Ejemplo n.º 1
void Vec3TransformNormal(KVec3& res, const KVec3& v, const KMatrix4& mat)
	KVec3 orig, dst;
	Vec3TransformCoord(orig, KVec3(0,0,0), mat);
	Vec3TransformCoord(dst, v, mat);
	res = dst - orig;
Ejemplo n.º 2
void LocalTRSFrame::TransformRay(KRay& out_ray, const KRay& in_ray, const LocalTRSFrame::LclTRS& trs)
	KMatrix4 inv_trs = trs.trs.getInverse();
	KVec3d newOrig;
	Vec3TransformCoord(newOrig, in_ray.GetOrg(), inv_trs);
	KVec3d oldDst = in_ray.GetOrg() + in_ray.GetDir();
	KVec3d newDst;
	Vec3TransformCoord(newDst, oldDst, inv_trs);
	KVec3d newDir = newDst - newOrig;

	out_ray.Init(newOrig, newDir, NULL);
Ejemplo n.º 3
 float3 operator*(const float3& v, const _float4x4& m)
   _float4 t;
   Vec3TransformCoord(&t, &v, &m);
   const float fInverseW = 1.0f / t.w;
   return float3(t.x * fInverseW, t.y * fInverseW, t.z * fInverseW);
Ejemplo n.º 4
void TracingInstance::CalcuHitInfo(const IntersectContext& hit_ctx, IntersectInfo& out_info) const
	const KSceneSet* pPlainScene = mpScene->GetSource();
	const KScene* pKDScene = pPlainScene->GetNodeKDScene(hit_ctx.bbox_node_idx);
	KAnimation::LocalTRSFrame::LclTRS nodeTRS;
	pPlainScene->GetNodeTransform(nodeTRS, hit_ctx.bbox_node_idx, mCameraContext.inMotionTime);
	const nvmath::Mat33f scene_rot = nodeTRS.trs.getRotation();
	const nvmath::Mat44f scene_trans = nodeTRS.trs.getMatrix();
	const KTriDesc* pTri = mpScene->GetAccelTriData(hit_ctx.bbox_node_idx, hit_ctx.tri_id);
	UINT32 mesh_idx = pTri->GetMeshIdx();
	UINT32 node_idx = pTri->GetNodeIdx();
	UINT32 tri_idx = pTri->mTriIdx;
	const KTriMesh* pMesh = pKDScene->GetMesh(mesh_idx);
	const KNode* pNode = pKDScene->GetNode(node_idx);
	const nvmath::Mat33f world_rot = nvmath::Mat33f(pNode->GetObjectRot()) * scene_rot;

	KTriMesh::PN_Data pn_vert[3];
	pMesh->ComputePN_Data(pn_vert[0], pMesh->mFaces[tri_idx].pn_idx[0], mCameraContext.inMotionTime);
	pMesh->ComputePN_Data(pn_vert[1], pMesh->mFaces[tri_idx].pn_idx[1], mCameraContext.inMotionTime);
	pMesh->ComputePN_Data(pn_vert[2], pMesh->mFaces[tri_idx].pn_idx[2], mCameraContext.inMotionTime);

	out_info.pos = pn_vert[0].pos * hit_ctx.w +
		pn_vert[1].pos * hit_ctx.u +
		pn_vert[2].pos * hit_ctx.v;
	KVec3 temp_vec;
	Vec3TransformCoord(temp_vec, out_info.pos, pNode->GetObjectTM());
	Vec3TransformCoord(out_info.pos, temp_vec, scene_trans);

	// interpolate the normal
	temp_vec =	pn_vert[0].nor * hit_ctx.w +
		pn_vert[1].nor * hit_ctx.u +
		pn_vert[2].nor * hit_ctx.v;
	KVec3 normal = temp_vec * pNode->GetObjectRot();
	out_info.nor = normal * scene_rot;

