Ejemplo n.º 1
 *		WINECON_RegSaveHelper
static void WINECON_RegSaveHelper(HKEY hConKey, const struct config_data* cfg)
    DWORD       val;

    WINECON_DumpConfig("save", cfg);

    val = cfg->cursor_size;
    RegSetValueExW(hConKey, wszCursorSize, 0, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE)&val, sizeof(val));

    val = cfg->cursor_visible;
    RegSetValueExW(hConKey, wszCursorVisible, 0, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE)&val, sizeof(val));

    val = cfg->edition_mode;
    RegSetValueExW(hConKey, wszEditionMode, 0, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE)&val, sizeof(val));

    val = cfg->exit_on_die;
    RegSetValueExW(hConKey, wszExitOnDie, 0, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE)&val, sizeof(val));

    RegSetValueExW(hConKey, wszFaceName, 0, REG_SZ, (LPBYTE)&cfg->face_name, sizeof(cfg->face_name));

    val = MAKELONG(cfg->cell_width, cfg->cell_height);
    RegSetValueExW(hConKey, wszFontSize, 0, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE)&val, sizeof(val));

    val = cfg->font_weight;
    RegSetValueExW(hConKey, wszFontWeight, 0, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE)&val, sizeof(val));

    val = cfg->history_size;
    RegSetValueExW(hConKey, wszHistoryBufferSize, 0, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE)&val, sizeof(val));

    val = cfg->history_nodup;
    RegSetValueExW(hConKey, wszHistoryNoDup, 0, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE)&val, sizeof(val));

    val = cfg->insert_mode;
    RegSetValueExW(hConKey, wszInsertMode, 0, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE)&val, sizeof(val));

    val = cfg->menu_mask;
    RegSetValueExW(hConKey, wszMenuMask, 0, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE)&val, sizeof(val));

    val = cfg->quick_edit;
    RegSetValueExW(hConKey, wszQuickEdit, 0, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE)&val, sizeof(val));

    val = MAKELONG(cfg->sb_width, cfg->sb_height);
    RegSetValueExW(hConKey, wszScreenBufferSize, 0, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE)&val, sizeof(val));

    val = cfg->def_attr;
    RegSetValueExW(hConKey, wszScreenColors, 0, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE)&val, sizeof(val));

    val = MAKELONG(cfg->win_width, cfg->win_height);
    RegSetValueExW(hConKey, wszWindowSize, 0, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE)&val, sizeof(val));
Ejemplo n.º 2
 *		WINECON_RegLoad
void WINECON_RegLoad(const WCHAR* appname, struct config_data* cfg)
    HKEY        hConKey;

    WINE_TRACE("loading %s registry settings.\n", appname ? wine_dbgstr_w(appname) : "default");

    /* first set default values */
    cfg->cursor_size = 25;
    cfg->cursor_visible = 1;
    cfg->exit_on_die = 1;
    memset(cfg->face_name, 0, sizeof(cfg->face_name));
    cfg->cell_height = 12;
    cfg->cell_width  = 8;
    cfg->font_weight = 0;
    cfg->history_size = 50;
    cfg->history_nodup = 0;
    cfg->insert_mode = 1;
    cfg->menu_mask = 0;
    cfg->quick_edit = 0;
    cfg->sb_height = 25;
    cfg->sb_width  = 80;
    cfg->def_attr = 0x000F;
    cfg->win_height = 25;
    cfg->win_width  = 80;
    cfg->win_pos.X = 0;
    cfg->win_pos.Y = 0;
    cfg->edition_mode = 0;
    cfg->registry = NULL;

    /* then read global settings */
    if (!RegOpenKeyW(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, wszConsole, &hConKey))
        WINECON_RegLoadHelper(hConKey, cfg);
        /* if requested, load part related to console title */
        if (appname)
            HKEY        hAppKey;

            cfg->registry = WINECON_CreateKeyName(appname);
            if (!RegOpenKeyW(hConKey, cfg->registry, &hAppKey))
                WINECON_RegLoadHelper(hAppKey, cfg);
    WINECON_DumpConfig("load", cfg);
Ejemplo n.º 3
 *		WCUSER_GetProperties
 * Runs the dialog box to set up the wineconsole options
BOOL WCUSER_GetProperties(struct inner_data* data, BOOL current)
    WCHAR		buff[256];
    WNDCLASS		wndclass;
    static const WCHAR szFntPreview[] = {'W','i','n','e','C','o','n','F','o','n','t','P','r','e','v','i','e','w',0};
    static const WCHAR szColorPreview[] = {'W','i','n','e','C','o','n','C','o','l','o','r','P','r','e','v','i','e','w',0};
    struct dialog_info	di;
    struct config_data  defcfg;
    struct config_data* refcfg;
    BOOL                save, modify_session;


