Ejemplo n.º 1
void CPlayerPickupController::Init( CBasePlayer *pPlayer, CBaseEntity *pObject )
	m_pPlayer = pPlayer;

	IPhysicsObject *pPhysics = pObject->VPhysicsGetObject();
	Vector position;
	QAngle angles;
	pPhysics->GetPosition( &position, &angles );
	m_grabController.SetMaxImpulse( Vector(20*100,20*100,20*100), AngularImpulse(20*180,20*180,20*180) );
	m_grabController.AttachEntity( pObject, pPhysics, position, angles );
	// Holster player's weapon
	if ( m_pPlayer->GetActiveWeapon() )
		if ( !m_pPlayer->GetActiveWeapon()->Holster() )

	m_pPlayer->m_Local.m_iHideHUD |= HIDEHUD_WEAPONS;
	m_pPlayer->SetUseEntity( this );
	matrix3x4_t tmp;
	ComputePlayerMatrix( tmp );
	VectorITransform( position, tmp, m_positionPlayerSpace );

	// UNDONE: This algorithm needs a bit more thought.  REVISIT.
	// put the bottom of the object arms' length below eye level
	// get bottommost point of object
	Vector bottom = physcollision->CollideGetExtent( pPhysics->GetCollide(), vec3_origin, angles, Vector(0,0,-1) );

	// get the real eye origin
	Vector playerEye = pPlayer->EyePosition();

	// move target up so that bottom of object is at PLAYER_HOLD_LEVEL z in local space
//	float delta = PLAYER_HOLD_LEVEL_EYES - bottom.z - m_positionPlayerSpace.z;
	float delta = 0;

	// player can reach down 2ft below his feet
	float maxPickup = (playerEye.z + PLAYER_HOLD_LEVEL_EYES) - (pPlayer->GetAbsMins().z - PLAYER_REACH_DOWN_DISTANCE);

	delta = clamp( delta, pPlayer->WorldAlignMins().z, maxPickup );
	m_positionPlayerSpace.z += delta;
	m_anglesPlayerSpace = TransformAnglesToLocalSpace( angles, tmp );

	m_anglesPlayerSpace = AlignAngles( m_anglesPlayerSpace, DOT_30DEGREE );
	// re-transform and check
	angles = TransformAnglesToWorldSpace( m_anglesPlayerSpace, tmp );
	VectorTransform( m_positionPlayerSpace, tmp, position );
	// hackhack: Move up to eye position for the check
	float saveZ = position.z;
	position.z = playerEye.z;
	CheckObjectPosition( position, angles, position );
	// move back to original position
	position.z = saveZ;

	VectorITransform( position, tmp, m_positionPlayerSpace );
Ejemplo n.º 2
void CDecal :: StaticDecal( void )
	trace_t trace;
	int entityIndex, modelIndex = 0;

	Vector position = GetAbsOrigin();
	UTIL_TraceLine( position - Vector(5,5,5), position + Vector(5,5,5),  MASK_SOLID_BRUSHONLY, this, COLLISION_GROUP_NONE, &trace );

	entityIndex = (short)trace.m_pEnt ? trace.m_pEnt->entindex() : 0;
	if ( entityIndex )
		CBaseEntity *ent = trace.m_pEnt;
		if ( ent )
			modelIndex = ent->GetModelIndex();
			VectorITransform( GetAbsOrigin(), ent->EntityToWorldTransform(), position );

	engine->StaticDecal( position, m_nTexture, entityIndex, modelIndex );

	// CRecipientFilter initFilter;
	// initFilter.MakeInitMessage();
	// TE_BSPDecal( initFilter, GetAbsOrigin(), entityIndex, (int)pev->skin );

// Converts world HL units to HL local/object units
void CPhysicsObject::WorldToLocal( Vector &localPosition, const Vector &worldPosition )
	matrix3x4_t matrix;
	GetPositionMatrix( matrix );
	// copy in case the src == dest
	VectorITransform( Vector(worldPosition), matrix, localPosition );
Ejemplo n.º 4
void CPhysicsObject::WorldToLocal(Vector *localPosition, const Vector &worldPosition) const {
	if (!localPosition) return;

	matrix3x4_t matrix;
	VectorITransform(worldPosition, matrix, *localPosition);
Ejemplo n.º 5
// Purpose: 
bool CFourWheelVehiclePhysics::VPhysicsUpdate( IPhysicsObject *pPhysics )
	if ( r_vehicleDrawDebug.GetInt() )

	// must be a wheel
	if ( pPhysics == m_pOuter->VPhysicsGetObject() )
		return true;

	// This is here so we can make the pose parameters of the wheels
	// reflect their current physics state
	for ( int i = 0; i < m_wheelCount; i++ )
		if ( pPhysics == m_pWheels[i] )
			Vector tmp;
			pPhysics->GetPosition( &m_wheelPosition[i], &m_wheelRotation[i] );

			// transform the wheel into body space
			VectorITransform( m_wheelPosition[i], m_pOuter->EntityToWorldTransform(), tmp );
			SetPoseParameter( m_poseParameters[VEH_FL_WHEEL_HEIGHT + i], (m_wheelBaseHeight[i] - tmp.z) / m_wheelTotalHeight[i] );
			SetPoseParameter( m_poseParameters[VEH_FL_WHEEL_SPIN + i], -m_wheelRotation[i].z );
			return false;

	return false;
Ejemplo n.º 6
// Purpose: Update the driver's gun
void CBaseTFVehicle::VehicleDriverGunThink( void )
	if ( !m_hDriverGun )

	// No driver?
	CBaseTFPlayer *pDriver = GetDriverPlayer();
	if ( !pDriver )

	QAngle vecTargetAngles = m_hDriverGun->GetCurrentAngles();

	// Cast a ray out of the view to see where the player is looking.
	trace_t trace;
	Vector vecForward;
	Vector vecSrc;
	QAngle angEyeAngles;
	GetVehicleViewPosition( VEHICLE_DRIVER, &vecSrc, &angEyeAngles, NULL );
	AngleVectors( angEyeAngles, &vecForward, NULL, NULL );
	Vector vecEnd = vecSrc + (vecForward * 10000);
	UTIL_TraceLine( vecSrc, vecEnd, MASK_OPAQUE, this, COLLISION_GROUP_NONE, &trace );

	//NDebugOverlay::Box( vecSrc, -Vector(10,10,10), Vector(10,10,10), 255,0,0,8, 5 );
	//NDebugOverlay::Box( vecEnd, -Vector(10,10,10), Vector(10,10,10), 0,255,0,8, 5 );
	//NDebugOverlay::Box( trace.endpos, -Vector(10,10,10), Vector(10,10,10), 255,255,255,8, 0.1 );

	if ( trace.fraction < 1 )
		// Figure out what angles our turret needs to be at in order to hit the target.
		Vector vFireOrigin = m_hDriverGun->GetFireOrigin();

		//NDebugOverlay::Box( vFireOrigin, -Vector(10,10,10), Vector(10,10,10), 0,255,0,8, 0.1 );

		// Get a direction vector that points at the target.
		Vector vTo = trace.endpos - vFireOrigin;

		// Transform it into the tank's local space.
		matrix3x4_t tankToWorld;
		AngleMatrix( GetAbsAngles(), tankToWorld );
		Vector vLocalTo;
		VectorITransform( vTo, tankToWorld, vLocalTo );

		// Now figure out what the angles are in local space.
		QAngle localAngles;
		VectorAngles( vLocalTo, localAngles );

		vecTargetAngles[YAW] = localAngles[YAW] - 90;
		vecTargetAngles[PITCH] = anglemod( localAngles[PITCH] );

	// Set the gun's angles
	m_hDriverGun->SetTargetAngles( vecTargetAngles );
void QUA_helicopter::Activate() {
	m_nGunBaseAttachment = LookupAttachment("gun");
	m_nMachineGunMuzzleAttachment = LookupAttachment( "muzzle" );
	Vector vecWorldBarrelPos;
	QAngle worldBarrelAngle;
	matrix3x4_t matRefToWorld;
	GetAttachment( m_nMachineGunMuzzleAttachment, vecWorldBarrelPos, worldBarrelAngle );
	GetAttachment(m_nGunBaseAttachment, matRefToWorld );
	VectorITransform( vecWorldBarrelPos, matRefToWorld, m_vecBarrelPos );
const Vector &CECollisionProperty::WorldToCollisionSpace( const Vector &in, Vector *pResult ) const
	if ( !IsBoundsDefinedInEntitySpace() || ( GetCollisionAngles() == vec3_angle ) )
		VectorSubtract( in, GetCollisionOrigin(), *pResult );
		VectorITransform( in, CollisionToWorldTransform(), *pResult );
	return *pResult;
Ejemplo n.º 9
void TransformVertex(MS3D *ms3d, const ms3d_vertex_t *vertex, float *out) {
	int jointIndices[4], jointWeights[4];
	FillJointIndicesAndWeights(vertex, jointIndices, jointWeights);
	if (jointIndices[0] < 0 || jointIndices[0] >= ms3d->nNumJoints || ms3d->fCurrentTime < 0.0f) {
		out[0] = vertex->vertex[0];
		out[1] = vertex->vertex[1];
		out[2] = vertex->vertex[2];
	} else {
		// count valid weights
		int numWeights = 0;
		int i;
		for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
			if ((jointWeights[i] > 0) && (jointIndices[i] >= 0) && (jointIndices[i] < ms3d->nNumJoints) )

