int init_zeromq_pool(struct zeromq_pool * zpool){
	WRITE_FMT_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "%p", zpool);
	if ( !zpool ) return ERR_BAD_ARG;
	int err = 0;

	/*create zmq context, it should be destroyed in zeromq_term; all opened sockets should be closed
	 *before finishing, either zmq_term will wait in internal loop for completion of all I/O requests*/
	zpool->context = zmq_init(1);
	if ( zpool->context ){
		/*allocated memory for array should be free at the zeromq_term */
		zpool->sockf_array = malloc(zpool->count_max * sizeof(struct sock_file_t));
		if ( zpool->sockf_array ) {
			memset(zpool->sockf_array, '\0', zpool->count_max*sizeof(struct sock_file_t));
			for (int i=0; i < zpool->count_max; i++)
				zpool->sockf_array[i].unused = 1;
			err = ERR_OK;
			/*no memory allocated
			 * This code section can't be covered by unit tests because it's not depends from zpool parameter;
			 * sockf_array member is completely setups internally*/
			WRITE_FMT_LOG(LOG_ERR, "%d bytes alloc error", (int)sizeof(struct sock_file_t));
			err = ERR_NO_MEMORY;
		/* This code section can't be covered by unit tests because it's not depends from zpool parameter;
		 * it's only can be produced as unexpected zeromq error*/
		WRITE_FMT_LOG(LOG_ERR, "zmq_init err %d, errno %d errtext %s\n", err, zmq_errno(), zmq_strerror(zmq_errno()));
		err = ERR_ERROR;
	return err;
Ejemplo n.º 2
/*i/o 2 files
 *READ  1x struct request_data_t
 *WRITE 1x char, reply
 *READ  1x char is_complete flag, if 0
 *WRITE 1x int, nodeid
 *READ  1x char, reply
 *WRITE 1x size_t, array_len
 *READ  1x char, reply
 *WRITE array_len x HistogramArrayItem, histograms array
 * @return 1-should receive again, 0-complete request - it should not be listen again*/
read_requests_write_detailed_histograms( int fdr, int fdw, int nodeid, const BigArrayPtr source_array, int array_len){
	int is_complete = 0;
	do {
		WRITE_FMT_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "Reading from file %d detailed histograms request\n", fdr );fflush(0);
		/*receive data needed to create histogram using step=1,
		actually requested histogram should contains array items range*/
		struct request_data_t received_histogram_request;
		read_channel(fdr, (char*) &received_histogram_request, sizeof(struct request_data_t) );
		read_channel(fdr, (char*) &is_complete, sizeof(is_complete) );

		int histogram_len = 0;
		//set to our offset, check it
		int offset = min(received_histogram_request.first_item_index, array_len-1 );
		int requested_length = received_histogram_request.last_item_index - received_histogram_request.first_item_index;
		requested_length = min( requested_length, array_len - offset );

		HistogramArrayPtr histogram = alloc_histogram_array_get_len( source_array, offset, requested_length, 1, &histogram_len );

		size_t sending_array_len = histogram_len;
		/*Response to request, entire reply contains requested detailed histogram*/
		write_channel(fdw, (const char*)&nodeid, sizeof(int) );
		write_channel(fdw, (const char*)&sending_array_len, sizeof(size_t) );
		write_channel(fdw, (const char*)histogram, histogram_len*sizeof(HistogramArrayItem) );
		free( histogram );
		WRITE_FMT_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "histograms wrote into file %d\n", fdw );
	return is_complete;
Ejemplo n.º 3
/*READ 1x struct packet_data_t {type EPACKET_SEQUENCE_REQUEST}
 *READ 1x struct request_data_t
 * @param dst_pid destination process should receive ranges*/
read_range_request( int fdr, struct request_data_t* sequence ){
	int len = 0;

	WRITE_FMT_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "reading range  request from %d (EPACKET_SEQUENCE_REQUEST)\n", fdr);
	struct packet_data_t t;
	read_channel( fdr, (char*)&t, sizeof(t) );
	WRITE_FMT_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "readed packet: type=%d, size=%d, src_node=%d\n", t.type, (int)t.size, t.src_nodeid );

		struct request_data_t *data = NULL;
		for ( int j=0; j < t.size; j++ ){
			data = &sequence[j];
			read_channel(fdr, (char*)data, sizeof(struct request_data_t));
			WRITE_FMT_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "recv range request %d %d %d\n", data->src_nodeid, data->first_item_index, data->last_item_index );
		WRITE_LOG(LOG_ERR,"channel_recv_sequences_request::packet Unknown\n");
	return len;
int close_sockf(struct zeromq_pool* zpool, struct sock_file_t *sockf){
	WRITE_FMT_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "%p, %p", zpool, sockf);
	int err = ERR_OK;
	if ( !zpool || !sockf ) return ERR_BAD_ARG;
	WRITE_FMT_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "fd=%d", sockf->fs_fd);
	int zmq_sock_is_used_twice = 0;
	for (int i=0; i < zpool->count_max; i++){
		if ( !zpool->sockf_array[i].unused && zpool->sockf_array[i].netw_socket == sockf->netw_socket )
	if ( zmq_sock_is_used_twice > 1 ){
		if ( sockf->tempbuf ){
			free(sockf->tempbuf->buf), sockf->tempbuf->buf=NULL;
			free(sockf->tempbuf), sockf->tempbuf = NULL;
		WRITE_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "dual direction zmq socket should be closed later");
	}else if( sockf->netw_socket ){
		WRITE_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "zmq socket closing...");
		int err = zmq_close( sockf->netw_socket );
		sockf->netw_socket = NULL;
		WRITE_FMT_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "zmq_close status err %d, errno %d, status %s\n", err, zmq_errno(), zmq_strerror(zmq_errno()));
	if ( ERR_OK == err )
		return remove_sockf_from_array_by_fd(zpool, sockf->fs_fd );
		return err;
ssize_t  write_sockf(struct sock_file_t *sockf, const char *buf, size_t size){
	int err = 0;
	ssize_t wrote = 0;
	WRITE_FMT_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "%p, %p, %d", sockf, buf, (int)size);
	if ( !sockf || !buf || !size || size==SIZE_MAX ) return 0;
	zmq_msg_t msg;
	err = zmq_msg_init_size (&msg, size);
	if ( err != 0 ){
		wrote = 0;
		WRITE_FMT_LOG(LOG_ERR, "zmq_msg_init_size err %d, errno %d, status %s\n", err, zmq_errno(), zmq_strerror(zmq_errno()));
		memcpy (zmq_msg_data (&msg), buf, size);
		WRITE_FMT_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "zmq_sending fd=%d buf %d bytes...", sockf->fs_fd, (int)size );
		err = zmq_send ( sockf->netw_socket, &msg, 0);
		if ( err != 0 ){
			WRITE_FMT_LOG(LOG_ERR, "zmq_send err %d, errno %d, status %s\n", err, zmq_errno(), zmq_strerror(zmq_errno()));
			wrote = 0; /*nothing sent*/
			wrote = size;
			WRITE_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "zmq_send ok");
		zmq_msg_close (&msg);
	__bytes_sent +=wrote;
	return wrote;
int zeromq_term(struct zeromq_pool* zpool){
	int err = ERR_OK;
	WRITE_FMT_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "%p", zpool);
	if ( !zpool ) return ERR_BAD_ARG;