    di.data = data;
    if (current)
        refcfg = &data->curcfg;
        save = FALSE;
        WINECON_RegLoad(NULL, refcfg = &defcfg);
        save = TRUE;
    di.config = *refcfg;
    di.nFont = 0;
    di.font = NULL;

    modify_session = FALSE;

    wndclass.style         = 0;
    wndclass.lpfnWndProc   = WCUSER_FontPreviewProc;
    wndclass.cbClsExtra    = 0;
    wndclass.cbWndExtra    = sizeof (DWORD_PTR); /* for hFont */
    wndclass.hInstance     = GetModuleHandle(NULL);
    wndclass.hIcon         = 0;
    wndclass.hCursor       = LoadCursor(0, IDC_ARROW);
    wndclass.hbrBackground = GetStockObject(BLACK_BRUSH);
    wndclass.lpszMenuName  = NULL;
    wndclass.lpszClassName = szFntPreview;

    wndclass.style         = 0;
    wndclass.lpfnWndProc   = WCUSER_ColorPreviewProc;
    wndclass.cbClsExtra    = 0;
    wndclass.cbWndExtra    = sizeof(DWORD);
    wndclass.hInstance     = GetModuleHandle(NULL);
    wndclass.hIcon         = 0;
    wndclass.hCursor       = LoadCursor(0, IDC_ARROW);
    wndclass.hbrBackground = GetStockObject(BLACK_BRUSH);
    wndclass.lpszMenuName  = NULL;
    wndclass.lpszClassName = szColorPreview;

    memset(&psp, 0, sizeof(psp));
    psp.dwSize = sizeof(psp);
    psp.dwFlags = 0;
    psp.hInstance = wndclass.hInstance;
    psp.lParam = (LPARAM)&di;

    psp.u.pszTemplate = MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_OPTION);
    psp.pfnDlgProc = WCUSER_OptionDlgProc;
    psPage[0] = CreatePropertySheetPage(&psp);

    psp.u.pszTemplate = MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_FONT);
    psp.pfnDlgProc = WCUSER_FontDlgProc;
    psPage[1] = CreatePropertySheetPage(&psp);

    psp.u.pszTemplate = MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_CONFIG);
    psp.pfnDlgProc = WCUSER_ConfigDlgProc;
    psPage[2] = CreatePropertySheetPage(&psp);

    memset(&psHead, 0, sizeof(psHead));
    psHead.dwSize = sizeof(psHead);

    if (!LoadString(GetModuleHandle(NULL),
                    (current) ? IDS_DLG_TIT_CURRENT : IDS_DLG_TIT_DEFAULT,
                    buff, sizeof(buff) / sizeof(buff[0])))
        buff[0] = 'S';
        buff[1] = 'e';
        buff[2] = 't';
        buff[3] = 'u';
        buff[4] = 'p';
        buff[5] = '\0';

    psHead.pszCaption = buff;
    psHead.nPages = 3;
    psHead.hwndParent = data->hWnd;
    psHead.u3.phpage = psPage;
    psHead.dwFlags = PSH_NOAPPLYNOW;

    WINECON_DumpConfig("init", refcfg);


    if (memcmp(refcfg, &di.config, sizeof(*refcfg)) == 0)
        return TRUE;

    WINECON_DumpConfig("ref", refcfg);
    WINECON_DumpConfig("cur", &di.config);
    if (refcfg == &data->curcfg)
        switch (DialogBox(GetModuleHandle(NULL), MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_SAVE_SETTINGS),
                          data->hWnd, WCUSER_SaveDlgProc))
        case IDC_SAV_SAVE:
            save = TRUE;
            modify_session = TRUE;
        case IDC_SAV_SESSION:
            modify_session = TRUE;
        case IDCANCEL:

    if (modify_session) WINECON_SetConfig(data, &di.config);
    if (save)           WINECON_RegSave(&di.config);

    return TRUE;