		// init
		out[0] = 0.0f;
		out[1] = 0.0f;
		out[2] = 0.0f;

		float weights[4] = { (float) jointWeights[0] / 100.0f, (float) jointWeights[1] / 100.0f, (float) jointWeights[2] / 100.0f, (float) jointWeights[3] / 100.0f };
		if (numWeights == 0) {
			numWeights = 1;
			weights[0] = 1.0f;
		// add weighted vertices
		for (i = 0; i < numWeights; i++) {
			//const ms3d_joint_t *joint = &m_joints[jointIndices[i]];
			const ms3d_joint_t *joint = &ms3d->joints[jointIndices[i]];
			vec3_t tmp, vert;
			//VectorITransform(vertex->vertex, joint->matGlobalSkeleton, tmp);
			VectorITransform(vertex->vertex, (void *) ms3d->joints[jointIndices[i]].matGlobalSkeleton, tmp);
			VectorTransform(tmp, (void *) ms3d->joints[jointIndices[i]].matGlobal, vert);

			out[0] += vert[0] * weights[i];
			out[1] += vert[1] * weights[i];
			out[2] += vert[2] * weights[i];
			printf("%f, %f, %f\n", ms3d->joints[jointIndices[i]].matGlobalSkeleton[1][0], ms3d->joints[jointIndices[i]].matGlobalSkeleton[1][1], ms3d->joints[jointIndices[i]].matGlobalSkeleton[1][2] );
			//printf("%f, %f, %f\n", tmp[0], tmp[1], tmp[2]);
			//printf("%f, %f, %f\n", vert[0], vert[1], vert[2]);
			//printf("%f\n", weights[i]);
Ejemplo n.º 10
void msModel::TransformVertex(const ms3d_vertex_t *vertex, vec3_t out) const
	int jointIndices[4], jointWeights[4];
	FillJointIndicesAndWeights(vertex, jointIndices, jointWeights);

	if (jointIndices[0] < 0 || jointIndices[0] >= (int) m_joints.size() || m_currentTime < 0.0f)
		out[0] = vertex->vertex[0];
		out[1] = vertex->vertex[1];
		out[2] = vertex->vertex[2];
		// count valid weights
		int numWeights = 0;
		for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
			if (jointWeights[i] > 0 && jointIndices[i] >= 0 && jointIndices[i] < (int) m_joints.size())

		// init
		out[0] = 0.0f;
		out[1] = 0.0f;
		out[2] = 0.0f;

		float weights[4] = { (float) jointWeights[0] / 100.0f, (float) jointWeights[1] / 100.0f, (float) jointWeights[2] / 100.0f, (float) jointWeights[3] / 100.0f };
		if (numWeights == 0)
			numWeights = 1;
			weights[0] = 1.0f;
		// add weighted vertices
		for (int i = 0; i < numWeights; i++)
			const ms3d_joint_t *joint = &m_joints[jointIndices[i]];
			vec3_t tmp, vert;
			VectorITransform(vertex->vertex, joint->matGlobalSkeleton, tmp);
			VectorTransform(tmp, joint->matGlobal, vert);

			out[0] += vert[0] * weights[i];
			out[1] += vert[1] * weights[i];
			out[2] += vert[2] * weights[i];
Ejemplo n.º 11
// Purpose: 
void CPropAPC::Activate()

	m_nRocketAttachment = LookupAttachment( "cannon_muzzle" );
	m_nMachineGunMuzzleAttachment = LookupAttachment( "muzzle" );
	m_nMachineGunBaseAttachment = LookupAttachment( "gun_base" );

	// NOTE: gun_ref must have the same position as gun_base, but rotates with the gun
	int nMachineGunRefAttachment = LookupAttachment( "gun_def" );

	Vector vecWorldBarrelPos;
	matrix3x4_t matRefToWorld;
	GetAttachment( m_nMachineGunMuzzleAttachment, vecWorldBarrelPos );
	GetAttachment( nMachineGunRefAttachment, matRefToWorld );
	VectorITransform( vecWorldBarrelPos, matRefToWorld, m_vecBarrelPos );
Ejemplo n.º 12
// Purpose: 
void C_NPC_Barnacle::StandardBlendingRules( Vector pos[], Quaternion q[], float currentTime, int boneMask )
	BaseClass::StandardBlendingRules( pos, q, currentTime, boneMask );

	// Don't do anything while dead
	if ( !IsAlive() )

	studiohdr_t *hdr = GetModelPtr();
	if ( !hdr )

	int firstBone = Studio_BoneIndexByName( hdr, "Barnacle.tongue1" );

	Vector vecPrev = pos[firstBone-1];
	Vector vecCurr = vec3_origin;
	for ( int i = 0; i <= BARNACLE_TONGUE_POINTS; i++ )
		// We double up the bones at the last node.
		Vector vecCurr;
			vecCurr = m_TonguePhysics.GetLastNode()->m_vPos;
			vecCurr = m_TonguePhysics.GetNode(i)->m_vPos;

		//debugoverlay->AddBoxOverlay( vecCurr, -Vector(2,2,2), Vector(2,2,2), vec3_angle, 0,255,0, 128, 0.1 );

		// Fill out the positions in local space
		VectorITransform( vecCurr, EntityToWorldTransform(), pos[firstBone+i] );
		vecCurr = pos[firstBone+i];

		// Fill out the angles
		Vector vecForward = (vecCurr - vecPrev);
		VectorNormalize( vecForward );
		QAngle vecAngle;
		VectorAngles( vecForward, vecAngle );
		AngleQuaternion( vecAngle, q[firstBone+i] );

		vecPrev = vecCurr;
Ejemplo n.º 13
void CDecal::StaticDecal( void )
	Vector position;
	CBaseEntity *pEntity = GetDecalEntityAndPosition(&position, true);
	int entityIndex = 0;
	int modelIndex = 0;

	if ( pEntity )
		entityIndex = pEntity->entindex();
		modelIndex = pEntity->GetModelIndex();
		Vector worldspace = position;
		VectorITransform( worldspace, pEntity->EntityToWorldTransform(), position );
		position = GetAbsOrigin();

	engine->StaticDecal( position, m_nTexture, entityIndex, modelIndex, m_bLowPriority );

Ejemplo n.º 14
void C_EnvProjectedTexture::UpdateLight( void )
	bool bVisible = true;

	Vector vLinearFloatLightColor( m_LightColor.r, m_LightColor.g, m_LightColor.b );
	float flLinearFloatLightAlpha = m_LightColor.a;

	if ( m_bAlwaysUpdate )
		m_bForceUpdate = true;

	if ( m_CurrentLinearFloatLightColor != vLinearFloatLightColor || m_flCurrentLinearFloatLightAlpha != flLinearFloatLightAlpha )
		float flColorTransitionSpeed = gpGlobals->frametime * m_flColorTransitionTime * 255.0f;

		m_CurrentLinearFloatLightColor.x = Approach( vLinearFloatLightColor.x, m_CurrentLinearFloatLightColor.x, flColorTransitionSpeed );
		m_CurrentLinearFloatLightColor.y = Approach( vLinearFloatLightColor.y, m_CurrentLinearFloatLightColor.y, flColorTransitionSpeed );
		m_CurrentLinearFloatLightColor.z = Approach( vLinearFloatLightColor.z, m_CurrentLinearFloatLightColor.z, flColorTransitionSpeed );
		m_flCurrentLinearFloatLightAlpha = Approach( flLinearFloatLightAlpha, m_flCurrentLinearFloatLightAlpha, flColorTransitionSpeed );

		m_bForceUpdate = true;
	if ( !m_bForceUpdate )
		bVisible = IsBBoxVisible();		

	if ( m_bState == false || !bVisible )
		// Spotlight's extents aren't in view


	if ( m_LightHandle == CLIENTSHADOW_INVALID_HANDLE || m_hTargetEntity != NULL || m_bForceUpdate )
		Vector vForward, vRight, vUp, vPos = GetAbsOrigin();
		FlashlightState_t state;

		if ( m_hTargetEntity != NULL )
			if ( m_bCameraSpace )
				const QAngle &angles = GetLocalAngles();

				C_BasePlayer *pPlayer = C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer();
				if( pPlayer )
					const QAngle playerAngles = pPlayer->GetAbsAngles();

					Vector vPlayerForward, vPlayerRight, vPlayerUp;
					AngleVectors( playerAngles, &vPlayerForward, &vPlayerRight, &vPlayerUp );

					matrix3x4_t	mRotMatrix;
					AngleMatrix( angles, mRotMatrix );

					VectorITransform( vPlayerForward, mRotMatrix, vForward );
					VectorITransform( vPlayerRight, mRotMatrix, vRight );
					VectorITransform( vPlayerUp, mRotMatrix, vUp );

					float dist = (m_hTargetEntity->GetAbsOrigin() - GetAbsOrigin()).Length();
					vPos = m_hTargetEntity->GetAbsOrigin() - vForward*dist;

					VectorNormalize( vForward );
					VectorNormalize( vRight );
					VectorNormalize( vUp );
				vForward = m_hTargetEntity->GetAbsOrigin() - GetAbsOrigin();
				VectorNormalize( vForward );

				// JasonM - unimplemented
				Assert (0);

				//Quaternion q = DirectionToOrientation( dir );

				// JasonM - set up vRight, vUp

				//			VectorNormalize( vRight );
				//			VectorNormalize( vUp );
			AngleVectors( GetAbsAngles(), &vForward, &vRight, &vUp );

		state.m_fHorizontalFOVDegrees = m_flLightFOV;
		state.m_fVerticalFOVDegrees = m_flLightFOV;

		state.m_vecLightOrigin = vPos;
		BasisToQuaternion( vForward, vRight, vUp, state.m_quatOrientation );
		state.m_NearZ = m_flNearZ;
		state.m_FarZ = m_flFarZ;

		// quickly check the proposed light's bbox against the view frustum to determine whether we
		// should bother to create it, if it doesn't exist, or cull it, if it does.
		if ( m_bSimpleProjection == false )
#pragma message("OPTIMIZATION: this should be made SIMD")
			// get the half-widths of the near and far planes, 
			// based on the FOV which is in degrees. Remember that
			// on planet Valve, x is forward, y left, and z up. 
			const float tanHalfAngle = tan( m_flLightFOV * ( M_PI/180.0f ) * 0.5f );
			const float halfWidthNear = tanHalfAngle * m_flNearZ;
			const float halfWidthFar = tanHalfAngle * m_flFarZ;
			// now we can build coordinates in local space: the near rectangle is eg 
			// (0, -halfWidthNear, -halfWidthNear), (0,  halfWidthNear, -halfWidthNear), 
			// (0,  halfWidthNear,  halfWidthNear), (0, -halfWidthNear,  halfWidthNear)