	/*free array*/
	if ( zpool->sockf_array ){
		for ( int i=0; i < zpool->count_max; i++ ){
		free(zpool->sockf_array), zpool->sockf_array = NULL;

	/*destroy zmq context*/
	if (zpool->context){
		WRITE_LOG(LOG_ERR, "zmq_term trying...\n");fflush(0);
		int err= zmq_term(zpool->context);
		if ( err != 0 ){
			err = ERR_ERROR;
			WRITE_FMT_LOG(LOG_ERR, "zmq_term err %d, errno %d errtext %s\n", err, zmq_errno(), zmq_strerror(zmq_errno()));
			err= ERR_OK;
			zpool->context = NULL;
			WRITE_FMT_LOG(LOG_ERR, "zmq_term ok, sent %u ; recv %u bytes\n", __bytes_sent, __bytes_recv);
		WRITE_LOG(LOG_ERR, "context error NULL");
		err = ERR_ERROR;
	return err;
/*READ 1x struct packet_data_t {type EPACKET_SEQUENCE_REQUEST}
 *READ 1x struct request_data_t
 * @param dst_pid destination process should receive ranges*/
read_range_request( const char *readf, struct request_data_t* sequence ){
	int len = 0;
	int fdr = open(readf, O_RDONLY);

	WRITE_FMT_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "reading range  request from %s (EPACKET_SEQUENCE_REQUEST)", readf);
	int bytes;
	struct packet_data_t t;
	bytes=read( fdr, (char*)&t, sizeof(t) );
	WRITE_FMT_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "r packet_data_t bytes=%d", bytes);
	WRITE_FMT_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "readed packet: type=%d, size=%d, src_node=%d", t.type, (int)t.size, t.src_nodeid );

		struct request_data_t *data = NULL;
		for ( int j=0; j < t.size; j++ ){
			data = &sequence[j];
			bytes=read(fdr, data, sizeof(struct request_data_t));
			WRITE_FMT_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "r packet_data_t bytes=%d", bytes);
			WRITE_FMT_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "recv range request %d %d %d", data->src_nodeid, data->first_item_index, data->last_item_index );
		WRITE_LOG(LOG_ERR, "channel_recv_sequences_request::packet Unknown");
	return len;
Ejemplo n.º 8
Archivo: sort.c Proyecto: bortoq/zerovm
int test_sort_result( const BigArrayPtr unsorted, const BigArrayPtr sorted, int len ){
	uint32_t unsorted_crc = 0;
	uint32_t sorted_crc = 0;
	uint32_t initial;
	if ( len >=1 ){
		initial = sorted[0];
		unsorted_crc = (unsorted_crc+unsorted[0]% CRC_ATOM) % CRC_ATOM;
		sorted_crc = (sorted_crc+sorted[0]% CRC_ATOM) % CRC_ATOM;
	else return 1;
	for ( int i=1; i < len; i++ ){
		unsorted_crc = (unsorted_crc+unsorted[i]% CRC_ATOM) % CRC_ATOM;
		sorted_crc = (sorted_crc+sorted[i]% CRC_ATOM) % CRC_ATOM;

		if ( initial > sorted[i] ){
			WRITE_FMT_LOG(LOG_UI, "initial %u > sorted[i] %u", initial, sorted[i]);
			return 0;
		else initial = sorted[i];

	//crc test
	if ( unsorted_crc != sorted_crc ){
		WRITE_FMT_LOG(LOG_UI, "CRC_FAILED %u %u", unsorted_crc, sorted_crc);
		return 0;
	return 1;
int main(int argc, char *argv[]){
	struct file_records_t file_records;
	if ( argc > 2 ){
		char logname[50];
		sprintf(logname, "%s%s%s.log", CLIENT_LOG, DEST, argv[2]);
		OPEN_LOG(logname, DEST, atoi(argv[2]));
		file_records.vfs_path = argv[1];
		int err = get_all_files_from_dbtable(DB_PATH, DEST, &file_records);
		if ( err != 0 ) return 1;
		printf("usage: 1st arg: should be path to VFS folder, 2nd: unique node integer id\n");fflush(0);
		return 1;

	int nodeid = atoi(argv[2]);
	WRITE_FMT_LOG(LOG_UI, "[%d] Destination node started", nodeid);

	BigArrayPtr unsorted_array = NULL;
	BigArrayPtr sorted_array = NULL;

	unsorted_array = malloc( ARRAY_ITEMS_COUNT*sizeof(BigArrayItem) );

	struct file_record_t* ranges_r_record = match_file_record_by_fd( &file_records, DEST_FD_READ_SORTED_RANGES_REP);
	struct file_record_t* ranges_w_record = match_file_record_by_fd( &file_records, DEST_FD_WRITE_SORTED_RANGES_REP);
	repreq_read_sorted_ranges( ranges_r_record->fpath, ranges_w_record->fpath, nodeid,
			unsorted_array, ARRAY_ITEMS_COUNT, SRC_NODES_COUNT );

	sorted_array = alloc_merge_sort( unsorted_array, ARRAY_ITEMS_COUNT );

	/*save sorted array to output file*/
	char outputfile[100];
	memset(outputfile, '\0', 100);
	sprintf(outputfile, DEST_FILE_FMT, nodeid );
	int destfd = open(outputfile, O_WRONLY|O_CREAT);
	if ( destfd >= 0 ){
		const size_t data_size = sizeof(BigArrayItem)*ARRAY_ITEMS_COUNT;
		if ( sorted_array ){
			const ssize_t wrote = write(destfd, sorted_array, data_size);
			assert(wrote == data_size );

	struct file_record_t* results_w_record = match_file_record_by_fd( &file_records, DEST_FD_WRITE_SORT_RESULT);
	write_sort_result( results_w_record->fpath, nodeid, sorted_array, ARRAY_ITEMS_COUNT );

