Ejemplo n.º 1
VmbError_t SynchronousGrab( const char* pCameraID, const char* pFileName )
    VmbError_t          err                 = VmbStartup();     // Initialize the Vimba API
    VmbCameraInfo_t     *pCameras           = NULL;             // A list of camera details
    VmbUint32_t         nCount              = 0;                // Number of found cameras
    VmbUint32_t         nFoundCount         = 0;                // Change of found cameras
    const VmbUint32_t   nTimeout            = 2000;             // Timeout for Grab
    VmbAccessMode_t     cameraAccessMode    = VmbAccessModeFull;// We open the camera with full access
    VmbHandle_t         cameraHandle        = NULL;             // A handle to our camera
    VmbBool_t           bIsCommandDone      = VmbBoolFalse;     // Has a command finished execution
    VmbFrame_t          frame;                                  // The frame we capture
    const char*         pPixelFormat        = NULL;             // The pixel format we use for acquisition
    VmbInt64_t          nPayloadSize        = 0;                // The size of one frame
    AVTBitmap           bitmap;                                 // The bitmap we create

    if ( VmbErrorSuccess == err )
        // Is Vimba connected to a GigE transport layer?
        // If no camera ID was provided use the first camera found
        if ( NULL == pCameraID )
            // Get the amount of known cameras
            err = VmbCamerasList( NULL, 0, &nCount, sizeof *pCameras );
            if (    VmbErrorSuccess == err
                 && 0 < nCount )
                pCameras = (VmbCameraInfo_t*)malloc( nCount * sizeof( *pCameras ));
                if ( NULL != pCameras )
                    // Actually query all static details of all known cameras without having to open the cameras
                    // If a new camera was connected since we queried the amount of cameras (nFoundCount > nCount) we can ignore that one
                    err = VmbCamerasList( pCameras, nCount, &nFoundCount, sizeof *pCameras );
                    if (    VmbErrorSuccess != err
                         && VmbErrorMoreData != err )
                        printf( "Could not list cameras. Error code: %d\n", err );
                        // Use the first camera
                        if( nFoundCount != 0)
                            pCameraID = pCameras[0].cameraIdString;
                            pCameraID = NULL;
                            err = VmbErrorNotFound;
                            printf( "Camera lost.\n" );

                    free( pCameras );
                    pCameras = NULL;
                    printf( "Could not allocate camera list.\n" );
                printf( "Could not list cameras or no cameras present. Error code: %d\n", err );

        if ( NULL != pCameraID )
            // Open camera
            err = VmbCameraOpen( pCameraID, cameraAccessMode, &cameraHandle );
            if ( VmbErrorSuccess == err )
                printf( "Camera ID: %s\n\n", pCameraID );

                // Set the GeV packet size to the highest possible value
                // (In this example we do not test whether this cam actually is a GigE cam)
                if ( VmbErrorSuccess == VmbFeatureCommandRun( cameraHandle, "GVSPAdjustPacketSize" ))
                        if ( VmbErrorSuccess != VmbFeatureCommandIsDone(    cameraHandle,
                                                                            &bIsCommandDone ))
                    } while ( VmbBoolFalse == bIsCommandDone );

                if ( VmbErrorSuccess == err )
                    // Set pixel format. For the sake of simplicity we only support Mono and RGB in this example.
                    err = VmbFeatureEnumSet( cameraHandle, "PixelFormat", "RGB8Packed" );
                    if ( VmbErrorSuccess != err )
                        // Fall back to Mono
                        err = VmbFeatureEnumSet( cameraHandle, "PixelFormat", "Mono8" );
                    // Read back pixel format
                    VmbFeatureEnumGet( cameraHandle, "PixelFormat", &pPixelFormat );

                    if ( VmbErrorSuccess == err )
                        // Evaluate frame size
                        err = VmbFeatureIntGet( cameraHandle, "PayloadSize", &nPayloadSize );
                        if ( VmbErrorSuccess == err )
                            frame.buffer        = (unsigned char*)malloc( (VmbUint32_t)nPayloadSize );
                            frame.bufferSize    = (VmbUint32_t)nPayloadSize;

                            // Announce Frame
                            err = VmbFrameAnnounce( cameraHandle, &frame, (VmbUint32_t)sizeof( VmbFrame_t ));
                            if ( VmbErrorSuccess == err )
                                // Start Capture Engine
                                err = VmbCaptureStart( cameraHandle );
                                if ( VmbErrorSuccess == err )
                                    // Queue Frame
                                    err = VmbCaptureFrameQueue( cameraHandle, &frame, NULL );
                                    if ( VmbErrorSuccess == err )
                                        // Start Acquisition
                                        err = VmbFeatureCommandRun( cameraHandle,"AcquisitionStart" );
                                        if ( VmbErrorSuccess == err )
                                            // Capture one frame synchronously
                                            err = VmbCaptureFrameWait( cameraHandle, &frame, nTimeout );
                                            if ( VmbErrorSuccess == err )
                                                // Convert the captured frame to a bitmap and save to disk
                                                if ( VmbFrameStatusComplete == frame.receiveStatus )
                                                    bitmap.bufferSize = frame.imageSize;
                                                    bitmap.width = frame.width;
                                                    bitmap.height = frame.height;
                                                    // We only support Mono and RGB in this example
                                                    if ( 0 == strcmp( "RGB8Packed", pPixelFormat ))
                                                        bitmap.colorCode = ColorCodeRGB24;
                                                        bitmap.colorCode = ColorCodeMono8;

