Ejemplo n.º 1
This function checks whether an animated circle is colliding with a line segment

 - Parameters
	- Ps:		The center's starting location
	- Pe:		The center's ending location
	- Radius:	The circle's radius
	- LS:		The line segment
	- Pi:		This will be used to store the intersection point's coordinates (In case there's an intersection)

 - Returned value: Intersection time t
	- -1.0f:				If there's no intersection
	- Intersection time:	If there's an intersection
float AnimatedCircleToStaticLineSegment(Vector2D *Ps, Vector2D *Pe, float Radius, LineSegment2D *LS, Vector2D *Pi)
	Vector2D Vector;

	Vector2D P1Vector;
	Vector2D P0Vector;

	float InsideorOutside;
	float P1P0Dot;
	float IntersectionTime;
	float temp1;
	float temp2;

	if (StaticPointToStaticLineSegment(Ps, LS) < -Radius && StaticPointToStaticLineSegment(Pe, LS) < -Radius)
	else if (StaticPointToStaticLineSegment(Ps, LS) > Radius && StaticPointToStaticLineSegment(Pe, LS) > Radius)

	InsideorOutside = StaticPointToStaticLineSegment(Ps, LS);

	temp1 = Vector2DDotProduct(&LS->mN, Ps);
	temp1 = LS->mNdotP0 - temp1;

	if (InsideorOutside > 0)
		temp1 += Radius;
	else if (InsideorOutside < 0)
		temp1 -= Radius;

	Vector2DSub(&Vector, Pe, Ps);

	temp2 = Vector2DDotProduct(&LS->mN, &Vector);

	IntersectionTime = temp1 / temp2;

	if (IntersectionTime >= 0 && IntersectionTime <= 1)
		Vector2DScale(&Vector, &Vector, IntersectionTime);
		Vector2DAdd(Pi, Ps, &Vector);

		Vector2DSub(&P1Vector, Pi, &LS->mP1);
		Vector2DSub(&P0Vector, Pi, &LS->mP0);

		P1P0Dot = Vector2DDotProduct(&P0Vector, &P1Vector);

		if (P1P0Dot < 0)
			return IntersectionTime;

Ejemplo n.º 2
This function checks whether an animated point is colliding with a line segment

 - Parameters
	- Ps:		The point's starting location
	- Pe:		The point's ending location
	- LS:		The line segment
	- Pi:		This will be used to store the intersection point's coordinates (In case there's an intersection)

 - Returned value: Intersection time t
	- -1.0f:				If there's no intersection
	- Intersection time:	If there's an intersection
float AnimatedPointToStaticLineSegment(Vector2D *Ps, Vector2D *Pe, LineSegment2D *LS, Vector2D *Pi)
	Vector2D Vector;

	Vector2D P1Vector;
	Vector2D P0Vector;

	float P1P0Dot;
	float IntersectionTime;
	float temp1;
	float temp2;

	temp1 = Vector2DDotProduct(&LS->mN, Ps);
	temp1 = LS->mNdotP0 - temp1;

	Vector2DSet(&Vector, Pe->x - Ps->x, Pe->y - Ps->y);

	temp2 = Vector2DDotProduct(&LS->mN, &Vector);

	IntersectionTime = temp1 / temp2;

	if (IntersectionTime >= 0 && IntersectionTime <= 1)
		Vector2DScale(&Vector, &Vector, IntersectionTime);
		Vector2DAdd(Pi, Ps, &Vector);

		Vector2DSet(&P1Vector, Pi->x - LS->mP1.x, Pi->y - LS->mP1.y);
		Vector2DSet(&P0Vector, Pi->x - LS->mP0.x, Pi->y - LS->mP0.y);

		P1P0Dot = Vector2DDotProduct(&P0Vector, &P1Vector);

		if (P1P0Dot < 0)
			return IntersectionTime;
int main()
	Vector2D v1, v2, v3, result;
	float scale;
	Matrix2D id, m0, m1;
	Vector2D  u;
	float d, x, y;
	long  n;
	long i, j;
	float radius;

	v1.x = v1.y = 7.0f;
	result.x = result.y = 0.0f;
	printf("Vector2DZero: %s\n", (CompareVector2D(&result, &v1) < EPSILON) ? "Pass" : "Fail");