			VectorAligned vNearRect[4] = { 
				VectorAligned( m_flNearZ, -halfWidthNear, -halfWidthNear), VectorAligned( m_flNearZ,  halfWidthNear, -halfWidthNear),
				VectorAligned( m_flNearZ,  halfWidthNear,  halfWidthNear), VectorAligned( m_flNearZ, -halfWidthNear,  halfWidthNear) 

			VectorAligned vFarRect[4] = { 
				VectorAligned( m_flFarZ, -halfWidthFar, -halfWidthFar), VectorAligned( m_flFarZ,  halfWidthFar, -halfWidthFar),
				VectorAligned( m_flFarZ,  halfWidthFar,  halfWidthFar), VectorAligned( m_flFarZ, -halfWidthFar,  halfWidthFar) 

			matrix3x4_t matOrientation( vForward, -vRight, vUp, vPos );

				kNEAR = 0,
				kFAR = 1,
			VectorAligned vOutRects[2][4];

			for ( int i = 0 ; i < 4 ; ++i )
				VectorTransform( vNearRect[i].Base(), matOrientation, vOutRects[0][i].Base() );
			for ( int i = 0 ; i < 4 ; ++i )
				VectorTransform( vFarRect[i].Base(), matOrientation, vOutRects[1][i].Base() );

			// now take the MIN and MAX extents for the bbox, and see if it is visible.
			Vector mins = **vOutRects; 
			Vector maxs = **vOutRects; 
			for ( int i = 1; i < 8 ; ++i )
				VectorMin( mins, *(*vOutRects+i), mins );
				VectorMax( maxs, *(*vOutRects+i), maxs );

#if 0 //for debugging the visibility frustum we just calculated
			NDebugOverlay::Triangle( vOutRects[0][0], vOutRects[0][1], vOutRects[0][2], 255, 0, 0, 100, true, 0.0f ); //first tri
			NDebugOverlay::Triangle( vOutRects[0][2], vOutRects[0][1], vOutRects[0][0], 255, 0, 0, 100, true, 0.0f ); //make it double sided
			NDebugOverlay::Triangle( vOutRects[0][2], vOutRects[0][3], vOutRects[0][0], 255, 0, 0, 100, true, 0.0f ); //second tri
			NDebugOverlay::Triangle( vOutRects[0][0], vOutRects[0][3], vOutRects[0][2], 255, 0, 0, 100, true, 0.0f ); //make it double sided

			NDebugOverlay::Triangle( vOutRects[1][0], vOutRects[1][1], vOutRects[1][2], 0, 0, 255, 100, true, 0.0f ); //first tri
			NDebugOverlay::Triangle( vOutRects[1][2], vOutRects[1][1], vOutRects[1][0], 0, 0, 255, 100, true, 0.0f ); //make it double sided
			NDebugOverlay::Triangle( vOutRects[1][2], vOutRects[1][3], vOutRects[1][0], 0, 0, 255, 100, true, 0.0f ); //second tri
			NDebugOverlay::Triangle( vOutRects[1][0], vOutRects[1][3], vOutRects[1][2], 0, 0, 255, 100, true, 0.0f ); //make it double sided

			NDebugOverlay::Box( vec3_origin, mins, maxs, 0, 255, 0, 100, 0.0f );
			bool bVisible = IsBBoxVisible( mins, maxs );
			if (!bVisible)
				// Spotlight's extents aren't in view
				if ( m_LightHandle != CLIENTSHADOW_INVALID_HANDLE )


		float flAlpha = m_flCurrentLinearFloatLightAlpha * ( 1.0f / 255.0f );

		state.m_fQuadraticAtten = 0.0;
		state.m_fLinearAtten = 100;
		state.m_fConstantAtten = 0.0f;
		state.m_FarZAtten = m_flFarZ;
		state.m_fBrightnessScale = m_flBrightnessScale;
		state.m_Color[0] = m_CurrentLinearFloatLightColor.x * ( 1.0f / 255.0f ) * flAlpha;
		state.m_Color[1] = m_CurrentLinearFloatLightColor.y * ( 1.0f / 255.0f ) * flAlpha;
		state.m_Color[2] = m_CurrentLinearFloatLightColor.z * ( 1.0f / 255.0f ) * flAlpha;
		state.m_Color[3] = 0.0f; // fixme: need to make ambient work m_flAmbient;
		state.m_flShadowSlopeScaleDepthBias = g_pMaterialSystemHardwareConfig->GetShadowSlopeScaleDepthBias();
		state.m_flShadowDepthBias = g_pMaterialSystemHardwareConfig->GetShadowDepthBias();
		state.m_bEnableShadows = m_bEnableShadows;
		state.m_pSpotlightTexture = m_SpotlightTexture;
		state.m_pProjectedMaterial = NULL; // only complain if we're using material projection
		state.m_nSpotlightTextureFrame = m_nSpotlightTextureFrame;
		state.m_flProjectionSize = m_flProjectionSize;
		state.m_flProjectionRotation = m_flRotation;

		state.m_nShadowQuality = m_nShadowQuality; // Allow entity to affect shadow quality

		if ( m_bSimpleProjection == true )
			state.m_bSimpleProjection = true;
			state.m_bOrtho = true;
			state.m_fOrthoLeft = -m_flProjectionSize;
			state.m_fOrthoTop = -m_flProjectionSize;
			state.m_fOrthoRight = m_flProjectionSize;
			state.m_fOrthoBottom = m_flProjectionSize;

			// Hack: env projected textures don't work like normal flashlights; they're not assigned to a given splitscreen slot,
			// but the flashlight code requires this
			HACK_GETLOCALPLAYER_GUARD( "Env projected texture" );
			if ( m_bSimpleProjection == true )
				m_LightHandle = g_pClientShadowMgr->CreateProjection( state );
				m_LightHandle = g_pClientShadowMgr->CreateFlashlight( state );

			if ( m_LightHandle != CLIENTSHADOW_INVALID_HANDLE )
				m_bForceUpdate = false;
			if ( m_bSimpleProjection == true )
				g_pClientShadowMgr->UpdateProjectionState( m_LightHandle, state );
				g_pClientShadowMgr->UpdateFlashlightState( m_LightHandle, state );
			m_bForceUpdate = false;

		g_pClientShadowMgr->GetFrustumExtents( m_LightHandle, m_vecExtentsMin, m_vecExtentsMax );

		m_vecExtentsMin = m_vecExtentsMin - GetAbsOrigin();
		m_vecExtentsMax = m_vecExtentsMax - GetAbsOrigin();

	if( m_bLightOnlyTarget )
		g_pClientShadowMgr->SetFlashlightTarget( m_LightHandle, m_hTargetEntity );
		g_pClientShadowMgr->SetFlashlightTarget( m_LightHandle, NULL );

	g_pClientShadowMgr->SetFlashlightLightWorld( m_LightHandle, m_bLightWorld );

	if ( !asw_perf_wtf.GetBool() && !m_bForceUpdate )
		g_pClientShadowMgr->UpdateProjectedTexture( m_LightHandle, true );
void IFaceposerModels::CFacePoserModel::CreateNewBitmap( char const *pchBitmapFilename, int sequence, int nSnapShotSize, bool bZoomInOnFace, CExpression *pExpression, mxbitmapdata_t *bitmap )
	MatSysWindow *pWnd = g_pMatSysWindow;
	if ( !pWnd ) 

	StudioModel *model = m_pModel;
	if ( !model )

	CStudioHdr *hdr = model->GetStudioHdr();
	if ( !hdr )
	if ( sequence < 0 || sequence >= hdr->GetNumSeq() )

	mstudioseqdesc_t &seqdesc = hdr->pSeqdesc( sequence );

	Con_ColorPrintf( FILE_COLOR, "Creating bitmap %s for sequence '%s'\n", pchBitmapFilename, seqdesc.pszLabel() );

	int iLayer = model->GetNewAnimationLayer();
	model->SetOverlaySequence( iLayer, sequence, 1.0 );
	model->SetOverlayRate( iLayer, FindPoseCycle( model, sequence ), 0.0 );

	for (int i = 0; i < hdr->GetNumPoseParameters(); i++)
		model->SetPoseParameter( i, 0.0 );

	float flexValues[ GLOBAL_STUDIO_FLEX_CONTROL_COUNT ] = { 0 };

	if ( pExpression )
		float *settings = pExpression->GetSettings();
		float *weights = pExpression->GetWeights();

		// Save existing settings from model
		for ( LocalFlexController_t i = LocalFlexController_t(0); i < hdr->numflexcontrollers(); ++i )
			int j = hdr->pFlexcontroller( i )->localToGlobal;
			if ( j == -1 )
			flexValues[ i ] = model->GetFlexController( i );
			// Set Value from passed in settings
			model->SetFlexController( i, settings[ j ] * weights[ j ] );

	model->ClearLookTargets( );

	QAngle oldrot, oldLight;
	Vector oldtrans;
	VectorCopy( model->m_angles, oldrot );
	VectorCopy( model->m_origin, oldtrans );
	VectorCopy( g_viewerSettings.lightrot, oldLight );


	g_viewerSettings.lightrot.y = -180;

	bool bSaveGround = g_viewerSettings.showGround;
	g_viewerSettings.showGround = false;

	if ( bZoomInOnFace )
		Vector size;
		VectorSubtract( hdr->hull_max(), hdr->hull_min(), size );

		float eyeheight = hdr->hull_min().z + 0.9 * size.z;
		//	float width = ( size.x + size.y ) / 2.0f;

		model->m_origin.x = size.z * .6f;

		if ( hdr->GetNumAttachments() > 0 )
			for (int i = 0; i < hdr->GetNumAttachments(); i++)
				const mstudioattachment_t &attachment = hdr->pAttachment( i );
				int iBone = hdr->GetAttachmentBone( i );

				if ( Q_stricmp( attachment.pszName(), "eyes" ) )

				mstudiobone_t *bone = hdr->pBone( iBone );
				if ( !bone )

				matrix3x4_t boneToPose;
				MatrixInvert( bone->poseToBone, boneToPose );

				matrix3x4_t attachmentPoseToLocal;
				ConcatTransforms( boneToPose, attachment.local, attachmentPoseToLocal );