	WRITE_FMT_LOG(LOG_UI, "[%d] Destination node complete", nodeid);
int close_all_comm_files(struct zeromq_pool* zpool){
	WRITE_FMT_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "%p", zpool);
	int err = ERR_OK;
	for (int i=0; i < zpool->count_max; i++){
		if ( !zpool->sockf_array[i].unused )
		err = close_sockf(zpool, sockf_by_fd(zpool, zpool->sockf_array[i].fs_fd));
		if ( ERR_OK != err ){
			WRITE_FMT_LOG(LOG_ERR, "fd=%d, error=%d", zpool->sockf_array[i].fs_fd, err);
			return err;
	return err;
/*i/o 2 files
 *READ  1x struct request_data_t
 *WRITE 1x char, reply
 *READ  1x char is_complete flag, if 0
 *WRITE 1x int, nodeid
 *READ  1x char, reply
 *WRITE 1x size_t, array_len
 *READ  1x char, reply
 *WRITE array_len x HistogramArrayItem, histograms array
 * @return 1-should receive again, 0-complete request - it should not be listen again*/
read_requests_write_detailed_histograms( const char* readf, const char* writef, int nodeid,
		const BigArrayPtr source_array, int array_len){
	int fdr = open(readf, O_RDONLY);
	int fdw = open(writef, O_WRONLY);

	int is_complete = 0;
	char reply;
	do {
		WRITE_FMT_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "Reading from file %s detailed histograms request", readf );fflush(0);
		/*receive data needed to create histogram using step=1,
		actually requested histogram should contains array items range*/
		struct request_data_t received_histogram_request;
		int bytes;
		bytes = read(fdr, (char*) &received_histogram_request, sizeof(received_histogram_request) );
		WRITE_FMT_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "r request_data_t bytes=%d", bytes);
		bytes = write(fdw, &reply, 1);
		WRITE_FMT_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "w reply bytes=%d", bytes);
		bytes = read(fdr, (char*) &is_complete, sizeof(is_complete) );
		WRITE_FMT_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "r is_complete bytes=%d", bytes);

		int histogram_len = 0;
		//set to our offset, check it
		int offset = min(received_histogram_request.first_item_index, array_len-1 );
		int requested_length = received_histogram_request.last_item_index - received_histogram_request.first_item_index;
		requested_length = min( requested_length, array_len - offset );

		HistogramArrayPtr histogram = alloc_histogram_array_get_len( source_array, offset, requested_length, 1, &histogram_len );

		size_t sending_array_len = histogram_len;
		/*Response to request, entire reply contains requested detailed histogram*/
		bytes=write(fdw, &nodeid, sizeof(int) );
		WRITE_FMT_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "w node_id bytes=%d", bytes);
		bytes=read(fdr, &reply, 1);
		WRITE_FMT_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "r reply bytes=%d", bytes);
		bytes=write(fdw, &sending_array_len, sizeof(size_t) );
		WRITE_FMT_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "w sending_array_len bytes=%d", bytes);
		bytes=read(fdr, &reply, 1);
		WRITE_FMT_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "r reply bytes=%d", bytes);
		bytes=write(fdw, histogram, histogram_len*sizeof(HistogramArrayItem) );
		WRITE_FMT_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "r array histogram_len bytes=%d", bytes);
		free( histogram );
		WRITE_FMT_LOG(LOG_DETAILED_UI, "histograms wrote into file %s", writef );

	return is_complete;
int open_all_comm_files(struct zeromq_pool* zpool, struct db_records_t *db_records){
	WRITE_FMT_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "%p, %p", zpool, db_records);
	int err = ERR_OK;
	for (int i=0; i < db_records->count; i++){
		if ( EFILE_MSQ == db_records->array[i].ftype ){
			struct db_record_t *record = &db_records->array[i];
			if ( !open_sockf(zpool, db_records, record->fd) ){
				WRITE_FMT_LOG(LOG_ERR, "fd=%d, error NULL sockf", db_records->array[i].fd);
				return ERR_ERROR;
	return err;
int add_sockf_copy_to_array(struct zeromq_pool* zpool, struct sock_file_t* sockf){
	WRITE_FMT_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "%p, %p", zpool, sockf);
	int err = ERR_OK;
	if ( !zpool || !sockf ) return ERR_BAD_ARG;
	if ( !zpool->sockf_array) return ERR_BAD_ARG;
	if( sockf_by_fd(zpool, sockf->fs_fd) ) return ERR_ALREADY_EXIST;

	struct sock_file_t* sockf_add = NULL;
		/*search unused array cell*/
		for (int i=0; i < zpool->count_max; i++)
			if ( zpool->sockf_array[i].unused ){
				sockf_add = &zpool->sockf_array[i];
		/*extend array if not found unused cell*/
		if ( !sockf_add ){
			zpool->sockf_array = realloc(zpool->sockf_array, zpool->count_max * sizeof(struct sock_file_t));
			if ( zpool->sockf_array ){
				for (int i=zpool->count_max-ESOCKF_ARRAY_GRANULARITY; i < zpool->count_max; i++)
					zpool->sockf_array[i].unused = 1;
				/*no memory re allocated
				 * This code section can't be covered by unit tests because it's system error*/
				err = ERR_ERROR;
				WRITE_LOG(LOG_ERR, "sockf_array realloc mem failed");
	}while(!sockf_add || ERR_OK!=err);
	*sockf_add = *sockf;
	sockf_add->unused = 0;
	return err;
struct sock_file_t* get_dual_sockf(struct zeromq_pool* zpool, struct db_records_t *db_records, int fd){
	WRITE_FMT_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "%p, %p", zpool, db_records);
	/*search existing dual direction socket*/
	struct sock_file_t *dual_sockf = NULL;
	struct db_record_t* record1 = NULL;
	struct db_record_t* record2 = NULL;
	struct db_record_t* db_record = match_db_record_by_fd( db_records, fd);
	if ( !db_record ) return NULL; /*no records found, can be illegal using */

