Ejemplo n.º 1
void TestVectorCompareEqual(SUINT& errors, SUINT& tests)
	const String title = "VectorCompareEqual";

	// Count local errors and tests run
	SUINT tErrors = 0;
	SUINT tTests = 0;

	// Test variables
	Vector v1 = VectorZero();
	Vector v2 = VectorZero();
	SBOOL result = false;

	// Test case 1: Complete equality
	v1 = v2 = gVOne;
	result = VectorCompareEqual(v1, v2);
	if(result == false)
		Test::printError(title, 1);

	// Test case 2: Partial equality
	v2 = VectorSet(1.0f, 1.0f, 2.0f, 2.0f);
	result = VectorCompareEqual(v1, v2);
	if(result == true)
		Test::printError(title, 2);

	// Test case 3: Complete inequality
	v2 = VectorSet(2.0f, 2.0f, 2.0f, 2.0f);
	result = VectorCompareEqual(v1, v2);
	if(result == true)
		Test::printError(title, 3);

	// Print results
	Test::printResult(tErrors, tTests, title);

	// Increase total error count
	errors += tErrors;
	tests += tTests;
Ejemplo n.º 2
Archivo: color.c Proyecto: FrMo/gravit
void setColoursByAcceleration() {

    int i;
    particle_t *p, *plast;
    particleDetail_t *pd;
    float d;
    float accMax = 0;
    float accCurrent;
    float velSpeed1;
    float velSpeed2;


    if (state.currentFrame == 0)

    for (i = 0; i < state.particleCount; i++) {

        p = getParticleCurrentFrame(i);
        plast = state.particleHistory + state.particleCount * (state.currentFrame-1) + i;
        distance(zero, p->vel, velSpeed1);
        distance(p->vel, plast->vel, velSpeed2);
        accCurrent = abs(velSpeed2 - velSpeed1);

        if (i == 0) {

            accMax = accCurrent;

        } else {

            if (accCurrent > accMax)
                accMax = accCurrent;



    for (i = 0; i < state.particleCount; i++) {

        p = getParticleCurrentFrame(i);
        plast = state.particleHistory + state.particleCount * (state.currentFrame-1) + i;
        distance(zero, p->vel, velSpeed1);
        distance(p->vel, plast->vel, velSpeed2);
        accCurrent = velSpeed2 - velSpeed1;
        pd = getParticleDetail(i);

        d = accCurrent / accMax;
        colourFromNormal(pd->col, (float)fabs((double)d));
        pd->particleSprite = colourSprite(pd->col, pd->mass);


Ejemplo n.º 3
	computes one of the vectors perpendicular to the provided vector.  If the 
	vector provided is the zero vector, the zero vector is returned
Vector Vector::perpendicularVector() {
	if(x == 0 && y == 0 && z == 0) {
		return VectorZero();
	if(x <= y && x <= z) {
		return this->cross(1,0,0);
	else if(y <= x && y <= z) {
		return this->cross(0,1,0);
	else return this->cross(0,0,1);
Ejemplo n.º 4

: m_reduceSize  (false),
  m_reduceAlpha (false),
  m_maxSize (0.0f),
  m_spread  (0.0f),
  m_minFade (0.0f),
  m_maxFade (0.0f),
  m_maxLife (0.0f),
  m_count   (0),
  m_frame   (0)
#ifdef _DEBUG
  MemZero(m_aParticles, sizeof(m_aParticles));
Ejemplo n.º 5
int luag_spawn(lua_State *L) {

    particle_t *p;
    particleDetail_t *pd;
    float mass;
    int id;

    mass = lua_tonumber(L, -1);
    id = -1;

    lua_pop(L, 1);
    luag_TableToVector(L, vel);

    lua_pop(L, 1);
    luag_TableToVector(L, pos);

    lua_pop(L, 1);
    id = lua_tonumber(L, -1);

    if (id < 0 || id >= state.particleCount) {
        conAdd(LERR, "Particle %i out of range", id);
        return 0;

    p = getParticleFirstFrame(id);
    pd = getParticleDetail(id);

    VectorCopy(pos, p->pos);
    VectorCopy(vel, p->vel);
    pd->mass = mass;


    return 0;