	KVec3 edge[3];
	edge[0] = (pn_vert[1].pos - pn_vert[0].pos);
	edge[1] = (pn_vert[2].pos - pn_vert[1].pos);
	KVec3 nor;
	nor = edge[0] ^ edge[1];
	out_info.face_nor = nor * world_rot;

	out_info.bbox_node_idx = hit_ctx.bbox_node_idx;
	out_info.tri_id = hit_ctx.tri_id;
Ejemplo n.º 5
 float3& float3::operator*=(const _float4x4& m)
   _float4 t;
   Vec3TransformCoord(&t, (const float3*)this, (const _float4x4*)&m);
   const float fInverseW = 1.0f / t.w;
   x = t.x * fInverseW;
   y = t.y * fInverseW;
   z = t.z * fInverseW;
   return *this;
Ejemplo n.º 6
void RectLightBase::SetSize(float w, float h)
	mParams.mSizeX = w;
	mParams.mSizeY = h;
	KVec3 pos;
	pos[2] = 0.0f;

	pos[0] = w * 0.5f; pos[1] = h * 0.5f;
	Vec3TransformCoord(mParams.mCornerPos[0], pos, mParams.mLightMat);
	pos[0] = w * 0.5f; pos[1] = h * -0.5f;
	Vec3TransformCoord(mParams.mCornerPos[1], pos, mParams.mLightMat);

	pos[0] = w * -0.5f; pos[1] = h * 0.5f;
	Vec3TransformCoord(mParams.mCornerPos[2], pos, mParams.mLightMat);
	pos[0] = w * -0.5f; pos[1] = h * -0.5f;
	Vec3TransformCoord(mParams.mCornerPos[3], pos, mParams.mLightMat);

	mParams.mEdgeDir[0] = mParams.mCornerPos[0] - mParams.mCornerPos[2];
	mParams.mEdgeDir[1] = mParams.mCornerPos[0] - mParams.mCornerPos[1];

Ejemplo n.º 7
void KBBox::TransformByMatrix(const KMatrix4d& mat)
	KBBox newBBox;
	for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
		for (int j = 0; j < 2; ++j) {
			KVec3d v = ToVec3d((*this)[j]);
			v[i] = (*this)[j == 1 ? 0 : 1][i];
			KVec3d out_v;
			Vec3TransformCoord(out_v, v, mat);
	(*this) = newBBox;
Ejemplo n.º 8
bool RectLightBase::EvaluateLighting(
		const KVec2& samplePos, const KVec3& shading_point,
		KVec3& outLightPos, LightIterator& outLightIter) const
	KVec3 tempPos;
	tempPos[0] = mParams.mSizeX * (samplePos[0] - 0.5f);
	tempPos[1] = mParams.mSizeY * (samplePos[1] - 0.5f);
	tempPos[2] = 0;

	Vec3TransformCoord(outLightPos, tempPos, mParams.mLightMat);

	// evaluate the lighting
	KVec3 temp_vec = outLightPos - shading_point;
	float rcpLenSqr = 1.0f / (temp_vec[0]*temp_vec[0] + temp_vec[1]*temp_vec[1] + temp_vec[2]*temp_vec[2]);
	outLightIter.direction = temp_vec * sqrtf(rcpLenSqr);

	outLightIter.intensity.r = mParams.mIntensity.r;
	outLightIter.intensity.g = mParams.mIntensity.g;
	outLightIter.intensity.b = mParams.mIntensity.b;

	return false;
Ejemplo n.º 9
  // Update the view matrix based on user input & elapsed time
  void CFirstPersonCamera::FrameMove( double fElapsedTime )
      if( IsKeyDown( mKeys[CAM_RESET] ) ) {

      if (IsKeyDown(mKeys[CAM_ACCELERATE])) {
        if (mKeyboardMoveScaler < 10000.0) {
          mKeyboardMoveScaler *= 1.2;

        if (mMouseMoveScaler < 10000.0) {
          mMouseMoveScaler *= 1.2;
        //since accelerating shouldn't be done continously, force key up here
        HandleKeys(CAM_ACCELERATE, false);
      if (IsKeyDown(mKeys[CAM_THROTTLE])) {
        if (mKeyboardMoveScaler > 0.1) {
          mKeyboardMoveScaler /= 1.2;

        if (mMouseMoveScaler > 0.1) {
          mMouseMoveScaler /= 1.2;

        HandleKeys(CAM_THROTTLE, false);