	/*Dual direction socket has identical socket params but fmode read / write mode is different*/
	for ( int i=0; i < db_records->count; i++ ){
		if ( !strcmp(db_records->array[i].endpoint, db_record->endpoint ) &&
				db_records->array[i].method == db_record->method &&
				db_records->array[i].sock == db_record->sock ){
			if ( db_records->array[i].fmode == 'r' )
				record1 = &db_records->array[i];
			if ( db_records->array[i].fmode == 'w' )
				record2 = &db_records->array[i];
	/*If requested fd should be use dual direction socket*/
	if ( record1 && record2 ){
		struct sock_file_t *sockf1 = sockf_by_fd(zpool, record1->fd );
		struct sock_file_t *sockf2 = sockf_by_fd(zpool, record2->fd );
		/*if found socket then use exiting zeromq socket*/
		if ( sockf1 )
			dual_sockf = sockf1;
		else if ( sockf2 )
			dual_sockf = sockf2;
	return dual_sockf;
Ejemplo n.º 15
Archivo: sort.c Proyecto: bortoq/zerovm
/**@param global_array_index is used to save result to correct place*/
		const BigArrayPtr left_array, int left_array_len,
		const BigArrayPtr right_array, int right_array_len ){
	BigArrayPtr larray = left_array;
	BigArrayPtr rarray = right_array;
	BigArrayPtr result = malloc( sizeof(BigArrayItem) *(left_array_len+right_array_len));
	if ( !result ){
		WRITE_FMT_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "NULL pointer, for len=%d\n", left_array_len+right_array_len );
		return NULL;
	int current_result_index = 0;
	while ( left_array_len > 0 && right_array_len > 0 ){
		if ( larray[0] <= rarray[0]  ){
			result[current_result_index++] = larray[0];
			result[current_result_index++] = rarray[0];

	//copy last item
	if ( left_array_len > 0 ){
		copy_array( result+current_result_index, larray, left_array_len );
	if ( right_array_len > 0 ){
		copy_array( result+current_result_index, rarray, right_array_len );

	return result;
Ejemplo n.º 16
/*reading data
 * 1x struct packet_data_t (packet type, size of array)
 *writing data
 * 1x char, reply
 *reading data
 * packet_data_t::size x BigArrayItem (sorted part of array)
 *writing data
 * 1x char, reply
 * */
repreq_read_sorted_ranges( struct ChannelsConfigInterface *chan_if, BigArrayPtr dst_array, int dst_array_len )
    int *src_nodes_list = NULL;
    int src_nodes_count = chan_if->GetNodesListByType( chan_if, ESourceNode, &src_nodes_list );

	BigArrayPtr merge_array = calloc(sizeof(BigArrayItem), dst_array_len);
	int recv_bytes_count = 0;
	for (int i=0; i < src_nodes_count; i++)
	    struct UserChannel *channel = chan_if->Channel(chan_if, ESourceNode, src_nodes_list[i], EChannelModeRead);

		WRITE_FMT_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "repreq_read_sorted_ranges #%d\n", i);
		struct packet_data_t t;
		read_channel( channel->fd, (char*)&t, sizeof(t) );
		if (EPACKET_RANGE != t.type ){
			WRITE_FMT_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "assert t.type=%d %d(EPACKET_RANGE)\n", t.type, EPACKET_RANGE);
		/* 1. Copy to merge array first chunk
		 * 2. Copy to merge array next chunk, starting from next item from first chunk
		 * 3. Merge both chunks and write merged result into dst_array
		 * */
		int count_items_part1 = t.size/sizeof(BigArrayItem);
		int count_items_part2 = recv_bytes_count/sizeof(BigArrayItem);

		read_channel( channel->fd, (char*)&merge_array[count_items_part2], t.size );
		/*if both chunks recevied*/
		if ( count_items_part2 != 0 ){
			/*merge both chunks*/
			dst_array = merge( dst_array, merge_array, count_items_part2,
					&merge_array[count_items_part2], count_items_part1 );
			strncpy((char*)dst_array, (const char*)merge_array, t.size );
		read_channel( channel->fd, (char*)&dst_array[recv_bytes_count/sizeof(BigArrayItem)], t.size );
		recv_bytes_count += t.size;
	WRITE_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "channel_receive_sorted_ranges OK\n" );
/*writing data
 *WRITE 1x uint32_t, crc*/
write_crc(const char *writef, uint32_t crc ){
	int fdw = open(writef, O_WRONLY);
	int bytes = 0;
	bytes = write(fdw, &crc, sizeof(crc) );
	WRITE_FMT_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "w crc bytes=%d", bytes);
Ejemplo n.º 18
 *WRITE 1x struct packet_data_t [EPACKET_RANGE]
 *WRITE array_len x BigArrayItem, array*/
write_sorted_ranges( int fdw, const struct request_data_t* sequence, const BigArrayPtr src_array ){
	const int array_len = sequence->last_item_index - sequence->first_item_index + 1;
	const BigArrayPtr array = src_array+sequence->first_item_index;
	WRITE_FMT_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "Sending array_len=%d; min=%u, max=%u\n", array_len, array[0], array[array_len-1]);

	/*write header*/
	struct packet_data_t t;
	t.size = array_len*sizeof(BigArrayItem);
	t.type = EPACKET_RANGE;
	WRITE_FMT_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "writing to %d: size=%d, type=%d (EPACKET_RANGE)\n", fdw, (int)t.size, t.type );
	WRITE_FMT_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "sizeof(struct packet_data_t)=%d\n", (int)sizeof(struct packet_data_t));

	write_channel(fdw, (const char*) &t, sizeof(struct packet_data_t));
	write_channel(fdw, (const char*) array, t.size);
	write_channel(fdw, (const char*) "1", 1); //send at last small data
	WRITE_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "Reply from receiver OK;\n");
Ejemplo n.º 19
int zmain(int argc, char **argv){
    /* argv[0] is node name
     * expecting in format : "name-%d",
     * format for single node without decimal id: "name" */
    WRITE_FMT_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "Source node started argv[0]=%s\n", argv[0] );
    if ( argc < 2 ){
	WRITE_LOG(LOG_ERR, "argv[1] is expected, items count need to be passed.\n" );
	return -1;
    set_items_count_to_sortjob( atoi(argv[1]) );

    int ownnodeid= -1;
    int extracted_name_len=0;
    int res =0;

    /*get node type names via environnment*/
    char *source_node_type_text = getenv(ENV_SOURCE_NODE_NAME);
    char *dest_node_type_text = getenv(ENV_DEST_NODE_NAME);
    char *man_node_type_text = getenv(ENV_MAN_NODE_NAME);

    ownnodeid = ExtractNodeNameId( argv[0], &extracted_name_len );
    /*nodename should be the same we got via environment and extracted from argv[0]*/
    assert( !strncmp(source_node_type_text, argv[0], extracted_name_len ) );
    if ( ownnodeid == -1 ) ownnodeid=1; /*node id not specified for single node by default assign nodeid=1*/

    /*setup channels conf, now used static data but should be replaced by data from zrt*/
    struct ChannelsConfigInterface chan_if;
    SetupChannelsConfigInterface( &chan_if, ownnodeid, ESourceNode );