Ejemplo n.º 6
static trace_t
Cam_DoTrace (vec3_t vec1, vec3_t vec2)
#if 0
	memset (&pmove, 0, sizeof (pmove));

	pmove.numphysent = 1;
	VectorZero (pmove.physents[0].origin);
	pmove.physents[0].model = cl.worldmodel;

	VectorCopy (vec1, pmove.origin);
	return PM_PlayerMove (pmove.origin, vec2);
Ejemplo n.º 7
Archivo: color.c Proyecto: FrMo/gravit
void setColoursByKinetic() {

    int i;
    particle_t *p;
    particleDetail_t *pd;
    float d;
    float kinMax = 0;
    float kinValue;
    float velocity;


    for (i = 0; i < state.particleCount; i++) {

        p = getParticleCurrentFrame(i);
        pd = getParticleDetail(i);

        distance(zero, p->vel, velocity);
        velocity = fabs(velocity);
        kinValue = velocity * velocity * pd->mass * 0.5;

        if (i == 0) {

            kinMax = kinValue;

        } else {

            if (kinValue > kinMax)
                kinMax = kinValue;



    for (i = 0; i < state.particleCount; i++) {

        p = getParticleFirstFrame(i);
        pd = getParticleDetail(i);

        distance(zero, p->vel, velocity);
        kinValue = velocity * velocity * pd->mass * 0.5;

        d = kinValue / kinMax;
        colourFromNormal(pd->col, (float)fabs((double)d));
        pd->particleSprite = colourSprite(pd->col, pd->mass);


Ejemplo n.º 8
// Vector initialization
SUINT vectorInit(SUINT& tests)
	SUINT errors = 0;

	// Test case 1 - zero vector
	Vector v0 = VectorZero();
	if(v0.m128_f32[0] != 0.0f || v0.m128_f32[1] != 0.0f || v0.m128_f32[2] != 0.0f || v0.m128_f32[3] != 0.0f)

	// Test case 2 - set to array
	Vector v1 = {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f};
	if(v1.m128_f32[0] != 0.0f || v1.m128_f32[1] != 0.0f || v1.m128_f32[2] != 0.0f || v1.m128_f32[3] != 0.0f)
	Test::printResult(errors, tests, "VectorInit");
	return errors;
Ejemplo n.º 9
void translateToCenter() {

    int i;
    particle_t *p;


    for (i = 0; i < state.particleCount; i++) {

        p = getParticleCurrentFrame(i);
        VectorAdd(pos, p->pos, pos);


    VectorDivide(pos, state.particleCount, pos);
    glTranslatef(-pos[0], -pos[1], -pos[2]);
    VectorCopy(pos, view.lastCenter);
Ejemplo n.º 10
Archivo: color.c Proyecto: FrMo/gravit
void setColoursByVel() {

    int i;
    particle_t *p;
    particleDetail_t *pd;
    float d;
    float velMax = 0;
    float velSpeed;


    // works out the highest velocity
    for (i = 0; i < state.particleCount; i++) {

        p = getParticleCurrentFrame(i);
        distance(zero, p->vel, velSpeed);
        velSpeed = fabs(velSpeed);

        if (i == 0) {
            velMax = velSpeed;
        } else {
            if (velSpeed > velMax)
                velMax = velSpeed;


    // applies velocity based on the highest
    for (i = 0; i < state.particleCount; i++) {

        p = getParticleFirstFrame(i);
        pd = getParticleDetail(i);

        distance(zero, p->vel, velSpeed);

        d = velSpeed / velMax;
        colourFromNormal(pd->col, (float)fabs((double)d));
        pd->particleSprite = colourSprite(pd->col, pd->mass);


Ejemplo n.º 11
winding_t *
BaseWindingForPlane (const plane_t *p)
	int         i, x;
	vec_t       max, v;
	vec3_t      org, vright, vup;
	winding_t  *w;

	// find the major axis

	max = -BOGUS;
	x = -1;
	for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
		v = fabs (p->normal[i]);
		if (v > max) {
			x = i;
			max = v;
	if (x == -1)
		Sys_Error ("BaseWindingForPlane: no axis found");

