Basis_HGRAD_TRI_Cn_FEM<Scalar,ArrayScalar>::Basis_HGRAD_TRI_Cn_FEM( const int n ,
                                                                      const EPointType pointType ):
    Phis( n ),
    latticePts( (n+1)*(n+2)/2 , 2 )
    TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION( n <= 0, std::invalid_argument, "polynomial order must be >= 1");

    const int N = (n+1)*(n+2)/2;
    this -> basisCardinality_  = N;
    this -> basisDegree_       = n;
    this -> basisCellTopology_ = shards::CellTopology(shards::getCellTopologyData<shards::Triangle<3> >() );
    this -> basisType_         = BASIS_FEM_FIAT;
    this -> basisCoordinates_  = COORDINATES_CARTESIAN;
    this -> basisTagsAreSet_   = false;

    // construct lattice

    shards::CellTopology myTri_3( shards::getCellTopologyData< shards::Triangle<3> >() );  

    PointTools::getLattice<Scalar,FieldContainer<Scalar> >( latticePts ,
                                                            myTri_3 ,
                                                            n ,
                                                            0 ,
                                                            pointType );

    // form Vandermonde matrix.  Actually, this is the transpose of the VDM,
    // so we transpose on copy below.
    Phis.getValues( V , latticePts , OPERATOR_VALUE );

    // now I need to copy V into a Teuchos array to do the inversion
    Teuchos::SerialDenseMatrix<int,Scalar> Vsdm(N,N);
    for (int i=0;i<N;i++) {
      for (int j=0;j<N;j++) {
        Vsdm(i,j) = V(i,j);

    // invert the matrix
    Teuchos::SerialDenseSolver<int,Scalar> solver;
    solver.setMatrix( rcp( &Vsdm , false ) );
    solver.invert( );

    // now I need to copy the inverse into Vinv
    for (int i=0;i<N;i++) {
      for (int j=0;j<N;j++) {
        Vinv(i,j) = Vsdm(j,i);

  Basis_HGRAD_TET_Cn_FEM<Scalar,ArrayScalar>::Basis_HGRAD_TET_Cn_FEM( const int n ,
                                                                      const EPointType pointType ):
    Phis( n ),
    latticePts( (n+1)*(n+2)*(n+3)/6 , 3 )
    const int N = (n+1)*(n+2)*(n+3)/6;
    this -> basisCardinality_  = N;
    this -> basisDegree_       = n;
    this -> basisCellTopology_ = shards::CellTopology(shards::getCellTopologyData<shards::Tetrahedron<4> >() );
    this -> basisType_         = BASIS_FEM_FIAT;
    this -> basisCoordinates_  = COORDINATES_CARTESIAN;
    this -> basisTagsAreSet_   = false;

    // construct lattice

    PointTools::getLattice<Scalar,ArrayScalar >( latticePts ,
                                                            this->getBaseCellTopology() ,
                                                            n ,
                                                            0 ,
                                                            pointType );

    // form Vandermonde matrix.  Actually, this is the transpose of the VDM,
    // so we transpose on copy below.
    Phis.getValues( V , latticePts , OPERATOR_VALUE );

    // now I need to copy V into a Teuchos array to do the inversion
    Teuchos::SerialDenseMatrix<int,Scalar> Vsdm(N,N);
    for (int i=0;i<N;i++) {
      for (int j=0;j<N;j++) {
        Vsdm(i,j) = V(i,j);

    // invert the matrix
    Teuchos::SerialDenseSolver<int,Scalar> solver;
    solver.setMatrix( rcp( &Vsdm , false ) );
    solver.invert( );