     Add channels configuration into config object */
    res = AddAllChannelsRelatedToNodeTypeFromDir( &chan_if, IN_DIR, EChannelModeRead, EManagerNode, man_node_type_text );
    assert( res == 0 );
    res = AddAllChannelsRelatedToNodeTypeFromDir( &chan_if, IN_DIR, EChannelModeRead, EDestinationNode, dest_node_type_text );
    assert( res == 0 );
    res = AddAllChannelsRelatedToNodeTypeFromDir( &chan_if, OUT_DIR, EChannelModeWrite, EManagerNode, man_node_type_text );
    assert( res == 0 );
    res = AddAllChannelsRelatedToNodeTypeFromDir( &chan_if, OUT_DIR, EChannelModeWrite, EDestinationNode, dest_node_type_text );
    assert( res == 0 );
    /*add input channel into config*/
    res = chan_if.AddChannel( &chan_if, EInputOutputNode, 1, STDIN, EChannelModeRead ) != NULL? 0: -1;
    assert( res == 0 );

    res = start_node(&chan_if, ownnodeid);

    return res;
Ejemplo n.º 20
/*writing data:
 * 1x struct sort_result*/
write_sort_result( int fdw, int nodeid, BigArrayPtr sorted_array, int len ){
	if ( !len ) return;
	uint32_t sorted_crc = array_crc( sorted_array, ARRAY_ITEMS_COUNT );
	WRITE_FMT_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "[%d] send_sort_result: min=%u, max=%u, crc=%u\n",
			nodeid, sorted_array[0], sorted_array[len-1], sorted_crc );
	struct sort_result result;
	result.nodeid = nodeid;
	result.min = sorted_array[0];
	result.max = sorted_array[len-1];
	result.crc = sorted_crc;
	write_channel(fdw, (const char*)&result, sizeof(result));
int remove_sockf_from_array_by_fd(struct zeromq_pool* zpool, int fd){
	WRITE_FMT_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "%p", zpool);
	if ( !zpool ) return ERR_BAD_ARG;
	if ( !zpool->sockf_array ) return ERR_BAD_ARG;
	int err = ERR_NOT_FOUND;
	for (int i=0; i < zpool->count_max; i++)
		if ( zpool->sockf_array[i].fs_fd == fd){
			zpool->sockf_array[i].unused = 1;
			err = ERR_OK;
	return err;
/*writing data
 * 1x struct packet_data_t[EPACKET_HISTOGRAM]
 * array_len x HistogramArrayItem*/
write_histogram( const char *writef, const struct Histogram *histogram ){
	size_t array_size = sizeof(HistogramArrayItem)*(histogram->array_len);
	struct packet_data_t t;
	t.src_nodeid = histogram->src_nodeid;
	t.size = array_size;
	WRITE_FMT_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "size=%d, type=%d, src_nodeid=%d", (int)t.size, t.type, t.src_nodeid);

	int fdw = open(writef, O_WRONLY);
	int bytes = 0;
	size_t buf_size = sizeof(t)+array_size;
	/*writing to pipeline whole packet*/
	char *buffer = malloc(buf_size);
	memset(buffer, '\0', buf_size );
	memcpy(buffer, &t, sizeof(t));
	bytes = sizeof(t);
	memcpy(buffer+bytes, histogram->array, array_size);
	bytes = write(fdw, buffer, buf_size);
	WRITE_FMT_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "w array bytes=%d", bytes);
Ejemplo n.º 23
/*writing data
 * 1x struct packet_data_t[EPACKET_HISTOGRAM]
 * array_len x HistogramArrayItem*/
write_histogram( int fdw, const struct Histogram *histogram ){
	size_t array_size = sizeof(HistogramArrayItem)*(histogram->array_len);
	struct packet_data_t t;
	t.src_nodeid = histogram->src_nodeid;
	t.size = array_size;
	WRITE_FMT_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "write histogram: fd=%d, size=%d, type=%d, src_nodeid=%d\n", fdw,
			(int)t.size, t.type, t.src_nodeid);

	/*writing to pipeline whole packet*/
	write_channel(fdw, (const char*)&t, sizeof(t));
	write_channel(fdw, (const char*)histogram->array, array_size);
	WRITE_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "write histogram OK\n");
int main(int argc, char *argv[]){
	struct file_records_t file_records;
	int sourcefd = -1;
	if ( argc > 2 ){
		char logname[50];
		sprintf(logname, "%s%s%s.log", CLIENT_LOG, SOURCE, argv[2]);
		OPEN_LOG(logname, SOURCE, atoi(argv[2]));
		file_records.vfs_path = argv[1];
		int err = get_all_files_from_dbtable(DB_PATH, SOURCE, &file_records);
		WRITE_FMT_LOG(LOG_ERR, "get_all_files_from_dbtable err=%d", err);
		if ( err != 0 ) return 1;
		printf("usage: 1st arg: should be path to VFS folder, 2nd: unique node integer id\n");fflush(0);
		return 1;

	int nodeid = atoi(argv[2]);

	BigArrayPtr unsorted_array = NULL;
	BigArrayPtr partially_sorted_array = NULL;
	/*get unsorted data*/
	char inputfile[100];
	memset(inputfile, '\0', 100);
	sprintf(inputfile, SOURCE_FILE_FMT, nodeid );
	sourcefd = open(inputfile, O_RDONLY);
	if ( sourcefd >= 0 ){
		const size_t data_size = sizeof(BigArrayItem)*ARRAY_ITEMS_COUNT;
		unsorted_array = malloc( data_size );
		if ( unsorted_array ){
			const ssize_t readed = read(sourcefd, unsorted_array, data_size);
			assert(readed == data_size );
		WRITE_FMT_LOG(LOG_ERR, "Can not open input file %s", inputfile);

	/*sort data locally*/
	partially_sorted_array = alloc_merge_sort( unsorted_array, ARRAY_ITEMS_COUNT );

	//if first part of sorting in single thread are completed
	if ( test_sort_result( unsorted_array, partially_sorted_array, ARRAY_ITEMS_COUNT ) ){
			WRITE_FMT_LOG(LOG_UI, "Single process sorting complete min=%u, max=%u: TEST OK.\n",
					partially_sorted_array[0], partially_sorted_array[ARRAY_ITEMS_COUNT-1] );