      // Get keyboard/mouse/gamepad input
      GetInput( mEnablePositionMovement, ( mActiveButtonMask & mCurrentButtonMask ) || mRotateWithoutButtonDown,
                true, mResetCursorAfterMove );

      // Get amount of velocity based on the keyboard input and drag (if any)
      UpdateVelocity( fElapsedTime );

      // Simple euler method to calculate position delta
      dvec3 vPosDelta = mVelocity * fElapsedTime;

      // If rotating the camera 
      if (mMouseRotates) {
        if( ( mActiveButtonMask & mCurrentButtonMask ) || mRotateWithoutButtonDown) {

            // Update the pitch & yaw angle based on mouse movement
          double fYawDelta = mRotVelocity.x;
          double fPitchDelta = mRotVelocity.y;

            // Invert pitch if requested
            if( mInvertPitch )
                fPitchDelta = -fPitchDelta;

            mCameraPitchAngle -= fPitchDelta;
            mCameraYawAngle -= fYawDelta;

            // Limit pitch to straight up or straight down
            mCameraPitchAngle = std::max( -pi<double>() * 0.499, mCameraPitchAngle );
            mCameraPitchAngle = std::min( +pi<double>() * 0.499, mCameraPitchAngle );

      // Make a rotation matrix based on the camera's yaw & pitch
      dmat4 mCameraRot = yawPitchRoll(mCameraYawAngle, mCameraPitchAngle, 0.0);

      // Transform vectors based on camera's rotation matrix
      dvec3 vWorldUp, vWorldAhead;
      const dvec3 vLocalUp = dvec3( 0, 1, 0 );
      const dvec3 vLocalAhead = dvec3( 0, 0, -1 );

      vWorldUp = Vec3TransformCoord(vLocalUp, mCameraRot);
      vWorldAhead = Vec3TransformCoord(vLocalAhead, mCameraRot);

      // Transform the position delta by the camera's rotation 
      dvec3 vPosDeltaWorld;
      if( !mEnableYAxisMovement )
          // If restricting Y movement, do not include pitch
          // when transforming position delta vector.
          mCameraRot = yawPitchRoll(mCameraYawAngle, 0.0, 0.0 );

      vPosDeltaWorld = Vec3TransformCoord(vPosDelta, mCameraRot );

      // Move the eye position 
      mEye += vPosDeltaWorld;
      if( mClipToBoundary )
          ConstrainToBoundary( &mEye );

      // Update the lookAt position based on the eye position 
      mLookAt = mEye + vWorldAhead;

      // Update the view matrix
      mViewMatrix = lookAt(mEye, mLookAt, vWorldUp );

      mCameraWorld = inverse(mViewMatrix );
Ejemplo n.º 10
void TracingInstance::CalcuShadingContext(const KRay& hitRay, const IntersectContext& hit_ctx, ShadingContext& out_shading_ctx) const
	const KSceneSet* pPlainScene = mpScene->GetSource();
	const KScene* pKDScene = pPlainScene->GetNodeKDScene(hit_ctx.bbox_node_idx);
	KAnimation::LocalTRSFrame::LclTRS nodeTRS;
	pPlainScene->GetNodeTransform(nodeTRS, hit_ctx.bbox_node_idx, mCameraContext.inMotionTime);
	const nvmath::Mat33f scene_rot = nodeTRS.trs.getRotation();
	const nvmath::Mat44f scene_trans = nodeTRS.trs.getMatrix();
	const KTriDesc* pTri = mpScene->GetAccelTriData(hit_ctx.bbox_node_idx, hit_ctx.tri_id);
	UINT32 mesh_idx = pTri->GetMeshIdx();
	UINT32 node_idx = pTri->GetNodeIdx();
	UINT32 tri_idx = pTri->mTriIdx;
	const KTriMesh* pMesh = pKDScene->GetMesh(mesh_idx);
	const KNode* pNode = pKDScene->GetNode(node_idx);
	const UINT32* pn_idx = pMesh->mFaces[tri_idx].pn_idx;
	out_shading_ctx.tracing_instance = this;
	out_shading_ctx.excluding_bbox = hit_ctx.bbox_node_idx;
	out_shading_ctx.excluding_tri = hit_ctx.tri_id;
	assert(out_shading_ctx.excluding_bbox < NOT_HIT_INDEX);
	assert(out_shading_ctx.excluding_tri < NOT_HIT_INDEX);
	KTriMesh::PN_Data pn_vert[3];
	pMesh->ComputePN_Data(pn_vert[0], pMesh->mFaces[tri_idx].pn_idx[0], mCameraContext.inMotionTime);
	pMesh->ComputePN_Data(pn_vert[1], pMesh->mFaces[tri_idx].pn_idx[1], mCameraContext.inMotionTime);
	pMesh->ComputePN_Data(pn_vert[2], pMesh->mFaces[tri_idx].pn_idx[2], mCameraContext.inMotionTime);