                                                    // Create the bitmap
                                                    if ( 0 == AVTCreateBitmap( &bitmap, frame.buffer ))
                                                        printf( "Could not create bitmap.\n" );
                                                        // Save the bitmap
                                                        if ( 0 == AVTWriteBitmapToFile( &bitmap, pFileName ))
                                                            printf( "Could not write bitmap to file.\n" );
                                                            printf( "Bitmap successfully written to file \"%s\"\n", pFileName );
                                                            // Release the bitmap's buffer
                                                            if ( 0 == AVTReleaseBitmap( &bitmap ))
                                                                printf( "Could not release the bitmap.\n" );
                                                    printf( "Frame not successfully received. Error code: %d\n", frame.receiveStatus );
                                                printf( "Could not capture frame. Error code: %d", err );

                                            // Stop Acquisition
                                            err = VmbFeatureCommandRun( cameraHandle,"AcquisitionStop" );
                                            if ( VmbErrorSuccess != err )
                                                printf( "Could not stop acquisition. Error code: %d\n", err );
                                            printf( "Could not start acquisition. Error code: %d", err );
                                        printf( "Could not queue frame. Error code: %d\n", err );

                                    // Stop Capture Engine
                                    err = VmbCaptureEnd( cameraHandle );
                                    if ( VmbErrorSuccess != err )
                                        printf( "Could not end capture. Error code: %d\n", err );
                                    printf( "Could not start capture. Error code: %d\n", err );

                                // Revoke frame
                                err = VmbFrameRevoke( cameraHandle, &frame );
                                if ( VmbErrorSuccess != err )
                                    printf( "Could not revoke frame. Error code: %d\n", err );
                                printf( "Could not announce frame. Error code: %d\n", err );

                            free( frame.buffer );
                            frame.buffer = NULL;
                        printf( "Could not set pixel format to either RGB or Mono. Error code: %d\n", err );
                    printf( "Could not adjust packet size. Error code: %d\n", err );

                err = VmbCameraClose ( cameraHandle );
                if ( VmbErrorSuccess != err )
                    printf( "Could not close camera. Error code: %d\n", err );
                printf( "Could not open camera. Error code: %d\n", err );
        printf( "Could not start system. Error code: %d\n", err );

    return err;
Ejemplo n.º 2
void ListCameras()
    VmbError_t          err             = VmbErrorSuccess;
    VmbCameraInfo_t *   pCameras        = NULL;
    VmbUint32_t         i               = 0;
    VmbUint32_t         nCount          = 0;
    VmbUint32_t         nFoundCount     = 0;
    err = VmbStartup();                                                                     // Initialize the Vimba API
    PrintVimbaVersion();                                                                    // Print Vimba Version

    if ( VmbErrorSuccess == err )

        err = VmbCamerasList( NULL, 0, &nCount, sizeof *pCameras );                         // Get the amount of known cameras
        if (    VmbErrorSuccess == err
             && nCount          != 0 )
            printf( "Cameras found: %d\n\n", nCount );
            pCameras = (VmbCameraInfo_t*)malloc( sizeof *pCameras * nCount );
            if ( NULL != pCameras )
                err = VmbCamerasList( pCameras, nCount, &nFoundCount, sizeof *pCameras );   // Query all static details of all known cameras
                                                                                            // Without having to open the cameras
                if(     VmbErrorSuccess == err
                    ||  VmbErrorMoreData == err )
                    if( nFoundCount < nCount)                                               // If a new camera was connected since we queried
                    {                                                                       // the amount of cameras, we can ignore that one
                        nCount = nFoundCount;
                    for ( i=0; i<nCount; ++i )                                              // And print them out
                        printf( "/// Camera Name: %s\n/// Model Name: %s\n/// Camera ID: %s\n/// Serial Number: %s\n/// @ Interface ID: %s\n\n\n",
                                 pCameras[i].interfaceIdString );
                    printf( "Could not retrieve camera list. Error code: %d\n", err );
                free( pCameras );
                pCameras = NULL;
                printf( "Could not allocate camera list.\n" );
            printf( "Could not list cameras or no cameras present. Error code: %d\n", err );
        VmbShutdown();                                                                      // Close Vimba
        printf( "Could not start system. Error code: %d\n", err );
Ejemplo n.º 3
BOOL CAVTCameraManipulateApp::InitInstance()
	// 如果一个运行在 Windows XP 上的应用程序清单指定要
	// 使用 ComCtl32.dll 版本 6 或更高版本来启用可视化方式,
	//则需要 InitCommonControlsEx()。否则,将无法创建窗口。
	InitCtrls.dwSize = sizeof(InitCtrls);
	// 将它设置为包括所有要在应用程序中使用的
	// 公共控件类。
	InitCtrls.dwICC = ICC_WIN95_CLASSES;


	if (!AfxSocketInit())
		return FALSE;