		/*send crc of sorted array to the manager node*/
		uint32_t crc = array_crc( partially_sorted_array, ARRAY_ITEMS_COUNT );
		WRITE_FMT_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "crc=%u", crc);
		struct file_record_t* write_crc_r = match_file_record_by_fd( &file_records, SOURCE_FD_WRITE_CRC);
		write_crc( write_crc_r->fpath, crc );
		WRITE_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "crc wrote");
		/*send of crc complete*/

		int histogram_len = 0;
		HistogramArrayPtr histogram_array = alloc_histogram_array_get_len(
				partially_sorted_array, 0, ARRAY_ITEMS_COUNT, 1000, &histogram_len );

		struct Histogram single_histogram;
		single_histogram.src_nodeid = nodeid;
		single_histogram.array_len = histogram_len;
		single_histogram.array = histogram_array;
		//send histogram to manager

		struct file_record_t* write_hist_r = match_file_record_by_fd( &file_records, SOURCE_FD_WRITE_HISTOGRAM);
		write_histogram( write_hist_r->fpath, &single_histogram );

		struct file_record_t* read_dhist_req_r = match_file_record_by_fd( &file_records, SOURCE_FD_READ_D_HISTOGRAM_REQ);
		struct file_record_t* write_dhist_req_r = match_file_record_by_fd( &file_records, SOURCE_FD_WRITE_D_HISTOGRAM_REQ);
		read_requests_write_detailed_histograms( read_dhist_req_r->fpath, write_dhist_req_r->fpath, nodeid,
			partially_sorted_array, ARRAY_ITEMS_COUNT );

		WRITE_LOG(LOG_DETAILED_UI, "\n!!!!!!!Histograms Sending complete!!!!!!.\n");

		struct request_data_t req_data_array[SRC_NODES_COUNT];
		init_request_data_array( req_data_array, SRC_NODES_COUNT);
		struct file_record_t* read_sequnce_req_r = match_file_record_by_fd( &file_records, SOURCE_FD_READ_SEQUENCES_REQ);
		read_range_request( read_sequnce_req_r->fpath, req_data_array );

		for ( int i=0; i < SRC_NODES_COUNT; i++ ){
			int dst_nodeid = req_data_array[i].dst_nodeid;
			int dst_write_fd = dst_nodeid - FIRST_DEST_NODEID + SOURCE_FD_WRITE_SORTED_RANGES_REQ;
			int dst_read_fd = dst_nodeid - FIRST_DEST_NODEID + SOURCE_FD_READ_SORTED_RANGES_REQ;
			WRITE_FMT_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "write_sorted_ranges fdw=%d, fdr=%d", dst_write_fd, dst_read_fd );

			struct file_record_t* write_ranges_req_r = match_file_record_by_fd( &file_records, dst_write_fd);
			struct file_record_t* read_ranges_req_r = match_file_record_by_fd( &file_records, dst_read_fd);

			WRITE_FMT_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "req_data_array[i].dst_nodeid=%d", req_data_array[i].dst_nodeid );
			write_sorted_ranges( write_ranges_req_r->fpath, read_ranges_req_r->fpath,
					&req_data_array[i], partially_sorted_array );

		WRITE_FMT_LOG(LOG_DETAILED_UI, "[%d]Sending Ranges Complete-OK", nodeid);

		WRITE_LOG(LOG_UI, "Single process sorting failed: TEST FAILED.\n");
ssize_t read_sockf(struct sock_file_t *sockf, char *buf, size_t count){
	WRITE_FMT_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "%p, %p, %d", sockf, buf, (int)count);
	if ( !sockf || !buf || !count || count==SIZE_MAX ) return 0;
	/*use sockf->tempbuf to save received results if user received more data than can be write into buf
	 * Data from temp buf should be readed at next call of read*/
	int bytes_read = 0;
	WRITE_FMT_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "count=%d", (int)count);
	if ( sockf->tempbuf && sockf->tempbuf->buf ){
		WRITE_FMT_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "read from tempbuf, size=%d, pos=%d", (int)sockf->tempbuf->size, sockf->tempbuf->pos  );
		/*how much of data can be copied, but not more than requested*/
		bytes_read = min( sockf->tempbuf->size-sockf->tempbuf->pos, count );
		/*copy to buf param from temp buffer starting from current pos*/
		memcpy (buf, sockf->tempbuf->buf+sockf->tempbuf->pos, bytes_read);
		/*update temp buf pos, increase for amount bytes read*/
		sockf->tempbuf->pos += bytes_read;
		/*temp buf completely readed*/
		if ( sockf->tempbuf->size <= sockf->tempbuf->pos ){
			free( sockf->tempbuf->buf ), sockf->tempbuf->buf = NULL;
			free( sockf->tempbuf ), sockf->tempbuf = NULL;
			if ( bytes_read < count ){
				/*rest of data should be readed from zmq socket*/
				count = count-bytes_read;
				buf = buf+bytes_read; /*set new offset just after wrote data*/
				__bytes_recv += bytes_read;
				return bytes_read;
			__bytes_recv += bytes_read;
			return bytes_read;
	int bytes = 0;
	if ( sockf->netw_socket ){
			zmq_msg_t msg;
			zmq_msg_init (&msg);
			WRITE_FMT_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "zmq_recv fd=%d, %d bytes...", sockf->fs_fd, (int)count);
			int err = zmq_recv ( sockf->netw_socket, &msg, 0);
			if ( 0 != err ){
				/*read error*/
				WRITE_FMT_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "zmq_recv err %d, errno %d, status %s", err, zmq_errno(), zmq_strerror(zmq_errno()) );
				return 0;
			/*read ok*/
			size_t msg_size = zmq_msg_size (&msg);
			WRITE_FMT_LOG(LOG_ERR, "zmq_recv %d bytes ok\n", (int)msg_size);
			bytes = min( msg_size, count );
			void *recv_data = zmq_msg_data (&msg);
			memcpy (buf, recv_data, bytes);
			//if readed data less than received data, then store rest in tempbuf
			if ( bytes < msg_size ){
				sockf->tempbuf = malloc( sizeof(struct tempbuf_t) );
				/*initialization of all tempbuf members*/
				sockf->tempbuf->buf = malloc( msg_size-bytes );
				memset(sockf->tempbuf->buf, '\0', msg_size-bytes);
				memcpy( sockf->tempbuf->buf, recv_data+bytes, msg_size-bytes );
				sockf->tempbuf->size = msg_size-bytes;
		}while(bytes_read+bytes < count);
	__bytes_recv += bytes_read+bytes;
	return bytes_read+bytes;
struct sock_file_t* open_sockf(struct zeromq_pool* zpool, struct db_records_t *db_records, int fd){
	WRITE_FMT_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "%p, %p, %d", zpool, db_records, fd);
	if (!zpool || !db_records) return NULL;

	struct sock_file_t *sockf = sockf_by_fd(zpool, fd );
	if ( sockf ) {
		/*file with predefined descriptor already opened, just return socket*/
		WRITE_FMT_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "Existing socket: Trying to open twice? %d", sockf->fs_fd);
		return sockf;