				Vector localSpaceEyePosition;
				VectorITransform( vec3_origin, attachmentPoseToLocal, localSpaceEyePosition );

				// Not sure why this must be negative?
				eyeheight = -localSpaceEyePosition.z + hdr->hull_min().z;

		KeyValues *seqKeyValues = new KeyValues("");
		if ( seqKeyValues->LoadFromBuffer( model->GetFileName( ), model->GetKeyValueText( sequence ) ) )
			// Do we have a build point section?
			KeyValues *pkvAllFaceposer = seqKeyValues->FindKey("faceposer");
			if ( pkvAllFaceposer )
				float flEyeheight = pkvAllFaceposer->GetFloat( "eye_height", -9999.0f );
				if ( flEyeheight != -9999.0f )
					eyeheight = flEyeheight;

		model->m_origin.z += eyeheight;
		Vector mins, maxs;
		model->ExtractBbox(mins, maxs);
		Vector size;
		VectorSubtract( maxs, mins, size );

		float maxdim = size.x;
		if ( size.y > maxdim )
			maxdim = size.y;
		if ( size.z > maxdim )
			maxdim = size.z;

		float midpoint = mins.z + 0.5 * size.z;

		model->m_origin.x = 3 * maxdim;
		model->m_origin.z += midpoint;

	pWnd->SuppressResize( true );

	RECT rcClient;
	HWND wnd = (HWND)pWnd->getHandle();


	GetWindowPlacement( wnd, &wp );

	GetClientRect( wnd, &rcClient );

	MoveWindow( wnd, 0, 0, nSnapShotSize + 16, nSnapShotSize + 16, TRUE );

	// Snapshots are taken of the back buffer; 
	// we need to render to the back buffer but not move it to the front
	pWnd->SuppressBufferSwap( true );
	pWnd->SuppressBufferSwap( false );

	// make it square, assumes w > h
	char fullpath[ 512 ];
	Q_snprintf( fullpath, sizeof( fullpath ), "%s%s", GetGameDirectory(), pchBitmapFilename );
	pWnd->TakeSnapshotRect( fullpath, 0, 0, nSnapShotSize, nSnapShotSize );

	// Move back to original position
	SetWindowPlacement( wnd, &wp );

	pWnd->SuppressResize( false );

	VectorCopy( oldrot, model->m_angles );
	VectorCopy( oldtrans, model->m_origin );
	VectorCopy( oldLight, g_viewerSettings.lightrot );

	g_viewerSettings.showGround = bSaveGround;

	if ( pExpression )
		// Save existing settings from model
		for ( LocalFlexController_t i = LocalFlexController_t(0); i < hdr->numflexcontrollers(); ++i )
			int j = hdr->pFlexcontroller( i )->localToGlobal;
			if ( j == -1 )

			model->SetFlexController( i, flexValues[ i ] );

	if ( bitmap->valid )
		DeleteObject( bitmap->image );
		bitmap->image = 0;
		bitmap->valid = false;

	LoadBitmapFromFile( pchBitmapFilename, *bitmap );
Ejemplo n.º 16
	CTraceFilterValidForDecal traceFilter( this, COLLISION_GROUP_NONE );
	int entityIndex, modelIndex = 0;

	Vector position = GetAbsOrigin();
	UTIL_TraceLine( position - Vector(5,5,5), position + Vector(5,5,5),  MASK_SOLID, &traceFilter, &trace );

	bool canDraw = true;

	entityIndex = trace.m_pEnt ? (short)trace.m_pEnt->entindex() : 0;
	if ( entityIndex )
		CBaseEntity *ent = trace.m_pEnt;
		if ( ent )
			modelIndex = ent->GetModelIndex();
			VectorITransform( GetAbsOrigin(), ent->EntityToWorldTransform(), position );

			canDraw = ( modelIndex != 0 );
			if ( !canDraw )
				Warning( "Suppressed StaticDecal which would have hit entity %i (class:%s, name:%s) with modelindex = 0\n",
					STRING( ent->GetEntityName() ) );

	if ( canDraw )
		engine->StaticDecal( position, m_nTexture, entityIndex, modelIndex, m_bLowPriority );
Ejemplo n.º 17
// Purpose: Aim Gun at a target
void CASW_PropJeep::AimGunAt( Vector *endPos, float flInterval )
	Vector	aimPos = *endPos;

	// See if the gun should be allowed to aim
	if ( IsOverturned() || m_bEngineLocked || m_bHasGun == false )
		SetPoseParameter( JEEP_GUN_YAW, 0 );
		SetPoseParameter( JEEP_GUN_PITCH, 0 );
		SetPoseParameter( JEEP_GUN_SPIN, 0 );

		// Make the gun go limp and look "down"
		Vector	v_forward, v_up;
		AngleVectors( GetLocalAngles(), NULL, &v_forward, &v_up );
		aimPos = WorldSpaceCenter() + ( v_forward * -32.0f ) - Vector( 0, 0, 128.0f );

	matrix3x4_t gunMatrix;
	GetAttachment( LookupAttachment("gun_ref"), gunMatrix );

	// transform the enemy into gun space
	Vector localEnemyPosition;
	VectorITransform( aimPos, gunMatrix, localEnemyPosition );

	// do a look at in gun space (essentially a delta-lookat)
	QAngle localEnemyAngles;
	VectorAngles( localEnemyPosition, localEnemyAngles );
	// convert to +/- 180 degrees
	localEnemyAngles.x = UTIL_AngleDiff( localEnemyAngles.x, 0 );	
	localEnemyAngles.y = UTIL_AngleDiff( localEnemyAngles.y, 0 );

	float targetYaw = m_aimYaw + localEnemyAngles.y;
	float targetPitch = m_aimPitch + localEnemyAngles.x;
	// Constrain our angles
	float newTargetYaw	= clamp( targetYaw, -CANNON_MAX_LEFT_YAW, CANNON_MAX_RIGHT_YAW );
	float newTargetPitch = clamp( targetPitch, -CANNON_MAX_DOWN_PITCH, CANNON_MAX_UP_PITCH );

	// If the angles have been clamped, we're looking outside of our valid range
	if ( fabs(newTargetYaw-targetYaw) > 1e-4 || fabs(newTargetPitch-targetPitch) > 1e-4 )
		m_bUnableToFire = true;

	targetYaw = newTargetYaw;
	targetPitch = newTargetPitch;

	// Exponentially approach the target
	float yawSpeed = 8;
	float pitchSpeed = 8;

	m_aimYaw = UTIL_Approach( targetYaw, m_aimYaw, yawSpeed );
	m_aimPitch = UTIL_Approach( targetPitch, m_aimPitch, pitchSpeed );

	SetPoseParameter( JEEP_GUN_YAW, -m_aimYaw);
	SetPoseParameter( JEEP_GUN_PITCH, -m_aimPitch );


	// read back to avoid drift when hitting limits
	// as long as the velocity is less than the delta between the limit and 180, this is fine.
	m_aimPitch = -GetPoseParameter( JEEP_GUN_PITCH );
	m_aimYaw = -GetPoseParameter( JEEP_GUN_YAW );

	// Now draw crosshair for actual aiming point
	Vector	vecMuzzle, vecMuzzleDir;
	QAngle	vecMuzzleAng;

	GetAttachment( "Muzzle", vecMuzzle, vecMuzzleAng );
	AngleVectors( vecMuzzleAng, &vecMuzzleDir );

	trace_t	tr;
	UTIL_TraceLine( vecMuzzle, vecMuzzle + (vecMuzzleDir * MAX_TRACE_LENGTH), MASK_SHOT, this, COLLISION_GROUP_NONE, &tr );

		// see if we hit something, if so, adjust endPos to hit location
	if ( tr.fraction < 1.0 )
		m_vecGunCrosshair = vecMuzzle + ( vecMuzzleDir * MAX_TRACE_LENGTH * tr.fraction );
Ejemplo n.º 18
void ControlPanel::CenterOnFace( void )
	if ( !models->GetActiveStudioModel() )

	StudioModel *mdl = models->GetActiveStudioModel();
	if ( !mdl )

	CStudioHdr *hdr = mdl->GetStudioHdr();
	if ( !hdr )

	setSpeed( 1.0f );

	int oldSeq = models->GetActiveStudioModel()->GetSequence();

	int seq = models->GetActiveStudioModel()->LookupSequence( "idle_suble" );
	if ( seq == -1 )
		seq = 0;

	if ( seq != oldSeq )
		Con_Printf( "Centering changed model sequence # to %d\n", seq );

	setSequence( seq );
	initPoseParameters( );


	Vector size;
	VectorSubtract( hdr->hull_max(), hdr->hull_min(), size );

	float eyeheight = hdr->hull_min().z + 0.9 * size.z;

	if ( hdr->GetNumAttachments() > 0 )
		for (int i = 0; i < hdr->GetNumAttachments(); i++)
			const mstudioattachment_t &attachment = hdr->pAttachment( i );
			int iBone = hdr->GetAttachmentBone( i );

			if ( Q_stricmp( attachment.pszName(), "eyes" ) )

			mstudiobone_t *bone = hdr->pBone( iBone );
			if ( !bone )

			matrix3x4_t boneToPose;
			MatrixInvert( bone->poseToBone, boneToPose );

			matrix3x4_t attachmentPoseToLocal;
			ConcatTransforms( boneToPose, attachment.local, attachmentPoseToLocal );

			Vector localSpaceEyePosition;
			VectorITransform( vec3_origin, attachmentPoseToLocal, localSpaceEyePosition );