	VectorZero (vup);
	switch (x) {
		case 0:
		case 1:
			vup[2] = 1;
		case 2:
			vup[0] = 1;

	v = DotProduct (vup, p->normal);
	VectorMultSub (vup, v, p->normal, vup);
	_VectorNormalize (vup);

	VectorScale (p->normal, p->dist, org);

	CrossProduct (vup, p->normal, vright);

	VectorScale (vup, BOGUS, vup);
	VectorScale (vright, BOGUS, vright);

	// project a really big axis aligned box onto the plane
	w = NewWinding (4);

	VectorSubtract (org, vright, w->points[0]);
	VectorAdd (w->points[0], vup, w->points[0]);

	VectorAdd (org, vright, w->points[1]);
	VectorAdd (w->points[1], vup, w->points[1]);

	VectorAdd (org, vright, w->points[2]);
	VectorSubtract (w->points[2], vup, w->points[2]);

	VectorSubtract (org, vright, w->points[3]);
	VectorSubtract (w->points[3], vup, w->points[3]);

	w->numpoints = 4;

	return w;
Ejemplo n.º 12
void viewInit() {

#ifndef NO_GUI
    view.useStdout = 0;

    view.rot[0] = view.rot[1] = view.rot[2] = 0;
    view.zoom = 10000;
    view.zoomFitAuto = 1;
    view.textMode = view.textMode;
    memset(view.pos, 0, sizeof(view.pos));
    memset(view.face, 0, sizeof(view.face));
    view.pos[2] -= 30;


    view.tailWidth = 1.0f;
    view.tailLength = 32;
    view.tailOpacity = 0.5f;
    view.tailFaded = 1;
    view.tailSkip = 1;

    view.screenSaver = 0;

    // 50ms by default (20fps)
    view.recordingVideoRefreshTime = 50;

    view.minVideoRefreshTime = 0;

    view.drawAxis = 1;
    view.consoleMode = 0;

    view.mouseButtons[0] = view.mouseButtons[1] = 0;

    view.lastMousePosition[0] = view.currentMousePosition[0] = video.screenW / 2;
    view.lastMousePosition[1] = view.currentMousePosition[1] = video.screenH / 2;
    view.showCursor = 1;

    view.fps = 100;
    view.drawTree = 0;
    view.frameSkip = 0;
    view.frameSkipCounter = 0;

    view.drawOSD = 1;
    view.drawColourScheme = 1;
    view.drawSky = 1;
    view.drawSkyRandom = 1;

    view.blendMode = 1;

    view.particleColourMode = CM_MASS;
    view.particleRenderMode = 2;
    view.particleRenderTexture = 1;

    view.particleSizeMin = 4;
    view.particleSizeMax = 127;

    view.verboseMode = 0;

    view.screenshotLoop = 0;
    view.screenshotIndex = 0;

    view.colourSpectrumSteps = 0;
    view.colourSpectrum = 0;

    view.stereoMode = 0;
    view.stereoModeCurrentBit = 0;
    // http://www.angelfire.com/ca/erker/freeview.html
    view.stereoSeparation = 5; // negative for "Parallel", positive for "Cross-eyed"
    view.stereoOSD = 0;

    view.zoomTarget = view.zoom;
    view.zoomSpeed = 0;
    VectorCopy(view.rot, view.rotTarget);
    view.dirty = 0;

    memset(view.keys, 0, sizeof(view.keys));

    view.recordStatus = 0;
    view.recordParticlesDone = 0;
    view.recordNodes = 0;

    strncpy(view.popupTextMessage, "Welcome to " GRAVIT_VERSION, 255);
    view.popupTextStart = 0;
    view.popupTextLength = 6000;
    view.popupTextFadeTime = 2000;	// ms

    view.autoCenter = 1;

    view.glow = 3;

    view.maxVertices = 100000;

    view.useStdout = 1;

Ejemplo n.º 13
void run() {

    view.firstTimeStamp = view.lastRecordFrame = view.lastVideoFrame = getMS();

    view.dirty = 0;
    view.zoomTarget = view.zoom;
    view.zoomSpeed = 0;
    VectorCopy(view.rot, view.rotTarget);

    while (!view.quit) {

        Uint32 ts_before, ts_after;
        Uint32 ts;
        ts_before =  getMS();

        if (state.mode & SM_RECORD) {

            view.frameSkipCounter = 0;

