Ejemplo n.º 1
WSLUA_FUNCTION wslua_new_dialog(lua_State* L) { /* Pops up a new dialog */
#define WSLUA_ARG_new_dialog_TITLE 1 /* Title of the dialog's window. */
#define WSLUA_ARG_new_dialog_ACTION 2 /* Action to be performed when OKd. */
/* WSLUA_MOREARGS new_dialog A series of strings to be used as labels of the dialog's fields */

    const gchar* title;
    int top = lua_gettop(L);
    int i;
    GPtrArray* labels;
    struct _dlg_cb_data* dcbd;

    if (! ops) {
        luaL_error(L,"the GUI facility has to be enabled");
        return 0;

    if (! (title  = luaL_checkstring(L,WSLUA_ARG_new_dialog_TITLE)) ) {
        WSLUA_ARG_ERROR(new_dialog,TITLE,"Must be a string");

    if (! lua_isfunction(L,WSLUA_ARG_new_dialog_ACTION)) {
        WSLUA_ARG_ERROR(new_dialog,ACTION,"Must be a function");

    if (top < 3) {
        WSLUA_ERROR(new_dialog,"At least one field required");

    dcbd = g_malloc(sizeof(struct _dlg_cb_data));
    dcbd->L = L;


    lua_pushvalue(L, 1);
    dcbd->func_ref = luaL_ref(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX);

    labels = g_ptr_array_new();

    top -= 2;

    for (i = 1; i <= top; i++) {
        gchar* label = (void*)luaL_checkstring(L,i);

		/* XXX leaks labels on error */
		if (! label)
			WSLUA_ERROR(new_dialog,"All fields must be strings");



    ops->new_dialog(title, (const gchar**)labels->pdata, lua_dialog_cb, dcbd);


Ejemplo n.º 2
WSLUA_METHOD Dissector_call(lua_State* L) {
    /* Calls a dissector against a given packet (or part of it). */
#define WSLUA_ARG_Dissector_call_TVB 2 /* The buffer to dissect. */
#define WSLUA_ARG_Dissector_call_PINFO 3 /* The packet info. */
#define WSLUA_ARG_Dissector_call_TREE 4 /* The tree on which to add the protocol items. */

    Dissector volatile d = checkDissector(L,1);
    Tvb tvb = checkTvb(L,WSLUA_ARG_Dissector_call_TVB);
    Pinfo pinfo = checkPinfo(L,WSLUA_ARG_Dissector_call_PINFO);
    TreeItem ti = checkTreeItem(L,WSLUA_ARG_Dissector_call_TREE);
    const char *volatile error = NULL;
    int len = 0;

    if (! ( d && tvb && pinfo) ) return 0;

    TRY {
        len = call_dissector(d, tvb->ws_tvb, pinfo->ws_pinfo, ti->tree);
        /* XXX Are we sure about this??? is this the right/only thing to catch */
        show_exception(tvb->ws_tvb, pinfo->ws_pinfo, ti->tree, EXCEPT_CODE, GET_MESSAGE);
        error = "Malformed frame";
    } ENDTRY;

    if (error) { WSLUA_ERROR(Dissector_call,error); }

    WSLUA_RETURN(1); /* Number of bytes dissected.  Note that some dissectors always return number of bytes in incoming buffer, so be aware. */
Ejemplo n.º 3
WSLUA_METHOD TvbRange_ether(lua_State* L) {
	/* Get an Ethernet Address from a TvbRange. */
    TvbRange tvbr = checkTvbRange(L,1);
    Address addr;
    guint8* buff;

    if ( !(tvbr && tvbr->tvb)) return 0;
    if (tvbr->tvb->expired) {
        luaL_error(L,"expired tvb");
        return 0;

    if (tvbr->len != 6) {
        WSLUA_ERROR(TvbRange_ether,"The range must be 6 bytes long");
        return 0;

    addr = g_new(address,1);

    buff = (guint8 *)tvb_memdup(NULL,tvbr->tvb->ws_tvb,tvbr->offset,tvbr->len);

    SET_ADDRESS(addr, AT_ETHER, 6, buff);

