Ejemplo n.º 1
 SC_LibForEachWireLoadSel( p, pWLS, i )
     Vec_StrPutS( vOut, pWLS->pName );
     Vec_StrPutI( vOut, Vec_FltSize(pWLS->vAreaFrom) );
     for ( j = 0; j < Vec_FltSize(pWLS->vAreaFrom); j++)
         Vec_StrPutF( vOut, Vec_FltEntry(pWLS->vAreaFrom, j) );
         Vec_StrPutF( vOut, Vec_FltEntry(pWLS->vAreaTo, j) );
         Vec_StrPutS( vOut, (char *)Vec_PtrEntry(pWLS->vWireLoadModel, j) );
Ejemplo n.º 2
        SC_CellForEachPinOut( pCell, pPin, j )
            SC_Timings * pRTime;
            word uWord;

            assert(pPin->dir == sc_dir_Output);
            Vec_StrPutS( vOut, pPin->pName );
            Vec_StrPutF( vOut, pPin->max_out_cap );
            Vec_StrPutF( vOut, pPin->max_out_slew );

            // write function
            if ( pPin->func_text == NULL )
                // formula is not given - write empty string
                Vec_StrPutS( vOut, "" );
                // write truth table
                assert( Vec_WrdSize(pPin->vFunc) == Abc_Truth6WordNum(pCell->n_inputs) );
                Vec_StrPutI( vOut, pCell->n_inputs );
                Vec_WrdForEachEntry( pPin->vFunc, uWord, k ) // -- 'size = 1u << (n_vars - 6)'
                    Vec_StrPutW( vOut, uWord );  // -- 64-bit number, written uncompressed (low-byte first)
            else // formula is given
                Vec_StrPutS( vOut, pPin->func_text );

            // Write 'rtiming': (pin-to-pin timing tables for this particular output)
            assert( Vec_PtrSize(pPin->vRTimings) == pCell->n_inputs );
            SC_PinForEachRTiming( pPin, pRTime, k )
                Vec_StrPutS( vOut, pRTime->pName );
                Vec_StrPutI( vOut, Vec_PtrSize(pRTime->vTimings) );
                    // -- NOTE! After post-processing, the size of the 'rtiming[k]' vector is either
                    // 0 or 1 (in static timing, we have merged all tables to get the worst case).
                    // The case with size 0 should only occur for multi-output gates.
                if ( Vec_PtrSize(pRTime->vTimings) == 1 )
                    SC_Timing * pTime = (SC_Timing *)Vec_PtrEntry( pRTime->vTimings, 0 );
                        // -- NOTE! We don't need to save 'related_pin' string because we have sorted 
                        // the elements on input pins.
                    Vec_StrPutI( vOut, (int)pTime->tsense);
                    Abc_SclWriteSurface( vOut, pTime->pCellRise );
                    Abc_SclWriteSurface( vOut, pTime->pCellFall );
                    Abc_SclWriteSurface( vOut, pTime->pRiseTrans );
                    Abc_SclWriteSurface( vOut, pTime->pFallTrans );
                    assert( Vec_PtrSize(pRTime->vTimings) == 0 );
Ejemplo n.º 3
    SC_LibForEachCell( p, pCell, i )
        if ( pCell->seq || pCell->unsupp )

        Vec_StrPutS( vOut, pCell->pName );
        Vec_StrPutF( vOut, pCell->area );
        Vec_StrPutI( vOut, pCell->drive_strength );

        // Write 'pins': (sorted at this point; first inputs, then outputs)
        Vec_StrPutI( vOut, pCell->n_inputs);
        Vec_StrPutI( vOut, pCell->n_outputs);

        SC_CellForEachPinIn( pCell, pPin, j )
            assert(pPin->dir == sc_dir_Input);
            Vec_StrPutS( vOut, pPin->pName );
            Vec_StrPutF( vOut, pPin->rise_cap );
            Vec_StrPutF( vOut, pPin->fall_cap );
Ejemplo n.º 4

  Synopsis    [Writing library into file.]

  Description []
  SideEffects []

  SeeAlso     []

static void Abc_SclWriteSurface( Vec_Str_t * vOut, SC_Surface * p )
    Vec_Flt_t * vVec;
    float Entry;
    int i, k;

    Vec_StrPutI( vOut, Vec_FltSize(p->vIndex0) );
    Vec_FltForEachEntry( p->vIndex0, Entry, i )
        Vec_StrPutF( vOut, Entry );

    Vec_StrPutI( vOut, Vec_FltSize(p->vIndex1) );
    Vec_FltForEachEntry( p->vIndex1, Entry, i )
        Vec_StrPutF( vOut, Entry );

    Vec_PtrForEachEntry( Vec_Flt_t *, p->vData, vVec, i )
        Vec_FltForEachEntry( vVec, Entry, k )
            Vec_StrPutF( vOut, Entry );

    for ( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) 
        Vec_StrPutF( vOut, p->approx[0][i] );
    for ( i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) 
        Vec_StrPutF( vOut, p->approx[1][i] );
    for ( i = 0; i < 6; i++ ) 
        Vec_StrPutF( vOut, p->approx[2][i] );
Ejemplo n.º 5
static void Abc_SclWriteLibrary( Vec_Str_t * vOut, SC_Lib * p )
    SC_WireLoad * pWL;
    SC_WireLoadSel * pWLS;
    SC_Cell * pCell;
    SC_Pin * pPin;
    int n_valid_cells;
    int i, j, k;

    Vec_StrPutI( vOut, ABC_SCL_CUR_VERSION );

    // Write non-composite fields:
    Vec_StrPutS( vOut, p->pName );
    Vec_StrPutS( vOut, p->default_wire_load );
    Vec_StrPutS( vOut, p->default_wire_load_sel );
    Vec_StrPutF( vOut, p->default_max_out_slew );

    assert( p->unit_time >= 0 );
    assert( p->unit_cap_snd >= 0 );
    Vec_StrPutI( vOut, p->unit_time );
    Vec_StrPutF( vOut, p->unit_cap_fst );
    Vec_StrPutI( vOut, p->unit_cap_snd );

    // Write 'wire_load' vector:
    Vec_StrPutI( vOut, Vec_PtrSize(p->vWireLoads) );
    SC_LibForEachWireLoad( p, pWL, i )
        Vec_StrPutS( vOut, pWL->pName );
        Vec_StrPutF( vOut, pWL->res );
        Vec_StrPutF( vOut, pWL->cap );

        Vec_StrPutI( vOut, Vec_IntSize(pWL->vFanout) );
        for ( j = 0; j < Vec_IntSize(pWL->vFanout); j++ )
            Vec_StrPutI( vOut, Vec_IntEntry(pWL->vFanout, j) );
            Vec_StrPutF( vOut, Vec_FltEntry(pWL->vLen, j) );