Ejemplo n.º 1
int G_InvulnerabilityEffect(gentity_t * targ, vec3_t dir, vec3_t point, vec3_t impactpoint, vec3_t bouncedir)
	gentity_t      *impact;
	vec3_t          intersections[2], vec;
	int             n;

		return qfalse;
	VectorCopy(dir, vec);
	// sphere model radius = 42 units
	n = RaySphereIntersections(targ->client->ps.origin, 42, point, vec, intersections);
	if(n > 0)
		impact = G_TempEntity(targ->client->ps.origin, EV_INVUL_IMPACT);
		VectorSubtract(intersections[0], targ->client->ps.origin, vec);
		VectorToAngles(vec, impact->s.angles);
		impact->s.angles[0] += 90;
		if(impact->s.angles[0] > 360)
			impact->s.angles[0] -= 360;
			VectorCopy(intersections[0], impactpoint);
			VectorCopy(vec, bouncedir);
		return qtrue;
		return qfalse;
Ejemplo n.º 2
void CG_MissileHitEntity( weapon_t weaponNum, weaponMode_t weaponMode,
    vec3_t origin, vec3_t dir, int entityNum, int charge )
  vec3_t        normal;
  weaponInfo_t  *weapon = &cg_weapons[ weaponNum ];

  VectorCopy( dir, normal );
  VectorInverse( normal );

  CG_Bleed( origin, normal, entityNum );

  if( weaponMode <= WPM_NONE || weaponMode >= WPM_NUM_WEAPONMODES )
    weaponMode = WPM_PRIMARY;

  // always impact!
  //if( weapon->wim[ weaponMode ].alwaysImpact )
    int sound;

    if( cg_entities[ entityNum ].currentState.eType == ET_PLAYER )
      // Players
      sound = IMPACTSOUND_FLESH;
    else if( cg_entities[ entityNum ].currentState.eType == ET_BUILDABLE &&
             BG_Buildable( cg_entities[ entityNum ].currentState.modelindex, NULL )->team == TEAM_ALIENS )
      // Alien buildables
      sound = IMPACTSOUND_FLESH;
    CG_MissileHitWall( weaponNum, weaponMode, 0, origin, dir, sound, charge );
Ejemplo n.º 3
* R_TraceAgainstSurface
static bool R_TraceAgainstSurface( msurface_t *surf ) {
	int i;
	mesh_t *mesh = &surf->mesh;
	elem_t  *elem = mesh->elems;
	vec4_t *verts = mesh->xyzArray;
	float old_frac = trace_fraction;
	bool isPlanar = ( surf->facetype == FACETYPE_PLANAR ) ? true : false;

	// clip each triangle individually
	for( i = 0; i < mesh->numElems; i += 3, elem += 3 ) {
		R_TraceAgainstTriangle( verts[elem[0]], verts[elem[1]], verts[elem[2]] );
		if( old_frac > trace_fraction ) {
			// flip normal is we are on the backside (does it really happen?)...
			if( isPlanar ) {
				if( DotProduct( trace_plane.normal, surf->plane ) < 0 ) {
					VectorInverse( trace_plane.normal );
			return true;

	return false;
Ejemplo n.º 4
void R_AliasSetUpTransform(int trivial_accept)
	int				i;
	float			rotationmatrix[3][4], t2matrix[3][4];
	static float	tmatrix[3][4];
	static float	viewmatrix[3][4];
	vec3_t			angles;

// TODO: should really be stored with the entity instead of being reconstructed
// TODO: should use a look-up table
// TODO: could cache lazily, stored in the entity

	angles[ROLL] = currententity->angles[ROLL];
	angles[PITCH] = -currententity->angles[PITCH];
	angles[YAW] = currententity->angles[YAW];
	AngleVectors(angles, alias_forward, alias_right, alias_up);

	tmatrix[0][0] = pmdl->scale[0];
	tmatrix[1][1] = pmdl->scale[1];
	tmatrix[2][2] = pmdl->scale[2];

	tmatrix[0][3] = pmdl->scale_origin[0];
	tmatrix[1][3] = pmdl->scale_origin[1];
	tmatrix[2][3] = pmdl->scale_origin[2];

// TODO: can do this with simple matrix rearrangement

	for (i=0 ; i<3 ; i++)
		t2matrix[i][0] = alias_forward[i];
		t2matrix[i][1] = -alias_right[i];
		t2matrix[i][2] = alias_up[i];

	t2matrix[0][3] = -modelorg[0];
	t2matrix[1][3] = -modelorg[1];
	t2matrix[2][3] = -modelorg[2];

// FIXME: can do more efficiently than full concatenation
	R_ConcatTransforms(t2matrix, tmatrix, rotationmatrix);

// TODO: should be global, set when vright, etc., set
	VectorCopy(vright, viewmatrix[0]);
	VectorCopy(vup, viewmatrix[1]);
	VectorCopy(vpn, viewmatrix[2]);

//	viewmatrix[0][3] = 0;
//	viewmatrix[1][3] = 0;
//	viewmatrix[2][3] = 0;

	R_ConcatTransforms(viewmatrix, rotationmatrix, aliastransform);

// do the scaling up of x and y to screen coordinates as part of the transform
// for the unclipped case (it would mess up clipping in the clipped case).
// Also scale down z, so 1/z is scaled 31 bits for free, and scale down x and y
// correspondingly so the projected x and y come out right
// FIXME: make this work for clipped case too?
	if (trivial_accept)
		for (i=0 ; i<4 ; i++)
			aliastransform[0][i] *= aliasxscale *
									(1.0 / ((float)0x8000 * 0x10000));
			aliastransform[1][i] *= aliasyscale *
									(1.0 / ((float)0x8000 * 0x10000));
			aliastransform[2][i] *= 1.0 / ((float)0x8000 * 0x10000);


void CStudioModelRenderer::StudioSetUpTransform (int trivial_accept)
	int				i;
	vec3_t			angles;
	vec3_t			modelpos;

// tweek model origin	
	//for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
	//	modelpos[i] = m_pCurrentEntity->origin[i];

	VectorCopy( m_pCurrentEntity->origin, modelpos );

// TODO: should really be stored with the entity instead of being reconstructed
// TODO: should use a look-up table
// TODO: could cache lazily, stored in the entity
	angles[ROLL] = m_pCurrentEntity->curstate.angles[ROLL];
	angles[PITCH] = m_pCurrentEntity->curstate.angles[PITCH];
	angles[YAW] = m_pCurrentEntity->curstate.angles[YAW];

	//Con_DPrintf("Angles %4.2f prev %4.2f for %i\n", angles[PITCH], m_pCurrentEntity->index);
	//Con_DPrintf("movetype %d %d\n", m_pCurrentEntity->movetype, m_pCurrentEntity->aiment );
	if (m_pCurrentEntity->curstate.movetype == MOVETYPE_STEP) 
		float			f = 0;
		float			d;

		// don't do it if the goalstarttime hasn't updated in a while.

		// NOTE:  Because we need to interpolate multiplayer characters, the interpolation time limit
		//  was increased to 1.0 s., which is 2x the max lag we are accounting for.

		if ( ( m_clTime < m_pCurrentEntity->curstate.animtime + 1.0f ) &&
			 ( m_pCurrentEntity->curstate.animtime != m_pCurrentEntity->latched.prevanimtime ) )
			f = (m_clTime - m_pCurrentEntity->curstate.animtime) / (m_pCurrentEntity->curstate.animtime - m_pCurrentEntity->latched.prevanimtime);
			//Con_DPrintf("%4.2f %.2f %.2f\n", f, m_pCurrentEntity->curstate.animtime, m_clTime);

		if (m_fDoInterp)
			// ugly hack to interpolate angle, position. current is reached 0.1 seconds after being set
			f = f - 1.0;
			f = 0;

		for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
			modelpos[i] += (m_pCurrentEntity->origin[i] - m_pCurrentEntity->latched.prevorigin[i]) * f;

		// NOTE:  Because multiplayer lag can be relatively large, we don't want to cap
		//  f at 1.5 anymore.
		//if (f > -1.0 && f < 1.5) {}

//			Con_DPrintf("%.0f %.0f\n",m_pCurrentEntity->msg_angles[0][YAW], m_pCurrentEntity->msg_angles[1][YAW] );
		for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
			float ang1, ang2;

			ang1 = m_pCurrentEntity->angles[i];
			ang2 = m_pCurrentEntity->latched.prevangles[i];

			d = ang1 - ang2;
			if (d > 180)
				d -= 360;
			else if (d < -180)
				d += 360;

			angles[i] += d * f;
		//Con_DPrintf("%.3f \n", f );
	else if ( m_pCurrentEntity->curstate.movetype != MOVETYPE_NONE ) 
		VectorCopy( m_pCurrentEntity->angles, angles );

	//Con_DPrintf("%.0f %0.f %0.f\n", modelpos[0], modelpos[1], modelpos[2] );
	//Con_DPrintf("%.0f %0.f %0.f\n", angles[0], angles[1], angles[2] );

	angles[PITCH] = -angles[PITCH];
	AngleMatrix (angles, (*m_protationmatrix));

	if ( !IEngineStudio.IsHardware() )
		static float viewmatrix[3][4];

		VectorCopy (m_vRight, viewmatrix[0]);
		VectorCopy (m_vUp, viewmatrix[1]);
		VectorInverse (viewmatrix[1]);
		VectorCopy (m_vNormal, viewmatrix[2]);

		(*m_protationmatrix)[0][3] = modelpos[0] - m_vRenderOrigin[0];
		(*m_protationmatrix)[1][3] = modelpos[1] - m_vRenderOrigin[1];
		(*m_protationmatrix)[2][3] = modelpos[2] - m_vRenderOrigin[2];

		ConcatTransforms (viewmatrix, (*m_protationmatrix), (*m_paliastransform));

		// do the scaling up of x and y to screen coordinates as part of the transform
		// for the unclipped case (it would mess up clipping in the clipped case).
		// Also scale down z, so 1/z is scaled 31 bits for free, and scale down x and y
		// correspondingly so the projected x and y come out right
		// FIXME: make this work for clipped case too?
		if (trivial_accept)
			for (i=0 ; i<4 ; i++)
				(*m_paliastransform)[0][i] *= m_fSoftwareXScale *
						(1.0 / (ZISCALE * 0x10000));
				(*m_paliastransform)[1][i] *= m_fSoftwareYScale *
						(1.0 / (ZISCALE * 0x10000));
				(*m_paliastransform)[2][i] *= 1.0 / (ZISCALE * 0x10000);


	(*m_protationmatrix)[0][3] = modelpos[0];
	(*m_protationmatrix)[1][3] = modelpos[1];
	(*m_protationmatrix)[2][3] = modelpos[2];
Ejemplo n.º 6
// Parameter:				-
// Returns:					-
// Changes Globals:		-
int AAS_FindBestAreaSplitPlane( tmp_area_t *tmparea, vec3_t normal, float *dist ) {
	int side1, side2;
	int foundsplitter, facesplits, groundsplits, epsilonfaces, bestepsilonfaces;
	float bestvalue, value;
	tmp_face_t *face1, *face2;
	vec3_t tmpnormal, invgravity;
	float tmpdist;
	vec3_t points[4];

	//get inverse of gravity direction
	VectorCopy( cfg.phys_gravitydirection, invgravity );
	VectorInverse( invgravity );

	foundsplitter = false;
	bestvalue = -999999;
	bestepsilonfaces = 0;
#ifdef AW_DEBUG
	Log_Print( "finding split plane for area %d\n", tmparea->areanum );
#endif //AW_DEBUG
	for ( face1 = tmparea->tmpfaces; face1; face1 = face1->next[side1] ) {
		//side of the face the area is on
		side1 = face1->frontarea != tmparea;

		if ( WindingIsTiny( face1->winding ) ) {
			Log_Write( "gsubdiv: area %d has a tiny winding\r\n", tmparea->areanum );

		//if the face isn't a gap or ground there's no split edge
		if ( !( face1->faceflags & FACE_GROUND ) && !AAS_GapFace( face1, side1 ) ) {

		for ( face2 = face1->next[side1]; face2; face2 = face2->next[side2] ) {
			//side of the face the area is on
			side2 = face2->frontarea != tmparea;
			if ( WindingIsTiny( face1->winding ) ) {
				Log_Write( "gsubdiv: area %d has a tiny winding\r\n", tmparea->areanum );

			//if the face isn't a gap or ground there's no split edge
			if ( !( face2->faceflags & FACE_GROUND ) && !AAS_GapFace( face2, side2 ) ) {

			//only split between gaps and ground
			if ( !( ( ( face1->faceflags & FACE_GROUND ) && AAS_GapFace( face2, side2 ) ) || ( ( face2->faceflags & FACE_GROUND ) && AAS_GapFace( face1, side1 ) ) ) ) {

			//find a plane seperating the windings of the faces
			if ( !FindPlaneSeperatingWindings( face1->winding, face2->winding, invgravity, tmpnormal, &tmpdist, points ) ) {

#ifdef AW_DEBUG
			Log_Print( "normal = \'%f %f %f\', dist = %f\n", tmpnormal[0], tmpnormal[1], tmpnormal[2], tmpdist );
#endif //AW_DEBUG

			//get metrics for this vertical plane
			if ( !AAS_TestSplitPlane( tmparea, tmpnormal, tmpdist, &facesplits, &groundsplits, &epsilonfaces, points ) ) {
			} //end if

#ifdef AW_DEBUG
			Log_Print( "face splits = %d\nground splits = %d\n", facesplits, groundsplits );
#endif //AW_DEBUG

			value = 100 - facesplits - 2 * groundsplits;
			//avoid epsilon faces
			value += epsilonfaces * -1000;
			if ( value > bestvalue ) {
				VectorCopy( tmpnormal, normal );
				*dist = tmpdist;
				bestvalue = value;
				bestepsilonfaces = epsilonfaces;
				foundsplitter = true;

	if ( bestepsilonfaces ) {
		Log_Write( "found %d epsilon faces trying to split area %d\r\n", epsilonfaces, tmparea->areanum );

	return foundsplitter;
} //end of the function AAS_FindBestAreaSplitPlane
Ejemplo n.º 7
void CG_AddClientCritter( localEntity_t *le ) {
	vec3_t	newOrigin;
	trace_t	trace;
	int		time, step = 25, i;
	vec3_t	v, ang, v2, oDelta;
	localEntity_t backup;
	float	oldSpeed, enemyDist, of;
	vec3_t	enemyPos;
	float alpha;

	if (cg_entities[le->ownerNum].currentState.otherEntityNum2 == cg.snap->ps.clientNum) {
		VectorCopy( cg.snap->ps.origin, enemyPos );
		enemyPos[2] += cg.snap->ps.viewheight;
	} else {
		VectorCopy( cg_entities[le->ownerNum].currentState.origin2, enemyPos );

	VectorCopy( le->pos.trDelta, oDelta );

	// vary the enemyPos to create a psuedo-randomness
	of = (float)cg.time + le->startTime;
	enemyPos[0] += 12 * (sin(of/100) * cos(of/78));
	enemyPos[1] += 12 * (sin(of/70) * cos(of/82));
	enemyPos[2] += 12 * (sin(of/67) * cos(of/98));

	time = le->lastTrailTime+step;

	while (time <= cg.time) {
		if (time > le->refEntity.fadeStartTime) {
			alpha = (float)(time - le->refEntity.fadeStartTime)/(float)(le->refEntity.fadeEndTime - le->refEntity.fadeStartTime);
			if (alpha < 0) alpha = 0;
			else if (alpha > 1) alpha = 1;
		} else {
			alpha = 1.0;

		// calculate new position
		BG_EvaluateTrajectory( &le->pos, time, newOrigin );

		VectorSubtract( enemyPos, le->refEntity.origin, v );
		enemyDist = VectorNormalize( v );

		// trace a line from previous position to new position
		CG_Trace( &trace, le->refEntity.origin, NULL, NULL, newOrigin, le->ownerNum, MASK_SHOT );

		// if stuck, kill it
		if (trace.startsolid || (trace.fraction < 1.0)) {
			// kill it
			CG_FreeLocalEntity( le );

		// moved some distance
		VectorCopy( trace.endpos, le->refEntity.origin );

		if (le->leType == LE_ZOMBIE_SPIRIT) {
			le->headJuncIndex = CG_AddTrailJunc( le->headJuncIndex,
												(int)le->effectWidth,	// trail life
												0.3 * alpha,
												1.0, 1 );

		// tracking factor
		if (le->leType == LE_ZOMBIE_BAT)
			le->bounceFactor = 3.0*(float)step/1000.0;
			le->bounceFactor = 5.0*(float)step/1000.0;
		oldSpeed = VectorLength( le->pos.trDelta );

		// track the enemy
		backup = *le;
		VectorSubtract( enemyPos, le->refEntity.origin, v );
		enemyDist = VectorNormalize( v );

		if (alpha > 0.5 && (le->lastSpiritDmgTime < time - 100) && enemyDist < 24) {
			// inflict the damage!
			CG_ClientDamage( cg_entities[le->ownerNum].currentState.otherEntityNum2, le->ownerNum, CLDMG_SPIRIT );
			le->lastSpiritDmgTime = time;

		VectorMA( le->pos.trDelta, le->bounceFactor*oldSpeed, v, le->pos.trDelta );
		//VectorCopy( v, le->pos.trDelta );
		if (VectorLength(le->pos.trDelta) < 1) {
			CG_FreeLocalEntity( le );

		le->bounceFactor = 5.0*(float)step/1000.0;	// avoidance factor

		// the intersection is a fraction of the frametime
		le->pos.trTime = time;
		VectorCopy( le->refEntity.origin, le->pos.trBase );
		VectorNormalize( le->pos.trDelta );
		VectorScale( le->pos.trDelta, oldSpeed, le->pos.trDelta );

		// now trace ahead of time, if we're going to hit something, then avoid it
		// only avoid dangers if we don't have direct sight to the enemy
		trap_CM_BoxTrace( &trace, le->refEntity.origin, enemyPos, NULL, NULL, 0, MASK_SOLID );
		if (trace.fraction < 1.0) {
			BG_EvaluateTrajectory( &le->pos, time+1000, newOrigin );

			// if we would go passed the enemy, don't bother
			if (VectorDistance( le->refEntity.origin, enemyPos) > VectorDistance( le->refEntity.origin, newOrigin )) {

				trap_CM_BoxTrace( &trace, le->refEntity.origin, newOrigin, NULL, NULL, 0, MASK_SOLID );

				if (trace.fraction < 1.0) {
					// make sure we are not heading away from the enemy too much
					VectorNormalize2( le->pos.trDelta, v2 );
					if (DotProduct( v, v2 ) > 0.7) {
						// avoid world geometry
						backup = *le;
						le->bounceFactor = (1.0 - trace.fraction)*10.0*(float)step/1000.0;	// tracking and avoidance factor
						// reflect the velocity on the trace plane
						VectorMA( le->pos.trDelta, le->bounceFactor*oldSpeed, trace.plane.normal, le->pos.trDelta );
						if (VectorLength(le->pos.trDelta) < 1) {
							CG_FreeLocalEntity( le );
						// the intersection is a fraction of the frametime
						le->pos.trTime = time;
						VectorCopy( le->refEntity.origin, le->pos.trBase );
						VectorNormalize( le->pos.trDelta );
						VectorScale( le->pos.trDelta, oldSpeed, le->pos.trDelta );
						// double check end velocity
						VectorNormalize2( le->pos.trDelta, v2 );
						if (DotProduct( v, v2 ) <= 0.2) {
							// restore
							*le = backup;

		// set the angles
		VectorNormalize2( le->pos.trDelta, v );
		// HACK!!! skull model is back-to-front, need to fix
		if (le->leType == LE_ZOMBIE_SPIRIT)
			VectorInverse( v );
		vectoangles( v, ang );
		AnglesToAxis( ang, le->refEntity.axis );
		// lean when turning
		if (le->leType == LE_ZOMBIE_BAT) {
			VectorSubtract( le->pos.trDelta, oDelta, v2 );
			ang[ROLL] = -5.0 * DotProduct( le->refEntity.axis[1], v2 );
			if (fabs(ang[ROLL]) > 80) {
				if (ang[ROLL] > 80) ang[ROLL] = 80;
				else ang[ROLL] = -80;
		AnglesToAxis( ang, le->refEntity.axis );

		// HACK: the skull is slightly higher than the origin
		if (le->leType == LE_ZOMBIE_SPIRIT) {
			// set the size scale
			for (i=0; i<3; i++)
				VectorScale( le->refEntity.axis[i], 0.35, le->refEntity.axis[i] );
			VectorMA( le->refEntity.origin, -10, le->refEntity.axis[2], le->refEntity.origin );

		le->lastTrailTime = time;
		time += step;

	// Bats, set the frame
	if (le->leType == LE_ZOMBIE_BAT) {
		le->refEntity.frame = (cg.time/BAT_ANIM_FRAMETIME+1)%19;
		le->refEntity.oldframe = (cg.time/BAT_ANIM_FRAMETIME)%19;
		le->refEntity.backlerp = 1.0 - ((float)(cg.time%BAT_ANIM_FRAMETIME)/(float)BAT_ANIM_FRAMETIME);

	// add the sound
	if (le->loopingSound) {
		if (cg.time > le->refEntity.fadeStartTime)
			trap_S_AddLoopingSound( 0, le->refEntity.origin, vec3_origin, le->loopingSound, 255 - (int)(255.0 * (float)(cg.time - le->refEntity.fadeStartTime) / (float)(le->refEntity.fadeEndTime - le->refEntity.fadeStartTime)) );
		else if (le->startTime + 1000 > cg.time)
			trap_S_AddLoopingSound( 0, le->refEntity.origin, vec3_origin, le->loopingSound, (int)(255.0 * (float)(cg.time - le->startTime) / 1000.0) );
			trap_S_AddLoopingSound( 0, le->refEntity.origin, vec3_origin, le->loopingSound, 255);

	trap_R_AddRefEntityToScene( &le->refEntity );
	// HACK: the skull is slightly higher than the origin
	if (le->leType == LE_ZOMBIE_SPIRIT) {
		// set the size scale
		for (i=0; i<3; i++)
			VectorScale( le->refEntity.axis[i], 1.0/0.35, le->refEntity.axis[i] );
		VectorMA( le->refEntity.origin,  10, le->refEntity.axis[2], le->refEntity.origin );
	// Bats, add the flame
	if (le->leType == LE_ZOMBIE_BAT) {
//		float lightSize, alpha;
		le->refEntity.shaderRGBA[3] = 255;
		VectorNormalize2( le->pos.trDelta, v );
		VectorInverse( v );
		v[2] += 1;
		VectorNormalize2( v, le->refEntity.fireRiseDir );

		le->refEntity.customShader = cgs.media.onFireShader2;
		trap_R_AddRefEntityToScene( &le->refEntity );
		le->refEntity.shaderTime = 1434;
		trap_R_AddRefEntityToScene( &le->refEntity );
//		le->refEntity.customShader = cgs.media.onFireShader;
//		le->refEntity.shaderTime = 0;
//		trap_R_AddRefEntityToScene( &le->refEntity );

		le->refEntity.customShader = 0;
		le->refEntity.shaderTime = 0;
		// drop a dlight
		lightSize = 1.0 + 0.2*(sin(1.0*cg.time/50.0) * cos(1.0*cg.time/43.0));
		alpha = 0.2 * (lightSize / 1.2);
		trap_R_AddLightToScene( le->refEntity.origin, 150.0 + 80.0*lightSize, 1.000000*alpha, 0.603922*alpha, 0.207843*alpha, 0 );
		// add some sound
		trap_S_AddLoopingSound( -1, le->refEntity.origin, vec3_origin, cgs.media.flameSound, 100 );
		trap_S_AddLoopingSound( -1, le->refEntity.origin, vec3_origin, cgs.media.flameBlowSound, 100 );
Ejemplo n.º 8
** R_DrawSprite
** Draw currententity / currentmodel as a single texture
** mapped polygon
void R_DrawSprite (void)
	vec5_t		*pverts;
	vec3_t		left, up, right, down;
	dsprite_t	*s_psprite;
	dsprframe_t	*s_psprframe;

	s_psprite = (dsprite_t *)currentmodel->extradata;
#if 0
	if (currententity->frame >= s_psprite->numframes
		|| currententity->frame < 0)
		Com_Printf ("No such sprite frame %i\n", 
		currententity->frame = 0;
	currententity->frame %= s_psprite->numframes;

	s_psprframe = &s_psprite->frames[currententity->frame];

	r_polydesc.pixels       = currentmodel->skins[currententity->frame]->pixels[0];
	r_polydesc.pixel_width  = s_psprframe->width;
	r_polydesc.pixel_height = s_psprframe->height;
	r_polydesc.dist         = 0;

	// generate the sprite's axes, completely parallel to the viewplane.
	VectorCopy (vup, r_polydesc.vup);
	VectorCopy (vright, r_polydesc.vright);
	VectorCopy (vpn, r_polydesc.vpn);

// build the sprite poster in worldspace
	VectorScale (r_polydesc.vright, 
		s_psprframe->width - s_psprframe->origin_x, right);
	VectorScale (r_polydesc.vup, 
		s_psprframe->height - s_psprframe->origin_y, up);
	VectorScale (r_polydesc.vright,
		-s_psprframe->origin_x, left);
	VectorScale (r_polydesc.vup,
		-s_psprframe->origin_y, down);