    WSLUA_RETURN(1); /* The Ethernet Address */
Ejemplo n.º 4
WSLUA_FUNCTION wslua_all_field_infos(lua_State* L) {
    Obtain all fields from the current tree.  Note this only gets whatever fields the underlying
    dissectors have filled in for this packet at this time - there may be fields applicable to
    the packet that simply aren't being filled in because at this time they're not needed for anything.
    This function only gets what the C-side code has currently populated, not the full list.
    GPtrArray* found;
    int items_found = 0;
    guint i;

    if (! lua_tree || ! lua_tree->tree ) {
        WSLUA_ERROR(wslua_all_field_infos,"Cannot be called outside a listener or dissector");
        return 0;

    found = proto_all_finfos(lua_tree->tree);

    if (found) {
        for (i=0; i<found->len; i++) {
            push_FieldInfo(L, (field_info *)g_ptr_array_index(found,i));


    return items_found;
Ejemplo n.º 5
WSLUA_METHOD TvbRange_le_nstime(lua_State* L) {
	/* Obtain a nstime from a TvbRange */
    TvbRange tvbr = checkTvbRange(L,1);
    NSTime nstime;

    if ( !(tvbr && tvbr->tvb)) return 0;
    if (tvbr->tvb->expired) {
        luaL_error(L,"expired tvb");
        return 0;

    nstime = g_new(nstime_t,1);

    if (tvbr->len == 4) {
      nstime->secs = tvb_get_letohl(tvbr->tvb->ws_tvb, tvbr->offset);
      nstime->nsecs = 0;
    } else if (tvbr->len == 8) {
      nstime->secs = tvb_get_letohl(tvbr->tvb->ws_tvb, tvbr->offset);
      nstime->nsecs = tvb_get_letohl(tvbr->tvb->ws_tvb, tvbr->offset + 4);
    } else {
      WSLUA_ERROR(TvbRange_nstime,"The range must be 4 or 8 bytes long");
      return 0;

    pushNSTime(L, nstime);

    WSLUA_RETURN(1); /* The NSTime */
Ejemplo n.º 6
WSLUA_METHOD TvbRange_le_ipv4(lua_State* L) {
	/* Get an Little Endian IPv4 Address from a TvbRange. */
    TvbRange tvbr = checkTvbRange(L,1);
    Address addr;
    guint32* ip_addr;

    if ( !(tvbr && tvbr->tvb)) return 0;
    if (tvbr->tvb->expired) {
        luaL_error(L,"expired tvb");
        return 0;

    if (tvbr->len != 4)
        WSLUA_ERROR(TvbRange_ipv4,"The range must be 4 octets long");

    addr = (address *)g_malloc(sizeof(address));

    ip_addr = (guint32 *)g_malloc(sizeof(guint32));
    *ip_addr = tvb_get_ipv4(tvbr->tvb->ws_tvb,tvbr->offset);
    *((guint32 *)ip_addr) = GUINT32_SWAP_LE_BE(*((guint32 *)ip_addr));

    SET_ADDRESS(addr, AT_IPv4, 4, ip_addr);

    WSLUA_RETURN(1); /* The IPv4 Address */
Ejemplo n.º 7
WSLUA_FUNCTION wslua_open_capture_file(lua_State* L) { /* Open and display a capture file */
#define WSLUA_ARG_open_capture_file_FILENAME 1 /* The name of the file to be opened. */
#define WSLUA_ARG_open_capture_file_FILTER 2 /* A filter to be applied as the file gets opened. */

	const char* fname = luaL_checkstring(L,WSLUA_ARG_open_capture_file_FILENAME);
	const char* filter = luaL_optstring(L,WSLUA_ARG_open_capture_file_FILTER,NULL);
	const char* error = NULL;

	if (!ops->open_file) {
		WSLUA_ERROR(wslua_open_capture_file, "Does not work on TShark");

	if (!fname) {
		WSLUA_ARG_ERROR(open_capture_file,FILENAME,"Must be a string");

	if (! ops->open_file(fname,filter,&error) ) {

		if (error)

		return 2;
	} else {
		return 1;
Ejemplo n.º 8
WSLUA_METHOD TvbRange_ipv4(lua_State* L) {
    /* Get an IPv4 Address from a `TvbRange`, as an `Address` object. */
    TvbRange tvbr = checkTvbRange(L,1);
    Address addr;
    guint32* ip_addr;

    if ( !(tvbr && tvbr->tvb)) return 0;
    if (tvbr->tvb->expired) {
        luaL_error(L,"expired tvb");
        return 0;

    if (tvbr->len != 4) {
        WSLUA_ERROR(TvbRange_ipv4,"The range must be 4 octets long");
        return 0;

    addr = (address *)g_malloc(sizeof(address));

    ip_addr = (guint32 *)g_malloc(sizeof(guint32));
    *ip_addr = tvb_get_ipv4(tvbr->tvb->ws_tvb,tvbr->offset);

    set_address(addr, AT_IPv4, 4, ip_addr);