			// Not sure why this must be negative?
			eyeheight = -localSpaceEyePosition.z + hdr->hull_min().z;

	KeyValues *seqKeyValues = new KeyValues("");
	if ( seqKeyValues->LoadFromBuffer( mdl->GetFileName( ), mdl->GetKeyValueText( seq ) ) )
		// Do we have a build point section?
		KeyValues *pkvAllFaceposer = seqKeyValues->FindKey("faceposer");
		if ( pkvAllFaceposer )
			float flEyeheight = pkvAllFaceposer->GetFloat( "eye_height", -9999.0f );
			if ( flEyeheight != -9999.0f )
				eyeheight = flEyeheight;


	mdl->m_origin.x = size.z * .65f;
	mdl->m_origin.z += eyeheight;

	CUtlVector< StudioModel * > modellist;

	modellist.AddToTail( models->GetActiveStudioModel() );

	int i;
	if ( models->CountVisibleModels() > 0 )
		for ( i = 0; i < models->Count(); i++ )
			if ( models->IsModelShownIn3DView( i ) )
				modellist.AddToTail( models->GetStudioModel( i ) );

	int modelcount = modellist.Count();
	int countover2 = modelcount / 2;
	int ydelta = GetModelGap();
	int yoffset = -countover2 * ydelta;
	for ( i = 0 ; i < modelcount; i++ )
		if ( models->GetStudioHeader( i ) == hdr )
			mdl->m_origin.y = -yoffset;
		yoffset += ydelta;

void C_EnvProjectedTexture::UpdateLight( bool bForceUpdate )
	if ( m_bState == false )


	Vector vForward, vRight, vUp, vPos = GetAbsOrigin();
	FlashlightState_t state;

	if ( m_hTargetEntity != NULL )
		if ( m_bCameraSpace )
			const QAngle &angles = GetLocalAngles();

			C_BasePlayer *pPlayer = C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer();
			if( pPlayer )
				const QAngle playerAngles = pPlayer->GetAbsAngles();
				Vector vPlayerForward, vPlayerRight, vPlayerUp;
				AngleVectors( playerAngles, &vPlayerForward, &vPlayerRight, &vPlayerUp );

            	matrix3x4_t	mRotMatrix;
				AngleMatrix( angles, mRotMatrix );

				VectorITransform( vPlayerForward, mRotMatrix, vForward );
				VectorITransform( vPlayerRight, mRotMatrix, vRight );
				VectorITransform( vPlayerUp, mRotMatrix, vUp );

				float dist = (m_hTargetEntity->GetAbsOrigin() - GetAbsOrigin()).Length();
				vPos = m_hTargetEntity->GetAbsOrigin() - vForward*dist;

				VectorNormalize( vForward );
				VectorNormalize( vRight );
				VectorNormalize( vUp );
			// VXP: Fixing targeting
			Vector vecToTarget;
			QAngle vecAngles;
			if ( m_hTargetEntity == NULL )
			vecAngles = GetAbsAngles();
			vecToTarget = m_hTargetEntity->GetAbsOrigin() - GetAbsOrigin();
			VectorAngles( vecToTarget, vecAngles );
			AngleVectors( vecAngles, &vForward, &vRight, &vUp );
		AngleVectors( GetAbsAngles(), &vForward, &vRight, &vUp );

	state.m_fHorizontalFOVDegrees = m_flLightFOV;
	state.m_fVerticalFOVDegrees = m_flLightFOV;

	state.m_vecLightOrigin = vPos;
	BasisToQuaternion( vForward, vRight, vUp, state.m_quatOrientation );

	state.m_fQuadraticAtten = 0.0;
	state.m_fLinearAtten = 100;
	state.m_fConstantAtten = 0.0f;
	state.m_Color[0] = m_LinearFloatLightColor.x;
	state.m_Color[1] = m_LinearFloatLightColor.y;
	state.m_Color[2] = m_LinearFloatLightColor.z;
	state.m_Color[3] = 0.0f; // fixme: need to make ambient work m_flAmbient;
	state.m_NearZ = m_flNearZ;
	state.m_FarZ = m_flFarZ;
	state.m_flShadowSlopeScaleDepthBias = mat_slopescaledepthbias_shadowmap.GetFloat();
	state.m_flShadowDepthBias = mat_depthbias_shadowmap.GetFloat();
	state.m_bEnableShadows = m_bEnableShadows;
	state.m_pSpotlightTexture = materials->FindTexture( m_SpotlightTextureName, TEXTURE_GROUP_OTHER, false );
	state.m_nSpotlightTextureFrame = m_nSpotlightTextureFrame;

	state.m_nShadowQuality = m_nShadowQuality; // Allow entity to affect shadow quality

		m_LightHandle = g_pClientShadowMgr->CreateFlashlight( state );
		if ( m_hTargetEntity != NULL || bForceUpdate == true )
			g_pClientShadowMgr->UpdateFlashlightState( m_LightHandle, state );

	if( m_bLightOnlyTarget )
		g_pClientShadowMgr->SetFlashlightTarget( m_LightHandle, m_hTargetEntity );
		g_pClientShadowMgr->SetFlashlightTarget( m_LightHandle, NULL );

	g_pClientShadowMgr->SetFlashlightLightWorld( m_LightHandle, m_bLightWorld );

	//if ( bForceUpdate == false )
		g_pClientShadowMgr->UpdateProjectedTexture( m_LightHandle, true );
bool CParticleSystemQuery::IsPointInControllingObjectHitBox( 
	CParticleCollection *pParticles,
	int nControlPointNumber, Vector vecPos, bool bBBoxOnly )
	bool bSuccess = false;
#ifndef GAME_DLL

	EHANDLE *phMoveParent = reinterpret_cast<EHANDLE *> ( pParticles->m_ControlPoints[nControlPointNumber].m_pObject );
	CBaseEntity *pMoveParent = NULL;
	if ( phMoveParent )
		pMoveParent = *( phMoveParent );
	if ( pMoveParent )
		C_BaseAnimating *pAnimating = pMoveParent->GetBaseAnimating();

		bool bInBBox = false;
		Vector vecBBoxMin;
		Vector vecBBoxMax;
		Vector vecOrigin;

		vecBBoxMin = pMoveParent->CollisionProp()->OBBMins();
		vecBBoxMax = pMoveParent->CollisionProp()->OBBMaxs();

		matrix3x4_t matOrientation;
		matOrientation = pMoveParent->EntityToWorldTransform();
		Vector vecLocalPos;
		VectorITransform( vecPos, matOrientation, vecLocalPos );
		if ( IsPointInBox( vecLocalPos, vecBBoxMin, vecBBoxMax ) )
			bInBBox = true;

		if ( bInBBox && bBBoxOnly )
			bSuccess = true;
		else if ( pAnimating && bInBBox )
			matrix3x4_t	*hitboxbones[MAXSTUDIOBONES];
			if ( pAnimating->HitboxToWorldTransforms( hitboxbones ) )

				studiohdr_t *pStudioHdr = modelinfo->GetStudiomodel( pAnimating->GetModel() );

				if ( pStudioHdr )
					mstudiohitboxset_t *set = pStudioHdr->pHitboxSet( pAnimating->GetHitboxSet() );

					if ( set )
						// do a point in solid test
						Ray_t ray;
						trace_t tr;
						ray.Init( vecPos, vecPos );
						enginetrace->ClipRayToEntity( ray, MASK_ALL, pMoveParent, &tr );
						if ( tr.startsolid )
							bSuccess = true;
		else if ( pMoveParent->IsBrushModel() && bInBBox )
			// do a point in solid test
			Ray_t ray;
			trace_t tr;
			ray.Init( vecPos, vecPos );
			enginetrace->ClipRayToEntity( ray, MASK_ALL, pMoveParent, &tr );
			if ( tr.startsolid )
				bSuccess = true;

	return bSuccess;
void C_EnvProjectedTexture::UpdateLight(void)
	VPROF_BUDGET("C_EnvProjectedTexture::UpdateLight", "Projected Textures");

	if (CurrentViewID() == VIEW_SHADOW_DEPTH_TEXTURE /*|| CurrentViewID() == VIEW_SUN_SHAFTS*/)

	bool bVisible = true;

	if (m_bAlwaysUpdate)
		m_bForceUpdate = true;

	float fHighFOV;
	if (m_flLightFOV > m_flLightHorFOV)
		fHighFOV = m_flLightFOV;
		fHighFOV = m_flLightHorFOV;

	if (m_bState == false || !IsWithinFarZ(fHighFOV) || !IsBBoxVisible())
		// Spotlight's extents aren't in view

		bVisible = true;

	Vector vLinearFloatLightColor(m_LightColor.r, m_LightColor.g, m_LightColor.b);
	float flLinearFloatLightAlpha = m_LightColor.a;

	if (m_CurrentLinearFloatLightColor != vLinearFloatLightColor || m_flCurrentLinearFloatLightAlpha != flLinearFloatLightAlpha)
		float flColorTransitionSpeed = gpGlobals->frametime * m_flColorTransitionTime * 255.0f;

		m_CurrentLinearFloatLightColor.x = Approach(vLinearFloatLightColor.x, m_CurrentLinearFloatLightColor.x, flColorTransitionSpeed);
		m_CurrentLinearFloatLightColor.y = Approach(vLinearFloatLightColor.y, m_CurrentLinearFloatLightColor.y, flColorTransitionSpeed);
		m_CurrentLinearFloatLightColor.z = Approach(vLinearFloatLightColor.z, m_CurrentLinearFloatLightColor.z, flColorTransitionSpeed);
		m_flCurrentLinearFloatLightAlpha = Approach(flLinearFloatLightAlpha, m_flCurrentLinearFloatLightAlpha, flColorTransitionSpeed);

		m_bForceUpdate = true;

	if (m_LightHandle == CLIENTSHADOW_INVALID_HANDLE || m_hTargetEntity != NULL || GetRootMoveParent() != NULL || m_bForceUpdate)
		Vector vForward, vRight, vUp, vPos = GetAbsOrigin();
		FlashlightState_t state;

		if (m_hTargetEntity != NULL)
			if (m_bCameraSpace)
				const QAngle &angles = GetLocalAngles();