	// invert UP vector for sprites
	VectorInverse( r_polydesc.vup );

	pverts = r_clip_verts[0];

	pverts[0][0] = r_entorigin[0] + up[0] + left[0];
	pverts[0][1] = r_entorigin[1] + up[1] + left[1];
	pverts[0][2] = r_entorigin[2] + up[2] + left[2];
	pverts[0][3] = 0;
	pverts[0][4] = 0;

	pverts[1][0] = r_entorigin[0] + up[0] + right[0];
	pverts[1][1] = r_entorigin[1] + up[1] + right[1];
	pverts[1][2] = r_entorigin[2] + up[2] + right[2];
	pverts[1][3] = s_psprframe->width;
	pverts[1][4] = 0;

	pverts[2][0] = r_entorigin[0] + down[0] + right[0];
	pverts[2][1] = r_entorigin[1] + down[1] + right[1];
	pverts[2][2] = r_entorigin[2] + down[2] + right[2];
	pverts[2][3] = s_psprframe->width;
	pverts[2][4] = s_psprframe->height;

	pverts[3][0] = r_entorigin[0] + down[0] + left[0];
	pverts[3][1] = r_entorigin[1] + down[1] + left[1];
	pverts[3][2] = r_entorigin[2] + down[2] + left[2];
	pverts[3][3] = 0;
	pverts[3][4] = s_psprframe->height;

	r_polydesc.nump = 4;
	r_polydesc.s_offset = ( r_polydesc.pixel_width  >> 1);
	r_polydesc.t_offset = ( r_polydesc.pixel_height >> 1);
	VectorCopy( modelorg, r_polydesc.viewer_position );

	r_polydesc.stipple_parity = 1;
	if ( currententity->flags & RF_TRANSLUCENT )
		R_ClipAndDrawPoly ( currententity->alpha, false, true );
		R_ClipAndDrawPoly ( 1.0F, false, true );
	r_polydesc.stipple_parity = 0;
Ejemplo n.º 9
static void R_PlantGrass (Clump& clump)
	if (clumpTriangleCount + TRIS_PER_CLUMP >= MAX_CLUMP_TRIS) {
		clump.firstTriangle = clumpTriangleCount;
		clump.numTriangles = 0;

	clump.firstTriangle = clumpTriangleCount;
	clump.numTriangles = 0; /* safeguard */

	vec3_t rot[3]; /* rotation matrix for the plant */
#define xt (rot[0])
#define yt (rot[1])
#define zt (rot[2])

#if 0
	/* horisontal planting */
	VectorSet(xt, 1, 0, 0);
	VectorSet(zt, 0, 0, 1);
	/* normal-based planting */

	/* we can calculate the downslope vector and use it instead;
	 * a bit more of math, but call allow us to create plants that interact with the slope in various ways */
	VectorCopy(clump.normal, zt);
	VectorSet(xt, zt[2], 0.0, -zt[0]); /* short-circuit CrossProduct(yaxis, normal, xt) since it degenerates to a simple shuffle */

	/* generate geometry */
#if 0
	/* prebuilt mesh or debug grass marker */

	/* randomly rotate plant around the base */
	RotatePointAroundVector(yt, zt, xt, frand() * 360);
	CrossProduct(yt, zt, xt);

	/* randomly mirror the plant, too */
	if (rand() & 1)

	/* marker */
	vec_t* ptr = gfv_pos[clumpTriangleCount * 3];
	VectorMA(clump.position, 1, zt, ptr);
	VectorMA(ptr, 16, yt, ptr + 3);
	VectorMA(ptr, 16, xt, ptr + 6);

	vec_t* texc = gfv_texcoord[clumpTriangleCount * 3];
	Vector2Set(texc, 0, 0);
	Vector2Set(texc + 2, 1, 0);
	Vector2Set(texc + 4, 0, 1);

	/* programmatically generated clump */
	CrossProduct(zt, xt, yt);
	for (int i = 0; i < TRIS_PER_CLUMP; i += 2) {
		vec3_t sdir, tdir;
		vec2_t sprrot;
		vec3_t tmp;

		sprrot[0] = frand() * 360;
		sprrot[1] = frand() * 60 + 15;

		PolarToVec(sprrot, tmp);
		VectorRotate(rot, tmp, tdir);

		sprrot[0] += 90;
		sprrot[1] = 0;

		PolarToVec(sprrot, tmp);
		VectorRotate(rot, tmp, sdir);
#if 0
		/* debug marker */
		vec_t* ptr = gfv_pos[clumpTriangleCount * 3];
		VectorCopy(clump.position, ptr);
		VectorMA(ptr, 16, sdir, ptr + 3);
		VectorMA(ptr, 16, tdir, ptr + 6);

		vec_t* texc = gfv_texcoord[clumpTriangleCount * 3];
		Vector2Set(texc, 0, 0);
		Vector2Set(texc + 2, 1, 0);
		Vector2Set(texc + 4, 0, 1);

		/* billboard sprite */
		vec_t* ptr = gfv_pos[clumpTriangleCount * 3];
		VectorCopy(clump.position, ptr);
		/** @todo use UNIT_SIZE and co defines here */
		VectorMA(clump.position, -24, sdir, ptr); /* quad vertex 0 */
		VectorMA(ptr, 32, tdir, ptr + 3); /* quad vertex 1 */
		VectorMA(ptr + 3, 48, sdir, ptr + 6); /* quad vertex 2 */

		VectorCopy(ptr, ptr + 9); /* quad vertex 0 */
		VectorCopy(ptr + 6, ptr + 12); /* quad vertex 2 */
		VectorMA(ptr + 6, -32, tdir, ptr + 15); /* quad vertex 3 */

		vec_t* texc = gfv_texcoord[clumpTriangleCount * 3];
		Vector2Set(texc, 0, 1);
		Vector2Set(texc + 2, 0, 0);
		Vector2Set(texc + 4, 1, 0);

		Vector2Set(texc + 6, 0, 1);
		Vector2Set(texc + 8, 1, 0);
		Vector2Set(texc + 12, 1, 1);

		clumpTriangleCount += 2;

#undef xt
#undef yt
#undef zt
	clump.numTriangles = clumpTriangleCount - clump.firstTriangle;
Ejemplo n.º 10
int R_MarkFragments( int numPoints, const vec3_t* points, const vec3_t projection,
	int maxPoints, vec3_t pointBuffer, int maxFragments, markFragment_t* fragmentBuffer ) {
	//increment view count for double check prevention

	vec3_t projectionDir;
	VectorNormalize2( projection, projectionDir );

	// find all the brushes that are to be considered
	vec3_t mins, maxs;
	ClearBounds( mins, maxs );
	for ( int i = 0; i < numPoints; i++ ) {
		AddPointToBounds( points[ i ], mins, maxs );
		vec3_t temp;
		VectorAdd( points[ i ], projection, temp );
		AddPointToBounds( temp, mins, maxs );
		// make sure we get all the leafs (also the one(s) in front of the hit surface)
		VectorMA( points[ i ], -20, projectionDir, temp );
		AddPointToBounds( temp, mins, maxs );

	if ( numPoints > MAX_VERTS_ON_POLY ) {
		numPoints = MAX_VERTS_ON_POLY;
	// create the bounding planes for the to be projected polygon
	vec3_t normals[ MAX_VERTS_ON_POLY + 2 ];
	float dists[ MAX_VERTS_ON_POLY + 2 ];
	for ( int i = 0; i < numPoints; i++ ) {
		vec3_t v1, v2;
		VectorSubtract( points[ ( i + 1 ) % numPoints ], points[ i ], v1 );
		VectorAdd( points[ i ], projection, v2 );
		VectorSubtract( points[ i ], v2, v2 );
		CrossProduct( v1, v2, normals[ i ] );
		VectorNormalizeFast( normals[ i ] );
		dists[ i ] = DotProduct( normals[ i ], points[ i ] );

	// add near and far clipping planes for projection
	VectorCopy( projectionDir, normals[ numPoints ] );
	dists[ numPoints ] = DotProduct( normals[ numPoints ], points[ 0 ] ) - 32;
	VectorCopy( projectionDir, normals[ numPoints + 1 ] );
	VectorInverse( normals[ numPoints + 1 ] );
	dists[ numPoints + 1 ] = DotProduct( normals[ numPoints + 1 ], points[ 0 ] ) - 20;
	int numPlanes = numPoints + 2;

	int numsurfaces = 0;
	idWorldSurface* surfaces[ 64 ];
	R_BoxSurfaces_r( tr.world->nodes, mins, maxs, surfaces, 64, &numsurfaces, projectionDir );
	//assert(numsurfaces <= 64);
	//assert(numsurfaces != 64);

	int returnedPoints = 0;
	int returnedFragments = 0;

	for ( int i = 0; i < numsurfaces; i++ ) {
		surfaces[ i ]->MarkFragments( projectionDir,
				numPlanes, normals, dists,
				maxPoints, pointBuffer,
				maxFragments, fragmentBuffer,
				&returnedPoints, &returnedFragments, mins, maxs );
		if ( returnedFragments == maxFragments ) {
			break;	// not enough space for more fragments
	return returnedFragments;
Ejemplo n.º 11
int CHudRadar::Draw(float flTime)
{	if ( (gHUD.m_iHideHUDDisplay & HIDEHUD_HEALTH) || gEngfuncs.IsSpectateOnly() || !(gHUD.m_iWeaponBits & (1<<(WEAPON_SUIT))))
	{	return 1;

	cl_entity_t *pLocal = gEngfuncs.GetLocalPlayer();
	{	return 1;

	float flPlayerAngles, flLength, flAngle, flRadians, pos_x, pos_y;
	vec3_t vecViewAngles, v_right, vecPlayerOrigin, vecOtherOrigin, vecDifference, vecAngles;

	* Draw Background radar

	// Get origin for radar
	int x = ScreenWidth;
	int y = 0;

	int iRadarWidth = gHUD.GetSpriteRect(m_HUD_radar).right - gHUD.GetSpriteRect(m_HUD_radar).left;
	int iRadarHeight = gHUD.GetSpriteRect(m_HUD_radar).bottom - gHUD.GetSpriteRect(m_HUD_radar).top;

	int infox = ScreenWidth - INFO_WIDTH;
	int infoy = iRadarHeight;
	int infoheight = gHUD.GetSpriteRect(m_HUD_radar_info).bottom - gHUD.GetSpriteRect(m_HUD_radar_info).top;

	x -= iRadarWidth;
	// Slide radar + info bar in/out when we enable/disable
	if(m_blPrevRadar != m_blRadar && !m_blSliding)
	{	m_blSliding = true;
		m_flSlideTime = flTime;
	// We switched the radar on/off while in the middle of sliding
	else if(m_blPrevRadar == m_blRadar && m_blSliding)
	{	m_blPrevRadar = !m_blPrevRadar;
		// Invert time
		float flSlideTime = flTime - m_flSlideTime;
		flSlideTime = SLIDETIME - flSlideTime;
		m_flSlideTime = flTime - flSlideTime;

	{	// Sliding is done, disable
		if((m_flSlideTime + SLIDETIME) < flTime)
		{	m_blSliding = false;
			m_flSlideTime = 0;
			m_blPrevRadar = m_blRadar;

			// Done sliding and radar is off, disable
			{	return 1;
		// we're still sliding
		{	float flPercent;
				flPercent = (SLIDETIME-(flTime - m_flSlideTime))/SLIDETIME;
				flPercent = (flTime - m_flSlideTime)/SLIDETIME;
			// Slide Radar
			y = -iRadarHeight * flPercent;
			// Slide Infobox
			infox += INFO_WIDTH * flPercent;

	// Done sliding and radar is off, disable
	if(!m_blRadar && !m_blSliding)
	{	return 1;
	// Draw Radar
	SPR_Set(gHUD.GetSprite(m_HUD_radar), 255, 255, 255);
	SPR_DrawHoles(0, x,y, &gHUD.GetSpriteRect(m_HUD_radar));

	// Draw info box
	SPR_Set(gHUD.GetSprite(m_HUD_radar_info), 255,255,255);
	SPR_DrawHoles(0, infox,infoy, &gHUD.GetSpriteRect(m_HUD_radar_info));

		m_iyBottomRadar = y + iRadarHeight;
		m_iyBottomRadar = infoy + infoheight;

	// Sliding or radar is just off, dont display information
	if(m_blSliding || !m_blRadar)
	{	return 1;
	* Get Player Angles

	// Setting player angles
	gEngfuncs.GetViewAngles((float *)vecViewAngles);
	AngleVectors(vecViewAngles, NULL, v_right, NULL );
	// Inverse vector
	v_right.z = 0;

	// Get angles
	flPlayerAngles = vecAngles.y;

	// strictly 0 to 360
	if(flPlayerAngles < 0)
		flPlayerAngles += 360;

	// Move x and y to the middle of the radar

	* Loop and draw dots
	for(int i=0; i<MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
	{	int r=255,g=255,b=255;
		bool blDrawInfo = false;
		cl_entity_t *pPlayer = gEngfuncs.GetEntityByIndex(i);
		// Invalid
		{	continue;

		// Not player
		{	continue;

		// Render check, make sure player is being rendered
		{	continue;

		// Draw yourself as a orange dot
		if(pPlayer == pLocal)
		{	r=255;

		// Get Origins
		vecPlayerOrigin = pLocal->origin;
		vecOtherOrigin = pPlayer->origin;
		vecPlayerOrigin.z = 0;
		vecOtherOrigin.z = 0;
		vecDifference = vecPlayerOrigin - vecOtherOrigin;

		flLength = vecDifference.Length();

		// Player is too far away, dont draw
		if(flLength > MAX_RADAR_DIST)

		vecDifference = vecDifference.Normalize();

		// Set 0 to 360
		VectorAngles(vecDifference, vecAngles);
		flAngle = vecAngles.y;

		if(flAngle < 0)
			flAngle += 360;

		// Subtract Angles
		flAngle = flPlayerAngles - flAngle;

		// Set length according to the size of the radar
		flLength = (flLength/(float)MAX_RADAR_DIST) * RAD_DIAM;

		// Angles to radians
		flRadians = flAngle * PI_180;
		pos_x = int(cos(flRadians)*flLength);
		pos_y = int(sin(flRadians)*flLength);

		// Set positions + draw radar
		pos_x += x;
		pos_y += y;

		// Shift dot over so it's drawn in the correct position
		int iDotWidth = (gHUD.GetSpriteRect(m_HUD_radardot).right - gHUD.GetSpriteRect(m_HUD_radardot).left)/2;
		int iDotHeight = (gHUD.GetSpriteRect(m_HUD_radardot).bottom - gHUD.GetSpriteRect(m_HUD_radardot).top)/2;
		pos_x -= iDotWidth;
		pos_y -= iDotHeight;

		// Person is targeted by our missles, color them red
		if( gHUD.m_Lockon.FindLock( pPlayer->index ) != -1 )
		{	r=255;

		// Yellow if our crosshair is/was over the player
		if(	gHUD.m_Crosshair.m_iMouseOverEnt == pPlayer->index && ((flTime - gHUD.m_Crosshair.m_flMouseOverTime) < 3) )
		{	UnpackRGB(r,g,b, RGB_YELLOWISH);
			blDrawInfo = true;

		// Draw
		SPR_Set(gHUD.GetSprite(m_HUD_radardot), r,g,b);
		SPR_DrawAdditive(0, pos_x,pos_y, &gHUD.GetSpriteRect(m_HUD_radardot));

		// Draw information if specified
		{	int line_height=0,line_width=0;
			pos_x = ScreenWidth - INFO_WIDTH + INFO_OFFSET_WIDTH;
			pos_y = iRadarHeight + INFO_OFFSET_HEIGHT;

			hud_player_info_t *pl_info = &g_PlayerInfoList[i];
			char szName[128];

			// Get colors
			float flTeamR,flTeamG,flTeamB;
			if((g_PlayerExtraInfo[i].teamnumber == g_PlayerExtraInfo[pLocal->index].teamnumber) && gHUD.m_Teamplay)
			{	flTeamR=0;
			{	flTeamR=1.0;
			// Draw player name
			strcpy(szName,"Name: ");
			int iNameX = DrawConsoleString( pos_x, pos_y, szName );
			// Draw name in color, depending if player is on your team
			strcpy(szName, pl_info->name);
			// Set color
			// Draw
			DrawConsoleString( iNameX, pos_y, szName );

			// Adjust offset
			GetConsoleStringSize( szName, &line_width, &line_height );
			pos_y += line_height + INFO_OFFSET_LINE;
			// Draw Label
			strcpy(szName,"Mech: ");
			iNameX = DrawConsoleString( pos_x, pos_y, szName );
			// Get Mech Name
			int iClass = g_PlayerExtraInfo[i].playerclass;
			if(iClass < 0)
				iClass = 0;
			else if(iClass >= PC_LASTCLASS)
				iClass = PC_LASTCLASS-1;
			strcpy(szName, szClassNames[iClass] );
			// Set Color
			// Draw Mech Name
			DrawConsoleString( iNameX, pos_y, szName );

	return 1;
Ejemplo n.º 12
static void CG_BuildableHealthBar( centity_t *cent )
  vec3_t          origin, origin2, down, right, back, downLength, rightLength;
  float           rimWidth = HEALTH_BAR_HEIGHT / 15.0f;
  float           doneWidth, leftWidth, progress;
  int             health;
  qhandle_t       shader;
  entityState_t   *es;
  vec3_t          mins, maxs;

  es = &cent->currentState;

  progress = (float)health / B_HEALTH_SCALE;

  if( progress < 0.0f )
    progress = 0.0f;
  else if( progress > 1.0f )
    progress = 1.0f;

  if( progress < 0.33f )
    shader = cgs.media.redBuildShader;
    shader = cgs.media.greenBuildShader;

  doneWidth = ( HEALTH_BAR_WIDTH - 2 * rimWidth ) * progress;
  leftWidth = ( HEALTH_BAR_WIDTH - 2 * rimWidth ) - doneWidth;

  VectorCopy( cg.refdef.viewaxis[ 2 ], down );
  VectorInverse( down );
  VectorCopy( cg.refdef.viewaxis[ 1 ], right );
  VectorInverse( right );
  VectorSubtract( cg.refdef.vieworg, cent->lerpOrigin, back );
  VectorNormalize( back );
  VectorCopy( cent->lerpOrigin, origin );

  BG_FindBBoxForBuildable( es->modelindex, mins, maxs );
  VectorMA( origin, 48.0f, es->origin2, origin );
  VectorMA( origin, -HEALTH_BAR_WIDTH / 2.0f, right, origin );
  VectorMA( origin, maxs[ 0 ] + 8.0f, back, origin );

  VectorCopy( origin, origin2 );
  VectorScale( right, rimWidth + doneWidth, rightLength );
  VectorScale( down, HEALTH_BAR_HEIGHT, downLength );
  CG_DrawPlane( origin2, downLength, rightLength, shader );

  VectorMA( origin, rimWidth + doneWidth, right, origin2 );
  VectorScale( right, leftWidth, rightLength );
  VectorScale( down, rimWidth, downLength );
  CG_DrawPlane( origin2, downLength, rightLength, shader );

  VectorMA( origin, rimWidth + doneWidth, right, origin2 );
  VectorMA( origin2, HEALTH_BAR_HEIGHT - rimWidth, down, origin2 );
  VectorScale( right, leftWidth, rightLength );
  VectorScale( down, rimWidth, downLength );
  CG_DrawPlane( origin2, downLength, rightLength, shader );

  VectorMA( origin, HEALTH_BAR_WIDTH - rimWidth, right, origin2 );
  VectorScale( right, rimWidth, rightLength );
  VectorScale( down, HEALTH_BAR_HEIGHT, downLength );
  CG_DrawPlane( origin2, downLength, rightLength, shader );

  if( !( es->generic1 & B_POWERED_TOGGLEBIT ) &&
      BG_FindTeamForBuildable( es->modelindex ) == BIT_HUMANS )
    VectorMA( origin, 15.0f, right, origin2 );
    VectorMA( origin2, HEALTH_BAR_HEIGHT + 5.0f, down, origin2 );
    VectorScale( right, HEALTH_BAR_WIDTH / 2.0f - 5.0f, rightLength );
    VectorScale( down,  HEALTH_BAR_WIDTH / 2.0f - 5.0f, downLength );
    CG_DrawPlane( origin2, downLength, rightLength, cgs.media.noPowerShader );
Ejemplo n.º 13
Archivo: bot_fire.c Proyecto: qbism/tmg
//ent	entity
//aim	aimスキル
//yaw	dist
//wep	weapon
void Get_AimAngle(edict_t *ent,float aim,float dist,int weapon)
	edict_t *target;
	vec3_t	targaim,v;
	trace_t	rs_trace;

	target = ent->client->zc.first_target;

			if(target != ent->client->zc.last_target)
					VectorInverse (targaim);
				VectorMA(target->s.origin,random() * aim * AIMING_POSGAP * random(),targaim,targaim);
//				VectorScale (targaim, vec_t scale, vec3_t out)
				VectorMA(target->s.origin,aim * /*VectorLength(targaim)**/ random(),targaim,targaim);
			ent->s.angles[YAW] = Get_yaw(targaim);
			ent->s.angles[PITCH] = Get_pitch(targaim);

			ent->s.angles[YAW] += aim * AIMING_ANGLEGAP_S * (random() - 0.5) *2;
			if(ent->s.angles[YAW] > 180) ent->s.angles[YAW] -= 360;
			else if(ent->s.angles[YAW] < -180) ent->s.angles[YAW] += 360;

			ent->s.angles[PITCH] += (aim * AIMING_ANGLEGAP_S * (random() - 0.5) * 2);
			if(ent->s.angles[PITCH] > 90) ent->s.angles[PITCH] = 90;
			else if(ent->s.angles[PITCH] < -90) ent->s.angles[PITCH] = -90;

			if(target != ent->client->zc.last_target)
					VectorInverse (targaim);
				VectorMA(target->s.origin,random() * aim * AIMING_POSGAP,targaim,targaim);
				VectorMA(target->s.origin,random() * aim /** VectorLength(targaim)*/,targaim,targaim);				

			ent->s.angles[YAW] = Get_yaw(targaim);
			ent->s.angles[PITCH] = Get_pitch(targaim);

			ent->s.angles[YAW] += aim * AIMING_ANGLEGAP_M * (random() - 0.5) *2;
			if(ent->s.angles[YAW] > 180) ent->s.angles[YAW] -= 360;
			else if(ent->s.angles[YAW] < -180) ent->s.angles[YAW] += 360;

			ent->s.angles[PITCH] += (aim * AIMING_ANGLEGAP_M * (random() - 0.5) * 2);
			if(ent->s.angles[PITCH] > 90) ent->s.angles[PITCH] = 90;
			else if(ent->s.angles[PITCH] < -90) ent->s.angles[PITCH] = -90;

		case WEAP_BLASTER:			
			if(target != ent->client->zc.last_target)
					targaim[0] *= 32;
					targaim[1] *= 32;
					targaim[2] *= 32;
				VectorMA(target->s.origin,(11 - aim) * dist/25,targaim,targaim);
				targaim[2] /= 2;
				VectorMA(target->s.origin,- aim * random() + dist/75,targaim,targaim);				
			rs_trace = gi.trace(target->s.origin,NULL,NULL,targaim,target,MASK_SHOT);

				|| weapon == WEAP_ROCKETLAUNCHER)
				if(targaim[2] < (ent->s.origin[2] + JumpMax))
					targaim[2] -= 24;

					v[2] += ent->viewheight - 8;
					rs_trace = gi.trace(v,NULL,NULL,targaim,ent,MASK_SHOT);
					if(rs_trace.fraction != 1.0) targaim[2] += 24;
				else if(targaim[2] > (ent->s.origin[2] + JumpMax)) targaim[2] += 5;


			ent->s.angles[YAW] = Get_yaw(targaim);
			ent->s.angles[PITCH] = Get_pitch(targaim);

			ent->s.angles[YAW] += aim * AIMING_ANGLEGAP_M * (random() - 0.5) *2;
			if(ent->s.angles[YAW] > 180) ent->s.angles[YAW] -= 360;
			else if(ent->s.angles[YAW] < -180) ent->s.angles[YAW] += 360;

			ent->s.angles[PITCH] += (aim * AIMING_ANGLEGAP_M * (random() - 0.5) * 2);
			if(ent->s.angles[PITCH] > 90) ent->s.angles[PITCH] = 90;
			else if(ent->s.angles[PITCH] < -90) ent->s.angles[PITCH] = -90;

			if(target != ent->client->zc.last_target)
					targaim[0] *= 32;
					targaim[1] *= 32;
					targaim[2] *= 32;
				VectorMA(target->s.origin,(11 - aim) * dist/100,targaim,targaim);
				targaim[2] /= 2;
				VectorMA(target->s.origin,- aim + dist/115,targaim,targaim);				
			rs_trace = gi.trace(target->s.origin,NULL,NULL,targaim,target,MASK_SHOT);


			ent->s.angles[YAW] = Get_yaw(targaim);
			ent->s.angles[PITCH] = Get_pitch(targaim);

			ent->s.angles[YAW] += aim * AIMING_ANGLEGAP_M * (random() - 0.5) *2;
			if(ent->s.angles[YAW] > 180) ent->s.angles[YAW] -= 360;
			else if(ent->s.angles[YAW] < -180) ent->s.angles[YAW] += 360;

			ent->s.angles[PITCH] += (aim * AIMING_ANGLEGAP_M * (random() - 0.5) * 2);
			if(ent->s.angles[PITCH] > 90) ent->s.angles[PITCH] = 90;
			else if(ent->s.angles[PITCH] < -90) ent->s.angles[PITCH] = -90;

		case WEAP_BFG:

			ent->s.angles[YAW] = Get_yaw(targaim);
			ent->s.angles[PITCH] = Get_pitch(targaim);
Ejemplo n.º 14
qboolean R_LoadMD5(model_t *mod, void *buffer, int bufferSize, const char *modName)
	int           i, j, k;
	md5Model_t    *md5;
	md5Bone_t     *bone;
	md5Surface_t  *surf;
	srfTriangle_t *tri;
	md5Vertex_t   *v;
	md5Weight_t   *weight;
	int           version;
	shader_t      *sh;
	char          *buf_p = ( char * ) buffer;
	char          *token;
	vec3_t        boneOrigin;
	quat_t        boneQuat;
	matrix_t      boneMat;
	int           numRemaining;
	growList_t    sortedTriangles;
	growList_t    vboTriangles;
	growList_t    vboSurfaces;
	int           numBoneReferences;
	int           boneReferences[MAX_BONES];

	// skip MD5Version indent string
	COM_ParseExt2(&buf_p, qfalse);

	// check version
	token   = COM_ParseExt2(&buf_p, qfalse);
	version = atoi(token);

	if (version != MD5_VERSION)
		Ren_Warning("R_LoadMD5: %s has wrong version (%i should be %i)\n", modName, version, MD5_VERSION);
		return qfalse;

	mod->type      = MOD_MD5;
	mod->dataSize += sizeof(md5Model_t);
	md5            = mod->md5 = ri.Hunk_Alloc(sizeof(md5Model_t), h_low);

	// skip commandline <arguments string>
	token = COM_ParseExt2(&buf_p, qtrue);
	token = COM_ParseExt2(&buf_p, qtrue);
	//  Ren_Print("%s\n", token);

