Ejemplo n.º 1
void WebRtcG729fix_Init_Decod_ld8a(Decod_ld8a_state *st)
  /* Initialize lsp_old[] */

  WEBRTC_SPL_MEMCPY_W16(st->lsp_old, WebRtcG729fix_lsp_old_reset, M);

  /* Initialize static pointer */

  st->exc = st->old_exc + PIT_MAX + L_INTERPOL;

  /* Static vectors to zero */

  WebRtcSpl_ZerosArrayW16(st->old_exc, PIT_MAX+L_INTERPOL);
  WebRtcSpl_ZerosArrayW16(st->mem_syn, M);

  st->sharp  = SHARPMIN;
  st->old_T0 = 60;
  st->gain_code = 0;
  st->gain_pitch = 0;


  /* for G.729B */
  st->seed_fer = 21845;
  st->past_ftyp = 1;
  st->seed = INIT_SEED;
  st->sid_sav = 0;
  st->sh_sid_sav = 1;

  /* Initialize Dec_gain */
  WEBRTC_SPL_MEMCPY_W16(st->past_qua_en, WebRtcG729fix_past_qua_en_reset, 4);

Ejemplo n.º 2
void WebRtcIsacfix_InitPlc( PLCstr *State )
  State->decayCoeffPriodic = WEBRTC_SPL_WORD16_MAX;
  State->decayCoeffNoise = WEBRTC_SPL_WORD16_MAX;

  State->used = PLC_WAS_USED;

  WebRtcSpl_ZerosArrayW16(State->overlapLP, RECOVERY_OVERLAP);
  WebRtcSpl_ZerosArrayW16(State->lofilt_coefQ15, ORDERLO);
  WebRtcSpl_ZerosArrayW16(State->hifilt_coefQ15, ORDERHI );

  State->AvgPitchGain_Q12 = 0;
  State->lastPitchGain_Q12 = 0;
  State->lastPitchLag_Q7 = 0;
  State->gain_lo_hiQ17[0]=State->gain_lo_hiQ17[1] = 0;
  WebRtcSpl_ZerosArrayW16(State->prevPitchInvIn, FRAMESAMPLES/2);
  WebRtcSpl_ZerosArrayW16(State->prevPitchInvOut, PITCH_MAX_LAG + 10 );
  WebRtcSpl_ZerosArrayW32(State->prevHP, PITCH_MAX_LAG + 10 );
  State->pitchCycles = 0;
  State->A = 0;
  State->B = 0;
  State->pitchIndex = 0;
  State->stretchLag = 240;
  State->seed = 4447;

