SQLCommandf) );
		LineRelease( cmd );
		lprintf( WIDE("ERROR: Sql format failed: %s"), fmt );
	return result;
Ejemplo n.º 2
int main( int argc, char **argv )
	FILE *input = stdin;
	PVARTEXT pvt_cmd;
	TEXTCHAR readbuf[4096];
	int offset = 0;
	int no_headers = 0;
	PODBC default_odbc = NULL;
	CTEXTSTR select_into;
	PLIST output = NULL;
	PLIST outputs = NULL;
	int arg_ofs = 0;
	SQLSetFeedbackHandler( ShowSQLStates );
	//SetAllocateDebug( TRUE );
	//SetAllocateLogging( TRUE );
	if( argc < 2 )
		Usage( 1 );
		while( argv[1+arg_ofs] && ( argv[1+arg_ofs][0] == '-' ) )
			TEXTSTR tmp;
			switch( argv[1+arg_ofs][1] )
			case 'n':
				no_headers = 1;
			case 'f':
				input = sack_fopen( 0, tmp = DupCharToText( argv[1+arg_ofs] ), WIDE("rt") );
				if( input )
					SQLSetFeedbackHandler( LogSQLStates );
			if( tmp )
				Deallocate( TEXTSTR, tmp );
				tmp = NULL;
		if( argv[1+arg_ofs] )
			default_odbc = ConnectToDatabase( DupCharToText( argv[1 + arg_ofs] ) );
	SetHeapUnit( 4096 * 1024 ); // 4 megs expansion if needed...
	pvt_cmd = VarTextCreateExx( 10000, 50000 );

	while( (buf = readbuf), fgets( readbuf + offset
					, sizeof( readbuf ) - offset
					, input ) )
		CTEXTSTR *result = NULL;
		size_t len;
		while( buf[0] == WIDE(' ') || buf[0] == WIDE('\t') )
		len = strlen( buf );
		if( buf[0] == WIDE('#') )
		if( ( len > 0 ) && buf[len-1] == WIDE('\n') )
			buf[len] = 0;

		if( strcmp( buf, WIDE("\\q") ) == 0 )

		if( !buf[0] && VarTextLength( pvt_cmd ) == 0 )

		if( ( len > 0 ) && buf[len-1] == WIDE('\\') )
			buf[len-1] = 0;
			vtprintf( pvt_cmd, WIDE("%s"), buf );
			offset = 0;
			//offset = (len - 1); // read over the slash
			if( len > 0 )
				vtprintf( pvt_cmd, WIDE("%s"), buf );
			offset = 0;

		buf = GetText( VarTextPeek( pvt_cmd ) );

		if( buf[0] == WIDE('?') )
			int fields;
			int replace = 0;
			int ofs = 1;
			CTEXTSTR *columns;
			TEXTSTR *_columns;
			if( buf[1] == WIDE('!') )
				replace = 1;
				ofs = 2;
			if( output )
				if( !select_into || !select_into[0] )
					printf( WIDE("Table name was invalid to insert into on the destination side...\'%s\'"), select_into );
					VarTextEmpty( pvt_cmd );
				pvt = VarTextCreateExx( 10000, 50000 );
			if( SQLRecordQuery( default_odbc, buf + ofs, &fields, &result, &columns ) )
				int count = 0;
				int first = 1;
				_columns = NewArray( TEXTSTR, fields );
				if( !no_headers )
						int n;
						for( n = 0; n < fields; n++ )
							_columns[n] = StrDup( columns[n] );
							if( !pvt )
								fprintf( stdout, WIDE("%s%s"), n?WIDE(","):WIDE(""), columns[n] );
					if( !pvt )
						fprintf( stdout, WIDE("\n") );
				for( ; result; FetchSQLRecord( default_odbc, &result ) )
					if( pvt && first )
						vtprintf( pvt, WIDE("%s into `%s` ("), replace?WIDE("replace"):WIDE("insert ignore"), select_into );
							int first = 1;
							int n;
							for( n = 0; n < fields; n++ )
								vtprintf( pvt, WIDE("%s`%s`"), first?WIDE(""):WIDE(","), _columns[n] );
								first = 0;
						vtprintf( pvt, WIDE(") values ") );
					if( pvt )
						vtprintf( pvt, WIDE("%s("), first?WIDE(""):WIDE(",") );
							int first = 1; // private first, sorry :) parse that, Visual studio can.
							int n;
							for( n = 0; n < fields; n++ )
								TEXTSTR tmp;
								vtprintf( pvt, WIDE("%s%s")
										  , first?WIDE(""):WIDE(",")
										  , result[n]?(tmp=EscapeStringOpt( result[n], TRUE)):((tmp=NULL),WIDE("NULL"))
								Release( tmp );
								first = 0;
						vtprintf( pvt, WIDE(")") );
						int n;
						int first = 1;
						for( n = 0; n < fields; n++ )

							fprintf( stdout, WIDE("%s%s"), first?WIDE(""):WIDE(","),result[n]?result[n]:WIDE("NULL") );
							first = 0;
						fprintf( stdout, WIDE("\n") );
					first = 0;
					if( ( VarTextLength( pvt ) ) > 100000 )
						PTEXT cmd;
						first = 1; // reset first to rebuild the beginning of the insert.
						printf( WIDE("Flushing at 100k characters...%d records\n"), count );
						if( pvt )
							cmd = VarTextGet( pvt );
							if( cmd )
								INDEX idx;
								PODBC odbc;
								LIST_FORALL( output, idx, PODBC, odbc )
									if( !SQLCommand( odbc, GetText( cmd ) ) )
										printf( WIDE("Failed command to:%s\n"), (CTEXTSTR)GetLink( &outputs, idx ) );
								LineRelease( cmd );
				if( !no_headers )
					int n;
					for( n = 0; n < fields; n++ )
						Release( _columns[n] );
				Release( _columns );