    // now I need to copy the inverse into Vinv
    for (int i=0;i<N;i++) {
      for (int j=0;j<N;j++) {
        Vinv(i,j) = Vsdm(j,i);

    this->basisTagsAreSet_ = true;
Ejemplo n.º 3
void omxCallGREMLFitFunction(omxFitFunction *oo, int want, FitContext *fc){
  if (want & (FF_COMPUTE_PREOPTIMIZE)) return;
  //Recompute Expectation:
  omxExpectation* expectation = oo->expectation;
  omxExpectationCompute(expectation, NULL);
  omxGREMLFitState *gff = (omxGREMLFitState*)oo->argStruct; //<--Cast generic omxFitFunction to omxGREMLFitState
  //Ensure that the pointer in the GREML fitfunction is directed at the right FreeVarGroup
  //(not necessary for most compute plans):
  if(fc && gff->varGroup != fc->varGroup){
  //Declare local variables used in more than one scope in this function:
  const double Scale = fabs(Global->llScale); //<--absolute value of loglikelihood scale
  const double NATLOG_2PI = 1.837877066409345483560659472811;	//<--log(2*pi)
  int i;
  Eigen::Map< Eigen::MatrixXd > Eigy(omxMatrixDataColumnMajor(gff->y), gff->y->cols, 1);
  Eigen::Map< Eigen::MatrixXd > Vinv(omxMatrixDataColumnMajor(gff->invcov), gff->invcov->rows, gff->invcov->cols);
  EigenMatrixAdaptor EigX(gff->X);
  Eigen::MatrixXd P, Py;
  P.setZero(gff->invcov->rows, gff->invcov->cols);
  double logdetV=0, logdetquadX=0;
      omxGREMLExpectation* oge = (omxGREMLExpectation*)(expectation->argStruct);
      //Check that factorizations of V and the quadratic form in X succeeded:
        oo->matrix->data[0] = NA_REAL;
        if (fc) fc->recordIterationError("expected covariance matrix is non-positive-definite");
        oo->matrix->data[0] = NA_REAL;
        if (fc) fc->recordIterationError("Cholesky factorization failed; possibly, the matrix of covariates is rank-deficient");
      //Log determinant of V:
      logdetV = oge->logdetV_om->data[0];
      //Log determinant of quadX:
      for(i=0; i < gff->X->cols; i++){
        logdetquadX += log(oge->cholquadX_vectorD[i]);
      logdetquadX *= 2;
      gff->REMLcorrection = Scale*0.5*logdetquadX;
      //Finish computing fit (negative loglikelihood):
      P.triangularView<Eigen::Lower>() = Vinv.selfadjointView<Eigen::Lower>() * 
        (Eigen::MatrixXd::Identity(Vinv.rows(), Vinv.cols()) - 
          (EigX * oge->quadXinv.selfadjointView<Eigen::Lower>() * oge->XtVinv)); //Vinv * (I-Hatmat)
      Py = P.selfadjointView<Eigen::Lower>() * Eigy;
      oo->matrix->data[0] = gff->REMLcorrection + Scale*0.5*( (((double)gff->y->cols) * NATLOG_2PI) + logdetV + ( Eigy.transpose() * Py )(0,0));
      gff->nll = oo->matrix->data[0]; 
    else{ //If not using GREML expectation, deal with means and cov in a general way to compute fit...
      //Declare locals:
      EigenMatrixAdaptor yhat(gff->means);
      EigenMatrixAdaptor EigV(gff->cov);
      double logdetV=0, logdetquadX=0;
      Eigen::MatrixXd Vinv, quadX;
      Eigen::LLT< Eigen::MatrixXd > cholV(gff->cov->rows);
      Eigen::LLT< Eigen::MatrixXd > cholquadX(gff->X->cols);
      Eigen::VectorXd cholV_vectorD, cholquadX_vectorD;
      //Cholesky factorization of V:
      if( != Eigen::Success){
        omxRaiseErrorf("expected covariance matrix is non-positive-definite");
        oo->matrix->data[0] = NA_REAL;
      //Log determinant of V:
      cholV_vectorD = (( Eigen::MatrixXd )(cholV.matrixL())).diagonal();
      for(i=0; i < gff->X->rows; i++){
        logdetV += log(cholV_vectorD[i]);
      logdetV *= 2;