	// 创建 shell 管理器,以防对话框包含
	// 任何 shell 树视图控件或 shell 列表视图控件。
	CShellManager *pShellManager = new CShellManager;

	// 标准初始化
	// 如果未使用这些功能并希望减小
	// 最终可执行文件的大小,则应移除下列
	// 不需要的特定初始化例程
	// 更改用于存储设置的注册表项
	// TODO: 应适当修改该字符串,
	// 例如修改为公司或组织名

	vmbError = VmbStartup();
	if (VmbErrorSuccess !=  vmbError)
		AfxMessageBox(_T("Vimba Startup Error!"));

	CAVTCameraManipulateDlg dlg;
	m_pMainWnd = &dlg;
	INT_PTR nResponse = dlg.DoModal();
	if (nResponse == IDOK)
		// TODO: 在此放置处理何时用
		//  “确定”来关闭对话框的代码
	else if (nResponse == IDCANCEL)
		// TODO: 在此放置处理何时用
		//  “取消”来关闭对话框的代码

	// 删除上面创建的 shell 管理器。
	if (pShellManager != NULL)
		delete pShellManager;

	// 由于对话框已关闭,所以将返回 FALSE 以便退出应用程序,
	//  而不是启动应用程序的消息泵。
	return FALSE;
Ejemplo n.º 4
void ForceIP( char* strMAC, char* strIP, char* strSubnet, char* strGateway )
    VmbError_t          err             = VmbErrorSuccess;
    VmbBool_t           bIsGigE         = 0;
    VmbHandle_t         hCam            = NULL;
    unsigned long long  nMAC            = 0;
    unsigned long       nIP             = 0;
    unsigned long       nSubnet         = 0;
    unsigned long       nGateway        = 0;
    err = VmbStartup();                                                                                                     // Initialize the Vimba API
    PrintVimbaVersion();                                                                                                    // Print Vimba Version
    nMAC            = mac_addr( strMAC );                                                                                   // The MAC address of the camera
    nIP             = inet_addr( strIP );                                                                                   // The future IP address of the camera
    nSubnet         = inet_addr( strSubnet );                                                                               // The future subnet mask of the camera
    nGateway        = strGateway != NULL ? inet_addr( strGateway ) : 0;                                                     // A possible gateway

    if ( VmbErrorSuccess == err )
        err = VmbFeatureBoolGet( gVimbaHandle, "GeVTLIsPresent", &bIsGigE );                                                // Is Vimba connected to a GigE transport layer?
        if ( VmbErrorSuccess == err )
            if( bIsGigE )
                if ( 0 != nMAC )
                    err = VmbFeatureIntSet( gVimbaHandle, "GeVForceIPAddressMAC", nMAC );                                   // Send MAC address to TL
                    if ( VmbErrorSuccess == err )
                        err = VmbFeatureIntSet( gVimbaHandle, "GeVForceIPAddressIP", nIP );                                 // Send new IP address to TL
                        if ( VmbErrorSuccess == err )
                            err = VmbFeatureIntSet( gVimbaHandle, "GeVForceIPAddressSubnetMask", nSubnet );                 // Send new subnet mask to TL
                            if ( VmbErrorSuccess == err )
                                if( 0 != nGateway )
                                    err = VmbFeatureIntSet( gVimbaHandle, "GeVForceIPAddressGateway", nGateway );           // Send gateway address to TL
                                    if ( VmbErrorSuccess != err )
                                        printf( "Could not prepare the gateway settings. Reason: %d\n\n", err );

                                if ( VmbErrorSuccess == err )
                                    err = VmbFeatureCommandRun( gVimbaHandle, "GeVForceIPAddressSend" );                    // Finally execute the command to write all settings to cam
                                    if ( VmbErrorSuccess == err )
                                        printf( "IP address successfully changed to %s (%s).\n\n", strIP, strSubnet );
                                        printf( "Could not set a new IP address. Reason: %d\n\n", err );
                                printf( "Could not prepare the subnet settings. Reason: %d\n\n", err );
                            printf( "Could not prepare the IP address settings. Reason: %d\n\n", err );
                        printf( "Could not prepare the MAC address settings. Reason: %d\n\n", err );
                    printf( "Malformed MAC address.\n\n" );
                printf( "No GigE transport layer present.\n\n" );
            printf( "Could not query Vimba for the presence of a GigE transport layer. Reason: %d\n\n", err );

        VmbShutdown();                                                                                                      // Close Vimba
        printf( "Could not start system. Error code: %d\n\n", err );