	Vector2DSet(&v1, 1.0f, 2.0f);
	result.x = 1.0f;	result.y = 2.0f;
	printf("Vector2DSet: %s\n", (CompareVector2D(&result, &v1) < EPSILON) ? "Pass" : "Fail");

	v1.x = 2.0f; v1.y = -4.0f;
	Vector2DNeg(&v2, &v1);
	result.x = -2.0f;	result.y = 4.0f;
	printf("Vector2DNeg: %s\n", (CompareVector2D(&result, &v2) < EPSILON) ? "Pass" : "Fail");

	v1.x = 2.0f; v1.y = -4.0f;
	v2.x = 1.0f; v2.y = 7.0f;
	Vector2DAdd(&v3, &v1, &v2);
	result.x = result.y = 3.0f;
	printf("Vector2DAdd: %s\n", (CompareVector2D(&result, &v3) < EPSILON) ? "Pass" : "Fail");

	v1.x = 2.0f; v1.y = -4.0f;
	v2.x = 1.0f; v2.y = 7.0f;
	Vector2DSub(&v3, &v1, &v2);
	result.x = 1.0f;	result.y = -11.0f;
	printf("Vector2DSub: %s\n", (CompareVector2D(&result, &v3) < EPSILON) ? "Pass" : "Fail");

	v1.x = 3.0f; v1.y = 4.0f;
	Vector2DNormalize(&v2, &v1);
	result.x = 0.6f;	result.y = 0.8f;
	printf("Vector2DNormalize: %s\n", (CompareVector2D(&result, &v2) < EPSILON) ? "Pass" : "Fail");

	v1.x = 2.0f; v1.y = -5.0f;
	Vector2DScale(&v2, &v1, 3.0f);
	result.x = 6.0f;	result.y = -15.0f;
	printf("Vector2DScale: %s\n", (CompareVector2D(&result, &v2) < EPSILON) ? "Pass" : "Fail");

	v1.x = 2.0f; v1.y = -5.0f;
	v2.x = 6.0f; v2.y =  2.0f;
	scale = 3.0f;
	Vector2DScaleAdd(&v3, &v1, &v2, scale);
	result.x = 12.0f; result.y = -13.0f;
	printf("Vector2DScaleAdd: %s\n", (CompareVector2D(&result, &v3) < EPSILON) ? "Pass" : "Fail");

	Vector2DScaleSub(&v3, &v1, &v2, scale);
	result.x = 0.f; result.y = -17.f;
	printf("Vector2DScaleSub: %s\n", (CompareVector2D(&result, &v3) < EPSILON) ? "Pass" : "Fail");

	v1.x = 3.0f; v1.y = -4.0f;
	printf("Vector2DLength: %s\n", (fabs(Vector2DLength(&v1) - 5.0f)  < EPSILON) ? "Pass" : "Fail");

	v1.x = 3.0f; v1.y = -4.0f;
	printf("Vector2DSquareLength: %s\n", (fabs(Vector2DSquareLength(&v1) - 25.0f)  < EPSILON) ? "Pass" : "Fail");

	v1.x = 2.0f;	v1.y = 3.0f;
	v2.x = 4.0f;	v2.y = -1.0f;
	printf("Vector2DDistance: %s\n", (fabs(Vector2DDistance(&v1, &v2) - 4.472136)  < EPSILON) ? "Pass" : "Fail");

	v1.x = 2.0f;	v1.y = 3.0f;
	v2.x = 4.0f;	v2.y = -1.0f;
	printf("Vector2DSquareDistance: %s\n", (fabs(Vector2DSquareDistance(&v1, &v2) - 20.0f)  < EPSILON) ? "Pass" : "Fail");

	v1.x = 3.0f;	v1.y = 2.0f;
	v2.x = 4.0f;	v2.y = -6.0f;
	printf("Vector2DDotProduct: %s\n", (fabs(Vector2DDotProduct(&v1, &v2)) < EPSILON) ? "Pass" : "Fail");