	// parse numJoints <number>
	token = COM_ParseExt2(&buf_p, qtrue);

	if (Q_stricmp(token, "numJoints"))
		Ren_Warning("R_LoadMD5: expected 'numJoints' found '%s' in model '%s'\n", token, modName);
		return qfalse;

	token         = COM_ParseExt2(&buf_p, qfalse);
	md5->numBones = atoi(token);

	// parse numMeshes <number>
	token = COM_ParseExt2(&buf_p, qtrue);

	if (Q_stricmp(token, "numMeshes"))
		Ren_Warning("R_LoadMD5: expected 'numMeshes' found '%s' in model '%s'\n", token, modName);
		return qfalse;

	token            = COM_ParseExt2(&buf_p, qfalse);
	md5->numSurfaces = atoi(token);
	//Ren_Print("R_LoadMD5: '%s' has %i surfaces\n", modName, md5->numSurfaces);

	if (md5->numBones < 1)
		Ren_Warning("R_LoadMD5: '%s' has no bones\n", modName);
		return qfalse;

	if (md5->numBones > MAX_BONES)
		Ren_Warning("R_LoadMD5: '%s' has more than %i bones (%i)\n", modName, MAX_BONES, md5->numBones);
		return qfalse;

	//Ren_Print("R_LoadMD5: '%s' has %i bones\n", modName, md5->numBones);

	// parse all the bones
	md5->bones = ri.Hunk_Alloc(sizeof(*bone) * md5->numBones, h_low);

	// parse joints {
	token = COM_ParseExt2(&buf_p, qtrue);

	if (Q_stricmp(token, "joints"))
		Ren_Warning("R_LoadMD5: expected 'joints' found '%s' in model '%s'\n", token, modName);
		return qfalse;

	token = COM_ParseExt2(&buf_p, qfalse);

	if (Q_stricmp(token, "{"))
		Ren_Warning("R_LoadMD5: expected '{' found '%s' in model '%s'\n", token, modName);
		return qfalse;

	for (i = 0, bone = md5->bones; i < md5->numBones; i++, bone++)
		token = COM_ParseExt2(&buf_p, qtrue);
		Q_strncpyz(bone->name, token, sizeof(bone->name));

		//Ren_Print("R_LoadMD5: '%s' has bone '%s'\n", modName, bone->name);

		token             = COM_ParseExt2(&buf_p, qfalse);
		bone->parentIndex = atoi(token);

		//Ren_Print("R_LoadMD5: '%s' has bone '%s' with parent index %i\n", modName, bone->name, bone->parentIndex);

		if (bone->parentIndex >= md5->numBones)
			Ren_Drop("R_LoadMD5: '%s' has bone '%s' with bad parent index %i while numBones is %i", modName,
			         bone->name, bone->parentIndex, md5->numBones);

		// skip (
		token = COM_ParseExt2(&buf_p, qfalse);

		if (Q_stricmp(token, "("))
			Ren_Warning("R_LoadMD5: expected '(' found '%s' in model '%s'\n", token, modName);
			return qfalse;

		for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)
			token         = COM_ParseExt2(&buf_p, qfalse);
			boneOrigin[j] = atof(token);

		// skip )
		token = COM_ParseExt2(&buf_p, qfalse);

		if (Q_stricmp(token, ")"))
			Ren_Warning("R_LoadMD5: expected ')' found '%s' in model '%s'\n", token, modName);
			return qfalse;

		// skip (
		token = COM_ParseExt2(&buf_p, qfalse);

		if (Q_stricmp(token, "("))
			Ren_Warning("R_LoadMD5: expected '(' found '%s' in model '%s'\n", token, modName);
			return qfalse;

		for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)
			token       = COM_ParseExt2(&buf_p, qfalse);
			boneQuat[j] = atof(token);

		MatrixFromQuat(boneMat, boneQuat);

		VectorCopy(boneOrigin, bone->origin);
		QuatCopy(boneQuat, bone->rotation);

		MatrixSetupTransformFromQuat(bone->inverseTransform, boneQuat, boneOrigin);

		// skip )
		token = COM_ParseExt2(&buf_p, qfalse);

		if (Q_stricmp(token, ")"))
			Ren_Warning("R_LoadMD5: expected '(' found '%s' in model '%s'\n", token, modName);
			return qfalse;

	// parse }
	token = COM_ParseExt2(&buf_p, qtrue);

	if (Q_stricmp(token, "}"))
		Ren_Warning("R_LoadMD5: expected '}' found '%s' in model '%s'\n", token, modName);
		return qfalse;

	// parse all the surfaces
	if (md5->numSurfaces < 1)
		Ren_Warning("R_LoadMD5: '%s' has no surfaces\n", modName);
		return qfalse;

	//Ren_Print("R_LoadMD5: '%s' has %i surfaces\n", modName, md5->numSurfaces);

	md5->surfaces = ri.Hunk_Alloc(sizeof(*surf) * md5->numSurfaces, h_low);

	for (i = 0, surf = md5->surfaces; i < md5->numSurfaces; i++, surf++)
		// parse mesh {
		token = COM_ParseExt2(&buf_p, qtrue);

		if (Q_stricmp(token, "mesh"))
			Ren_Warning("R_LoadMD5: expected 'mesh' found '%s' in model '%s'\n", token, modName);
			return qfalse;

		token = COM_ParseExt2(&buf_p, qfalse);

		if (Q_stricmp(token, "{"))
			Ren_Warning("R_LoadMD5: expected '{' found '%s' in model '%s'\n", token, modName);
			return qfalse;

		// change to surface identifier
		surf->surfaceType = SF_MD5;

		// give pointer to model for Tess_SurfaceMD5
		surf->model = md5;

		// parse shader <name>
		token = COM_ParseExt2(&buf_p, qtrue);

		if (Q_stricmp(token, "shader"))
			Ren_Warning("R_LoadMD5: expected 'shader' found '%s' in model '%s'\n", token, modName);
			return qfalse;

		token = COM_ParseExt2(&buf_p, qfalse);
		Q_strncpyz(surf->shader, token, sizeof(surf->shader));

		//Ren_Print("R_LoadMD5: '%s' uses shader '%s'\n", modName, surf->shader);

		// FIXME .md5mesh meshes don't have surface names
		// lowercase the surface name so skin compares are faster
		//Ren_Print("R_LoadMD5: '%s' has surface '%s'\n", modName, surf->name);

		// register the shaders
		sh = R_FindShader(surf->shader, SHADER_3D_DYNAMIC, qtrue);

		if (sh->defaultShader)
			surf->shaderIndex = 0;
			surf->shaderIndex = sh->index;

		// parse numVerts <number>
		token = COM_ParseExt2(&buf_p, qtrue);

		if (Q_stricmp(token, "numVerts"))
			Ren_Warning("R_LoadMD5: expected 'numVerts' found '%s' in model '%s'\n", token, modName);
			return qfalse;

		token          = COM_ParseExt2(&buf_p, qfalse);
		surf->numVerts = atoi(token);

		if (surf->numVerts > SHADER_MAX_VERTEXES)
			Ren_Drop("R_LoadMD5: '%s' has more than %i verts on a surface (%i)",
			         modName, SHADER_MAX_VERTEXES, surf->numVerts);

		surf->verts = ri.Hunk_Alloc(sizeof(*v) * surf->numVerts, h_low);

		for (j = 0, v = surf->verts; j < surf->numVerts; j++, v++)
			// skip vert <number>
			token = COM_ParseExt2(&buf_p, qtrue);

			if (Q_stricmp(token, "vert"))
				Ren_Warning("R_LoadMD5: expected 'vert' found '%s' in model '%s'\n", token, modName);
				return qfalse;

			COM_ParseExt2(&buf_p, qfalse);

			// skip (
			token = COM_ParseExt2(&buf_p, qfalse);

			if (Q_stricmp(token, "("))
				Ren_Warning("R_LoadMD5: expected '(' found '%s' in model '%s'\n", token, modName);
				return qfalse;

			for (k = 0; k < 2; k++)
				token           = COM_ParseExt2(&buf_p, qfalse);
				v->texCoords[k] = atof(token);

			// skip )
			token = COM_ParseExt2(&buf_p, qfalse);

			if (Q_stricmp(token, ")"))
				Ren_Warning("R_LoadMD5: expected ')' found '%s' in model '%s'\n", token, modName);
				return qfalse;

			token          = COM_ParseExt2(&buf_p, qfalse);
			v->firstWeight = atoi(token);

			token         = COM_ParseExt2(&buf_p, qfalse);
			v->numWeights = atoi(token);

			if (v->numWeights > MAX_WEIGHTS)
				Ren_Drop("R_LoadMD5: vertex %i requires more than %i weights on surface (%i) in model '%s'",
				         j, MAX_WEIGHTS, i, modName);

		// parse numTris <number>
		token = COM_ParseExt2(&buf_p, qtrue);

		if (Q_stricmp(token, "numTris"))
			Ren_Warning("R_LoadMD5: expected 'numTris' found '%s' in model '%s'\n", token, modName);
			return qfalse;

		token              = COM_ParseExt2(&buf_p, qfalse);
		surf->numTriangles = atoi(token);

		if (surf->numTriangles > SHADER_MAX_TRIANGLES)
			Ren_Drop("R_LoadMD5: '%s' has more than %i triangles on a surface (%i)",
			         modName, SHADER_MAX_TRIANGLES, surf->numTriangles);

		surf->triangles = ri.Hunk_Alloc(sizeof(*tri) * surf->numTriangles, h_low);

		for (j = 0, tri = surf->triangles; j < surf->numTriangles; j++, tri++)
			// skip tri <number>
			token = COM_ParseExt2(&buf_p, qtrue);

			if (Q_stricmp(token, "tri"))
				Ren_Warning("R_LoadMD5: expected 'tri' found '%s' in model '%s'\n", token, modName);
				return qfalse;

			COM_ParseExt2(&buf_p, qfalse);

			for (k = 0; k < 3; k++)
				token           = COM_ParseExt2(&buf_p, qfalse);
				tri->indexes[k] = atoi(token);

		// parse numWeights <number>
		token = COM_ParseExt2(&buf_p, qtrue);

		if (Q_stricmp(token, "numWeights"))
			Ren_Warning("R_LoadMD5: expected 'numWeights' found '%s' in model '%s'\n", token, modName);
			return qfalse;

		token            = COM_ParseExt2(&buf_p, qfalse);
		surf->numWeights = atoi(token);

		surf->weights = ri.Hunk_Alloc(sizeof(*weight) * surf->numWeights, h_low);

		for (j = 0, weight = surf->weights; j < surf->numWeights; j++, weight++)
			// skip weight <number>
			token = COM_ParseExt2(&buf_p, qtrue);

			if (Q_stricmp(token, "weight"))
				Ren_Warning("R_LoadMD5: expected 'weight' found '%s' in model '%s'\n", token, modName);
				return qfalse;

			COM_ParseExt2(&buf_p, qfalse);

			token             = COM_ParseExt2(&buf_p, qfalse);
			weight->boneIndex = atoi(token);

			token              = COM_ParseExt2(&buf_p, qfalse);
			weight->boneWeight = atof(token);

			// skip (
			token = COM_ParseExt2(&buf_p, qfalse);

			if (Q_stricmp(token, "("))
				Ren_Warning("R_LoadMD5: expected '(' found '%s' in model '%s'\n", token, modName);
				return qfalse;

			for (k = 0; k < 3; k++)
				token             = COM_ParseExt2(&buf_p, qfalse);
				weight->offset[k] = atof(token);

			// skip )
			token = COM_ParseExt2(&buf_p, qfalse);

			if (Q_stricmp(token, ")"))
				Ren_Warning("R_LoadMD5: expected ')' found '%s' in model '%s'\n", token, modName);
				return qfalse;

		// parse }
		token = COM_ParseExt2(&buf_p, qtrue);

		if (Q_stricmp(token, "}"))
			Ren_Warning("R_LoadMD5: expected '}' found '%s' in model '%s'\n", token, modName);
			return qfalse;

		// loop trough all vertices and set up the vertex weights
		for (j = 0, v = surf->verts; j < surf->numVerts; j++, v++)
			v->weights = ri.Hunk_Alloc(sizeof(*v->weights) * v->numWeights, h_low);

			for (k = 0; k < v->numWeights; k++)
				v->weights[k] = surf->weights + (v->firstWeight + k);

	// loading is done now calculate the bounding box and tangent spaces
	ClearBounds(md5->bounds[0], md5->bounds[1]);

	for (i = 0, surf = md5->surfaces; i < md5->numSurfaces; i++, surf++)
		for (j = 0, v = surf->verts; j < surf->numVerts; j++, v++)
			vec3_t      tmpVert;
			md5Weight_t *w;


			for (k = 0, w = v->weights[0]; k < v->numWeights; k++, w++)
				vec3_t offsetVec;

				bone = &md5->bones[w->boneIndex];

				QuatTransformVector(bone->rotation, w->offset, offsetVec);
				VectorAdd(bone->origin, offsetVec, offsetVec);

				VectorMA(tmpVert, w->boneWeight, offsetVec, tmpVert);

			VectorCopy(tmpVert, v->position);
			AddPointToBounds(tmpVert, md5->bounds[0], md5->bounds[1]);

		// calc tangent spaces
#if 1
			const float *v0, *v1, *v2;
			const float *t0, *t1, *t2;
			vec3_t      tangent;
			vec3_t      binormal;
			vec3_t      normal;

			for (j = 0, v = surf->verts; j < surf->numVerts; j++, v++)

			for (j = 0, tri = surf->triangles; j < surf->numTriangles; j++, tri++)
				v0 = surf->verts[tri->indexes[0]].position;
				v1 = surf->verts[tri->indexes[1]].position;
				v2 = surf->verts[tri->indexes[2]].position;

				t0 = surf->verts[tri->indexes[0]].texCoords;
				t1 = surf->verts[tri->indexes[1]].texCoords;
				t2 = surf->verts[tri->indexes[2]].texCoords;

#if 1
				R_CalcTangentSpace(tangent, binormal, normal, v0, v1, v2, t0, t1, t2);
				R_CalcNormalForTriangle(normal, v0, v1, v2);
				R_CalcTangentsForTriangle(tangent, binormal, v0, v1, v2, t0, t1, t2);

				for (k = 0; k < 3; k++)
					float *v;

					v = surf->verts[tri->indexes[k]].tangent;
					VectorAdd(v, tangent, v);

					v = surf->verts[tri->indexes[k]].binormal;
					VectorAdd(v, binormal, v);

					v = surf->verts[tri->indexes[k]].normal;
					VectorAdd(v, normal, v);

			for (j = 0, v = surf->verts; j < surf->numVerts; j++, v++)
			int         k;
			float       bb, s, t;
			vec3_t      bary;
			vec3_t      faceNormal;
			md5Vertex_t *dv[3];

			for (j = 0, tri = surf->triangles; j < surf->numTriangles; j++, tri++)
				dv[0] = &surf->verts[tri->indexes[0]];
				dv[1] = &surf->verts[tri->indexes[1]];
				dv[2] = &surf->verts[tri->indexes[2]];

				R_CalcNormalForTriangle(faceNormal, dv[0]->position, dv[1]->position, dv[2]->position);

				// calculate barycentric basis for the triangle
				bb = (dv[1]->texCoords[0] - dv[0]->texCoords[0]) * (dv[2]->texCoords[1] - dv[0]->texCoords[1]) - (dv[2]->texCoords[0] - dv[0]->texCoords[0]) * (dv[1]->texCoords[1] -

				if (fabs(bb) < 0.00000001f)

				// do each vertex
				for (k = 0; k < 3; k++)
					// calculate s tangent vector
					s       = dv[k]->texCoords[0] + 10.0f;
					t       = dv[k]->texCoords[1];
					bary[0] = ((dv[1]->texCoords[0] - s) * (dv[2]->texCoords[1] - t) - (dv[2]->texCoords[0] - s) * (dv[1]->texCoords[1] - t)) / bb;
					bary[1] = ((dv[2]->texCoords[0] - s) * (dv[0]->texCoords[1] - t) - (dv[0]->texCoords[0] - s) * (dv[2]->texCoords[1] - t)) / bb;
					bary[2] = ((dv[0]->texCoords[0] - s) * (dv[1]->texCoords[1] - t) - (dv[1]->texCoords[0] - s) * (dv[0]->texCoords[1] - t)) / bb;

					dv[k]->tangent[0] = bary[0] * dv[0]->position[0] + bary[1] * dv[1]->position[0] + bary[2] * dv[2]->position[0];
					dv[k]->tangent[1] = bary[0] * dv[0]->position[1] + bary[1] * dv[1]->position[1] + bary[2] * dv[2]->position[1];
					dv[k]->tangent[2] = bary[0] * dv[0]->position[2] + bary[1] * dv[1]->position[2] + bary[2] * dv[2]->position[2];

					VectorSubtract(dv[k]->tangent, dv[k]->position, dv[k]->tangent);

					// calculate t tangent vector (binormal)
					s       = dv[k]->texCoords[0];
					t       = dv[k]->texCoords[1] + 10.0f;
					bary[0] = ((dv[1]->texCoords[0] - s) * (dv[2]->texCoords[1] - t) - (dv[2]->texCoords[0] - s) * (dv[1]->texCoords[1] - t)) / bb;
					bary[1] = ((dv[2]->texCoords[0] - s) * (dv[0]->texCoords[1] - t) - (dv[0]->texCoords[0] - s) * (dv[2]->texCoords[1] - t)) / bb;
					bary[2] = ((dv[0]->texCoords[0] - s) * (dv[1]->texCoords[1] - t) - (dv[1]->texCoords[0] - s) * (dv[0]->texCoords[1] - t)) / bb;

					dv[k]->binormal[0] = bary[0] * dv[0]->position[0] + bary[1] * dv[1]->position[0] + bary[2] * dv[2]->position[0];
					dv[k]->binormal[1] = bary[0] * dv[0]->position[1] + bary[1] * dv[1]->position[1] + bary[2] * dv[2]->position[1];
					dv[k]->binormal[2] = bary[0] * dv[0]->position[2] + bary[1] * dv[1]->position[2] + bary[2] * dv[2]->position[2];

					VectorSubtract(dv[k]->binormal, dv[k]->position, dv[k]->binormal);

					// calculate the normal as cross product N=TxB
#if 0
					CrossProduct(dv[k]->tangent, dv[k]->binormal, dv[k]->normal);

					// Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization process for B
					// compute the cross product B=NxT to obtain
					// an orthogonal basis
					CrossProduct(dv[k]->normal, dv[k]->tangent, dv[k]->binormal);

					if (DotProduct(dv[k]->normal, faceNormal) < 0)

					VectorAdd(dv[k]->normal, faceNormal, dv[k]->normal);

#if 1
			for (j = 0, v = surf->verts; j < surf->numVerts; j++, v++)

#if 0
		// do another extra smoothing for normals to avoid flat shading
		for (j = 0; j < surf->numVerts; j++)
			for (k = 0; k < surf->numVerts; k++)
				if (j == k)

				if (VectorCompare(surf->verts[j].position, surf->verts[k].position))
					VectorAdd(surf->verts[j].normal, surf->verts[k].normal, surf->verts[j].normal);


	// split the surfaces into VBO surfaces by the maximum number of GPU vertex skinning bones
	Com_InitGrowList(&vboSurfaces, 10);

	for (i = 0, surf = md5->surfaces; i < md5->numSurfaces; i++, surf++)
		// sort triangles
		Com_InitGrowList(&sortedTriangles, 1000);

		for (j = 0, tri = surf->triangles; j < surf->numTriangles; j++, tri++)
			skelTriangle_t *sortTri = Com_Allocate(sizeof(*sortTri));

			for (k = 0; k < 3; k++)
				sortTri->indexes[k]  = tri->indexes[k];
				sortTri->vertexes[k] = &surf->verts[tri->indexes[k]];

			sortTri->referenced = qfalse;

			Com_AddToGrowList(&sortedTriangles, sortTri);

		//qsort(sortedTriangles.elements, sortedTriangles.currentElements, sizeof(void *), CompareTrianglesByBoneReferences);

#if 0
		for (j = 0; j < sortedTriangles.currentElements; j++)
			int b[MAX_WEIGHTS * 3];

			skelTriangle_t *sortTri = Com_GrowListElement(&sortedTriangles, j);

			for (k = 0; k < 3; k++)
				v = sortTri->vertexes[k];

				for (l = 0; l < MAX_WEIGHTS; l++)
					b[k * 3 + l] = (l < v->numWeights) ? v->weights[l]->boneIndex : 9999;

				qsort(b, MAX_WEIGHTS * 3, sizeof(int), CompareBoneIndices);
				//Ren_Print("bone indices: %i %i %i %i\n", b[k * 3 + 0], b[k * 3 + 1], b[k * 3 + 2], b[k * 3 + 3]);

		numRemaining = sortedTriangles.currentElements;

		while (numRemaining)
			numBoneReferences = 0;
			Com_Memset(boneReferences, 0, sizeof(boneReferences));

			Com_InitGrowList(&vboTriangles, 1000);

			for (j = 0; j < sortedTriangles.currentElements; j++)
				skelTriangle_t *sortTri = Com_GrowListElement(&sortedTriangles, j);

				if (sortTri->referenced)

				if (AddTriangleToVBOTriangleList(&vboTriangles, sortTri, &numBoneReferences, boneReferences))
					sortTri->referenced = qtrue;

			if (!vboTriangles.currentElements)
				Ren_Warning("R_LoadMD5: could not add triangles to a remaining VBO surfaces for model '%s'\n", modName);

			AddSurfaceToVBOSurfacesList(&vboSurfaces, &vboTriangles, md5, surf, i, numBoneReferences, boneReferences);
			numRemaining -= vboTriangles.currentElements;


		for (j = 0; j < sortedTriangles.currentElements; j++)
			skelTriangle_t *sortTri = Com_GrowListElement(&sortedTriangles, j);



	// move VBO surfaces list to hunk
	md5->numVBOSurfaces = vboSurfaces.currentElements;
	md5->vboSurfaces    = ri.Hunk_Alloc(md5->numVBOSurfaces * sizeof(*md5->vboSurfaces), h_low);

	for (i = 0; i < md5->numVBOSurfaces; i++)
		md5->vboSurfaces[i] = ( srfVBOMD5Mesh_t * ) Com_GrowListElement(&vboSurfaces, i);


	return qtrue;
Ejemplo n.º 15
void CreateRotationMatrix(const vec3_t angles, matrix3_t matrix) {
	AngleVectors(angles, matrix[0], matrix[1], matrix[2]);
Ejemplo n.º 16
void CStudioModelRenderer::StudioSetUpTransform(int trivial_accept)
	int i;
	vec3_t angles;
	vec3_t modelpos;

	VectorCopy(m_pCurrentEntity->origin, modelpos);

	angles[ROLL] = m_pCurrentEntity->curstate.angles[ROLL];
	angles[PITCH] = m_pCurrentEntity->curstate.angles[PITCH];
	angles[YAW] = m_pCurrentEntity->curstate.angles[YAW];

	if (m_pCurrentEntity->curstate.movetype == MOVETYPE_STEP)
		float f = 0;
		float d;

		if ((m_clTime < m_pCurrentEntity->curstate.animtime + 1.0f) && (m_pCurrentEntity->curstate.animtime != m_pCurrentEntity->latched.prevanimtime))
			f = (m_clTime - m_pCurrentEntity->curstate.animtime) / (m_pCurrentEntity->curstate.animtime - m_pCurrentEntity->latched.prevanimtime);

		if (m_fDoInterp)
			f = f - 1.0;
			f = 0;

		for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
			modelpos[i] += (m_pCurrentEntity->origin[i] - m_pCurrentEntity->latched.prevorigin[i]) * f;

		for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
			float ang1, ang2;

			ang1 = m_pCurrentEntity->angles[i];
			ang2 = m_pCurrentEntity->latched.prevangles[i];

			d = ang1 - ang2;

			if (d > 180)
				d -= 360;
			else if (d < -180)
				d += 360;

			angles[i] += d * f;
	else if (m_pCurrentEntity->curstate.movetype != MOVETYPE_NONE)
		VectorCopy(m_pCurrentEntity->angles, angles);

	angles[PITCH] = -angles[PITCH];
	AngleMatrix(angles, (*m_protationmatrix));

	if (!IEngineStudio.IsHardware())
		static float viewmatrix[3][4];

		VectorCopy(m_vRight, viewmatrix[0]);
		VectorCopy(m_vUp, viewmatrix[1]);
		VectorCopy(m_vNormal, viewmatrix[2]);

		(*m_protationmatrix)[0][3] = modelpos[0] - m_vRenderOrigin[0];
		(*m_protationmatrix)[1][3] = modelpos[1] - m_vRenderOrigin[1];
		(*m_protationmatrix)[2][3] = modelpos[2] - m_vRenderOrigin[2];

		ConcatTransforms(viewmatrix, (*m_protationmatrix), (*m_paliastransform));

		if (trivial_accept)
			for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
				(*m_paliastransform)[0][i] *= m_fSoftwareXScale * (1.0 / (ZISCALE * 0x10000));
				(*m_paliastransform)[1][i] *= m_fSoftwareYScale * (1.0 / (ZISCALE * 0x10000));
				(*m_paliastransform)[2][i] *= 1.0 / (ZISCALE * 0x10000);

	(*m_protationmatrix)[0][3] = modelpos[0];
	(*m_protationmatrix)[1][3] = modelpos[1];
	(*m_protationmatrix)[2][3] = modelpos[2];
Ejemplo n.º 17
qboolean R_LoadPSK(model_t *mod, void *buffer, int bufferSize, const char *modName)
	int         i, j, k;
	memStream_t *stream = NULL;

	axChunkHeader_t chunkHeader;

	int       numPoints;
	axPoint_t *point;
	axPoint_t *points = NULL;

	int        numVertexes;
	axVertex_t *vertex;
	axVertex_t *vertexes = NULL;

	//int       numSmoothGroups;
	int          numTriangles;
	axTriangle_t *triangle;
	axTriangle_t *triangles = NULL;

	int          numMaterials;
	axMaterial_t *material;
	axMaterial_t *materials = NULL;

	int               numReferenceBones;
	axReferenceBone_t *refBone;
	axReferenceBone_t *refBones = NULL;

	int            numWeights;
	axBoneWeight_t *axWeight;
	axBoneWeight_t *axWeights = NULL;

	md5Model_t  *md5;
	md5Bone_t   *md5Bone;
	md5Weight_t *weight;

	vec3_t boneOrigin;
	quat_t boneQuat;
	//mat4_t        boneMat;

	int materialIndex, oldMaterialIndex;

	int numRemaining;

	growList_t sortedTriangles;
	growList_t vboVertexes;
	growList_t vboTriangles;
	growList_t vboSurfaces;

	int numBoneReferences;
	int boneReferences[MAX_BONES];

	mat4_t unrealToQuake;