				C_BasePlayer *pPlayer = C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer();
				if (pPlayer)
					const QAngle playerAngles = pPlayer->GetAbsAngles();

					Vector vPlayerForward, vPlayerRight, vPlayerUp;
					AngleVectors(playerAngles, &vPlayerForward, &vPlayerRight, &vPlayerUp);

					matrix3x4_t	mRotMatrix;
					AngleMatrix(angles, mRotMatrix);

					VectorITransform(vPlayerForward, mRotMatrix, vForward);
					VectorITransform(vPlayerRight, mRotMatrix, vRight);
					VectorITransform(vPlayerUp, mRotMatrix, vUp);

					float dist = (m_hTargetEntity->GetAbsOrigin() - GetAbsOrigin()).Length();
					vPos = m_hTargetEntity->GetAbsOrigin() - vForward*dist;

				Vector vecToTarget = m_hTargetEntity->GetAbsOrigin() - GetAbsOrigin();
				QAngle vecAngles;
				VectorAngles(vecToTarget, vecAngles);
				AngleVectors(vecAngles, &vForward, &vRight, &vUp);
			AngleVectors(GetAbsAngles(), &vForward, &vRight, &vUp);

		state.m_fHorizontalFOVDegrees = abs(m_flLightHorFOV);
		state.m_fVerticalFOVDegrees = abs(m_flLightFOV);

		state.m_vecLightOrigin = vPos;
		BasisToQuaternion(vForward, vRight, vUp, state.m_quatOrientation);
		state.m_NearZ = m_flNearZ;
		state.m_FarZ = m_flFarZ;

		// quickly check the proposed light's bbox against the view frustum to determine whether we
		// should bother to create it, if it doesn't exist, or cull it, if it does.
		// get the half-widths of the near and far planes, 
		// based on the FOV which is in degrees. Remember that
		// on planet Valve, x is forward, y left, and z up. 
		const float tanHalfAngle = tan(fHighFOV * (M_PI / 180.0f) * 0.5f);
		const float halfWidthNear = tanHalfAngle * m_flNearZ;
		const float halfWidthFar = tanHalfAngle * m_flFarZ;
		// now we can build coordinates in local space: the near rectangle is eg 
		// (0, -halfWidthNear, -halfWidthNear), (0,  halfWidthNear, -halfWidthNear), 
		// (0,  halfWidthNear,  halfWidthNear), (0, -halfWidthNear,  halfWidthNear)

		VectorAligned vNearRect[4] = {
			VectorAligned(m_flNearZ, -halfWidthNear, -halfWidthNear), VectorAligned(m_flNearZ,  halfWidthNear, -halfWidthNear),
			VectorAligned(m_flNearZ,  halfWidthNear,  halfWidthNear), VectorAligned(m_flNearZ, -halfWidthNear,  halfWidthNear)

		VectorAligned vFarRect[4] = {
			VectorAligned(m_flFarZ, -halfWidthFar, -halfWidthFar), VectorAligned(m_flFarZ,  halfWidthFar, -halfWidthFar),
			VectorAligned(m_flFarZ,  halfWidthFar,  halfWidthFar), VectorAligned(m_flFarZ, -halfWidthFar,  halfWidthFar)

		matrix3x4_t matOrientation(vForward, -vRight, vUp, vPos);

			kNEAR = 0,
			kFAR = 1,
		VectorAligned vOutRects[2][4];

		for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
			VectorTransform(vNearRect[i].Base(), matOrientation, vOutRects[0][i].Base());
		for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
			VectorTransform(vFarRect[i].Base(), matOrientation, vOutRects[1][i].Base());

		// now take the min and max extents for the bbox, and see if it is visible.
		Vector mins = **vOutRects;
		Vector maxs = **vOutRects;
		for (int i = 1; i < 8; ++i)
			VectorMin(mins, *(*vOutRects + i), mins);
			VectorMax(maxs, *(*vOutRects + i), maxs);

#if 0 //for debugging the visibility frustum we just calculated
		NDebugOverlay::Triangle(vOutRects[0][0], vOutRects[0][1], vOutRects[0][2], 255, 0, 0, 100, true, 0.0f); //first tri
		NDebugOverlay::Triangle(vOutRects[0][2], vOutRects[0][1], vOutRects[0][0], 255, 0, 0, 100, true, 0.0f); //make it double sided
		NDebugOverlay::Triangle(vOutRects[0][2], vOutRects[0][3], vOutRects[0][0], 255, 0, 0, 100, true, 0.0f); //second tri
		NDebugOverlay::Triangle(vOutRects[0][0], vOutRects[0][3], vOutRects[0][2], 255, 0, 0, 100, true, 0.0f); //make it double sided

		NDebugOverlay::Triangle(vOutRects[1][0], vOutRects[1][1], vOutRects[1][2], 0, 0, 255, 100, true, 0.0f); //first tri
		NDebugOverlay::Triangle(vOutRects[1][2], vOutRects[1][1], vOutRects[1][0], 0, 0, 255, 100, true, 0.0f); //make it double sided
		NDebugOverlay::Triangle(vOutRects[1][2], vOutRects[1][3], vOutRects[1][0], 0, 0, 255, 100, true, 0.0f); //second tri
		NDebugOverlay::Triangle(vOutRects[1][0], vOutRects[1][3], vOutRects[1][2], 0, 0, 255, 100, true, 0.0f); //make it double sided

		NDebugOverlay::Box(vec3_origin, mins, maxs, 0, 255, 0, 100, 0.0f);

		bool bVisible = IsBBoxVisible(mins, maxs);
		if (!bVisible)
			// Spotlight's extents aren't in view


		float flAlpha = m_flCurrentLinearFloatLightAlpha * (1.0f / 255.0f);

		state.m_fQuadraticAtten = m_flQuadratic;
		state.m_fLinearAtten = 100;
		if (m_bAtten)
			state.m_fConstantAtten = 0.0f;
			state.m_fConstantAtten = 1.0f;
		state.m_Color[0] = (m_CurrentLinearFloatLightColor.x * (1.0f / 255.0f) * flAlpha) * m_fBrightness;
		state.m_Color[1] = (m_CurrentLinearFloatLightColor.y * (1.0f / 255.0f) * flAlpha) * m_fBrightness;
		state.m_Color[2] = (m_CurrentLinearFloatLightColor.z * (1.0f / 255.0f) * flAlpha) * m_fBrightness;
		state.m_Color[3] = m_flAmbient;
		state.m_flShadowSlopeScaleDepthBias = mat_slopescaledepthbias_shadowmap.GetFloat();
		state.m_flShadowDepthBias = mat_depthbias_shadowmap.GetFloat();
		if (m_bEnableShadows && r_flashlightdepthtexture.GetBool() && m_bClientWantsShadows)
			state.m_bEnableShadows = true;
			state.m_bEnableShadows = false;
		state.m_pSpotlightTexture = m_SpotlightTexture;
		state.m_nSpotlightTextureFrame = m_nSpotlightTextureFrame;
		if (r_dynamicshadows_use_c17_improvements.GetBool())
			//state.m_flShadowFilterSize = m_flBlur;
			if (r_flashlightdepthres.GetInt() == 512)
				state.m_flShadowFilterSize = 0.8f;
			else if (r_flashlightdepthres.GetInt() == 1024)
				state.m_flShadowFilterSize = 0.3f;
			else if (r_flashlightdepthres.GetInt() == 2048)
				state.m_flShadowFilterSize = 0.2f;
			else if (r_flashlightdepthres.GetInt() == 4096)
				state.m_flShadowFilterSize = 0.08f;
				state.m_flShadowFilterSize = 1.0f;
			state.m_flShadowAtten = m_flAtten;
			state.m_flShadowFilterSize = 3.0f;
			state.m_flShadowAtten = 0.35f;
		state.m_nShadowQuality = m_nShadowQuality; // Allow entity to affect shadow quality

			// Hack: env projected textures don't work like normal flashlights; they're not assigned to a given splitscreen slot,
			// but the flashlight code requires this
			m_LightHandle = g_pClientShadowMgr->CreateFlashlight(state);

				m_bForceUpdate = false;
			g_pClientShadowMgr->UpdateFlashlightState(m_LightHandle, state);
			m_bForceUpdate = false;

		g_pClientShadowMgr->GetFrustumExtents(m_LightHandle, m_vecExtentsMin, m_vecExtentsMax);

		m_vecExtentsMin = m_vecExtentsMin - GetAbsOrigin();
		m_vecExtentsMax = m_vecExtentsMax - GetAbsOrigin();

	if (m_bLightOnlyTarget)
		g_pClientShadowMgr->SetFlashlightTarget(m_LightHandle, m_hTargetEntity);
		g_pClientShadowMgr->SetFlashlightTarget(m_LightHandle, NULL);

	g_pClientShadowMgr->SetFlashlightLightWorld(m_LightHandle, m_bLightWorld);

	if (!m_bForceUpdate)
		g_pClientShadowMgr->UpdateProjectedTexture(m_LightHandle, true);
Ejemplo n.º 22
bool CStatueProp::CreateVPhysicsFromHitBoxes( CBaseAnimating *pInitBaseAnimating )
	if ( !pInitBaseAnimating )
		return false;

	// Use the current animation sequence and cycle
	CopyAnimationDataFrom( pInitBaseAnimating );

	// Copy over any render color
	color24 colorRender = pInitBaseAnimating->GetRenderColor();
	SetRenderColor( colorRender.r, colorRender.g, colorRender.b );
	SetRenderAlpha( pInitBaseAnimating->GetRenderAlpha() );