	printf("\n------Testing StaticPointToStaticCircle------\n\n");
	v1.x = 10.f; v1.y = 10.f;
	v2.x = 11.4f; v2.y = 11.4f;
	radius = 2.f;
	printf("StaticPointToStaticCircle Collision: %s\n", (StaticPointToStaticCircle(&v2, &v1, radius)) ? "Pass" : "Fail" );

	v2.x = 12.f; v2.y = 12.f;
	printf("StaticPointToStaticCircle Non Collision: %s\n", (!StaticPointToStaticCircle(&v2, &v1, radius)) ? "Pass" : "Fail" );

	printf("\n------Running Matrix Tests------\n\n");

	// create an id matrix for reference
	for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
		for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)
			id.m[j][i] = (i == j) ? 1.0f : 0.0f;

	// ====================
	// test Matrix2DIdentity
	// ====================

	d = CompareMatrix2D(&id, &m0);
	printf("Matrix2DIdentity : %s\n", (CompareMatrix2D(&id, &m0) < EPSILON) ? "Pass" : "Fail");

	// ====================
	// test Matrix2DTrans
	// ====================

	// generate 2 random numbers
	x = 2.0f * rand() / (float)(RAND_MAX) - 1.0f;
	y = 2.0f * rand() / (float)(RAND_MAX) - 1.0f;

	Matrix2DTranslate(&m0, x, y);
	m0.m[0][2] -= x;
	m0.m[1][2] -= y;
	printf("Matrix2DTranslate: %s\n", (CompareMatrix2D(&id, &m0) < EPSILON) ? "Pass" : "Fail");

	// ====================
	// test Matrix2DScale
	// ====================

	// generate 2 random numbers
	x = 2.0f * rand() / (float)(RAND_MAX) - 1.0f;
	y = 2.0f * rand() / (float)(RAND_MAX) - 1.0f;

	Matrix2DScale(&m0, x, y);
	m0.m[0][0] /= x;
	m0.m[1][1] /= y;

	printf("Matrix2DScale    : %s\n", (CompareMatrix2D(&id, &m0) < EPSILON) ? "Pass" : "Fail");

	// ====================
	// test Matrix2DConcat
	// ====================

	// generate 2 random numbers
	x = 2.0f * rand() / (float)(RAND_MAX) - 1.0f;
	y = 2.0f * rand() / (float)(RAND_MAX) - 1.0f;

	Matrix2DTranslate (&m0, x, y);
	Matrix2DScale (&m1, x, y);
	Matrix2DConcat(&m0, &m0, &m1);
	m0.m[0][2] -= x;
	m0.m[1][2] -= y;
	m0.m[0][0] /= x;
	m0.m[1][1] /= y;

	printf("Matrix2DConcat 1 : %s\n", (CompareMatrix2D(&id, &m0) < EPSILON) ? "Pass" : "Fail");

	// generate 2 random numbers
	x = 2.0f * rand() / (float)(RAND_MAX) - 1.0f;
	y = 2.0f * rand() / (float)(RAND_MAX) - 1.0f;

	Matrix2DTranslate (&m0, x, y);
	Matrix2DScale (&m1, x, y);
	Matrix2DConcat(&m0, &m1, &m0);
	m0.m[0][2] -= x * x;
	m0.m[1][2] -= y * y;
	m0.m[0][0] /= x;
	m0.m[1][1] /= y;

	printf("Matrix2DConcat 2 : %s\n", (CompareMatrix2D(&id, &m0) < EPSILON) ? "Pass" : "Fail");

	// ====================
	// test Matrix2DRotRad
	// ====================

	n = (rand() % 16) + 15;
	Matrix2DRotRad  (&m1, 2.0f * PI / n);

	for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
		Matrix2DConcat(&m0, &m1, &m0);

	printf("Matrix2DRotRad   : %s (%d)\n", (CompareMatrix2D(&id, &m0) < EPSILON) ? "Pass" : "Fail", n);