#define DeallocAll() Com_Dealloc(materials); \
	Com_Dealloc(points); \
	Com_Dealloc(vertexes); \
	Com_Dealloc(triangles); \
	Com_Dealloc(refBones); \
	Com_Dealloc(axWeights); \

	//MatrixSetupScale(unrealToQuake, 1, -1, 1);
	mat4_from_angles(unrealToQuake, 0, 90, 0);

	stream = AllocMemStream(buffer, bufferSize);
	GetChunkHeader(stream, &chunkHeader);

	// check indent again
	if (Q_stricmpn(chunkHeader.ident, "ACTRHEAD", 8))
		Ren_Warning("R_LoadPSK: '%s' has wrong chunk indent ('%s' should be '%s')\n", modName, chunkHeader.ident, "ACTRHEAD");
		return qfalse;


	mod->type      = MOD_MD5;
	mod->dataSize += sizeof(md5Model_t);
	md5            = mod->md5 = ri.Hunk_Alloc(sizeof(md5Model_t), h_low);

	// read points
	GetChunkHeader(stream, &chunkHeader);

	if (Q_stricmpn(chunkHeader.ident, "PNTS0000", 8))
		Ren_Warning("R_LoadPSK: '%s' has wrong chunk indent ('%s' should be '%s')\n", modName, chunkHeader.ident, "PNTS0000");
		return qfalse;

	if (chunkHeader.dataSize != sizeof(axPoint_t))
		Ren_Warning("R_LoadPSK: '%s' has wrong chunk dataSize ('%i' should be '%i')\n", modName, chunkHeader.dataSize, ( int ) sizeof(axPoint_t));
		return qfalse;


	numPoints = chunkHeader.numData;
	points    = Com_Allocate(numPoints * sizeof(axPoint_t));

	for (i = 0, point = points; i < numPoints; i++, point++)
		point->point[0] = MemStreamGetFloat(stream);
		point->point[1] = MemStreamGetFloat(stream);
		point->point[2] = MemStreamGetFloat(stream);

#if 0
		// HACK convert from Unreal coordinate system to the Quake one
		MatrixTransformPoint2(unrealToQuake, point->point);

	// read vertices
	GetChunkHeader(stream, &chunkHeader);

	if (Q_stricmpn(chunkHeader.ident, "VTXW0000", 8))
		Ren_Warning("R_LoadPSK: '%s' has wrong chunk indent ('%s' should be '%s')\n", modName, chunkHeader.ident, "VTXW0000");
		return qfalse;

	if (chunkHeader.dataSize != sizeof(axVertex_t))
		Ren_Warning("R_LoadPSK: '%s' has wrong chunk dataSize ('%i' should be '%i')\n", modName, chunkHeader.dataSize, ( int ) sizeof(axVertex_t));
		return qfalse;


	numVertexes = chunkHeader.numData;
	vertexes    = Com_Allocate(numVertexes * sizeof(axVertex_t));

		int tmpVertexInt = -1; // tmp vertex member values - MemStreamGet functions return -1 if they fail
		                       // now we print a warning if they do or abort if pointIndex is invalid

		for (i = 0, vertex = vertexes; i < numVertexes; i++, vertex++)
			tmpVertexInt = MemStreamGetShort(stream);
			if (tmpVertexInt < 0 || tmpVertexInt >= numPoints)
				ri.Printf(PRINT_ERROR, "R_LoadPSK: '%s' has vertex with point index out of range (%i while max %i)\n", modName, tmpVertexInt, numPoints);
				return qfalse;
			vertex->pointIndex = tmpVertexInt;

			tmpVertexInt = MemStreamGetShort(stream);
			if (tmpVertexInt < 0)
				Ren_Warning("R_LoadPSK: MemStream NULL or empty (vertex->unknownA)\n");
			vertex->unknownA = tmpVertexInt;

			vertex->st[0] = MemStreamGetFloat(stream);
			if (vertex->st[0] == -1)
				Ren_Warning("R_LoadPSK: MemStream possibly NULL or empty (vertex->st[0])\n");

			vertex->st[1] = MemStreamGetFloat(stream);
			if (vertex->st[1] == -1)
				Ren_Warning("R_LoadPSK: MemStream possibly NULL or empty (vertex->st[1])\n");

			tmpVertexInt = MemStreamGetC(stream);
			if (tmpVertexInt < 0)
				Ren_Warning("R_LoadPSK: MemStream NULL or empty (vertex->materialIndex)\n");
			vertex->materialIndex = tmpVertexInt;

			tmpVertexInt = MemStreamGetC(stream);
			if (tmpVertexInt < 0)
				Ren_Warning("R_LoadPSK: MemStream NULL or empty (vertex->materialIndex)\n");
			vertex->reserved = tmpVertexInt;

			tmpVertexInt = MemStreamGetShort(stream);
			if (tmpVertexInt < 0)
				Ren_Warning("R_LoadPSK: MemStream NULL or empty (vertex->materialIndex)\n");
			vertex->unknownB = tmpVertexInt;
#if 0
			Ren_Print("R_LoadPSK: axVertex_t(%i):\n"
			          "axVertex:pointIndex: %i\n"
			          "axVertex:unknownA: %i\n"
			          "axVertex::st: %f %f\n"
			          "axVertex:materialIndex: %i\n"
			          "axVertex:reserved: %d\n"
			          "axVertex:unknownB: %d\n",
			          vertex->st[0], vertex->st[1],

		// read triangles
		GetChunkHeader(stream, &chunkHeader);

		if (Q_stricmpn(chunkHeader.ident, "FACE0000", 8))
			Ren_Warning("R_LoadPSK: '%s' has wrong chunk indent ('%s' should be '%s')\n", modName, chunkHeader.ident, "FACE0000");
			return qfalse;

		if (chunkHeader.dataSize != sizeof(axTriangle_t))
			Ren_Warning("R_LoadPSK: '%s' has wrong chunk dataSize ('%i' should be '%i')\n", modName, chunkHeader.dataSize, ( int ) sizeof(axTriangle_t));
			return qfalse;


		numTriangles = chunkHeader.numData;
		triangles    = Com_Allocate(numTriangles * sizeof(axTriangle_t));

		for (i = 0, triangle = triangles; i < numTriangles; i++, triangle++)
			for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)
			//for(j = 2; j >= 0; j--)
				tmpVertexInt = MemStreamGetShort(stream);

				if (tmpVertexInt < 0)
					Ren_Warning("R_LoadPSK: '%s' MemStream NULL or empty (triangle->indexes[%i])\n", modName, j);
					return qfalse;

				if (tmpVertexInt >= numVertexes)
					Ren_Warning("R_LoadPSK: '%s' has triangle with vertex index out of range (%i while max %i)\n", modName, tmpVertexInt, numVertexes);
					return qfalse;

				triangle->indexes[j] = tmpVertexInt;

			triangle->materialIndex   = MemStreamGetC(stream);
			triangle->materialIndex2  = MemStreamGetC(stream);
			triangle->smoothingGroups = MemStreamGetLong(stream);
	// read materials
	GetChunkHeader(stream, &chunkHeader);

	if (Q_stricmpn(chunkHeader.ident, "MATT0000", 8))
		Ren_Warning("R_LoadPSK: '%s' has wrong chunk indent ('%s' should be '%s')\n", modName, chunkHeader.ident, "MATT0000");
		return qfalse;

	if (chunkHeader.dataSize != sizeof(axMaterial_t))
		Ren_Warning("R_LoadPSK: '%s' has wrong chunk dataSize ('%i' should be '%i')\n", modName, chunkHeader.dataSize, ( int ) sizeof(axMaterial_t));
		return qfalse;


	numMaterials = chunkHeader.numData;
	materials    = Com_Allocate(numMaterials * sizeof(axMaterial_t));

	for (i = 0, material = materials; i < numMaterials; i++, material++)
		MemStreamRead(stream, material->name, sizeof(material->name));

		Ren_Print("R_LoadPSK: material name: '%s'\n", material->name);

		material->shaderIndex = MemStreamGetLong(stream);
		material->polyFlags   = MemStreamGetLong(stream);
		material->auxMaterial = MemStreamGetLong(stream);
		material->auxFlags    = MemStreamGetLong(stream);
		material->lodBias     = MemStreamGetLong(stream);
		material->lodStyle    = MemStreamGetLong(stream);

	for (i = 0, vertex = vertexes; i < numVertexes; i++, vertex++)
		if (vertex->materialIndex < 0 || vertex->materialIndex >= numMaterials)
			Ren_Warning("R_LoadPSK: '%s' has vertex with material index out of range (%i while max %i)\n", modName, vertex->materialIndex, numMaterials);
			return qfalse;

	for (i = 0, triangle = triangles; i < numTriangles; i++, triangle++)
		if (triangle->materialIndex < 0 || triangle->materialIndex >= numMaterials)
			Ren_Warning("R_LoadPSK: '%s' has triangle with material index out of range (%i while max %i)\n", modName, triangle->materialIndex, numMaterials);
			return qfalse;

	// read reference bones
	GetChunkHeader(stream, &chunkHeader);

	if (Q_stricmpn(chunkHeader.ident, "REFSKELT", 8))
		Ren_Warning("R_LoadPSK: '%s' has wrong chunk indent ('%s' should be '%s')\n", modName, chunkHeader.ident, "REFSKELT");
		return qfalse;

	if (chunkHeader.dataSize != sizeof(axReferenceBone_t))
		Ren_Warning("R_LoadPSK: '%s' has wrong chunk dataSize ('%i' should be '%i')\n", modName, chunkHeader.dataSize, ( int ) sizeof(axReferenceBone_t));
		return qfalse;


	numReferenceBones = chunkHeader.numData;
	refBones          = Com_Allocate(numReferenceBones * sizeof(axReferenceBone_t));

	for (i = 0, refBone = refBones; i < numReferenceBones; i++, refBone++)
		MemStreamRead(stream, refBone->name, sizeof(refBone->name));

		//Ren_Print("R_LoadPSK: reference bone name: '%s'\n", refBone->name);

		refBone->flags       = MemStreamGetLong(stream);
		refBone->numChildren = MemStreamGetLong(stream);
		refBone->parentIndex = MemStreamGetLong(stream);

		GetBone(stream, &refBone->bone);

#if 0
		Ren_Print("R_LoadPSK: axReferenceBone_t(%i):\n"
		          "axReferenceBone_t::name: '%s'\n"
		          "axReferenceBone_t::flags: %i\n"
		          "axReferenceBone_t::numChildren %i\n"
		          "axReferenceBone_t::parentIndex: %i\n"
		          "axReferenceBone_t::quat: %f %f %f %f\n"
		          "axReferenceBone_t::position: %f %f %f\n"
		          "axReferenceBone_t::length: %f\n"
		          "axReferenceBone_t::xSize: %f\n"
		          "axReferenceBone_t::ySize: %f\n"
		          "axReferenceBone_t::zSize: %f\n",
		          refBone->bone.quat[0], refBone->bone.quat[1], refBone->bone.quat[2], refBone->bone.quat[3],
		          refBone->bone.position[0], refBone->bone.position[1], refBone->bone.position[2],

	// read  bone weights
	GetChunkHeader(stream, &chunkHeader);

	if (Q_stricmpn(chunkHeader.ident, "RAWWEIGHTS", 10))
		Ren_Warning("R_LoadPSK: '%s' has wrong chunk indent ('%s' should be '%s')\n", modName, chunkHeader.ident, "RAWWEIGHTS");
		return qfalse;

	if (chunkHeader.dataSize != sizeof(axBoneWeight_t))
		Ren_Warning("R_LoadPSK: '%s' has wrong chunk dataSize ('%i' should be '%i')\n", modName, chunkHeader.dataSize, ( int ) sizeof(axBoneWeight_t));
		return qfalse;


	numWeights = chunkHeader.numData;
	axWeights  = Com_Allocate(numWeights * sizeof(axBoneWeight_t));

	for (i = 0, axWeight = axWeights; i < numWeights; i++, axWeight++)
		axWeight->weight     = MemStreamGetFloat(stream);
		axWeight->pointIndex = MemStreamGetLong(stream);
		axWeight->boneIndex  = MemStreamGetLong(stream);

#if 0
		Ren_Print("R_LoadPSK: axBoneWeight_t(%i):\n"
		          "axBoneWeight_t::weight: %f\n"
		          "axBoneWeight_t::pointIndex %i\n"
		          "axBoneWeight_t::boneIndex: %i\n",

	// convert the model to an internal MD5 representation
	md5->numBones = numReferenceBones;

	// calc numMeshes <number>

	numSmoothGroups = 0;
	for(i = 0, triangle = triangles; i < numTriangles; i++, triangle++)


	if (md5->numBones < 1)
		Ren_Warning("R_LoadPSK: '%s' has no bones\n", modName);
		return qfalse;

	if (md5->numBones > MAX_BONES)
		Ren_Warning("R_LoadPSK: '%s' has more than %i bones (%i)\n", modName, MAX_BONES, md5->numBones);
		return qfalse;

	//Ren_Print("R_LoadPSK: '%s' has %i bones\n", modName, md5->numBones);

	// copy all reference bones
	md5->bones = ri.Hunk_Alloc(sizeof(*md5Bone) * md5->numBones, h_low);

	for (i = 0, md5Bone = md5->bones, refBone = refBones; i < md5->numBones; i++, md5Bone++, refBone++)
		Q_strncpyz(md5Bone->name, refBone->name, sizeof(md5Bone->name));

		if (i == 0)
			md5Bone->parentIndex = refBone->parentIndex - 1;
			md5Bone->parentIndex = refBone->parentIndex;

		//Ren_Print("R_LoadPSK: '%s' has bone '%s' with parent index %i\n", modName, md5Bone->name, md5Bone->parentIndex);

		if (md5Bone->parentIndex >= md5->numBones)
			Ren_Drop("R_LoadPSK: '%s' has bone '%s' with bad parent index %i while numBones is %i", modName,
			         md5Bone->name, md5Bone->parentIndex, md5->numBones);

		for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)
			boneOrigin[j] = refBone->bone.position[j];

		// I have really no idea why the .psk format stores the first quaternion with inverted quats.
		// Furthermore only the X and Z components of the first quat are inverted ?!?!
		if (i == 0)
			boneQuat[0] = refBone->bone.quat[0];
			boneQuat[1] = -refBone->bone.quat[1];
			boneQuat[2] = refBone->bone.quat[2];
			boneQuat[3] = refBone->bone.quat[3];
			boneQuat[0] = -refBone->bone.quat[0];
			boneQuat[1] = -refBone->bone.quat[1];
			boneQuat[2] = -refBone->bone.quat[2];
			boneQuat[3] = refBone->bone.quat[3];

		VectorCopy(boneOrigin, md5Bone->origin);
		//MatrixTransformPoint(unrealToQuake, boneOrigin, md5Bone->origin);

		quat_copy(boneQuat, md5Bone->rotation);


#if 0
		Ren_Print("R_LoadPSK: md5Bone_t(%i):\n"
		          "md5Bone_t::name: '%s'\n"
		          "md5Bone_t::parentIndex: %i\n"
		          "md5Bone_t::quat: %f %f %f %f\n"
		          "md5bone_t::position: %f %f %f\n",
		          md5Bone->rotation[0], md5Bone->rotation[1], md5Bone->rotation[2], md5Bone->rotation[3],
		          md5Bone->origin[0], md5Bone->origin[1], md5Bone->origin[2]);

		if (md5Bone->parentIndex >= 0)
			vec3_t rotated;
			quat_t quat;

			md5Bone_t *parent;

			parent = &md5->bones[md5Bone->parentIndex];

			QuatTransformVector(parent->rotation, md5Bone->origin, rotated);
			//QuatTransformVector(md5Bone->rotation, md5Bone->origin, rotated);

			VectorAdd(parent->origin, rotated, md5Bone->origin);

			QuatMultiply1(parent->rotation, md5Bone->rotation, quat);
			quat_copy(quat, md5Bone->rotation);

		MatrixSetupTransformFromQuat(md5Bone->inverseTransform, md5Bone->rotation, md5Bone->origin);

#if 0
		Ren_Print("R_LoadPSK: md5Bone_t(%i):\n"
		          "md5Bone_t::name: '%s'\n"
		          "md5Bone_t::parentIndex: %i\n"
		          "md5Bone_t::quat: %f %f %f %f\n"
		          "md5bone_t::position: %f %f %f\n",
		          md5Bone->rotation[0], md5Bone->rotation[1], md5Bone->rotation[2], md5Bone->rotation[3],
		          md5Bone->origin[0], md5Bone->origin[1], md5Bone->origin[2]);

	Com_InitGrowList(&vboVertexes, 10000);

	for (i = 0, vertex = vertexes; i < numVertexes; i++, vertex++)
		md5Vertex_t *vboVert = Com_Allocate(sizeof(*vboVert));

		for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)
			vboVert->position[j] = points[vertex->pointIndex].point[j];

		vboVert->texCoords[0] = vertex->st[0];
		vboVert->texCoords[1] = vertex->st[1];

		// find number of associated weights
		vboVert->numWeights = 0;

		for (j = 0, axWeight = axWeights; j < numWeights; j++, axWeight++)
			if (axWeight->pointIndex == vertex->pointIndex && axWeight->weight > 0.0f)

		if (vboVert->numWeights > MAX_WEIGHTS)
			Ren_Drop("R_LoadPSK: vertex %i requires more weights %i than the maximum of %i in model '%s'", i, vboVert->numWeights, MAX_WEIGHTS, modName);
			//Ren_Warning( "R_LoadPSK: vertex %i requires more weights %i than the maximum of %i in model '%s'\n", i, vboVert->numWeights, MAX_WEIGHTS, modName);

		vboVert->weights = ri.Hunk_Alloc(sizeof(*vboVert->weights) * vboVert->numWeights, h_low);

		for (j = 0, axWeight = axWeights, k = 0; j < numWeights; j++, axWeight++)
			if (axWeight->pointIndex == vertex->pointIndex && axWeight->weight > 0.0f)
				weight = ri.Hunk_Alloc(sizeof(*weight), h_low);

				weight->boneIndex  = axWeight->boneIndex;
				weight->boneWeight = axWeight->weight;

				// FIXME?
				weight->offset[0] = refBones[axWeight->boneIndex].bone.xSize;
				weight->offset[1] = refBones[axWeight->boneIndex].bone.ySize;
				weight->offset[2] = refBones[axWeight->boneIndex].bone.zSize;

				vboVert->weights[k++] = weight;

		Com_AddToGrowList(&vboVertexes, vboVert);

	ClearBounds(md5->bounds[0], md5->bounds[1]);

	for (i = 0, vertex = vertexes; i < numVertexes; i++, vertex++)
		AddPointToBounds(points[vertex->pointIndex].point, md5->bounds[0], md5->bounds[1]);

#if 0
	Ren_Print("R_LoadPSK: AABB (%i %i %i) (%i %i %i)\n",
	          ( int ) md5->bounds[0][0],
	          ( int ) md5->bounds[0][1],
	          ( int ) md5->bounds[0][2],
	          ( int ) md5->bounds[1][0],
	          ( int ) md5->bounds[1][1],
	          ( int ) md5->bounds[1][2]);

	// sort triangles
	qsort(triangles, numTriangles, sizeof(axTriangle_t), CompareTrianglesByMaterialIndex);

	Com_InitGrowList(&sortedTriangles, 1000);

	for (i = 0, triangle = triangles; i < numTriangles; i++, triangle++)
		skelTriangle_t *sortTri = Com_Allocate(sizeof(*sortTri));

		for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)
			sortTri->indexes[j]  = triangle->indexes[j];
			sortTri->vertexes[j] = Com_GrowListElement(&vboVertexes, triangle->indexes[j]);

		sortTri->referenced = qfalse;

		Com_AddToGrowList(&sortedTriangles, sortTri);

	// calc tangent spaces
#if 1
		md5Vertex_t *v0, *v1, *v2;
		const float *p0, *p1, *p2;
		const float *t0, *t1, *t2;
		vec3_t      tangent = { 0, 0, 0 };
		vec3_t      binormal;
		vec3_t      normal;

		for (j = 0; j < vboVertexes.currentElements; j++)
			v0 = Com_GrowListElement(&vboVertexes, j);


		for (j = 0; j < sortedTriangles.currentElements; j++)
			skelTriangle_t *tri = Com_GrowListElement(&sortedTriangles, j);

			v0 = Com_GrowListElement(&vboVertexes, tri->indexes[0]);
			v1 = Com_GrowListElement(&vboVertexes, tri->indexes[1]);
			v2 = Com_GrowListElement(&vboVertexes, tri->indexes[2]);

			p0 = v0->position;
			p1 = v1->position;
			p2 = v2->position;

			t0 = v0->texCoords;
			t1 = v1->texCoords;
			t2 = v2->texCoords;

#if 1
			R_CalcTangentSpace(tangent, binormal, normal, p0, p1, p2, t0, t1, t2);
			R_CalcNormalForTriangle(normal, p0, p1, p2);
			R_CalcTangentsForTriangle(tangent, binormal, p0, p1, p2, t0, t1, t2);

			for (k = 0; k < 3; k++)
				float *v;

				v0 = Com_GrowListElement(&vboVertexes, tri->indexes[k]);

				v = v0->tangent;
				VectorAdd(v, tangent, v);

				v = v0->binormal;
				VectorAdd(v, binormal, v);

				v = v0->normal;
				VectorAdd(v, normal, v);

		for (j = 0; j < vboVertexes.currentElements; j++)
			v0 = Com_GrowListElement(&vboVertexes, j);

		float       bb, s, t;
		vec3_t      bary;
		vec3_t      faceNormal;
		md5Vertex_t *dv[3];

		for (j = 0; j < sortedTriangles.currentElements; j++)
			skelTriangle_t *tri = Com_GrowListElement(&sortedTriangles, j);

			dv[0] = Com_GrowListElement(&vboVertexes, tri->indexes[0]);
			dv[1] = Com_GrowListElement(&vboVertexes, tri->indexes[1]);
			dv[2] = Com_GrowListElement(&vboVertexes, tri->indexes[2]);

			R_CalcNormalForTriangle(faceNormal, dv[0]->position, dv[1]->position, dv[2]->position);

			// calculate barycentric basis for the triangle
			bb = (dv[1]->texCoords[0] - dv[0]->texCoords[0]) * (dv[2]->texCoords[1] - dv[0]->texCoords[1]) - (dv[2]->texCoords[0] - dv[0]->texCoords[0]) * (dv[1]->texCoords[1] -

			if (fabs(bb) < 0.00000001f)

			// do each vertex
			for (k = 0; k < 3; k++)
				// calculate s tangent vector
				s       = dv[k]->texCoords[0] + 10.0f;
				t       = dv[k]->texCoords[1];
				bary[0] = ((dv[1]->texCoords[0] - s) * (dv[2]->texCoords[1] - t) - (dv[2]->texCoords[0] - s) * (dv[1]->texCoords[1] - t)) / bb;
				bary[1] = ((dv[2]->texCoords[0] - s) * (dv[0]->texCoords[1] - t) - (dv[0]->texCoords[0] - s) * (dv[2]->texCoords[1] - t)) / bb;
				bary[2] = ((dv[0]->texCoords[0] - s) * (dv[1]->texCoords[1] - t) - (dv[1]->texCoords[0] - s) * (dv[0]->texCoords[1] - t)) / bb;

				dv[k]->tangent[0] = bary[0] * dv[0]->position[0] + bary[1] * dv[1]->position[0] + bary[2] * dv[2]->position[0];
				dv[k]->tangent[1] = bary[0] * dv[0]->position[1] + bary[1] * dv[1]->position[1] + bary[2] * dv[2]->position[1];
				dv[k]->tangent[2] = bary[0] * dv[0]->position[2] + bary[1] * dv[1]->position[2] + bary[2] * dv[2]->position[2];

				VectorSubtract(dv[k]->tangent, dv[k]->position, dv[k]->tangent);

				// calculate t tangent vector (binormal)
				s       = dv[k]->texCoords[0];
				t       = dv[k]->texCoords[1] + 10.0f;
				bary[0] = ((dv[1]->texCoords[0] - s) * (dv[2]->texCoords[1] - t) - (dv[2]->texCoords[0] - s) * (dv[1]->texCoords[1] - t)) / bb;
				bary[1] = ((dv[2]->texCoords[0] - s) * (dv[0]->texCoords[1] - t) - (dv[0]->texCoords[0] - s) * (dv[2]->texCoords[1] - t)) / bb;
				bary[2] = ((dv[0]->texCoords[0] - s) * (dv[1]->texCoords[1] - t) - (dv[1]->texCoords[0] - s) * (dv[0]->texCoords[1] - t)) / bb;

				dv[k]->binormal[0] = bary[0] * dv[0]->position[0] + bary[1] * dv[1]->position[0] + bary[2] * dv[2]->position[0];
				dv[k]->binormal[1] = bary[0] * dv[0]->position[1] + bary[1] * dv[1]->position[1] + bary[2] * dv[2]->position[1];
				dv[k]->binormal[2] = bary[0] * dv[0]->position[2] + bary[1] * dv[1]->position[2] + bary[2] * dv[2]->position[2];

				VectorSubtract(dv[k]->binormal, dv[k]->position, dv[k]->binormal);

				// calculate the normal as cross product N=TxB
#if 0
				CrossProduct(dv[k]->tangent, dv[k]->binormal, dv[k]->normal);

				// Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization process for B
				// compute the cross product B=NxT to obtain
				// an orthogonal basis
				CrossProduct(dv[k]->normal, dv[k]->tangent, dv[k]->binormal);

				if (DotProduct(dv[k]->normal, faceNormal) < 0)

				VectorAdd(dv[k]->normal, faceNormal, dv[k]->normal);

#if 1

		for (j = 0; j < vboVertexes.currentElements; j++)
			dv[0] = Com_GrowListElement(&vboVertexes, j);


#if 0
		md5Vertex_t *v0, *v1;