	// Get hitbox data
	CStudioHdr *pStudioHdr = GetModelPtr();
	if ( !pStudioHdr )
		return false;

	mstudiohitboxset_t *set = pStudioHdr->pHitboxSet( m_nHitboxSet );
	if ( !set )
		return false;

	Vector position;
	QAngle angles;

	// Make enough pointers to convexes for each hitbox
	CPhysConvex **ppConvex = new (CPhysConvex*[ set->numhitboxes ]);

	float flTotalVolume = 0.0f;
	float flTotalSurfaceArea = 0.0f;

	for ( int i = 0; i < set->numhitboxes; i++ )
		// Get the hitbox info
		mstudiobbox_t *pbox = set->pHitbox( i );
		GetBonePosition( pbox->bone, position, angles );

		// Accumulate volume and area
		Vector flDimentions = pbox->bbmax - pbox->bbmin;
		flTotalVolume += flDimentions.x * flDimentions.y * flDimentions.z;
		flTotalSurfaceArea += 2.0f * ( flDimentions.x * flDimentions.y + flDimentions.x * flDimentions.z + flDimentions.y * flDimentions.z );

		// Get angled min and max extents
		Vector vecMins, vecMaxs;
		VectorRotate( pbox->bbmin, angles, vecMins );
		VectorRotate( pbox->bbmax, angles, vecMaxs );

		// Get the corners in world space
		Vector vecMinCorner = position + vecMins;
		Vector vecMaxCorner = position + vecMaxs;

		// Get the normals of the hitbox in world space
		Vector vecForward, vecRight, vecUp;
		AngleVectors( angles, &vecForward, &vecRight, &vecUp );
		vecRight = -vecRight;

		// Convert corners and normals to local space
		Vector vecCornerLocal[ 2 ];
		Vector vecNormalLocal[ 3 ];

		matrix3x4_t matToWorld = EntityToWorldTransform();
		VectorITransform( vecMaxCorner, matToWorld, vecCornerLocal[ 0 ] );
		VectorITransform( vecMinCorner, matToWorld, vecCornerLocal[ 1 ] );
		VectorIRotate( vecForward, matToWorld, vecNormalLocal[ 0 ] );
		VectorIRotate( vecRight, matToWorld, vecNormalLocal[ 1 ] );
		VectorIRotate( vecUp, matToWorld, vecNormalLocal[ 2 ] );

		// Create 6 planes from the local oriented hit box data
		float pPlanes[ 4 * 6 ];

		for ( int iPlane = 0; iPlane < 6; ++iPlane )
			int iPlaneMod2 = iPlane % 2;
			int iPlaneDiv2 = iPlane / 2;
			bool bOdd = ( iPlaneMod2 == 1 );

			// Plane Normal
			pPlanes[ iPlane * 4 + 0 ] = vecNormalLocal[ iPlaneDiv2 ].x * ( bOdd ? -1.0f : 1.0f );
			pPlanes[ iPlane * 4 + 1 ] = vecNormalLocal[ iPlaneDiv2 ].y * ( bOdd ? -1.0f : 1.0f );
			pPlanes[ iPlane * 4 + 2 ] = vecNormalLocal[ iPlaneDiv2 ].z * ( bOdd ? -1.0f : 1.0f );

			// Plane D
			pPlanes[ iPlane * 4 + 3 ] = ( vecCornerLocal[ iPlaneMod2 ].x * vecNormalLocal[ iPlaneDiv2 ].x + 
				vecCornerLocal[ iPlaneMod2 ].y * vecNormalLocal[ iPlaneDiv2 ].y + 
				vecCornerLocal[ iPlaneMod2 ].z * vecNormalLocal[ iPlaneDiv2 ].z ) * ( bOdd ? -1.0f : 1.0f );

		// Create convex from the intersection of these planes
		ppConvex[ i ] = physcollision->ConvexFromPlanes( pPlanes, 6, 0.0f );

	// Make a single collide out of the group of convex boxes
	CPhysCollide *pPhysCollide = physcollision->ConvertConvexToCollide( ppConvex, set->numhitboxes );

	delete[] ppConvex;

	// Create the physics object
	objectparams_t params = g_PhysDefaultObjectParams;
	params.pGameData = static_cast<void *>( this );

	int nMaterialIndex = physprops->GetSurfaceIndex( "ice" );	// use ice material

	IPhysicsObject* p = physenv->CreatePolyObject( pPhysCollide, nMaterialIndex, GetAbsOrigin(), GetAbsAngles(), &params );
	Assert( p != NULL );

	// Set velocity
	Vector vecInitialVelocity = pInitBaseAnimating->GetAbsVelocity();
	p->SetVelocity( &vecInitialVelocity, NULL );

	// Compute mass
	float flMass;
	float flDensity, flThickness;
	physprops->GetPhysicsProperties( nMaterialIndex, &flDensity, &flThickness, NULL, NULL );

	// Make it more hollow
	flThickness = MIN ( 1.0f, flThickness + 0.5f );

	if ( flThickness > 0.0f )
		flMass = flTotalSurfaceArea * flThickness * CUBIC_METERS_PER_CUBIC_INCH * flDensity;
		// density is in kg/m^3, volume is in in^3
		flMass = flTotalVolume * CUBIC_METERS_PER_CUBIC_INCH * flDensity;

	// Mass is somewhere between the original and if it was all ice
	p->SetMass( flMass );

	// Yes, gravity
	p->EnableGravity( true );

	// Use this as our vphysics
	VPhysicsSetObject( p );



	if ( pInitBaseAnimating != this )
		// Transfer children from the init base animating
		TransferChildren( pInitBaseAnimating, this );

		CBaseEntity *pChild = FirstMoveChild();

		while ( pChild )
			CEntityFreezing *pFreezing = dynamic_cast<CEntityFreezing*>( pChild );
			if ( pFreezing )

			pChild = pChild->NextMovePeer();

	return true;
Ejemplo n.º 23
bool CStatueProp::CreateVPhysicsFromOBBs( CBaseAnimating *pInitBaseAnimating )
	// Make enough pointers to convexes for each hitbox
	CPhysConvex **ppConvex = new (CPhysConvex*[ m_pInitOBBs->Count() ]);

	float flTotalVolume = 0.0f;
	float flTotalSurfaceArea = 0.0f;

	for ( int i = 0; i < m_pInitOBBs->Count(); i++ )
		const outer_collision_obb_t *pOBB = &((*m_pInitOBBs)[ i ]);

		// Accumulate volume and area
		Vector flDimentions = pOBB->vecMaxs - pOBB->vecMins;
		flTotalVolume += flDimentions.x * flDimentions.y * flDimentions.z;
		flTotalSurfaceArea += 2.0f * ( flDimentions.x * flDimentions.y + flDimentions.x * flDimentions.z + flDimentions.y * flDimentions.z );

		// Get angled min and max extents
		Vector vecMins, vecMaxs;
		VectorRotate( pOBB->vecMins, pOBB->angAngles, vecMins );
		VectorRotate( pOBB->vecMaxs, pOBB->angAngles, vecMaxs );

		// Get the corners in world space
		Vector vecMinCorner = pOBB->vecPos + vecMins;
		Vector vecMaxCorner = pOBB->vecPos + vecMaxs;

		// Get the normals of the hitbox in world space
		Vector vecForward, vecRight, vecUp;
		AngleVectors( pOBB->angAngles, &vecForward, &vecRight, &vecUp );
		vecRight = -vecRight;

		// Convert corners and normals to local space
		Vector vecCornerLocal[ 2 ];
		Vector vecNormalLocal[ 3 ];

		matrix3x4_t matToWorld = EntityToWorldTransform();
		VectorITransform( vecMaxCorner, matToWorld, vecCornerLocal[ 0 ] );
		VectorITransform( vecMinCorner, matToWorld, vecCornerLocal[ 1 ] );
		VectorIRotate( vecForward, matToWorld, vecNormalLocal[ 0 ] );
		VectorIRotate( vecRight, matToWorld, vecNormalLocal[ 1 ] );
		VectorIRotate( vecUp, matToWorld, vecNormalLocal[ 2 ] );

		// Create 6 planes from the local oriented hit box data
		float pPlanes[ 4 * 6 ];

		for ( int iPlane = 0; iPlane < 6; ++iPlane )
			int iPlaneMod2 = iPlane % 2;
			int iPlaneDiv2 = iPlane / 2;
			bool bOdd = ( iPlaneMod2 == 1 );

			// Plane Normal
			pPlanes[ iPlane * 4 + 0 ] = vecNormalLocal[ iPlaneDiv2 ].x * ( bOdd ? -1.0f : 1.0f );
			pPlanes[ iPlane * 4 + 1 ] = vecNormalLocal[ iPlaneDiv2 ].y * ( bOdd ? -1.0f : 1.0f );
			pPlanes[ iPlane * 4 + 2 ] = vecNormalLocal[ iPlaneDiv2 ].z * ( bOdd ? -1.0f : 1.0f );

			// Plane D
			pPlanes[ iPlane * 4 + 3 ] = ( vecCornerLocal[ iPlaneMod2 ].x * vecNormalLocal[ iPlaneDiv2 ].x + 
				vecCornerLocal[ iPlaneMod2 ].y * vecNormalLocal[ iPlaneDiv2 ].y + 
				vecCornerLocal[ iPlaneMod2 ].z * vecNormalLocal[ iPlaneDiv2 ].z ) * ( bOdd ? -1.0f : 1.0f );

		// Create convex from the intersection of these planes
		ppConvex[ i ] = physcollision->ConvexFromPlanes( pPlanes, 6, 0.0f );

	// Make a single collide out of the group of convex boxes
	CPhysCollide *pPhysCollide = physcollision->ConvertConvexToCollide( ppConvex, m_pInitOBBs->Count() );

	delete[] ppConvex;

	// Create the physics object
	objectparams_t params = g_PhysDefaultObjectParams;
	params.pGameData = static_cast<void *>( this );

	int nMaterialIndex = physprops->GetSurfaceIndex( "ice" );	// use ice material

	IPhysicsObject* p = physenv->CreatePolyObject( pPhysCollide, nMaterialIndex, GetAbsOrigin(), GetAbsAngles(), &params );
	Assert( p != NULL );