	if (!pMesh->mTexFaces.empty()) {
		KTriMesh::TT_Data tt_data;
		pMesh->InterpolateTT(tri_idx, hit_ctx, tt_data, mCameraContext.inMotionTime);
		out_shading_ctx.uv.uv = tt_data.texcoord;
		out_shading_ctx.tangent.tangent = tt_data.tangent;
		out_shading_ctx.tangent.binormal = tt_data.binormal;
		out_shading_ctx.hasUV = 1;
		out_shading_ctx.hasUV = 0;

	KVec3 temp_vec;
	// interpolate the normal
	temp_vec =	pn_vert[0].nor * hit_ctx.w +
				pn_vert[1].nor * hit_ctx.u +
				pn_vert[2].nor * hit_ctx.v;
	out_shading_ctx.normal = temp_vec * pNode->GetObjectRot();
	temp_vec = out_shading_ctx.normal * scene_rot;
	out_shading_ctx.normal = temp_vec;
	float rcp_len_nor = 1.0f / nvmath::length(temp_vec);
	out_shading_ctx.normal *= rcp_len_nor;

	// interpolate the position
	out_shading_ctx.position = pn_vert[0].pos * hit_ctx.w +
						 pn_vert[1].pos * hit_ctx.u +
						 pn_vert[2].pos * hit_ctx.v;
	Vec3TransformCoord(temp_vec, out_shading_ctx.position, pNode->GetObjectTM());
	Vec3TransformCoord(out_shading_ctx.position, temp_vec, scene_trans);
	const nvmath::Mat33f world_rot = nvmath::Mat33f(pNode->GetObjectRot()) * scene_rot;
	KVec3 edge[3];
	edge[0] = (pn_vert[1].pos - pn_vert[0].pos) * world_rot;
	edge[1] = (pn_vert[2].pos - pn_vert[1].pos) * world_rot;
	edge[2] = (pn_vert[0].pos - pn_vert[2].pos) * world_rot;
	float edge_len_sqr[3];
	edge_len_sqr[0] = nvmath::lengthSquared(edge[0]);
	edge_len_sqr[1] = nvmath::lengthSquared(edge[1]);
	edge_len_sqr[2] = nvmath::lengthSquared(edge[2]);
	float edge_len[3];
	edge_len[0] = sqrt(edge_len_sqr[0]);
	edge_len[1] = sqrt(edge_len_sqr[1]);
	edge_len[2] = sqrt(edge_len_sqr[2]);
	// Calculate the face normal and triangle size
	out_shading_ctx.face_size = edge_len[0] + edge_len[1] + edge_len[2];
	out_shading_ctx.face_size *= 0.05f;
	// Move the shading position along it normal for a epsilon distance.
	out_shading_ctx.position += (out_shading_ctx.normal * out_shading_ctx.face_size * 0.0001f);

	KVec3 face_nor;
	face_nor = edge[0] ^ edge[1];
	out_shading_ctx.face_normal = face_nor;

	KVec3d rayDir = hitRay.GetDir();
	rayDir.normalize(); // Normalize the ray direction because it's not normalized

	// Get the surface shader
	ISurfaceShader* pSurfShader = pNode->mpSurfShader;
	out_shading_ctx.surface_shader = pSurfShader;

	out_shading_ctx.out_vec = ToVec3f(-rayDir);
Ejemplo n.º 11
 float4 float3::transform(const _float4x4& m) const
   float4 t;
   return *Vec3TransformCoord(&t, this, &m);