		// do another extra smoothing for normals to avoid flat shading
		for (j = 0; j < vboVertexes.currentElements; j++)
			v0 = Com_GrowListElement(&vboVertexes, j);

			for (k = 0; k < vboVertexes.currentElements; k++)
				if (j == k)

				v1 = Com_GrowListElement(&vboVertexes, k);

				if (VectorCompare(v0->position, v1->position))
					VectorAdd(v0->position, v1->normal, v0->normal);


	// split the surfaces into VBO surfaces by the maximum number of GPU vertex skinning bones
	Com_InitGrowList(&vboSurfaces, 10);

	materialIndex = oldMaterialIndex = -1;

	for (i = 0; i < numTriangles; i++)
		triangle      = &triangles[i];
		materialIndex = triangle->materialIndex;

		if (materialIndex != oldMaterialIndex)
			oldMaterialIndex = materialIndex;

			numRemaining = sortedTriangles.currentElements - i;

			while (numRemaining)
				numBoneReferences = 0;
				Com_Memset(boneReferences, 0, sizeof(boneReferences));

				Com_InitGrowList(&vboTriangles, 1000);

				for (j = i; j < sortedTriangles.currentElements; j++)
					skelTriangle_t *sortTri;

					triangle      = &triangles[j];
					materialIndex = triangle->materialIndex;

					if (materialIndex != oldMaterialIndex)

					sortTri = Com_GrowListElement(&sortedTriangles, j);

					if (sortTri->referenced)

					if (AddTriangleToVBOTriangleList(&vboTriangles, sortTri, &numBoneReferences, boneReferences))
						sortTri->referenced = qtrue;

				for (j = 0; j < MAX_BONES; j++)
					if (boneReferences[j] > 0)
						Ren_Print("R_LoadPSK: referenced bone: '%s'\n", (j < numReferenceBones) ? refBones[j].name : NULL);

				if (!vboTriangles.currentElements)
					Ren_Warning("R_LoadPSK: could not add triangles to a remaining VBO surface for model '%s'\n", modName);

				// FIXME skinIndex
				AddSurfaceToVBOSurfacesList2(&vboSurfaces, &vboTriangles, &vboVertexes, md5, vboSurfaces.currentElements, materials[oldMaterialIndex].name, numBoneReferences, boneReferences);
				numRemaining -= vboTriangles.currentElements;


	for (j = 0; j < sortedTriangles.currentElements; j++)
		skelTriangle_t *sortTri = Com_GrowListElement(&sortedTriangles, j);


	for (j = 0; j < vboVertexes.currentElements; j++)
		md5Vertex_t *v = Com_GrowListElement(&vboVertexes, j);


	// move VBO surfaces list to hunk
	md5->numVBOSurfaces = vboSurfaces.currentElements;
	md5->vboSurfaces    = ri.Hunk_Alloc(md5->numVBOSurfaces * sizeof(*md5->vboSurfaces), h_low);

	for (i = 0; i < md5->numVBOSurfaces; i++)
		md5->vboSurfaces[i] = ( srfVBOMD5Mesh_t * ) Com_GrowListElement(&vboSurfaces, i);



	Ren_Developer("%i VBO surfaces created for PSK model '%s'\n", md5->numVBOSurfaces, modName);

	return qtrue;
Ejemplo n.º 18
int R_MarkFragmentsWolf( int orientation, const vec3_t* points, const vec3_t projection,
	int maxPoints, vec3_t pointBuffer, int maxFragments, markFragment_t* fragmentBuffer ) {
	int numPlanes;
	int i;
	vec3_t mins, maxs;
	int returnedFragments;
	int returnedPoints;
	vec3_t normals[ MAX_VERTS_ON_POLY + 2 ];
	float dists[ MAX_VERTS_ON_POLY + 2 ];
	vec3_t projectionDir;
	vec3_t v1, v2;
	float radius;
	vec3_t center;			// center of original mark
	int numPoints = 4;				// Ridah, we were only ever passing in 4, so I made this local and used the parameter for the orientation
	qboolean oldMapping = false;

	//increment view count for double check prevention

	// RF, negative maxFragments means we want original mapping
	if ( maxFragments < 0 ) {
		maxFragments = -maxFragments;
		oldMapping = true;

	VectorClear( center );
	for ( i = 0; i < numPoints; i++ ) {
		VectorAdd( points[ i ], center, center );
	VectorScale( center, 1.0 / numPoints, center );
	radius = VectorNormalize2( projection, projectionDir ) / 2.0;
	vec3_t bestnormal;
	VectorNegate( projectionDir, bestnormal );
	// find all the brushes that are to be considered
	ClearBounds( mins, maxs );
	for ( i = 0; i < numPoints; i++ ) {
		vec3_t temp;

		AddPointToBounds( points[ i ], mins, maxs );
		VectorMA( points[ i ], 1 * ( 1 + oldMapping * radius * 4 ), projection, temp );
		AddPointToBounds( temp, mins, maxs );
		// make sure we get all the leafs (also the one(s) in front of the hit surface)
		VectorMA( points[ i ], -20 * ( 1.0 + ( float )oldMapping * ( radius / 20.0 ) * 4 ), projectionDir, temp );
		AddPointToBounds( temp, mins, maxs );

	if ( numPoints > MAX_VERTS_ON_POLY ) {
		numPoints = MAX_VERTS_ON_POLY;
	// create the bounding planes for the to be projected polygon
	for ( i = 0; i < numPoints; i++ ) {
		VectorSubtract( points[ ( i + 1 ) % numPoints ], points[ i ], v1 );
		VectorAdd( points[ i ], projection, v2 );
		VectorSubtract( points[ i ], v2, v2 );
		CrossProduct( v1, v2, normals[ i ] );
		VectorNormalize( normals[ i ] );
		dists[ i ] = DotProduct( normals[ i ], points[ i ] );
	// add near and far clipping planes for projection
	VectorCopy( projectionDir, normals[ numPoints ] );
	dists[ numPoints ] = DotProduct( normals[ numPoints ], points[ 0 ] ) - radius * ( 1 + oldMapping * 10 );
	VectorCopy( projectionDir, normals[ numPoints + 1 ] );
	VectorInverse( normals[ numPoints + 1 ] );
	dists[ numPoints + 1 ] = DotProduct( normals[ numPoints + 1 ], points[ 0 ] ) - radius * ( 1 + oldMapping * 10 );
	numPlanes = numPoints + 2;

	int numsurfaces = 0;
	idWorldSurface* surfaces[ 4096 ];
	R_BoxSurfaces_r( tr.world->nodes, mins, maxs, surfaces, 4096, &numsurfaces, projectionDir );

	returnedPoints = 0;
	returnedFragments = 0;

	// find the closest surface to center the decal there, and wrap around other surfaces
	if ( !oldMapping ) {
		VectorNegate( bestnormal, bestnormal );

	for ( i = 0; i < numsurfaces; i++ ) {
		surfaces[ i ]->MarkFragmentsWolf( projectionDir,
				numPlanes, normals, dists,
				maxPoints, pointBuffer,
				maxFragments, fragmentBuffer,
				&returnedPoints, &returnedFragments, mins, maxs,
				oldMapping, center, radius, bestnormal, orientation, numPoints );
		if ( returnedFragments == maxFragments ) {
			break;	// not enough space for more fragments
	return returnedFragments;
Ejemplo n.º 19
Archivo: g_mover.c Proyecto: Razish/QtZ
void G_CreateRotationMatrix(vector3 *angles, matrix3 matrix) {
	AngleVectors(angles, &matrix[0], &matrix[1], &matrix[2]);
Ejemplo n.º 20
static void CM_AddFacetBevels(cFacet_t * facet) {
	int             i, j, k, l, axis, dir, order, flipped;
	float           plane[4], d, newplane[4];
	winding_t      *w, *w2;
	vec3_t          mins, maxs, vec, vec2;

	Vector4Copy(planes[facet->surfacePlane].plane, plane);

	w = BaseWindingForPlane(plane, plane[3]);
	for(j = 0; j < facet->numBorders && w; j++) {
		if(facet->borderPlanes[j] == facet->surfacePlane) {
		Vector4Copy(planes[facet->borderPlanes[j]].plane, plane);

		if(!facet->borderInward[j]) {
			plane[3] = -plane[3];

		ChopWindingInPlace(&w, plane, plane[3], 0.1f);
	if(!w) {

	WindingBounds(w, mins, maxs);

	// add the axial planes
	order = 0;
	for(axis = 0; axis < 3; axis++) {
		for(dir = -1; dir <= 1; dir += 2, order++) {
			plane[axis] = dir;
			if(dir == 1) {
				plane[3] = maxs[axis];
			} else {
				plane[3] = -mins[axis];

			// if it's the surface plane
			if(CM_PlaneEqual(&planes[facet->surfacePlane], plane, &flipped)) {

			// see if the plane is allready present
			for(i = 0; i < facet->numBorders; i++) {
				if(CM_PlaneEqual(&planes[facet->borderPlanes[i]], plane, &flipped)) {

			if(i == facet->numBorders) {
				if(facet->numBorders > MAX_FACET_BEVELS) {
					Com_Printf("ERROR: too many bevels\n");

				facet->borderPlanes[facet->numBorders] = CM_FindPlane2(plane, &flipped);
				facet->borderNoAdjust[facet->numBorders] = false;
				facet->borderInward[facet->numBorders] = flipped;

	// add the edge bevels

	// test the non-axial plane edges
	for(j = 0; j < w->numpoints; j++) {
		k = (j + 1) % w->numpoints;
		VectorSubtract(w->p[j], w->p[k], vec);

		//if it's a degenerate edge
		if(VectorNormalize(vec) < 0.5) {

		for(k = 0; k < 3; k++) {
			if(vec[k] == -1 || vec[k] == 1) {
				break; // axial
		if(k < 3) {
			continue; // only test non-axial edges

		// try the six possible slanted axials from this edge
		for(axis = 0; axis < 3; axis++) {
			for(dir = -1; dir <= 1; dir += 2) {
				// construct a plane
				vec2[axis] = dir;
				CrossProduct(vec, vec2, plane);
				if(VectorNormalize(plane) < 0.5) {
				plane[3] = DotProduct(w->p[j], plane);

				// if all the points of the facet winding are
				// behind this plane, it is a proper edge bevel
				for(l = 0; l < w->numpoints; l++) {
					d = DotProduct(w->p[l], plane) - plane[3];
					if(d > 0.1) {
						break;	// point in front
				if(l < w->numpoints) {

				// if it's the surface plane
				if(CM_PlaneEqual(&planes[facet->surfacePlane], plane, &flipped)) {

				// see if the plane is allready present
				for(i = 0; i < facet->numBorders; i++) {
					if(CM_PlaneEqual(&planes[facet->borderPlanes[i]], plane, &flipped)) {

				if(i == facet->numBorders) {
					if(facet->numBorders > MAX_FACET_BEVELS) {
						Com_Printf("ERROR: too many bevels\n");
					facet->borderPlanes[facet->numBorders] = CM_FindPlane2(plane, &flipped);

					for(k = 0; k < facet->numBorders; k++) {
						if(facet->borderPlanes[facet->numBorders] == facet->borderPlanes[k]) {
							Com_Printf("WARNING: bevel plane already used\n");

					facet->borderNoAdjust[facet->numBorders] = false;
					facet->borderInward[facet->numBorders] = flipped;
					w2 = CopyWinding(w);
					Vector4Copy(planes[facet->borderPlanes[facet->numBorders]].plane, newplane);
					if(!facet->borderInward[facet->numBorders]) {
						VectorNegate(newplane, newplane);
						newplane[3] = -newplane[3];
					ChopWindingInPlace(&w2, newplane, newplane[3], 0.1f);
					if(!w2) {
						Com_DPrintf("WARNING: CM_AddFacetBevels... invalid bevel\n");
					} else {
					//already got a bevel
//                  break;

	//add opposite plane
	facet->borderPlanes[facet->numBorders] = facet->surfacePlane;
	facet->borderNoAdjust[facet->numBorders] = false;
	facet->borderInward[facet->numBorders] = true;
Ejemplo n.º 21

int R_MarkFragments(int orientation, const vec3_t *points, const vec3_t projection,
                    int maxPoints, vec3_t pointBuffer, int maxFragments, markFragment_t *fragmentBuffer)
	int           numsurfaces, numPlanes;
	int           i, j, k, m, n;
	surfaceType_t *surfaces[4096];
	vec3_t        mins, maxs;
	int           returnedFragments;
	int           returnedPoints;
	vec3_t        normals[MAX_VERTS_ON_POLY + 2];
	float         dists[MAX_VERTS_ON_POLY + 2];
	vec3_t        clipPoints[2][MAX_VERTS_ON_POLY];
	int           numClipPoints;
	float         *v;
	srfGridMesh_t *cv;
	srfTriangle_t *tri;
	srfVert_t     *dv;
	vec3_t        normal;
	vec3_t        projectionDir;
	vec3_t        v1, v2;
	float         radius;
	vec3_t        center;   // center of original mark
	//vec3_t			bestCenter;	// center point projected onto the closest surface
	float texCoordScale;
	//float			dot;
	int      numPoints  = 4;        // Ridah, we were only ever passing in 4, so I made this local and used the parameter for the orientation
	qboolean oldMapping = qfalse;

	if (numPoints <= 0)
		return 0;

	//increment view count for double check prevention

	// RF, negative maxFragments means we want original mapping
	if (maxFragments < 0)
		maxFragments = -maxFragments;
		//return R_OldMarkFragments( numPoints, points, projection, maxPoints, pointBuffer, maxFragments, fragmentBuffer );
		oldMapping = qtrue;

	for (i = 0 ; i < numPoints ; i++)
		VectorAdd(points[i], center, center);
	VectorScale(center, 1.0 / numPoints, center);
	radius   = VectorNormalize2(projection, projectionDir) / 2.0;
	bestdist = 0;
	VectorNegate(projectionDir, bestnormal);
	// find all the brushes that are to be considered
	ClearBounds(mins, maxs);
	for (i = 0 ; i < numPoints ; i++)
		vec3_t temp;

		AddPointToBounds(points[i], mins, maxs);
		VectorMA(points[i], 1 * (1 + oldMapping * radius * 4), projection, temp);
		AddPointToBounds(temp, mins, maxs);
		// make sure we get all the leafs (also the one(s) in front of the hit surface)
		VectorMA(points[i], -20 * (1.0 + (float)oldMapping * (radius / 20.0) * 4), projectionDir, temp);
		AddPointToBounds(temp, mins, maxs);

	if (numPoints > MAX_VERTS_ON_POLY)
		numPoints = MAX_VERTS_ON_POLY;
	// create the bounding planes for the to be projected polygon
	for (i = 0 ; i < numPoints ; i++)
		VectorSubtract(points[(i + 1) % numPoints], points[i], v1);
		VectorAdd(points[i], projection, v2);
		VectorSubtract(points[i], v2, v2);
		CrossProduct(v1, v2, normals[i]);
		dists[i] = DotProduct(normals[i], points[i]);
	// add near and far clipping planes for projection
	VectorCopy(projectionDir, normals[numPoints]);
	dists[numPoints] = DotProduct(normals[numPoints], points[0]) - radius * (1 + oldMapping * 10);
	VectorCopy(projectionDir, normals[numPoints + 1]);
	VectorInverse(normals[numPoints + 1]);
	dists[numPoints + 1] = DotProduct(normals[numPoints + 1], points[0]) - radius * (1 + oldMapping * 10);
	numPlanes            = numPoints + 2;

	numsurfaces = 0;
	R_BoxSurfaces_r(tr.world->nodes, mins, maxs, surfaces, 4096, &numsurfaces, projectionDir);
	//assert(numsurfaces <= 64);
	//assert(numsurfaces != 64);

	texCoordScale = 0.5 * 1.0 / radius;

	returnedPoints    = 0;
	returnedFragments = 0;

	// find the closest surface to center the decal there, and wrap around other surfaces
	if (!oldMapping)
        for ( i = 0 ; i < numsurfaces ; i++ ) {
            if (*surfaces[i] == SF_FACE) {
                surf = ( srfSurfaceFace_t * ) surfaces[i];
                // Ridah, check if this is the closest surface
                dot = DotProduct( center, surf->plane.normal );
                dot -= surf->plane.dist;
                if (!bestdist) {
                    if (dot < 0)
                        bestdist = fabs(dot) + 1000;	// avoid this surface, since the point is behind it
                        bestdist = dot;
                    VectorCopy( surf->plane.normal, bestnormal );
                    VectorMA( center, -dot, surf->plane.normal, bestCenter );
                } else if (dot >= 0 && dot < bestdist) {
                    bestdist = dot;
                    VectorCopy( surf->plane.normal, bestnormal );
                    VectorMA( center, -dot, surf->plane.normal, bestCenter );
        // bestCenter is now the real center
        VectorCopy( bestCenter, center );
Com_Printf("bestnormal: %1.1f %1.1f %1.1f \n", bestnormal[0], bestnormal[1], bestnormal[2] );
		VectorNegate(bestnormal, bestnormal);

	for (i = 0 ; i < numsurfaces ; i++)

		if (*surfaces[i] == SF_GRID)

			cv = (srfGridMesh_t *) surfaces[i];
			for (m = 0 ; m < cv->height - 1 ; m++)
				for (n = 0 ; n < cv->width - 1 ; n++)
					// We triangulate the grid and chop all triangles within
					// the bounding planes of the to be projected polygon.
					// LOD is not taken into account, not such a big deal though.
					// It's probably much nicer to chop the grid itself and deal
					// with this grid as a normal SF_GRID surface so LOD will
					// be applied. However the LOD of that chopped grid must
					// be synced with the LOD of the original curve.
					// One way to do this; the chopped grid shares vertices with
					// the original curve. When LOD is applied to the original
					// curve the unused vertices are flagged. Now the chopped curve
					// should skip the flagged vertices. This still leaves the
					// problems with the vertices at the chopped grid edges.
					// To avoid issues when LOD applied to "hollow curves" (like
					// the ones around many jump pads) we now just add a 2 unit
					// offset to the triangle vertices.
					// The offset is added in the vertex normal vector direction
					// so all triangles will still fit together.
					// The 2 unit offset should avoid pretty much all LOD problems.

					numClipPoints = 3;

					dv = cv->verts + m * cv->width + n;

					VectorCopy(dv[0].xyz, clipPoints[0][0]);
					VectorMA(clipPoints[0][0], MARKER_OFFSET, dv[0].normal, clipPoints[0][0]);
					VectorCopy(dv[cv->width].xyz, clipPoints[0][1]);
					VectorMA(clipPoints[0][1], MARKER_OFFSET, dv[cv->width].normal, clipPoints[0][1]);
					VectorCopy(dv[1].xyz, clipPoints[0][2]);
					VectorMA(clipPoints[0][2], MARKER_OFFSET, dv[1].normal, clipPoints[0][2]);
					// check the normal of this triangle
					VectorSubtract(clipPoints[0][0], clipPoints[0][1], v1);
					VectorSubtract(clipPoints[0][2], clipPoints[0][1], v2);
					CrossProduct(v1, v2, normal);
					if (DotProduct(normal, projectionDir) < -0.1)
						// add the fragments of this triangle
						R_AddMarkFragments(numClipPoints, clipPoints,
						                   numPlanes, normals, dists,
						                   maxPoints, pointBuffer,
						                   maxFragments, fragmentBuffer,
						                   &returnedPoints, &returnedFragments, mins, maxs);

						if (returnedFragments == maxFragments)
							return returnedFragments;   // not enough space for more fragments

					VectorCopy(dv[1].xyz, clipPoints[0][0]);
					VectorMA(clipPoints[0][0], MARKER_OFFSET, dv[1].normal, clipPoints[0][0]);
					VectorCopy(dv[cv->width].xyz, clipPoints[0][1]);
					VectorMA(clipPoints[0][1], MARKER_OFFSET, dv[cv->width].normal, clipPoints[0][1]);
					VectorCopy(dv[cv->width + 1].xyz, clipPoints[0][2]);
					VectorMA(clipPoints[0][2], MARKER_OFFSET, dv[cv->width + 1].normal, clipPoints[0][2]);
					// check the normal of this triangle
					VectorSubtract(clipPoints[0][0], clipPoints[0][1], v1);
					VectorSubtract(clipPoints[0][2], clipPoints[0][1], v2);
					CrossProduct(v1, v2, normal);
					if (DotProduct(normal, projectionDir) < -0.05)
						// add the fragments of this triangle
						R_AddMarkFragments(numClipPoints, clipPoints,
						                   numPlanes, normals, dists,
						                   maxPoints, pointBuffer,
						                   maxFragments, fragmentBuffer,
						                   &returnedPoints, &returnedFragments, mins, maxs);

						if (returnedFragments == maxFragments)
							return returnedFragments;   // not enough space for more fragments
		else if (*surfaces[i] == SF_FACE)
			extern float VectorDistance(vec3_t v1, vec3_t v2);
			vec3_t axis[3];
			float  texCoordScale, dot;
			vec3_t originalPoints[4];
			vec3_t newCenter, delta;
			int    oldNumPoints;
			float  epsilon = 0.5;
			// duplicated so we don't mess with the original clips for the curved surfaces
			vec3_t lnormals[MAX_VERTS_ON_POLY + 2];
			float  ldists[MAX_VERTS_ON_POLY + 2];
			vec3_t lmins, lmaxs;

			srfSurfaceFace_t *surf = ( srfSurfaceFace_t * ) surfaces[i];

			if (!oldMapping)

				// Ridah, create a new clip box such that this decal surface is mapped onto
				// the current surface without distortion. To find the center of the new clip box,
				// we project the center of the original impact center out along the projection vector,
				// onto the current surface

				// find the center of the new decal
				dot  = DotProduct(center, surf->plane.normal);
				dot -= surf->plane.dist;
				// check the normal of this face
				if (dot < -epsilon && DotProduct(surf->plane.normal, projectionDir) >= 0.01)
				else if (fabs(dot) > radius)
				// if the impact point is behind the surface, subtract the projection, otherwise add it
				VectorMA(center, -dot, bestnormal, newCenter);

				// recalc dot from the offset position
				dot  = DotProduct(newCenter, surf->plane.normal);
				dot -= surf->plane.dist;
				VectorMA(newCenter, -dot, surf->plane.normal, newCenter);

				VectorMA(newCenter, MARKER_OFFSET, surf->plane.normal, newCenter);

				// create the texture axis
				VectorNormalize2(surf->plane.normal, axis[0]);
				PerpendicularVector(axis[1], axis[0]);
				RotatePointAroundVector(axis[2], axis[0], axis[1], (float)orientation);
				CrossProduct(axis[0], axis[2], axis[1]);

				texCoordScale = 0.5 * 1.0 / radius;

				// create the full polygon
				for (j = 0 ; j < 3 ; j++)
					originalPoints[0][j] = newCenter[j] - radius * axis[1][j] - radius * axis[2][j];
					originalPoints[1][j] = newCenter[j] + radius * axis[1][j] - radius * axis[2][j];
					originalPoints[2][j] = newCenter[j] + radius * axis[1][j] + radius * axis[2][j];
					originalPoints[3][j] = newCenter[j] - radius * axis[1][j] + radius * axis[2][j];

				ClearBounds(lmins, lmaxs);

				// create the bounding planes for the to be projected polygon
				for (j = 0 ; j < 4 ; j++)
					AddPointToBounds(originalPoints[j], lmins, lmaxs);

					VectorSubtract(originalPoints[(j + 1) % numPoints], originalPoints[j], v1);
					VectorSubtract(originalPoints[j], surf->plane.normal, v2);
					VectorSubtract(originalPoints[j], v2, v2);
					CrossProduct(v1, v2, lnormals[j]);
					ldists[j] = DotProduct(lnormals[j], originalPoints[j]);
				numPlanes = numPoints;

				// done.

				for (k = 0, tri = surf->triangles; k < surf->numTriangles; k++, tri++)
					for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)
						v = surf->verts[tri->indexes[j]].xyz;
						VectorMA(v, MARKER_OFFSET, surf->plane.normal, clipPoints[0][j]);

					oldNumPoints = returnedPoints;

					// add the fragments of this face
					R_AddMarkFragments(3, clipPoints,
					                   numPlanes, lnormals, ldists,
					                   maxPoints, pointBuffer,
					                   maxFragments, fragmentBuffer,
					                   &returnedPoints, &returnedFragments, lmins, lmaxs);

					if (oldNumPoints != returnedPoints)
						// flag this surface as already having computed ST's
						fragmentBuffer[returnedFragments - 1].numPoints *= -1;

						// Ridah, calculate ST's
						for (j = 0 ; j < (returnedPoints - oldNumPoints) ; j++)
							VectorSubtract((float *)pointBuffer + 5 * (oldNumPoints + j), newCenter, delta);
							*((float *)pointBuffer + 5 * (oldNumPoints + j) + 3) = 0.5 + DotProduct(delta, axis[1]) * texCoordScale;
							*((float *)pointBuffer + 5 * (oldNumPoints + j) + 4) = 0.5 + DotProduct(delta, axis[2]) * texCoordScale;

					if (returnedFragments == maxFragments)
						return returnedFragments;   // not enough space for more fragments

			else        // old mapping
			{   // check the normal of this face
				//if (DotProduct(surf->plane.normal, projectionDir) > 0.0) {
				//	continue;

				for (k = 0, tri = surf->triangles; k < surf->numTriangles; k++, tri++)
					for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)
						v = surf->verts[tri->indexes[j]].xyz;
						VectorMA(v, MARKER_OFFSET, surf->plane.normal, clipPoints[0][j]);
					// add the fragments of this face
					R_AddMarkFragments(3, clipPoints,
					                   numPlanes, normals, dists,
					                   maxPoints, pointBuffer,
					                   maxFragments, fragmentBuffer,
					                   &returnedPoints, &returnedFragments, mins, maxs);
					if (returnedFragments == maxFragments)
						return returnedFragments;   // not enough space for more fragments


		else if (*surfaces[i] == SF_TRIANGLES && r_marksOnTriangleMeshes->integer)

			srfTriangles_t *surf = (srfTriangles_t *) surfaces[i];

			for (k = 0, tri = surf->triangles; k < surf->numTriangles; k++, tri++)
				for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)
					v = surf->verts[tri->indexes[j]].xyz;
					VectorMA(v, MARKER_OFFSET, surf->verts[tri->indexes[j]].normal, clipPoints[0][j]);

