Ejemplo n.º 1
bool WRESaveSymbols( WRHashTable *table, char **file_name, bool prompt )
    char                *name;
    WREGetFileStruct    gf;
    bool                ok;

    if( table == NULL || file_name == NULL ) {
        return( FALSE );

    if( WRIsDefaultHashTable( table ) ) {
        return( TRUE );

    ok = true;
    WRESetStatusText( NULL, "", FALSE );

    if( prompt || *file_name == NULL ) {
        gf.file_name = *file_name;
        gf.title = WRESymSaveTitle;
        gf.filter = WRESymSaveFilter;
        gf.save_ext = FALSE;
        name = WREGetSaveFileName( &gf );
        ok = (name != NULL);
        if( ok ) {
            if( *file_name != NULL ) {
                WRMemFree( *file_name );
            *file_name = name;
    } else {
        name = *file_name;

    if( ok ) {
        ok = WRWriteSymbolsToFile( table, name );

    if( ok ) {
        WRMakeHashTableClean( table );


    return( ok );
Ejemplo n.º 2
static char *WRELoadSymbols( WRHashTable **table, char *file_name, bool prompt )
    char                *name;
    int                 c;
    unsigned            flags;
    char                *inc_path;
    WREGetFileStruct    gf;
    unsigned            pp_count;
    unsigned            busy_count;
    char                busy_str[2];
    bool                ret;
    bool                ok;

    name = NULL;

    ok = (table != NULL);

    if( ok ) {
        WRESetStatusText( NULL, "", FALSE );
        WRESetStatusByID( WRE_LOADINGSYMBOLS, -1 );

    if( ok ) {
        if( file_name == NULL || prompt ) {
            gf.file_name = file_name;
            gf.title = WRESymLoadTitle;
            gf.filter = WRESymSaveFilter;
            gf.save_ext = FALSE;
            name = WREGetOpenFileName( &gf );
        } else {
            name = WREStrDup( file_name );
        ok = (name != NULL);

    WRESetWaitCursor( TRUE );

    if( ok ) {
        inc_path = NULL;
        ret = setjmp( SymEnv );
        if( ret ) {
            WREDisplayErrorMsg( WRE_SYMOUTOFMEM );
            ok = false;

    if( ok ) {
        ok = !PP_Init( name, flags, inc_path );
        if( !ok ) {
            WREDisplayErrorMsg( WRE_NOLOADHEADERFILE );

    if( ok ) {
        pp_count = 0;
        busy_count = 0;
        busy_str[1] = '\0';
        do {
            c = PP_Char();
            if( pp_count == MAX_PP_CHARS ) {
                busy_str[0] = WREBusyChars[busy_count % 4];
                WRESetStatusText( NULL, busy_str, TRUE );
                pp_count = 0;
        } while( c != EOF );
        if( *table == NULL ) {
            *table = WRInitHashTable();
        WREAddSymbols( *table );
        WRMakeHashTableClean( *table );
        WRESetStatusText( NULL, " ", TRUE );

    if( !ok ) {
        if( name != NULL ) {
            WRMemFree( name );
            name = NULL;

    WRESetWaitCursor( FALSE );


    return( name );
Ejemplo n.º 3
bool WRECreateStatusLine( HWND main, HINSTANCE inst )
    RECT                rect;
    LOGFONT             lf;
    TEXTMETRIC          tm;
    HFONT               old_font;
    HDC                 dc;
    status_block_desc   sbd;
    char                *font_facename;
    char                *cp;
    int                 font_pointsize;
    bool                use_default;

    memset( &lf, 0, sizeof( LOGFONT ) );
    dc = GetDC( main );
    lf.lfWeight = FW_BOLD;
    use_default = true;

    font_facename = AllocRCString( WRE_STATUSFONT );
    if( font_facename != NULL ) {
        cp = (char *)_mbschr( (unsigned char const *)font_facename, '.' );
        if( cp != NULL ) {
            *cp = '\0';
            strcpy( lf.lfFaceName, font_facename );
            font_pointsize = atoi( cp );
            use_default = false;
        FreeRCString( font_facename );

    if( use_default ) {
        strcpy( lf.lfFaceName, STATUS_FONTFACENAME );
        font_pointsize = STATUS_FONTPOINTSIZE;

    lf.lfHeight = -MulDiv( font_pointsize, GetDeviceCaps( dc, LOGPIXELSY ), 72 );
    WREStatusFont = CreateFontIndirect( &lf );
    old_font = SelectObject( dc, WREStatusFont );
    GetTextMetrics( dc, &tm );
    SelectObject( dc, old_font );
    ReleaseDC( main, dc );

    GetClientRect( main, &rect );

    WREStatusDepth = tm.tmHeight + STATUS_LINE_PAD + VERT_BORDER * 2;
    rect.top = rect.bottom - WREStatusDepth;

    StatusWndInit( inst, WREStatusHookProc, 0, (HCURSOR)NULL );
    WREStatusBar = StatusWndStart();

    sbd.separator_width = STATUS_LINE_PAD;
    sbd.width = STATUS1_WIDTH;
    sbd.width_is_percent = FALSE;
    sbd.width_is_pixels = TRUE;

    StatusWndSetSeparators( WREStatusBar, 1, &sbd );

    WREStatusWindow = StatusWndCreate( WREStatusBar, main, &rect, inst, NULL );

    if( WREStatusWindow == NULL ) {
        WREDisplayErrorMsg( WRE_NOCREATESTATUS );
        return( false );

    /* set the text in the status window */

    GetWindowRect( WREStatusWindow, &rect );
    WREStatusDepth = rect.bottom - rect.top;

    return( true );