Ejemplo n.º 1
static void ServiceUsbConnectionData ( const uint64_t currentTime )
  // We could write here a loop in order to process as much data as we can,
  // but we don't want to starve the main loop for too long.
  // We must call the processing routine at least once, even if no data was sent or received,
  // in case there is a time-out to trigger.

  const bool atLeastOneByteReceived = ReceiveData();

  if ( s_connectionStatus == csLastRxDataAfterConnectionLost && !atLeastOneByteReceived )
    s_connectionStatus = csNoConnection;

  BusPirateConnection_ProcessData( &s_usbRxBuffer, &s_usbTxBuffer, currentTime );

  if ( s_connectionStatus == csLastRxDataAfterConnectionLost )
    // The connection is not there any more, drop all eventual data to send.

    // Continue reading until the end of data, when we will declare the connection as lost.
    const bool atLeastOneByteSent = SendData();

    // If we have sent at least one byte of data, then there is more space available in the tx buffer,
    // which means that perhaps the next command already waiting in the rx buffer could be processed
    // straight away, for its reply would fit now in the tx buffer.

    if ( atLeastOneByteSent )
Ejemplo n.º 2
void CCommandProcessor::ProcessUsbSpeedTestCmd ( const char * const paramBegin,
                                                 const uint64_t currentTime )
  // Examples about how to automate the speed test from the bash command line:
  //   Tests where the Arduino Due is sending:
  //     echo "UsbSpeedTest TxFastLoopRawUsb" | socat - /dev/jtagdue1,b115200,raw,echo=0,crnl | pv -pertb >/dev/null
  //   Tests where the Arduino Due is receiving:
  //     (echo "UsbSpeedTest RxWithCircularBuffer" && yes ".") | pv -pertb - | socat - /dev/jtagdue1,b115200,raw,echo=0,crnl >/dev/null

  const uint32_t TEST_TIME_IN_MS = 5000;  // We could make a user parameter out of this value.

  if ( *paramBegin == 0 )
    PrintStr( "Please specify the test type as an argument:" EOL );
    PrintStr( "  TxSimpleWithTimestamps" EOL );
    PrintStr( "  TxSimpleLoop" EOL );
    PrintStr( "  TxFastLoopCircularBuffer" EOL );
    PrintStr( "  TxFastLoopRawUsb" EOL );
    PrintStr( "  RxWithCircularBuffer" EOL );


  const char * const paramEnd = SkipCharsNotInSet( paramBegin, SPACE_AND_TAB );

  assert( g_usbSpeedTestType == stNone );
  UsbSpeedTestEnum testType = stNone;

  bool extraParamsFound = false;

  if ( IsCmd( paramBegin, paramEnd, "TxSimpleWithTimestamps", false, false, &extraParamsFound ) )
    testType = stTxSimpleWithTimestamps;
  else if ( IsCmd( paramBegin, paramEnd, "TxSimpleLoop", false, false, &extraParamsFound ) )
    testType = stTxSimpleLoop;
  else if ( IsCmd( paramBegin, paramEnd, "TxFastLoopCircularBuffer", false, false, &extraParamsFound ) )
    testType = stTxFastLoopCircularBuffer;
  else if ( IsCmd( paramBegin, paramEnd, "TxFastLoopRawUsb", false, false, &extraParamsFound ) )
    testType = stTxFastLoopRawUsb;
  else if ( IsCmd( paramBegin, paramEnd, "RxWithCircularBuffer", false, false, &extraParamsFound ) )
    testType = stRxWithCircularBuffer;

  if ( testType != stNone )
    for ( size_t i = 0; i < sizeof( g_usbSpeedTestBuffer ); ++i )
      g_usbSpeedTestBuffer[ i ] = '.';

    g_usbSpeedTestEndTime = currentTime + TEST_TIME_IN_MS;
    g_usbSpeedTestType = testType;

    // This message may not make it to the console, depending on the test type.
    PrintStr( "Starting USB speed test..." EOL );



  if ( extraParamsFound )
    Printf( "No parameters are allowed after test type \"%.*s\"." EOL, paramEnd - paramBegin, paramBegin );
    Printf( "Unknown test type \"%.*s\"." EOL, paramEnd - paramBegin, paramBegin );