				// add the fragments of this face
				R_AddMarkFragments(3, clipPoints,
				                   numPlanes, normals, dists,
				                   maxPoints, pointBuffer,
				                   maxFragments, fragmentBuffer, &returnedPoints, &returnedFragments, mins, maxs);
				if (returnedFragments == maxFragments)
					return returnedFragments;   // not enough space for more fragments
	return returnedFragments;
Ejemplo n.º 22
qboolean R_LoadMDM( model_t *mod, void *buffer, const char *modName )
	int                i, j, k;

	mdmHeader_t        *mdm;
//    mdmFrame_t            *frame;
	mdmSurface_t       *mdmSurf;
	mdmTriangle_t      *mdmTri;
	mdmVertex_t        *mdmVertex;
	mdmTag_t           *mdmTag;
	int                version;
//	int             size;
	shader_t           *sh;
	int32_t            *collapseMap, *collapseMapOut, *boneref, *bonerefOut;

	mdmModel_t         *mdmModel;
	mdmTagIntern_t     *tag;
	mdmSurfaceIntern_t *surf;
	srfTriangle_t      *tri;
	md5Vertex_t        *v;

	mdm = ( mdmHeader_t * ) buffer;

	version = LittleLong( mdm->version );

	if ( version != MDM_VERSION )
		ri.Printf( PRINT_WARNING, "R_LoadMDM: %s has wrong version (%i should be %i)\n", modName, version, MDM_VERSION );
		return qfalse;

	mod->type = MOD_MDM;
//	size = LittleLong(mdm->ofsEnd);
	mod->dataSize += sizeof( mdmModel_t );

	//mdm = mod->mdm = ri.Hunk_Alloc(size, h_low);
	//memcpy(mdm, buffer, LittleLong(pinmodel->ofsEnd));

	mdmModel = mod->mdm = ri.Hunk_Alloc( sizeof( mdmModel_t ), h_low );

	LL( mdm->ident );
	LL( mdm->version );
//    LL(mdm->numFrames);
	LL( mdm->numTags );
	LL( mdm->numSurfaces );
//    LL(mdm->ofsFrames);
	LL( mdm->ofsTags );
	LL( mdm->ofsEnd );
	LL( mdm->ofsSurfaces );

	mdmModel->lodBias = LittleFloat( mdm->lodBias );
	mdmModel->lodScale = LittleFloat( mdm->lodScale );

	/*  mdm->skel = RE_RegisterModel(mdm->bonesfile);
	        if ( !mdm->skel ) {
	                ri.Error (ERR_DROP, "R_LoadMDM: %s skeleton not found", mdm->bonesfile );

	        if ( mdm->numFrames < 1 ) {
	                ri.Printf( PRINT_WARNING, "R_LoadMDM: %s has no frames\n", modName );
	                return qfalse;

	// swap all the frames

	/*frameSize = (int) ( sizeof( mdmFrame_t ) );
	   for ( i = 0 ; i < mdm->numFrames ; i++, frame++) {
	   frame = (mdmFrame_t *) ( (byte *)mdm + mdm->ofsFrames + i * frameSize );
	   frame->radius = LittleFloat( frame->radius );
	   for ( j = 0 ; j < 3 ; j++ ) {
	   frame->bounds[0][j] = LittleFloat( frame->bounds[0][j] );
	   frame->bounds[1][j] = LittleFloat( frame->bounds[1][j] );
	   frame->localOrigin[j] = LittleFloat( frame->localOrigin[j] );
	   frame->parentOffset[j] = LittleFloat( frame->parentOffset[j] );
	   } */

	// swap all the tags
	mdmModel->numTags = mdm->numTags;
	mdmModel->tags = tag = ri.Hunk_Alloc( sizeof( *tag ) * mdm->numTags, h_low );

	mdmTag = ( mdmTag_t * )( ( byte * ) mdm + mdm->ofsTags );

	for ( i = 0; i < mdm->numTags; i++, tag++ )
		int ii;

		Q_strncpyz( tag->name, mdmTag->name, sizeof( tag->name ) );

		for ( ii = 0; ii < 3; ii++ )
			tag->axis[ ii ][ 0 ] = LittleFloat( mdmTag->axis[ ii ][ 0 ] );
			tag->axis[ ii ][ 1 ] = LittleFloat( mdmTag->axis[ ii ][ 1 ] );
			tag->axis[ ii ][ 2 ] = LittleFloat( mdmTag->axis[ ii ][ 2 ] );

		tag->boneIndex = LittleLong( mdmTag->boneIndex );
		//tag->torsoWeight = LittleFloat( tag->torsoWeight );
		tag->offset[ 0 ] = LittleFloat( mdmTag->offset[ 0 ] );
		tag->offset[ 1 ] = LittleFloat( mdmTag->offset[ 1 ] );
		tag->offset[ 2 ] = LittleFloat( mdmTag->offset[ 2 ] );

		LL( mdmTag->numBoneReferences );
		LL( mdmTag->ofsBoneReferences );
		LL( mdmTag->ofsEnd );

		tag->numBoneReferences = mdmTag->numBoneReferences;
		tag->boneReferences = ri.Hunk_Alloc( sizeof( *bonerefOut ) * mdmTag->numBoneReferences, h_low );

		// swap the bone references
		boneref = ( int32_t * )( ( byte * ) mdmTag + mdmTag->ofsBoneReferences );

		for ( j = 0, bonerefOut = tag->boneReferences; j < mdmTag->numBoneReferences; j++, boneref++, bonerefOut++ )
			*bonerefOut = LittleLong( *boneref );

		// find the next tag
		mdmTag = ( mdmTag_t * )( ( byte * ) mdmTag + mdmTag->ofsEnd );

	// swap all the surfaces
	mdmModel->numSurfaces = mdm->numSurfaces;
	mdmModel->surfaces = ri.Hunk_Alloc( sizeof( *surf ) * mdmModel->numSurfaces, h_low );

	mdmSurf = ( mdmSurface_t * )( ( byte * ) mdm + mdm->ofsSurfaces );

	for ( i = 0, surf = mdmModel->surfaces; i < mdm->numSurfaces; i++, surf++ )
		LL( mdmSurf->shaderIndex );
		LL( mdmSurf->ofsHeader );
		LL( mdmSurf->ofsCollapseMap );
		LL( mdmSurf->numTriangles );
		LL( mdmSurf->ofsTriangles );
		LL( mdmSurf->numVerts );
		LL( mdmSurf->ofsVerts );
		LL( mdmSurf->numBoneReferences );
		LL( mdmSurf->ofsBoneReferences );
		LL( mdmSurf->ofsEnd );

		surf->minLod = LittleLong( mdmSurf->minLod );

		// change to surface identifier
		surf->surfaceType = SF_MDM;
		surf->model = mdmModel;

		Q_strncpyz( surf->name, mdmSurf->name, sizeof( surf->name ) );

		if ( mdmSurf->numVerts > SHADER_MAX_VERTEXES )
			ri.Error( ERR_DROP, "R_LoadMDM: %s has more than %i verts on a surface (%i)",
			          modName, SHADER_MAX_VERTEXES, mdmSurf->numVerts );

		if ( mdmSurf->numTriangles > SHADER_MAX_TRIANGLES )
			ri.Error( ERR_DROP, "R_LoadMDM: %s has more than %i triangles on a surface (%i)",
			          modName, SHADER_MAX_TRIANGLES, mdmSurf->numTriangles );

		// register the shaders
		if ( mdmSurf->shader[ 0 ] )
			Q_strncpyz( surf->shader, mdmSurf->shader, sizeof( surf->shader ) );

			sh = R_FindShader( surf->shader, SHADER_3D_DYNAMIC, qtrue );

			if ( sh->defaultShader )
				surf->shaderIndex = 0;
				surf->shaderIndex = sh->index;
			surf->shaderIndex = 0;

		// swap all the triangles
		surf->numTriangles = mdmSurf->numTriangles;
		surf->triangles = ri.Hunk_Alloc( sizeof( *tri ) * surf->numTriangles, h_low );

		mdmTri = ( mdmTriangle_t * )( ( byte * ) mdmSurf + mdmSurf->ofsTriangles );

		for ( j = 0, tri = surf->triangles; j < surf->numTriangles; j++, mdmTri++, tri++ )
			tri->indexes[ 0 ] = LittleLong( mdmTri->indexes[ 0 ] );
			tri->indexes[ 1 ] = LittleLong( mdmTri->indexes[ 1 ] );
			tri->indexes[ 2 ] = LittleLong( mdmTri->indexes[ 2 ] );

		// swap all the vertexes
		surf->numVerts = mdmSurf->numVerts;
		surf->verts = ri.Hunk_Alloc( sizeof( *v ) * surf->numVerts, h_low );

		mdmVertex = ( mdmVertex_t * )( ( byte * ) mdmSurf + mdmSurf->ofsVerts );

		for ( j = 0, v = surf->verts; j < mdmSurf->numVerts; j++, v++ )
			v->normal[ 0 ] = LittleFloat( mdmVertex->normal[ 0 ] );
			v->normal[ 1 ] = LittleFloat( mdmVertex->normal[ 1 ] );
			v->normal[ 2 ] = LittleFloat( mdmVertex->normal[ 2 ] );

			v->texCoords[ 0 ] = LittleFloat( mdmVertex->texCoords[ 0 ] );
			v->texCoords[ 1 ] = LittleFloat( mdmVertex->texCoords[ 1 ] );

			v->numWeights = LittleLong( mdmVertex->numWeights );

			if ( v->numWeights > MAX_WEIGHTS )
#if 0
				ri.Error( ERR_DROP, "R_LoadMDM: vertex %i requires %i instead of maximum %i weights on surface (%i) in model '%s'",
				          j, v->numWeights, MAX_WEIGHTS, i, modName );
				ri.Printf( PRINT_WARNING, "WARNING: R_LoadMDM: vertex %i requires %i instead of maximum %i weights on surface (%i) in model '%s'\n",
				           j, v->numWeights, MAX_WEIGHTS, i, modName );

			v->weights = ri.Hunk_Alloc( sizeof( *v->weights ) * v->numWeights, h_low );

			for ( k = 0; k < v->numWeights; k++ )
				md5Weight_t *weight = ri.Hunk_Alloc( sizeof( *weight ), h_low );

				weight->boneIndex = LittleLong( mdmVertex->weights[ k ].boneIndex );
				weight->boneWeight = LittleFloat( mdmVertex->weights[ k ].boneWeight );
				weight->offset[ 0 ] = LittleFloat( mdmVertex->weights[ k ].offset[ 0 ] );
				weight->offset[ 1 ] = LittleFloat( mdmVertex->weights[ k ].offset[ 1 ] );
				weight->offset[ 2 ] = LittleFloat( mdmVertex->weights[ k ].offset[ 2 ] );

				v->weights[ k ] = weight;

			mdmVertex = ( mdmVertex_t * ) &mdmVertex->weights[ v->numWeights ];

		// swap the collapse map
		surf->collapseMap = ri.Hunk_Alloc( sizeof( *collapseMapOut ) * mdmSurf->numVerts, h_low );

		collapseMap = ( int32_t * )( ( byte * ) mdmSurf + mdmSurf->ofsCollapseMap );

		//ri.Printf(PRINT_ALL, "collapse map for mdm surface '%s': ", surf->name);
		for ( j = 0, collapseMapOut = surf->collapseMap; j < mdmSurf->numVerts; j++, collapseMap++, collapseMapOut++ )
			int32_t value = LittleLong( *collapseMap );
			//surf->collapseMap[j] = value;
			*collapseMapOut = value;

			//ri.Printf(PRINT_ALL, "(%i -> %i) ", j, value);

		//ri.Printf(PRINT_ALL, "\n");

#if 0
		ri.Printf( PRINT_ALL, "collapse map for mdm surface '%s': ", surf->name );

		for ( j = 0, collapseMap = surf->collapseMap; j < mdmSurf->numVerts; j++, collapseMap++ )
			ri.Printf( PRINT_ALL, "(%i -> %i) ", j, *collapseMap );

		ri.Printf( PRINT_ALL, "\n" );

		// swap the bone references
		surf->numBoneReferences = mdmSurf->numBoneReferences;
		surf->boneReferences = ri.Hunk_Alloc( sizeof( *bonerefOut ) * mdmSurf->numBoneReferences, h_low );

		boneref = ( int32_t * )( ( byte * ) mdmSurf + mdmSurf->ofsBoneReferences );

		for ( j = 0, bonerefOut = surf->boneReferences; j < surf->numBoneReferences; j++, boneref++, bonerefOut++ )
			*bonerefOut = LittleLong( *boneref );

		// find the next surface
		mdmSurf = ( mdmSurface_t * )( ( byte * ) mdmSurf + mdmSurf->ofsEnd );

	// loading is done now calculate the bounding box and tangent spaces
	ClearBounds( mdmModel->bounds[ 0 ], mdmModel->bounds[ 1 ] );

	for ( i = 0, surf = mdmModel->surfaces; i < mdmModel->numSurfaces; i++, surf++ )
		for ( j = 0, v = surf->verts; j < surf->numVerts; j++, v++ )
			vec3_t      tmpVert;
			md5Weight_t *w;

			VectorClear( tmpVert );

			for ( k = 0, w = v->weights[ 0 ]; k < v->numWeights; k++, w++ )
				//vec3_t          offsetVec;


				//bone = &md5->bones[w->boneIndex];

				//QuatTransformVector(bone->rotation, w->offset, offsetVec);
				//VectorAdd(bone->origin, offsetVec, offsetVec);

				VectorMA( tmpVert, w->boneWeight, w->offset, tmpVert );

			VectorCopy( tmpVert, v->position );
			AddPointToBounds( tmpVert, mdmModel->bounds[ 0 ], mdmModel->bounds[ 1 ] );

		// calc tangent spaces
#if 0
			const float *v0, *v1, *v2;
			const float *t0, *t1, *t2;
			vec3_t      tangent;
			vec3_t      binormal;
			vec3_t      normal;

			for ( j = 0, v = surf->verts; j < surf->numVerts; j++, v++ )
				VectorClear( v->tangent );
				VectorClear( v->binormal );
				VectorClear( v->normal );

			for ( j = 0, tri = surf->triangles; j < surf->numTriangles; j++, tri++ )
				v0 = surf->verts[ tri->indexes[ 0 ] ].position;
				v1 = surf->verts[ tri->indexes[ 1 ] ].position;
				v2 = surf->verts[ tri->indexes[ 2 ] ].position;

				t0 = surf->verts[ tri->indexes[ 0 ] ].texCoords;
				t1 = surf->verts[ tri->indexes[ 1 ] ].texCoords;
				t2 = surf->verts[ tri->indexes[ 2 ] ].texCoords;

#if 1
				R_CalcTangentSpace( tangent, binormal, normal, v0, v1, v2, t0, t1, t2 );
				R_CalcNormalForTriangle( normal, v0, v1, v2 );
				R_CalcTangentsForTriangle( tangent, binormal, v0, v1, v2, t0, t1, t2 );

				for ( k = 0; k < 3; k++ )
					float *v;

					v = surf->verts[ tri->indexes[ k ] ].tangent;
					VectorAdd( v, tangent, v );

					v = surf->verts[ tri->indexes[ k ] ].binormal;
					VectorAdd( v, binormal, v );

					v = surf->verts[ tri->indexes[ k ] ].normal;
					VectorAdd( v, normal, v );

			for ( j = 0, v = surf->verts; j < surf->numVerts; j++, v++ )
				VectorNormalize( v->tangent );
				VectorNormalize( v->binormal );
				VectorNormalize( v->normal );
			int         k;
			float       bb, s, t;
			vec3_t      bary;
			vec3_t      faceNormal;
			md5Vertex_t *dv[ 3 ];

			for ( j = 0, tri = surf->triangles; j < surf->numTriangles; j++, tri++ )
				dv[ 0 ] = &surf->verts[ tri->indexes[ 0 ] ];
				dv[ 1 ] = &surf->verts[ tri->indexes[ 1 ] ];
				dv[ 2 ] = &surf->verts[ tri->indexes[ 2 ] ];

				R_CalcNormalForTriangle( faceNormal, dv[ 0 ]->position, dv[ 1 ]->position, dv[ 2 ]->position );

				// calculate barycentric basis for the triangle
				bb = ( dv[ 1 ]->texCoords[ 0 ] - dv[ 0 ]->texCoords[ 0 ] ) * ( dv[ 2 ]->texCoords[ 1 ] - dv[ 0 ]->texCoords[ 1 ] ) - ( dv[ 2 ]->texCoords[ 0 ] - dv[ 0 ]->texCoords[ 0 ] ) * ( dv[ 1 ]->texCoords[ 1 ] -
				     dv[ 0 ]->texCoords[ 1 ] );

				if ( fabs( bb ) < 0.00000001f )

				// do each vertex
				for ( k = 0; k < 3; k++ )
					// calculate s tangent vector
					s = dv[ k ]->texCoords[ 0 ] + 10.0f;
					t = dv[ k ]->texCoords[ 1 ];
					bary[ 0 ] = ( ( dv[ 1 ]->texCoords[ 0 ] - s ) * ( dv[ 2 ]->texCoords[ 1 ] - t ) - ( dv[ 2 ]->texCoords[ 0 ] - s ) * ( dv[ 1 ]->texCoords[ 1 ] - t ) ) / bb;
					bary[ 1 ] = ( ( dv[ 2 ]->texCoords[ 0 ] - s ) * ( dv[ 0 ]->texCoords[ 1 ] - t ) - ( dv[ 0 ]->texCoords[ 0 ] - s ) * ( dv[ 2 ]->texCoords[ 1 ] - t ) ) / bb;
					bary[ 2 ] = ( ( dv[ 0 ]->texCoords[ 0 ] - s ) * ( dv[ 1 ]->texCoords[ 1 ] - t ) - ( dv[ 1 ]->texCoords[ 0 ] - s ) * ( dv[ 0 ]->texCoords[ 1 ] - t ) ) / bb;

					dv[ k ]->tangent[ 0 ] = bary[ 0 ] * dv[ 0 ]->position[ 0 ] + bary[ 1 ] * dv[ 1 ]->position[ 0 ] + bary[ 2 ] * dv[ 2 ]->position[ 0 ];
					dv[ k ]->tangent[ 1 ] = bary[ 0 ] * dv[ 0 ]->position[ 1 ] + bary[ 1 ] * dv[ 1 ]->position[ 1 ] + bary[ 2 ] * dv[ 2 ]->position[ 1 ];
					dv[ k ]->tangent[ 2 ] = bary[ 0 ] * dv[ 0 ]->position[ 2 ] + bary[ 1 ] * dv[ 1 ]->position[ 2 ] + bary[ 2 ] * dv[ 2 ]->position[ 2 ];

					VectorSubtract( dv[ k ]->tangent, dv[ k ]->position, dv[ k ]->tangent );
					VectorNormalize( dv[ k ]->tangent );

					// calculate t tangent vector (binormal)
					s = dv[ k ]->texCoords[ 0 ];
					t = dv[ k ]->texCoords[ 1 ] + 10.0f;
					bary[ 0 ] = ( ( dv[ 1 ]->texCoords[ 0 ] - s ) * ( dv[ 2 ]->texCoords[ 1 ] - t ) - ( dv[ 2 ]->texCoords[ 0 ] - s ) * ( dv[ 1 ]->texCoords[ 1 ] - t ) ) / bb;
					bary[ 1 ] = ( ( dv[ 2 ]->texCoords[ 0 ] - s ) * ( dv[ 0 ]->texCoords[ 1 ] - t ) - ( dv[ 0 ]->texCoords[ 0 ] - s ) * ( dv[ 2 ]->texCoords[ 1 ] - t ) ) / bb;
					bary[ 2 ] = ( ( dv[ 0 ]->texCoords[ 0 ] - s ) * ( dv[ 1 ]->texCoords[ 1 ] - t ) - ( dv[ 1 ]->texCoords[ 0 ] - s ) * ( dv[ 0 ]->texCoords[ 1 ] - t ) ) / bb;

					dv[ k ]->binormal[ 0 ] = bary[ 0 ] * dv[ 0 ]->position[ 0 ] + bary[ 1 ] * dv[ 1 ]->position[ 0 ] + bary[ 2 ] * dv[ 2 ]->position[ 0 ];
					dv[ k ]->binormal[ 1 ] = bary[ 0 ] * dv[ 0 ]->position[ 1 ] + bary[ 1 ] * dv[ 1 ]->position[ 1 ] + bary[ 2 ] * dv[ 2 ]->position[ 1 ];
					dv[ k ]->binormal[ 2 ] = bary[ 0 ] * dv[ 0 ]->position[ 2 ] + bary[ 1 ] * dv[ 1 ]->position[ 2 ] + bary[ 2 ] * dv[ 2 ]->position[ 2 ];

					VectorSubtract( dv[ k ]->binormal, dv[ k ]->position, dv[ k ]->binormal );
					VectorNormalize( dv[ k ]->binormal );

					// calculate the normal as cross product N=TxB
#if 0
					CrossProduct( dv[ k ]->tangent, dv[ k ]->binormal, dv[ k ]->normal );
					VectorNormalize( dv[ k ]->normal );

					// Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization process for B
					// compute the cross product B=NxT to obtain
					// an orthogonal basis
					CrossProduct( dv[ k ]->normal, dv[ k ]->tangent, dv[ k ]->binormal );

					if ( DotProduct( dv[ k ]->normal, faceNormal ) < 0 )
						VectorInverse( dv[ k ]->normal );

					//VectorAdd(dv[k]->normal, faceNormal, dv[k]->normal);

#if 1

			for ( j = 0, v = surf->verts; j < surf->numVerts; j++, v++ )


#if 0

		// do another extra smoothing for normals to avoid flat shading
		for ( j = 0; j < surf->numVerts; j++ )
			for ( k = 0; k < surf->numVerts; k++ )
				if ( j == k )

				if ( VectorCompare( surf->verts[ j ].position, surf->verts[ k ].position ) )
					VectorAdd( surf->verts[ j ].normal, surf->verts[ k ].normal, surf->verts[ j ].normal );

			VectorNormalize( surf->verts[ j ].normal );


	// split the surfaces into VBO surfaces by the maximum number of GPU vertex skinning bones
		int        numRemaining;
		growList_t sortedTriangles;
		growList_t vboTriangles;
		growList_t vboSurfaces;

		int        numBoneReferences;
		int        boneReferences[ MAX_BONES ];

		Com_InitGrowList( &vboSurfaces, 10 );

		for ( i = 0, surf = mdmModel->surfaces; i < mdmModel->numSurfaces; i++, surf++ )
			// sort triangles
			Com_InitGrowList( &sortedTriangles, 1000 );

			for ( j = 0, tri = surf->triangles; j < surf->numTriangles; j++, tri++ )
				skelTriangle_t *sortTri = Com_Allocate( sizeof( *sortTri ) );

				for ( k = 0; k < 3; k++ )
					sortTri->indexes[ k ] = tri->indexes[ k ];
					sortTri->vertexes[ k ] = &surf->verts[ tri->indexes[ k ] ];

				sortTri->referenced = qfalse;

				Com_AddToGrowList( &sortedTriangles, sortTri );

			//qsort(sortedTriangles.elements, sortedTriangles.currentElements, sizeof(void *), CompareTrianglesByBoneReferences);

#if 0

			for ( j = 0; j < sortedTriangles.currentElements; j++ )
				int            b[ MAX_WEIGHTS * 3 ];

				skelTriangle_t *sortTri = Com_GrowListElement( &sortedTriangles, j );

				for ( k = 0; k < 3; k++ )
					v = sortTri->vertexes[ k ];

					for ( l = 0; l < MAX_WEIGHTS; l++ )
						b[ k * 3 + l ] = ( l < v->numWeights ) ? v->weights[ l ]->boneIndex : 9999;

					qsort( b, MAX_WEIGHTS * 3, sizeof( int ), CompareBoneIndices );
					//ri.Printf(PRINT_ALL, "bone indices: %i %i %i %i\n", b[k * 3 + 0], b[k * 3 + 1], b[k * 3 + 2], b[k * 3 + 3]);


			numRemaining = sortedTriangles.currentElements;

			while ( numRemaining )
				numBoneReferences = 0;
				Com_Memset( boneReferences, 0, sizeof( boneReferences ) );

				Com_InitGrowList( &vboTriangles, 1000 );

				for ( j = 0; j < sortedTriangles.currentElements; j++ )
					skelTriangle_t *sortTri = Com_GrowListElement( &sortedTriangles, j );

					if ( sortTri->referenced )

					if ( AddTriangleToVBOTriangleList( &vboTriangles, sortTri, &numBoneReferences, boneReferences ) )
						sortTri->referenced = qtrue;

				if ( !vboTriangles.currentElements )
					ri.Printf( PRINT_WARNING, "R_LoadMDM: could not add triangles to a remaining VBO surface for model '%s'\n", modName );

				AddSurfaceToVBOSurfacesListMDM( &vboSurfaces, &vboTriangles, mdmModel, surf, i, numBoneReferences, boneReferences );
				numRemaining -= vboTriangles.currentElements;

				Com_DestroyGrowList( &vboTriangles );

			for ( j = 0; j < sortedTriangles.currentElements; j++ )
				skelTriangle_t *sortTri = Com_GrowListElement( &sortedTriangles, j );

				Com_Dealloc( sortTri );

			Com_DestroyGrowList( &sortedTriangles );

		// move VBO surfaces list to hunk
		mdmModel->numVBOSurfaces = vboSurfaces.currentElements;
		mdmModel->vboSurfaces = ri.Hunk_Alloc( mdmModel->numVBOSurfaces * sizeof( *mdmModel->vboSurfaces ), h_low );

		for ( i = 0; i < mdmModel->numVBOSurfaces; i++ )
			mdmModel->vboSurfaces[ i ] = ( srfVBOMDMMesh_t * ) Com_GrowListElement( &vboSurfaces, i );