Ejemplo n.º 3
 * procedure Calc_exc_rand                                   *
 *           ~~~~~~~~~~~~~                                   *
 *   Computes comfort noise excitation                       *
 *   for SID and not-transmitted frames                      *
void WebRtcG729fix_Calc_exc_rand(
  int32_t L_exc_err[],
  int16_t cur_gain,      /* (i)   :   target sample gain                 */
  int16_t *exc,          /* (i/o) :   excitation array                   */
  int16_t *seed,         /* (i)   :   current Vad decision               */
  int flag_cod           /* (i)   :   encoder/decoder flag               */
  int16_t i, j, i_subfr;
  int16_t temp1, temp2;
  int16_t pos[4];
  int16_t sign[4];
  int16_t t0, frac;
  int16_t *cur_exc;
  int16_t g, Gp, Gp2;
  int16_t excg[L_SUBFR], excs[L_SUBFR];
  int32_t L_acc, L_ener, L_k;
  int16_t max, hi, lo, inter_exc;
  int16_t sh;
  int16_t x1, x2;
  if (cur_gain == 0) {
    WebRtcSpl_ZerosArrayW16(exc, L_FRAME);
    Gp = 0;
    t0 = WebRtcSpl_AddSatW16(L_SUBFR,1);
    for (i_subfr = 0;  i_subfr < L_FRAME; i_subfr += L_SUBFR) {
      if (flag_cod != FLAG_DEC)
        WebRtcG729fix_update_exc_err(L_exc_err, Gp, t0);
  /* Loop on subframes */
  cur_exc = exc;
  for (i_subfr = 0;  i_subfr < L_FRAME; i_subfr += L_SUBFR) {

    /* generate random adaptive codebook & fixed codebook parameters */
    temp1 = WebRtcG729fix_Random(seed);
    frac = WebRtcSpl_SubSatW16((temp1 & (int16_t)0x0003), 1);
    if(frac == 2) frac = 0;
    temp1 = shr(temp1, 2);
    t0 = WebRtcSpl_AddSatW16((temp1 & (int16_t)0x003F), 40);
    temp1 = shr(temp1, 6);
    temp2 = temp1 & (int16_t)0x0007;
    pos[0] = WebRtcSpl_AddSatW16(shl(temp2, 2), temp2); /* 5 * temp2 */
    temp1 = shr(temp1, 3);
    sign[0] = temp1 & (int16_t)0x0001;
    temp1 = shr(temp1, 1);
    temp2 = temp1 & (int16_t)0x0007;
    temp2 = WebRtcSpl_AddSatW16(shl(temp2, 2), temp2);
    pos[1] = WebRtcSpl_AddSatW16(temp2, 1);     /* 5 * x + 1 */
    temp1 = shr(temp1, 3);
    sign[1] = temp1 & (int16_t)0x0001;
    temp1 = WebRtcG729fix_Random(seed);
    temp2 = temp1 & (int16_t)0x0007;
    temp2 = WebRtcSpl_AddSatW16(shl(temp2, 2), temp2);
    pos[2] = WebRtcSpl_AddSatW16(temp2, 2);     /* 5 * x + 2 */
    temp1 = shr(temp1, 3);
    sign[2] = temp1 & (int16_t)0x0001;
    temp1 = shr(temp1, 1);
    temp2 = temp1 & (int16_t)0x000F;
    pos[3] = WebRtcSpl_AddSatW16((temp2 & (int16_t)1), 3); /* j+3*/
    temp2 = (shr(temp2, 1)) & (int16_t)7;
    temp2 = WebRtcSpl_AddSatW16(shl(temp2, 2), temp2); /* 5i */
    pos[3] = WebRtcSpl_AddSatW16(pos[3], temp2);
    temp1 = shr(temp1, 4);
    sign[3] = temp1 & (int16_t)0x0001;
    Gp = WebRtcG729fix_Random(seed) & (int16_t)0x1FFF; /* < 0.5 Q14 */
    Gp2 = shl(Gp, 1);           /* Q15 */

    /* Generate gaussian excitation */
    L_acc = 0L;
    for(i=0; i<L_SUBFR; i++) {
      temp1 = Gauss(seed);
      L_acc = L_mac(L_acc, temp1, temp1);
      excg[i] = temp1;

    Compute fact = alpha x cur_gain * sqrt(L_SUBFR / Eg)
    with Eg = SUM(i=0->39) excg[i]^2
    and alpha = 0.5
    alpha x sqrt(L_SUBFR)/2 = 1 + FRAC1
    L_acc = WebRtcG729fix_Inv_sqrt(L_shr(L_acc,1));  /* Q30 */
    WebRtcG729fix_L_Extract(L_acc, &hi, &lo);
    /* cur_gain = cur_gainR << 3 */
    temp1 = mult_r(cur_gain, FRAC1);
    temp1 = WebRtcSpl_AddSatW16(cur_gain, temp1);
    /* <=> alpha x cur_gainR x 2^2 x sqrt(L_SUBFR) */

    L_acc = WebRtcG729fix_Mpy_32_16(hi, lo, temp1);   /* fact << 17 */
    sh = WebRtcSpl_NormW32(L_acc);
    temp1 = extract_h(L_shl(L_acc, sh));  /* fact << (sh+1) */

    sh = WebRtcSpl_SubSatW16(sh, 14);
    for (i = 0; i < L_SUBFR; i++) {
      temp2 = mult_r(excg[i], temp1);
      temp2 = shr_r(temp2, sh);   /* shl if sh < 0 */
