Ejemplo n.º 1
static void Statement(void)
	case tIF:			IfStatement();			break;
	case tUNLESS:		UnlessStatement();		break;
	case tCASE:			CaseStatement();		break;
	case tFOR:			ForStatement();			break;
	case tWHILE:		WhileStatement();		break;
	case tUNTIL:		UntilStatement();		break;
	case tBREAK:		BreakStatement();		break;
	case tRETURN:		ReturnStatement();		break;
	case tPUBLIC:   	PublicStatement();		break;
	case tPROTECTED:	ProtectedStatement();	break;
	case tPRIVATE:		PrivateStatement();		break;
	case tLIBRARY:      LibraryStatement();     break;
	default:			AssignmentStatement();	break;
	if( Token==tSEMI ) NextToken();
Ejemplo n.º 2
int Statement (int* PendingToken)
/* Statement parser. Returns 1 if the statement does a return/break, returns
** 0 otherwise. If the PendingToken pointer is not NULL, the function will
** not skip the terminating token of the statement (closing brace or
** semicolon), but store true if there is a pending token, and false if there
** is none. The token is always checked, so there is no need for the caller to
** check this token, it must be skipped, however. If the argument pointer is
** NULL, the function will skip the token.
    ExprDesc Expr;
    int GotBreak;
    CodeMark Start, End;

    /* Assume no pending token */
    if (PendingToken) {
        *PendingToken = 0;

    /* Check for a label. A label is always part of a statement, it does not
    ** replace one.
    while (CurTok.Tok == TOK_IDENT && NextTok.Tok == TOK_COLON) {
        /* Handle the label */
        DoLabel ();
        if (CheckLabelWithoutStatement ()) {
            return 0;

    switch (CurTok.Tok) {

        case TOK_LCURLY:
            NextToken ();
            GotBreak = CompoundStatement ();
            CheckTok (TOK_RCURLY, "`{' expected", PendingToken);
            return GotBreak;

        case TOK_IF:
            return IfStatement ();

        case TOK_WHILE:
            WhileStatement ();

        case TOK_DO:
            DoStatement ();

        case TOK_SWITCH:
            SwitchStatement ();

        case TOK_RETURN:
            ReturnStatement ();
            CheckSemi (PendingToken);
            return 1;

        case TOK_BREAK:
            BreakStatement ();
            CheckSemi (PendingToken);
            return 1;

        case TOK_CONTINUE:
            ContinueStatement ();
            CheckSemi (PendingToken);
            return 1;

        case TOK_FOR:
            ForStatement ();

        case TOK_GOTO:
            GotoStatement ();
            CheckSemi (PendingToken);
            return 1;

        case TOK_SEMI:
            /* Ignore it */
            CheckSemi (PendingToken);

        case TOK_PRAGMA:
            DoPragma ();

        case TOK_CASE:
            CaseLabel ();
            CheckLabelWithoutStatement ();

        case TOK_DEFAULT:
            DefaultLabel ();
            CheckLabelWithoutStatement ();

            /* Remember the current code position */
            GetCodePos (&Start);
            /* Actual statement */
            ExprWithCheck (hie0, &Expr);
            /* Load the result only if it is an lvalue and the type is
            ** marked as volatile. Otherwise the load is useless.
            if (ED_IsLVal (&Expr) && IsQualVolatile (Expr.Type)) {
                LoadExpr (CF_NONE, &Expr);
            /* If the statement didn't generate code, and is not of type
            ** void, emit a warning.
            GetCodePos (&End);
            if (CodeRangeIsEmpty (&Start, &End) &&
                !IsTypeVoid (Expr.Type)         &&
                IS_Get (&WarnNoEffect)) {
                Warning ("Statement has no effect");
            CheckSemi (PendingToken);
    return 0;