	// ====================
	// test Matrix2DRotDeg
	// ====================

	n = (rand() % 16) + 15;
	Matrix2DRotDeg  (&m1, 360.0f / n);

	for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
		Matrix2DConcat(&m0, &m1, &m0);

	printf("Matrix2DRotDeg   : %s (%d)\n", (CompareMatrix2D(&id, &m0) < EPSILON) ? "Pass" : "Fail", n);

	// ====================
	// test Matrix2DTranspose
	// ====================

	Matrix2DRotRad   (&m0, rand() / (float)(RAND_MAX) * 2.0f * PI);
	Matrix2DTranspose(&m1, &m0);
	Matrix2DConcat   (&m0, &m1, &m0);

	printf("Matrix2DTranspose: %s\n", (CompareMatrix2D(&id, &m0) < EPSILON) ? "Pass" : "Fail");

	// ====================
	// test Matrix2DMultVec
	// ====================

	// generate 2 random numbers
	x = 2.0f * rand() / (float)(RAND_MAX) - 1.0f;
	y = 2.0f * rand() / (float)(RAND_MAX) - 1.0f;

	n = (rand() % 16) + 15;
	Vector2DSet		(&u, x, y);
	Matrix2DRotRad	(&m0, 2.0f * PI / n);

	for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
		Matrix2DMultVec(&u, &m0, &u);

	printf("Matrix2DMultVec  : %s\n", ((fabs(u.x - x) + fabs(u.y - y)) < EPSILON) ? "Pass" : "Fail");

	// generate 2 random numbers
	x = 2.0f * rand() / (float)(RAND_MAX) - 1.0f;
	y = 2.0f * rand() / (float)(RAND_MAX) - 1.0f;

	n = (rand() % 16) + 15;
	Vector2DSet		(&u, x, y);
	Matrix2DTranslate	(&m0, x, y);

	for (i = 1; i < n; i++)
		Matrix2DMultVec(&u, &m0, &u);

	printf("Matrix2DMultVec  : %s\n", ((fabs(u.x - x * n) + fabs(u.y - y * n)) < EPSILON) ? "Pass" : "Fail");

	printf("\n------Testing New Collision Functions------\n\n");

	Vector2DSet(&v1, 1.f, 1.f); //point
	Vector2DSet(&v2, 0.f, 0.f); //rect
	printf("StaticPointToStaticRect Collision: %s\n", (StaticPointToStaticRect(&v1, &v2, 2.f, 2.f) ? "Pass" : "Fail"));
	printf("StaticPointToStaticRect Non Collision: %s\n\n", (!StaticPointToStaticRect(&v1, &v2, 1.f, 1.f) ? "Pass" : "Fail"));

	Vector2DSet(&v1, 2.f, 0.f);
	printf("StaticCircleToStaticCircle Collision Touch: %s\n", (StaticCircleToStaticCircle(&v1, 1.f, &v2, 1.f) ? "Pass" : "Fail"));
	printf("StaticCircleToStaticCircle Collision: %s\n", (StaticCircleToStaticCircle(&v1, 2.f, &v2, 1.f) ? "Pass" : "Fail"));
	printf("StaticCircleToStaticCircle Non Collision: %s\n\n", (!StaticCircleToStaticCircle(&v1, 0.5f, &v2, 1.f) ? "Pass" : "Fail"));

	Vector2DSet(&v1, 2.f, 2.f);
	printf("StaticRectToStaticRect Non Collision: %s\n", (!StaticRectToStaticRect(&v1, 1.f, 1.f, &v2, 1.f, 1.f) ? "Pass" : "Fail"));
	printf("StaticRectToStaticRect Collision Touch: %s\n", (StaticRectToStaticRect(&v1, 2.f, 2.f, &v2, 2.f, 2.f) ? "Pass" : "Fail"));
	printf("StaticRectToStaticRect Collision Intersect: %s\n", (StaticRectToStaticRect(&v1, 3.f, 3.f, &v2, 3.f, 3.f) ? "Pass" : "Fail"));

	return 1;
Ejemplo n.º 4
void Vector2DScaleAdd(Vector2D &Result, const Vector2D &Vec0, const Vector2D &Vec1, float c)
    Vector2D tempScale;
    Vector2DScale(tempScale, Vec0, c);
    Vector2DAdd(Result, tempScale, Vec1);
Ejemplo n.º 5
bool CVRADDispColl::MakeChildPatch( int ndxPatch )
	int	vNodeCount = 0;
	int	ndxVNodes[256];