	// Set velocity
	Vector vecInitialVelocity = pInitBaseAnimating->GetAbsVelocity();
	p->SetVelocity( &vecInitialVelocity, NULL );

	// Compute mass
	float flMass;
	float flDensity, flThickness;
	physprops->GetPhysicsProperties( nMaterialIndex, &flDensity, &flThickness, NULL, NULL );

	// Make it more hollow
	flThickness = MIN ( 1.0f, flThickness + 0.5f );

	if ( flThickness > 0.0f )
		flMass = flTotalSurfaceArea * flThickness * CUBIC_METERS_PER_CUBIC_INCH * flDensity;
		// density is in kg/m^3, volume is in in^3
		flMass = flTotalVolume * CUBIC_METERS_PER_CUBIC_INCH * flDensity;

	// Mass is somewhere between the original and if it was all ice
	p->SetMass( flMass );

	// Yes, gravity
	p->EnableGravity( true );

	// Use this as our vphysics
	VPhysicsSetObject( p );



	m_pInitOBBs = NULL;

	return true;
void CGrabController::AttachEntity( CBasePlayer *pPlayer, CBaseEntity *pEntity, IPhysicsObject *pPhys, bool bIsMegaPhysCannon, const Vector &vGrabPosition, bool bUseGrabPosition )
	// play the impact sound of the object hitting the player
	// used as feedback to let the player know he picked up the object
	int hitMaterial = pPhys->GetMaterialIndex();
	int playerMaterial = pPlayer->VPhysicsGetObject() ? pPlayer->VPhysicsGetObject()->GetMaterialIndex() : hitMaterial;
	PhysicsImpactSound( pPlayer, pPhys, CHAN_STATIC, hitMaterial, playerMaterial, 1.0, 64 );
	Vector position;
	QAngle angles;
	pPhys->GetPosition( &position, &angles );
	// If it has a preferred orientation, use that instead.
	Pickup_GetPreferredCarryAngles( pEntity, pPlayer, pPlayer->EntityToWorldTransform(), angles );

//	ComputeMaxSpeed( pEntity, pPhys );

	// If we haven't been killed by a grab, we allow the gun to grab the nearest part of a ragdoll
	if ( bUseGrabPosition )
		IPhysicsObject *pChild = GetRagdollChildAtPosition( pEntity, vGrabPosition );
		if ( pChild )
			pPhys = pChild;

	// Carried entities can never block LOS
	m_bCarriedEntityBlocksLOS = pEntity->BlocksLOS();
	pEntity->SetBlocksLOS( false );
	m_controller = physenv->CreateMotionController( this );
	m_controller->AttachObject( pPhys, true );
	// Don't do this, it's causing trouble with constraint solvers.
	//m_controller->SetPriority( IPhysicsMotionController::HIGH_PRIORITY );

	PhysSetGameFlags( pPhys, FVPHYSICS_PLAYER_HELD );
	SetTargetPosition( position, angles );
	m_attachedEntity = pEntity;
	int count = pEntity->VPhysicsGetObjectList( pList, ARRAYSIZE(pList) );
	m_flLoadWeight = 0;
	float damping = 10;
	float flFactor = count / 7.5f;
	if ( flFactor < 1.0f )
		flFactor = 1.0f;
	for ( int i = 0; i < count; i++ )
		float mass = pList[i]->GetMass();
		pList[i]->GetDamping( NULL, &m_savedRotDamping[i] );
		m_flLoadWeight += mass;
		m_savedMass[i] = mass;

		// reduce the mass to prevent the player from adding crazy amounts of energy to the system
		pList[i]->SetMass( REDUCED_CARRY_MASS / flFactor );
		pList[i]->SetDamping( NULL, &damping );
	// Give extra mass to the phys object we're actually picking up
	pPhys->SetMass( REDUCED_CARRY_MASS );
	pPhys->EnableDrag( false );

	m_errorTime = bIsMegaPhysCannon ? -1.5f : -1.0f; // 1 seconds until error starts accumulating
	m_error = 0;
	m_contactAmount = 0;

	m_attachedAnglesPlayerSpace = TransformAnglesToPlayerSpace( angles, pPlayer );
	if ( m_angleAlignment != 0 )
		m_attachedAnglesPlayerSpace = AlignAngles( m_attachedAnglesPlayerSpace, m_angleAlignment );

	// Ragdolls don't offset this way
	if ( dynamic_cast<CRagdollProp*>(pEntity) )
		VectorITransform( pEntity->WorldSpaceCenter(), pEntity->EntityToWorldTransform(), m_attachedPositionObjectSpace );

	// If it's a prop, see if it has desired carry angles
	CPhysicsProp *pProp = dynamic_cast<CPhysicsProp *>(pEntity);
	if ( pProp )
		m_bHasPreferredCarryAngles = pProp->GetPropDataAngles( "preferred_carryangles", m_vecPreferredCarryAngles );
		m_flDistanceOffset = pProp->GetCarryDistanceOffset();
		m_bHasPreferredCarryAngles = false;
		m_flDistanceOffset = 0;

	m_bAllowObjectOverhead = IsObjectAllowedOverhead( pEntity );
Ejemplo n.º 25
void CFourWheelVehiclePhysics::CalcWheelData( vehicleparams_t &vehicle )
	Vector left, right;
	QAngle dummy;
	SetPoseParameter( m_poseParameters[VEH_FL_WHEEL_HEIGHT], 0 );
	SetPoseParameter( m_poseParameters[VEH_FR_WHEEL_HEIGHT], 0 );
	SetPoseParameter( m_poseParameters[VEH_RL_WHEEL_HEIGHT], 0 );
	SetPoseParameter( m_poseParameters[VEH_RR_WHEEL_HEIGHT], 0 );
	if ( GetAttachment( "wheel_fl", left, dummy ) && GetAttachment( "wheel_fr", right, dummy ) )
		VectorITransform( left, m_pOuter->EntityToWorldTransform(), left );
		VectorITransform( right, m_pOuter->EntityToWorldTransform(), right );
		Vector center = (left + right) * 0.5;
		vehicle.axles[0].offset = center;
		vehicle.axles[0].wheelOffset = right - center;
		// Cache the base height of the wheels in body space
		m_wheelBaseHeight[0] = left.z;
		m_wheelBaseHeight[1] = right.z;

	if ( GetAttachment( "wheel_rl", left, dummy ) && GetAttachment( "wheel_rr", right, dummy ) )
		VectorITransform( left, m_pOuter->EntityToWorldTransform(), left );
		VectorITransform( right, m_pOuter->EntityToWorldTransform(), right );
		Vector center = (left + right) * 0.5;
		vehicle.axles[1].offset = center;
		vehicle.axles[1].wheelOffset = right - center;
		// Cache the base height of the wheels in body space
		m_wheelBaseHeight[2] = left.z;
		m_wheelBaseHeight[3] = right.z;
	SetPoseParameter( m_poseParameters[VEH_FL_WHEEL_HEIGHT], 1 );
	SetPoseParameter( m_poseParameters[VEH_FR_WHEEL_HEIGHT], 1 );
	SetPoseParameter( m_poseParameters[VEH_RL_WHEEL_HEIGHT], 1 );
	SetPoseParameter( m_poseParameters[VEH_RR_WHEEL_HEIGHT], 1 );
	if ( GetAttachment( "wheel_fl", left, dummy ) && GetAttachment( "wheel_fr", right, dummy ) )
		VectorITransform( left, m_pOuter->EntityToWorldTransform(), left );
		VectorITransform( right, m_pOuter->EntityToWorldTransform(), right );
		// Cache the height range of the wheels in body space
		m_wheelTotalHeight[0] = m_wheelBaseHeight[0] - left.z;
		m_wheelTotalHeight[1] = m_wheelBaseHeight[1] - right.z;
		vehicle.axles[0].wheels.springAdditionalLength = m_wheelTotalHeight[0];

	if ( GetAttachment( "wheel_rl", left, dummy ) && GetAttachment( "wheel_rr", right, dummy ) )
		VectorITransform( left, m_pOuter->EntityToWorldTransform(), left );
		VectorITransform( right, m_pOuter->EntityToWorldTransform(), right );
		// Cache the height range of the wheels in body space
		m_wheelTotalHeight[2] = m_wheelBaseHeight[0] - left.z;
		m_wheelTotalHeight[3] = m_wheelBaseHeight[1] - right.z;
		vehicle.axles[1].wheels.springAdditionalLength = m_wheelTotalHeight[2];
	SetPoseParameter( m_poseParameters[VEH_FL_WHEEL_HEIGHT], 0 );
	SetPoseParameter( m_poseParameters[VEH_FR_WHEEL_HEIGHT], 0 );
	SetPoseParameter( m_poseParameters[VEH_RL_WHEEL_HEIGHT], 0 );
	SetPoseParameter( m_poseParameters[VEH_RR_WHEEL_HEIGHT], 0 );

	// Get raytrace offsets if they exist.
	if ( GetAttachment( "raytrace_fl", left, dummy ) && GetAttachment( "raytrace_fr", right, dummy ) )
		VectorITransform( left, m_pOuter->EntityToWorldTransform(), left );
		VectorITransform( right, m_pOuter->EntityToWorldTransform(), right );
		Vector center = ( left + right ) * 0.5;
		vehicle.axles[0].raytraceCenterOffset = center;
		vehicle.axles[0].raytraceOffset = right - center;

	if ( GetAttachment( "raytrace_rl", left, dummy ) && GetAttachment( "raytrace_rr", right, dummy ) )
		VectorITransform( left, m_pOuter->EntityToWorldTransform(), left );
		VectorITransform( right, m_pOuter->EntityToWorldTransform(), right );
		Vector center = ( left + right ) * 0.5;
		vehicle.axles[1].raytraceCenterOffset = center;
		vehicle.axles[1].raytraceOffset = right - center;