    WSLUA_RETURN(1); /* The IPv4 `Address` object. */
Ejemplo n.º 9
WSLUA_FUNCTION wslua_apply_filter(lua_State* L) { /* Apply the filter in the main filter box */
	if (!ops->apply_filter) {
		WSLUA_ERROR(wslua_apply_filter, "Does not work on TShark");


	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 10
WSLUA_FUNCTION wslua_reload(lua_State* L) { /* Reload the current capture file */

	if (!ops->reload) {
		WSLUA_ERROR(wslua_reload, "Does not work on TShark");


	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 11
WSLUA_METHOD ProgDlg_stopped(lua_State* L) { /* Checks wheher the user has pressed the stop button.  */
    ProgDlg pd = checkProgDlg(L,1);

	if (!pd) {
		WSLUA_ERROR(ProgDlg_stopped,"Cannot be called for something not a ProgDlg");


	WSLUA_RETURN(1); /* true if the user has asked to stop the progress. */
Ejemplo n.º 12
WSLUA_FUNCTION wslua_retap_packets(lua_State* L) {
	 Rescan all packets and just run taps - don't reconstruct the display.
	if ( ops->retap_packets ) {
	} else {
		WSLUA_ERROR(wslua_retap_packets, "Does not work on TShark");

	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 13
WSLUA_METHOD TextWindow_clear(lua_State* L) { /* Erases all text in the window. */
    TextWindow tw = checkTextWindow(L,1);

	if (!tw)
		WSLUA_ERROR(TextWindow_clear,"Cannot be called for something not a TextWindow");

    if (tw->expired)
		WSLUA_ARG_ERROR(TextWindow_set,TEXT,"Expired TextWindow");


	WSLUA_RETURN(1); /* The TextWindow object. */
Ejemplo n.º 14
WSLUA_METHOD ProgDlg_close(lua_State* L) { /* Appends text */
    ProgDlg pd = checkProgDlg(L,1);

	if (!pd) {
		WSLUA_ERROR(ProgDlg_update,"Cannot be called for something not a ProgDlg");

    if (pd->pw) {
        pd->pw = NULL;
    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 15
WSLUA_METHOD ByteArray_append(lua_State* L) {
	/* Append a ByteArray to this ByteArray */
#define WSLUA_ARG_ByteArray_append_APPENDED 2 /* Array to be appended */
    ByteArray ba = checkByteArray(L,1);
    ByteArray ba2 = checkByteArray(L,WSLUA_ARG_ByteArray_append_APPENDED);

    if (! (ba  && ba2) )
        WSLUA_ERROR(ByteArray_append,"Both arguments must be ByteArrays");


    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 16
WSLUA_METHOD ProgDlg_update(lua_State* L) { /* Appends text */
#define WSLUA_ARG_ProgDlg_update_PROGRESS 2  /* Part done ( e.g. 0.75 ). */
#define WSLUA_OPTARG_ProgDlg_update_TASK 3  /* Current task, defaults to "". */
    ProgDlg pd = checkProgDlg(L,1);
    double pr = lua_tonumber(L,WSLUA_ARG_ProgDlg_update_PROGRESS);
    const gchar* task = luaL_optstring(L,WSLUA_OPTARG_ProgDlg_update_TASK,"");

    pd->task = g_strdup(task);

	if (!pd) {
		WSLUA_ERROR(ProgDlg_update,"Cannot be called for something not a ProgDlg");

    if (pr >= 0.0 || pr <= 1.0) {
        ops->update_progress(pd->pw, (float) pr, task);
    } else {
        WSLUA_ERROR(ProgDlg_update,"Progress value out of range (must be between 0.0 and 1.0)");

    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 17
WSLUA_METHOD TvbRange_nstime(lua_State* L) {
    /* Obtain a time_t structure from a `TvbRange`, as an `NSTime` object. */
#define WSLUA_OPTARG_TvbRange_nstime_ENCODING 2 /* An optional ENC_* encoding value to use */
    TvbRange tvbr = checkTvbRange(L,1);
    NSTime nstime;
    const guint encoding = (guint) luaL_optinteger(L, WSLUA_OPTARG_TvbRange_nstime_ENCODING, 0);

    if ( !(tvbr && tvbr->tvb)) return 0;
    if (tvbr->tvb->expired) {
        luaL_error(L,"expired tvb");
        return 0;

    nstime = g_new(nstime_t,1);