      Vinv = cholV.solve(Eigen::MatrixXd::Identity( EigV.rows(), EigV.cols() )); //<-- V inverse
      quadX = EigX.transpose() * Vinv * EigX; //<--Quadratic form in X
      cholquadX.compute(quadX); //<--Cholesky factorization of quadX
      if( != Eigen::Success){
        omxRaiseErrorf("Cholesky factorization failed; possibly, the matrix of covariates is rank-deficient");
        oo->matrix->data[0] = NA_REAL;
      cholquadX_vectorD = (( Eigen::MatrixXd )(cholquadX.matrixL())).diagonal();
      for(i=0; i < gff->X->cols; i++){
        logdetquadX += log(cholquadX_vectorD[i]);
      logdetquadX *= 2;
      gff->REMLcorrection = Scale*0.5*logdetquadX;
      //Finish computing fit:
      oo->matrix->data[0] = gff->REMLcorrection + Scale*0.5*( ((double)gff->y->rows * NATLOG_2PI) + logdetV + 
        ( Eigy.transpose() * Vinv * (Eigy - yhat) )(0,0));
      gff->nll = oo->matrix->data[0]; 
    //This part requires GREML expectation:
    omxGREMLExpectation* oge = (omxGREMLExpectation*)(expectation->argStruct);
    //Declare local variables for this scope:
    int numChildren = fc->childList.size();
    int __attribute__((unused)) parallelism = (numChildren == 0) ? 1 : numChildren;
    fc->grad.resize(gff->dVlength); //<--Resize gradient in FitContext
    //Set up new HessianBlock:
    HessianBlock *hb = new HessianBlock;
      hb->mat.resize(gff->dVlength, gff->dVlength);
    //Begin looping thru free parameters:
#pragma omp parallel for num_threads(parallelism) 
    for(i=0; i < gff->dVlength; i++){
    	//Declare locals within parallelized region:
    	int j=0, t1=0, t2=0;
    	Eigen::MatrixXd PdV_dtheta1;
    	Eigen::MatrixXd dV_dtheta1(Eigy.rows(), Eigy.rows()); //<--Derivative of V w/r/t parameter i.
    	Eigen::MatrixXd dV_dtheta2(Eigy.rows(), Eigy.rows()); //<--Derivative of V w/r/t parameter j.
      t1 = gff->gradMap[i]; //<--Parameter number for parameter i.
      if(t1 < 0){continue;}
      if(want & (FF_COMPUTE_HESSIAN | FF_COMPUTE_IHESSIAN)){hb->vars[i] = t1;}
      if( oge->numcases2drop ){
        dropCasesAndEigenize(gff->dV[i], dV_dtheta1, oge->numcases2drop, oge->dropcase, 1);
      else{dV_dtheta1 = Eigen::Map< Eigen::MatrixXd >(omxMatrixDataColumnMajor(gff->dV[i]), gff->dV[i]->rows, gff->dV[i]->cols);}
      //PdV_dtheta1 = P.selfadjointView<Eigen::Lower>() * dV_dtheta1.selfadjointView<Eigen::Lower>();
      PdV_dtheta1 = P.selfadjointView<Eigen::Lower>();
      PdV_dtheta1 = PdV_dtheta1 * dV_dtheta1.selfadjointView<Eigen::Lower>();
      for(j=i; j < gff->dVlength; j++){
          gff->gradient(t1) = Scale*0.5*(PdV_dtheta1.trace() - (Eigy.transpose() * PdV_dtheta1 * Py)(0,0));
          fc->grad(t1) += gff->gradient(t1);
            gff->avgInfo(t1,t1) = Scale*0.5*(Eigy.transpose() * PdV_dtheta1 * PdV_dtheta1 * Py)(0,0);
        else{if(want & (FF_COMPUTE_HESSIAN | FF_COMPUTE_IHESSIAN)){
          t2 = gff->gradMap[j]; //<--Parameter number for parameter j.
          if(t2 < 0){continue;}
          if( oge->numcases2drop ){
            dropCasesAndEigenize(gff->dV[j], dV_dtheta2, oge->numcases2drop, oge->dropcase, 1);
          else{dV_dtheta2 = Eigen::Map< Eigen::MatrixXd >(omxMatrixDataColumnMajor(gff->dV[j]), gff->dV[j]->rows, gff->dV[j]->cols);}
          gff->avgInfo(t1,t2) = Scale*0.5*(Eigy.transpose() * PdV_dtheta1 * P.selfadjointView<Eigen::Lower>() * dV_dtheta2.selfadjointView<Eigen::Lower>() * Py)(0,0);
          gff->avgInfo(t2,t1) = gff->avgInfo(t1,t2);