		Com_DestroyGrowList( &vboSurfaces );

	return qtrue;
Ejemplo n.º 23
void ParsePatch( qboolean onlyLights )
	vec_t			info[ 5 ];
	int				i, j, k;
	parseMesh_t		*pm;
	char			texture[ MAX_QPATH ];
	char			shader[ MAX_QPATH ];
	mesh_t			m;
	bspDrawVert_t	*verts;
	epair_t			*ep;
	vec4_t			delta, delta2, delta3;
	qboolean		degenerate;
	float			longestCurve;
	int				maxIterations;
	MatchToken( "{" );
	/* get texture */
	GetToken( qtrue );
	strcpy( texture, token );
	Parse1DMatrix( 5, info );
	m.width = info[0];
	m.height = info[1];
	m.verts = verts = safe_malloc( m.width * m.height * sizeof( m.verts[0] ) );
	if( m.width < 0 || m.width > MAX_PATCH_SIZE || m.height < 0 || m.height > MAX_PATCH_SIZE )
		Error( "ParsePatch: bad size" );
	MatchToken( "(" );
	for( j = 0; j < m.width ; j++ )
		MatchToken( "(" );
		for( i = 0; i < m.height ; i++ )
			Parse1DMatrix( 5, verts[ i * m.width + j ].xyz );
			/* ydnar: fix colors */
			for( k = 0; k < MAX_LIGHTMAPS; k++ )
				verts[ i * m.width + j ].color[ k ][ 0 ] = 255;
				verts[ i * m.width + j ].color[ k ][ 1 ] = 255;
				verts[ i * m.width + j ].color[ k ][ 2 ] = 255;
				verts[ i * m.width + j ].color[ k ][ 3 ] = 255;
		MatchToken( ")" );
	MatchToken( ")" );

	// if brush primitives format, we may have some epairs to ignore here
	if (g_bBrushPrimit!=BPRIMIT_OLDBRUSHES && strcmp(token,"}"))
		ep = ParseEPair();

	MatchToken( "}" );
	MatchToken( "}" );
	/* short circuit */
	if( noCurveBrushes || onlyLights )
	/* ydnar: delete and warn about degenerate patches */
	j = (m.width * m.height);
	VectorClear( delta );
	delta[ 3 ] = 0;
	degenerate = qtrue;
	/* find first valid vector */
	for( i = 1; i < j && delta[ 3 ] == 0; i++ )
		VectorSubtract( m.verts[ 0 ].xyz, m.verts[ i ].xyz, delta );
		delta[ 3 ] = VectorNormalize( delta, delta );
	/* secondary degenerate test */
	if( delta[ 3 ] == 0 )
		degenerate = qtrue;
		/* if all vectors match this or are zero, then this is a degenerate patch */
		for( i = 1; i < j && degenerate == qtrue; i++ )
			VectorSubtract( m.verts[ 0 ].xyz, m.verts[ i ].xyz, delta2 );
			delta2[ 3 ] = VectorNormalize( delta2, delta2 );
			if( delta2[ 3 ] != 0 )
				/* create inverse vector */
				VectorCopy( delta2, delta3 );
				delta3[ 3 ] = delta2[ 3 ];
				VectorInverse( delta3 );
				/* compare */
				if( VectorCompare( delta, delta2 ) == qfalse && VectorCompare( delta, delta3 ) == qfalse )
					degenerate = qfalse;
	/* warn and select degenerate patch */
	if( degenerate )
		xml_Select( "degenerate patch", mapEnt->mapEntityNum, entitySourceBrushes, qfalse );
		free( m.verts );
	/* find longest curve on the mesh */
	longestCurve = 0.0f;
	maxIterations = 0;
	for( j = 0; j + 2 < m.width; j += 2 )
		for( i = 0; i + 2 < m.height; i += 2 )
			ExpandLongestCurve( &longestCurve, verts[ i * m.width + j ].xyz, verts[ i * m.width + (j + 1) ].xyz, verts[ i * m.width + (j + 2) ].xyz );		/* row */
			ExpandLongestCurve( &longestCurve, verts[ i * m.width + j ].xyz, verts[ (i + 1) * m.width + j ].xyz, verts[ (i + 2) * m.width + j ].xyz );		/* col */
			ExpandMaxIterations( &maxIterations, patchSubdivisions, verts[ i * m.width + j ].xyz, verts[ i * m.width + (j + 1) ].xyz, verts[ i * m.width + (j + 2) ].xyz );		/* row */
			ExpandMaxIterations( &maxIterations, patchSubdivisions, verts[ i * m.width + j ].xyz, verts[ (i + 1) * m.width + j ].xyz, verts[ (i + 2) * m.width + j ].xyz  );	/* col */
	/* allocate patch mesh */
	pm = safe_malloc( sizeof( *pm ) );
	memset( pm, 0, sizeof( *pm ) );
	/* ydnar: add entity/brush numbering */
	pm->entityNum = mapEnt->mapEntityNum;
	pm->brushNum = entitySourceBrushes;
	/* set shader */
	sprintf( shader, "textures/%s", texture );
	pm->shaderInfo = ShaderInfoForShader( shader );
	/* set mesh */
	pm->mesh = m;
	/* set longest curve */
	pm->longestCurve = longestCurve;
	pm->maxIterations = maxIterations;
	/* link to the entity */
	pm->next = mapEnt->patches;
	mapEnt->patches = pm;
Ejemplo n.º 24
* CG_Democam_CalcView
static int CG_Democam_CalcView( void ) {
	int i, viewType;
	float lerpfrac;
	vec3_t v;

	VectorClear( cam_velocity );

	if( currentcam ) {
		if( !nextcam ) {
			lerpfrac = 0;
		} else {
			lerpfrac = (float)( demo_time - currentcam->timeStamp ) / (float)( nextcam->timeStamp - currentcam->timeStamp );

		switch( currentcam->type ) {
				VectorCopy( cg.view.origin, cam_origin );
				VectorCopy( cg.view.angles, cam_angles );
				VectorCopy( cg.view.velocity, cam_velocity );
				cam_fov = cg.view.fov_y;

				VectorCopy( cg.view.origin, cam_origin );
				VectorCopy( cg.view.angles, cam_angles );
				VectorCopy( cg.view.velocity, cam_velocity );
				cam_fov = cg.view.fov_y;
				cam_3dPerson = true;

				viewType = VIEWDEF_DEMOCAM;
				cam_POVent = 0;
				VectorCopy( currentcam->origin, cam_origin );
				if( !CG_DemoCam_LookAt( currentcam->trackEnt, cam_origin, cam_angles ) ) {
					VectorCopy( currentcam->angles, cam_angles );
				cam_fov = currentcam->fov;

				viewType = VIEWDEF_DEMOCAM;
				cam_POVent = 0;
				VectorCopy( cam_origin, v );

				if( !nextcam || nextcam->type == DEMOCAM_FIRSTPERSON || nextcam->type == DEMOCAM_THIRDPERSON ) {
					CG_Printf( "Warning: CG_DemoCam: path_linear cam without a valid next cam\n" );
					VectorCopy( currentcam->origin, cam_origin );
					if( !CG_DemoCam_LookAt( currentcam->trackEnt, cam_origin, cam_angles ) ) {
						VectorCopy( currentcam->angles, cam_angles );
					cam_fov = currentcam->fov;
				} else {
					VectorLerp( currentcam->origin, lerpfrac, nextcam->origin, cam_origin );
					if( !CG_DemoCam_LookAt( currentcam->trackEnt, cam_origin, cam_angles ) ) {
						for( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) cam_angles[i] = LerpAngle( currentcam->angles[i], nextcam->angles[i], lerpfrac );
					cam_fov = (float)currentcam->fov + (float)( nextcam->fov - currentcam->fov ) * lerpfrac;

				// set velocity
				VectorSubtract( cam_origin, v, cam_velocity );
				VectorScale( cam_velocity, 1.0f / (float)cg.frameTime, cam_velocity );

				viewType = VIEWDEF_DEMOCAM;
				cam_POVent = 0;
				clamp( lerpfrac, 0, 1 );
				VectorCopy( cam_origin, v );

				if( !nextcam || nextcam->type == DEMOCAM_FIRSTPERSON || nextcam->type == DEMOCAM_THIRDPERSON ) {
					CG_Printf( "Warning: CG_DemoCam: path_spline cam without a valid next cam\n" );
					VectorCopy( currentcam->origin, cam_origin );
					if( !CG_DemoCam_LookAt( currentcam->trackEnt, cam_origin, cam_angles ) ) {
						VectorCopy( currentcam->angles, cam_angles );
					cam_fov = currentcam->fov;
				} else {  // valid spline path
#define VectorHermiteInterp( a, at, b, bt, c, v )  ( ( v )[0] = ( 2 * pow( c, 3 ) - 3 * pow( c, 2 ) + 1 ) * a[0] + ( pow( c, 3 ) - 2 * pow( c, 2 ) + c ) * 2 * at[0] + ( -2 * pow( c, 3 ) + 3 * pow( c, 2 ) ) * b[0] + ( pow( c, 3 ) - pow( c, 2 ) ) * 2 * bt[0], ( v )[1] = ( 2 * pow( c, 3 ) - 3 * pow( c, 2 ) + 1 ) * a[1] + ( pow( c, 3 ) - 2 * pow( c, 2 ) + c ) * 2 * at[1] + ( -2 * pow( c, 3 ) + 3 * pow( c, 2 ) ) * b[1] + ( pow( c, 3 ) - pow( c, 2 ) ) * 2 * bt[1], ( v )[2] = ( 2 * pow( c, 3 ) - 3 * pow( c, 2 ) + 1 ) * a[2] + ( pow( c, 3 ) - 2 * pow( c, 2 ) + c ) * 2 * at[2] + ( -2 * pow( c, 3 ) + 3 * pow( c, 2 ) ) * b[2] + ( pow( c, 3 ) - pow( c, 2 ) ) * 2 * bt[2] )

					float lerpspline, A, B, C, n1, n2, n3;
					cg_democam_t *previouscam = NULL;
					cg_democam_t *secondnextcam = NULL;

					if( nextcam ) {
						secondnextcam = CG_Democam_FindNext( nextcam->timeStamp );
					if( currentcam->timeStamp > 0 ) {
						previouscam = CG_Democam_FindCurrent( currentcam->timeStamp - 1 );

					if( !previouscam && nextcam && !secondnextcam ) {
						lerpfrac = (float)( demo_time - currentcam->timeStamp ) / (float)( nextcam->timeStamp - currentcam->timeStamp );
						lerpspline = lerpfrac;
					} else if( !previouscam && nextcam && secondnextcam ) {
						n1 = nextcam->timeStamp - currentcam->timeStamp;
						n2 = secondnextcam->timeStamp - nextcam->timeStamp;
						A = n1 * ( n1 - n2 ) / ( pow( n1, 2 ) + n1 * n2 - n1 - n2 );
						B = ( 2 * n1 * n2 - n1 - n2 ) / ( pow( n1, 2 ) + n1 * n2 - n1 - n2 );
						lerpfrac = (float)( demo_time - currentcam->timeStamp ) / (float)( nextcam->timeStamp - currentcam->timeStamp );
						lerpspline = A * pow( lerpfrac, 2 ) + B * lerpfrac;
					} else if( previouscam && nextcam && !secondnextcam ) {
						n2 = currentcam->timeStamp - previouscam->timeStamp;
						n3 = nextcam->timeStamp - currentcam->timeStamp;
						A = n3 * ( n2 - n3 ) / ( -n2 - n3 + n2 * n3 + pow( n3, 2 ) );
						B = -1 / ( -n2 - n3 + n2 * n3 + pow( n3, 2 ) ) * ( n2 + n3 - 2 * pow( n3, 2 ) );
						lerpfrac = (float)( demo_time - currentcam->timeStamp ) / (float)( nextcam->timeStamp - currentcam->timeStamp );
						lerpspline = A * pow( lerpfrac, 2 ) + B * lerpfrac;
					} else if( previouscam && nextcam && secondnextcam ) {
						n1 = currentcam->timeStamp - previouscam->timeStamp;
						n2 = nextcam->timeStamp - currentcam->timeStamp;
						n3 = secondnextcam->timeStamp - nextcam->timeStamp;
						A = -2 * pow( n2, 2 ) * ( -pow( n2, 2 ) + n1 * n3 ) / ( 2 * n2 * n3 + pow( n2, 3 ) * n3 - 3 * pow( n2, 2 ) * n1 + n1 * pow( n2, 3 ) + 2 * n1 * n2 - 3 * pow( n2, 2 ) * n3 - 3 * pow( n2, 3 ) + 2 * pow( n2, 2 ) + pow( n2, 4 ) + n1 * pow( n2, 2 ) * n3 - 3 * n1 * n2 * n3 + 2 * n1 * n3 );
						B = pow( n2, 2 ) * ( -2 * n1 - 3 * pow( n2, 2 ) - n2 * n3 + 2 * n3 + 3 * n1 * n3 + n1 * n2 ) / ( 2 * n2 * n3 + pow( n2, 3 ) * n3 - 3 * pow( n2, 2 ) * n1 + n1 * pow( n2, 3 ) + 2 * n1 * n2 - 3 * pow( n2, 2 ) * n3 - 3 * pow( n2, 3 ) + 2 * pow( n2, 2 ) + pow( n2, 4 ) + n1 * pow( n2, 2 ) * n3 - 3 * n1 * n2 * n3 + 2 * n1 * n3 );
						C = -( pow( n2, 2 ) * n1 - 2 * n1 * n2 + 3 * n1 * n2 * n3 - 2 * n1 * n3 - 2 * pow( n2, 4 ) + 3 * pow( n2, 3 ) - 2 * pow( n2, 3 ) * n3 + 5 * pow( n2, 2 ) * n3 - 2 * pow( n2, 2 ) - 2 * n2 * n3 ) / ( 2 * n2 * n3 + pow( n2, 3 ) * n3 - 3 * pow( n2, 2 ) * n1 + n1 * pow( n2, 3 ) + 2 * n1 * n2 - 3 * pow( n2, 2 ) * n3 - 3 * pow( n2, 3 ) + 2 * pow( n2, 2 ) + pow( n2, 4 ) + n1 * pow( n2, 2 ) * n3 - 3 * n1 * n2 * n3 + 2 * n1 * n3 );
						lerpfrac = (float)( demo_time - currentcam->timeStamp ) / (float)( nextcam->timeStamp - currentcam->timeStamp );
						lerpspline = A * pow( lerpfrac, 3 ) + B * pow( lerpfrac, 2 ) + C * lerpfrac;
					} else {
						lerpfrac = 0;
						lerpspline = 0;

					VectorHermiteInterp( currentcam->origin, currentcam->tangent, nextcam->origin, nextcam->tangent, lerpspline, cam_origin );
					if( !CG_DemoCam_LookAt( currentcam->trackEnt, cam_origin, cam_angles ) ) {
						VectorHermiteInterp( currentcam->angles, currentcam->angles_tangent, nextcam->angles, nextcam->angles_tangent, lerpspline, cam_angles );
					cam_fov = (float)currentcam->fov + (float)( nextcam->fov - currentcam->fov ) * lerpfrac;
#undef VectorHermiteInterp

				// set velocity
				VectorSubtract( cam_origin, v, cam_velocity );
				VectorScale( cam_velocity, 1.0f / (float)cg.frameTime, cam_velocity );

				viewType = VIEWDEF_DEMOCAM;
				cam_POVent = 0;
				cam_fov = currentcam->fov;
				VectorCopy( cam_origin, v );

				if( !currentcam->trackEnt || currentcam->trackEnt >= MAX_EDICTS ) {
					CG_Printf( "Warning: CG_DemoCam: orbital cam needs a track entity set\n" );
					VectorCopy( currentcam->origin, cam_origin );
					VectorClear( cam_angles );
					VectorClear( cam_velocity );
				} else {
					vec3_t center, forward;
					struct cmodel_s *cmodel;
					const float ft = (float)cg.frameTime * 0.001f;

					// find the trackEnt origin
					VectorLerp( cg_entities[currentcam->trackEnt].prev.origin, cg.lerpfrac, cg_entities[currentcam->trackEnt].current.origin, center );

					// if having a bounding box, look to its center
					if( ( cmodel = CG_CModelForEntity( currentcam->trackEnt ) ) != NULL ) {
						vec3_t mins, maxs;
						trap_CM_InlineModelBounds( cmodel, mins, maxs );
						for( i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
							center[i] += ( mins[i] + maxs[i] );

					if( !cam_orbital_radius ) {
						// cam is just started, find distance from cam to trackEnt and keep it as radius
						VectorSubtract( currentcam->origin, center, forward );
						cam_orbital_radius = VectorNormalize( forward );
						VecToAngles( forward, cam_orbital_angles );

					for( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) {
						cam_orbital_angles[i] += currentcam->angles[i] * ft;
						cam_orbital_angles[i] = AngleNormalize360( cam_orbital_angles[i] );

					AngleVectors( cam_orbital_angles, forward, NULL, NULL );
					VectorMA( center, cam_orbital_radius, forward, cam_origin );

					// lookat
					VectorInverse( forward );
					VecToAngles( forward, cam_angles );

				// set velocity
				VectorSubtract( cam_origin, v, cam_velocity );
				VectorScale( cam_velocity, 1.0f / ( cg.frameTime * 1000.0f ), cam_velocity );


		if( currentcam->type != DEMOCAM_ORBITAL ) {
			VectorClear( cam_orbital_angles );
			cam_orbital_radius = 0;

	return viewType;
Ejemplo n.º 25

int R_MarkFragments( int numPoints, const vec3_t *points, const vec3_t projection,
				   int maxPoints, vec3_t pointBuffer, int maxFragments, markFragment_t *fragmentBuffer ) {
	int				numsurfaces, numPlanes;
	int				i, j, k, m, n;
	surfaceType_t	*surfaces[64];
	int				surfacesBmodel[64];
	int				lastBmodel;
	vec3_t			mins, maxs;
	int				returnedFragments;
	int				returnedPoints;
	vec3_t			normals[MAX_VERTS_ON_POLY+2], localNormals[MAX_VERTS_ON_POLY+2];
	float			dists[MAX_VERTS_ON_POLY+2], localDists[MAX_VERTS_ON_POLY+2];
	vec3_t			clipPoints[2][MAX_VERTS_ON_POLY];
	int				numClipPoints;
	float			*v;
	srfBspSurface_t	*cv;
	glIndex_t		*tri;
	srfVert_t		*dv;
	vec3_t			normal;
	vec3_t			projectionDir, localProjectionDir;
	vec3_t			v1, v2;

	if (numPoints <= 0) {
		return 0;

	//increment view count for double check prevention

	VectorNormalize2( projection, projectionDir );
	// find all the brushes that are to be considered
	ClearBounds( mins, maxs );
	for ( i = 0 ; i < numPoints ; i++ ) {
		vec3_t	temp;

		AddPointToBounds( points[i], mins, maxs );
		VectorAdd( points[i], projection, temp );
		AddPointToBounds( temp, mins, maxs );
		// make sure we get all the leafs (also the one(s) in front of the hit surface)
		VectorMA( points[i], -20, projectionDir, temp );
		AddPointToBounds( temp, mins, maxs );

	if (numPoints > MAX_VERTS_ON_POLY) numPoints = MAX_VERTS_ON_POLY;
	// create the bounding planes for the to be projected polygon
	for ( i = 0 ; i < numPoints ; i++ ) {
		VectorSubtract(points[(i+1)%numPoints], points[i], v1);
		VectorAdd(points[i], projection, v2);
		VectorSubtract(points[i], v2, v2);
		CrossProduct(v1, v2, normals[i]);
		dists[i] = DotProduct(normals[i], points[i]);
	// add near and far clipping planes for projection
	VectorCopy(projectionDir, normals[numPoints]);
	dists[numPoints] = DotProduct(normals[numPoints], points[0]) - 32;
	VectorCopy(projectionDir, normals[numPoints+1]);
	dists[numPoints+1] = DotProduct(normals[numPoints+1], points[0]) - 20;
	numPlanes = numPoints + 2;

	numsurfaces = 0;
	R_BoxSurfaces_r(tr.world->nodes, mins, maxs, surfaces, surfacesBmodel, 64, &numsurfaces, projectionDir);
	//assert(numsurfaces <= 64);
	//assert(numsurfaces != 64);

	// add bmodel surfaces
	for ( j = 1; j < tr.world->numBModels; j++ ) {
		vec3_t localProjection, bmodelOrigin, bmodelAxis[3];

		R_TransformMarkProjection( j, projection, localProjection, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL );
		R_GetBmodelInfo( j, NULL, bmodelOrigin, bmodelAxis );

		VectorNormalize2( localProjection, localProjectionDir );
		// find all the brushes that are to be considered
		ClearBounds( mins, maxs );
		for ( i = 0 ; i < numPoints ; i++ ) {
			vec3_t	temp;
			vec3_t	delta;
			vec3_t	localPoint;

			// convert point to bmodel local space
			VectorSubtract( points[i], bmodelOrigin, delta );
			localPoint[0] = DotProduct( delta, bmodelAxis[0] );
			localPoint[1] = DotProduct( delta, bmodelAxis[1] );
			localPoint[2] = DotProduct( delta, bmodelAxis[2] );

			AddPointToBounds( localPoint, mins, maxs );
			VectorAdd( localPoint, localProjection, temp );
			AddPointToBounds( temp, mins, maxs );
			// make sure we get all the leafs (also the one(s) in front of the hit surface)
			VectorMA( localPoint, -20, localProjectionDir, temp );
			AddPointToBounds( temp, mins, maxs );

		R_BmodelSurfaces( j, mins, maxs, surfaces, surfacesBmodel, 64, &numsurfaces, localProjectionDir);

	returnedPoints = 0;
	returnedFragments = 0;
	lastBmodel = -1;

	for ( i = 0 ; i < numsurfaces ; i++ ) {
		if (i == 0 || surfacesBmodel[i] != lastBmodel) {
			R_TransformMarkProjection( surfacesBmodel[i], projectionDir, localProjectionDir, numPlanes, normals, dists, localNormals, localDists );
			lastBmodel = surfacesBmodel[i];

			// don't use projectionDir, normals, or dists beyond this point !!!
			// mins and maxs are not setup, so they are not valid !!!

		if (*surfaces[i] == SF_GRID) {

			cv = (srfBspSurface_t *) surfaces[i];
			for ( m = 0 ; m < cv->height - 1 ; m++ ) {
				for ( n = 0 ; n < cv->width - 1 ; n++ ) {
					// We triangulate the grid and chop all triangles within
					// the bounding planes of the to be projected polygon.
					// LOD is not taken into account, not such a big deal though.
					// It's probably much nicer to chop the grid itself and deal
					// with this grid as a normal SF_GRID surface so LOD will
					// be applied. However the LOD of that chopped grid must
					// be synced with the LOD of the original curve.
					// One way to do this; the chopped grid shares vertices with
					// the original curve. When LOD is applied to the original
					// curve the unused vertices are flagged. Now the chopped curve
					// should skip the flagged vertices. This still leaves the
					// problems with the vertices at the chopped grid edges.
					// To avoid issues when LOD applied to "hollow curves" (like
					// the ones around many jump pads) we now just add a 2 unit
					// offset to the triangle vertices.
					// The offset is added in the vertex normal vector direction
					// so all triangles will still fit together.
					// The 2 unit offset should avoid pretty much all LOD problems.

					numClipPoints = 3;

					dv = cv->verts + m * cv->width + n;

					VectorCopy(dv[0].xyz, clipPoints[0][0]);
					VectorMA(clipPoints[0][0], MARKER_OFFSET, dv[0].normal, clipPoints[0][0]);
					VectorCopy(dv[cv->width].xyz, clipPoints[0][1]);
					VectorMA(clipPoints[0][1], MARKER_OFFSET, dv[cv->width].normal, clipPoints[0][1]);
					VectorCopy(dv[1].xyz, clipPoints[0][2]);
					VectorMA(clipPoints[0][2], MARKER_OFFSET, dv[1].normal, clipPoints[0][2]);
					// check the normal of this triangle
					VectorSubtract(clipPoints[0][0], clipPoints[0][1], v1);
					VectorSubtract(clipPoints[0][2], clipPoints[0][1], v2);
					CrossProduct(v1, v2, normal);
					if (DotProduct(normal, localProjectionDir) < -0.1) {
						// add the fragments of this triangle
						R_AddMarkFragments(numClipPoints, clipPoints,
										   numPlanes, localNormals, localDists,
										   maxPoints, pointBuffer,
										   maxFragments, fragmentBuffer,
										   &returnedPoints, &returnedFragments, mins, maxs, lastBmodel, localProjectionDir);

						if ( returnedFragments == maxFragments ) {
							return returnedFragments;	// not enough space for more fragments

					VectorCopy(dv[1].xyz, clipPoints[0][0]);
					VectorMA(clipPoints[0][0], MARKER_OFFSET, dv[1].normal, clipPoints[0][0]);
					VectorCopy(dv[cv->width].xyz, clipPoints[0][1]);
					VectorMA(clipPoints[0][1], MARKER_OFFSET, dv[cv->width].normal, clipPoints[0][1]);
					VectorCopy(dv[cv->width+1].xyz, clipPoints[0][2]);
					VectorMA(clipPoints[0][2], MARKER_OFFSET, dv[cv->width+1].normal, clipPoints[0][2]);
					// check the normal of this triangle
					VectorSubtract(clipPoints[0][0], clipPoints[0][1], v1);
					VectorSubtract(clipPoints[0][2], clipPoints[0][1], v2);
					CrossProduct(v1, v2, normal);
					if (DotProduct(normal, localProjectionDir) < -0.05) {
						// add the fragments of this triangle
						R_AddMarkFragments(numClipPoints, clipPoints,
										   numPlanes, localNormals, localDists,
										   maxPoints, pointBuffer,
										   maxFragments, fragmentBuffer,
										   &returnedPoints, &returnedFragments, mins, maxs, lastBmodel, localProjectionDir);

						if ( returnedFragments == maxFragments ) {
							return returnedFragments;	// not enough space for more fragments
		else if (*surfaces[i] == SF_FACE) {

			srfBspSurface_t *surf = ( srfBspSurface_t * ) surfaces[i];

			// check the normal of this face
			if (DotProduct(surf->cullPlane.normal, localProjectionDir) > -0.5) {

			for(k = 0, tri = surf->indexes; k < surf->numIndexes; k += 3, tri += 3)
				for(j = 0; j < 3; j++)
					v = surf->verts[tri[j]].xyz;
					VectorMA(v, MARKER_OFFSET, surf->cullPlane.normal, clipPoints[0][j]);