    if (encoding == 0) {
        if (tvbr->len == 4) {
          nstime->secs = tvb_get_ntohl(tvbr->tvb->ws_tvb, tvbr->offset);
          nstime->nsecs = 0;
        } else if (tvbr->len == 8) {
          nstime->secs = tvb_get_ntohl(tvbr->tvb->ws_tvb, tvbr->offset);
          nstime->nsecs = tvb_get_ntohl(tvbr->tvb->ws_tvb, tvbr->offset + 4);
        } else {
          WSLUA_ERROR(TvbRange_nstime,"The range must be 4 or 8 bytes long");
          return 0;
        pushNSTime(L, nstime);
        lua_pushinteger(L, tvbr->len);
    else if (encoding & ~ENC_STR_TIME_MASK) {
        WSLUA_OPTARG_ERROR(TvbRange_nstime, ENCODING, "invalid encoding value");
    else {
        gint endoff = 0;
        nstime_t *retval = tvb_get_string_time(tvbr->tvb->ws_tvb, tvbr->offset, tvbr->len,
                                               encoding, nstime, &endoff);
        if (!retval || endoff == 0) {
            /* push nil nstime and offset */
        else {
            pushNSTime(L, nstime);
            lua_pushinteger(L, endoff);

    WSLUA_RETURN(2); /* The `NSTime` object and number of bytes used, or nil on failure. */
Ejemplo n.º 18
WSLUA_METAMETHOD NSTime__lt(lua_State* L) { /* Compares two NSTimes */
    NSTime time1 = checkNSTime(L,1);
    NSTime time2 = checkNSTime(L,2);
    gboolean result = FALSE;

    if (!time1 || !time2)
      WSLUA_ERROR(NSTime__lt,"Both values must be a NSTime");

    if (nstime_cmp(time1, time2) < 0)
        result = TRUE;


    return 1;
Ejemplo n.º 19
WSLUA_METHOD TextWindow_get_text(lua_State* L) { /* Get the text of the window */
    TextWindow tw = checkTextWindow(L,1);
	const gchar* text;

	if (!tw)
		WSLUA_ERROR(TextWindow_get_text,"Cannot be called for something not a TextWindow");

    if (tw->expired)
		WSLUA_ARG_ERROR(TextWindow_set,TEXT,"Expired TextWindow");

	text = ops->get_text(tw->ws_tw);

	WSLUA_RETURN(1); /* The TextWindow's text. */
Ejemplo n.º 20
WSLUA_METAMETHOD NSTime__lt(lua_State* L) { /* Compares two NSTimes */
    NSTime time1 = checkNSTime(L,1);
    NSTime time2 = checkNSTime(L,2);
    gboolean result = FALSE;

    if (!time1 || !time2)
      WSLUA_ERROR(FieldInfo__eq,"Data source must be the same for both fields");

    if (nstime_cmp(time1, time2) < 0)
        result = TRUE;


    return 1;
Ejemplo n.º 21
WSLUA_METAMETHOD FieldInfo__lt(lua_State* L) {
    /* Checks whether the end byte of rhs is before the beginning of rhs */
    FieldInfo l = checkFieldInfo(L,1);
    FieldInfo r = checkFieldInfo(L,2);

    if (l->ds_tvb != r->ds_tvb)
        WSLUA_ERROR(FieldInfo__lt,"Data source must be the same for both fields");

    if ( r->start + r->length < l->start ) {
        return 1;
    } else {
        return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 22
WSLUA_METAMETHOD FieldInfo__eq(lua_State* L) {
    /* Checks whether lhs is within rhs */
    FieldInfo l = checkFieldInfo(L,1);
    FieldInfo r = checkFieldInfo(L,2);

    if (l->ds_tvb != r->ds_tvb)
        WSLUA_ERROR(FieldInfo__eq,"Data source must be the same for both fields");

    if (l->start <= r->start && r->start + r->length <= l->start + r->length) {
        return 1;
    } else {
        return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 23
WSLUA_METAMETHOD FieldInfo__le(lua_State* L) {
    /* Checks whether the end byte of lhs is before the end of rhs. */
    FieldInfo l = checkFieldInfo(L,1);
    FieldInfo r = checkFieldInfo(L,2);

    if (l->ws_fi->ds_tvb != r->ws_fi->ds_tvb)
        WSLUA_ERROR(FieldInfo__le,"Data source must be the same for both fields");

    if (r->ws_fi->start + r->ws_fi->length <= l->ws_fi->start + l->ws_fi->length) {
    } else {
    return 1;
Ejemplo n.º 24
WSLUA_METAMETHOD ByteArray__concat(lua_State* L) {
	/* Concatenate two ByteArrays */
#define WSLUA_ARG_ByteArray__cat_FIRST 1 /* First array */
#define WSLUA_ARG_ByteArray__cat_SECOND 2 /* Second array */