    //Assign upper triangle elements of avgInfo to the HessianBlock:
      for (size_t d1=0, h1=0; h1 < gff->dV.size(); ++h1) {
		    for (size_t d2=0, h2=0; h2 <= h1; ++h2) {
				  	hb->mat(d2,d1) = gff->avgInfo(h2,h1);
Ejemplo n.º 4
// Polar decomponsition of F through left stretch matrix
//      F = VR = Q Lambda (QTR)
// The target matrix is assumed to be F
// Function returns V and optionally R = V^-1 F (if pointer is not NULL)
//		and optionally (lam1,lam2,lam3) in stretches (if not NULL)
// It does not get Q, but if needed, they are eigenvectors of the
//		returned V matrix
Matrix3 Matrix3::LeftDecompose(Matrix3 *R,Vector *stretches) const
    {   // 2D has simple formulae for R = ((Fsum,Fdif),(-Fdif,Fsum))
        double Fsum = m[0][0]+m[1][1];
        double Fdif = m[0][1]-m[1][0];
        double denom = sqrt(Fsum*Fsum+Fdif*Fdif);
        Fsum /= denom;
        Fdif /= denom;
        // V is F* R*T
        Matrix3 V(m[0][0]*Fsum+m[0][1]*Fdif,-m[0][0]*Fdif+m[0][1]*Fsum,
        // if R pointer not NULL, return it too
        {   R->set(Fsum,Fdif,-Fdif,Fsum,1.);
		// Return Eigenvalues of V if asked
		{	*stretches = V.Eigenvalues();
        return V;
    // rest is for 3D matrix
    // Get B=FF^T and B^2
    Matrix3 B = (*this)*Transpose();
    Matrix3 B2 = B*B;
    // Eigenvalues of B are lamda^2
    Vector Eigenvals = B.Eigenvalues();
    double lam1 = sqrt(Eigenvals.x);
    double lam2 = sqrt(Eigenvals.y);
    double lam3 = sqrt(Eigenvals.z);
    // invariants of V
    double i1 = lam1+lam2+lam3;
    double i2 = lam1*lam2+lam1*lam3+lam2*lam3;
    double i3 = lam1*lam2*lam3;
    // set coefficients
    double d1 = 1./(i1*i2-i3);
    double c2 = -d1;                    // coefficient of B2
    double c1 = (i1*i1-i2)*d1;          // coefficient of B
    double cI = i1*i3*d1;               // coefficient of I
    // Get V = (1/d1)*(-B^2 + (i1*i1-i2)*B + i1*i3*I)
    Matrix3 V(c2*B2(0,0)+c1*B(0,0)+cI, c2*B2(0,1)+c1*B(0,1),    c2*B2(0,2)+c1*B(0,2),
			  c2*B2(1,0)+c1*B(1,0),    c2*B2(1,1)+c1*B(1,1)+cI, c2*B2(1,2)+c1*B(1,2),
			  c2*B2(2,0)+c1*B(2,0),    c2*B2(2,1)+c1*B(2,1),    c2*B2(2,2)+c1*B(2,2)+cI);
    // if R pointer not NULL, find R too
    {   c1 = 1/i3;                      // coefficient of B
        double cV = -i1*c1;             // coefficient of V
        cI = i2*c1;                     // coefficient of I
        // Get Vinv = (1/i3)*(B - i1*V + i2*I)
        Matrix3 Vinv(c1*B(0,0)+cV*V(0,0)+cI, c1*B(0,1)+cV*V(0,1),     c1*B(0,2)+cV*V(0,2),
                     c1*B(1,0)+cV*V(1,0),    c1*B(1,1)+cV*V(1,1)+cI,  c1*B(1,2)+cV*V(1,2),
                     c1*B(2,0)+cV*V(2,0),    c1*B(2,1)+cV*V(2,1),     c1*B(2,2)+cV*V(2,2)+cI);
        // R = V^-1 F
        *R = Vinv*(*this);
	// Return Eigenvalues of U if asked
	{	stretches->x = lam1;
		stretches->y = lam2;
		stretches->z = lam3;
    return V;
Ejemplo n.º 5
cv::Point3d scan3d::approximate_ray_intersection(const cv::Point3d & v1, const cv::Point3d & q1,
                                                    const cv::Point3d & v2, const cv::Point3d & q2,
                                                    double * distance, double * out_lambda1, double * out_lambda2)
    cv::Mat v1mat = cv::Mat(v1);
    cv::Mat v2mat = cv::Mat(v2);
    double v1tv1 = cv::Mat(v1mat.t()*v1mat).at<double>(0,0);
    double v2tv2 = cv::Mat(v2mat.t()*v2mat).at<double>(0,0);
    double v1tv2 = cv::Mat(v1mat.t()*v2mat).at<double>(0,0);
    double v2tv1 = cv::Mat(v2mat.t()*v1mat).at<double>(0,0);