	// find all the nodes that reside behind all of the planes
	GetNodesInPatch( ndxPatch, ndxVNodes, vNodeCount );
	if( vNodeCount <= 0 )
		return false;

	// accumulate data into current patch
	Vector2D uv( 0.0f, 0.0f );
	Vector2D uvBounds[2];
	uvBounds[0].Init( 99999.0f, 99999.0f );
	uvBounds[1].Init( -99999.0f, -99999.0f );

	patch_t *pPatch = &patches.Element( ndxPatch );
	if( pPatch )
		for( int ndxNode = 0; ndxNode < vNodeCount; ndxNode++ )
			VNode_t *pVNode = &m_pVNodes[ndxVNodes[ndxNode]];
			if( pVNode )
				VectorAdd( pPatch->normal, pVNode->patchNormal, pPatch->normal );
				pPatch->area += pVNode->patchArea;
				Vector2DAdd( uv, pVNode->patchOriginUV, uv );

				if( uvBounds[0].x > pVNode->patchOriginUV.x ) { uvBounds[0].x = pVNode->patchOriginUV.x; }
				if( uvBounds[0].y > pVNode->patchOriginUV.y ) { uvBounds[0].y = pVNode->patchOriginUV.y; }

				if( uvBounds[1].x < pVNode->patchOriginUV.x ) { uvBounds[1].x = pVNode->patchOriginUV.x; }
				if( uvBounds[1].y < pVNode->patchOriginUV.y ) { uvBounds[1].y = pVNode->patchOriginUV.y; }

		VectorNormalize( pPatch->normal );

		uv /= vNodeCount;
		DispUVToSurfPt( uv, pPatch->origin, 1.0f );		

		for( int i = 0; i < 2; i++ )
			uvBounds[0][i] -= 0.05f;
			uvBounds[1][i] += 0.05f;

		// approximate patch winding - used for debugging!
		pPatch->winding = AllocWinding( 4 );
		if( pPatch->winding )
			pPatch->winding->numpoints = 4;
			DispUVToSurfPt( uvBounds[0], pPatch->winding->p[0], 0.0f );
			DispUVToSurfPt( Vector2D( uvBounds[0].x, uvBounds[1].y ), pPatch->winding->p[1], 0.0f );
			DispUVToSurfPt( uvBounds[1], pPatch->winding->p[2], 0.0f );
			DispUVToSurfPt( Vector2D( uvBounds[1].x, uvBounds[0].y ), pPatch->winding->p[3], 0.0f );

		// get the parent patch
		patch_t *pParentPatch = &patches.Element( pPatch->parent );
		if( pParentPatch )
			// make sure the area is down by at least a little above half the
			// parent's area we will test at 30% (so we don't spin forever on 
			// weird patch center sampling problems
			float deltaArea = pParentPatch->area - pPatch->area;
			if( deltaArea < ( pParentPatch->area * 0.3 ) )
				return false;

#if 0
		// debugging!
		g_pFileSystem->FPrintf( pDispFile, "Child Patch %d\n", ndxPatch );
		g_pFileSystem->FPrintf( pDispFile, "	Parent %d\n", pPatch->parent );
		g_pFileSystem->FPrintf( pDispFile, "	Area: %lf\n", pPatch->area );

		return true;

	return false;
Ejemplo n.º 6
Vector2D Vector2D::operator+(const Vector2D& v) const
	Vector2D res;
	Vector2DAdd(*this, v, res);
	return res;
Ejemplo n.º 7
void Vector2DScaleAdd(Vector2D *pResult, Vector2D *pVec0, Vector2D *pVec1, float c) {
	Vector2DScale(pResult, pVec0, c);
	Vector2DAdd(pResult, pResult, pVec1);