Ejemplo n.º 1
void WebRtcIlbcfix_LpcEncode(
    int16_t *syntdenum,  /* (i/o) synthesis filter coefficients
                                           before/after encoding */
    int16_t *weightdenum, /* (i/o) weighting denumerator coefficients
                                   before/after encoding */
    int16_t *lsf_index,  /* (o) lsf quantization index */
    int16_t *data,   /* (i) Speech to do LPC analysis on */
    int16_t *lpcBuffer, /* (i/o) the encoder state structure */
    int16_t* lsfOld,
    int16_t* lsfDeqOld
                              ) {
  /* Stack based */
  int16_t lsf[LPC_FILTERORDER * LPC_N_MAX];
  int16_t lsfdeq[LPC_FILTERORDER * LPC_N_MAX];

  /* Calculate LSF's from the input speech */
  WebRtcIlbcfix_SimpleLpcAnalysis(lsf, data, lpcBuffer);

  /* Quantize the LSF's */
  WebRtcIlbcfix_SimpleLsfQ(lsfdeq, lsf_index, lsf, 1);

  /* Stableize the LSF's if needed */
  WebRtcIlbcfix_LsfCheck(lsfdeq, LPC_FILTERORDER, 1);

  /* Calculate the synthesis and weighting filter coefficients from
     the optimal LSF and the dequantized LSF */
  WebRtcIlbcfix_SimpleInterpolateLsf(syntdenum, weightdenum,
                                     lsf, lsfdeq, lsfOld,
                                     lsfDeqOld, LPC_FILTERORDER);

Ejemplo n.º 2
void WebRtcIlbcfix_LpcEncode(
    WebRtc_Word16 *syntdenum,  /* (i/o) synthesis filter coefficients
                                           before/after encoding */
    WebRtc_Word16 *weightdenum, /* (i/o) weighting denumerator coefficients
                                   before/after encoding */
    WebRtc_Word16 *lsf_index,  /* (o) lsf quantization index */
    WebRtc_Word16 *data,   /* (i) Speech to do LPC analysis on */
    iLBC_Enc_Inst_t *iLBCenc_inst
    /* (i/o) the encoder state structure */
                              ) {
  /* Stack based */
  WebRtc_Word16 lsf[LPC_FILTERORDER * LPC_N_MAX];
  WebRtc_Word16 lsfdeq[LPC_FILTERORDER * LPC_N_MAX];

  /* Calculate LSF's from the input speech */
  WebRtcIlbcfix_SimpleLpcAnalysis(lsf, data, iLBCenc_inst);

  /* Quantize the LSF's */
  WebRtcIlbcfix_SimpleLsfQ(lsfdeq, lsf_index, lsf, iLBCenc_inst->lpc_n);

  /* Stableize the LSF's if needed */
  WebRtcIlbcfix_LsfCheck(lsfdeq, LPC_FILTERORDER, iLBCenc_inst->lpc_n);

  /* Calculate the synthesis and weighting filter coefficients from
     the optimal LSF and the dequantized LSF */
  WebRtcIlbcfix_SimpleInterpolateLsf(syntdenum, weightdenum,
                                     lsf, lsfdeq, iLBCenc_inst->lsfold,
                                     iLBCenc_inst->lsfdeqold, LPC_FILTERORDER, iLBCenc_inst);