            //if (view.verboseMode)
            //    conAdd(LLOW, "R frame:%5i dt:%5i fs:%2i", state.totalFrames, view.deltaVideoFrame, state.historyNFrame);

            setTitle(va("%s frame: %i/%i (skip:%i)", STRING_RECORD, state.totalFrames, state.historyFrames, state.historyNFrame));

            ts = getMS();
            view.deltaRecordFrame = ts - view.lastRecordFrame;
            view.lastRecordFrame = ts;

            if (state.autoSave && (state.totalFrames - state.lastSave) >= state.autoSave) {
                state.lastSave = state.totalFrames;


        else if (state.mode & SM_PLAY) {

            if (view.frameSkip < 0) {
                if (view.frameSkipCounter > -view.frameSkip) {
                    view.frameSkipCounter = 0;
            } else {

            if (state.currentFrame >= state.frame) {
                state.currentFrame = 0;
                view.frameSkipCounter = 0;

            //if (view.verboseMode)
            //    conAdd(LLOW, "P frame:%5i dt:%5i fs:%2i", state.currentFrame, view.deltaVideoFrame, state.historyNFrame);



        if (view.quit) return;

        if (state.autoRecordNext) {
            state.autoRecordNext = 0;

        if (view.zoomFitAuto == 2) {
            view.zoomTarget = view.zoom;
            view.zoomSpeed = 0;


        /* if we are not recording or replaying, wait a bit -- helps to cool down you laptop :-)) */
        if (((state.mode & (SM_RECORD|SM_PLAY) ) == 0) && (view.dirty < 1)) {
            ts_after =  getMS();
            if (ts_after < (ts_before + SMALL_NAP)) SDL_Delay( SMALL_NAP - (ts_after - ts_before));

        /* pull the break on very fast video cards - 60fps playback is enough */
        if (((state.mode & SM_PLAY ) == SM_PLAY) || (state.mode == 0)) {
            ts_after =  getMS();
            if (ts_after < (ts_before + PLAY_MIN_TIME)) SDL_Delay(PLAY_MIN_TIME - (ts_after - ts_before));

	/* if minVideoRefreshTime is set, hold the current frame a bit longer*/
	if (view.minVideoRefreshTime >= SDL_TIMESLICE) {
            ts_after =  getMS();
            if (ts_after < (ts_before + view.minVideoRefreshTime)) SDL_Delay(view.minVideoRefreshTime - (ts_after - ts_before));

        // if last video frame was displayed, reset dirty flag
        if (view.lastVideoFrameSkip==0) {
            view.dirty = 0;
            if (view.drawAxis==3) view.drawAxis=1;

Ejemplo n.º 14
int pickPositions() {

	int gals;


	float galSize[100];
	float galMassMin[100];
	float galMassMax[100];
	float spawnRange;
	int i;
	int g;
	particle_t *p;
	particleDetail_t *pd;
	float totalMass = 0;

	float angle;
	float angle2;
	float radius;

	gals = (rand() % (1 + spawnVars.maxGalCount-spawnVars.minGalCount)) + spawnVars.minGalCount;

	if (gals <= 0) {

		conAdd(LERR, "For some reason galaxies to spawn is 0 or less. Not possible!");
		return 0;


	if (gals >= 100) {

		conAdd(LERR, "Maximum galaxies to spawn is 100");
		return 0;


	spawnRange = frand(spawnVars.minSpawnRange, spawnVars.maxSpawnRange);

	conAdd(LNORM, "Spawning new simulation...");
	conAdd(LLOW, "- %i particles...", state.particleCount);
	conAdd(LLOW, "- %i galaxies...", gals);

	for (g = 0; g < gals; g++) {

		galMassMin[g] = frand(spawnVars.minGalMass, spawnVars.maxGalMass);
		galMassMax[g] = frand(spawnVars.minGalMass, spawnVars.maxGalMass);
		galSize[g] = frand(spawnVars.minGalSize, spawnVars.maxGalSize);