    ByteArray ba = checkByteArray(L,WSLUA_ARG_ByteArray__cat_FIRST);
    ByteArray ba2 = checkByteArray(L,WSLUA_ARG_ByteArray__cat_SECOND);

    if (! (ba  && ba2) )
        WSLUA_ERROR(ByteArray__cat,"Both arguments must be ByteArrays");


    WSLUA_RETURN(1); /* The new composite ByteArray. */
Ejemplo n.º 25
WSLUA_FUNCTION wslua_set_filter(lua_State* L) { /* Set the main filter text */
#define WSLUA_ARG_set_filter_TEXT 1 /* The filter's text. */
	const char* filter_str = luaL_checkstring(L,WSLUA_ARG_set_filter_TEXT);

	if (!ops->set_filter) {
		WSLUA_ERROR(wslua_set_filter, "Does not work on TShark");

	if (!filter_str) {
		WSLUA_ARG_ERROR(set_filter,TEXT,"Must be a string");


	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 26
WSLUA_FUNCTION wslua_browser_open_url(lua_State* L) { /* Open an url in a browser */
#define WSLUA_ARG_browser_open_url_URL 1 /* The url. */
	const char* url = luaL_checkstring(L,WSLUA_ARG_browser_open_url_URL);

	if (!ops->browser_open_url) {
		WSLUA_ERROR(browser_open_url, "Does not work on TShark");

	if (!url) {
		WSLUA_ARG_ERROR(browser_open_url,URL,"Must be a string");


	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 27
WSLUA_FUNCTION wslua_browser_open_data_file(lua_State* L) { /* Open an file in a browser */
#define WSLUA_ARG_browser_open_data_file_FILENAME 1 /* The url. */
	const char* file = luaL_checkstring(L,WSLUA_ARG_browser_open_data_file_FILENAME);

	if (!ops->browser_open_data_file) {
		WSLUA_ERROR(browser_open_data_file, "Does not work on TShark");

	if (!file) {
		WSLUA_ARG_ERROR(browser_open_data_file,FILENAME,"Must be a string");


	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 28
WSLUA_METHOD TextWindow_set_editable(lua_State* L) { /* Make this window editable */
#define WSLUA_OPTARG_TextWindow_set_editable_EDITABLE 2 /* A boolean flag, defaults to true */

	TextWindow tw = checkTextWindow(L,1);
	gboolean editable = wslua_optbool(L,WSLUA_OPTARG_TextWindow_set_editable_EDITABLE,TRUE);

	if (!tw)
		WSLUA_ERROR(TextWindow_set_editable,"Cannot be called for something not a TextWindow");

    if (tw->expired)
		WSLUA_ARG_ERROR(TextWindow_set,TEXT,"Expired TextWindow");

	if (ops->set_editable)

	WSLUA_RETURN(1); /* The TextWindow object. */
Ejemplo n.º 29
WSLUA_METHOD TextWindow_prepend(lua_State* L) { /* Prepends text */
#define WSLUA_ARG_TextWindow_prepend_TEXT 2 /* The text to be appended */
    TextWindow tw = checkTextWindow(L,1);
    const gchar* text = luaL_checkstring(L,WSLUA_ARG_TextWindow_prepend_TEXT);

	if (!tw)
		WSLUA_ERROR(TextWindow_prepend,"Cannot be called for something not a TextWindow");

    if (tw->expired)
		WSLUA_ARG_ERROR(TextWindow_set,TEXT,"Expired TextWindow");

 	if (!text)
		WSLUA_ARG_ERROR(TextWindow_prepend,TEXT,"Must be a string");


	WSLUA_RETURN(1); /* The TextWindow object. */
Ejemplo n.º 30
WSLUA_FUNCTION wslua_copy_to_clipboard(lua_State* L) { /* Copy a string into the clipboard */
#define WSLUA_ARG_copy_to_clipboard_TEXT 1 /* The string to be copied into the clipboard. */
	const char* copied_str = luaL_checkstring(L,WSLUA_ARG_copy_to_clipboard_TEXT);
	GString* gstr;
	if (!ops->copy_to_clipboard) {
		WSLUA_ERROR(wslua_copy_to_clipboard, "Does not work on TShark");

	if (!copied_str) {
		WSLUA_ARG_ERROR(copy_to_clipboard,TEXT,"Must be a string");

	gstr = g_string_new(copied_str);



	return 0;