				// add the fragments of this face
				R_AddMarkFragments( 3 , clipPoints,
								   numPlanes, localNormals, localDists,
								   maxPoints, pointBuffer,
								   maxFragments, fragmentBuffer,
								   &returnedPoints, &returnedFragments, mins, maxs, lastBmodel, localProjectionDir);
				if ( returnedFragments == maxFragments ) {
					return returnedFragments;	// not enough space for more fragments
		else if(*surfaces[i] == SF_TRIANGLES && r_marksOnTriangleMeshes->integer) {

			srfBspSurface_t *surf = (srfBspSurface_t *) surfaces[i];

			for(k = 0, tri = surf->indexes; k < surf->numIndexes; k += 3, tri += 3)
				for(j = 0; j < 3; j++)
					v = surf->verts[tri[j]].xyz;
					VectorMA(v, MARKER_OFFSET, surf->verts[tri[j]].normal, clipPoints[0][j]);

				// add the fragments of this face
				R_AddMarkFragments(3, clipPoints,
								   numPlanes, localNormals, localDists,
								   maxPoints, pointBuffer,
								   maxFragments, fragmentBuffer, &returnedPoints, &returnedFragments, mins, maxs, lastBmodel, localProjectionDir);
				if(returnedFragments == maxFragments)
					return returnedFragments;	// not enough space for more fragments
	return returnedFragments;
Ejemplo n.º 26
static void R_AliasSetUpTransform (int trivial_accept)
	int			i;
	float		rotationmatrix[3][4], t2matrix[3][4];
	static float	tmatrix[3][4];
	static float	viewmatrix[3][4];
	vec3_t		angles;
	float		entScale;
	float		xyfact = 1.0, zfact = 1.0; // avoid compiler warning
	float		forward;
	float		yaw, pitch;

// TODO: should really be stored with the entity instead of being reconstructed
// TODO: should use a look-up table
// TODO: could cache lazily, stored in the entity

	if (currententity->model->flags & EF_FACE_VIEW)

		if (angles[1] == 0 && angles[0] == 0)
			yaw = 0;
			if (angles[2] > 0)
				pitch = 90;
				pitch = 270;
			yaw = (int) (atan2(angles[1], angles[0]) * 180 / M_PI);
			if (yaw < 0)
				yaw += 360;

			forward = sqrt (angles[0]*angles[0] + angles[1]*angles[1]);
			pitch = (int) (atan2(angles[2], forward) * 180 / M_PI);
			if (pitch < 0)
				pitch += 360;

		angles[0] = -pitch;
		angles[1] = yaw;
//		angles[2] = 0;
		angles[2] = currententity->angles[ROLL];
		angles[ROLL] = currententity->angles[ROLL];
		angles[PITCH] = -currententity->angles[PITCH];
		if (currententity->model->flags & EF_ROTATE)
			angles[YAW] = anglemod( (currententity->origin[0] + currententity->origin[1])*0.8
						+ (108*cl.time) );
			angles[YAW] = currententity->angles[YAW];

	// For clientside rotation stuff
	angles[0] += currententity->angleAdd[0];
	angles[1] += currententity->angleAdd[1];
	angles[2] += currententity->angleAdd[2];

	AngleVectors (angles, alias_forward, alias_right, alias_up);

	if (currententity->scale != 0 && currententity->scale != 100)
		entScale = (float)currententity->scale/100.0;
		switch (currententity->drawflags & SCALE_TYPE_MASKIN)
			tmatrix[0][0] = pmdl->scale[0]*entScale;
			tmatrix[1][1] = pmdl->scale[1]*entScale;
			tmatrix[2][2] = pmdl->scale[2]*entScale;
			xyfact = zfact = (entScale-1.0)*127.95;
			tmatrix[0][0] = pmdl->scale[0]*entScale;
			tmatrix[1][1] = pmdl->scale[1]*entScale;
			tmatrix[2][2] = pmdl->scale[2];
			xyfact = (entScale-1.0)*127.95;
			zfact = 1.0;
			tmatrix[0][0] = pmdl->scale[0];
			tmatrix[1][1] = pmdl->scale[1];
			tmatrix[2][2] = pmdl->scale[2]*entScale;
			xyfact = 1.0;
			zfact = (entScale-1.0)*127.95;
		switch (currententity->drawflags & SCALE_ORIGIN_MASKIN)
			tmatrix[0][3] = pmdl->scale_origin[0]-pmdl->scale[0]*xyfact;
			tmatrix[1][3] = pmdl->scale_origin[1]-pmdl->scale[1]*xyfact;
			tmatrix[2][3] = pmdl->scale_origin[2]-pmdl->scale[2]*zfact;
			tmatrix[0][3] = pmdl->scale_origin[0]-pmdl->scale[0]*xyfact;
			tmatrix[1][3] = pmdl->scale_origin[1]-pmdl->scale[1]*xyfact;
			tmatrix[2][3] = pmdl->scale_origin[2];
			tmatrix[0][3] = pmdl->scale_origin[0]-pmdl->scale[0]*xyfact;
			tmatrix[1][3] = pmdl->scale_origin[1]-pmdl->scale[1]*xyfact;
			tmatrix[2][3] = pmdl->scale_origin[2]-pmdl->scale[2]*zfact*2.0;
		tmatrix[0][0] = pmdl->scale[0];
		tmatrix[1][1] = pmdl->scale[1];
		tmatrix[2][2] = pmdl->scale[2];
		tmatrix[0][3] = pmdl->scale_origin[0];
		tmatrix[1][3] = pmdl->scale_origin[1];
		tmatrix[2][3] = pmdl->scale_origin[2];

	if (currententity->model->flags & EF_ROTATE)
		// Floating motion
		tmatrix[2][3] += sin(currententity->origin[0]
					+ currententity->origin[1]
					+ (cl.time*3)) * 5.5;

// TODO: can do this with simple matrix rearrangement

	for (i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++)
		t2matrix[i][0] = alias_forward[i];
		t2matrix[i][1] = -alias_right[i];
		t2matrix[i][2] = alias_up[i];

	t2matrix[0][3] = -modelorg[0];
	t2matrix[1][3] = -modelorg[1];
	t2matrix[2][3] = -modelorg[2];

// FIXME: can do more efficiently than full concatenation
	R_ConcatTransforms (t2matrix, tmatrix, rotationmatrix);

// TODO: should be global, set when vright, etc., set
	VectorCopy (vright, viewmatrix[0]);
	VectorCopy (vup, viewmatrix[1]);
	VectorInverse (viewmatrix[1]);
	VectorCopy (vpn, viewmatrix[2]);

//	viewmatrix[0][3] = 0;
//	viewmatrix[1][3] = 0;
//	viewmatrix[2][3] = 0;

	R_ConcatTransforms (viewmatrix, rotationmatrix, aliastransform);

// do the scaling up of x and y to screen coordinates as part of the transform
// for the unclipped case (it would mess up clipping in the clipped case).
// Also scale down z, so 1/z is scaled 31 bits for free, and scale down x and y
// correspondingly so the projected x and y come out right
// FIXME: make this work for clipped case too?
	if (trivial_accept)
		for (i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i++)
			aliastransform[0][i] *= aliasxscale * (1.0 / ((float)0x8000 * 0x10000));
			aliastransform[1][i] *= aliasyscale * (1.0 / ((float)0x8000 * 0x10000));
			aliastransform[2][i] *= 1.0 / ((float)0x8000 * 0x10000);
Ejemplo n.º 27

int R_MarkFragments( int numPoints, const vec3_t *points, const vec3_t projection,
				   int maxPoints, vec3_t pointBuffer, int maxFragments, markFragment_t *fragmentBuffer ) {
	int				numsurfaces, numPlanes;
	int				i, j, k, m, n;
	surfaceType_t	*surfaces[64];
	vec3_t			mins, maxs;
	int				returnedFragments;
	int				returnedPoints;
	vec3_t			normals[MAX_VERTS_ON_POLY+2];
	float			dists[MAX_VERTS_ON_POLY+2];
	vec3_t			clipPoints[2][MAX_VERTS_ON_POLY];
	int				numClipPoints;
	float			*v;
	srfSurfaceFace_t *surf;
	srfGridMesh_t	*cv;
	drawVert_t		*dv;
	vec3_t			normal;
	vec3_t			projectionDir;
	vec3_t			v1, v2;
	int				*indexes;

	//increment view count for double check prevention

	VectorNormalize2( projection, projectionDir );
	// find all the brushes that are to be considered
	ClearBounds( mins, maxs );
	for ( i = 0 ; i < numPoints ; i++ ) {
		vec3_t	temp;

		AddPointToBounds( points[i], mins, maxs );
		VectorAdd( points[i], projection, temp );
		AddPointToBounds( temp, mins, maxs );
		// make sure we get all the leafs (also the one(s) in front of the hit surface)
		VectorMA( points[i], -20, projectionDir, temp );
		AddPointToBounds( temp, mins, maxs );

	if (numPoints > MAX_VERTS_ON_POLY) numPoints = MAX_VERTS_ON_POLY;
	// create the bounding planes for the to be projected polygon
	for ( i = 0 ; i < numPoints ; i++ ) {
		VectorSubtract(points[(i+1)%numPoints], points[i], v1);
		VectorAdd(points[i], projection, v2);
		VectorSubtract(points[i], v2, v2);
		CrossProduct(v1, v2, normals[i]);
		dists[i] = DotProduct(normals[i], points[i]);
	// add near and far clipping planes for projection
	VectorCopy(projectionDir, normals[numPoints]);
	dists[numPoints] = DotProduct(normals[numPoints], points[0]) - 32;
	VectorCopy(projectionDir, normals[numPoints+1]);
	dists[numPoints+1] = DotProduct(normals[numPoints+1], points[0]) - 20;
	numPlanes = numPoints + 2;

	numsurfaces = 0;
	R_BoxSurfaces_r(tr.world->nodes, mins, maxs, surfaces, 64, &numsurfaces, projectionDir);
	//assert(numsurfaces <= 64);
	//assert(numsurfaces != 64);

	returnedPoints = 0;
	returnedFragments = 0;

	for ( i = 0 ; i < numsurfaces ; i++ ) {

		if (*surfaces[i] == SF_GRID) {

			cv = (srfGridMesh_t *) surfaces[i];
			for ( m = 0 ; m < cv->height - 1 ; m++ ) {
				for ( n = 0 ; n < cv->width - 1 ; n++ ) {
					// We triangulate the grid and chop all triangles within
					// the bounding planes of the to be projected polygon.
					// LOD is not taken into account, not such a big deal though.
					// It's probably much nicer to chop the grid itself and deal
					// with this grid as a normal SF_GRID surface so LOD will
					// be applied. However the LOD of that chopped grid must
					// be synced with the LOD of the original curve.
					// One way to do this; the chopped grid shares vertices with
					// the original curve. When LOD is applied to the original
					// curve the unused vertices are flagged. Now the chopped curve
					// should skip the flagged vertices. This still leaves the
					// problems with the vertices at the chopped grid edges.
					// To avoid issues when LOD applied to "hollow curves" (like
					// the ones around many jump pads) we now just add a 2 unit
					// offset to the triangle vertices.
					// The offset is added in the vertex normal vector direction
					// so all triangles will still fit together.
					// The 2 unit offset should avoid pretty much all LOD problems.

					numClipPoints = 3;

					dv = cv->verts + m * cv->width + n;

					VectorCopy(dv[0].xyz, clipPoints[0][0]);
					VectorMA(clipPoints[0][0], MARKER_OFFSET, dv[0].normal, clipPoints[0][0]);
					VectorCopy(dv[cv->width].xyz, clipPoints[0][1]);
					VectorMA(clipPoints[0][1], MARKER_OFFSET, dv[cv->width].normal, clipPoints[0][1]);
					VectorCopy(dv[1].xyz, clipPoints[0][2]);
					VectorMA(clipPoints[0][2], MARKER_OFFSET, dv[1].normal, clipPoints[0][2]);
					// check the normal of this triangle
					VectorSubtract(clipPoints[0][0], clipPoints[0][1], v1);
					VectorSubtract(clipPoints[0][2], clipPoints[0][1], v2);
					CrossProduct(v1, v2, normal);
					if (DotProduct(normal, projectionDir) < -0.1) {
						// add the fragments of this triangle
						R_AddMarkFragments(numClipPoints, clipPoints,
										   numPlanes, normals, dists,
										   maxPoints, pointBuffer,
										   maxFragments, fragmentBuffer,
										   &returnedPoints, &returnedFragments, mins, maxs);

						if ( returnedFragments == maxFragments ) {
							return returnedFragments;	// not enough space for more fragments

					VectorCopy(dv[1].xyz, clipPoints[0][0]);
					VectorMA(clipPoints[0][0], MARKER_OFFSET, dv[1].normal, clipPoints[0][0]);
					VectorCopy(dv[cv->width].xyz, clipPoints[0][1]);
					VectorMA(clipPoints[0][1], MARKER_OFFSET, dv[cv->width].normal, clipPoints[0][1]);
					VectorCopy(dv[cv->width+1].xyz, clipPoints[0][2]);
					VectorMA(clipPoints[0][2], MARKER_OFFSET, dv[cv->width+1].normal, clipPoints[0][2]);
					// check the normal of this triangle
					VectorSubtract(clipPoints[0][0], clipPoints[0][1], v1);
					VectorSubtract(clipPoints[0][2], clipPoints[0][1], v2);
					CrossProduct(v1, v2, normal);
					if (DotProduct(normal, projectionDir) < -0.05) {
						// add the fragments of this triangle
						R_AddMarkFragments(numClipPoints, clipPoints,
										   numPlanes, normals, dists,
										   maxPoints, pointBuffer,
										   maxFragments, fragmentBuffer,
										   &returnedPoints, &returnedFragments, mins, maxs);

						if ( returnedFragments == maxFragments ) {
							return returnedFragments;	// not enough space for more fragments
		else if (*surfaces[i] == SF_FACE) {

			surf = ( srfSurfaceFace_t * ) surfaces[i];
			// check the normal of this face
			if (DotProduct(surf->plane.normal, projectionDir) > -0.5) {

			VectorSubtract(clipPoints[0][0], clipPoints[0][1], v1);
			VectorSubtract(clipPoints[0][2], clipPoints[0][1], v2);
			CrossProduct(v1, v2, normal);
			if (DotProduct(normal, projectionDir) > -0.5) continue;
			indexes = (int *)( (byte *)surf + surf->ofsIndices );
			for ( k = 0 ; k < surf->numIndices ; k += 3 ) {
				for ( j = 0 ; j < 3 ; j++ ) {
					v = surf->points[0] + VERTEXSIZE * indexes[k+j];;
					VectorMA( v, MARKER_OFFSET, surf->plane.normal, clipPoints[0][j] );
				// add the fragments of this face
				R_AddMarkFragments( 3 , clipPoints,
								   numPlanes, normals, dists,
								   maxPoints, pointBuffer,
								   maxFragments, fragmentBuffer,
								   &returnedPoints, &returnedFragments, mins, maxs);
				if ( returnedFragments == maxFragments ) {
					return returnedFragments;	// not enough space for more fragments
		else {
			// ignore all other world surfaces
			// might be cool to also project polygons on a triangle soup
			// however this will probably create huge amounts of extra polys
			// even more than the projection onto curves
	return returnedFragments;
Ejemplo n.º 28
* R_DrawPortalSurface
* Renders the portal view and captures the results from framebuffer if
* we need to do a $portalmap stage. Note that for $portalmaps we must
* use a different viewport.
static void R_DrawPortalSurface( portalSurface_t *portalSurface )
	unsigned int i;
	int x, y, w, h;
	float dist, d, best_d;
	vec3_t viewerOrigin;
	vec3_t origin;
	mat3_t axis;
	entity_t *ent, *best;
	const entity_t *portal_ent = portalSurface->entity;
	cplane_t *portal_plane = &portalSurface->plane, *untransformed_plane = &portalSurface->untransformed_plane;
	const shader_t *shader = portalSurface->shader;
	vec_t *portal_mins = portalSurface->mins, *portal_maxs = portalSurface->maxs;
	vec_t *portal_centre = portalSurface->centre;
	qboolean mirror, refraction = qfalse;
	image_t *captureTexture;
	int captureTextureId = -1;
	int prevRenderFlags = 0;
	qboolean doReflection, doRefraction;
	image_t *portalTexures[2] = { NULL, NULL };

	doReflection = doRefraction = qtrue;
	if( shader->flags & SHADER_PORTAL_CAPTURE )
		shaderpass_t *pass;

		captureTexture = NULL;
		captureTextureId = 0;

		for( i = 0, pass = shader->passes; i < shader->numpasses; i++, pass++ )
			if( pass->program_type == GLSL_PROGRAM_TYPE_DISTORTION )
				if( ( pass->alphagen.type == ALPHA_GEN_CONST && pass->alphagen.args[0] == 1 ) )
					doRefraction = qfalse;
				else if( ( pass->alphagen.type == ALPHA_GEN_CONST && pass->alphagen.args[0] == 0 ) )
					doReflection = qfalse;
		captureTexture = NULL;
		captureTextureId = -1;

	x = y = 0;
	w = rn.refdef.width;
	h = rn.refdef.height;

	dist = PlaneDiff( rn.viewOrigin, portal_plane );
	if( dist <= BACKFACE_EPSILON || !doReflection )
		if( !( shader->flags & SHADER_PORTAL_CAPTURE2 ) || !doRefraction )

		// even if we're behind the portal, we still need to capture
		// the second portal image for refraction
		refraction = qtrue;
		captureTexture = NULL;
		captureTextureId = 1;
		if( dist < 0 )
			VectorInverse( portal_plane->normal );
			portal_plane->dist = -portal_plane->dist;

	if( !(rn.renderFlags & RF_NOVIS) && !R_ScissorForEntity( portal_ent, portal_mins, portal_maxs, &x, &y, &w, &h ) )

	mirror = qtrue; // default to mirror view
	// it is stupid IMO that mirrors require a RT_PORTALSURFACE entity

	best = NULL;
	best_d = 100000000;
	for( i = 1; i < rsc.numEntities; i++ )
		ent = R_NUM2ENT(i);
		if( ent->rtype != RT_PORTALSURFACE )

		d = PlaneDiff( ent->origin, untransformed_plane );
		if( ( d >= -64 ) && ( d <= 64 ) )
			d = Distance( ent->origin, portal_centre );
			if( d < best_d )
				best = ent;
				best_d = d;

	if( best == NULL )
		if( captureTextureId < 0 )
		if( !VectorCompare( best->origin, best->origin2 ) )	// portal
			mirror = qfalse;
		best->rtype = NUM_RTYPES;

	prevRenderFlags = rn.renderFlags;
	if( !R_PushRefInst() ) {

	VectorCopy( rn.viewOrigin, viewerOrigin );


	if( refraction )
		VectorInverse( portal_plane->normal );
		portal_plane->dist = -portal_plane->dist - 1;
		CategorizePlane( portal_plane );
		VectorCopy( rn.viewOrigin, origin );
		Matrix3_Copy( rn.refdef.viewaxis, axis );
		VectorCopy( viewerOrigin, rn.pvsOrigin );

		rn.renderFlags = RF_PORTALVIEW;
		if( !mirror )
			rn.renderFlags |= RF_PVSCULL;
	else if( mirror )
		VectorReflect( rn.viewOrigin, portal_plane->normal, portal_plane->dist, origin );

		VectorReflect( &rn.viewAxis[AXIS_FORWARD], portal_plane->normal, 0, &axis[AXIS_FORWARD] );
		VectorReflect( &rn.viewAxis[AXIS_RIGHT], portal_plane->normal, 0, &axis[AXIS_RIGHT] );
		VectorReflect( &rn.viewAxis[AXIS_UP], portal_plane->normal, 0, &axis[AXIS_UP] );

		Matrix3_Normalize( axis );

		VectorCopy( viewerOrigin, rn.pvsOrigin );

		vec3_t tvec;
		mat3_t A, B, C, rot;

		// build world-to-portal rotation matrix
		VectorNegate( portal_plane->normal, tvec );
		NormalVectorToAxis( tvec, A );

		// build portal_dest-to-world rotation matrix
		ByteToDir( best->frame, tvec );
		NormalVectorToAxis( tvec, B );
		Matrix3_Transpose( B, C );

		// multiply to get world-to-world rotation matrix
		Matrix3_Multiply( C, A, rot );

		// translate view origin
		VectorSubtract( rn.viewOrigin, best->origin, tvec );
		Matrix3_TransformVector( rot, tvec, origin );
		VectorAdd( origin, best->origin2, origin );

		Matrix3_Transpose( A, B );
		Matrix3_Multiply( rn.viewAxis, B, rot );
		Matrix3_Multiply( best->axis, rot, B );
		Matrix3_Transpose( C, A );
		Matrix3_Multiply( B, A, axis );

		// set up portal_plane
		VectorCopy( &axis[AXIS_FORWARD], portal_plane->normal );
		portal_plane->dist = DotProduct( best->origin2, portal_plane->normal );
		CategorizePlane( portal_plane );

		// for portals, vis data is taken from portal origin, not
		// view origin, because the view point moves around and
		// might fly into (or behind) a wall
		rn.renderFlags = RF_PORTALVIEW|RF_PVSCULL;
		VectorCopy( best->origin2, rn.pvsOrigin );
		VectorCopy( best->origin2, rn.lodOrigin );

		// ignore entities, if asked politely
		if( best->renderfx & RF_NOPORTALENTS )
			rn.renderFlags |= RF_NOENTS;

	rn.renderFlags |= (prevRenderFlags & RF_SOFT_PARTICLES);
	rn.refdef.rdflags &= ~( RDF_UNDERWATER|RDF_CROSSINGWATER );

	rn.shadowGroup = NULL;
	rn.meshlist = &r_portallist;

	rn.renderFlags |= RF_CLIPPLANE;
	rn.clipPlane = *portal_plane;

	rn.farClip = R_DefaultFarClip();

	rn.clipFlags |= ( 1<<5 );
	rn.frustum[5] = *portal_plane;
	CategorizePlane( &rn.frustum[5] );

	// if we want to render to a texture, initialize texture
	// but do not try to render to it more than once
	if( captureTextureId >= 0 )
		int texFlags = shader->flags & SHADER_NO_TEX_FILTERING ? IT_NOFILTERING : 0;

		captureTexture = R_GetPortalTexture( rsc.refdef.width, rsc.refdef.height, texFlags,
			rsc.frameCount );
		portalTexures[captureTextureId] = captureTexture;

		if( !captureTexture ) {
			// couldn't register a slot for this plane
			goto done;

		x = y = 0;
		w = captureTexture->upload_width;
		h = captureTexture->upload_height;
		rn.refdef.width = w;
		rn.refdef.height = h;
		rn.refdef.x = 0;
		rn.refdef.y = 0;
		rn.fbColorAttachment = captureTexture;
		// no point in capturing the depth buffer due to oblique frustum messing up
		// the far plane and depth values
		rn.fbDepthAttachment = NULL;
		Vector4Set( rn.viewport, rn.refdef.x + x, rn.refdef.y + y, w, h );
		Vector4Set( rn.scissor, rn.refdef.x + x, rn.refdef.y + y, w, h );
	else {
		// no point in capturing the depth buffer due to oblique frustum messing up
		// the far plane and depth values
		rn.fbDepthAttachment = NULL;
		Vector4Set( rn.scissor, rn.refdef.x + x, rn.refdef.y + y, w, h );

	VectorCopy( origin, rn.refdef.vieworg );
	Matrix3_Copy( axis, rn.refdef.viewaxis );

	R_RenderView( &rn.refdef );

	if( doRefraction && !refraction && ( shader->flags & SHADER_PORTAL_CAPTURE2 ) )
		refraction = qtrue;
		captureTexture = NULL;
		captureTextureId = 1;
		goto setup_and_render;

	portalSurface->texures[0] = portalTexures[0];
	portalSurface->texures[1] = portalTexures[1];

	R_PopRefInst( rn.fbDepthAttachment != NULL ? 0 : GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT );
Ejemplo n.º 29
void G_CreateRotationMatrix(vec3_t angles, vec3_t matrix[3]) {
	AngleVectors(angles, matrix[0], matrix[1], matrix[2]);
Ejemplo n.º 30
* R_DrawSkyPortal
void R_DrawSkyPortal( const entity_t *e, skyportal_t *skyportal, vec3_t mins, vec3_t maxs )
	int x, y, w, h;

	if( !R_ScissorForEntity( e, mins, maxs, &x, &y, &w, &h ) ) {
	if( !R_PushRefInst() ) {

	rn.renderFlags = ( rn.renderFlags|RF_SKYPORTALVIEW|RF_SOFT_PARTICLES );
	VectorCopy( skyportal->vieworg, rn.pvsOrigin );

	rn.farClip = R_DefaultFarClip();

	rn.clipFlags = 15;
	rn.shadowGroup = NULL;
	rn.meshlist = &r_skyportallist;
	//Vector4Set( rn.scissor, rn.refdef.x + x, rn.refdef.y + y, w, h );

	if( skyportal->noEnts ) {
		rn.renderFlags |= RF_NOENTS;

	if( skyportal->scale )
		vec3_t centre, diff;

		VectorAdd( rsh.worldModel->mins, rsh.worldModel->maxs, centre );
		VectorScale( centre, 0.5f, centre );
		VectorSubtract( centre, rn.viewOrigin, diff );
		VectorMA( skyportal->vieworg, -skyportal->scale, diff, rn.refdef.vieworg );
		VectorCopy( skyportal->vieworg, rn.refdef.vieworg );

	if( !VectorCompare( skyportal->viewanglesOffset, vec3_origin ) )
		vec3_t angles;
		mat3_t axis;

		Matrix3_Copy( rn.refdef.viewaxis, axis );
		VectorInverse( &axis[AXIS_RIGHT] );
		Matrix3_ToAngles( axis, angles );

		VectorAdd( angles, skyportal->viewanglesOffset, angles );
		AnglesToAxis( angles, axis );
		Matrix3_Copy( axis, rn.refdef.viewaxis );

	if( skyportal->fov )
		rn.refdef.fov_x = skyportal->fov;
		rn.refdef.fov_y = CalcFov( rn.refdef.fov_x, rn.refdef.width, rn.refdef.height );
		if( glConfig.wideScreen && !( rn.refdef.rdflags & RDF_NOFOVADJUSTMENT ) )
			AdjustFov( &rn.refdef.fov_x, &rn.refdef.fov_y, glConfig.width, glConfig.height, qfalse );

	R_RenderView( &rn.refdef );

	// restore modelview and projection matrices, scissoring, etc for the main view