		setRangePosition(galPos[g], spawnRange);
		setRangePosition(galVel[g], frand(0,1) * frand(0,1) * frand(spawnVars.minGalVel, spawnVars.maxGalVel));


	for (i = 0; i < state.particleCount; i++) {

		if (!(i % 100)) {
			view.recordParticlesDone = i;

		if (state.restartSpawning) {
			return 0;
		p = getParticleFirstFrame(i);
		pd = getParticleDetail(i);

		g = rand() % gals;

		pd->mass = frand(galMassMin[g], galMassMax[g]);

//		if (g % 2 == 0)
//			pd->mass = -pd->mass;

		totalMass += pd->mass;

		// position
		VectorCopy(galPos[g], p->pos);
		setRangePosition((float *)&shit, galSize[g]);
		VectorAdd(p->pos, shit, p->pos);

		// galaxy structured position
		angle = frand(0, PI*2);
		radius = frand(0, galSize[g]);


		p->pos[0] = cos(angle) * radius;
		p->pos[1] = sin(angle) * radius;
		p->pos[2] = frand(-radius/10, radius/10);

		VectorAdd(galPos[g], p->pos, p->pos);

		angle2 = angle + PI / 2;

		p->vel[0] = cos(angle2) * radius * 0.05f;
		p->vel[1] = sin(angle2) * radius * 0.05f;
		p->vel[2] = 0;

		VectorAdd(galVel[g], p->vel, p->vel);

		if (g & 2) {
			p->vel[0] = -p->vel[0];
			p->vel[1] = -p->vel[1];
			p->vel[2] = -p->vel[2];


	conAdd(LLOW, "- %f total mass...", totalMass);
	conAdd(LLOW, "- %f galaxy mass...", totalMass / gals);
	conAdd(LLOW, "- %f particle mass...", totalMass / state.particleCount);

	return 0;

// Scale-bias factors for decompressing fixed48 data (both rotation and translation)
static const VectorRegister BiasFix48Data = MakeVectorRegister( -32767.0f, -32767.0f, -32767.0f, -32767.0f );
static const VectorRegister ScaleRotData = MakeVectorRegister( 3.0518509475997192297128208258309e-5f, 3.0518509475997192297128208258309e-5f, 3.0518509475997192297128208258309e-5f, 1.0f );

//@TODO: Looks like fixed48 for translation is basically broken right now (using 8 bits instead of 16 bits!).  The scale is omitted below because it's all 1's
static const VectorRegister BiasTransData =  MakeVectorRegister( -255.0f, -255.0f, -255.0f, -255.0f );
static const VectorRegister ScaleTransData = MakeVectorRegister( 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f );

/** Decompress a single translation key from a single track that was compressed with the PerTrack codec (vectorized) */
static FORCEINLINE_DEBUGGABLE VectorRegister DecompressSingleTrackTranslationVectorized(int32 Format, int32 FormatFlags, const uint8* RESTRICT TopOfStream, const uint8* RESTRICT KeyData)
	if( Format == ACF_Float96NoW )
		const VectorRegister KeyJumbled = VectorLoadNPlusOneUnalignedBytes(KeyData, Float96KeyBytesMinusOne[FormatFlags]);
		const VectorRegister XYZ = VectorPermute(KeyJumbled, VectorZero(), Trans96OptionalFormatPermMasks[FormatFlags & 7]);

		return XYZ;
	else if (Format == ACF_Fixed48NoW)
		const VectorRegister KeyJumbled = VectorLoadNPlusOneUnalignedBytes(KeyData, Fixed48KeyBytesMinusOne[FormatFlags]);
		const VectorRegister Key = VectorPermute(KeyJumbled, DecompressPTCTransConstants, Fix48FormatPermMasks[FormatFlags & 7]);
		const VectorRegister FPKey = VectorUitof(Key);

		const VectorRegister BiasedData = VectorAdd(FPKey, BiasTransData);
		//const VectorRegister XYZ = VectorMultiply(BiasedData, ScaleTransData);
		const VectorRegister XYZ = BiasedData;

		return XYZ;