    //cv::Mat V(2, 2, CV_64FC1);
    //<double>(0,0) = v1tv1;<double>(0,1) = -v1tv2;
    //<double>(1,0) = -v2tv1;<double>(1,1) = v2tv2;
    //std::cout << " V: "<< V << std::endl;

    cv::Mat Vinv(2, 2, CV_64FC1);
    double detV = v1tv1*v2tv2 - v1tv2*v2tv1;<double>(0,0) = v2tv2/detV;<double>(0,1) = v1tv2/detV;<double>(1,0) = v2tv1/detV;<double>(1,1) = v1tv1/detV;
    //std::cout << " V.inv(): "<< V.inv() << std::endl << " Vinv: " << Vinv << std::endl;

    //cv::Mat Q(2, 1, CV_64FC1);
    //<double>(0,0) = cv::Mat(v1mat.t()*(cv::Mat(q2-q1))).at<double>(0,0);
    //<double>(1,0) = cv::Mat(v2mat.t()*(cv::Mat(q1-q2))).at<double>(0,0);
    //std::cout << " Q: "<< Q << std::endl;

    cv::Point3d q2_q1 = q2 - q1;
    double Q1 = v1.x*q2_q1.x + v1.y*q2_q1.y + v1.z*q2_q1.z;
    double Q2 = -(v2.x*q2_q1.x + v2.y*q2_q1.y + v2.z*q2_q1.z);

    //cv::Mat L = V.inv()*Q;
    //cv::Mat L = Vinv*Q;
    //std::cout << " L: "<< L << std::endl;
    double lambda1 = (v2tv2 * Q1 + v1tv2 * Q2) /detV;
    double lambda2 = (v2tv1 * Q1 + v1tv1 * Q2) /detV;
    //std::cout << "lambda1: " << lambda1 << " lambda2: " << lambda2 << std::endl;

    //cv::Mat p1 =<double>(0,0)*v1mat + cv::Mat(q1); //ray1
    //cv::Mat p2 =<double>(1,0)*v2mat + cv::Mat(q2); //ray2
    //cv::Point3d p1 =<double>(0,0)*v1 + q1; //ray1
    //cv::Point3d p2 =<double>(1,0)*v2 + q2; //ray2
    cv::Point3d p1 = lambda1*v1 + q1; //ray1
    cv::Point3d p2 = lambda2*v2 + q2; //ray2

    //cv::Point3d p = cv::Point3d(cv::Mat((p1+p2)/2.0));
    cv::Point3d p = 0.5*(p1+p2);

    if (distance!=NULL)
        *distance = cv::norm(p2-p1);
    if (out_lambda1)
        *out_lambda1 = lambda1;
    if (out_lambda2)
        *out_lambda2 = lambda2;

    return p;