	/* Trying to open new msq file because socket asociated with file descriptor is not found,
	 * trying to open socket in normal way, first search socket data associated with file descriptor
	 * in channels DB; From found db_record retrieve socket details data and start sockf opening flow;
	 * Flow1: For non existing, non dual socket add new socket record and next create&init zmq network socket;
	 * Flow2: For file descriptor with existing associated dual direction socket, add new socket record into
	 * array of sockets, but use already existing zmq networking socket for both 'r','w' descriptors;*/
	struct db_record_t* db_record = match_db_record_by_fd( db_records, fd);
	if ( db_record ){
		/*create new socket record {sock_file_t}*/
		sockf = malloc( sizeof(struct sock_file_t) );
		if ( !sockf ){
			/*no memory allocated
			 * This code section can't be covered by unit tests because it's not depends from input params*/
			WRITE_LOG(LOG_ERR, "sockf malloc NULL");
			memset(sockf, '\0', sizeof(struct sock_file_t));
			sockf->fs_fd = db_record->fd;
			sockf->sock_type = db_record->sock;
			sockf->tempbuf = NULL;

			/*search existing dual direction socket should be only one zeromq socket for two files with
			 * the same endpoint (it's a trick for dual direction sockets)*/
			struct sock_file_t* dual_sockf = get_dual_sockf(zpool, db_records, fd);
			if ( dual_sockf ){
				/*Flow2: dual direction socket, use existing zmq network socket*/
				WRITE_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "use dual socket");
				sockf->netw_socket = dual_sockf->netw_socket;
				/*Flow1: init zmq network socket in normal way*/
				WRITE_FMT_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "open socket: %s, sock type %d\n", db_record->endpoint, db_record->sock);
				sockf->netw_socket = zmq_socket( zpool->context, db_record->sock );
				if ( !sockf->netw_socket ){
					WRITE_LOG(LOG_ERR, "zmq_socket return NULL");
					free(sockf), sockf=NULL;
					int err = ERR_OK;
					case EMETHOD_BIND:
						WRITE_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "open socket: bind");
						err= zmq_bind(sockf->netw_socket, db_record->endpoint);
						WRITE_FMT_LOG(LOG_ERR, "zmq_bind status err %d, errno %d, status %s\n", err, zmq_errno(), zmq_strerror(zmq_errno()));
						WRITE_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "open socket: connect");
						err = zmq_connect(sockf->netw_socket, db_record->endpoint);
						WRITE_FMT_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "zmq_connect status err %d, errno %d, status %s\n", err, zmq_errno(), zmq_strerror(zmq_errno()));
						WRITE_LOG(LOG_ERR, "open socket: undefined sock method");
						err = ERR_ERROR;

					if ( err != ERR_OK ){
						WRITE_LOG(LOG_ERR, "close opened socket, free sockf, because connect|bind failed");
						zmq_close( sockf->netw_socket );
						free(sockf), sockf = NULL;
			if ( sockf ){
				int err = add_sockf_copy_to_array(zpool, sockf);
				if ( ERR_OK != err ){
					/* This code section can't be covered by unit tests because it's system relative error
					 * and additionaly function check ERR_ALREADY_EXIST case and return it*/
					WRITE_FMT_LOG(LOG_ERR, "add_sockf_copy_to_array %d", err);
					/*if socket opened and used by another sockf, then do not close it*/
					if ( !dual_sockf ){
	return sockf;
Ejemplo n.º 27
int start_node(  struct ChannelsConfigInterface *chan_if, int nodeid ){
    BigArrayPtr sorted_array = NULL;
    const size_t data_size = sizeof(BigArrayItem)*ARRAY_ITEMS_COUNT;

    /*If can use bitonic sort*/
    if ( test_sse41_CPU() ){
        WRITE_LOG(LOG_ERR, "allocate bitonic sort memories\n");
        /*we needed an extra buf to use with bitonic sort*/
        BigArrayPtr extra_buf = NULL;

        /*allocated memory should be aligned*/
        extra_buf = aligned_malloc(data_size, SSE2_ALIGNMENT);
        if ( !extra_buf ) {
            WRITE_LOG(LOG_ERR, "Can't allocate memories\n");
        sorted_array = aligned_malloc(data_size, SSE2_ALIGNMENT);
        if (!sorted_array) {
            WRITE_LOG(LOG_ERR, "Can't allocate memories\n");
        /*Read source data from STDIN*/
        struct UserChannel *channel = chan_if->Channel(chan_if, EInputOutputNode, 1, EChannelModeRead );
        const ssize_t readed = read( channel->fd, (void*)sorted_array, data_size);
        WRITE_FMT_LOG(LOG_ERR, "readed input file, expected size=%d, read size=%d\n", data_size, readed);
        assert(readed == data_size );
        WRITE_LOG(LOG_DETAILED_UI, "Start bitonic sorting\n");
        bitonic_sort_chunked((float*)sorted_array, ARRAY_ITEMS_COUNT, (float*)extra_buf, DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE);
        WRITE_LOG(LOG_DETAILED_UI, "Bitonic sorting complete\n");
    /*If can't use bitonic  - then use c qsort*/
        WRITE_LOG(LOG_ERR, "qsort will used\n");
        BigArrayPtr unsorted_array = NULL;
        unsorted_array = malloc( data_size );
        if ( !unsorted_array ) {
            WRITE_LOG(LOG_ERR, "Can't allocate memories\n");
        if ( unsorted_array ){
            /*Read source data from STDIN*/
            const ssize_t readed = read( STDIN, (void*)unsorted_array, data_size);
            WRITE_FMT_LOG(LOG_ERR, "readed input file, expected size=%d, read size=%d\n", data_size, readed);
            assert(readed == data_size );
        WRITE_LOG(LOG_DETAILED_UI, "Start qsort sorting\n");
        sorted_array = alloc_copy_array( unsorted_array, ARRAY_ITEMS_COUNT );
        qsort( sorted_array, ARRAY_ITEMS_COUNT, sizeof(BigArrayItem), quicksort_BigArrayItem_comparator );

    struct UserChannel *channel = chan_if->Channel( chan_if, EManagerNode, 1, EChannelModeWrite );
    channel->DebugPrint(channel, stderr);
    /*send crc of sorted array to the manager node*/
    uint32_t crc = array_crc( sorted_array, ARRAY_ITEMS_COUNT );
    WRITE_FMT_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "write crc=%u into fd=%d", crc, channel->fd);
    write_crc( channel->fd, crc );
    /*send of crc complete*/

    /*prepare histogram data, with step defined by BASE_HISTOGRAM_STEP*/
    int histogram_len = 0;
    HistogramArrayPtr histogram_array = alloc_histogram_array_get_len(
            sorted_array, 0, ARRAY_ITEMS_COUNT, BASE_HISTOGRAM_STEP, &histogram_len );

    WRITE_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "histogram prepared, sending...");

    struct Histogram single_histogram;
    single_histogram.src_nodeid = nodeid;
    single_histogram.array_len = histogram_len;
    single_histogram.array = histogram_array;