      excg[i] = temp2;

    /* generate random  adaptive excitation */
    WebRtcG729fix_Pred_lt_3(cur_exc, t0, frac, L_SUBFR);

    /* compute adaptive + gaussian exc -> cur_exc */
    max = 0;
    for(i = 0; i < L_SUBFR; i++) {
      temp1 = mult_r(cur_exc[i], Gp2);
      temp1 = WebRtcSpl_AddSatW16(temp1, excg[i]); /* may overflow */
      cur_exc[i] = temp1;
      temp1 = abs_s(temp1);
      if (temp1 > max)
        max = temp1;

    /* rescale cur_exc -> excs */
    if (max == 0)
      sh = 0;
    else {
      sh = WebRtcSpl_SubSatW16(3, WebRtcSpl_NormW16(max));
      if (sh <= 0)
        sh = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < L_SUBFR; i++) {
      excs[i] = shr(cur_exc[i], sh);

    /* Compute fixed code gain */

    /*** Solve EQ(X) = 4 X**2 + 2 b X + c                     */

    L_ener = 0L;
    for (i = 0; i < L_SUBFR; i++) {
      L_ener = L_mac(L_ener, excs[i], excs[i]);
    } /* ener x 2^(-2sh + 1) */

    /* inter_exc = b >> sh */
    inter_exc = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
      j = pos[i];
      if (sign[i] == 0) {
        inter_exc = WebRtcSpl_SubSatW16(inter_exc, excs[j]);
      else {
        inter_exc = WebRtcSpl_AddSatW16(inter_exc, excs[j]);

    /* Compute k = cur_gainR x cur_gainR x L_SUBFR */
    L_acc = L_mult(cur_gain, L_SUBFR);
    L_acc = L_shr(L_acc, 6);
    temp1 = extract_l(L_acc);   /* cur_gainR x L_SUBFR x 2^(-2) */
    L_k   = L_mult(cur_gain, temp1); /* k << 2 */
    temp1 = WebRtcSpl_AddSatW16(1, shl(sh,1));
    L_acc = L_shr(L_k, temp1);  /* k x 2^(-2sh+1) */

    /* Compute delta = b^2 - 4 c */
    L_acc = WebRtcSpl_SubSatW32(L_acc, L_ener); /* - 4 c x 2^(-2sh-1) */
    inter_exc = shr(inter_exc, 1);
    L_acc = L_mac(L_acc, inter_exc, inter_exc); /* 2^(-2sh-1) */
    sh = WebRtcSpl_AddSatW16(sh, 1);
    /* inter_exc = b x 2^(-sh) */
    /* L_acc = delta x 2^(-2sh+1) */

    if (L_acc < 0) {

      /* adaptive excitation = 0 */
      WEBRTC_SPL_MEMCPY_W16(cur_exc, excg, L_SUBFR);
      temp1 = abs_s(excg[(int)pos[0]]) | abs_s(excg[(int)pos[1]]);
      temp2 = abs_s(excg[(int)pos[2]]) | abs_s(excg[(int)pos[3]]);
      temp1 = temp1 | temp2;
      sh = ((temp1 & (int16_t)0x4000) == 0) ? (int16_t)1 : (int16_t)2;
      inter_exc = 0;
      for(i=0; i<4; i++) {
        temp1 = shr(excg[(int)pos[i]], sh);
        if(sign[i] == 0) {
          inter_exc = WebRtcSpl_SubSatW16(inter_exc, temp1);
        else {
          inter_exc = WebRtcSpl_AddSatW16(inter_exc, temp1);
      } /* inter_exc = b >> sh */
      WebRtcG729fix_L_Extract(L_k, &hi, &lo);
      L_acc = WebRtcG729fix_Mpy_32_16(hi, lo, K0); /* k x (1- alpha^2) << 2 */
      temp1 = WebRtcSpl_SubSatW16(shl(sh, 1), 1); /* temp1 > 0 */
      L_acc = L_shr(L_acc, temp1); /* 4k x (1 - alpha^2) << (-2sh+1) */
      L_acc = L_mac(L_acc, inter_exc, inter_exc); /* delta << (-2sh+1) */
      Gp = 0;

    temp2 = Sqrt(L_acc);        /* >> sh */
    x1 = WebRtcSpl_SubSatW16(temp2, inter_exc);
    x2 = negate(WebRtcSpl_AddSatW16(inter_exc, temp2)); /* x 2^(-sh+2) */
    if(abs_s(x2) < abs_s(x1)) x1 = x2;
    temp1 = WebRtcSpl_SubSatW16(2, sh);
    g = shr_r(x1, temp1);       /* shl if temp1 < 0 */
    if (g >= 0) {
      if (g > G_MAX)
        g = G_MAX;
    else {
      if (WebRtcSpl_AddSatW16(g, G_MAX) < 0)
        g = negate(G_MAX);

    /* Update cur_exc with ACELP excitation */
    for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
      j = pos[i];
      if (sign[i] != 0) {
        cur_exc[j] = WebRtcSpl_AddSatW16(cur_exc[j], g);
      else {
        cur_exc[j] = WebRtcSpl_SubSatW16(cur_exc[j], g);

    if (flag_cod != FLAG_DEC)
      WebRtcG729fix_update_exc_err(L_exc_err, Gp, t0);

    cur_exc += L_SUBFR;
  } /* end of loop on subframes */