    /*send histogram to manager*/
    channel = chan_if->Channel(chan_if, EManagerNode, 1, EChannelModeWrite);
    write_histogram( channel->fd, &single_histogram );

    struct UserChannel *chanw = chan_if->Channel(chan_if, EManagerNode, 1, EChannelModeWrite);
    channel = chan_if->Channel(chan_if, EManagerNode, 1, EChannelModeRead);
    /*read request for detailed histogram and send it to manager*/
    read_requests_write_detailed_histograms( channel->fd, chanw->fd, nodeid, sorted_array, ARRAY_ITEMS_COUNT );
    WRITE_LOG(LOG_UI, "\n!!!!!!!Histograms Sending complete!!!!!!.\n");

    /* source nodes count not available because not has channels intended to communicate with source nodes
     * therefore will use dest nodes count because it's equal to source nodes count */
    int *dst_nodes_list = NULL;
    int dst_nodes_count = chan_if->GetNodesListByType(chan_if, EDestinationNode, &dst_nodes_list );

    int src_nodes_count = dst_nodes_count;
    WRITE_FMT_LOG( LOG_DEBUG, "src_nodes_count=%d\n", src_nodes_count );

    /*read range request (data start, end, dest node id) from manager node*/
    struct request_data_t req_data_array[src_nodes_count];
    init_request_data_array( req_data_array, src_nodes_count);
    channel = chan_if->Channel( chan_if, EManagerNode, 1, EChannelModeRead );
    read_range_request( channel->fd, req_data_array );

    WRITE_FMT_LOG( LOG_UI, "qsort array len=%d\n", src_nodes_count);
    /*sort request data by dest node id to be deterministic*/
    qsort( req_data_array, src_nodes_count, sizeof(struct request_data_t), quicksort_reqdata_by_destnodeid_comparator );
    WRITE_LOG( LOG_UI, "qsort OK" );

    /*send array data to the destination nodes, bounds for pieces of data was
     * received previously with range request */
    for ( int i=0; i < src_nodes_count; i++ ){
        int dst_nodeid = req_data_array[i].dst_nodeid;
        channel = chan_if->Channel( chan_if, EDestinationNode, dst_nodeid, EChannelModeWrite );
        int dst_write_fd = channel->fd;
        WRITE_FMT_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "write_sorted_ranges write fd=%d", dst_write_fd );
        WRITE_FMT_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "req_data_array[i].dst_nodeid=%d", req_data_array[i].dst_nodeid );
        write_sorted_ranges( dst_write_fd, &req_data_array[i], sorted_array );
    WRITE_LOG(LOG_UI, "Sending Ranges Complete-OK");

    if ( test_sse41_CPU() )
    return 0;
/*i/o 2 files
 *WRITE 1x struct packet_data_t [EPACKET_RANGE]
 *READ 1x char, reply
 *WRITE array_len x BigArrayItem, array
 *READ 1x char, reply*/
write_sorted_ranges( const char *writef, const char *readf,
		const struct request_data_t* sequence, const BigArrayPtr src_array ){
	int fdw = open(writef, O_WRONLY);
	int fdr = open(readf, O_RDONLY);

	const int array_len = sequence->last_item_index - sequence->first_item_index + 1;
	const BigArrayPtr array = src_array+sequence->first_item_index;
	WRITE_FMT_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "Sending array_len=%d; min=%d, max=%d", array_len, array[0], array[array_len-1]);
	int bytes;
	char unused_reply;

	/*FUSE server does not support data size > 128KB passed trying to write into file
	 * therefore divide array data into smaller blocks FUSE_IO_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE*/
	int length_of_array_part = FUSE_IO_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE / sizeof(BigArrayItem);
	/*get size of array part alligned by item size*/
	int size_of_array_part = length_of_array_part * sizeof(BigArrayItem);
	int sent_array_size = 0;

	/*write into header complete size of sending array, size field contain sending array size*/
	struct packet_data_t range_header;
	range_header.size = array_len*sizeof(BigArrayItem);
	range_header.type = EPACKET_RANGE;
	bytes=write(fdw, (char*) &range_header, sizeof(struct packet_data_t) );
	WRITE_FMT_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "w header EPACKET_RANGE bytes=%d", bytes);
	bytes=read( fdr, &unused_reply, 1 );
	WRITE_FMT_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "r reply bytes=%d", bytes);

	struct packet_data_t range_part_header;
	range_part_header.type = EPACKET_RANGE_PART;
	while( sent_array_size < range_header.size ){
		int sending_data_size = min(size_of_array_part, range_header.size - sent_array_size );
		range_part_header.size = sending_data_size;
		int buf_size = sizeof(struct packet_data_t) + sending_data_size;
		char *buffer = malloc(buf_size);
		/*write header into buffer*/
		memcpy(buffer, &range_part_header, sizeof(struct packet_data_t) );
		WRITE_FMT_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "w into buffer EPACKET_RANGE_PART bytes=%d", (int)sizeof(struct packet_data_t));
		/*write array data into buffer*/
		int sent_array_items = sent_array_size / sizeof(BigArrayItem);
		memcpy(buffer+sizeof(struct packet_data_t), array+sent_array_items, sending_data_size );
		WRITE_FMT_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "w into buffer array bytes=%d", sending_data_size);
		/*write buffer into file*/
		bytes=write(fdw, buffer, buf_size);
		WRITE_FMT_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "w array bytes=%d", bytes);
		bytes=read( fdr, &unused_reply, 1 );
		WRITE_FMT_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "r reply bytes=%d", bytes);
		sent_array_size += sending_data_size;
	/*write header*/
	struct packet_data_t t;
	t.size = array_len*sizeof(BigArrayItem);
	t.type = EPACKET_RANGE;
	WRITE_FMT_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "writing to %s: size=%d, type=%d (EPACKET_RANGE)", writef, (int)t.size, t.type );
	WRITE_FMT_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "sizeof(struct packet_data_t)=%d", (int)sizeof(struct packet_data_t));
	bytes=write(fdw, (char*) &t, sizeof(struct packet_data_t) );
	WRITE_FMT_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "w packet_data_t bytes=%d", bytes);
	bytes=read( fdr, &unused_reply, 1 );
	WRITE_FMT_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "r reply bytes=%d", bytes);
	/*write array data*/
	bytes=write(fdw, array, t.size);
	WRITE_FMT_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "w array bytes=%d", bytes);
	WRITE_FMT_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "Reading from %s receiver reply;", readf);
	bytes=read( fdr, &unused_reply, 1 );
	WRITE_FMT_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "r reply bytes=%d", bytes);
	WRITE_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "Reply from receiver OK;");